
ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

  • game has a lot hidden item
  • space key can skip message
  • chapter 6 has npc can all hscene on

Chapter 1 – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. start has choice for game lvl, easy, normal or hard. For normal and hard, some boss can get matel (under 10 round or low lvl defeat it), but no idea for what
  2. bed has doll, old version BUG : click gun in room
  3. before move out, can get 父の手紙, use it
  4. south to town ベルの街, church talk to priest then Anna (アンナ) join
  5. 2F talk to sister can rest, to bed has event, outside church has event too
  6. right shop buy 革の鎧 has H
  7. north to cave has event
  8. from town, west to mansion ドライゼン卿の屋敷
  9. room near entrance, talk to maid can rest, talk to merchant can buy item, bed has doll, another bed has event
  10. basement get picture picture.jpg
  11. upper talk to maid can use doll get item
  12. south to tunnel, deep vs boss (has ☆ skill for GoR)
  13. boss room has doll, use ☆ドールブック can use doll get item
  14. if get エプロン and Chris (クリス) equip it can use skill 料理 for cooking
  15. south pass tunnel, then SE to dock town (モンドールの港町)
  16. inn outside talk to man, then lower restaurant talk to aunt
  17. lower right dock event, after event can get new job and formation, menu 作戦 for change
  18. right dock 2F has doll
  19. sleep in inn has H
  20. south to hill (ストラ山), entrance can get teleport item リターンの羽
  21. 2nd area left has doll
  22. in road has H, hilltop click tree vs boss
  23. after event, move down can get new job
  24. back to dock town (モンドールの港町), restaurant talk to aunt
  25. park event, dock talk to manager in left counter, can change game lvl

After OP

  1. girl in lower left can buy item, バナナの皮 for GoR
  2. down floor can get doll
  3. go up to captain room, talk to captain, box has teleport item リターンの羽 for back to ship
  4. if back to room sleep has H, restaurant talk to chef can get food
  5. move out ship to cave, B4 vs slime, better wait 2 heroine nude
  6. B8 vs pirate (GoR), then vs monster
  7. near exit vs boss
  8. right has doll and left beach CG
  9. NW to lighthouse, 1st floor upper right has doll lighthouse.jpg
  10. make flame in lighthouse then go top floor
  11. report to captain

Chapter 2 – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper talk to priest
  2. 噴水広場 can buy food, talk to girl can get doll market.jpg
  3. 聖マリア教会 click statue and upper right, right chair has doll
  4. 聖アウグスト教会 click statue, upper right has hidden road for doll church2.jpg
  5. 市街観光 その1 to arena upper click ! and go lower right, move out auto move to pizzeria, sit on upper
  6. 市街観光 その2 buy ice cream then go north click !, upper talk to man, in pizzeria go upper then buy food then sit on upper
  7. ピザ屋 can work in pizzeria, use mouse to click, Anna for auto, if 2000 point for new custom then 50 for CG
  8. if back to church, upper talk to priest
  9. 聖ポポロ教会 click statue and upper, right has doll, night 2F right get doll then talk to black rob has fight, can lose
  10. upper left has doll, upper talk to man
  11. if get picture in mansion, talk to man in lower right can get clothes picture2.jpg
  12. right talk to sister then move out

ancient Rome

  1. back to Rome, keep go north has event
  2. back to town, near sundial …
  3. lower left to inn, talk to manager
  4. to corps base in upper of sundial, left talk to commander
  5. at night, east to colosseum
  6. upper left to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  7. upper right virgin temple, to upper right for H
  8. right talk to merchant, can buy item and sell to other place
  9. lower right to brothel and left to pub (new version can get new job, old version need wait Anna H in pub)
  10. if rest in temple can go out at night, if go pub can work in there (talk to manager who play piano)
  11. at night, right talk to man, get 1st choice can go upper get doll
  12. at night to arena, talk to man in entrance can join fight (each day has different job for fight), 戦士, 格闘家 has GoR
  13. at night choice Chris (クリス), brothel go 2 times can prostitution
  14. if get 50k, go to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  15. south to checking station, need 5k pass it
  16. SE to volcano, some flame is illusion
  17. hilltop get item and vs boss
  18. south has town then south to small house, talk to aged can make weapon or shield, house SW has hidden doll
  19. back to Rome
  20. at night choice Anna (アンナ), to brothel and pub has H, after pub H can get new job (v1.06 v1.07 has bug cant get 2 hscene in pub)
  21. virgin temple has new H
  22. NW checking station has H
  23. if get 100k, pass NW checking station then go NW town can buy teleport item リターンの羽 for teleport back to Rome, town west has hidden doll
  24. from Rome go east pass checking station (need 50k), SE pass bridge then go west, small island has hidden doll island.jpg , from bridge go south has town
  25. from Rome go east, dont pass checking station then go NE to hill road
  26. deep vs boss, then in corps base talk to soldior in upper can get new formation
  27. to hill road again, talk to soldior can go another side
  28. SE to town, sleep has H
  29. if get 500k, go to Government office, talk to upper left counter
  30. to arena, auditorium left has doll
  31. 2 heroine change to 剣闘士, arena lower area talk to aged to fight area
  32. deep to healing stone, talk to noble has 2 fight + emperor
  33. talk to emperor, better buy alot item and food for chapter 3 sell, because $ and equip from ancient Rome cant go to Chapter 3
  34. move to pond, equip マルスの剣 for boss

Chapter 3 – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. better buy equip from left merchant
  2. to sewer north side, click switch for treasure room and big door, then move out sewer
  3. right talk to girl 五月 then left talk to ボス
  4. box has teleport item for back to town and left cabinet has doll
  5. inn lower right plant has doll
  6. NW to temple, B5 before boss can get new job
  7. after boss, sleep in inn has H
  8. B10 vs boss, 2 heroine change to stone
  9. south to beach, middle has doll beach.jpg , right has aged selling item and right has fight (GoR)
  10. north to seabed cave, deep to broken ship, to ! has 2 fight
  11. north to sea temple, last area left has doll, then vs boss (GoR)
  12. back of inn has H, get 1 choice
  13. to NW temple again, equip イージスの盾, B10 vs boss
  14. after boss can get magic key, can open door that in town north, after open door in temple has stair to B10
  15. B15 vs cow, then talk to girl vs boss
  16. temple pass door then upstairs, go left stair then click big treasure box has doll, move back to lower vs boss then get item and axe

Chapter 4 – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. open box then talk to anyone
  2. 五月 side : 1st area, upper 2nd pot has doll, after click door go lower, when move back has soldier, go lower click hole
  3. クリス side : right get doll and click letter, then middle click chair has hidden road church hidden road.jpg , next area click big ◇
  4. 五月 side 2 : 1st jail room help girl
  5. クリス side 2 : c key for change member
  6. after 2nd recover stone vs boss, can lose
  7. upper talk to lady knight
  8. room cabinet has clothes, upper left room get doll then lower room talk to sister
  9. keep go west, near inn has boss
  10. inn upper left can buy food, right cabinet has doll
  11. south to hill
  12. after drop down, drop from right > left > left has doll, all right can drop to cave
  13. in cave go left get doll first then move out
  14. in church, click heroine
  15. 6th day has choice, get 2nd choice then 1st one has fight, lose ok

Final chapter – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper talk to Chris (クリス)
  2. back to town, church 1F right selling item 免罪符 for 羞恥心+3, roof get item
  3. west to mansion, right room to upper left meeting room
  4. right room again, upper right talk to man, choice 3rd > 2nd >1st can get bunny clothes, meeting room has doll (v1.07)
  5. south to tunnel, underground has hidden road tunnel.jpg
  6. after defeat thief has H
  7. back to tunnel, boss room upper right has doll, left door no idea… (v1.05 door has been deleted)
  8. pass tunnel to SE dock town, inn 2F has doll
  9. upper brothel, talk to counter then sleep in inn can prostitution, BUG : Anna (アンナ) prostitution Lv, need v1.05
  10. mansion underground get item then use boat to north side
  11. SW has hidden doll, east pass hill to tower
  12. 4F vs boss, after boss cant back to town untill chapter 6
  13. 6F get holy water
  14. west to Dracula castle
  15. right room after defeat maid has recover stone, 2nd room has man selling item
  16. if go NW room, pass left one > right 2nd one > right room has boss
  17. click picture to hidden area
  18. road has 4 doll, click door has boss, if equip sister weapon 至高天の杖, skill エクソシズム work
  19. under clock vs boss, skill エクソシズム work
  20. go up open door then vs boss, need use magic
  21. equip VKラレンティーナ then vs Dracula, 2 fight

Chapter 6 – ラレンティーナの剣を探して Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 1F left room talk to priest
  2. back of armor shop has H, armor shop selling new clothes
  3. north to home talk to father can get teleport item
  4. west to mansion, bed room has H, if go up to library talk to maid can all hscene on for hscene.jpg
  5. teleport to dock town (モンドールの港), if talk to aunt can play cut pizza game, now prostitution need go brothel, if prostitution lvl 50 has H
  6. teleport to ノミス村, cave in beach has hidden boss
  7. ローマ広場, merchant in lower right can get item picture2.jpg
  8. 騎士団オフィス, talk to ボス can fight to him
  9. from ローマ広場 or 騎士団オフィス can go sundial, north to 大聖堂, big ◇ can move in
  10. deep talk to red cap can go hidden area, north vs dragon can go hidden dungeon

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