
聖女でも奴隷でもないので錬金術師に弟子入りしました Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to 聖女でも奴隷でもないので錬金術師に弟子入りしました Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

  • 2nd play, go hscene room again has switch for all hscene on
  1. 1st choice x 2 for virgin route or 2nd choice for non-virgin route
  2. west to town, left talk to guild reception
  3. right to witch’s house, talk to witch then click right stele to farm get item
  4. report to witch then talk to her again, if move to her back can get seed and fertilizer for farming
  5. report to guild reception then back to witch’s house
  6. vegetables egg and meat can sell to restaurant (1st choice), sell more has new menu
  7. town north exit to old mine (鉱山跡地), top to magic circle can use teleport in witch’s house, talk to witch
  8. collect 5 霊魂 (can find at night) then report to witch, now at night get 霊魂 will up カルマ値
  9. east to forest (近くの森), has event, if カルマ値 over 10 has H (virgin or not is different)
  10. カルマ値 over 10, farm has H then bathroom has H
  11. talk to witch, 1st choice
  12. SE to beach (砂浜), after event back to witch’s house can alchemy
  13. talk to guild reception can get quest, for $ only
  14. back to witch’s house has H
  15. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), 蜜花5(beach), 貝殻10(beach) can get new clothes
  16. church talk to priest, use 10 霊魂 can exchange power up item
  17. inn can power up gloves, get 2nd choice can power up, 採取特化 (if get item sometimes double, last lvl must double) 攻撃特化 (power up only)
  18. , if choice 元に戻す will back to old gloves
  19. restaurant talk to manager, at night can work in pub
  20. (virgin only) talk to sister, 1st choice neg 10 カルマ値, then tomorrow has H
  21. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper left talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  22. witch’s house upper has brothel, night can prostitution
  23. town NE talk to man can buy animal
  24. talk to guild reception
  25. south talk to capital 2 times can move to island, to cave (洞窟) has H
  26. カルマ値 high has H, need 20? (virgin or not is different)
  27. when alchemy has H
  28. ring shop, if get 羊毛15(sheep), はね5(cave) 動物の毛5(cave) 水晶5(cave) can get new clothes
  29. weapon shop can sell item only, restaurant has H
  30. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town fountain upper talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  31. (virgin only) カルマ値 over 10, town upper talk to girl will neg 10 カルマ値, night go there has H
  32. talk to guild reception
  33. island east talk to fisher, then middle can go forest (深い森)
  34. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  35. back to witch’s house has H
  36. talk to guild reception
  37. island talk to fisher again has H and go to another island, NE to swamp (湿地帯)
  38. カルマ値 high has H (virgin or not is different)
  39. back to witch’s house
  40. (virgin only) brothel has 2H
  41. if home a lot rubbish, maybe need make 箒栄養剤 to broom
  42. (non-virgin only) カルマ値 high, at night between witch’s house and brothel has H
  43. make 属性強化剤 and 辣腕爆弾
  44. click alchemy table, if non-virgin get 2nd choice, after ending has H
  45. click teleport stone, then town north to old mine
  46. deep talk to witch, vs boss to ending

That’s 聖女でも奴隷でもないので錬金術師に弟子入りしました Walkthrough & Guide hope you like it.

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