Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress

Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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First island,Siketa Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Starting off in the game, you get booted out of the house by your father. You’ll meet a girl, which you’ll find out the name of very shortly. First,Go into the house via move command. Then use the check command and select the closet for a free 1000B. Use the shop and buy a short sword or two, (Don’t worry about saving money, you’d be able to get a lot more soon enough.), and don’t forget to equip it, to make your life easier. Move to the farm now, and after a chat, you’d learn the girl’s name is Kokori, and that she’s a slave.
After you finish talking, you’d be able to select 1 of 3 options. Even if you did save the 1000B,you won’t be able to buy Kokori, so don’t bother with the second option. The third option just moves you back to the house. So the only correct option is the first one, to attack the slave owner. Here, you’ll enter combat, and the fight should be straight forward enough. Theres two of you, and only 1 of the enemy to deal with. As long as you don’t fool around, and heal up whenever he attacks, (He’ll deal between 12-16 damage on average, but your heal will always restore 16) he’ll eventually go down, and give you another 1000b to work with, along with enough exp to get both of you to level 2.

Now that the slave owner is out of the way, it’s time to worry about food. You can even eat food without preparing it, but they usually give no benefits and generally less stamina than cooking it. The best foods at the moment are the corns,buy a few of these and cook them over a fire to make some roasted corn. You can also grab some pumpkins or lettuce vegetables and chop them up with a knife. If you’re feeling thrifty and want to save money, or you simply don’t have any, you can always move back to the farm and find foods to loot some free veggies. However, in doing so, you may attract some angry villagers, which you can’t handle at this point, it’s best to run from them. (I personally grabbed at least 5 corns,pumpkins, and lettuces.) Now,before setting off, you can go back to the equip shop to also buy a staff for Kokori, as all her attacks are magic based, and she has no use for swords. Your main hero will get access to some magic spells later on, but the majority of his strongest moves are physical based, so swords at the moment give you the most benefit. You can even dual wield weapons, and in this game, generally the best defense is a good offense, so personally I chose to dual wield short swords for my hero and dual staffs for Kokori. You can even pick up some potions from the potion shop if you wish, but you can just forage for some healing herbs outside in the fields, which generally heals enough anyways.

The Fields

Now it’s time to move to the fields. The first goal is to head west,through the forest, to Imo village. If you have trouble seeing where you are going, you can always zoom in or zoom out.While moving, you may encounter some random enemy encounters, but they should be easy enough. You can set the combat to auto, and your characters will automatically try to attack enemies using their weaknesses, if you have skills that they are weak to. The plant monsters in the field are weak to fire, so if you take Kokori off auto combat, try to target them with her fire magic for extra damage and a free turn on whoever you have on your first slot(your main hero, if you didn’t swap character slots.) Though later on, you’ll find out that auto combat usually has your characters prioritizing single targets with weaknesses to continue chains, which may not be the fastest way to deal with monsters. Just be wary if you run into more than 3 monsters at a time until you get a few levels. Your main hero will learn sunny side up at level 3, which will make battles easier. When you reach the forest, the monsters are slightly tougher than the ones in the field, but the mushroom monsters are still weak to fire, and they aren’t TOO crazy. Once you take a few steps, you’ll run out of stamina, and need to rest for the night. Here, the game will prompt you on what to eat or not. You will always start the next day with base 50 stamina, and eating foods will increase that, allowing you more actions until you run out again. So for example, a roasted corn will give you 40 stamina. If you eat just the corn, you’ll end up with 50 + 40 stamina, which equals 90 stamina the next day. A pumpkin salad will give 30 stamina. Eating both roasted corn AND pumpkin salad will give you 50(base) + 40(corn) + 30(pumpkin) = 120 stamina. Efficiency wise, eating 1 food at a time will get you the most milage, but it’s up to you if you wish to eat 3 foods at a time. Don’t worry about running out, you can easily forage more from either the fields or the forest. Fields will yield lots of berries, while the forest will give you lettuce and mushrooms. I recommend stocking up on at least 4 or 5 roasted mushrooms while you’re in the forest. You may occasionally get bird meat from the random birds in the field, which you can cook over a fire to make roasted chicken. It’s recommended in general that you rest until the morning, since if you rest until midnight, really strong monsters come out at night time, from 21:00 until 05:00. Now, lets head west until you reach the town of Imo village.

Be sure to save occasionally.

Imo Village

Upon reaching the town, if you move into the dining room, you’ll meet Kajibara for the first time. Here,you’ll quickly learn that he’s quite the food critic, and his arrogance will be a bit of the game’s comic relief. He’ll ask you what is the most important quality in being a hero, which the correct answer is delicious meals. Don’t worry about getting it right or wrong, it’s just flavor text (heh,see what i did there?). After, he’ll give you your first quest, “a fresh salad with refreshing acidity”. I’ll give you the answer on what he’s looking for, he’s looking for a tomato salad. But, we have yet to run into a place where you can get tomatoes in the game. Before we leave, we need to prepare at least enough food, because the place where we’re going will not have any source of foods to scavange. Make sure you have at least 5-10 foods, and if you really need some, you can always move to the beach and fish some free mackerals. Be warned you may get attacked by angry villagers doing this. If you’ve picked up some spare lettuces from the forest and have yet not cooked them, you can use the knife and mackeral + lettuce for a slightly more complex Mackeral sashimi with lettuce, which provides 35 stamina. However, just straight up using the knife on a mackeral will still give you a mackeral sashimi, and this food will also provide 35 stamina, surprisingly. You can also choose to buy greygills or mackerals from the shop. Using the fire on the mackeral and greygills will provide you roasted greygills or mackerals, however, these things only give 25 stamina. You cannot use the knife on greygills. Now once you have enough foods, lets head out, our destination is a cave northeast of Imo village, located North of the forest.

Back to the fields

You can choose to go directly north, through the plains which is the safer route, or if you wish, east into the forest if you wish to scavange a few extra vegetables or mushrooms. Once you head to the north end of the island, you’ll reach the first dungeon of the game, the Simeta cave. I recommend you save before going in, because you won’t be able to save inside the dungeon until you reach the save point.

Simeta Cave – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to the first dungeon. This is the introductory dungeon, so you won’t run into anything too crazy in here, but you will run into your first boss at the end. Remember when i said to bring enough food for the journey? It’s mainly for this reason. The game will briefly go over the details, but just incase you skipped or missed what they said, basically: You can’t scavange for food inside the dungeon. Whatever foods you have will need to last for however long you want to be in here. Stronger monsters will appear the deeper you are in the dungeon. (Different monsters start to appear every 25 floors,usually.) You can escape anytime you wish,but in doing so,you’ll be put back at the very beginning, and thus need to make the trek deeper into the dungeon all over again. Also, useful tidbit to know for later dungeon runs, Extra powerful monsters will not appear inside dungeons at night time, unlike in the fields, so when later on,you start getting access to higher stamina foods and are able to do more actions before resting, you don’t have to worry about running into them that you would otherwise outside in the fields. This is important for later dungeons, when you start using the game’s combo system to acquire really high ranked materials.

Since we’re on this topic, might as well let you know about the combo system for items. The longer you continue doing something without moving, the higher ranked stars you can get on items you search for. This includes foods,armor materials, and even healing items, though healing items will not display with stars, they’ll have higher effects like more health restored, but the higher healing items is not as important. You can manage your inventory and discard useless or low star ranked items, and continue to search for materials and keep the “combo” going, so long as you don’t move from that spot,you’ll eventually get materials/foods that are 5 stars or higher. You start to really see the effects after using at least 100 stamina on searching, but we won’t worry about high ranked materials in this dungeon yet. Because it only really starts mattering on dungeons with higher floors, since the base combo multiplier is higher in later dungeons with more floors/levels.

For this dungeon though, it’s only 20 floors, so different monsters will appear after the 10th floor, and the save point is at the 19th,while the boss is on the 20th. The boss might be a little tough, so if you feel you’re underleveled, feel free to grab a level or two before challenging it. You can also grab some extra healing herbs before proceeding. I recommend at least level 5-6 at the minimum on both characters before fighting the boss. The fight should involve Kokori focusing on spamming fire attacks, as the boss’s weakness is fire, granting you essentially two moves on your main hero every turn, which you should use either to heal up if anyone is hurt. Only attack on your main hero if you have everyone at full health. An alternative strategy that i used was just have my main hero focus on healing, and taunting, since if you happen to have bad luck,the boss can land an attack that will knock Kokori out from full health in one move. After defeating the boss, i HIGHLY recommend going back 1 floor to the save point, and saving. If you risk hitting a game over somehow before your next save, you’d have to do the boss fight all over again. Head back to floor 20, and there are two main things you’d want to farm out of here. Searching for food will give you tomatoes, and salt. You don’t need to save the salt,But keep at least 2 or 3 tomatoes incase you accidentally lose one or two of them accidentally making a failed recipe. If you’re curious what salt does, it’s a seasoning that simply boosts the quality of food by increasing the star rank of foods, and can be applied to ANY food at all. Just simply add salt as part of the recipe while preparing food. Good combinations with salt will give greater loyalty points when getting the girl’s impression while eating. The important thing to get here is Garnet, try to get at least 3-4 of them, they’ll sell for a nice 500b each, at base price (1 star). Higher stars will give a little more. You unfortunatly can’t sell them yet, but hold onto them, you’ll be able to sell them soon enough. It’ll be a nice boost to your money until you can reach Chapoor town, or the Desert Restaurant,in the second island. Once you reach Chapoor town though,money should never be a problem again, but I’ll explain that later. For now, once you’re done farming whatever you need down here, head back into the fields.

Back to the fields

Head back to Imo village.

Imo Village

Move back to the dining room, and you can speak to Kajibara to complete the quest, by giving him a Tomato salad. Simply just use knife on a tomato to make the salad. Completing the quest will earn you a new cooking skill,fusion. From hereon out, you can bring foods to Kajibara and he’ll give you money for most foods. The higher ranked the food, the more money he’ll give you. If you need some emergency money, just cook some of the excess food you have and give it to him. Kajibara will serve as a unlimited easy source of money later on. Move to the beach, and you’ll run into…a strange robed creature. Named Pocklo. He’ll be one of the most useful “items” in the game, as he serves as an unlimited storage in towns,and also grants you the ability to warp to ANY location you’ve previously visited. Now you can visit the second island, The Cankara Region. Select the check command and choose travel to Cankara region.

Second Island, Cankara Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to the second island,the Cankara region. This is where the difficulty ramps up a bit. You’ll face quite harsh weather that will add a extra drain to your stamina associated with ALL actions. The mornings are cold, from 06:00 to 07:00 hours. It’ll heat up at 07:00 until 12:00 hours. Then the weather will be REALLY hot at 12:00 until 17:00 hours. And it’ll be cold again at 21:00. So what does these weather mean for you? Well, let me explain. Cold and hot weather will add a extra +5 stamina drain associated with all actions unless you have foods that counter the effect. Hot food, usually soup, will counter the cold. Cold food, like the ice bars, will counter the hot weather. Severe heat, at 12:00 to 17:00 hours, will add a extra staggering +10 stamina drain to all your actions, and requires 2 different cold foods to fully negate it’s effects. So, moving around in hot weather without preparations will drain 15 stamina instead of 10 stamina. Same applies with cold weather. Moving around in severe heat will instead drain 20 stamina instead of 10 stamina.Even other actions, like searching for materials,which normally take up 5 stamina per use, will instead take up 10 stamina in hot/cold weather, and 15 stamina per use in severe heat! Luckily, eating both a hot food and a cold food will not negate each other’s effects, like i foolishly thought when i had played this game the first time. You can safely consume one hot food and one cold food to negate both effects of cold AND hot weather, and partially reduce the drain of severe heated weather. (also, a side effect of hot and heat weather is that it’ll tan the girls if you don’t have sunscreen effect active, like tomatoes.) Hot food is a little less relevent though, as the majority of the time you’d probably spend in hot weather on this island, and the majority of the time cold weather is at night,which is when the dangerous monsters at night come out. This is fortunate, as most of the hot food sold are more expensive.

Starting off,before departing into the desert, i would suggest having at least 3 or 4 ice bars. When you’re out of stamina, Consider picking resting until morning if you have ice bars,or alternatively you can pick resting until afternoon if you don’t. Resting in the morning will put you at 06:00 hours, where in two actions it’ll change from cold to hot. Resting in the afternoon will put you at 16:00, and taking 2 actions will set you at 17:00 hours, where the heat will lift and you can move freely without any extra stamina drain,if you did not prepare any cold foods. However, you must take care to rest before 21:00 hours,as thats when the powerful monsters come out. If you have the cash to spare, you can also go into the weapon store and buy the Kikuichimonji sword for 600,offering a really nice boost of 20 attack for your main hero. The monsters here are a little tougher, so the extra attack will make your life easier. With the ability to warp to any previous visited towns using pockle, you can now set your goals between travels on reaching the next outpost or town,and not needing a large supply of food for every trip. When you are ready, leave for the desert and time to head west. Our next goal is the mining outpost directly to the west, where you can sell some garnets for some extra cash.

Cankara Settlement

When you arrive at this settlement, you can go into the tent, and check the pot for a 4 star silver ore. As you can’t craft weapons yet, consider saving this in pockle, to prevent yourself from accidentally selling it. This outpost also has a shop which you can sell anything in your equipment tab, as you desire. You could even sell excess weapons or armors for a half the price you bought it at. Here, we’ll sell some garnets obtained from the first dungeon. You’ll need just a little of the money for when you reach Chapoor town, to at least get started on buying base ingredients to make foods. At that point, you should never have problems with money again, but i’ll explain in more detail once we reach there. Don’t worry,if you had not saved any garnet, and you REALLY need some money, you can search for armor materials near the mine areas nearby this outpost, and get some defense polishing sands to sell for 100, or iron ores for 50. Once we are done in this outpost,you can make a quick stop heading south to the desert restaurant to unlock the warp point there.

Desert Restaurant(Optional outpost)

You can enter the restaurant, and check the table for a free beef curry rice (seasoned with very spicy), a hot food that provides 70 stamina. The restaurant sells foods with relative high star count,giving a decent stat boost,but are quite pricy. Of note is the 6 star beef curry rice, costing 540, but will give you a bonus of 30 hp and 12 physical defense, which is quite a significant boost at this point in the game,making travelling and fighting monsters quite a bit easier. A cheaper alternative that will yield a 5 star sandwich,but requires warping between two places, is buying the 3 star tomato shaki salad from this restaurant, warping back to the cankara east sea house, and buying the 2 star ham and bread. Combine the 3 to make a 5 star fresh ham sandwich,costing only a total of 240 to make it. The sandwiches are powerful at this level because of the hp boost they grant you.

(NOTE: There’s a easy money exploit you can do here. By buying the 6 star cactus steak and beef curry rice, you can go back to Kajibara in the restaurant in Imo village,and have him eat it, netting you 2250b per food. If you get him to eat 2 of the 6 star foods at once, you get even MORE money. Having him eat two 6* foods at once will net you 5400b. When you reach Chapoor town, you can make a 3rd 6* food, and having him eat 3 of them at once will net you 9450b!)

Our next goal is to make sure you have enough food to make the journey to Chapoor town. You can warp back to buy some extra ice bars,and grab some foods. The distance is a bit longer than what you’ve travelled between places,so at least 2 or 3 sets of food may be required. It will be worth it though. Once ready, you can warp back to the settlement then head west until you reach Chapoor town(the place that looks like a castle).

Chapoor Town

Upon first arrival, you’ll be greeted by the townspeople, introducing the town and that it’s protected by the water maiden,Pupu. You can move to the holy fountain and greet her(along with a half naked man… Well, he’s pupu’s father.) Anyway, after a bit of banter, pupu will show up…and she has a character sprite. Which can mean only one thing. SHE’S RECRUITABLE! She’ll give you a quest to prove you are a hero, which she’ll ask for a fruity ice pop. This can be easily made with ingredients all found from the forest area directly south of Chapoor town. You can also move into the inn and check the closet for a free 1600B. (The bar also has a free cassis orange, which is a alcoholic drink. You can get the girls drunk by having them drink it.) To complete Pupu’s quest, leave the town and head south into the forest. Then search for two ingredients: an Ice fruit and a Dragon Lychee. Warp back to town, use the knife on Ice fruit and Dragon Lychee to create a Dragon pop. Give the dragon pop to Pupu and she’ll join the party. She’ll also teach you the knowledge of Alchemy, which unlocks the ability to create medicine and weapons. You can also now upgrade weapons using the same tab to create weapons. You will now enter combat with 3 characters at once,making travelling much easier. Pupu’s father will now also buy costume clothes off you, which will go up in value, the more of a girl’s “scent” is on them, and inversely, go down in value in proportion to how much of a male’s scent is on it.(Basically,he’s a pervert.) They’ll also tell you your next goal: a cave to the west of Chapoor town. But before you leave, you have quite a few options now. In this town is a wealth of ingredients, buyable from the market. Here, you can make the forest barbecue, by cooking over a fire: Chicken meat,Beast meat,Mushroom, and a Carrot(the onion carrot potato). The forest barbecue is the second highest single stamina food in the game, second only to the heavy soup series, which is obtainable much later in the game. It gives a whopping 95 stamina,being relatively easy to make, this will be your staple food for the rest of the game. With all the ingredients in the market, you can also make a bunch of different foods, mainly sandwiches, to bring back to Kajibara and earn money that way. At this point,Money should never be a problem anymore. Higher star foods (especially 6 stars or above) will give high amounts of money. Not all recipes give equal amounts, but in general, the more complex the recipe, the higher the base amount of money you’ll get. Two relatively easy to make sandwiches with just ingredients you can buy that end up with 6* or 7* is the Shaki ham sandwich (7), and the fresh ham sandwich (6). To make the Shaki ham sandwich – Buy a wheat, cook it over fire to make bread. Buy two shaki vegetables, and use the knife on one of them to make one of them a salad. Then combine: Bread + ham + the two shaki vegetables. Fresh ham sandwich: Wheat on fire – make bread. Buy a tomato and shaki vegetable, use knife on both, making a tomato shaki salad. Combine: bread + ham + tomato shaki salad. If you choose not to simply buy the 6* cactus steak from the desert restaurant for the third food, then you can make the Dinamic sandwiches. For reference, you can look up recipes provided you’ve at least owned the base materials at one point. But, if you must ask, the Dinamic vegetable chicken sandwich (7*) can be made with the following: Make a bread. Then make a Vege-chicken by cooking over a fire – Chicken,Pumpkin,and Carrot. Now Make a forest salad – by using a knife on Tomato + shaki vegetable + pumpkin. Combine bread + vege-chicken + forest salad.

With the extra money, consider buying and dual-wielding the 2000b Water sword, the Murasame, on both your main character, and Pupu. It’s a bit of an investment (totalling 8000b,should be trivial at this point now), but doing so will allow both of them to completely melt anything in your path. Pupu will only benefit from physical attack, none of her attacks are based on magic. Only her heals gets increased by magic attack, but the amount is very small, so it’s not worth sacrificing her attack for.The Murasame will also boost water property damage a little, and since all of pupu’s attacks are water property, it’ll further boost her damage. After preparing your food and equipment, head west into the sand cave.

Sand cave

Since this is only the second dungeon, it only goes up to 30 floors. You’ll encounter new mobs at level 11-20, and again at 21-30. If you’ve equipped yourself properly and brought decent enough food for their boost in stats, all the monsters should be cakewalk,even if you’re underleveled. Random interesting tidbit is that, you can already scavange for armor materials at floor 29. You’ll only get iron scraps and iron ore in here,though. The 30th floor adds garnets into the drop list. The boss in here is weak to water, so Pupu should be able to do a lot of damage. I was able to wipe it out in 2 turns. After defeating the boss, you’ll get the legendary pot, which is a new cooking method and opens up a bunch of new recipes. You can scavange in here a little bit for some iron scraps,ore,and garnets. After you’re done here,leave and warp back to Chapoor town.

Chapoor town

From here, our next goal is to head south to the bottom bit of the island, so we can travel to the third island. Before you do that though,head north real quick into the pyramids to unlock the warp point. You can’t go in yet, but later on there’s a story relevent item to be gotten here. Warp back to Chapoor town and then head south(feel free to restock supplies at Chapoor town if you need to do so).

Back to the desert

You can drop by and visit any extra outposts/towns so you can warp back to them at any time.

Desert resting place(optional outpost)

Inside the tent, if you check the pot, theres a 4* life polishing sand. However, this is no ordinary one, it has the highest stats in the game, giving 48 life and 8 defense to whatever you decide to power it up with. (For reference, even a 25* life polishing sand will only add 29 life). You can save it for a endgame weapon, or power up any of your equip for a massive boost. Use it wisely.

Cankara west sea house

Note that you can buy 4* eggs in this place. Eggs are used in a lot of recipes later on, allowing you to easily make recipes with high star ranks. You can move to Amajura region from here.

Third island, Amajura Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to the third island, the Amajura region. Starting off,we can move into the hut, and Check the closet for 12000b. Free money! what fantastic heroes we are! In the weapon shop here, you can buy Darkness rods for kokori, giving her 35 magic attack each, and also boosts her damage on her dark magic skills by small amount. On this island, you no longer have to worry about hot weather anymore. Instead, you only need to worry about cold weather. The cold weather lasts from the morning,06:00 until 12:00. It’ll get cold again at 21:00 hours. If you don’t want to bring hot foods, you can choose to rest until noon, where you will wake up at 12:00 hours. Just be sure to rest before 21:00 hours, because thats when the cold weather returns, and more importantly, the powerful monsters at night as well.

Our main goal is to head southeast to the Elp’s village. You can choose to head east to the forest inn if you wish though.

Forest inn (optional outpost)

Nothing much of interest here,But you can pick up a riceball flavored with citrus soy sauce inside the hotel on the table. The only real worthwhile thing here is for the costumes, and to head to the mining site to the east, where you can get some magic polishing sands,if you wish to power up weapons(mainly for Kokori). You can also get emeralds and iron ore here, but they also can be obtained from the southern mining site, where the much more useful and valuable silver ore is obtained.

Elp’s Village

Welcome to Elp’s village…home of the elps. You’ll be greeted by one of the male elps. They look hilarious. If you move into the Elp cafe, you’ll meet Une. She’s the next recruitable girl for your party. As usual, you need to do a quest before she joins the party. The request is chocolate this time..which needs a cooking method that is not available yet. Luckily, both the ingredient and the new cooking ability is located near the same area; the Galani ruins to the south. As for free stuff, theres a pancake with wasabi soy sauce seasoning on the table. You can also move into the inn and loot Une’s panties in the closet. The Elp Cafe sells 3* milk, and milk is used in a lot of recipes. You can stock up on milk for recipes in the future, by shoving them into pockle’s infinite storage.

Also sold in the cafe is the Soyccino,a very powerful item once you level up and get better but more bp intensive skills. It provides a measly 30 stamina, slightly increases your physical attack,but reduces your magic attack and max HP. Also increases breast size(you can avoid this by selecting No food impressions). However,The most important part is the +1 bp on this item, which allows you to starts everyone off with a extra 1 bp everytime you enter combat. Once your main hero unlocks lightsaber,the extra +1 bp from the soyccino and your hero using sunny side up, you can have your hero just clear out enemies with his lightsaber in every fight. Higher bp skills have significantly higher damage multipliers, and his lightsaber increases significantly more based on your base attack power. You’ll REALLY note the difference once he starts unlocking his more advanced moves later in the game.

In the weapons shop, the needle flail is sold here. Now, the Muramasa has a higher base attack power, but the needle flail also adds a good amount of magic attack. Your main hero uses both magic attack and physical attack for his skills. Most of his powerful skills are physical based, but, it’s a matter of personal preference if you wish to empower his magic attack too(his sunny side up and whirlwind are magic based). You can even dual wield needle flails on Kokori and get higher base magic attack power, which is better for all her skills. The darkness rods is specialized for her dark attacks to do more damage though.

From here, we have a few options. You can opt to go directly south to the Galani ruins, or you can make a detour to the west part of the island, to unlock the warp point to the Grass cave. Theres also the JimeJime camp on the bottom left of the island,and the Amajura south sea house at the bottom right of the island. You can visit them to unlock the warp options to return to either of them at any time. I personally went down to Jimejime camp first before going to the Galani ruins.

JimeJime Camp

The camp here sells cutted durians, which can lower enemy encounter rate, if you’re tired of running into random encounters. Keep in mind that you’ll get less exp this way, and may be underleveled for the later islands if you abuse the durians too much. The durians give a decent 50 stamina, but will lower your defenses and max hp.(This Can be offsetted with foods that increase your defenses and max hp.) Inside the tent, you can search the pot for a 4* gold ore. Unlike the polishing sand, the stats on the ore do not affect the end result of creating the weapon, so there is no need to especially save the materials like silver/gold ore you find from the pots. What matters is only the number of stars it has. I’d recommend heading to the mining site directly to the west of this camp, and consume some decent stamina foods(be sure to include a soup for the cold weather), so you can search for armor materials without running out of stamina too fast. You can safely, if you rest until the morning, use 145 stamina before hitting 21:00 hours. (I used:Forest barbecue,Vegetable barbecue, and a egg chicken curry ramen, for a total of 300 stamina,which is way more than enough.) Get at least a 3* iron ore, 3* silver ore,and a 3* emerald and use them to craft a needle flail (this will give you 48 attack and 64 magic attack). Higher ranked materials will give even better stats. You can choose to create a few of these, as this weapon will be useful for a good portion of the game.

After you are finished preparing your equipment and food, head to Galani ruins.

Galani Ruins

The third dungeon is pretty straight forward. This is the first dungeon with 50 floors, and any new dungeons you enter now will have their deepest level at level 50,100,or 200. The later dungeons with 200 levels will give you a lot more higher star ranked materials, so it’s especially important to pack high stamina foods to farm at the deepest area,if you want some REALLY good equipment. It’s not absolutely necessary,but well crafted weapons will make your life much easier. The boss in this dungeon is weak to fire, so keeping Kokori alive in the fight is a good idea. Upon defeating the boss, you’ll get the blender. If you examine the wall, it’ll tell you the recipe on how to make chocolate. It requires a cacao and a milk, put in a blender. Also,if you search for armor materials here, you can get sapphires and titanite. There aren’t too many weapons in the early-mid game that you can craft with good base light elemental bonus for your main hero. The best use for titanite for now is to enchant your weapons with light bonus. Elemental bonuses give more damage than straight up raw attack power in equal numbers. You still need a high enough attack power to benefit from the bonus,though. Don’t worry about farming for too high ranked sapphire or titanite though, there will be later dungeons where you can acquire much higher star ranks from. You’d want to grab at least two 5* sapphires or higher from here though, so you can give pupu a small weapon upgrade. Using iron,silver,and sapphires, you can craft Muramasas, with much higher base attack and higher water elemental bonus than the ones you can obtain from the shop. Leave the dungeon when you’re done, but DON’T warp anywhere yet. You’d want to take a few steps into the forest nearby, and search for food materials until you get a cacao or two. We need to make that chocolate,after all! Now you can warp back to Elp village when you’re ready to complete the quest.

Elp’s Village

Make the chocolate by putting a milk with a cacao in the blender. In version 4.1, the recipe menu is bugged, the third slot required to make it is the sweet cream, but the sweet cream is not necessary to make the chocolate. You can still choose to make it with the sweet cream, for a higher food star bonus though. (To make a sweet cream, it’s as simple as putting milk and egg together in the blender.) Give the chocolate to have Une join your party. Now you have a full party of 4. Any extra girls that join in the future will not automatically join you in combat, unless you swap out one of the girls. Don’t forget to give Une some equipment. (I gave her two crafted Needle flails.) Head to the Amajura south sea house to travel to the 4th continent, which is actually a series of islands.

Amajura south sea house

Check the closet inside the hut for a free 12000b. the 4* bread sold here will be very useful for a lot of recipes, including the dinamic sandwich and the katsudon. Feel free to stock up on the bread, or return in the future to buy from here. Finally, we can now go to the fourth continent.

Fourth Island, Tropeanya islands – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Tropeanya islands coastal – Sea house

Rather it being a single island like all the previous ones you’ve been on, the fourth “continent” is a series of islands. The weather starts off normal in the morning, but from 12:00 to 21:00 hours, the weather becomes hot. This means if you plan on travelling at any time past 12:00 hours, you’ll need at least 1 cold food to get rid of the stamina penalty. (You can always warp back to the 2nd or 3rd island and buy some ice pops or soft serves, or you can just buy from the shops on these islands.) Starting off, you can move into the hut and check the closet for free money; 22000B. From here, the only place you can go to is the next town, to the southwest. On your way there, drop by the nearby jungle and pick up at least two don-patch grass via searching for food.(We’ll need it for the quest coming up. Save at least 1 extra for another quest on the 5th island.) Also, save any mangosteen or durians for the future, they’ll be useful to make food to modify your random encounter rate. You won’t have a use for the mangosteen,which increases encounter rate, until later, on the 6th island.

SamaSunResort town

Here, the goal is to acquire the “legendary ship”…which is sold by one of the shopkeepers in this town. It’s just a rubber inflatable ship. (Poor Pupu’s expectations are crushed.) If you select the option check, and the second option to speak to the shopkeeper, you’ll find out that the legendary ship is all sold out. Here comes Kajibara,who bought out all of them. He’s here to give you a quest. As expected, everything to do with him is food. He wants a refreshing,bubbly,addicting drink that goes well with junk food. This time we need to make a Coca cola. We can’t make it yet, we need another ingredient which is found on the following island, the coke fruit. Free stuff time! in the bar, is a caipirinha with aurora seasoning. In the refle area B(I assume it’s resort area,i’m just going to call it resort area),on the table is a 5* gold ore. Resort area C has a free 2* platinum ore in the closet.I recommend saving the platinum ore for now. Lastly,resort area D gives you a free rotor in the closet. Again,you’ll see that the stats on both the gold ore and platinum ore has higher base stats, but the stats are irrelevent because they don’t transfer to the final product of whatever weapon/armor you’re crafting,so there is no need to save them over higher star ranked ores of the same type. You COULD power up a equipment with the ores,giving you slightly higher amounts of stats and/or potentially different stat boosts,but the amount you get is not significant enough to be worth wasting. (theres only a few exception to this,on specific materials. I’ll let you know which ones.) You’ll get a lot more value in using it to craft a weapon instead. The next step is to move to the Small island,then travel to the remote island via check command.

Tropeanya Remote island sea house

Inside the hut, checking the closet will give you a 2* gold ore. In this shop, you can buy roasted octopusquid, and if you cook these over a fire,it’ll give you a dried squid. Similar to the Soyccino, this food will give you +1BP to all party members at the start of combat. The dried squid gives 30 stamina, but has no associated stat modifiers, so you will neither have a stat boost or a stat reduction,making it a very useful food to clear out mobs,or even for boss fights. if you REALLY want to, you can even consume both a soyccino and a dried squid for +2 bp at the start of every fight,allowing you to start off with your strongest move and most likely wiping out anything in your path. You won’t have too much stamina,though,so this tactic is mainly for short term travelling or boss fights.

From here, you can head up northwest into the forest and search for food until you get the coke fruit. (Get at least 2, you’ll need it for another quest as well.) Be sure to drop by the nearby town of Porepore village to the southwest as well, so you can warp back here.

Porepore Village

Nothing too remarkable about this town, but in the equipment shop are some gold weapons. You’ll see the main characteristic of gold crafted equipment is that it increases HP(most of the time). The main attraction of this town is that fish shop sells a bunch of 3* fish, which can be used to make fish soup with relatively decent star count. Inside the potion store,you’ll also be introduced to the angel flower, which finally allows you to revive KO’d party members. You can buy a few of these if you wish, but they’ll be sold in the other upcoming towns, so there is no need to especially return to this town just for the angel flowers. Let’s warp back to SamaSunResort to complete the quest,and get that legendary boat.


To make the Coca cola, you’d need to throw the Don-patch grass, the coke fruit, and water, into the blender. (You may need to warp back to Chapoor town to buy some water.) You’ll get the “legendary ship”,worth only 200B! watch the reaction of everyone, as Kajibara leaves,laughing like a madman. You’ll also be introduced to the next story point of the game,which is collecting the 7 spheres and finding the 4 spirits, so you can get to the central continent. From this point on, the game opens up a bit, and you can pretty much travel anywhere you wish now. The legendary ship allows you to travel on water freely. Be warned that different regions of the sea has different monsters, and some of them are meant for you to be encountered at much higher level. Unless you want to get annihilated by powerful monsters really fast, You’d want to follow the way the game intends you to travel, counter clockwise. Before we head to the next island to the east, we’d want to grab the final cooking method, and probably your 1st sphere. Both are located in the ruins to the west of PorePore village. (side note, two of the other locations to get the other spheres are now open, they’re located in the pyramids in the 2nd island, and the grass cave on the 3rd island,respectively. The mobs there might be a bit tough at the moment though,so we’ll return there later.)

You can also drop by the sea restaurant north of the Sama sun resort.

Sea Restaurant(Optional)

Inside the restaurant,on the table is a sushi with very spicy seasoning. The restaurant sells some food with some decent stars,but otherwise nothing else to do here.

Warp to Porepore village and travel west via boat to the ruins.

KiroKiro Ruins

This dungeon is 60 floors deep. Be wary of the pig beserkers beyond floor 45, they seem to be a bit tougher than everything else in here. The boss of this dungeon is also fairly dangerous. He can use a full party damaging lightning move.Pupu should be at least level 18 so she can use holy shower in a pinch, and heal everyone up. If you’re still having trouble defeating the boss,then consider leveling up to level 25,and grabbing a +1 bp food (like dried squid) for the boss fight. Then have your characters use their strongest moves to take down the boss. If you’re still unsure that you can take down the boss, you can also play cautiously and make sure that you have at least 1 BP for the advanced charge moves that adds +3 bp, and then using ultimate lightsaber the turn after. After defeating the boss, you’ll get the Yellow sphere. If you check inside the treasure chest, you’ll also get your final cooking method, the Fermentation barrel. Unfortunatly you can’t search for armor materials in here, so theres nothing of value to be farmed in here.

Our next goal now is the 5th island, the Alphas region. You can reach there either by heading warping to the Amajura south sea house(3rd island) and heading directly east, or from the Tropeanya costal sea house and heading northeast.

(if you’re at least level 25,you can also take on the pyramids or the grass cave for the spheres as well. The pyramids is easy enough, but the Grass cave is a bit more tougher. I’d recommend coming back to the grass cave after clearing out the 5th island, or at the very least recruit Ninya.)

Fifth island,The Alpas Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Drop by and enter the seahouse on the west side of the island to unlock the warp point.

Alpas west seahouse

Inside the hut, there is a free heart necklace on the table. Nothing else of particular interest in here. Head east on land and drop by the nearby restaurant.

Bistro big Laguna

This place is just a restaurant. It sells some foods that give decent stamina. Nothing really noteworthy in here though.Head southeast to the next town.

Alal Market – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Alal market. This place is one of the most useful towns on par with Chapoor town, it sells a bunch of good items in the food store like a 4* Forest barbecue, allowing you to stock up on them without having to make them again. Oil is also sold here, which is used to make a lot of fried recipes, of note is the Katsu Don, a complex food to make, but one of the few items in the game that will give you multiple stat boosts with no negative stats gains. The 5* roasted chicken sold here is also useful in making the Dinamic sandwich, of which you can use to easily make 10* or higher now. (note that stat boosts have a limit up to 10*, any extra will not provide extra stat gains, only increased loyalty points for H options.) Two of the ingredients to make Mayonnaise is sold here too,a good seasoning that goes well with almost any recipe, allowing you to boost the star count on almost any recipe you can fit it into. If you’re lazy as well, you can always buy the salt or the pepper herb to use for seasoning here; You no longer have to search for salt or pepper herbs anymore. Coffee beans and ice fruit are sold here as well,giving you access to the cappucino series for +1bp food that you can craft,and ice fruit for making all sorts of ice pops and soft serve series.

In the mineral shop (the equipment shop), 1* iron,silver,and gold ore are sold,allowing you to craft a bunch of weapons to fill out the weapon encyclopedia, if you wish to refer back and compare which equips are more useful for your needs. 1* peridot,ruby,and onxy are also buyable here. You can also now buy 1* polishing sand of your choice, to quickly add a small boost to your stat of your choice without needing to search for them as well (Although higher ranked polishing sands will give higher stat boosts,which you’ll get from farming the end of the dungeons,and you’d want to save those for your more valuable equips. Damage wise it’s still better to use high ranked gems to boost elemental damage though.)

In the potion shop, the moon grass is sold, allowing you to make potions with the all effect,effectively applying it to the whole party in combat. The piece of courage adds +1 bp upon consumption. A expensive but powerful option for boss fights is mixing moon grass and piece of courage, along with a angel flower, and a healing potion (you’ll need to buy healing potion from another place, this place only sells healing grass), this will give you a potion that will revive all party members,give them all +1 bp,and heal them at the same time. You can then mix the Mixed-potion-S with another piece of courage,another healing grass,and another healing potion to further boost the healing of it,now making it add +2 bp. Lastly, you can further mix the Mixed-potion M with another Mixed-potion S of the same type,and another piece of courage, and another healing potion, finally making a monsterous potion that will essentially fully revive,heal,and add 4 BP to your entire party.(No need to have multiple moon grass in making the potions though, the all effects do not stack. Just one is enough.)

Free stuff time! In square 2, inside the box is a 5* gold ore. If you move to square 3,you’ll meet Ninya, the next recruitable girl for your party. (Kajibara is here too. yay.) Try to recruit her as soon as possible, she’s one of the most useful party members you’ll get. She’ll gain access to heals, and is a high magic DPS. She requests a alcoholic drink that she can drink, but she doesn’t like alcohol. She likes Junk food though. Kajibara gives you a important hint, that being the same drink you gave to him back in SamaSunResort, The Coca Cola. So what we need to make now is a Alcoholic drink with the coca cola. The Answer is Coca cola with wine. Luckily, the Wine is sold in the shop in this exact same town. Simply blender the Coca cola with the Wine to make a Kalimotxo, and give it to Ninya, and she’ll join the party. Don’t forget to check inside the barrel for 15000b.

Now that you have 5 members in your party, you’d have to manually swap characters now, since you can only use 4 members at any given point.

If you want Ninya to be useful, don’t forget to gear her up. For now, you can give her a crafted needle flail for some magic attack,and craft her a golden gun (made using a peridot,gold,and iron ore.) for some extra health,defense, and a decent boost to her wind element. Most of her wind specialty weapons later on give huge amounts of wind element,and a decent amount of defense, and health. All her wind weapons lack any sort of magic attack, so optimally, you’d need to boost that using another weapon with decent magic attack. Doing so will allow her to blow away anything she looks at, as she’ll be one of your strongest damage dealers for a good portion of the game.

We can head northeast and drop by the tent along the way.

Dendeko Camp(Optional)

The equipment shop sells some weapons and armor here,but the stats on these will be nothing compared to equipment you can craft using decent materials. If you have lots of money to spare, you can choose to buy the equips for the sake of unlocking their info in your weapons database.(You can always resell for half price in a previous town that buys equips,like Alal market.) Inside the tent, there is a 4* platinum ore inside the pot. This is the second platinum ore you’ll get until you reach the Platinum cave on the 7th island. Head east and drop by the Seahouse.

Alpas east seahouse

From here, you can travel to the Nivenia region, to unlock the ability to warp to the Nivenia South seahouse at anypoint in the future. There is also a equipment shop here, which sells some weapons and armor. Again, If you have lots of money to spare, you can buy the equips for your database. Inside the hut, you can check for a 2* dark matter on the table.

From here, head directly north into the mountains until you reach a small hut.

Valley Hut

When you move into the hut, you’ll meet Collin(also spelled Korin), the wind spirit. She’ll give you a test,in which you must defeat an opponent on the 100th floor of the mine cave. (spoiler, that opponent is her). The reward is a optional skill that she’ll teach to your main hero(you have to remember to return to her after defeating her, but you’ll also need to do a quest to get the skill as well.) You can loot a free yellow rotor if you check her bed.

From here, theres two dungeons to the northwest. The closer one in the very center of the mountains is the tower of the valley, and I recommend you complete this one first. As we’re heading into the dungeons,make sure you prepare well on food.

From hereon out,I highly recommend bringing at least 2 sets of the following foods, if you need stat boosts for boss fights(10* or higher,remember stats on food past 10* will not grant extra bonus stats.):

a 10* dinamic sandwich (Made by combining bread,roasted chicken, and forest salad. Forest salad is made with shaki-vegetable,tomato,and shike-pumpkin. Use the 5* roasted chicken bought from alal market, and the 4* bread from the Amajura south sea house. Tomato and shaki-vegetable can be bought from chapoor town, and the shike-pumpkin is buyable from your starting town,the Siketa village.)

a 10* (or higher) Katsu don (This one is more complex,made by combining Steamed rice,Milanesa,egg,and a onion-potato-Carrot.) (Legendary pot: rice and water(both buyable at chapoor town) –> steamed rice) (Legendary pot: oil(buy in alal market),bread,egg,and a beast meat. –> Milanesa)

a +1bp food – Dried squid(I recommend this one,easiest to make. No negative stats, just buy a roasted octopusquid from the tropeanya remote island seahouse and cook it over a fire) Soyccino(buyable from Elp village cafe) Espressio or Cappuccino (You’ll have to make this using the coffee beans,buyable from alal market. You’ll need to cook the coffee beans with the legendary pot to make espresso beans. Then use the legendary pot on espresso beans with water to make a espresso. To make the Cappuccino,you’ll need to make a sweet cream using a egg and milk in a blender, and finally blender the sweet cream with the espresso.)

(be sure to bring angel flowers or potions mixed with angel flowers for revive,if by any chance your characters die in boss fights and you don’t want to lose out on exp.)

Tower of the Valley – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

This tower only goes up to 100 floors. The monsters here are significantly tougher than anything you’ve encountered up to this point. (except night-time monsters) If you’re having trouble,bring the +1bp foods like dried squids/cappucinos series, or have the main hero use sunny side up and manually ensure he doesn’t waste his BP on attacks,and use the charge up move that increases his BP.Then follow up with one of the characters with a weakness to give your hero a second turn(for example, the swords are weak to lightning,which Kokori can use), and then use a ultimate lightsaber to wipe out a few of them. This strategy isn’t just limited to your main hero, you can place another character (preferably someone with high damage) on the first slot to allow them to clear out mobs this way as well.

There is a save point on floor 49 and 99. The boss is on the 100th floor. I recommend most of your characters to be at least level 25 here,minimum. The boss is a Lime devil, Weak to lightning. Kokori will be needed here for her lighting attacks. It will use Tornado storm, a party wide wind attack,so I hope you have enough magic defense and HP.(This is where the 10* katsudon comes in for the stat boost on mdef and HP, and the dinamic sandwich provides a nice HP,def,and attack boost.) The main strategy here will to be ensuring you keep at least 1 BP on your characters to use the charge attack that adds +3bp. I brought pupu and Ninya for this fight, giving me the option of two party healers,and pupu can serve as a party wide +mdef in a pinch. If the boss uses speed up,you might want to consider going defensive for a turn, or at least don’t use your most expensive attacks, because there will be high chance that your attacks will miss. After defeating the boss,you’ll get the Light-Blue sphere,another of the spheres required to access the center island.

Here, on the top floor, you can search for Onyx.This place is the only place where you can get high ranked Onyx. However,only Kokori uses dark skills, and you don’t have the heavy ramen series to boost your stamina to 450(which is the highest you can get), and you can’t make the endgame staffs for kokori yet, so there is no need to farm onyx here yet. You can always return here at a much later time to farm onyx.(Don’t worry,the boss will not respawn.) On this floor as well,is the only place where the Walking darkness monster resides,they are the best monsters to farm for high ranked Dark matter.(outside of 1 specific boss on the last island.) Unfortunatly,equipments crafted involving dark matter have severe negative stats most of the time,and are not worth it to craft at all. You can even buy 1* dark matter much later on to complete your weapons encyclopedia,so I’d suggest not to bother with farming dark matter. Once you’re done,exit the tower and return back to the fields.

Back to the fields

Our next goal is the mine cave. Once we exit the tower, you can head northwest to the mine cave. Before making the trek down there, we need to be prepared. This time,we’re going to need a little more stamina food. Ensure you have enough to make the trek down 100 floors. However,the mine cave actually goes all the way down to 200 floors,and is the first dungeon you’ll run into that has 200 floors,the deepest any dungeon will go. As far as stamina goes, the highest you can get at the moment without having to search for ingredients (all store bought) is about 310 stamina.

The forest barbecue,at 95 stamina (buyable in alal market,or made with Beast meat,chicken,mushroom,and carrot,which are all buyable in Chapoor town)

The Vegetable barbecue, at 80 stamina (made with beast meat,chicken,pumpkin,and carrot. Pumpkin is buyable from siketa town,the first town.)

And a third food I went with is the Egg Meat curry ramen, at 85 stamina. (Theres a beef curry soup sold in Chapoor town,in the restaurant! Just simply buy a noodles and a egg from the market,and combine them to make the Egg meat curry ramen. If you want higher stat modifiers, all the ingredients are also sold in the market, and you can make it as simply as using legendary pot: Curry flower,Water,Beast meat,and Carrot. 2* beast meats are sold in Elp’s market or Alal market though.)

With 4 sets of these, you can get down to level 100, or at least 7 sets to make it to level 200. You just need to save at least 1 set for when you reach the desired floor to farm. The mine cave is the best place in the game to farm for high ranked gold ore, but you can choose not to farm if you don’t need gold at this immediate moment, and if you feel your equipment is good enough. Again, you can always return once you can make the heavy ramen series to farm for the highest potential materials.

Don’t forget to bring a food set for the boss fight(s). And maybe a few revival/heal/all potions. Just in case. If you really want to take on the 200f boss,you’ll want several potions with at least 250 heal,+4 bp,revive, and all effect.

Mine Cave – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Save points are at level 50,99 and 199. You can already start searching for materials as early as on floors 25-49,but you won’t find as high star ranked materials as on floor 100 and 200. Also,after floor 50,you’ll may run into the metal enemies. These enemies will take 1 damage from everything,so you’ll need to land 8 hits to take them out,since they have 8 hp. Ninya’s sylph gatling will randomly land multiple hits,and may be the best option to dispatch of these little buggers. The drops in here are Iron ore,Silver ore,Gold ore, and Peridot. On the 100th floor,you’ll run into Collin. She’ll be the boss fight. Her fight is very similar to the lime devil, but she hits a bit harder, her tornado did on average about a extra 50 damage more.(She did about 100 damage to everyone in my party.) She also has the same weakness to lightning,and can also increase her speed to evade the majority of your attacks for 1 turn. Defeat her and she’ll accept you as a hero. She’ll tell you to return back to her in the valley hut and she’ll give you her power. (She’ll teach your main hero a new move, but unfortunatly you need to do a quest to get the skill.) Before we head back,we might as well take advantage of making the trip down here. You can choose to continue onto the 200th floor if you brought enough food and are confident enough,or you can just search for material at the 100th floor. I recommend to be at least level 35 or higher before attempting the trip to the 200th floor.(Your party will start with 2 bp in combat at level 35, and Kokori will gain access to her 3 BP lightning move.) If you choose to head down to the deepest floor, the Kodomo dragons between 100-200 will occasionally drop a rare material, the dragon horn, which is used to craft some useful equips.

On the 200th floor is Collin in a sailor uniform. Be warned,she does not mess around. Her damage output is about 50% higher than her fight on the 100th floor, doing on average 100-150 damage on each person in my party with her tornado. She also has two shield angels, you might want to take those out as soon as possible. (I used enough multiple enemy damaging moves and took them out on the first turn.) You can have your hero use Hero pose on her,to reduce her accuracy and prevent her from landing a lot of damage on the party. Dedicate at least 1 person to party healing, I alternated between Pupu and Ninya for healing,incase one of them ran out of BP. This is not a fight you want to fight for a extended period of time though, as if she lands multiple hits on a single person, she can knock someone out from full hp. I’ve seen her do 300 damage on my main hero. If you want to cheese the fight, I brought 5 of the crafted super potions that gave me +4 bp, and had Kokori spam the 3bp lightning move for 2000 damage a turn, and Ninya with sylph rifle for 2000 a turn as well. Defeating her will yield 50020B and 47000 exp,and a T-shirt with her in a salior uniform. The 200f sailor uniform Collin will respawn everytime you leave the cave,so make sure you make the most of your victory here, and get as high as possible materials from here before leaving. With 310 stamina, I was able to dig out (and by tossing out a lot of low star materials,filling up my inventory to the brim),at least 7
ores above 15, two of them being 19 and 20. Aim for materials at least 6* or higher. Anything between 8-15 stars is very good already,and can craft really powerful weapons. For future reference, The highest possible star materials i’ve been able to find with 450 stamina(highest possible stamina) is 26* materials. This also applies for all future dungeons that go up to 200 floors.

From here, we can visit the Pyramids (if you haven’t already) for one of spheres, and then grass cave for the other. Should be really easy at this point now.


Before making the trip into the Pyramids,on the second island,be sure to prepare enough cold foods to make the trip. The pyramids is only 100 floors deep, and inside the pyramids is hot,meaning we’ll need at least 1 cold food everytime you rest to travel unhindered. There is no need for special consideration for foods for bosses at this point,you should be high enough level that you can clear out the boss without needing extra stat boosts from foods or powerful potions beat it. Only thing you’ll need is enough stamina, so forest barbecue/vegetable barbecue and the soft serves or ice bars bought from the towns is enough.

Save points are on level 49 and 99, Boss is on level 100. The boss is a blue devil, weak to lightning. It’s damage is on par with the lime devil in the tower of the valley. (It did about 50 damage to my whole party using water brace.) It primarily uses water attacks, however, it’s HP is relatively low(Around 2000). I was able to wipe it out in one turn using all my strongest attacks.(My whole party was level 39 at this point.)Upon defeating it, you’ll get 15000b,25000 exp, and the Blue sphere. Only iron ore and garnets drop here on the 100f of the pyramids. It is the best place to farm for high ranked garnets, but unfortunatly,being only 100 floors deep, the chance to get materials past 12-15 stars is low, and the highest so far discovered is 18*. Only one character in the game will use earth based attacks,and you won’t recruit her until near the end of the game. If you choose to farm garnet here,you can return here with the heavy ramen series to gather high ranked ones(remember, you’ll still need to consume 1 cold food,preventing you from using a full 3 of them to get 450 stamina. This means the highest possible stamina to farm here is 370.) The boss will not respawn here, so at the very least, accessing this area is easy.

Grass Cave

The grass cave has no heat or cold considerations,so just bring your highest stamina foods. I just used the same sets of food I used to travel through the mine cave, the one that gave me 310 stamina total.This dungeon is also 100 floors,So 4 sets is enough, though you’d want to bring a extra set or two, because we’d want to farm the emeralds at the end of this dungeon. Most of the equips crafted using emeralds are very useful. The materials you can obtain from here are Short timbers,Long timbers,Life polishing sands,and Emeralds.The grass cave has a save point on level 99 only,with the boss on level 100. The boss this time is the Green Devil. This boss is not a pushover like the one in pyramids,but it should still go down pretty easily. It has a weakness of wind and fire attacks, so having Ninya and Kokori in this fight will make it much easier. It can use a healing move, which restores about 2000 of it’s health. It’s damage output was around 50-80 damage on average. If you’re unlucky,it can rampage and knock out one of your more fragile characters if more than 2 or 3 hits concentrate on a single target. Upon defeating it,you’ll get the Green sphere.

Unlike the pyramids, the highest emerald I’ve found (using the heavy ramen sets for 450 stamina) is 21 star. For now,with access to only 310 stamina max, we’d want try to obtain as many emeralds above 7*,as you can use some of the lower ranked ones to update and craft new needle flails to help you get through 6th and 7th island(it gets a bit tougher),and save some of the higher emeralds for endgame,especially for the Kaya-no-hime, an equip crafted using emerald,platinum ore,pure heart,and a gold ore. The Kaya-no-hime is arguably the best all-rounder weapon,sporting high amounts of health bonus,high amounts of both attack and magic attack, and even a decent amount of defense and magic defence to go with it.

Upon clearing both the pyramids and the grass cave,you should have gotten at least 2-4 levels,depending on what level you are. I started at level 39 and ended at level 42 after I was done. You should be at least around level 35-40,if not higher,before travelling to the 6th island.

I also crafted a two new sets of Needle flails(total 4 of them) using all 7-10* iron and silver ores,and emeralds. Anything crafted with all materials above 7* will have more attack power than any of the regular weapons sold in shops. I gave them both to my main hero and Kokori, having both of them dual wield the new updated needle flails for a nice boost in damage, since your main hero and Kokori ends up doing most of the work in clearing out mobs. I also crafted a updated needle flail using all 10* materials for Ninya too,to increase her damage. My Ninya is still using the base crafted golden gun. We’ll be able to get a better weapon soon,so there isn’t a immediate need to craft a new one for her yet.

With our equips updated,we can now head to the 6th island,and from there we can prepare our foods to tackle the journey through the frozen island. If you haven’t gone there already, you can warp Alpas east costal sea house, or travel directly east from Dendeko camp to it, and then travel to the Nivenia region,the 6th island.

Sixth Island,Nivenia Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Nivenia South Seahouse

Welcome to the sixth island, the Nivenia region. This place is the frozen wastelands,where you now have to deal with cold and extreme cold weathers. Starting off, inside the South seahouse, we can move into the hut and check the table for a free 3* diamond. Nothing really of noteworthy in here otherwise.

Before we head out into the cold, you’d want to ensure you have the proper foods to travel the trecherous frostlands. Two hot foods are needed to counter the extreme cold. If you don’t want to cook up some soups, I recommend that you can just buy the Beef curry soup and Tomato beef stew sold in chapoor town,and combine those with noodles and a egg to make egg ramens for a little extra stamina. Third food can be Forest barbecues. You don’t have to bring too much,because once you reach the next town of Santape village, you’ll be able to buy some more soups.

When travelling on the fields, it’s extremely cold from 06:00 to 12:00, Cold from 12:00 until 21:00, and returns back to Extremely cold after 21:00.

Head northeast from the seahouse to the nearby town of Santape Village.

Santape Village

Upon first entering the village, you’ll be greeted by the Ice spirit, Pollin. Hmm,reminds of you Collin,the wind spirit,doesn’t it? She even gives you the same challenge,to go defeat the opponent(her) in the castle ruins located on the northeast side of the island. In the restaurant in here, the Chunky curry soup can be combined with noodles and eggs to make the Egg Curry champon, a hot food that gives 90 stamina. With the Egg meat curry ramen at 85 stamina, and the forest barbecue giving 95 stamina,you now have the perfect set of foods with high stamina to traverse this island.

As for free stuff,checking the tree will give you a 3* pure heart. This pure heart has a base HP stat of 20, so if you want to power up something with this particular pure heart,it will add +28 hp to it, which is equal in power to a 24* life polishing powder. Just for reference,the highest farmable life powder is 26*,which will yield +30 hp. It’s up to you if you want to save it for a power up,or use it to craft a Kaya-no-hime to make your life easier. You’ll be able to farm pure hearts very soon in one of the dungeons located on this same island. Moving into house 1,checking the table will give you a Heavy ramen,flavored with citrus soy sauce. This thing provides 100 stamina. Don’t eat this thing yet,we’ll be using it for a request very shortly. Lastly,inside house #2,checking the closet will give you 35000B.

Now that you’ve obtained your first pure heart, If at any point,you feel that your party is struggling,you can craft the very powerful Kaya-no-hime. Don’t be afraid to use your highest ranked emerald and gold ore,as this weapon is the best all-rounder weapon for end game.(if need be,you can always farm more.) Provided you craft with a good emerald and gold ore,This will superpower whoever you decide to equip it with. (with a 10* emerald,10* gold ore,4* platinum and 3* pure heart,the Kaya-no-hime will give 165 hp,214 attack,50 defense,248 magic attack,and 66 magic defense. If you have higher stars on the materials,it’ll skyrocket the stats even further,each star providing a extra 10% boost of it’s base stats,which you can look up in the database.) You can equip it on your main hero,Kokori,or Ninya. Anyone else can equip it,but those three I reckon will get the most out of it. If you had continued leveling up Une, having her equip it will allow her to clear out many mobs with Leaf Waltz square.

To the fields

Our next destination is the Ice camp directly north of here. While travelling through the forest,you may encounter the Lardon,which has a high chance of dropping Lard meat. This monster will only spawn in the forest of this island,and is the only source you can obtain lard meat from.(Asides from one other monster in the center island,but thats way off in the future.) This means we finally also have a use for the Mangosteen, the foods that increase enemy encounter rate. The lard meat is used to make the Heavy ramen series,the foods with the highest stamina in the game. Now we have access to the highest stamina combo in the game.

They are the following:

Egg meat Heavy ramen: 130 stamina. Made by combining Heavy meat soup,with noodles and a egg. Heavy meat soup is made with using the legendary pot: Lard meat + Water + Beast meat + Carrot.

Heavy Champon:130 stamina. Made by combining Heavy chunky soup with noodles. Heavy chunky soup is made with using the legendary pot: Lard meat + water + chicken + file flounder fish. The best place to find File flounder fish is in the West sea. Simply warp to grass cave, and travel a few steps north into the water, and fish.

Egg heavy champon: 140 stamina. Made by combining Heavy chunky soup with noodles AND a egg.

Ice camp

Moving into the tent,you can check the pot for a 2* stardust, which is probably your first stardust. These ores are found on the 8th island, and are usually used in combination with Platinum ore to craft magical equipment, or the powerful endgame items. The ones you get for free are limited to 2, so you won’t be using those to create anything crazy powerful. For now, I’d suggest just putting it in pockle, as you’re limited in platinum ore to craft anything strong enough to be worth it. You’ll note there’s a equipment shop in here. Now,if you’ve crafted Needle flails using at least all 7 materials,the stats from the equipment in the shop don’t even come close to that. The Murasame I crafted for pupu using 5-6* materials back on the third island has over 90 attack,completely outclassing anything sold here. You could also craft a Kotohira using some higher rank gold,iron and sapphire for Pupu if you wish to give her a more well rounded weapon with HP and some defense, but i don’t think that’s really necessary with enough boosts to health coming from level ups and food. Defensive equipment is generally not really needed either, as the damage mitigation provided from defense is not really noticeable unless it’s in very large amounts,HP of equal amounts is more efficient than defense, and you should be getting more than enough natural defenses from levels and foods as well. It’s Better to dual wield weapons to wipe out mobs faster instead. You’ll also get weapons later that also provide hp or defense, or even both at the same time. I guess the only consideration for defensive equips are for boss fights, if you’re finding your characters are getting wiped out too fast.A gorgeous shield,a armor crafted using iron,silver,gold ore, and a short timber, using around all 5* materials, will provide a pretty decent shield that gives a little over 70 hp,close to 40 defense and magic defense,with a small amount of magic attack.

Before going anywhere, leave the camp and head into the forest nearby and pick up some lard meat from the Lardon pigs. Feel free to gather as few extra to store into pockle for future use, or to start making some of the heavy ramens. We’ll need at least 2(or 3,if you ate the heavy soup that you picked up from Santape village) for the following quests.

Remember Collin,the wind spirit located in the valley hut on the 5th island, the Alpas region? Time to visit her.

Valley hut

She’ll teach you a optional move,but you need to bring a King heavy Milanesa, thanks to Kajibara’s interruption. To make the king heavy milanesa, use the legendary pot on a lard meat + water to make Lard oil. Then use the legendary pot: Lard meat + lard oil + bread + egg to make it. Bring it back to Kajibara and then watch him dine and dash.

You’ll learn the optional skill,Cyclone tornado storm. All the other spirits will teach you a optional skill, but they aren’t as useful. This wind skill is arguably the most useful of all of them. It’s a direct upgrade to your whirlwind move,throwing a bunch of tornados on the battlefield,with very random hits. Very similar to Ninya’s sylph gatling skill. This skill will be useful for those metal enemies that take 1 damage from everything.

After you’re done here, Warp back to the ice camp.

Ice camp

From here,you have three choices to go to. Northwest from here leads to the ice caves,a dungeon where another one of the spheres are located,and is the best place for farm for sapphires and diamonds. To the north is the north sea house,allowing you to travel to the 7th island, and where you can recruit another girl into your party. To the north east from here is the snow castle ruins,another dungeon,and where you can go to fight Pollin. I visited both dungeons briefly so I can warp back to them at anytime, and then I headed north to the seahouse to recruit the new girl.

Nivenia North sea house

Moving into the hut,you’ll be greeted by Taro,the next recruitable character. Taro requests a very thick soup ramen. It just so happens we have that heavy ramen that we picked up(stole) from Santape village. Give it to her and she’ll join the party. Check the table for a free 30000b. You can buy two ice kusarigama for now from the equipment shop in here for Taro. Her unfortunate caveat is that all her ice specialty weapons lack any sort of defense. She might even be better off later near end game on using a Bakuryu bazooka, a weapon crafted in the wind weapons tree, due to the defense and large amounts of ice element it gives. Combat wise, She has a bit of utility when paired up with Kokori and ninya,having the ability to buff magic attack. She also can decrease the accuracy of enemies as well,a valid defensive option for fights as well. Her skills have decent damage multipliers as well, so she can output a fair bit of damage with proper weapons. Unfortunately, she lacks any sort of multi hit skills,and she starts at level 1,meaning you’ll need to do a bit of leveling up to bring her up to speed. The upcoming island also has a lot of fire element monsters,which are not weak to ice,so this reduces her offensive usefulness by quite a bit. I personally stuck with the party setup for Hero-Kokori-Pupu-Ninya.

From here,i’d recommend preparing some heavy ramen set(in particular, the combo of 3 that I mentioned of earlier,to achieve 450 stamina) for dungeon runs now,if you haven’t done so already. You can use these once you reach the end of a dungeon, like the mine cave, to get the highest ranked materials.

Our next destination is the snow castle ruins.

Snow Castle Ruins – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

You don’t have to bring the heavy ramen set for this dungeon unless you need Iron scrap, iron ore,or some defense or magic defense sands,because those that the only things you can get out of here. However,do bring a few sets of curry soups and forest barbecues,as we’ll want to farm something else in here. You can also bring one of the food sets for the boss fights,(dinamic sandwich,katsu don,dried squid)as Pollin on floor 80 can hurt quite a bit. The save point is on floors 79 and 199. Note that the pure angels spawn in between floors 50-80, and will occasionally drop pure hearts. You can save on floor 79,and just walk back and forth between 70-79. I’d recommend you get at least 2 pure hearts.(I personally stayed and got 4 of them.If you’re ambitious,you can go farm more.) The drop rate for pure heart seems to be around 20%, so you might need farm quite a few of them,depending on your luck. With another pure heart acquired, you can make another Kaya-no-hime to super-beef another character. On floor 80,you can challenge Pollin. She has a weakness to fire and wind,so if you’ve brought Kokori and Ninya,and also your main hero has access to Cyclone tornado storm,you can guarantee a extra combo attack every turn for some bonus damage. The 2 pigseals she starts with are not a threat,and will go down almost immediately if you use any sort of attack with wide enough range.Be warned that Pollin packs a punch,and she can throw out ice attacks that average between 100-150 damage. She can also use a guard attack for her party that provides a large damage reduction to all the damage you can dish out. (example:500->150 damage) HOWEVER,if you wiped out all the pigseals,the guard doesn’t work and she ends up standing there,looking silly,allowing you to land in free hits on her. If you need to play defensive, your hero can use hero pose,a 3 BP move that reduces her accuracy. This makes her attacks miss roughly half the time, potentially saving one of your fragile characters from being one shotted. If your hero is level 40 as well,he can also support the team,as he learns shining hero flash, a 2 BP party heal that will allow your other characters to potentially go on the offense. If pupu is level 40,water excalibur has a tremendous damage multiplier,as my Pupu with 334 base attack deals 7500 damage just using it,knocking out close to half of her hp in 1 move. After defeating her,she’ll accept you as a hero and return back to Santape village,where she’ll teach you a ice move for your main hero.(but you need to do a quest,thanks to Kajibara again.)

If you do decide to head to 200f,you’ll run into Santa suit Pollin,which is a much tougher version of her 80f fight. This version,like the Collin in the 200f of the mine cave,will respawn everytime you leave the dungeon,so if you defeat her,you’ll have to fight her again after leave the dungeon. The 80f Pollin will not respawn. I personally find it unnecessary to head past 80f though,since iron scrap is used for very little useful equipment,and you can obtain high ranked iron ore from other dungeons.Defense and magic defense sands provide too little value for equips,as defense is less efficient as HP,and the power up on equipments should be reserved for the much more powerful element boosts. The only benefit I see in heading to the 200th floor,is the extra exp,for some level ups.

Returning to Santape Village(optional)

If you wish to learn a ice move,you can return back to Santape village to visit Pollin.Quest time! The request this time is that you must give Kajibara a super stinky food that is not a Durian. Luckily,you can easily make one,called a Surfish. Simply buy a Oil from Alal market, and warp to Porepore to buy a Saurdyne,a Yellowtail Amberjack,and a Horse Mackerel Katsuwo.Put them all in the fermentation barrel to make one. The Narezushi will work as well,which is made with the exact same Three fishes,but instead uses a rice grain (buy in Chapoor town) instead of a oil to make. Upon completing the request,you get a new skill,Final Ice age. This is a 2BP ice element magic attack for your main hero,that deals roughly 3x damage of your magic stat,in a single hit. It has an okay range, but all the advanced lightsaber moves just completely obsoletes this move in damage,and you learn one of them at level 45. I don’t have a good a use for this move outside of chaining a attack for whoever you put in your first slot can act again in combat. I personally just skipped learning this move,as if you have your hero on auto combat,your hero may choose to hit enemies weak to ice with this move,potentially not killing them, whereas he will normally default to his lightsaber move,which will often one shot enemies.

At this point, you can head to the freezing cave to obtain another sphere,and to farm for sapphires,silver ores,and diamonds. If you don’t need any of these,we can skip this dungeon and return to it later. Head to the north sea house and take the boat to the 7th island.

Seventh island,Volbovo region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Mang Village

Starting off,we can move into the house and check the barrel for free money, 36000B. In the farm,you can obtain Shaki vegetables,Turnip Radishes,and Cucumbergines. If you do so,You may be attacked by 1 or 2 angry samurais,a much stronger version of the angry villagers. Otherwise,nothing really of real interest in here. We can head west to unlock the warp point to the Platinum cave,but before we head deep into it to farm Platinum,lets explore the rest of the island.

Head north from Mang Village through the mountains until you reach Edomon Town.(If you enter combat in the mountain range,be aware that the battle terrain might not be flat, and certain skills may not hit if the enemies are on a slope.)

Edomon Town

Welcome to Edomon town. This place contains a restaurant that sells the Eelcatfish Kabayaki don. This food is notable for giving 90 stamina, putting it right behind the Forest barbecue (Which gives 95! Just 5 less!) in terms shop buyable foods with high stamina gain. This place also has an equip shop that sells a few weapons and armors. If you have been crafting with half decent materials, the equips sold here will be inferior in comparison. Looting time! Checking the rock will yield 41000B. Inside one of the houses, on the table is a Totoro sushi seasoned with vege sauce. Inside the other house,checking the barrel will give you a 5* dark matter.

Head northeast until you reach the Taoyuan Township.

Taoyuan Township

There is a lot of locations in here to visit,and lots of stuff to loot as well. Moving into the garden,you’ll meet our third spirit.Purin,the fire spirit.Like her sisters,they’ll diss your non-hero like face. And,like her sisters, she’ll also issue a challenge,where you fight her in the lost town. In the banquet hall,checking both the tables will give you a Kaisen Don-extra special,seasoned with ketchup, and a Angel’s kiss,a alcoholic beverage,seasoned with Spicy Mayo sauce. In the bedroom,the closet contains 52000b,and the bedding contains a 5* pure heart,with a base stat of 30 hp. This particular pure heart can be used to powerup a single equip for 54 HP,the single highest potential HP increase. It’s up to your decision if you want to use it as a powerup or to use it to create a equipment.

Lastly, moving to the hot spring and checking what’s inside it will give you a purple Vibe.

Head directly north until you reach the Volbovo sea house.

Volbovo Coastal Seahouse

Checking the table will give you a 2* stardust. There are some foods sold in here, but Nothing else really noteworthy.

From here,we can take a boat to the Empana Region.We can briefly visit there and purchase a few weapons from the Empana east seahouse.

Empana East Coastal Seahouse

Inside the equipment shop,you can purchase a Colt Python for Ninya,if you were still using the golden gun,and haven’t crafted anything better since then. Although you might lose out on some bonus HP and a small amount of magic attack, the sheer amount of Wind element will skyrocket Ninya’s damage. For Taro,you can purchase two Comet Shurikens to replace her Ice Kusarigamas as well. Later on,we’d want to replace both of them with a Bakuryu bazooka on one hand,and a Kaya-no-hime on the other.(or other viable combinations.) The rose whip and fire amulet is not worth at all to use,so don’t bother buying those and leave them. Don’t forget to move into the hut, and check the table for free money, 63000b.

Let us prepare and return to the Platinum cave,it’s time to farm some platinum for endgame weapons. Bring 1 or 2 sets of the heavy ramen for farming the platinum, and 1 or 2 of the food sets to fight the bosses in here. This time, we’d want to bring enough stamina foods to make it down 200 floors as well. If you want a easy time clearing out all the mobs, I also brought a bunch of dried squids, and manually had Kokori just use Mouse lightning flash everytime she started combat,which most of the time, cleared out everything,or at least weakened everything enough for Ninya to clean up everything else. You can also bring some all BP/heal/revival potions as well.

Platinum cave – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

This is another dungeon with 200 floors. There are bosses on floor 100 and 200, Save points on 99 and 199. All the bosses will respawn everytime you leave the dungeon. Things you can acquire in here: Ruby,Diamond,Platinum ore,defense and magic defense sands.

These bosses aren’t too threatening,but they have the characteristic of taking 1 damage from all attacks,meaning the best way to deal with them is multi hitting skills from all your characters. They can rampage,which randomly lands several hits on your party, a party wide damaging earthquake,and a rock punch,which hits a single target but hurts more. I’d advise not to bring Taro unless you’ve leveled her up a bit and plan on using her as a full support,by spamming powder snow to decrease the bosses’s accuracy,or just use the all potions.

You’d want to use the following skills mainly for damage: Main hero:Cyclone Tornado storm (2 BP) Kokori: Mouse Pandemic (4 BP, learns at level 55),however if you’re not that level yet, Mouse lightning flash (3 BP) Pupu:Water holy lance (3 BP) Une: Leaf Gullinkambi (4 BP,learns at level 45),note that decreasing enemy defense doesn’t do anything Ninya: Sylph Gatling (2 BP)

Defensively wise: Main hero:Shining hero flash(2 BP) for heals, or Shining wall(3 BP, learns at level 50) to drastically reduce damage taken for the entire party Kokori: useless defensively wise,she’s mainly for pure offense,but you can have her use all-BP/heal potions if she’s out of BP Pupu: Serves as a healer,and can revive a single target. Or can use potions. Une: Awakening herb(2BP),increases defense for whole party. Or can use potions. Ninya: Serves as a healer, and can revive a single target. Or can use potions.

As you can see,your main hero and Ninya are two characters you’d definately want to bring for the boss fights.

F100 will only have 1 of the metal caveman to deal with,so he’ll be easy to handle. 200f pits you up against the exact same metal caveman, except you have to fight 4 of them at once. They have no weakenesses,so the fight is straight forward,and hope you get lucky enough to land enough hits that the fight won’t last too long. Once you reach 200th floor, use your highest stamina foods(heavy ramen,get 450 stamina), and get as many high ranked platinum as you can.

Now that we have access to all the materials to craft several very powerful weapons,you’re on fast track to being overpowered. As stated multiple times,the Kaya-no-hime is the best all rounder,so if you’re not sure on what to make,you can just give everyone a well crafted one(or two) and they’ll demolish everything in their path now. (Kaya-no-hime: Emerald,Platinum,Pure heart,Gold) You’d want to craft a Hades (Peridot,Platinum,Pure heart,Gold) specifically for Ninya. For pupu,you can give her a Nenekirimaru (Sapphire,Platinum,pure heart,gold). If you want a high ranked sapphire,you can wait until you reach the 200th floor of the Freezing cave,and farm sapphire out of there. For Taro,as stated before,her ice weapons are ok,but has their own flaws. She’ll be better off wielding a well-crafted Kaya-no-hime on one hand, and a Bakuryu bazooka(Made with: Peridot,Platinum,Dragon horn,and silver)on the other. Again,you can wait until you reach 200f freezing cave before making the bazooka, since high ranked silver are farmed out of there, and the dragons horn can be obtained from the mobs in the freezing cave. The diamonds you get out of there can be use instead to powerup Taro’s weapons instead. You should have also gotten a few high ranked diamonds from the platinum cave as well though. Une can wield two kaya-no-himes and she’ll be as happy as can be. If you’re low on pure hearts,and you don’t want to farm them,for now you can use the two stardust that you’ve obtained to make a starry rod for Kokori and a Stardust sword for your main hero. Or you can craft the Ama-no-murakumo for pupu,or the Sword of Kusanagi for Une. Depends on who you want to power up. Stardust sword:Platinum,short timber,stardust,and silver ore Starry rod:Platinum,Long timber,stardust,and silver ore Ama-no-Murakumo:Sapphire,Platinum,stardust,silver Sword of Kusanagi:Emerald,platinum,stardust,silver

Since we’re well geared up,lets head back to the freezing cave on the sixth island,if you haven’t cleared it before already. The 200f boss will give you three extra guaranteed pure hearts to use,and you’ll get one of the spheres needed for the main story, on the way down as well.

Freezing Cave – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Inside the cave is always extremely cold,so remember to bring 2 hot foods per food set. The boss on the 200th floor will be tough,so bring a food set for the boss as well,and some potions,just incase.Don’t forget the heavy ramens,since we might as well grab as many high ranked sapphires,diamonds,and silver while we’re down there. Defense polishing dust also drops here,but those are not as useful. Save points are on floor 99 and 199 in here. On floor 100,is the white devil. It’s has a weakness to fire. If you’ve updated your equips crafted after visting the platinum cave,this fight should be a joke. If you visited here before then,then the fight will be a bit more challenging. The white devil can use three moves, all magic based ice attacks. Snowstorm, averaging around 100-150, Super snowstorm, dealing on average 140-180 damage. The third move is Blizzard, which randomly lands 4 hits on your party,each doing between 100-150 damage as well. If you’re unlucky,the blizzard can land 3 or 4 of the hits on a single party member and knock them out. (However,at this point,I had updated equips,the Kaya-no-Himes boosting my magic defense,reducing the damage taken from 150 to about 60.) Upon defeating it,you’ll get the white sphere. Past floor 100,is when you’ll start running into the ice komodo dragons. If you’re lucky,you’ll get some dragon horns from them. Past floor 160,you’ll also start runing into the Soldier kodomo dragon,which also drops the dragon horns,but with higher chance of being higher star ranked. The highest I’ve managed to get lucky enough to loot is a 7* one,near the very end of the dungeon,and I imagine thats extremely rare.

On floor 200,is the much tougher boss fight against three angels. All their attacks (save for one specific attack from the red one) is magic based,making magic defense useful in here,thus making pupu’s magic defense increasing skill quite powerful.

Pure Raphael(blue) is weak to lightning, and is the defensive one. It can cover up all the angels,redirecting all the damage you deal to the others onto itself. It can also cast speed up on a single one of the angels,making it dodge a lot attacks. Offensively wise, it can use aqua gatling,randomly landing 4 hits averaging around 60-80 damage,or use a single target water attack,also averaging 60-80 damage.

Pure Michael(red) Is weak to water, and is the offensive one. It can use firestorm, which randomly lands 4 hits,each dealing on average 130-150. It can also use super ice storm,averaging around 150-180 damage. It also has a special slash attack that randomly lands 2 hits on the party, each doing 110-120 damage(Doesn’t seem to physical or magical,so damage doesn’t seem to be reduced in any way)

Pure Gabriel(Yellow) is weak to dark, and is the healer/buffer. It can use a lightning wave,dealing damage averaging around 70-90,and can heal all the angels for about 2000 hp. It can also use super guard field,reducing the damage you deal to all of them by a significant amount. It also can buff the magic attack on a single one of the angels for a turn.

Kokori will be your MVP here. If the blue angel casts cover up,you can use either mouse lightning flash, or mouse pandemic,and it’ll deal tremendous amounts of damage, since it’ll redirect the damage from the other angels to itself,and the other hits that’s redirected will also inflict weakness damage. Otherwise, she should be focusing dark attacks on the yellow one to try to take it out. You’d want to bring pupu to either increase the party’s magic defense, or focus her attacks on the red one,since the red one is weak to water. Whoever you bring as your fourth is up to you,but it can either be Ninya for extra damage and heals,or Taro,to decrease their accuracy, and increase the magic attack of your whole party.

Upon defeating the 3 angels,you’ll obtain 3 pure hearts,ranging anywhere from 1-10. You’ll most likely get between 1-5, as 6-10* are exceedingly rare to get. The three angels will respawn everytime you leave the dungeon,allowing you to farm the highest pure hearts in the game,if you wish. You’ll have to make the trip back down 200 floors again. For the sake of your sanity, I wouldn’t recommend doing this until you’ve gained a lot of levels and crafted powerful weapons that allows your party to wipe out the angels in 1 turn.

With our equips updated,we can now make a stop on two more places before moving to the 8th island,the last island before the central continent. We can either head first the lost village,and defeat purin on the 100th floor to gain her acknowledgement as a hero, or down the firefly cave(the volcano) to obtain another sphere. Warp to the Volbovo coastal sea house,and using the legendary boat,head northeast to the little island with the forest and the lake,and on the north end is the Lost village,a dungeon. The island south of here contains a volcano,where you can enter the other dungeon, the firefly cave. I personally started with the lost village first,since it’s a bit easier to prepare for.

Lost Village

Just bring enough stamina food to reach floor 100, and maybe a food set for the boss battle. Luckily, theres no weather system to worry about,so just bring the standard stamina foods, and no need to bring any heavy ramen, since there’s nothing of value to be farmed in here. Purin at this point,should be a pushover,if you have updated your equips after visiting the platinum cave. All her attacks are physical based. Her weakness is water,so Pupu will destroy her with water excalibur. She uses a party wide physical fire attack,dealing about 150 damage. She can also randomly land 4 hits, each averaging around 140 damage. She can also target a single party member with a hard hitting physical move,doing about 220 damage. Lastly, she can power up her attack for the next turn. I find theres no need to even visit the 200th floor,since all you’ll meet is the stronger version of the boss battle against Purin. After defeating her,she’ll go back to Taoyuan,where you can return to her and learn a optional move for your main hero.

Taoyuan Township(optional)

The request this time is a fish tempura,made with a fish that was born in a clean river. You need to bring Kajibara a Ayu Ten,made with a rock sweetfish. The rock sweetfish is found by fishing in the Tamanto lake,the small lake found on the same island where the lost village is located. Then use the legendary pot,combined with Oil + Wheat + egg + Rock Sweetfish to make it. The reward is a fire magic for your main hero, the Burning finger, a 2 BP fire magic that has decent range,and hits once. Damage pales in comparison to your lightsaber attacks though.

Firefly cave – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Our goal here is the 100th floor. Aiming for the 200th floor is only if you want to obtain a dragon horn between 1-10 stars from the boss, or farming for some rubies.(I find it’s not really necessary,since Kokori is the only one that uses a strong enough fire attack,and even then,her fire skills usually have lower damage multipliers than her other magic skills.Your hero can technically learn a fire magic,but it’s damage is pitiful compared to his lightsabers.) The only three things that you can scavenge in here are Iron ore,Iron scrap,and ruby. All of them you can obtain from other dungeons without the hassle of dealing with extreme heat.

The toughest part about this dungeon is the severe heat in here. Combined with the fact that all cold foods give very low stamina,with the highest only being 50, and that you need 2 of them to fully negate the penalties of the heat,makes it that you’ll need a LOT of sets of food to go really deep into the dungeon.

However,This dungeon is potentially the fastest way to farm pure hearts,as the pure angels spawn between floors 1-50,and if you stack a Mangosteen Pop with a Mangosteen soft serve,along with a third high stamina food,you’ll be almost guaranteed a enemy encounter on every action you take. You can even just spam search for materials on the first floor to maximize your stamina use.

Otherwise,you can go the other way around,and use a durian pop with a durian soft serve to have a almost 0 encounter rate,if you so desire.

Upon reaching the 100th floor,You’ll run into the Red devil. Most of it’s attacks average between 150-170 damage,and deal magical fire damage. It can drop your magic defense,making the next attack rather painful. Of note is it’s heat juggling attack,landing 4 random hits,and if it uses it after dropping your magic defense,each hit will deal 179 damage,potentially totalling 716 damage if you’re unlucky to have it all target single party member. It’s weakness is water. Pupu will be your most important character in this fight,as she can either reduce the damage taken by increasing your magic defense, or hit it with water attacks for large amounts of damage. You can use Kokori to buff Pupu’s attack,and drop a water excalibur for tremendous amounts of damage,potentially even one shotting it.(My pupu had reached max attack power of 999 from her equips,and dealt 41k damage with a buffed excalibur.) Upon defeating it,you’ll get the red sphere.

If you decide to head to the 200th floor,the boss on the 200th floor is weak to lightning. Three of it’s attacks are magic based, which you’ve seen before from other bosses,they are they rolling fire, which randomly lands 2 hits on your party, and icestorm or super icestorm are two ice attacks that hits the whole party. It has one physical attack ,which is rampaging,landing 4 hits randomly on your party.

From here,we can finally visit the eighth and final island before the central continent. There are two ways you can reach there.(Three,if you want to include just travelling via legendary boat through the waters.) Either from the Volbovo coastal seahouse, or from the Siketa coastal seahouse. Since we’re strong enough to already handle anything the game can throw at us,and if you’ve been following the walkthrough, we had already unlocked Empana coastal east seahouse, I just warped to the Empana east seahouse,since it’s closer to where we’re going.

Eighth island,Empana region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Empana East Coastal Seahouse

Welcome to the eighth island. This island is interesting in that it’s divided into two regions,the west and the east, and that the monsters in the west are significantly weaker compared to the ones you encounter in the east. The powerful monsters that come out after 21:00 will be the same,regardless of which region you’re in though. Otherwise,nothing else to note. You don’t have to deal with any weather here,thankfully,so you can rest easy and just bring the standard foods with high stamina.

From here,we’d want to head directly north to Hadena Castle.

Hadena Castle – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Moving into the king’s room,you’ll meet a very rude king,and be presented with two options. Both options have the same outcome,you’ll enter combat with 3 angry soldiers. After dispatching them,you’ll meet the last recruitable girl, Pipika. She’ll ask for a fish dish that she can eat,even though she doesn’t like fish. Specifically,a fluffy and sweet fish dish. It’s not very clear,but she wants a dish with Eelcatfish. Specifically, any dish made with the roasted Eelcatfish. The easiest option is the Eelcatfish Don,bought from the shop back in Edomon town on the 7th island. That way you don’t even have to go fishing for the Eelcatfish. She’ll join the party afterwards.

All of Pipika’s attacks are physical based earth moves.Unfortunately,with garnets being limited to a 100f dungeon meaning that you can’t easily get as high ranked garnets as you can the other gems,and her earth specialty weapons are decent at best, severely reduces her usefulness,especially this late into the game. She makes up for it partially by having her attacks having decently high modifiers,so she can hit pretty hard with proper weapons,but you need to level her up to bring her up to speed. All of the mentioned points above combined makes her not as appealing to use in comparison to her other party members. Support wise,she shares the same ability as your main hero, to taunt enemies so all the attacks are redirected to her,and her other supportive ability is the same as Kokori’s, increasing physical attack damage for your party. You can stack both Kokori and Pipika’s buff for a massive boost in physical damage though.

There is a equip shop selling a few weapons and armors that you can buy to fill out your equipment encyclopedia. You can also use these to equip Pipika so she’s not completely naked in combat. Or you could craft her some half decent ones,like give her a Kaya-no-hime. I personally never found her as useful,unfortunately,so I didn’t use her much. In the potion shop,Star grass is sold,which doubles the effect applied to any potions you mix,if you need a boost in healing or the effectiveness of stat changes. Unfortunately,the double effect is not applied to the BP added,so you can’t make a potion that gives more than 4 BP.

And now for the part you’ve all been waiting for,free stuff! Moving into the inn and checking the closet will give you 60000b. Inside the restaurant,on the table is a Beer Spiritzer with Wasabi seasoning. Lastly,inside the throne room,checking the treasure chest will give you a royal shield (with a very small amount of increased stats on it’s def,mdef,and magic attack, in comparison to it’s the base stats.)

From here,I just visited every single remaining place to unlock the ability to warp back to them at any point. You can visit all the places in any specific order you like. There are two remaining dungeons on this island, the Stardust tower to the North East of the Hadena castle,and the Devil’s garden to the North West. I’ll list out in no particular order, all the remaining towns and outposts on this island,and if theres anything of note in them,for completion’s sake.

*Note you can’t enter the stardust tower until you visit Dallin in the Panapana cafe first.

Empana Coastal West Sea house

An equip shop that sells a few things here. Moving into the hut and checking the table gives you a Aurora with Very spicy seasoning. Nothing else of note here.

House of Medicine Baba

A potion shop that sells the highest healing potion in the game,130 hp. Also sells a bunch of stat decreasing potions,which you can mix and use as a sort of offensive bomb.(You can target enemies with your own healing potions too! careful you don’t heal them in battle.) Moving into the hut and checking the pot gives you a 4* dark matter.

Kappe Village

Moving into the inn and checking the table gives you a 4* Dragon horn. Nothing else but Onion Carrot Potatoes here.

Panapana Cafe

Located on the south end of the island,in the middle,this cafe is where the Earth spirit,Dallin,resides. Moving into the hut,you’ll meet her. Watch as she shamelessly plugs her cafe merchandise while giving you the test to defeat her in the Stardust tower. Checking the vase in here gives a free Green vibe.

At least the foods she sells here in the cafe are pretty varied.

As a general guideline,you should have some characters around or close to level 65 by this point,as thats when you start combat with 3 BP instead of 2 naturally, allowing you start off with a lot of powerful moves to clear out mobs with ease. If you’re not level 65 for at least some of your characters by the time you clear one of the two dungeons,especially if you go down all 200 floors,consider leveling up just a tiny bit. This is not necessary if your equips are good enough though, since with good equips the rest of the game is a cakewalk.

You can do the following two dungeons in any order,I picked the devil garden first since my two strongest characters are my main hero and Kokori,and they have strong light and dark skills,which many of the mobs in that dungeon is weak to. You’d want to farm out of 200th floor on both of them at one point,since they give you the items to craft your final endgame weapon for your main hero. Be sure to pack enough stamina food for the trip,and don’t forget a heavy ramen set or two, for farming.

Devil’s Garden

Main things to be obtained here are Short and long timbers,magic defense polishing sands,life polishing sands,and the flowers of courage.

On the 100th floor,is where you encounter the brown devil. It mainly uses earth physical attacks, one of them being the Explosive rock fist,randomly landing 4 hits on your party. It’s other moves are the physical earthquake and magical earth ninjutsu,which just targets the whole party. It can also decrease your hit,and buff itself to increase it’s physical attack for the next turn,which can hurt quite a bit. It has a weakness to water and plant, so bringing Une is a good idea for both her plant attacks and the ability to increase your physical defense to really high levels,making the damage you take almost laughable, and pupu can serve as a healer or go on the offensive as well. Upon defeating it,you’ll get the Orange sphere,the final sphere required to go to the final continent in the middle.

Upon reaching floor 200,you’ll run into the Dark Devil. All it’s attacks are magic based. This particular boss has a weakness to light,so if your main hero has reached level 65,he learns Ultimate Lightsaber zero,along with a naturally starting 3 BP. If you had consumed a BP increasing food,then started the fight with a sunny side up,he’ll be able to use the lightsaber zero before the boss can even make a move. With 999 base attack power,it’ll deal around 31-32k damage. You can boost it up to about 40k if you use Kokori or Pipika to boost attack power as well. This boss can fire off a deathball, a single hard hitting dark magic attack. Dark juggling is a magical attack that randomly lands 4 hits on your party. Dark brace is a magic AOE that hits your whole party. Lastly,it can boost it’s magic attack power,so combined with a death ball,it can hit one of your party members, really,really hard. Bringing Pupu for this fight is a good idea as she can support the party with magic defense boosts,or heals. Defeating the boss will award you with a 1-10* dark matter. Remember that most equips crafted with dark matter have really severe negative stats,so it may not be wise to craft using too high ranked star materials. Only the 200f boss will respawn in here,once you leave the dungeon. Since we’re here,you’d want to farm as many high ranked flowers of courage,as they are used for a few particularly good weapons,mainly for your hero.

Tower of the stars – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

The main things to be obtained here are Stardust and titanite. Life polishing sands and iron scrap also can be obtained here. Note that specifically in this dungeon,on floor 199,you can also farm citrine,but the 200th floor will only give you titanite.Only Kokori uses lightning attacks though,so farming for Citrine is not as important,unless you specifically want to power up Kokori’s lightning moves. The usual of the save points being at 99 and 199, with the bosses on 100,and 200. Once you defeat Dallin on the 100th floor, she won’t respawn,but her 200f version will once you leave the dungeon. Most of the mobs in here should be easy, but be wary of the metal bug in here,should you have everyone on auto combat. It takes 1 damage from all hits,and the AI in this game will most likely have your characters target it with their strongest single hitting move,dealing 1 damage and allowing everything else to survive.

On the 100th floor,You’ll fight Dallin.Very similar to the brown devil fight in the devil garden,except she only uses magical earth elemental attacks. She can do a party damaging earthquake,a single hard hitting magic earth nuke,and also one of her attacks are randomly dealing 4 hits to your party. Lastly, she has the ability to buff her magic attack,which goes to say that it’s dangerous when she follows it up with her single target hard hitting attack. She has a weakness to plant and ice,so Une and Taro are useful here. Taro in particular can decrease Dallin’s accuracy,so if you’re lucky enough she’ll barely land attacks. Une’s defensive ability to increase physical defense for the party is useless here,but she can decrease the boss’s defense,making physical attacks do a lot more damage against her. After defeating her,she’ll accept you as a hero and return back to the Panapana cafe,where you can return to her and learn a skill, with the usual quest shenanigans.

On the 200th floor,you’ll meet Maid Dallin,a much tougher version of her 100f fight. This time,she also spawns with 2 power angels,but they have low hp and will most likely be dispatched very quickly if you use enough AOE attacks. She shares the exact same moveset and weaknesses,except she has a lot more hp and attack power. Be careful of her buffed attacks,as they can deal a tremendous amount of damage. Once you defeat her,you get a T-shirt. And more importantly,access to farming on the 200th floor. Try to obtain as many high ranked Stardust and titanite here.

Panapana cafe(Optional)

This is the last optional skill to be learned,and the request this time from Kajibara is a sticky food with sea vitality. All you need to do this time,is obtain a Scallop abalone oyster, from the west sea. Put it in a blender to make a Sea Tororo, and you’re done. Dallin will teach you the skill End of earth pulsar,a earth magic move for your main hero that hits everything on the screen. The animation is fast,so if you want to clear out weak mobs really fast to level up one of your low level characters (Example:A level 1 pipika), this skill is pretty good in that regard. Like all the other elemental moves,The damage is low in comparison to your lightsaber.

Before heading to the Central Continent – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Now that we have the materials for stardust and flowers of courage, we can make two very powerful specific weapons. The first is the Fiend rod,which is a staff that is made by combining a devil rod and a angel rod. This rod is very good on Kokori for it’s huge dark element,and also good for Ninya, since she will most likely lack enough magic attack to reach the cap of 999. Ninya’s well crafted hades will offset the HP loss as well. One note about combination weapons is that you can enchant them before using them to make the final product,and they’ll transfer over a portion of the enchants to the final crafted weapon.

To make the Fiend rod: Combine Devil rod with Angel rod. Devil rod:Dark Matter + Stardust + Onyx + Long timber (Higher ranked materials will increase elements and magic attack,but decrease defenses and hp.) Angel rod:Stardust + Platinum + Long timber + Pure heart

The second weapon is the Hero’s sword. You can equip the Hero’s sword on anybody, and if you don’t mind spending a huge amount of time enchanting the seperate swords with the specific gems for elements,this weapon is potentially hands down the best weapon for anyone wielding it in terms of damage. I’d mostly recommend you only specialize in one for your main hero,unless you’re willing to sink a enormous amount of time farming the gems. The legendary sword is great for your main hero because he has access to all the elements the sword boosts and it adds a small amount of defenses and hp,which is a nice bonus. But the main appeal is the large amount of light element on it.

To craft the legendary sword: Combine Fire sword + Ice sword + Ground Sword + Wind sword Fire sword: Stardust + Ruby + Platinum + Flower of courage Ice sword: Stardust + Diamond + Platinum + Flower of courage Ground sword: Stardust + Garnet + Platinum + Flower of courage Wind sword: Stardust + Peridot + Platinum + Flower of courage

Now that everything’s prepared,you can make your way to the final island of the game. To reach it,you’d need to go to the White altar,located on the south end of the first island. With the 7 spheres,you’ll summon a dragon and it’ll carry you to the otherwise unaccessable central island.

Final Island, The Dark Continent: Negros Region – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to the final island,and where your journey is almost at it’s end. Spoiler alert,the game doesn’t have a real ending,you just defeat the final boss and then you can do whatever you want,but at that point theres nothing else really to do. In this region,you can get 4 specific monster foodstuffs, which are characterized by always giving positive stat boosts. However, the hidden caveat is all the monster foodstuffs will decrease stamina. They’re mainly to be used before boss fights, so unless you REALLY need a boost thats stronger than the Dinamic sandwich + Katsudon + increase BP food,it’s generally not needed for you to make the monster foodstuffs; Your equips should be more than enough.

Starting off,we can leave the black altar and head south to the wilderness house.

Wilderness hut

Moving into the hut,you can check the box for a Bloody Salad with Deamon seasoning. Theres a monster store in here that sells all the potion ingredients that occasionally drops from defeating monsters. Nothing else of note here.

From here,we can head to all the locations to unlock their warp points. On the four corners of this island, the Northeast,Northwest,South east,South west, are four towers with only 10 floors each,but every floor will have a enemy encounter, and a boss on the 10th floor,where defeating it awards you with 1 of the 4 keys required to enter the Castle at the very center.

On the East side of the island is the Pumpkin village,another outpost.

On the South side of the island is a Oasis,where one of the toughest fights(but optional) in the game is located,but also is the best place for leveling up,if you can handle it.(Otherwise,just fighting monsters in the towers is good exp as well,namely the metalcrushers in the iron tower.)

Pumpkin Village – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

In here,there is a restaurant selling some cooked Monster foodstuffs. There is also a monster shop selling 1* platinum ore,stardust,and the rare materials like dragon horn,dark matter,and pure heart. You can use these to complete your equipment encyclopedia with ease,without needing to farm for the materials.

You can also find some Zombeets, a monster foodstuff,here.

Oasis in the wilderness – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Checking the oasis pits you against a fight against all 4 of the spirits in swimsuit forms at once. This is the toughest fight in the game,as they’re all much stronger than even their special versions in the 200f of the dungeons,And you have to fight all of them at once. In additional to their regular attacks, their supportive abilties are much more dangerous since they’re paired up with each other. I recommend at least level 70-80+ on several characters,before attempting the fight with the spirits. I’ll list their weaknesses and notable abilities of each.

Swimsuit Pollin,Blue haired spirit of Ice: Weak to Wind and Fire, can cast guard on all the spirits,drastically reducing the amount of damage taken.

Swimsuit Pullin(purin),Red haired spirit of fire: Weak to Water and earth, can buff physical attack power of all the spirits.

Swimsuit Dallin,Brown haired spirit of earth: Weak to plant and ice, can buff magical attack power of all spirits, and cover for all of them,redirecting all the damage to herself.(Une and Taro can take full advantage and hit her really hard when she does this,but note if she gets a Guard buff from Pollin or Speed up from Collin will drastically reduce the damage you can deal to her)

Swimsuit Collin,Green haired spirit of wind:Weak to lightning,can buff the speed of all the spirits,making all your moves likely to miss. She should be one of your first priorty in taking down,since her speed up buff is the most annoying.

Upon defeating all of them,you’ll get 80000b,400000 exp(400k!),and occasionally,some of the T-shirts with them in swimsuits.

Beast Tower – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

The boss in here consists of Pochi,a skeleton dragon beast thing, and the Pet keeper. Pochi is weak to light and water,While the pet keeper is weak to plant and ice. Pet keeper can cover up,redirecting all damage to itself. You’ll get a 1-10* Garnet and Onyx, and the Magical Beast key upon victory.

Iron Tower – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

The metalcrushers in here take 1 damage from everything. They’re one of the best sources of exp at this point,giving about 50k exp for each one.

The bosses in here is the Water demon armor, Wind demon armor, and Plant demon armor.

Water demon armor has a weakness to lightning and plant,and can boost physical attack. Wind demon armor has a weakness to lightning and plant, and can cast guard on all of them,drastically reducing damage taken. Plant demon armor has a weakness to wind and fire, can increase the defense or magic defense, and can cover up,redirecting all damage to itself.

You’ll be awarded with a 1-10* Peridot,emerald,and sapphire upon winning. Oh and the Iron knight key as well.

Ice Flame Tower – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

The bosses here is Frey and Zard.

Frey,the red one,is weak to water,wind,and earth and will mainly use fire attacks. Zard,the blue one, is weak to lightning,wind and fire, and will mainly use ice attacks.

You’ll get a 1-10* Ruby and Diamond upon winning,and the Frost & Flame key.

Lightning Tower – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

The bosses in here are Brontosaurus and Kirin,a pair of dragons.

Brontosaurus,the blue dragon, has a weakness to wind and plant, and can decrease your hit,making you likely to miss.

Kirin,the green dragon, has a weakness to dark and earth, and can use a guard on both of them,drastically reducing damage.

You’ll obtain a 1-10* Citrine and Titanite upon victory, and the Lightning key.

After clearing all 4 towers and obtaining the keys,you can now enter the Demon’s castle in the center. Make sure you bring enough stamina foods to clear all 200 floors,and since this is the final dungeon,feel free to bring battle food sets and potions for the bosses. You can also level everyone to level 99 if you want a easy time clearing everything out. Your main hero learns his final overpowered lightsaber move at level 90, named Critical hit. With a well crafted and enchanted Hero’s sword,you can potentially one shot even the final boss with this skill.

Demon’s Castle – Fairy Picturebook of Hero and Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Save points are on floor 100,150 199, Boss fights are on 151 and 200.

The first boss fight on 150 is Hachi,a skeleton dragon. It’s weaknesses are light and water

The final boss fight on the 200th floor will be split into three parts. Be prepared to lose Kokori for the 3nd fight,so you’ll have to replace her with another party member.Don’t worry,The game will allow you to select the party member to switch in.

First phase is against Demon King Pockle,who has a weakness to Light and water. He uses magical dark attacks mainly and can power up his magic. He also has a rampaging physical move,which randomly does 4 hits on your party.

Second phase is against Majin buu- I mean Demon King Kajibara. He has a weakness to…everything. His moveset is simple,and consists of four moves. He can also use light magic and dark magic. He can also do a heavy hitting single target physical attack. His last move is powering up his attack power. The one you’d want to watch out for is his single target move that deals a lot of physical damage,especially if it’s powered up. He also has a lot of HP.

Last phase is against Kokori,the demon lord. She has only one weakness:light. Being the final boss,her attacks are strong,but if you’ve prepared well,this shouldn’t be a issue. Her moveset is what she’s been using while in the party: Fire,lighting,and dark attacks. She can decrease your hit,making everyone likely to miss. She can also powerup her magic,making her attacks do a lot more damage. The only thing you’d want to watch out for is when she powers up once or twice,making her following attack do dangerous amounts of damage. Otherwise the fight should be straight forward. After defeating her,you’ll get her back in the party and get a fun little bit of dialogue to go with it.

Upon winning,you’ve pretty much completed the game. The game has no real ending.

From here, You can return back to the 200f of the demon castle for a bonus fight against a strong boss,and this time you can use Kokori for the fight. Otherwise,you’re free to do anything else you want,like complete the encyclopedia for your game.

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