
アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

  • game no time limited
  • area entrance click placard can record place and teleport
  • if sometime cant start event, try sell item to NPC or sleep
  • if keep loot herb, farming or mining can up exp, herb is can loot other type herb, farming or mining can get more and new item
  • start clothes cant lvl up, because dress it no enemy encounter
  • dark crystal can skip untill has equip or lvl
  • after ending (normal or true ending) can start 2nd play and hscene all on

Start – アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide

  1. lower left click placard then move out
  2. sleep in new home and open box get virgin armor, before more out click placard
  3. north to 1st town アイオ村
  4. talk to item shop merchant can get quest : go west cave (ファーブル洞窟) get 10 屑鉱石
  5. upper left house talk to man, upper house talk to pink hair girl
  6. right talk to aged (2nd choice), also talk to woman (she need 5 water [お水])
  7. lower right house talk to carpenter (need 10 wood 木材), and girl in carpenter left (she need 霊魂水)
  8. talk to item shop merchant can make モンスタージェル, after make it can get skill テイム for catch monster to party, merchant also selling new book for alchemy
  9. talk to man near left farm, he need 50 魔法の種
  10. upper to pink hair house, click door has H, then go river (オボコ川), lower has boat to south area
  11. lower reaches (オボコ川下流) lower right find pink hair, this area loot some item can make new alchemy
  12. lower reacher lower to magic circle but cant pass, then south of town to temple talk to miko
  13. girl in carpenter left need 月の雫 (rare at night)
  14. make 栄養剤 then talk to pink hair
  15. town talk to carpenter, he need 建築石材 x20, 粘土 x30, ガラスの素 x10, 木材 x30 for repair south bridge
  16. talk man in upper left house, if get 10 山竹 can get fishing rod (釣竿) formula, each fishing need 1 草ミミズ, now can fishing in lower reaches
  17. if get some fish egg 魚の卵, sell it to boy in town upper right, then tomorrow talk to him again
  18. town right talk to woman can get book for new alchemy, back to home outside click stele can start farming, if farming need water from well
  19. town left talk to man near farm, then can buy magic skill (2nd choice) from him
  20. if farming can get flower (お花かご), town upper left talk to sister in graveyard and give her flower (2nd choice), talk to her again can all recover
  21. talk to pink hair, if talk to her again (2nd choice 雇用) can employ her for farming (but crop lower then heroine)
  22. town talk to girl in carpenter left can get ninja clothes
  23. dress ninja clothes, home outside near flower can make clothes broken (except 1st clothes and virgin armor), after clothes full broken near human enemy has H, each clothes and 2 or 3 hscene
  24. town south to temple, then can go lower reaches pass magic circle, then click black crystal vs boss, after boss go temple can get clothes
  25. talk to carpenter, he tell you bridge repaired

Dock town (港町グユーグ) – アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide

  1. SE to dock town
  2. upper right house has cow girl event
  3. lower left dock talk to sailor
  4. talk to item shop merchant then talk to blacksmith in right, better go item shop buy some pickaxe (ツルハシ)
  5. at night to pub, upper left talk to chef, he will get all milk (牛乳) and give you new recipe
  6. temple near dock town talk to miko
  7. fishing house near dock town, talk to man (2nd choice), if give him all type fish can get new formula
  8. dock town west to beach (グユーグ海岸) can get item and fishing
  9. beach east has cave, click crystal has fight, if win go temple report can get miko clothes
  10. if can make 四次元釣竿, set it can auto loot item in any area, not fishing
  11. to west cave (ファーブル洞窟), has pickaxe can go north area
  12. better mining up to lvl 4 or higher (max lvl 7?), each mining need 1 pickaxe
  13. get 50 燃える石 in cave then give to salior in dock
  14. dock town talk to blacksmith make 1 pickaxe, then can make new alchemy
  15. make 強化石, has 4 type for 4 clothes lvl, talk to blacksmith (3rd choice) can power up clothes
  16. dock town right talk to red hair girl can get new recipe, make シロップ to her can get another recipe
  17. 1st town upper right talk to tippler
  18. dock town, at night to pub talk to master
  19. report to tippler can get new recipe, then make 2 日本酒, 1 give to tippler
  20. dock town, at night to pub report to master, give him 日本酒, talk to chef can get new recipe
  21. if make 火薬, talk to sailor in dock store can get new formula
  22. if make ハチミツ, 1st town upper right talk to boy can exchange item
  23. dock town, left red roof house talk to man has cow girl H
  24. home can employ cow girl for farming (crop higher then heroine)
  25. talk to sailor in dock, then talk to him again (2nd choice) can go south town

South town (南の町) – アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide

  1. dress miko clothes, near entrance talk to miko can make new alchemy
  2. lower left talk to woman can get new formula
  3. upper right talk to maid (need カスタードクリーム) can get recipe
  4. talk to weapon shop merchant (need bomb 爆弾)
  5. item shop can get new recipe, make a lot ピアス and 指輪 then sell to her (2nd choice), shop has new item sale
  6. if get トリュフ, town middle talk to chef
  7. right herb shop talk to pharmacist
  8. lower guild talk to staff has bunny girl H and can west to small forest
  9. lower left small park, morning and noon has different NPC, noon talk to maid
  10. west to small forest (小さな森), left near hole
  11. back to south town, talk to new guild staff has H
  12. if get カカオの実, talk to maid in upper right can get recipe, if make チョコレート to her can get new recipe
  13. if can make ジャム, dock town right talk to red hair, then few day later talk to her can get new recipe
  14. south town middle talk to chef can get new recipe
  15. lower guild talk to staff again
  16. small forest talk to man near hole has H (need 砂利 and 建築石材 each 50)
  17. south town talk to weapon shop merchant can get new recipe
  18. small forest talk to soldier near hole
  19. now near human enemy has 2H (random event), if sex over 20 times has new H
  20. if clothes broken and lost virgin, dock town left red roof house talk to man has 4H (after H better wait 30 hrs for new one)
  21. few day later pass small forest to west side

West side and Ending – アンジェのドキドッキュン冒険記 Walkthrough & Guide

  1. temple talk to miko then west to hill (アコー山), after event can employ bunny girl for farming (crop same as heroine)
  2. 1st town talk to pink hair can get new recipe
  3. if go hill get 10 幸運の四葉, south town lower left, when noon talk to maid, few day later talk to her again can get maid clothes
  4. better sex over 20 times, when employ 3 girl can find hscene outside home, pink hair and cow girl has 3H, bunny girl has 2
  5. make 女神の新薬, then go 1st town
  6. after few day? home event, then 1st town talk to pink hair
  7. make 海釣竿, go hill SW seaside fishing, need get 10 フグ for make 2 毒の雫 then make 1 自白剤
  8. to hill now no magic circle
  9. if click black crystal has fight, after defeat it go temple near hill report to miko can get fox clothes
  10. 4 clothes get all 1st hscene then equip virgin armor, if lose to human enemy has GoR
  11. to hill mine get item
  12. make エリキシル剤, outside talk to elf
  13. south town lower left talk to aged, right herb shop talk to pharmacist 2 times
  14. (for true ending only) to temple that near hill, talk to miko (2nd choice) port to another area
  15. (for true ending only) to temple, if 2nd choice for port to new fishing area, 3rd choice for port to black crystal, defeat boss then report to miko
  16. back to home then outside talk to elf to ending

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