7GirlsWar ~Fallen High Born Girls RPG~

7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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7GirlsWar ~高貴だったあの娘を落として墮とすRPG~ Walkthrough & Guide

  • start town, house near upper entrance is hscene room
  • has hidden item, but item in random
  • Ctrl not only message skip, can battle speed little up too
  • bug u cant go true ending in 1st version https://studio-dobby.com/2019-03-26-bug/#i-2, if want true ending need cheat make 1 more 書きかけの物語 or wait new version
  • better build house of alchemist (錬金術師の家) first, then buy 毒薬(50$) and ストレンジスオイル(150$) in item shop, make 毒の牙 can sell 2500…, or when choice number, left or right make cursor to 魔除けのネックレス, then ok can make 魔除けのネックレス(and no item used…), it can sell 10000$…

Start – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper right to church, inside click right door
  2. town north to ruins, right road to north to small forest
  3. forest NE has jail, deep get orb 20560
  4. town lower left house talk to hero
  5. north to ruins again, middle inside ruins, deep event
  6. back to town, NW to hero’s home, 1st choice
  7. town lower entrance talk to goddess
  8. move to world map then enter town again
  9. lower right workshop click door 20561
  10. NW back to hero’s home and talk to him
  11. town to lower left house 20560
  12. workshop talk to Dario ダリオ
  13. to world map then enter town again, NW area has new home for goddess, inside talk to her has H
  14. after H talk to goddess has event


  • workshop talk to Dario can build inn (宿屋) in west area
  • after build inn, to inn can get item, if get 毛生え薬 talk to goddess in her home has H
  • to north ruins again, upper left has hypnosis monster for goddess H

見捨てられた町 ファブラ – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

(u can clear 水の都 ベネーティア part first, as u like)

  1. weapon shop upper talk to hairless, upper left talk to boy then catch him
  2. upper left pub talk to master 2 times, get 2 choice
  3. upper right house talk to 2 girl
  4. house near town entrance, talk to informant
  5. move out town to 忘却の丘 (same area)
  6. to house of informant, click board get quest, then town left store vs thief
  7. pub talk to master
  8. upper right house deep talk to girl 20598 then ライラ join
  9. ライラ in front can make enemy move slow
  10. to 忘却の丘, deep vs boss
  11. pub report to master then talk to her again
  12. to town entrance, ライラ real join


  • town lower left talk to thief can get 500$
  • workshop can make ライラ home in west area

Build casino

  1. talk to ライラ in her new home
  2. go to 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, upper to pub talk to man in lower left (2nd choice)
  3. upper left house outside talk to guard
  4. pub talk to man again
  5. go to 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, house of informant talk to old gentleman
  6. go to 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, upper left house
  7. upper right store has fight
  8. upper left house talk to old gentleman
  9. workshop can build casino (カジノ) in west area
  10. after go to casino, if get 媚薬 to ライラ’s home talk to her has H

水の都 ベネーティア – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. entrance go up has library, inside to lower right talk to girl, upper talk to superintendent
  2. upper left help man who fall down
  3. upper to house of witch
  4. library talk to superintendent
  5. back to town, town middle has event, any choice ok
  6. library talk to superintendent, then upper to house of witch
  7. move out town to 水の洞窟, ナディア join, if ナディア in front can see hidden item and enemy type, 1st area has quest item 水獣の角
  8. deep vs boss and ナディア leave
  9. town upper left mansion talk to new thane
  10. rest in inn to night
  11. when move to upper left small house, can see girl move out from mansion, follow her to house of witch
  12. to mansion report to new thane then house of witch talk to ナディア
  13. mansion outside talk to superintendent, then house of witch talk to girl
  14. upper left small house, click upper has hidden road 20562 , to mansion has fight
  15. to house of witch, then go to town entrance. ナディア real join


  • library talk to counter has fight, then talk to superintendent can get turtle, then sleep in inn has H
  • library middle talk to orange hair girl 4 times (1st choice), then go to town upper right click board can get item, then back to library report to girl
  • item shop buy 睡眠薬 and 魔法のきのこ, to man in inn upper room can get 媚薬
  • workshop can make ナディア’s home in east area
  • 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, weapon shop middle talk to man

Build house of alchemist (need build ナディア’s home)

  1. town lower left house talk to alchemist can get seed
  2. ナディア’s home talk to her has H
  3. goddess home outside click hole has fight
  4. after fight go workshop can make house of alchemist
  5. if make item 20 30 40 times can get H item
  6. if get 毛生え薬, to ナディア’s home talk to her has H

聖都市 セントレア 1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. when move to 聖都市 セントレア has fight
  2. talk to young who near entrance
  3. upper right to orphanage, inside talk to director, talk to her again get all choice
  4. church talk to ルーシー, then upper left talk to priest
  5. orphanage talk to ルーシー, then church priest’s room talk to her again
  6. town entrance ルーシー join
  7. orphanage outside talk to girl can get item 毛生え薬

Bunny clothes for goddess and armor shop1

  1. 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, right house talk to young
  2. upper right house talk to red clothes girl then report to young
  3. enter young’ house again and talk to him
  4. 水の都 狩場 has fight, after fight report to young
  5. move to 狩場 again help bunny
  6. ベネーティア貧民街, lower left inn outside talk to aged then sleep in inn can get bunny clothes for goddess
  7. after H report to aged who outside inn

ライラH and new pub master

  1. 水の都 ベネーティア, upper right house talk to aged
  2. library left talk to her husband
  3. report to aged can get liquor
  4. start town, lower left pub talk to ライラ has H
  5. 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, talk to counter who dress white clothes 3 times
  6. back to start town pub, he will work in there

House for writer

  1. 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ 2nd house that near entrance has event, then enter again has fight
  2. workshop can build home of writer (作家の家) in east area
  3. give him 書きかけの物語 can get 完成した物語
  4. if get 完成した物語5 talk to writer again, he want to find his partner

炎の王国 ラスカリア – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

(story is 炎の王国 ラスカリア or 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, then next is remnant area or 聖都市 セントレア2, order as u like :

  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, pub has fight, then talk to mercenary in middle, get 2 choice
  2. church talk to ルーシー, pub talk to ライラ, town right talk to goddess, house in pub right talk to ナディア
  3. upper right to flower shop
  4. church outside talk to リディ
  5. pub talk to mercenary in middle
  6. move out town to 決闘者の砦 (same area), talk to captain
  7. back to town, church outside talk to リディ
  8. move to 決闘者の砦 again, talk to captain
  9. in castle upper talk to general
  10. go to 決闘者の砦 again, talk to captain can inside
  11. move out fort event, back to ラスカリア東, near flower shop event
  12. town west to castle but cant enter, then back to town has fight
  13. church outside talk to リディ
  14. to 決闘者の砦, deep vs soldier then vs boss
  15. リディ join, if ルーシー in group and her part not clear, she will leave


  • workshop can build home of リディ in west side
  • 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, right house event 20612

Build weapon shop

  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, church talk to priest
  2. 聖都市 セントレア, weapon shop talk to counter has event
  3. 水の都 ベネーティア weapon shop outside meet the guy again
  4. small house in upper left has fight
  5. 炎の王国 ラスカリア, church report to priest
  6. workshop can build weapon shop (武器屋) in east area

青い森の集落 ロタ・モア – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. near entrance talk to boy
  2. lower right talk to man, then inside house talk to him again, if sleep in inn has event
  3. upper right to mayor house, after event talk to mayor
  4. lower left house talk to aged
  5. town upper has earthquake then town middle house help girl 20596
  6. mayor house event then go middle house talk to girl
  7. lower left house for dinner, tomorrow town upper talk to mayor to temple
  8. 1st area has quest item 亜麻の茎
  9. click switch then click piano
  10. deep vs boss, 2 round only
  11. mayor house talk to mayor, then lower left house event
  12. temple talk to コゼット, then vs boss again
  13. lower left house has H
  14. move to world map then enter town again, town west has new road, after event コゼット real join
  15. if ルーシー in group and her part not clear, she will leave


  • workshop can make コゼット home in east side, if get 毛生え薬 talk to her has H (bug can get this H again but use 毛生え薬 again)
  • 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, store in right of pub has fight
  • if get 亜麻の茎 and 水獣の角, 見捨てられた町 ファブラ right house give to young
  • 炎の王国 ラスカリア, right house outside talk to man

聖都市 セントレア2

  1. orphanage talk to director
  2. church talk to priest
  3. town entrance talk to aged, then lower left house talk to him again
  4. move out town to 背徳者の墓場 (same area) vs ルーシー
  5. rest in inn, then go to church click door
  6. lower left house talk to aged, then church outside talk to him again
  7. chruch to basement event
  8. to 背徳者の墓場, deep vs boss
  9. lower left house talk to aged, then go entrance ルーシー real join

Hunter guild

  1. workshop make home for ルーシー in east area, talk to her in her home
    背徳者の墓場, 1st area upper vs boss, after boss can get sister clothes for ルーシー
  2. ルーシー’s home has H
  3. if get 媚薬, talk to ルーシー in her home has H
  4. start town lower right hunter guild open, talk to counter can get quest (1st choice, better get all quest) and reward (2nd choice)

Hunter guild quest

  • フェイス山 : (see リディ2)
  • プロダムント遺跡 : ruins in 失われた王国 プロダムント, need after エマ join, 2F lower right, clothes for エマ
  • 女神の神殿 : 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, temple 1st area lower right down stair has monster for コゼット clothes
  • 水の洞窟 : 1st area upper left, magic girl clothes for ナディア
  • 決闘者の砦 : 1F upper left stair go down, baggage clothes for リディ
  • 忘却の丘 : B1 right, ninja clothes for ライラ


  • 聖都市 セントレア, in church upper right talk to woman
  • pub talk to master, if get 毛生え薬 has ルーシー H
  • 聖都市 セントレア住宅街, upper right blue roof house has fight

失われた王国 プロダムント – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper left talk to blonde hair Tomas (トマス) 20599
  2. lower talk to man who near water, then click water
  3. move out town to ベースキャンプ (same area), entrance talk to dog 2 times, big tent talk to Tomas (1st choice)
  4. back to town, upper left talk to researcher ステラ
  5. 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, trading post 20595 talk to merchant
  6. 水の都 ベネーティア item shop, upper left trading post buy item, near middle weapon shop click water
  7. 失われた王国 プロダムント, upper left talk to researcher
  8. move to world map then enter town again, talk to researcher
  9. 聖都市 セントレア lower right trading post talk to merchant then go ベースキャンプ, big tent talk to Tomas
  10. 失われた王国 プロダムント, talk to researcher
  11. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア near entrance click water, trading post in right mound talk to merchant
  12. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, trading post in town entrance right, talk to merchant
  13. pub talk to mercenary in middle
  14. 炎の王国 ダハブ, left shop outside talk to man, sunset go right talk to ナディア has H and get her swimming suit
  15. shop can buy 3 swimming suit. after buy swimming suit, talk to heroine in beach has H (need 日焼けクリーム)
  16. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, trading post talk to merchant
  17. 失われた王国 プロダムント talk to researcher 研究員
  18. move to world map then enter town again has boss
  19. talk to researcher, then go ベースキャンプ big tent talk to Tomas
  20. 失われた王国 プロダムント, sleep in inn
  21. town upper left to ruins, deep vs boss
  22. big tent talk to Tomas then back to 失われた王国 プロダムント, to ruins talk to エマ
  23. go tent in ruins lower, talk to エマ, move to town entrance she will join

Build arena

  1. 青い森の集落 忘れられた森 has fight, after fight can get monster book モンスター図鑑
  2. move to world map then come again, talk to man has 3 fight
  3. workshop can build arena (闘技場) in east area

Build trading post

  1. 失われた王国 プロダムント, lower left talk to merchant, then talk to merchant in trading post
  2. 赤い海 (same area) has fight
  3. workshop can build trading post (交易所) in west area
  4. if earn $ from trading post can get item (only buy and sell item in trading post, different place has different price)
  5. if earn a lot $, can get item スケルレンズ for all char nude (use again back to normal), total can get 4 item from NPC 20597

Oasis and 2 swimming suit

  1. 失われた王国 赤い海 east to oasis (オアシス), entrance talk to man then upper shop talk to him again
  2. middle has boss, 2 round only
  3. sleep in inn has H
  4. go shop can buy 2 swimming suit
  5. oasis talk to 2 heroine has H (need 日焼けクリーム)
  6. 炎の王国 ダハブ, shop can get bunny clothes for エマ


  • workshop can build home for エマ, has 毛生え薬 talk to エマ in her home has H
  • 聖都市 セントレア住宅街, if get 3 water and 媚薬, talk to woman in upper left has goddess H
  • セントレア住宅街, if get 毛生え薬 talk to pub master has ライラ H
  • 失われた王国 赤い海, upper left has hypnosis monster
  • 見捨てられた町 ファブラ right house talk to young, then upper right house talk to red clothes girl, after event workshop can build armor shop (防具屋) in east area
  • 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, upper flower shop talk to manager
  • 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, upper left house talk to merchant
  • 失われた王国 プロダムント (need after go ruins, defeat hunter guild quest girl monster) item shop talk to merchant can get item, then go ベースキャンプ, small tent in big tent right has H

Normal ending

  1. 1st town church has H
  2. to church again talk to goddess, 2nd choice
  3. to magic circle, 3rd choice for enter dungeon (cant move back)
  4. deep vs boss (GoR), after boss to normal ending

Writer’s partner

  1. after get 完成した物語5 from writer and start find his partner
  2. セントレア住宅街, ルーシー equip sister clotehs then upper talk to 3 soldier
  3. left talk to maid, lower talk to bunny girl, lower right talk to sister
  4. report to 3 soldier, then move to town lower left event
  5. report to 作家 can get bunny clothes for ルーシー

Animal quest

  1. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街 inn outside talk to aged
  2. to 青い森の集落 王国の入り口
  3. to 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, right talk to dog
  4. start town upper, near hscene room talk to cat
  5. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東 left talk to dog
  6. 水の都 ベネーティア near weapon shop talk to duck
  7. 失われた王国 プロダムント lower talk to chicken
  8. 聖都市 セントレア lower right talk to horse
  9. 青い森の集落 王国の入り口 talk to bird
  10. pass bridge has event, then if get コゼット equip 獣人の毛皮, talk to dark npc has H

Lost memory merchant

  1. workshop talk to merchant
  2. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, item shop talk to him
  3. 見捨てられた町 忘却の丘, to cave can find him

6 heroine quest 1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

(without goddess, maybe need 6 heroine all done part 1, then can do 2-4, 2-4 without order) :

ライラ1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, lower right house
  2. item shop talk to manager
  3. back to lower right house
  4. item shop again
  5. lower right house talk to girl

ナディア1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東, item shop talk to man (2nd choice)
  2. 炎の王国 山奥の家, near house has fight
  3. inside house talk to former butler
  4. item shop report

ルーシー1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 聖都市 セントレア, orphanage outside talk to boy
  2. inside orphanage then move out town to ホレプ山, entrance talk to lost memory merchant (if not there maybe need wait after clear)
  3. hill has hypnosis monster for ルーシー H
  4. vs thief help priest
  5. deep can move to 殉教者の塔
  6. left house talk to priest
  7. upper church talk to pontiff
  8. left house talk to priest

リディ1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア西, in town help man who around by soldier
  2. ラスカリア東, pub middle talk to mercenary
  3. rest in inn, then church outside talk to man has fight
  4. move out can go resistance hideout

コゼット1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 見捨てられた町 ファブラ ブラックドッグ, to upper pub
  2. lower to house, 2nd choice has fight 20600
  3. move to town entrance has event

エマ1 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 失われた王国 プロダムント, ruins outside talk to researcher
  2. ベースキャンプ big tent talk to Tomas
  3. 赤い海 west to 失れれた王宮, vs boss

6 heroine quest 2 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide


  1. 聖都市 セントレア住宅街, lower right talk to girl who between 2 house
  2. inside house talk to her (2nd choice) has fight
  3. tomorrow talk to her again can get reward


  1. 水の都 ベネーティア, upper talk to aged
  2. to witch house
  3. hidden road to mansion, upper room talk to new thane


  1. 聖都市 セントレア, orphanage talk to director
  2. lower left house talk to aged
  3. 聖都市 セントレア住宅街 middle talk to 3guy
  4. 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, lower right auction building, inside see auction
  5. move out has fight
  6. pub upper right talk to man


  1. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, upper right event
  2. start town, hero home event
  3. to フェイス山 (same area)

2F has hypnosis monster for リディH, girl monster for goddess clothes and bunny clothes for リディ

  1. deep has fight
  2. 炎の王国 ラスカリア西, to resistance hideout


  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア西, upper government office talk to counter
  2. town left talk to コゼット
  3. sleep in inn
  4. 炎の王国 ダハブ, west to graveyard, to upper grave has fight, defeat boss in upper right


  1. 失われた王国 ベースキャンプ talk to 4 mercenary
  2. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, to orphanage (building has big bell)
  3. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, temple deep vs boss
  4. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, to orphanage
  5. 失われた王国 オアシス talk to item shop merchant
  6. 赤い海 upper vs snake boss
  7. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, orphanage click director (2nd choice) can teleport to her spiritual world
  8. deep vs boss, 2 fight
  9. talk to director can get item
  10. upper left house, give item from director to merchant and give 媚薬 to him
  11. 失われた王国 ベースキャンプ big tent talk to Tomas

Lost memory merchant and item shop :

  1. フェイス山 deep can find merchant and has fight
  2. workshop can build item shop (道具屋) in east side

6 heroine quest 3 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide


  1. 見捨てられた町 ファブラ, pub talk to master
  2. upper right house talk to girl
  3. pub talk to master can sleep


  1. 青い森の集落 研究所
  2. better open all jail, bunny jail can get bunny clothes for コゼット, dog is hypnosis monster
  3. deep vs boss


  1. 聖都市 セントレア, lower left house
  2. move to orphanage
  3. go to lower left house


  1. 聖都市 セントレア, orphanage outside can find minstrel
  2. 1st town entrance talk to minstrel
  3. enter any door
  4. follow girl to armor shop, left of armor shop, weapon shop, inn, right of armor shop, pub, item shop
  5. talk to girl, then back to real world has fight


  1. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, upper right mayor house talk to mayor
  2. mayor house outside talk to girl in lower left
  3. to girl’s home
  4. town west to tomb
  5. to mayor house entrance then go tomb area again
  6. mayor house talk to mayor then 2F talk to him again


  1. 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, lower house talk to トマス (this CG upper right house 20600 )
  2. 失われた王国 プロダムント, upper left talk to researcher
  3. lower small tent talk to エマ
  4. upper left hosue talk to ステラ

6 heroine quest 4 – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide


  1. 見捨てられた町 クラトスのアジト, upper right box is hypnosis monster
  2. deep 2nd choice to boss room, then 1 choice for H and badend, 2nd choice vs boss
  3. pub talk to master then go upper right house
  4. talk to pub master again
  5. talk to pub master has fight (better change magic party)
  6. pub can get new weapon and all ライラ hscene on
  7. 見捨てられた町 忘却の丘, deep click big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill


  1. 水の都 ベネーティア, mansion talk to new thane
  2. witch home talk to ナディア
  3. upper right jail is hypnosis monster for ナディアH
  4. deep vs boss (GoR)
  5. witch home talk to ナディア
  6. mansion talk to former butler and girl
  7. 炎の王国 山奥の家 has ライラH
  8. 青い森の集落 研究所, deep event
  9. mansion talk to girl has fight
  10. witch house
  11. get weapon and all ナディア hscene on
  12. 水の洞窟 click big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill
  13. start town talk to alchemist can get book
  14. 水の都 ベネーティア, alchemist old home has H


  1. 聖都市 殉教者の塔, left house talk to sister has fight
  2. upper church has fight
  3. up to tower, 5F has choice, if 2nd choice for H badend, 1st choice down to 3F talk to boy
  4. 5F vs boss, 2 fight
  5. in orphanage, move to entrance has H
  6. move out orphanage and enter again, talk to director
  7. 聖都市 殉教者の塔, church talk to priest then go left house
  8. 聖都市 セントレア lower left house
  9. orphanage underground has fight
  10. lower left house can get weapon and all ルーシー hscene on
  11. 背徳者の墓場 click big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill


  1. 炎の王国 ラスカリア西, resistance hideout
  2. church outside talk to リディ
  3. west to castle, 3 floor vs 3 guard
  4. 4F vs boss, after boss 1st choice has H badend, if dont want go up castle again 2nd choice
  5. castle, king room talk to 2 girl
  6. upper right flower shop has H
  7. 聖都市 セントレア, inn click picture to mirror wall
  8. follow woman to item shop, weapon shop, pub then talk to her
  9. castle to king room can get weapon and all リディ hscene on
  10. 決闘者の砦 big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill
  11. リディ home talk to her, if get 媚薬 has H
  12. 炎の王国 ラスカリア西, left talk to man then resistance hideout has H (need 生毛の薬)


  1. 青い森の集落 試練の洞窟, deep vs boss, if defeat rigth monster has H badend
  2. to mayor house then go lower left house
  3. talk to リディ has H
  4. talk to mayor
  5. 炎の王国 ラスカリア東 right house talk to man 20612
  6. weapon shop talk to woman
  7. to right house again
  8. move out then move to house again, talk to woman 2 times has fight, after fight can get weapon
  9. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア, report to mayor
  10. west to tomb talk to コゼット can all her hscene on
  11. temple big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill
  12. arena talk to aged who near dog, talk to him again can get monster book reward now
  13. 青い森の集落 ロタ・モア 忘れられた森, house has boss
  14. inside house again talk to コゼット, if get 媚薬 has H


  1. 失われた王国 失れれた王宮, 2nd choice for badend H, 1st choice vs boss
  2. talk to Tomas
  3. go near tent has H
  4. 失われた王国 ベースキャンプ talk to Tomas
  5. 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街, upper to flower shop
  6. move to town entrance event
  7. talk to flower shop manager can get weapon
  8. ベースキャンプ talk to Tomas can all エマ hscene on
  9. ruins big door has boss (GoR), win can get skill

2 bunny clothes and true ending – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

2 bunny clothes – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  • 見捨てられた町 ブラックドッグ, upper right house talk to man, then go to 水の都 ベネーティア貧民街 can get bunny clothes for ライラ
  • get 7 book from writer can get bunny clothes for ナディア, then in casino talk to man who near entrance has H

True ending – 7GirlsWar Fallen High-Born Girls RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 1st town to church but goddess not there
  2. writer > arena > item shop > armor sthop > weapon sthop > hunter guild > casino > trading post > inn > house of alchemist
  3. goddess home has H, afer H all her hscene on
  4. north to jail area has boss (GoR), win can get skill
  5. 1st town church talk to goddess, 2nd choice
  6. to magic circle, 3rd choice for enter dungeon (cant move back)
  7. deep vs boss (GoR same as normal ending)
  8. need hero in group, upper talk to ロレント, 2nd choice vs final boss

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