
ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活 Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活 Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

  • all hscene has anime
  • 1 day 30hrs, morning, noon and night each 10hrs
  • if make potion, better sell in medicinal guild
  • 2nd play can all hscene on, loot dubble item, dubble exp but lvl back to 1, has all clothes and equip but lost other item
  • after make clothes, use item 貴重品 > 変身道具 for change clothes
  • heroine dress different clothes then click hscene has little change 1.jpg

1st town ササリッツァ町 – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

  1. use item 貴重品 > 時空の鍵, then use it can back to home (expect dungeon, inside building and tower)
  2. use magic circle back to forest, move out forest east to 1st town
  3. step magic cricle, in home can teleport to town
  4. upper left medicinal guild, talk to counter
  5. town east to farm can get 5 cow and chicken, farm upper well can 井戸水(99)
  6. middle talk to yellow clothes girl Olumi (オルミ), then back to home heroine will masturbation, after few day will masturbation again
  7. talk to Olumi can get her H in hscene room
  8. go medicinal guild again, now vs male has 1 GoR only
  9. upper right to adventurer guild, talk to counter, left and right counter for sell item
  10. home outside get milk and egg, then town east to farm talk to boy can get new recipe, later get item from bee make たまごプリン to him
  11. SE to nearest forest (近くの森), if bought fishing rod (釣竿) from merchant in town left can set it near pond, has fishing bait (釣り餌) can fishing
  12. forest deep talk to forest fairy, then in nearest forest and start forest can catch 1 pixie
  13. if bought bomb (劣化爆弾) and lamp (ランプ) form merchant in town left can go old mine in SW
  14. mine inside has teacher’s laboratory, can get item for make new clothes
  15. use 1k for enter NW tower, inside find fire fairy
  16. all switch on then click sword vs dragon
  17. home talk to fire fairy, in fight start can summon golden slime
  18. home outside golden slime can use 30 small stone (小石) for exchange all type of stone in mine or mountain (can go nearest forest get 99 small stone
  19. then use 時空の鍵 back to home exchange, then get small stone again)
  20. report to adventurer guild, then go tower again but need 10k so dont enter again
  21. after make たまごプリン to boy, farm upper talk to boy can sell item, sell anyone of item can get new recipe
  22. dock talk to captain
  23. inn talk to Olumi, then town outside to east mansion
  24. wait 2、3 day, inn talk to Olumi
  25. town SE to forest アルール森, entrance meet dark fairy
  26. back to town, adventurer guild meet dark fairy again
  27. アルール森 again, inside can get 1 pixie, then pass forest east to 2nd town


  • start forest : ウブゥジュの根, オクタハーブ, シュワの種, クフムフ草, イナスの葉, 自然水(99)
  • nearest forest : 浮遊虫, ルッコの実, コブの枝, ベジタの茎, スノト茸, 小石(99), 赤粘土(99)
  • fishing in nearest forest : 小魚, アジ, イワシ, ヒヨリ
  • old mine : 小石, ルミー鉱石, アメジア鉱石, コゥノット鉱石, グラビ石
  • tower : 蝙蝠の牙, 蝙蝠の羽, 茸胞子, 蜂の巣, 蜂の毒針
  • アルール森 : ウズの香草, コドモ虫, クグルの葉, 樹液, マハイのハーブ


  • bet (start forest, tower) --- 蝙蝠の牙, 蝙蝠の羽, 魔結晶
  • mustroom (nearest forest, tower) --- 茸胞子, 魔結晶
  • bee (old mine, tower) --- 蜂の巣, 蜂の毒針, 魔結晶
  • spider (アルール森, Yuri forest, mine in 2nd town NE) --- 蜘蛛の糸, 魔結晶
  • dragon (tower) --- 龍の髭, 龍の鱗, 龍の目玉

2nd town ワナァ村 – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

  1. upper talk to mayor then click hole, need 小石(99) and 赤粘土(99) fill all holes, if not enough material can find in nearest forest
  2. after fill all holes, talk to mayor can get reward
  3. upper left talk to man
  4. east to Yuri forest (ユリュの森), from entrance go up talk to water fairy, then use 植物成長剤 and talk to her
  5. if bought fishing rod (釣竿) can set it near pond, has fishing bait (釣り餌) can fishing, click tree get wood, this forest can catch 1 pixie
  6. back to 2nd town report to man in upper left, wait 3、4 day then talk to man again
  7. if catch 4 pixie, go nearest forest can catch last one, then report to forest fairy in nearest forest
  8. after forest fairy join, home outside lower left use 3 item can auto get all type of item in any forest (need wait 60 hrs)
  9. 1st town inn talk to Olumi
  10. 2nd town NE old mine get material, after get 10 x (アラク鉱石, サゥファ鉱石, ジット鉱石) report to Olumi
  11. wait 1、2 day, inn talk to Olumi can go 3rd town


  • Yuri forest (ユリュの森) : アザの根, ヨモビの茎, エリンバ, ハナナの実, キッコの種
  • fishing in Yuri forest : 小魚, タラ, セイ, コブナ
  • old mine (2nd town NE) : アラク鉱石, サゥファ鉱石, ジット鉱石, オノル石, ルーッパ石, 黒粘土(99)

3rd town イエール城下町 – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

  1. adventurer guild in 3rd town can meet dark fairy, then home outside talk to big fairy and home talk to dark fairy
  2. use 10k enter tower in 3rd town west
  3. inside talk to fire fairy then click stele
  4. click sword vs golem then back to adventurer guild report
  5. lower right blacksmith shop talk to Olumi then home talk to dark fairy has H, after H talk to her again
  6. home talk to fire fairy can summon queen bee
  7. 3rd town east pass bridge can has 4th town

material in tower

ネズミの前歯, 霊魂玉, 霊魂水, 蛇の皮

monster in tower

  • rat --- ネズミの前歯, 魔結晶
  • wisp --- 霊魂玉, 霊魂水, 魔結晶
  • snake --- 蛇の皮, 魔結晶
  • golem --- ゴーレムの核, ゴーレムの欠片

Make ship

4th town (オッカム町) – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

SE to oasis, talk to water fairy

  1. 4th town south to Hyeres forest (イエールの森), if bought fishing rod (釣竿) can set it near pond, has fishing bait (釣り餌) can fishing
  2. in Hyeres forest talk to flower fairy, then make 3 植物栄養剤 to her
  3. now vs male enemy has 4 new GoR
  4. if get a lot H attack can get ♡ status, night to 3rd town lower left house can prostitution (2H)
  5. if make ローター or ブルブルキノコ, click bed can choice masturbation (オナニー)
  6. 4th town south to Hyeres hill (イエール山), hilltop cave has teacher’s laboratory, can get item for make new clothes
  7. hill upper right has forest fairy

collect material for make ship

  • 木材(10) — Hyeres forest
  • 乾燥丸太(10) タタッカ(10) クーツ鉱石(10) — Hyeres hill
  • 樹脂(5) — tree in home right
  • グラビ石(10) ルミー鉱石(10) — 1st town SW old mine
  1. after get all material, 3rd town talk to blacksmith, choice 船材料納品
  2. talk to Olumi can get her H in hscene room
  3. after 3、4 day, talk to Olumi can get ship


  • oasis : 蝶虫, ヒル虫, フルツの香草, レッジの茎, サゴエの実, ドグタの枝
  • Hyeres forest : タラの種, シシブのハーブ, オズの葉, コムムの根, 木材, 木の皮
  • fishing in Hyeres forest : ススキ, ブナ, ヤカニ, コカニ
  • Hyeres hill : 乾燥丸太, タタッカ, ククカのハーブ, エンリの根, メジムの葉, クーツ鉱石, リン鉱石, セッコウ鉱石, メリダ石, ホトウ鉱石, 白粘土(99)


  • scorpion (Hyeres forest) --- サソリの目, サソリの毒袋, 魔結晶
  • flower monster (Hyeres hill) --- 魔植物の花びら, 魔植物の蔓, 魔結晶
  • bird monster (Hyeres hill, ice tower) --- 魔鳥の羽, 魔結晶

Snow town 雪の町ガムム – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

  1. west has tower in 1st town west, then from tower go north has flower fairy, then north has snow island
  2. ice tower NE has snow town
  3. talk to aged can make 蒸留酒 (but get material need airship)
  4. pay 10k for enter ice tower
  5. click flame can find fire fairy, then click sword vs dark knight
  6. back to snow town report to santa in upper left
  7. talk to fire fairy can summon pixie in fight (useless)
  8. now has 1 new GoR and 2 new prostitution
  9. snow town east to ice temple, if bought fishing rod (釣竿) can set it near pond, has fishing bait (釣り餌) can fishing
  10. temple inside has water fairy and teacher’s laboratory, can get item for make new clothes
  11. now can make alchemy fishing rod (錬金釣竿), can set in home outside lower right, can catch all type of fish in any fishing spot (need set fishing rod)
  12. 1st town outside east to mansion
  13. 3rd town blacksmith shop talk to Olumi, after 2、3 day talk to her again
  14. town outside talk to butler can get airship, if forest airship in where, can go blacksmith shop talk to butler


  • snow town : 温泉水(99)
  • ice tower : 魔物の毛皮, 骸骨の欠片, 魔物の皮, 魔物の角
  • fising in ice temple : カギ, 真貝, ヒッタラ, ヨコカニ


  • goblin (ice tower) --- 魔物の毛皮, 魔結晶
  • skeleton (ice tower) --- 骸骨の欠片, 魔結晶
  • orc (ice tower and temple) --- 魔物の皮, 魔物の角, 魔結晶
  • werewolf (ice temple) --- ウルフの毛皮, ウルフの爪, 魔結晶
  • imp (ice temple) --- インプの翼, 魔結晶
  • dark knight (ice tower) --- 黒騎士の盾, 黒騎士の剣

Ending – ラフリのらふこめ錬金生活

  1. NE to island, right has forest fairy 森の精霊, if bought fishing rod (釣竿) can set it near pond, has fishing bait (釣り餌) can fishing
  2. fishing can get 水結晶 for make 蒸留酒, after make it talk to flower fairy can get new recipe, then make 蜂蜜酒 has dark fairy H
  3. make 1 more 蜂蜜酒, to aged in snow town can get new recipe, then make 魚酒 has dark fairy H
  4. island has tower ホカブ塔, admission fee need 10k too
  5. tower inside talk to demon can buy equip…
  6. talk to fire fairy, if back to home talk to fire fairy can summon fairy in fight (has group magic attack)
  7. click sword vs demon
  8. click sword again vs red dragon
  9. click sword again and again vs black dragon
  10. now has 5 new GoR
  11. island tower NE or 2nd town east has Rotten cave (腐敗した洞窟), for material
  12. make 賢者の石 then 3rd town blacksmith shop talk to butler
  13. 2 day later to mansion in 1st town east, vs final boss
  14. 3rd town blacksmith shop talk to Olumi can get her H in hscene room
  15. home outside talk to big fairy 2 times to ending


  • material on island : カモギの種, ビワハの実, スクワ虫
  • fishinhg in island : 黒貝, 珊瑚, 水の結晶
  • tower (ホカブ塔) : ゾンビの腐肉, 肺魚の目玉, 肺魚の鱗, キメラの尾, キメラの鱗
  • Rotten cave (腐敗した洞窟) : スクワ虫, アンマ鉱石, 魔鉱石, 鍾乳石, 泥粘土(99) last cave.jpg


  • zombie (tower) --- ゾンビの腐肉, 魔結晶
  • fish monster (tower) --- 肺魚の目玉, 肺魚の鱗, 魔結晶
  • megic (tower) --- 魔物の杖, 魔結晶
  • demon (tower) --- 悪魔の角, 悪魔の左目, 悪魔の血
  • red dragon (tower) --- 赤竜の鱗, 赤竜の炎玉, 赤竜の血
  • black dragon (tower) --- 黒竜の鱗, 黒竜の牙, 黒竜の血
  • chimera (tower[when vs black dragon], Rotten cave) --- キメラの尾, キメラの鱗, 魔結晶
  • ghost (tower[when vs black dragon], Rotten cave) --- ゴーストの涙, ゴーストの欠片, 魔結晶
  • lizard man (tower[when vs black dragon], Rotten cave) --- トカゲの皮, トカゲの舌, 魔結晶

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