Dreams of Reality

Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Chapter 1 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: This game has multiple paths and variations upon those paths, one important thing to note is if you want to stay with Louise, be true to Louise. (Multiple Saves are always an option).

1. Choose one:

A) Reach out. [Jacob+1]

B) Dodge.

2. Yes of course. (Your choice)

3. Choose one:

A) Assist Louise. [LouiseAssist]

Choice Set 1

Chance a look. [Louise-1]

Be respectful. Choice Set 2

Look closer. [Louise-1]

Don’t… [Louise+1]

B) Visit your boss. [VisitBoss]

Choice Set 1

Look closer. [Louise-1]

Help her. Choice Set 2

Look closer.

Stop looking.[Louise+1]

Note: #4-5 are only for those who obtained [VisitBoss].

4. Intercept. (Your Choice)

5. Choose one:

A) Look closer. [Louise-1]

B) Don’t risk it.

Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [LouiseAssist].

6. Choose one:

A) You look stunning.[Louise+2]

B) You look great.[Louise+1]

C) I like that outfit, though it would look…[Louise-1]

7. Choose one:

A) Pay for drinks.[PayedDrinks]

B) Pay for your drink only.

8. Stay and watch (Your Choice, Same Pts)[Louise+1]

9. Talk about studies

10. Talk about work.

11. Fun?[Louise+1]

12. Talk about relationship.

13. Time for another drink.

Note: You will obtain [Louise+1] & [LouiseOlder] by default.

Note: You will also obtain [Louise+60] by default, due to marriage.

Important: This choice affects the rest of chapter one and likely beyond.

14. Choose one:

A) Be supportive.[Louise+1] [SupportHome]

B) Be realistic.[Louise-1]

15. Choose Single choice lines.

16. Visiting museum.

17. Music career.[Emily+1]

18. How’s college?[Emily+1]

19. Louise.

20. Choose one:

A) Go with Emily.[Emily+3] [WentWithE]

B) Take a seat.

Note: If [SupportHome], then [Louise+2], else [Louise+1].

21. Choose one:

A) First dress.[Emily+2] [EmilyDress1]

B) Second dress.[Emily+1]

  1. Choose one:

A) Be honest with Louise.[Louise+1] [ToldtheTruthPO]

B) A white lie won’t hurt.[Louise-1]

Note: If [SupportHome], then [Louise+1].

23. Choose one:

A) Beautiful.[Emily+3]

B) Amazing.[Emily+2]

24. Choose one:

A) Stunning!


B) Gorgeous![Louise+1]

C) Beautiful.[Louise+1]

D) I’m hungry.[Louise-3]

25. Choose one:

A) Lobster Thermidor.[Louise+1]

B) Blanquette de Veal.

Note: If [SupportHome], then [Louise+2] else [Louise-1].

Note: #26 is only for those who obtained [Louise] < 60.

26. Tell the truth. (Your Choice, Same Pts) [Louise+1]

Note: If [Louise] <60. {Go to Computer Wank}

If [Louise] >70. {Go to Louise Sex}

27. Hardcore. (Your Choice)

28. Tease (Your Choice)

29. Choose one:

A) Face

B) Mouth.

C) Throat.

Note: C is only available if [Louise] >70.

30. Choose All.

Note: You will obtain [Louise+1] & [Emily+1] by default.

31. Choose one:

A) Look closer.[Cindy+2] [LookAtCindy]

B) Focus.

32. Choose one:

A) Finish your meal with Sebastian.[SKiss]

Note: A is only available if you did NOT obtain [SupportHome].

B) Go to the Purple Orchid.

Note: You will obtain [Cindy+1] by default.

33. Choose one:

A) Oh, Yes! {Go to #34)

Note: If [SKiss], then [SexCNotCaught] else [SexCCaught].

B) I can’t do this!

Note: If [SKiss], then [RefuseCNotCaught] else [RefuseCCaught].

34. Face. (Your Choice)

Note: #35-37 are only for those who obtained [RefuseCCaught].

35. Choose one:

A) Try to explain.

B) Get angry.

C) Apologize.

Note: C is only available if [SupportHome] & [Louise] >76.

Look closer. [Louise+1]

Be respectful.

36. I love you. (Your Choice)

37. Pick her up. (Your Choice)

Note: You will obtain [Emily+4] & [SebastianMet] by default.

Chapter 2 Pt1 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: If you obtained [SexCNotCaught] OR [SexCCaught], then [SexC].

1. Choose All.

Note: You will obtain [EGone] by default.

2. Choose one:

A) Yes. [Jacob+2] [TalkWJacob]

Choice Set 1

Note: Choice Set 1 will only appear if you obtained [SKiss].

Yeah. [Jacob+1]

Be respectful. Choice Set 2

I was driving. [Jacob-1]

Emily was driving. [Jacob+1]

{Go to #6} [Dani+2]

B) No.

Note: You will obtain [Dani+1] by default.

3. Choose one:

A) Look closer at her. [Dani+2]

B) I should avert my gaze.

4. Choose one:

A) Don’t stop now! [Dani+1] [DreamSexD] (Critical Trigger)

B) This must not continue.

Note: Sub-Choices will only appear if you obtained [SexCCaught]. NO {Go to #6} [Dani+2]

Well, as you’ve gone to all this…[Dani+1] [DreamSexD] (Critical Trigger)

I never want to see Louise again![Dani+3] {Go to #6}

5. Choose one:

A) Yes!

B) No.

Note: You will obtain [Dani+4] by default.

Note: #6-7 are only for those who obtained [SexCCaught], you will also obtain [Louise-5].

6. Choose one:

A) Yes, I do.

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [SupportHome], then [Louise+2], else [Louise+1]

B) No.[Louise-30] {Go to #8}

Note: B will only appear if [Louise] <65

7. Choose one:

A) Of course it was![FightForLouise]

B) Perhaps I need to hide it better.

C) You only live once right?

Note: C will only appear if [DreamSexD].

Note: You will obtain [Louise+1] by default.

If you obtained [TalkWJacob] {Go to #13}

else [Louise+1] {Go to #10}

Note: If you obtained [DreamSexD], then [Louise-5].

You will obtain [LouiseSplit].

Note: #8 is only for those who did NOT obtain [TalkWJacob] & [DreamSexD].

8. Choose one:

A) Angry reply.

B) Cold reply.

{Go to #10}


Note: #9 is only for those who obtained [TalkWJacob] & NOT [DreamSexD].

9. Choose one:

A) Angry reply.

B) Cold reply. [Louise-5]

{Go to #13}

You will obtain [Jacob+1] by default.

Note: #10 is only for those who obtained [SKiss].

10. Choose one:

A) Yes.[Jacob+1]

B) No.

11. Choose one:

A) I was.[Jacob-1]

B) Emily.[Jacob+1]

12. Choose one:

A) No.

B) Yes.

Note: You will obtain [Dani+2] by default.

13. Choose one:

A) Chance a closer look.[Dani+1]

B) I’m not a perv![Dani+2]

14. Choose one:

A) Oh, well actually… (Better Choice if you are into her)

B) Nah, I’m okay to sit here for now. {Go to #21}

15. How long have you been a nurse? [Dani+3]

16. How old are you? [AskedAbtBDay]

17. Career? [Dani+1]

18. Do you live nearby? [Dani+5] [DPhoneNumber]

19. Boyfriend? [Dani+1] [DLikesD&V]

20. Nothing else.

Note: You will obtain [DConComplete] [Dani+1] by default.

21. Choose one:

A) Of course. [DLi]

B) Am I really considering this?

Note: #22-23 are only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

22. Maybe. (Your Choice)

Saving here is recommended.

23. Choose one:

A) Give in to your desire. [SexCh] {Go to #27}

Note: If A & you are a Patron you will get an extended bonus scene, else regular scene.

B) Could we just talk? {Go to #29}

24. Choose one:

A) It’s sponge bath time![Dani+3]

B) I prefer my privacy.[Dani+1] [BathPrivacy]

Note: If you obtained [BathPrivacy], then [Dani+1] {Go to #33}

If you did NOT obtain [BathPrivacy], then [Dani+3] {Continue}

25. Choose one:

A) Yes.[Dani+3]

B) No.[Dani+1]

Note: You will obtain [Dani+1] by default.

26. Choose one:

A) Please… stop.[Dani-1]

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [LouiseSplit]

B) Please… continue. [Dani+4]

{Go to #37}

Note: #27-28 are only for those who have bonus content and chose A on #23.

27. Look closer. (Your Choice)

28. Let it fly. (Your Choice)

{Go to #37}

29. Her job.

30. Tattoo.

31. Louise

32. Answer truthfully.

{Go to #37}

33. Choose one:

A) Ignore it.

B) Reply.[Insanity+1]

Note: #34 is only for those who obtained [SKiss].

34. Choose one:

A) I forgive you.

Note: If you obtained [FightForLouise] & [Louise] >84, then [Louise+2], else [Louise-1] If [Insanity] =0 you will obtain [Insanity+1] else [Louise+1]

B) It’s over. [Louise-24] [LouiseSplit] {Go to #37} Note: B will only appear if you did NOT obtain [SupportHome]

Note: If you did not obtain [SKiss] & [Insanity] >0 you will obtain [Insanity+1] else [Louise+1].

35. Choose one:

A) Beautiful [Louise+1]

B) Gorgeous. [Louise+2]

C) I’m not in the mood. [Louise-4] {Go to #37}

Note: You will obtain [Louise+1] by default.

36. Choose one:

A) Vaginal.



B) Feet.

Note: B will only appear if [Louise] <77

C) Anal.[Louise+1]

Note: C will only appear if [Louise] >78

Note: If you obtained [DreamSexD], then [Dani+2], else [Dani+1]

If you obtained [DConComplete] {Go to #44} else {Continue}

37. Choose one:

A) I’ve some questions, if that’s okay?

B) I’m happy to sit here for a while.{Go to #44}

38. How long have you been a nurse?[Dani+3]

39. How old are you?[AskedAbtBDay]

40. Career?[Dani+1]

41. Do you live nearby?[Dani+5] [DPhoneNumber]

42. Boyfriend?

43. Nothing else.

Note: #44 is for those who did NOT obtain [DConComplete] but DID obtain [AskedAbtBDay] & [DPhoneNumber] if you did the questions on #14.

44. Choose one:

A) Yes. [DLi] Note: If you obtained [DreamSexD], then [Dani+2].

B) No.

Note: You will obtain [Dani+1] by default (even if you didn’t get the last choice).

If [Insanity] >1 then [Emily+2] & [Insanity+1]. {Go to #46}

Note: #45 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Insanity] >1.

45. Choose one:

A) Investigate.[Emily+1] [Insanity+1]

B) It’s not her…{Go to #53}

Note: You will obtain [Cindy+1] by default.

46. Choose one:

A) I’d like the company.[Cindy+2]

B) Nah, home time!{Go to #53}

47. What brings you to the park.

Note: If you obtained [LookAtCindy], then [Cindy+1]

You will obtain an addition [Cindy+1] by default.

48. Work. [Cindy+1]

49. That night.

Note: Will only appear if you did NOT obtain [CSex].

If you obtained [RefuseCNotCaught], then [Cindy+2]

50. That night.

Note: Will only appear if you obtained [CSex]

If you obtained [LouiseSplit] & [SKiss], then Sub-Choices, else [Cindy- 1]

I like it. [Cindy+2] [CLi]

Enough of that. [Cindy+1]

51. Your eye. [Cindy+1]

52. Let’s sit down. [Cindy+1] Note: If [Insanity] >=3, then [Louise-2] & [Alcoholic].

53. Choose one:

A) Bottoms up![Alcoholic]

B) I’ve had enough.

Chapter 2 PT2 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

1. Beautiful. (Your Choice)

2. Look at them you fool. (Your Choice)

3. Choose one:

A) Are you ok?[Kim+1] [KimikoHelp]

B) What the hell?

4. Choose one:

A) Help her![Kim+2]

B) Not my problem.

Note: You will obtain [Kim+1] by default.

5. Choose one:

A) Yeah, it’s only right.[KimikoNamed]

B) Nah, best not to get involved.

Note: You will obtain [Insanity+1] by default.

If you obtained [Insanity] >=2, then [Louise+2]

Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [SexCNotCaught].

6. Choose one:

A) No![Louise+1]

B) Yeah…[Louise-2]

Note: #7 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SexCNotCaught].

7. Choose one:

A) I love you. (Your Choice)

Note: Saving here is recommended as you can only pick one.

8. Choose one:

A) Contact Cindy.[Cd1] {Go to Cindy Date}

Note: A will only appear if [CLi] OR [CSex]

B) Contact Danielle.[Dd1] {Go to Danielle Date}

Note: B will only appear if [DLi]

C) Contact Jacob.[Jd1] {Go to Jacob Hangout}

D) Spend time with Louise.[Ld1]

Note: D will only appear if you did NOT obtain [LouiseSplit]

Note: #9 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

9. A) Yes. [FightForLouise]

B) No. [LouiseGone]

C) Maybe. [Reconcile]

Note: C will only appear if [Louise] >48

10. Beautiful. [Cindy+2]

11. Slap that ass! [Cindy+1]

Note: You will obtain [Cindy+1] by default.

Note: #12-14 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit]. Else {Go to Louise Home Gallery} 12. Future plans.

13. Work.

14. Back off.

{Go to Mystery}

Note: #15 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

15. A) Yes.[FightForLouise]

B) No.[LouiseGone]

C) Maybe.[Reconcile]

Note: C will only appear if [Louise] >48

16. The injury?

17. I care about you too.[Dani+2]

18. Fun.

19. How is the training going?

Note: If [DLikesD&V], then [Dani+1]

If [DLikesD&V] & [FightForLouise], then [Dani+2]

Note: If you obtained [LouiseSplit]. {Go to Louise Home Gallery}

Note: #20 is only for those who obtained [Dani] >=25.

20. Yes.

{Go to Mystery}

Note: You will obtain [Jacob+2] by default.

Note: #21 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

21. A) Yes.[FightForLouise]

B) No.[LouiseGone]

C) Maybe.[Reconcile]

Note: C will only appear if [Louise] >48

{Go to Mystery}

22. Contract

23. Going back to work.

24. Regret.

25. Be supportive.[SupportHome]

26. Holiday

27. Moving.

28. Compliment Louise. (Your Choice)

29. Your Choices (Scene varies based on if you have bonus content)

Note: At this point if you did NOT obtain [LouiseSplit], you will go back to the final choices (If any of the path you chose if it was on Louise on #8, just look for your label.

Note: #30-31 are only for those who obtained [Cd1].

30. Grab breast. (Your Choice)

31. Did I tell you to stop? [Cindy+2]

Note: #32- are only for those who obtained [Dd1].

32. Choose one:

A) Decaf.[Decaf]

B) Flavour.[Dani+1]

Note: Based on your previous choices you might get a bathroom scene with Louise, there is only one choice, #33.

33. A) Oh, hell no!

B) Take a seat.

Note: B will only appear if [Louise] >78

Note: If [Cd1] & [Cindy] >=5, then if [Cindy] >=8 [Cindy+2], Else [Cindy+1].

Note: #34-35 are only for those who obtained [Dd1].

34. Take the lead. [Dani+2]

35. Warn her. [Dani+2]

Note: #36 is only for those who obtained [Jd1] OR [Ld1], [KimkoHelp] & [Insanity] >=2.

36. Call out. (Your Choice)

Chapter 3 PT1 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: If [DPhoneNumber], then [DLikesD&V].

Note: #1 is only for those who did NOT obtained [LouiseSplit].

1. A) Reach out. [ReachOut]

B) Dodge.

Note: #2-3 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

2. You’re gorgeous. (Your Choice)

3. Peek.

4. I understand. (Your Choice)

Note: You will obtain [Melissa+2].

5. A) Okay.[Melissa+2]

B) No.[Melissa+1]

6. Visit Kimiko at Markus’s restaurant.

7. Conversation choices. (No Points attached, choose what you like)

Note: You will obtain [Kimiko+2].

8. A) Let’s have a look. [Kimiko-2] [KimikoBusted]

B) Respect her privacy.

Look closer. [Kimiko-2] [KimikoBusted]

Look away. [Kimiko+1]

9. Pick either of the first two choices. [Kimiko+1]

10. A) Talk to Markus. [CalledM]

B) Called Jacob. [CalledJ]

11. Contact Daniel Aldercroft.

12. A) Of course.[GaveMoney]

B) I have no change.

C) Get a job.

13. Try and trace Alison Spring.

Note: You will obtain [Insanity+1] by default, this is not avoidable.

14. A) A little peak won’t hurt.

Note: A will only appear if [Insanity+1] >3

I’ve come this far might as well…

Don’t push you luck.[Melissa+1] {Go to #16}

B) Better close the door.[Melissa+1] {Go to #16}

15. A) Be a dom.[Melissa+3] [McDom] Look closer. (Your Choice)[Melissa+1]

B) Be Submissive.[Melissa+4] [McSub]

16. All that’s left is to visit the Purple Orchid.

Note: You will obtain [Cassie+2] by default.

Note: These are bonus choices for patrons that also requires [Jd1] & [LouiseSplit], else

{Go to #19}

17. Call Chantelle.

18. Your choice.

19. Visit Kimiko.[VisitedKimiko]

20. You’re safe.

21. Were you born here?

22. A) You remind me of my daughter.

Tell the truth.

Note: Will only appear if you did NOT obtain [LouiseGone]

She doesn’t need all the details.

I have no family

Note: Will only appear if you obtained [LouiseGone]

23. The dressing room. [Kimiko+4] [KimikoForgiven] Note: Will only appear if you obtained [KimikoBusted]

24. I will help you. [Kimiko+2]

25. Time to go.

26. A) Let her continue. [Kimiko+3] [KC]

B) I don’t think of her this way. [Kimiko+3]

Note: If you obtained [LouiseSplit] {Go to #36}

27. A) I should join her!

Grab Breast. (Your Choice)

B) Let her have some privacy. [AloneTime]

28. Alyson Spring.

29. Daniel Ashford.

30. Purple Orchid.

31. Let’s eat. [Louise+1]

Note: #32 is only for those who obtained [Dli] OR [Cli], [DLikesD&V] & NOT [Cd1].

32. Mention Danielle is bisexual. [Louise+2] [L3t] [LOpen] [PromBoy]

33. A) Continue to use Daddy. [LDaddy]

B) Do NOT use Daddy.

34. A) Anal. (You can choose B or C after this as well)

Note: A will only appear if [Louise] >=88

B) Sit on me.

Internal release.[Cl+1] (Pregnancy Variable per Dev)


C) Lay down.

Internal release.


35. A) I will consider it.[Cl+1]

B) I’m not sure.

36. A) Take the dose.[Insanity+1]

B) No more chemicals.

Note: #37 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit], [DLi] & [Dd1].

37. Beautiful.[Dani+2] [D3]

Chapter 3 PT2 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: If you obtained [LouiseSplit] & [FightForLouise], then you will obtain [Reconcile].

1. Your choice.

Note: #3 is only for those who did NOT obtain [LouiseSplit]. {No} {Go to#3}

2. You’re beautiful. (Your Choice) [Louise+1]

Note: There is a series of conversation choices next based on your previous decisions, none of which have points or variables, so choose what you like.

Note: Sub-choices for A on #3 are only for those who are on the Dom path, else if you choose A, then [Ch3_5_ShowerML] & {Go to #5}

3. A) Masturbate.

Stay where you are.[Ml+2] {Go to #4}

Pull out.

Fk her throat.

Release her.[Ml+2] {Go to #4}

One more for luck.

o You okay?[Ml- 1]

o Ignore her.[Ml-2]

B) Leave it alone.{Go to #5}

4. A) Warn her.[Ml+1] [Ch3_5_ShowerML]

B) Don’t say anything.[Ch3_5_ShowerML]

Note: You can only choose three choices and you must choose the first choice to continue. I will list the choices and their variables. Not sure what to tell you to pick.

5. A) Take pain pills.

Take them.[Insanity+1] [Pills]

Put them back in the container.[Insanity- 1]

B) Phone Markus.

Note: If you obtained [CalledM], then [MNotAnswered]

C) Phone Jacob.

Note: If you obtained [CalledJ], then [JNotAnswered]

D) Look for job.

Check job sites on computer.

Take a look in the local[SearchedPaper]

E) Have a Mix.

F) Visit Emily’s room.

6. A) Respond.

Note: Will only appear if [Insanity] <=4

B) Ignore her.

7. A) Give a sign.[Kimiko+3]

B) Call out.[Ch3_5_PhoneGivenHop]

Note: If [CalledM], then [MSus]

If [CalledJ], then [JSus].

Note: #8 is only for those who did NOT obtain [DLi] & [LouiseSplit], and DID obtain [Pills].

8. A) Tell the truth. [Dani+3] [Ch3_5_TruthTod]

B) Lie.

Note: #9– are only for those who obtained [DLi]. {No} {Go to #17}

9. Ask about parents.

10. Push more about parents.

11. My Parents.

12. Private school.

13. Phone call.

14. Explain in full.

Note: #15 is only for those who obtained [D3].

15. Threesome.[DCommited3]

Note: #16 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

16. Our Relationship.[DCommited]



Note: #17 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit].

17. A) Play back message.[ListenedToVm]

B) I’m not interested.

18. A) Yes.[Cassie+1]

B) No.

19. A) Take a look.

B) Focus.[Cassie+1]

Chapter 3 PT3 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: There is only one choice with points in the flashback scenes it will be listed first.

1. A) Look closer. [Louise-2]

B) Be respectful. [Louise+1]

2. A) Help Louise. [MCHelpLouise]

B) Help Kimiko. [MCHelpKimiko] {Go to Kimiko Path}

3. Call Markus.

4. Check around back. (Your Choice)

5. Take the stairs to the right.

6. Go behind reception into the Egypt Gallery.

Note: If [LouiseSplit] OR [Reconcile], then [Louise+1] else [Louise+4].

7. Call the Police. (Your Choice)

8. Don’t Shoot.

9. Don’t shoot.

10. A) Head towards the light.

Keep going![Insanity+1]

o PUSH![Insanity+1]

▪ Once more unto the…[Insanity- 1]

▪ Listen to Emily.[Insanity- 1]

o Pull back.[Insanity-2]


B) Resist the temptation.

Note: If you obtained [MCPopoHelpLouise], {Continue}, else {Go to Kimiko Path 2}

11. Push the prick.

12. A) Beautiful. [Louise+1]

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [LouiseSplit] & [Reconcile].

B) It will do. [Louise-1]

C) Like hell. [Louise-1]

13. Choose all in order. [SA]

Note: If you did not obtain [LouiseSplit], then [DMetL]

14. A) Knock.[Kimiko+1]

B) Walk in.[Kimiko- 1] [KCorruption+1]

Note: #15 is only for those who obtained [KimikoBusted].

15. A) You’re beautiful.[Kimiko+1]

B) Perfect.[KCorruption+1]

16. A) Tell her the truth.[Dani+1]

B) Keep Kimiko’s origins secret.[Kimiko+1]

Note: You will obtain [SSkip] by default.

17. Shoot. (You have not other choice)

18. A) Knock.[Kimiko+1]

B) Walk in.[Kimiko- 1] [KCorruption+1]

Note: #18 is only for those who obtained [KimikoBusted].

19. A) You’re beautiful.[Kimiko+1]

B) Perfect.[KCorruption+1]

20. A) Tell her the truth.[Dani+1]

B) Keep Kimiko’s origins secret.[Kimiko+1]

Note: #21 is only for those who obtained [LouiseSplit] & [Reconcile].

21. A) I love you.[Louise+4]

B) I know.[Louise+2]

Note: #22 is only for those who obtain not obtain [SSkip].

22. Shoot.[SS]

Chapter 4 PT1 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

Note: #1-4 are only for those who obtained [SS].

1. Answer the phone.

2. Answer. (Your Choice)

3. Answer. (Your Choice)

4. A) Pin it all on Jacob. [Ch4BlamedJ]

B) Try to help Jacob.

{Go to #7}

Note: #5 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SS]and DID obtain [MCHelpLouise].

5. A) Reassure Louise. [Louise+1]

B) Act cold.

Note: #6 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SS].

6. A) Console her. [Louise+1]

B) Keep quiet.

Note: #7 is only for those who obtained [SS].

7. Expand your answer. (Your Choice)

8. A) Agree with Cassie.[Cassie+1]

B) Let Louise decide.[Louise+1]

9. A) Invite Cassie to join you.[Cassie+1]

B) Let Louise decide.[Louise+1]

10. A) Agree.[Cassie+1]

B) Let Louise decide.[Louise+1]

11. A) Offer some money.[Dani+1]

B) Offer more money.[Kimiko+1] [Ch4MoMoney]

12. A) Beautiful. [Kimiko+1]

B) Different. [Dani+1]

C) Weird. [Kimiko- 1] [Dani- 1] Note: If you obtained [Reconcile], then [Louise+2]

13. Tell Louise about the donuts.

Note: There are more paths than just this, so saving here is recommended, this is just the path suggested by the developer and the one this guide will be taking.

14. Go to “House Ground Floor” .

15. Choose “Lounge” .

16. Go to “House Ground Floor” .

17. Choose “Cassie and Cindy” .

18. A) Force the door. [Cindy-2]

B) Leave it.

19. Go to “House First Floor” .

20. Choose “Danielle and Kimiko” .

21. Look Closer.

Note: If [DLi] or [L3t], then [Dani+2]

22. Choose all options here, or none it doesn’t matter they are not points of variables.

23. Go to “Car Park” .

24. Grab your bag. [Ch4BagCollect]

25. Go to “House First Floor” .

26. Choose “Louise’s Room” .

Note: #27 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Reconcile].

27. A) Suggest you and Louise share the double bed. [Reconcile]

B) I’ll sleep elsewhere.

Choose what you want you will lose no matter what. [Ch4LSleep]

28. Choose “Sauna” .

29. Choose “Sauna Changing Room” .

30. A) Call out and alert them of your… [Kimiko+2] [Cassie+1]

B) Stealthily take a peak. [Cassie+3]

Look at Kimiko.

Note: If [KC], then [Kimiko+2] [KCorruption+1] else [KCorruption+1]

Stop looking.

31. Go to “Ground Floor” .

32. Choose “Cindy’s Room” .

33. Tell her about the beach event.

34. Go to “First Floor” .

35. Choose “Louise’s Room” .

Note: #36 is only for those who obtained[Ch4LSleep].

36. A) Accept the offer and share a bed…

B) Refuse.[Ch4SofaKingGood]

Note: #37 is only for those who obtained [Pills].

37. A) Take a double dose.[Insanity+2]

B) One doe is enough.[Insanity+1]

Note: #38 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Pills].

38. A) Take the prescription. [Insanity+1]

B) No pill.

39. Choose “Sauna” .

40. Choose “Sauna Room” .

41. A) Be warm. [Cassie+2]

B) Be stern. [Cassie+1]

Note: #42 is only for those who did NOT obtain [KC].

42. A) Yes. [Kimiko+2] [KLi] [Ch4CaKEvent] {Go to #54}

B) No. [Cassie+2] [Kimiko+1]

43. Are you working?

44. A job?

45. A) Elaborate. [Cassie+1]

B) Be secretive. [Cassie+1] [Ch4CaInvite]

46. So you spent your childhood…

47. A) Tell story. [Cassie+1]

B) Be secretive. [Cassie- 1]

48. A) Yes.

B) No. [Ch4NoTrust]

49. Talk about Emily.

50. I’m not interested in… [Ch4CaEvent]

Note: #51 is only for those who obtained [Insanity]>=3. {No} {Go to #54}

51. A) Avoid the question. [Insanity+1]

B) Answer truthfully.

Note: #52 is only for those who obtained [Insanity]>=5. {No} {Go to #54}

52. A) STOP! {Go to #54}


53. Cum on face. (Your Choice)

54. Don’t look is the best choice for points, you get +1 with all girls but Cindy, you get [Cindy- 1].

Mini Game, Save Before! There are many different outcomes based on if you win or lose, and what your previous choices were with all the girls.

55. A) I should check the rules.

B) Let’s get started!

C) Meh, skip the game. (Lose the Event) {Go to #60}

56. Tails to serve first.

The rest of it is timed and random, so like I said play it out, if you tie there is a way you can get a BJ from Cindy if you have the right previous choices. Losing gives you points with girls on the other team winning gives you points with girls on your team. I will give you choices to help you win, but you might want to lose, or tie.

57. Let Louise take it.

58. Ignore her.

59. Choose the girl you have the most points with, for me that’s Louise.

Note: If you lose you will obtain [Ch4MCRun].

Note: #60 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Ch4MCRun] & DID obtain [CLi] OR[SexC].

60. A) Share the details.

B) Private!

Note: #61 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Ch4MCRun].

61. A) Have at it. [Ch4JCli]

B) I’d rather you didn’t.

Note: #62 is only for those who obtained [Ch4MoMoney].

62. A) Look closer.




Note: Will only apprear if [KC]

B) Be respectful.[Kimiko+1]

Chapter 4 PT2 – Dreams of Reality Walkthrough & Guide

1. A) Something Commercial. [Cassie+1] [Cindy+1]

B) Happy and uplifting. [Louise+1] [Jacob+1] [Kimiko+1]

C) Disco [Dani+1] [Louise+1]

D) Dance. [Cindy+1] [Kimiko+1]

Note: There is more than on path through this section, I am just showing one, based on a Louise Playthrough.

2. Click on Louise

3. Click on Jacob and Cindy

4. Yes [Cindy+2]

5. She looks pretty. (Other choices will only be available if high insanity.

6. Click on Jacob, Cindy, and Dani

7. Click on Louise

8. Click on Cassie

9. These are all your choices, there are no points, until #10.

10. A) Let’s do it. [Ch45_23]

B) Eh, maybe not.

11. I love you. (Your Choice)

12. Click on Dani

13. Tell Danielle the truth.

14. Seriously. [Dani+2]

15. Don’t want to get you in trouble.

16. Click on Cindy

17. A) Please. [Cindy+1] [Ch45Drink]

B) I’m good.

18. Click on Jacob

19. A) Ask Jacob to help Cindy.

B) Ask Jacob to help Chloe. [Ch45_016]

20. Your Choices Til #21

21. Mention the reporter.

22. Yeah.

23. Click on the Knife

24. Mini GAME parts of it are random, so just read the instructions and do you best, can’t really help you with this. Other than to tell you I chose easy and got all drinks correct.H

25. Help him. (Your Choice)

26. Your Choices, but you can only choose “Three of them”, telling the truth here is better overall.

Note: Your choices to drink or not, they will have different outcomes (Except where noted below_, so you might “Save” before.

27. A) Drink. [Kimiko+1]

B) Don’t drink. [Kimiko- 1]

28. Choose anything but the first two choices, they will result in negative points.

29. Help your friend. (Your Choice)

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