
ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記 Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記 Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

  • hidden boss can ignore untill enough power and level
  • matal can get again in next day
  • 回想ルーム to H-scene room
  • H key can back to home
  • Q key use heroine’s 10MP for recover all member
  • silver box need key (宝石の鍵)
  • in fight, Shift key can check enemy strength

Start > Shining Road (光差す道) – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  • start choice is 1: ATK INT up, 2: DEF MDEF up, 3: AGI LUCK up, 4: HP FP up, 5:$
  • then next choise is game level, 1:normal, 2: easy, 3: very easy (or home click 難易度変更)
  • menu choice 特技習得 can get skill, home click 特技リセット can reset skill

Investigator Guild (探索者ギルド)

  • if get golden coin (ゲヘナ金貨), go to 探索者ギルド, talk to upper side counter, choose 1st choice can get $ and degree of contribution (貢献度)
  • degree of contribution over 1k is enough, because golden coin aslo for exchange item
  • if contributoin degree enough, 2nd choice can buy map for hidden treasure, if get all area treasure, talk to 財宝調査員 can get equip
  • upper left counter (支部長グラニェ) choose レシピを買う then buy cooking book for cooking, back to home make any food 1st time can strength up, next day effect off can make again
  • Lv4 and Lv5 cooking need food, talk to upper left counter, choose 2nd choice can buy, some can find in box or drop from monster

treasure map – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. start area 表層南, lower right
  2. north area 表層北, lower left of fountain
  3. east area 表層東, from north area 表層北 NE to east area表層東
  4. B1 north 深層北, near middle
  5. B1 south 深層南, upper left of boss

Merchant Guild (商人ギルド)

  • start need chooce 借金を返す pay back 5k or cant up contribution degree (貢献度)
  • choose 1st choice can up contribution degree (貢献度), donate 10k can get ticket for upper box, item is random expect 1st one, so better denate 20k to 100k for random
  • when click treasure box choose 2nd choice can use all ticket
  • treasure box rare is 2.5% 飛躍の絵馬 (STR to LUCK +1) and 0.5% special (1st is shield, 2nd is ブーストシューズ for change move speed, 3rd is exp item, 4th is 50 golden coin ゲヘナ金貨)
  • if 200 times cant get special, 201 time must get special
  • contribution degree high can buy more type item

Defender Guild (防衛者ギル)

  • finish quest can up degree of contribution (貢献度)
  • if degree of con tribution enough, choose 遠征を頼む can make dungeon no enemy

Lv 1 quest

  1. hammer, choose とにかく軽く
  2. tableware, cooking 3 times then can open door and make 1EX weapon
  3. slender sword, choose 威力を上がる
  4. gun, choose 連射力を改造
  5. 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > ドハデな旗

Special Quest

  • degree of contribution (貢献度) in 3 guild is high, NPC will come to home for speical quest, 1st quest is get ミスリル鉱石 10, 緑水晶 10, 赤水晶 5, then make item to 探索者ギルド (支部長グラニェ) :


  1. bathroom has H
  2. west area, lower left cave to dungeon area ゲヘナ大空洞, north to shining road 光差す道
  3. north vs boss, after boss rich girl join, can go to mansion in upper side of town middle area
  4. now sleep up 10 lust, if 50 has bad status make all strength down, 鎮静ポーション can down 50 lust, 興奮ポーション can up 50 lust (a lot H need lust)
  5. home has 2 new H, mansion has 2 H
  6. B1 northa area 深層北 has 2 hidden road Shining Road H1.jpgShining Road H2.jpg , right side has treaure box and left side has hidden boss
  7. vs boss
  8. vs guardian and gunner join, upper talk to fairy
  9. home has new H
  10. now go town east can join arena fight

Red Dragon’s Rock (紅鱗の龍) – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. west cave (south of dungeon entrance) talk to 案内人ミーネ 2 times can start question, choice is : 2nd > 2nd > 4th > 3th > 4th
  2. 外壁胴体 has H
  3. 内部上層 upper right has hidden room and boss Red Dragon's Rock H.jpg
  4. vs boss
  5. vs guardian then talk to fairy

treasure map

  1. start area 外壁龍尾, near middle
  2. 2nd area 内部下層, upper left
  3. 3rd area 外壁胴体, upper side of station
  4. 4th area 内部上層, near middle
  5. guardian area 心臓部, after defeat guardian go left

quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv2

  1. hammer, choose 氷の力をこめる
  2. slender sword, choose アズマ風の剣
  3. gun, 2EX weapon
  4. 装飾品 > 状態異常を防ぐ > 毒を防ぐ
  5. 装飾品 > 魔法を使えるように > 回復魔法を覚える

special quest

get 鉄鉱石 50, ミスリル鉱石 30, アダマン鉱石 10, then make item to Defender Guild

Glacier Cave 流水洞 – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. Lv3 item 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > 素材をざくざく採取!, main heroine only, can get 1 more matel when harvesting
  2. 案内人ミーネ question : 3rd > 3rd > 4th > 1st > 4th
  3. home, right of home, mansion has new H, after home and mansion, sleep has new H
  4. no idea what time start : when sleep has event can go to ant cave, has boss, after defeat boss can buy item in ant cave
  5. Glacier cave 二重円環 has hidden room Glacier Cave H1.jpg
  6. vs mini boss
  7. small room in 氷壁外部 has H, then sleep in home has new H
  8. 5th area 水晶神殿 upper left has hidden room and boss Glacier Cave H2.jpg
  9. vs boss
  10. vs guardian then talk to fairy

treasure map

  1. 円環内通路, middle
  2. 二重円環, upper side of 1st station
  3. 3th has a lot hole area 氷壁外部, has enemy guard it
  4. 4th area 凍った湖, upper side of switch
  5. 5th area 水晶神殿, upper left of station

quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv3

  1. tableware > 閃光を放つ食器に
  2. slender sword > 魔除けの力をこめる
  3. 守護石 > 炎を防ぐ(ルビーの腕輪)
  4. 装飾品 > 特殊効果をつける > 重力を無視する靴
  5. 装飾品 > 英雄ファングッズ > もふもふの尻尾

Deep And Stagnant Hole 闇底の淀み – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. 案内人ミーネ question : 2nd > 1st > 2nd > 4th > 4th
  2. home has new H, lower right of town east has H
  3. talk to rich girl, then go to mansion in town middle, 2F upper right room click left bookshelf can go to basement, after clear can get doll in home, if get 50 ゲヘナ金貨 can get reward, 3rd choice for super equip, 4th choice for all H-scene on, 5th choice for up 1000 名声値 (possible for last special quest, but reward not very good…)
  4. if arena clear 3rd rank, lower side of town east can go to reverse side arena, then go to Investigator Guild (探索者ギルド) has H
  5. reverse side arena, in fight has GoR (win can get GoR hscene in H-scene room)
  6. Deep and stagnant hole 2nd area 闇蜘蛛の巣 middle has mini boss, upper right has H
  7. 3rd area 神殿中央, lower right has hidden room Deep And Stagnant Hole H1.jpg
  8. west of 3rd area 神殿左翼, a lot fake treasure box, lower side has hidden treasure Deep And Stagnant Hole H2.jpg , after mini boss break darkness crystal
  9. east of 3rd area 神殿右翼, upper right talk to man can get item, after mini boss break darkness crystal
  10. vs guardian

treasure map – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. start area 底への巨壁, near lower
  2. 2nd area 闇蜘蛛の巣, right of mini boss
  3. 3rd area 神殿中央, lower left
  4. west of 3rd area 神殿左翼, left of station
  5. east of 3rd area 神殿右翼, mini boss area

final treasue mpa

  1. lower of town middle, near boy
  2. middle of town east
  3. lower of ant cave
  4. (after clear 4th dungeon) 大水晶鉱山, 初級坑道 (1st Lv area), lower right of upper stair
  5. 大水晶鉱山, 上級坑道 (3rd Lv area), near right

quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv4

  1. slender sword > 義手に剣をつける
  2. gun > 4EX gun
  3. 守護石 > 氷を防ぐ(サファイアの冠)
  4. 装飾品 > ミスティセレクション > 二刀流になる
  5. 装飾品 > 上位魔法オーブ > 闇の魔法を極める

quest in Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) Lv5 (need Lv5 or not enough contribution degree for this area no enemy)

  1. hammer > 守護の力を宿す
  2. tableware > 天使の力を宿す
  3. 守護石 > 虹の守護光輪
  4. 装飾品 > 百発百中の指輪
  5. 装飾品 > 永久の歯車

special quest

  1. go to town east, lower left to blacksmith (father), need item 黄水晶 10, 銀の粘糸 3 (spider), 不死の心臓 3 (undead). Make item then repair robot
  2. アダマン鉱石 30, 聖者のオーブ, 深淵のオーブ, make item then go to dungeon entrance report to グラントさん

Great Altar 大いなる祭壇 and final area – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. 案内人ミーネ question : 2nd > 3rd > 2nd > 4th > 4th
  2. home talk to gunner > lower side of town east talk to write clothes > get 鉄鉱石 10, 黒水晶 5, ゴールドビーストの皮 2 (monster in Glacier Cave 流水洞 氷壁外部 golden beast.jpg ), make item then report to write clothes. After quest home has new H
  3. dungeon entrance lower right has H > town east, lower has H (need clear reverse side arena) > click tent has fight (GoR, win can get his H in H-scene room)
  4. if got hidden treasure then each dungeon click crystal can vs power up guardian, defeat 1st time can power up, if defeat 5 times guardian, click crystal choose 2nd choice can get hidden item in that dungeon (item near useless)
  5. go to Shining Road (光差す道), 1st area can go to Great Altar 大いなる祭壇
  6. vs boss
  7. click crystal can back to 1st area
  8. west side orb is physical attack only, east side orb is magic only, if no magic skill better equip magic book
  9. after H, before final area can get item for teleport (W key), now better move to king chair room then back to home or cant use new teleport item
  10. pass 4 area then vs final boss

After Ending – ミスティのキラキラ繁盛記

  1. home and mansion has new H
  2. W key to プロジェクトFW, left side has H
  3. arena can join last fight (super hard), after clear, right side of home pass graveyard talk to fairy has H
  4. talk to father can make final Lv equip, if make weapon need 5EX weapon, material can find in Huge Crystal Mine (大水晶鉱山)
  5. Defender Guild (防衛者ギル) talk to Swordman, then town west to cave, then west can go to Huge Crystal Mine
  6. entrance talk to guard 案内人ミーネ, choose 1st choice can teleport to cave entrance
  7. 1st Lv area, left has hidden room mine Lv1.jpg
  8. 2nd Lv area, left has hidden room mine Lv2.jpg
  9. 3rd Lv area out side talk to ジェットクイーン, defeat 10 ジェットクイーン then report can get equip
  10. 3rd Lv area, middle has hidden room mine Lv3.jpg
  11. 4th Lv area, lower has hidden room mine Lv4.jpg , then back of monster has hidden stair, lower has hidden boss x2
  12. after 2nd hidden boss, W key to プロジェクトFW, left side has H

special quest

  1. get メテオライト 30, アビスクリスタル 5, 火龍のオーブ (Lv4 装飾品), make item then report to magic final quest.jpg
  2. get ダークオリハルコン 5, 銀の粘糸 10, 宝石の鍵 5, make item then report to swordman

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