My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide, which guides you through all the choices and routes to unlock all the scenes in the game.

Gameplay – My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

You play the game as John Graham, a scoundrel, recently deceased. As he is being processed on his way to Hell, a demon takes note of his talent for corruption and manipulation and gives him a new role in the afterlife. As a guide in spirit, John can influence the life of his earthly ward.

Managing Time

MLA versions starting with 0.7.3 feature a time mechanic driving gameplay. It is in the top-left corner of the screen at all times, except during special scenes.

To change time flow speed, simply click the icons. There are three speeds.

To pause, right-click on the clock.

You can also fast-forward in 2-hour increments by reading the magazine you find inside the desk in your Office.

Daily Schedule

07:00-08:00 — Anabel is getting dressed for the Academy

08:00-09:00 — Anabel is travelling to the Academy

09:00-15:00 — Anabel is studying at the Academy

15:00-23:00 — Spare time. At each hour Anabel may change what she’s doing. Depending on the Study stat, Anabel may be doing her homework, walk at a park, or be at the cinema, etc.

23:00-07:00 — Sleeping

Lecture Schedule

09:00-10:15 — Calculus

10:15-11:00 – Break (students in corridor)

11:00-12:15 — Philosophy

12:15-13:00 — Break (students in corridor)

13:00-14:15 — History

14:15-15:00 — After lectures (students in corridor)

Angel Skills

In this version to receive new skills you’ll have to Sort Souls and level up.

0th level — Read Mind and Whisper to Anabel

1st level — Read Mind and Whisper to Others (other characters)

5th level — Watch Dreams when Anabel is sleeping

Demonic — Arouse characters (including Anabel)

Sorting Souls

This is a mini-game that restores your angel disguise and allows you to level up and eventually learn new angel skills. You need to sort souls that should go to Heaven or Hell.

Note on the disguise: Starting with version 0.8.9, a complete loss of the disguise leads to GAME OVER.

When you visit your office after the start of the next day, you’ll see a stack of papers on the left side of your desk. The first time this happens, John Graham will notice and say a few things about paperwork.

Click on the papers to start the sorting mini-game.

There will be an instruction on who to look for. Note that the types of people that go to Hell expands occasionally. The instruction will include a picture of the new type of people that need to be sent to Hell.

For each person, only look at the picture. If they have a bloody knife (murderer), red skin and horns (demon), a parrot (pirate), upside down cross on their forehead (Satanist), or a gun (thug), send them to Hell. Everyone else goes to Heaven, regardless of how disturbing they look. A nasty sound will let you know if you make a wrong choice.

After you’re done Sorting Souls, you’ll be given a Results card. It shows the number Correct and your current Level. Sort regularly to go up to higher levels where you can learn new angel skills.

You will also be presented a report on Anabel. There are a few passages that you’ll have to correct to hide your activities. Change the entries by clicking on them. Then wait for your signature to appear and click anywhere to submit the report.


Anabel has two stats and game events are triggered based on the stats.

Study (textbooks)

This is an indicator of how diligent she is about studying. When Study is high, she will spend her spare time in the Library or at Home doing homework. When it is low, she will spend more time on her laptop, reading magazines or at the cinema.

Depravity (strawberries)

This is an indication of how much Anabel has been corrupted towards being a depraved whore. The higher the stat, the more sexually active she is and the more likely she is to engage in sexual acts in public places.

Gameplay Tips

  1. Go back to the Map to wait for events
  2. Click on the bubble or exclamation mark rather than the location when there’s an event
  3. When entering a scene, wait a moment. Automated scenes take a little while to play
  4. Don’t use old saves from previous releases of MLA

Walkthrough – My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide


During the introduction, you meet John Graham. You also see him doing what he does best, which is to coerce the busty women he’s hired into servicing him sexually.

To advance, you need to get Emmy to service you.

Choose: “Call Emmy”

Choose: “Call Emmy”

Choose: “Harassment”

Choose: “Blowjob”

Choose: “Harassment”

Choose: “Blowjob”

Choose: “Harassment”

Choose: “You are bad employee”

You will die during from behind. You’ll be sent to Hell and will later have to get into room 666.

Action: Click on the elevator buttons. Choose floor -7.

Action: Click on door 666.

You’ll find out you need a password. Enter the second door to the right. Then enter the first door on the right. You’ll end up back in the hall.

Action: Click on door 666.

Choose: “GET LOST”!

Inside the room is a demoness behind a desk.

Action: Click on the chair.

Choose: “Squeeze the left boob”

Choose: “Sorry, I’m not into role playing”

When you are ready, you’ll be dismissed by the demoness.

Action: Click on the door.

Action: Click on the elevator buttons. Choose floor 1.

Action: Click on the chair.

You will then meet the Chief Guardian Angel, who will explain your job, and eventually leave you in Your Office, ready to start the main game.

Click on the door.

Choose: “Exit”

Day 1

You first see Anabel in her Home, dressing, then she goes to meet her friend Murano and they head off to school.

At school, Anabel and Murano finally find the right classroom. After the Teacher (Mason) introduces himself, the Chief Angel shows up and teaches you how to Whisper to Anabel. When told to whisper something to her, you can choose any option.

Choose: any option

Interface Overview / Journal

After the Chief Angel leaves, click on the door in the top-right corner to go to Your Office, then click on the door in your office to get to the Map. Click on the blinking Question mark. Technical Support will then introduce you to the interface.

Take note of the time controls. It is a good idea to pause the game when you’re interacting with people so that you don’t miss specific event trigger times because time passed while you were in dialog with someone.

Additionally, use the magazine in Your Office to advance time in leaps of two-hour increments. This is particularly useful to bypass the time after Anabel goes to sleep (23:00) and when she gets up (07:00). A single 8-hour leap is perfect.

When Technical Support’s tour of the interface is done, the Journal will flash. The Demoness will update it with new instructions.

You start with one Main tasks:

  • Anabel must become depraved whore

The initial Tasks are:

  • Raise Anabel’s depravity level to 5
  • Get Anabel excited before the lectures

The tasks generally need to be completed in order, but occasionally a new task will appear that needs to be completed before you can complete an older task. Tasks are completed by using your influence on people.

Task (Raise Anabel’s depravity level to 5)

To complete this task, you’ll need to earn five strawberries (depravity points). This is done by talking with Anabel in various situations.

While it is possible to get five strawberries in Day 1, I recommend you get three or four on Day 1, then wait until Day 2 after you’ve visited the school to be named class Monitor (see below). Wait until after school on Day 2 for the fifth strawberry event (e.g. pool, park or home).

Strawberry events:

Between classes on Day 1, talk with Murano. The conversation will proceed automatically until John Graham is given a chance to influence.

Choose: “Maybe she’s right?” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

Later, in Class, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “I need to find a boyfriend here”

Choose: “You don’t lose anything, right?” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

After school, Anabel will first go to the Library. Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “It must be a great place for sex” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

Reminder: It’s possible to get 5 strawberries on Day 1, but I recommend waiting until Day 2 after school to get the last one.

When she goes to the Pool, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “I love being watched” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

When she goes to the Park, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “Why are you walking alone?”

Choose: “You can find someone else” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

Note: Once you’ve added 5 strawberries, you’ll have completed the task Raise Anabel’s depravity level to 5. Skip to Find a way to restore the disguise below as there’s something else that you’ll need to do immediately.

When she first goes Home, there’s an automatic dialog.

Choose: “You don’t want tto be worse than her, do you?” ||

You’ll lose two study points.

She has multiple positions at Home.

If she’s lying down studying Calculus, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “You will remember better if you are rested”

It will have no effect

If she’s lying down with a Magazine, she’s not studying. Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “It’s time to do homework!”

She’ll blow you off.

If she’s sitting at her Laptop, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “And what does PornHub show us today?”

Choose: “Maybe it’s time to try?” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

If you Whisper and choose PornHub again, she’ll masturbate.

If she’s sitting at her laptop, Whisper to Anabel:

Choose: “It’s time to do homework!”

She’ll struggle with it and you’ll get choices.

Choose: “Studying is not your thing.”

She’ll ignore you but you’ll get a note that “Anabel didn’t take it seriously.”

If she’s doing Yoga, there’s nothing you can do with her yet.

If she goes to the cinema, there’s nothing you can do there today.

After 23:00, you can return to your office to advance time by reading the magazine.

A note about days: The specific days listed in this walkthrough are not important. Events will wait until you click on them. The key thing to pay attention to is when you must wait until the following day for an event to occur.

Day 2

Between 07:00-08:00 Anabel is dressing. If you encourage her to wear something more revealing, she’ll refuse, but she’ll get a strawberry. <3

Between 08:00-09:00, Anabel will be riding the Bus to the Academy. There are strawberry events available here.

If she has less than five strawberries, Whisper the following to Anabel:

Choice: “This guy standing right behind me”

Choice: “It makes me horny every time!” <3

You’ll gain one strawberry.

Make sure you visit the Academy during the day. There will be a scene where Anabel will be elected Monitor for their class. This is a necessary scene to advance.

After that, continue to visit Anabel at each location to earn strawberries until you get to five.

Once you get five strawberries, new events will be triggered, because you’ll have completed the task to Raise Anabel’s depravity level to 5. Again, it is possible to get five strawberries in Day 1, but I recommend you wait until Day 2 after you’ve visited the school to be named class Monitor (see below).

Something will happen to your hand. It will start to have veins and look older. John Graham himself will have pointy ears and his halo will be dim (not glowing) and have cracks.

You’ll get new Journal entries:

  • Main tasks: Not be caught
  • Tasks: Find a way to restore the disguise

Task (Find a way to restore the disguise)

You can complete this task by Sorting Souls, which are now available in your office.

After you successfully Sort Souls, the Journal will be updated. It will show that you have completed Find a way to restore the disguise and a new instruction for you to visit the Chief Angel:

  • Tasks: Go to my office

Click on the door choose To Angel Office.

She’ll give you a special task to learn a new skill (Read Mind and Whisper to Others). The task is to make a fat slob Son of God, Ted, exercise. When talking Ted, tell him:

Choice: “Is this how you want the fans to see you?”

He will start to exercise.

This will end day 2.

Day 3

On any day your disguise fails, Sort Souls after midnight to restore the disguise.

Once you have five strawberries, the event on the Bus changes.

Task (Get Anabel excited before the lectures)

Make sure you have gained the Whisper to Others skill so you can Whisper to the man on the Bus:

Choice: “It’s so crowded, she won’t even notice if I come close”

Choice: “Even if so, then what? I’ll still have my grab”

Choice: “It’s so crowded, maybe it’s just an accident” <3 <3

Choice: “If she notices, I’ll say it was an accident”

Choice: “What’s the difference if no one can see you?” <3 <3

This sequence will gain five strawberries and complete the task to Get Anabel excited before the lectures. You should now have at least 10 strawberries.

The Journal will be updated with a new entry:

  • Tasks: Anabel must find new friends

Visit Anabel at the Academy. Note: if this is only the second time you’ve visited her at school, there will be an automatic scene where Anabel is elected Monitor for their class.

After sex choices

When seated in class, Anabel will review what happened in the Bus. She’ll do this after most of the sex scenes. You’ll be given a chance to influence how she feels about it. The response you choose will affect the endings to the game you get.

There are two main endings: The Demonic and True endings. Each set of choices will give you a point toward one ending or the other. You need a minimum of 5 points to activate an ending.

The two choices will be similar to these:

Choice: “There is nothing wrong with liking getting felt up Demonic +1” (red is the Demonic option)

Choice: “You acted like a whore trueTure +1” (blue is the True option)

Following sex events, the choices will indicate in parentheses () how many points you have towards each ending.

After Anabel has been elected monitor, you should talk to her classmates. Specifically, you should Whisper to Jake or Bobby during class to see what they think of Anabel:

Choice: “I should go hit on this Anabel”

This will update the Journal comment with extra details: “Guys from her group do not consider her a sexual object. I need to help them see her as a woman.”

Note: at some point after this when you visit the school, there will be a scene with the Principal. This is just a nod to the classic Witch Trainer by Akabur.

You can do whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Day 4

This morning, you’ll be able to select a different outfit. You’ll want the cleavage option:

Choice: “Upper”

Choice: “Deep neckline”

Choice: “You’ll get proper attention with it”

Choice: “Lower”

Choice: “Medium skirt”

Choice: “Finish”

Anabel will head off to school with her tits out.

Visit Anabel at school There will be an automatic conversation with Murano, who has noticed Anabel’s chest-revealing new look. <3 <3

You will gain two more strawberries for Anabel.

After the automatic neckline conversation ends, talk with Anabel. Whisper to her:

Choice: “The boys sure like it”

During class, Whisper with Jake or Bobby.

Choice: “I should go hit on this Anabel”

They will complain that she’s always with her friend. She’s getting in the way.

You’ll get a new task in the Journal:

  • Tasks: Anabel has to quarrel with Murano

In class, talk with Anabel again. Whisper to her:

Choice: “Say hi to the guys and watch their reaction”

Task (Anabel has to quarrel with Murano)

Talk with Murano during the lecture. Read her Mind. You’ll get an earful.

Talk with Murano in between classes. Read her Mind. Whisper to her about Anabel:

Choice: “It is because of her that no one flirts with me”

Time will then jump to the start of the next class.

Go to the Map and wait for School to end. There will be an event in the Library. Murano will make an excuse to leave.

This will update the Journal comment with extra details: “Great, her friend doesn’t want to talk to her any more. Now I should consolidate the results to make Anabel forgets about her too.”

Talk with Anabel after Murano leaves. Read her Mind.

Next day, Murano will avoid Anabel at school.

Go to your Office. Sort Souls and let time elapse to the next day.

Day 5

During a lecture, talk with Jake or Bobby. Whisper:

Choice: “I should go hit on this Anabel”

Time will advance to the end of class and there will be a scene where Anabel is looking for Murano. She doesn’t find Murano, but Jake and Bobby start chatting with her while Murano is in the restroom.

We see Murano in the background. She’s unhappy.

Talk with Murano. Whisper to her:

Choice: “You were her ugly friend”

Murano will get mad and leave the hallway. Note that the Journal may blink needlessly.

Let school end, then visit Anabel in the Library. Read her Mind:

Choice: “You have never been friends”

This completes the task Anabel has to quarrel with Murano. The Journal is updated.

If she doesn’t go to the Library, talk to Anabel when she’s at home (studying or on her laptop). There will be some automatic dialog and John Graham can respond:

Choice: “You had never been friends”

If you click on the current Journal task, it will tell you “She’s not interested in her classmates. I have to do something about it.” You’re stuck at this point until you complete another task and learn a new skill.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 74, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Let time roll forward until Day 6.

Day 6

When you visit Anabel at school, there will be a scene where Anabel is wondering where Murano is.

In between classes, Murano will not be there, and Anabel will be shown getting chatted up by Jake and Bobby. Whisper with Anabel:

Choice: “Maybe they’ll invite me somewhere?” or “I can’t believe I might finally date somebody”

She’ll won’t do anything with them because they’re not good students.

The Journal will be updated:

  • Tasks: Anabel must stop being a nerd
  • Tasks: Anabel must find new friends

Game Routes – My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

This is the point where you can choose which of the two routes for Anabel. There is a Bad Girl route, which is what John Graham will guide you through and is the main route, and there is a Good Girl route, which you follow without guidance.

This walkthrough continues with the Bad Girl route. The Good Girl route is described at the end of this walkthrough.

If you want to play both routes, create a save game now so you can come back to it. It will save you the time of going through the introduction again.

Bad Girl (Main Route) – My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

The Bad Girl / Main Route continues Anabel’s corruption. John Graham will continue to suggest lewd thoughts, lowering her study and raising depravity.

Remember the Gameplay Tips:

  1. Go back to the Map to wait for events
  2. Click on the bubble or exclamation mark rather than the location when there’s an event
  3. When entering a scene, wait a moment. Automated scenes take a little while to play
  4. Don’t use old saves from previous releases of MLA

Your next task is to lower her study level. When you Whisper with Anabel, there will be a new choice “Lower study.” However, nothing you will do will work. You will need to learn a new Skill before you can affect Anabel.

You need to try to Lower Studying at least 3 times before you can learn the skill.

Try to lower study at Library, Home and School. Library and Home have multiple options you can try.

Visit the Map after each attempt and let a little time pass. Eventually, when you go to the Map, the Demoness will appear and teach you a new trick “Arouse.”

You should be able to get the Demoness to appear on Day 6 if you visit Anabel multiple times at the Library and when she’s studying at Home. Remember to visit the Map each time after you Whisper to Anabel.

Learn to Arouse

Learning to Arouse involves getting two random characters to have sex.

The first step is to get rid of the cat. Click on it.

Choose: “Arouse”

The cat will leave and a lovely lady will take its place.

Talk to the lady.

Choose: “Arouse”

Choose: “Maybe this man can help?”

Then talk to the man.

Choose: “Arouse”

Choose: “Maybe she needs a lawyer?”

The scene will change to her giving him head in exchange for him to be her lawyer.

This will end Day 6. The Journal text for Anabel must stop being a nerd will be updated with “I got new abilities. I should try doing something with them.”

Day 7

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 74, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Task (Anabel most stop being a nerd)

You’ll need to lower her study by interrupting her. Find her at the Library after school.

Choice: “Arouse”

She’ll move to the Park instead.

In the Park, there is a couple in the background. Talk to them:

Choice: “Arouse”

They’ll move behind a tree.

Anabel will notice their extracurricular activities. Whisper to her:

Choice: “And I don’t have anybody…”

A note will appear that “Anabel will remember it”

Choice: “Arouse”

It will also interrupt her reading. She’ll move to the Cinema.

In the Cinema, there’s a couple in the row in front of Anabel. Talk to them:

Choice: “Arouse”

Then Whisper:

Choice: “Let’s get this over with”

She will start to blow him.

Talk to Anabel. She won’t have noticed them yet. Whisper:

Choice: “Look at that row in front!”

Choice: “I bet it feels great” or “I wish I could experience it too…” or “And I don’t have anybody…” Anabel will leave the Cinema and have a masturbation scene at Home.

After the masturbation event, she will be studying at her desk. Talk to her again. She won’t be able to concentrate again and will start surfing instead.

The Journal will be updated to indicate that you have completed Anabel must stop being be a nerd. Additionally, the text for Anabel must find new friends is updated. It now says “She’s not interested in her classmates. I have to do something about it. I should try using my new abilities.”

Return to your office.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Day 8

Visit Anabel at school. In between classes, Murano will not be there, and Anabel will be shown getting chatted up by Jake and Bobby:

Choice: “Arouse”

Then Whisper:

Choice: “Maybe they’ll invite me somewhere”

She will not object today.

Task (Anabel must find new friends)

Talk with Jake. Whisper that he should make a move:

Choice: “Why aren’t you doing anything?” or “You don’t do it, he will”

Jake will ask Anabel to go out after school.

Let time progress until after 3pm. Check the Map, there will be an event in the Park.

In the Park, talk to Jake. Whisper that he should make a move:

Choice: “If you do not start, she will think that you are a dope”

He’ll put his hand on Anabel’s breast.

Choice: “You are not acting like a whore” or “But you are enjoying it, aren’t you?” or “You do not want to leave”

Regardless of choice, Anabel will suggest they go somewhere else.

They’ll move to the Cinema. Whisper with Jake:

Choice: “She’ll think you are slow”

Jake will put his arm around Anabel and she’ll get all hot and bothered. The scene will fade to the Mall and Anabel will ask Jake to walk her home.

There is a scene in Anabel’s house. It lasts all night. You should visit her a couple of times.

If you go back to the Map, the Journal will be updated, you have completed Anabel must find new friends.

Go to your office. Sort souls to restore your disguise.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 27.

Day 9

The next task will show up in the Journal by morning.

  • Tasks: Let her have public sex

Task (Let her have public sex)

You can do the tasks in any order, but the dialogue makes more sense in this order: Park or Cinema then School.

After school they’ll be at the Park together. Talk with Anabel:

Choice: “Arouse”

Then Whisper:

Choice: “Time to have fun!”

Anabel will blow Jake. The scene will then switch to her Home.

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

The Journal will be updated now that part of Public sex is complete.

  • Tasks: Let her have public sex:
    • Park (Done)
    • Cinema
    • School

Let time elapse until the next day.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 37.

Day 10

Visit with Anabel between classes. It will be just her and Jake, perfect for a little tryst. Talk with Jake:

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “Talk her into it now”

He’ll ask Anabel to service him. You’ll need to convince her:

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “It’ll be fun”

Choice: “You enjoyed it, remember?”

She’ll give him a handjob in the hallway.

The scene will switch into the classroom.

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

The Journal will be updated now that another part of Public sex is complete.

  • Tasks: Let her have public sex:
    • Park
    • Cinema
    • School (Done)

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 43.

After 18:00, Anabel and Jake will be at the Cinema. Jake won’t do anything, but if you talk to Anabel, something happens:

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “Do you remember that pair?”

Anabel will blow Jake in the Cinema.

The scene will change to Anabel studying at Home. She’ll review the scene:

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

Journal will be updated to show that part of Public sex is complete.

  • Tasks: Let her have public sex:
    • Park
    • Cinema (Done)
    • School

When you’ve done all three locations, the Journal will be updated to show that you have completed all of Let her have public sex.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 48.

Let time roll forward to Day 11.

Day 11

You get a new Journal task with a new day.

  • Tasks: Anabel should have a threesome

If you click on the entry, you get the following comment: “Hmm, it might be a great way to level up her lewdness. It’s just that I need to find a way to talk her into it.”

Task (Anabel should have a threesome)

Visit Anabel between classes. She’ll complain about how stupid Jake is. Whisper to her:

Choice: “Should I try something new?”

Choice: “You are not a boyfriend and a girlfriend” <3 <3

Anabel will gain two strawberries.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 50.

Wait for school to end, then visit the Map. There will be an event at Anabel’s Home. A scene will start with Anabel surfing threesome porn on her laptop.

Choice: “You can indeed do it”

Choice: “You do not lose anything”

Anabel will admit she wants to try and the scene will end.

An automatic event at Anabel’s Home will start at 21:00. Enjoy the event, and then when it’s done:

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

Anabel will agree with both choices.

The Journal will be updated to indicate that Anabel should have a threesome is complete. (Due to a bug, it disappears rather than being moved to the completed task list.)

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 55.

Let time roll forward until Day 12.

Day 12

Today you have a new option for dress.

Choice: “Lower”

Choice: “To go commando”

Choice: “Why not?” or “What can I lose?” or “It will be fun”

She’ll do it for any of them.

Visit Anabel in class. There is a scene there. She’s sitting up with the boys and they get her to double-fist them. The Lecturer notices what they’re up to:

Choice: “Stop that”

In the hallway after, Anabel is enjoying the feeling.

Choice: “It was cool!”

The Journal will be updated once you go to the Map or your Office. (Due to a bug, there is no updated text.)

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 58.

Let time roll forward until 21:00. There will be another event at Anabel’s Home. Make sure you click on the closeup to see the animation (and get the strawberries).

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 63.

Let time roll forward until Day 13.

Day 13

Visit Anabel during class time. There’s a few people missing from the benches. Ask the Lecturer where they have gone.

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

When the scene is done, Anabel will have 5 more strawberries.

In the evening, visit Anabel at Home. Whisper:

Choice: “It’s time I find somebody else”

When the conversation is done, the Journal will be updated with a new task:

  • Tasks: Anabel must have sex with a stranger

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 68.

Sort Souls if you haven’t done so recently. You should be called to the Angel Office. This task is not necessary to complete the game, but it is a pretty funny scene.

Let time roll forward until Day 14.

Day 14

Today’s task is sex with strangers. The Journal will have updated with more details.

  • Tasks: Let her have sex with a stranger:
    • Library
    • School
    • Pool

Task (Let her have sex with a stranger)

During first break at school, Anabel is hanging out at the end of the hallway. Whisper with her:

Choice: “Should I try to talk to those who?”

She’ll refuse, saying she shouldn’t have to do all the work.

Talk to the boys.

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “Suck it up and go talk to her”

He’ll do nothing, yet.

Visit Anabel at school during lunchtime 12:15-13:00. Find her in the men’s bathroom. The scene will fade to the classroom where Anabel reviews her latest escapade.

Choice: “Who cares? Demonic +1” or “And it’s fun! Ture +1” or “There is nothing bad about it Ture +1” <3 <3 <3

Anabel will get three more strawberries.

The Journal will be updated because she’s now had sex with a stranger at School.

  • Tasks: Let her have sex with a stranger:
    • Library
    • School (Done)
    • Pool

Immediately after school, if she’s not at the Library or Pool, you may have to arrange to have her go where you need. If you’re quick (send her to Library or Pool between 15:00-16:00, you can get both tasks done in one evening.

Whisper to her:

Choice: “Should I go somewhere?”

Choice: “Stop and relax! Go to the Library!”

At the Library, Anabel is struggling with the material. Whisper:

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “Should I have some fun maybe?”

She’ll bang the guy by the bookshelf. Afterward, the scene will shift to her Home.

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

The Journal will be updated because she’s now had sex with a stranger at the Library.

  • Tasks: Let her have sex with a stranger:
    • Library (Done)
    • School
    • Pool

Now we have to visit the water. Whisper to Anabel while she’s at her desk at Home:

Choice: “Should I go somewhere?”

Choice: “Should I go to the pool?”

At the Pool, there’s a lifeguard she’s interested in. Work with her to seduce him:

Choice: “Arouse”

Choice: “The lifeguard is hot”

Choice: “How about having some fun?”

Choice: “You want to meet new people”

Choice: “He wants you” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Anabel will attempt to seduce the lifeguard.

Choice: “Are you an idiot?” or “What difference does it make? Take a look at what she says she needs there” or “Nice rack”

They’ll have sex in the water. Afterward the scene will shift back to her Home.

Choice: “You little slut! Ture +1” or “It was cool! Demonic +1”

Anabel will have earned five more strawberries.

The Journal will be updated because she’s now had sex with a stranger at the Pool.

  • Tasks: Let her have sex with a stranger:
    • Library
    • School
    • Pool (Done)

When you’ve done all three, the Journal will be updated because she’s completed She must have sex with a stranger.

Anabel doesn’t take long to move on. Go to the Map and let time advance to 21:00 where there’s an event at Anabel’s Home. It’s a teaser for what she’ll do next, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

The Journal will be updated with a new task:

  • Tasks: Anabel must commit theft

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Let time roll forward until Day 15.

Day 15

Today you can skip forward until after school. Watch the map for an event at the Mall.

Task (Anabel must commit theft)

Anabel will be looking for clothes.

Choice: “Cheap store”

Choice: “A lot of clothes, one employee, and no cameras”

Choice: “You don’t want them to think you’re a loser, do you?”

Anabel will steal the clothes.

Let time advance on the Map until 21:00 where an event will happen at the Night Club. There’s no options here, it plays itself. Click on the WC door when they disappear.

Anabel finally comes Home and crawls into bed just before 05:00.

The Journal will be updated to indicate that Anabel must complete theft has been completed.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 16

Anabel sleeps in and misses first class. She finally heads to class for 11:00.

She falls asleep in Philosophy.

You’ll also notice that Murano is missing. You should go look for her.

That night she heads back to the Night Club. There’s another scene of her getting down with a guy, then you can talk to her at the bar.

Choice: “Time to find a boyfriend for the evening!”

Every time you go back to Map and re-enter nightclub, she’s doing something different. When she’s talking to the guy with the mohawk, choose:

Choice: “Arouse” or “Sure!”

They’ll disappear into the bathroom.

If she’s on the dance floor, you can visit and a guy will grope her.

Let time roll forward again until Anabel goes Home, this time around 03:00.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 59, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 17

Let the day pass so that Anabel can go back to the Night Club for the third night in a row.

She’ll go to bed at 03:00 again. Let time advance until Anabel goes to School.

Day 18

This day there is an event when she goes to School. The Lecturer announces the Exam.

The Journal is updated.

  • Tasks: She must fail the exam

The extra text says “She want to study the whole week. I should not let her.”

Remember the Gameplay Tips:

  1. Go back to the Map to wait for events
  2. Click on the bubble or exclamation mark rather than the location when there’s an event
  3. When entering a scene, wait a moment. Automated scenes take a little while to play
  4. Don’t use old saves from previous releases of MLA

Task (She must fail the exam)

For the next 7 days, every single time she tries to study, you need to interrupt her. You’ll have to watch the Map continuously. You’ll have to interrupt her multiple times a day.

When she’s at the Library, Park or at Home studying, visit her. At the Park, something happens automatically to assist you. At the Library or Home though, you’ll have to discourage her:

Choice: “Talk her off studying”

Choice: “Is there anything new on YouTube?”

Choice: “There are might by similar lectures there, right?!”

At the end of the day, visit your office and check her stats.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 50, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 19 – 23

Interrupt Anabel again and again.

The Journal will count down the days. Anabel’s Study stat should not increase any day.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 50, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 24

This is the final study day before the exam. Keep watching the Map after school and interrupt Anabel if she starts to study.

At 18:00, there will be an event at her Home. Anabel will get a phone call from a guy she met at the Night Club. He’ll invite her to a Party.

Choice: “It’ll also soothe your nerves”

Anabel will get into her outfit and get ready to leave for the Night Club.

Choice: “Yes!”

(If you make the other choice, she won’t go to the party and will pass the exam.)

At the Night Club, she’ll meet the guy. They’ll have a conversation, then move to the Party, where the guy and his friends pull a train on Anabel.

The scene continues indefinitely until you return to the Map or to your Office.

Just before midnight, the event changes slightly, and you need to click on the ! to go back to the Party. It will show a drunken Anabel passed out naked on the bed. She will eventually go Home at 03:00.

If you go back to your office, her stats should be changed, her Study will be way down.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 25

Exam day. She’ll get up regular time and head to School. At 09:00 there is an event at the School.

Anabel is regretting the Party. The scene then switches to Anabel taking the exam. She doesn’t do well and needs to make alternate arrangements.

Choice: “You know the solution to the problem” or “You’ll be expelled unless you try”

Choice: “Should I take advantage of my position?”

Anabel will Fk Mason. He won’t expel her, but she will lose her scholarship.

A note about the exam: If she passes the exam with a C, it is because you didn’t interrupt her somewhere and she completed a study session. She loses her grant regardless.

The Journal will be updated to show that you have finished She must fail the exam.

After school, there will be an event at Anabel’s Home at 16:00. Click on the ! to watch Anabel have a telephone conversation with her mother. At the call ends, Anabel declares that she needs to find a job.

The Journal will be updated to show a new Task:

  • Tasks: Anabel must find a job

Afterward, return to your office and let time roll forward to the next day.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 26

Let time pass while she’s in school, nothing important happens.

Task (Anabel must find a job)

Watch the Map after class. There will be an event at a new location, the Bar. Turns out you don’t need to do anything for Anabel to find a job, she does it on her own.

After the opening scene, the Journal will have a new entry:

  • Tasks: Anabel must find a job more suitable for a whore

Task (Anabel must find a job more suitable for a whore)

This task is short-lived, and is replaced by another task immediately after the opening sequence at the Bar.

  • Tasks: Get Anabel fired from her job

Talk to the dark-haired woman at the bar. She doesn’t like the attention Anabel is getting from the patrons.

Anabel will work at the bar until 21:00, then head Home.

Let time roll forward until the following day.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 27

The Journal will be updated in the morning with a new Task:

  • Tasks: Time for Anabel to learn about “Harassment”!
  • Tasks: Get Anabel fired from her job

Visit Anabel in the Bar again after school. When you first get there, a man will give her a card from the local Strip Club.

Talk to the woman at the bar again. She still doesn’t like Anabel, and John Graham takes note of it.

Choice: “I’ve got to deal with her”

The woman decides she has to get rid of Anabel.

Let time roll forward until the following day 28.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 28

Task (Time for Anabel to learn about “Harassment”!)

After school, there will be an event at the Bar. The brown-haired woman at the bar has a plan to get Anabel fired. The Bartender talks to Anabel about her dismissal.

Choice: “Ask him if you can make up for it”

Choice: “What’s so bad about it?”

Anabel offers extra service to keep her job. Suggest to the Bartender how to respond:

Choice: “I finally get to Fk her!”

He’ll get Anabel to blow him behind the bar. After, Anabel wonders how it came to this.

Choice: “You didn’t have a choice Demonic +1” or “It is something only whores do Ture +1”

The Journal will show that you’ve completed Time for Anabel to learn about “Harassment”! She still needs to get fired though.

Let her finish her shift and the time pass until day 29.

Day 29

Task (Get Anabel fired from her job)

Anabel goes back to the Bar after school. As soon as she gets there, the Bartender propositions her again. Anabel wants none of it and gets fired.

Choice: “You do have another option”

Anabel leaves the Bar and heads Home. Time skips ahead to 20:00.

The Journal will show that you’ve finished Get Anabel fired from her job.

Let time roll over to the next day 30.

Remember the Gameplay Tips:

  1. Go back to the Map to wait for events
  2. Click on the bubble or exclamation mark rather than the location when there’s an event
  3. When entering a scene, wait a moment. Automated scenes take a little while to play
  4. Don’t use old saves from previous releases of MLA

Day 30

After school at 16:00, Anabel goes to the Mall, where she gets busted by the salesperson for stealing her clubbing outfit.

Choice: “You have no chance” or “You must refuse”

Anabel will pay for her crime with a little cosplay sex.

Afterwards, she’ll return Home. The Map will show an event at the Strip Club at 18:00.

A note about the Strip Club: Things change hour-to-hour there, but you need to go back to the Map for the scene to change.

When you first visit, she will be getting orientation from the resident Stripper. The stripper will suggest that she can dance, but Anabel says she only wants to be a waiter.

Go back to the Map. You’ll have a new Journal entry:

  • Tasks: Anabel has to earn money with her body

Visit Anabel in the Strip Club. Whisper with her.

Choice: “You can earn more money”

She’ll decline.

Visit with the Stripper. Whisper to her:

Choice: “This new one is so stuck-up”

She’ll agree that the new girl needs a lesson.

Go back to the Map, then re-enter the Strip Club.

Anabel will be watching the stripper work. The stripper shows her how much money she made on the pole.

Task (Anabel has to earn money with her body)

Talk with Anabel afterward. Read her Mind. She’s aware of how much more the stripper is making than her. Whisper:

Choice: “Why be a waitress when you can earn 10 times more?”

Anabel doesn’t disagree, but says she has no time.

Go back to the Map and let time advance. Until past midnight (00:00) then visit the Strip Club.

Anabel will appear on stage as a dancer, using the name Boobed Blondie. The initial scene gets her naked. If you try to talk to her again while she’s on stage, she’ll be swinging her tassels.

I recommend you leave the Strip Club and come back after the hour has changed. Anabel doesn’t hold back once she’s decided to do something, and there’s another scene with stripper Sandy.

You’ll note that Anabel gets off work at 03:00.

Day 31

Anabel gets up on time and goes to school. After school she works in the Strip Club starting at 18:00. The next few scenes are in the VIP room.

Note on visiting the Strip Club. If nothing happens, return to the Map, let time advance to a new hour, then re-enter the Strip Club. You may have to do this multiple times before you get the event.

If one of the girls (Anabel or Sandy/Stripper) are missing, click on the VIP sign.

You may find Anabel private dancing in the VIP room. Talk with her.

Choice: “It’s your fault”

Choice: “You have no options”

Anabel will keep dancing even with the man’s hands on her. Afterward, she’ll ask herself what happened to put her in this situation.

Choice: “You are to blame for everything Ture +1” or “Who cares anyway? Demonic +1” or “You have changed for the better Demonic +1”

She disappears back into the VIP room to do some more dancing.

Let time pass until the next day 32.

Day 32

School then work again. There’s nothing to see today, just let time pass until tomorrow.

Day 33

At work, at some point after midnight she’ll be in the VIP room dancing for a different, younger guy. He seems to know her. He will blackmail her into having sex in the VIP room.

After the sex scene in the VIP room, go back to the Map. You’ve completed the Task Anabel has to earn money with her body.

Let time pass until the morning.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

Day 34

Let time pass until 15:00. There will be an event at Anabel’s Home. She’ll be worrying about the second guy in the VIP room.

Technical Support will pop up to let you know the next decision is a big one.

Anabel will be considering her options, now that someone she knows has discovered her at the Strip Club.

You’ll be presented with two possible choices, depending on which answers you chose previously. You need to have at least 5 points to enable an ending. You should save game before making your choice.


“Who Cares (#)” will lead you to the Demonic ending.

“I have to stop acting like a whore (#)” will lead you to the True ending.

Note: you need to have 5 points or more to let you choose each ending.

Note: If both choices are available, I recommend you Save Game here so that you can quickly come back and play the other ending.

Once you make your choice, the game starts the ending sequence.

Demonic Ending

If you chose “Who cares?” she commits to a being a whore, then heads to bed.

Let time roll forward until the next morning.

Day 35

Visit Anabel while she’s getting dressed (07:00). You’ll be in for a treat.

Watch the Map for two events while she’s at school.

After school, watch for an event that doesn’t involve Anabel.

At 18:00 Anabel goes out. With a bang.

You’ve now completed the Demonic Ending.

True Ending

It you chose “I have to stop acting like a whore” she decides to try to turn her life around.

Let time roll forward until the next morning.

Day 35

If you visit Anabel while she’s getting dressed (07:00), you’ll see she’s serious about starting over.

Watch the Map for an event while she’s at school. In the Lecture, she’s stressing about her secret getting out.

After school there’s an event at the Strip Club. She quits her job there.

Let time advance until the next day.

Day 36

It all goes wrong for Anabel today. Her secret is out. Watch for the event at School.

The School scene automatically cuts to her Home after school ends. The Journal will be updated with a new Task:

  • Tasks: Anabel must die

John Graham, understandably, has an issue with it. He’s depraved, but he’s not homicidal.

Let time roll forward until the next day.

Day 37

Today is not any better for Anabel.

Watch for events at school again. She’s now being bullied and harassed by the other students.

After school, there’s an event at her Home. Anabel is in the tub, suffering. John Graham, somewhat surprisingly, begins to show some compassion towards her. Then the Demoness arrives with an ultimatum.



“Help with it”

Choosing “Help with it” takes you to Hell. As a permanent resident. (GAME OVER)

Choosing “Dissuade” completes the True Ending, where everything gets tied up very nicely. Or not!

End of Main Route

Anabel’s final stats: Study 30, Depravity (strawberries) 76.

You’ve now reached the end of My Little Angel 1.0 Main Route. Congratulations!

Good Girl (Alternate Route) – My Little Angel Walkthrough & Guide

Note, you must have completed the first 4 Journal Tasks before this route begins.

Remember the Gameplay Tips:

  1. Go back to the Map to wait for events
  2. Click on the bubble or exclamation mark rather than the location when there’s an event
  3. When entering a scene, wait a moment. Automated scenes take a little while to play
  4. Don’t use old saves from previous releases of MLA

Day 6

Make sure you’ve completed Tasks Raise Anabel’s depravity level to 5, Get Anabel excited before the lectures, Find a way to restore the disguise, and Anabel has to quarrel with Murano.

You will also have had to Whisper with Anabel between classes “Maybe they’ll invite me somewhere?” or “I can’t believe I might finally date somebody” to get the Anabel must stop being a nerd task.

In this route, Anabel is not corrupted any further by John Graham and continues as an exemplary student. In this path, ignore any further instructions in the Journal completely.

The only prerequisites are the following in the Journal:

  • Tasks: Anabel must stop being a nerd
  • Tasks: Anabel must find new friends

In fact, you’ll trigger the path by doing the opposite – you’ll power up her nerd by raising her study level above 80.

Anabel’s stats should be Study 74, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Whisper with Anabel after school in the Library and at Home (do both).

Choice: “Raise Studying”

Choice: “I have to become the best student on the course” or “I don’t understand any of this, I need to study more!”

Anabel will gain 4 study points each time.

Let time elapse until Day 7.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 82, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Day 7

In class, whisper to Anabel and raise her study again. She should gain 3 more study points.

In between classes, Anabel will be alone. Red will be nearby. Whisper to Red:

Choice: “This is your chance!”

Redhead will start talking with Anabel and they’ll make plans to sit together in the lecture.

Important: after introducing Red to Anabel, make sure you visit the Map. Demoness will summon you and teach you a new skill. See the section on Learn to Arouse above in the Main Route during Day 7.

This will end Day 7. The Journal text for Cease to be a nerd will be updated with “I got new abilities. I should try doing something with them.” Don’t listen to it. Remember, on the Good Girl route, you do NOT follow the Journal instructions anymore.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 85, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Day 8

In the 3rd lecture of the day (Literature, 13:00), visit Anabel. Something is different with her.

When the lecture is over (14:15), click the right-arrow to get to the Teacher. Anabel will be speaking with him. Whisper to her:

Choice: “He’s a teacher, he definitely won’t do anything”

The dialogue will switch to the Teacher.

Choice: “She wants you, dumbass!” or “She hints at a date, idiot!”

Choice: “Try it! Then wriggle out”

He’ll offer to tutor her in the privacy of the staff room.

The scene will end at 18:00 and you’ll be returned to the Map.

Visit Anabel at Home. She’ll be thinking.

Choice: “No, why do you think that?” or “Of course not!” or “Don’t think so poorly of him”

Anabel will look forward to their next meeting.

If Anabel starts reading a magazine in the evening, you can visit her. Red will be there. You can talk, but it’s not time to move their plot forward yet.

Let time advance until tomorrow.

Anabel’s current stats should be Study 85, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Day 9

Visit Anabel in class after Literature (14:15) and she’ll meet with the Teacher again.

Choice: “What’s the point of just standing around?”

Choice: “You wanted it”

Choice: “He doesn’t want a scandal at work”

Sex happens.

When the Motel scene is done, there is an event at Anabel’s Home.

Choice: “But you wanted this”

Choice: “Talk to him about it”

Let time roll forward to the next day.

Day 10

If you visit Anabel during Literature class, she talks to the Teacher about their relationship, but he convinces her he’s in to her. They end up at the Motel again.

There is another event at Home afterwards. Red is there, and they gossip.

Let time advance until Day 11.

Anabel’s current stats should remain Study 85, Depravity (strawberries) 12.

Day 11

Visit Anabel after Literature class again (14:15-15:00).

Choice: “What’s the point of just standing around?”

They’ll head off to the Motel again.

There will be another Anabel monologue scene at Home after the Motel. She’ll make plans for them to spend some quality time together.

Go to sleep until tomorrow.

Day 12

There will be an event at school today. Visit the school to hear the shocking news.

Then visit Anabel at Home after 18:00 to find Red trying to comfort her. She’ll comfort her all evening.

Let time pass until Day 13.

Day 13

At 18:00 Anabel and Red will be at her Home hanging out. At 21:00 they’ll be working out a strap-on.

After Anabel goes to bed, return to your office and advance time until tomorrow.

Day 14

Today is the day that Anabel decides to tell Red that she’s not into girls. There is a scene at Home right after school. Anabel will decide to tell Red rather than faking it any longer.

Go back to the Map to wait.

After Red arrives at 18:00, whisper to Anabel:

Choice: “Tell her”

Anabel tells Red, who leaves. Anabel is crying again.

Let time pass until Day 15.

Day 15

There is an event at school. Anabel is alone in the hall, again, when Murano comes back to her. Murano invites her to a party as a way of apologizing for leaving her.

After school, visit Anabel at Home as she gets ready for the party. During the party, suggest to Anabel to drink:

Choice: “It’s not a big deal, you can at least taste it”

Choice: “Come on, to celebrate the beginning of our student life?”

She’ll pass out and wake up in a gang bang.

She’ll pass out again before the end and you can escape to the Map.

At 23:00 she goes Home. If there’s an event, wait until tomorrow after school (15:00) to click it.

Day 16

She’ll sleep off the party all day.

At 15:00, there will be an event at Home. Anabel will review what happened. She’s most concerned that people at school will find out.

If you check her stats, you’ll notice that all her strawberries have gone away (Study 85, Depravity 0). She’s not interested in sex at all anymore.

Let time advance to the next day.

Day 17

Visit Anabel as she’s getting dressed. She’s still thinking of the party and goes back to her original style of dress. She’s still thinking about it on the bus. And during the Lecture…

There are four events at School today. Go back to the Map to trigger the next one.

After school, she’ll be at Home crying. She’ll cry all night.

Day 18

School will be misery for her again. Keep going back to the Map to trigger the next event.

Make sure you visit her at Home after school to find out what she’s going to do. You’ve completed the Angelic Ending.

End of Good Girl (Alternate) Route

Anabel’s final stats: Study 85, Depravity (strawberries) 0.

You’ve now reached the end of My Little Angel 1.0 Good Girl / Alternate Route. Congratulations!

End of Version 1.0

Endings Summary (spoilers)

Angelic (Good Girl route): Anabel gets kicked out of school and moves back home. Chief Angel tells John Graham he has passed his test and is invited to join the Angelic Host.

Demonic (Bad Girl): Anabel decides she likes being a slut. Murano and Edwin hookup while Anabel is shamed at school. Cocaine gang bang. Ends getting busted with drugs. John Graham becomes a real Demon.

True (Bad Girl): Chooses to stop Whoring. Quits at Strip Club but student outs her as stripper anyway. Tries to kill herself. John Graham learns she’s his daughter.

Easter Eggs

Woman jogging in the Park. Whisper to her that the “Maniacs are only here at night?” Then visit the park at 03:00 (night time).

Woman doing Yoga in the Park. Arouse her on three different days, then look for her in the Night Club.

Miss Tits during the Lecture. You can convince her to take her jacket off in front of the students.

Miss Tits in the Staff Room (Mason). Arouse her four times. She’ll jump Mason right there.

Miss Tits in the Staff Room (Edwin). Arouse her while she’s talking to Mason, then Whisper “It’s time I find somebody.” She’ll blow off Mason, but if you watch the Map, you’ll see an event after school.

Old Lady in the Park. First you need to speak to the Old Lady when she’s feeding the birds. Arouse her to find out her true nature. Then visit again when she’s with the small Boy. If you save the Boy, it restores your disguise.

Anabel’s dreams. After you learn to Watch Dreams (a lesson after you Sort Souls several times), you can watch Anabel’s dreams. They get increasingly wild as she is corrupted more.

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