Abaddon· Princess of the Decay

Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

East Path – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

I obtained true ending with Kippei+Seijirou (2nd and 3rd member respectively), I suppose you can obtain it with another characters, but I’m not sure if you can obtain it in West Wing path and if you didn’t complete the normal ending. Plus, all your members have to be alive.

If you talk to Mia in the hall, she will ask you if you sense something like her. She’s afraid.

1. Now you mention it… > Relationship with Mia decreases.

2. Actually not > Relationship with Mia increases.

You will obtain a CG scene with your 2nd member in the bookshelf:


1. Look a little more > Relationship with Rikana decreases.

2. Look away


1. I won’t tell to anyone > Relationship with Seijirou increases.

2. Tease him

I’ll skip the rest since Hanamura posted it in his walkthrough.

East Wing

Enter the room and there you can pick [Bunch of paper no.1] (now you can read documents who need it), [Biscuit], [Scissors (6ATK 2WGT)] (inside closet, you’ll need a small key or Yachika’ skill) and [Biscuit] (inside closed box, you’ll need a small key or Yachika’ skill).

Fun fact: do you remember in the West Wing when you came to this room? You couldn’t sleep because rat’s corpse. Well, if you sleep with Seijirou, Homura will joke about he saw a rat in the corner of the bed and Seijirou will shout you (he dislikes rats!).

Exit the room and continue to right, here you can pick up a [Disinfectant] (recovery from poison), if you examine it and go upstairs:

Rikana: “What’s the use of this item, Homura?”

1. Recoveries from injuries

2. Recoveries from poison > Relationship with Rikana increases

In second floor go to the left and enter the toilet. You can pick up [Broken scissors (4ATK 1WGT)] (open fridges) and [Matches] (light up dark places, you can use it against enemies [beasts only I think]). If you examine the sink:


1. Kippei, dare drinking water! > Relationship with Kippei decreases?

2. Better not


1. I probably should drink it! > Relationship with Seijirou decreases

2. NO WAY! > Relationship with Seijirou increases

Exit the toilet and go right. If you try to open the door at right:


1. Why?

2. I understand > Relationship with Yachika increases?

Use the [Plate] to cross the pit then you’ll read automatically [Aika’s memo #1] (she was trapped with Takumi and Nami in the house). Continue on your way, first door needs a small key (in that room you’ll see a broken ladder you can’t grab and a paper which says “Use the fire turned back the door…” you’ll know later), if you haven’t or you’re haven’t Yachika with you just continue. Enter in the second room you would see. You can grab some [Bandages] (recovery from injuries) and one [Knife (6ATK 2WGT)], there’s a book in the floor: “Use the tools without hesitation to fight your fears, otherwise…” and a note in the table: “Everybody is dead…” you can’t do nothing with the skeleton yet, so exit the room and continue your path. Next room is locked, enter if you can with key or Yachika. Grab the [Plate] and open the box, you’ll watch a picture with a statue and an arrow going up. If you read the paper in the wall: “Soldiers look ahead” (I couldn’t translate it well 🙁 ). Exit the room and go ahead. A blocked door, then a closed one (you can’t open it with small keys or Yachika), then a rest room with a [Gum].

Continue the path to the end, ignore next room, you can’t open yet. At the end of the way you can read a book “My legs were biten by mice, it hurts… if I had some matches… if I had…”. Go downstairs, a paper in the wall (need bunch of paper no.1 or Rikana skill) “Do not walk over the shadows if you want to stay alive in this house!”, follow that [Small key] in the northeast, then:

Let’s talk, Homura! #1


1. I’m scared

2. Mia I’ll protect you even I lose my life > Relationship with Mia increases (this couple is so f*cking adorable <3).

3. Take care > Relationship with Mia increases?


1. I don’t know

2. It won’t be helped even knowing such a thing?

3. It was bad today then “such a fool…!” > Relationship with Yachika increases.


1. He’s funny

2. I respect him so much

3. He’s a little pervert > Relationship with Rikana decreases


1. Are you scared?

2. You’re right, it’s cold > Relationship with Kippei increases

3. Should I warm you? ê_ê (I think Kippei has the funniest scenes ROFL)


1. Just go on > Relationship with Seijirou decreases

2. You’re right > Relationship with Seijirou increases

3. It’s anxiety > Relationship with Seijirou increases

Catch that small key (actually you can drop it if you have another one or Yachika but you have to grab it or you won’t pass to the other side). Before to return upstairs, go south and examine the crack in the wall:


1. Yachika is cute > Relationship with Yachika increases?

2. You don’t be social > Relationship with Yachika decreases?

Go upstairs and return the hall, soon you’re going to hear a sound, it seems a wall broke… visit the locked rooms with the small key if you didn’t and return downstairs. Woah! Actually the wall fell, well, let’s investigate! Enter in the break wall and you’ll see nothing, time to use matches or Seijirou’ skill! W-wait… something is turning off the light… it can’t be helped:


1. That memo in the shelf

2. That memo in the floor > Relationship with Rikana increases?

3. I’m talking about that key


1. In the room with the broken bed

2. In the room with the broken ladder > Relationship with Seijirou increases.

Continue then Homura will stop, wow, an abyss. Use the plate and continue the hall to the first door, it won’t open but… do you remember that note in the 2nd floor? “Use the fire turned back the door…” so face the wall and put the door in your back then use the lighter. Ta-daa! Now the door is opened (don’t continue the hall, next door is locked and you can’t open yet) so enter in the room. Here you can read [Aika’s memo #2] (something about don’t believe what’s watching)[Squared wood (16ATK 4WGT)]. Do you remember that “Soldiers look ahead”? Examine where the statue is looking (TAKE CARE! if you push the wrong buttons the statue will fall down and it can hurt if some member is under it) then push the buttons in this order: 2. Middle > 3. Right > 1. Left then the wardrobes will fall down and now you can get the [Silver key], grabt it and return to 2nd floor. Now you can unlock these doors with 925, open them and you’re free to drop the key. In north’s door you can do nothing, there is an abyss. Follow south’s door and descend the stairs, go south and you’re now in the piano’s room. If you examine the biscuit it will show choices where you can “give to the second member” (1st option, this will reduce the fear in your 2nd member > Relationship with that member will up!) or you can “pass it” (2nd option, stay the same). Go to the upper right in the room and the floor will collapse, you need a rope if you want go down, item you haven’t yet. Try to exit the room, then you’re 2nd member notice something is in the bottom left corner:


1. We shall pick up > Relationship with Kippei increases.

2. You’re mistaken


1. Anything > Relationship with Seijirou decreases.

2. Shall we examine it?

I think you can exit the room without examine it and it won’t affect in your currently relationship… anyway, I know you’re curious and you’ll examine it… DAFACK! a fucking doll will appear with a maniacal laugh (I freaked out the 1st time I watched this >_< ) now you have unlocked the doll’ scenes (it won’t change about the story just add some scenes and some dangers but it’s okay! you have this walkthrough to fight back). Quit the room and go north, the left door is a rest room. [Biscuit] in the wardrobe (you can unlock with Yachika only). Continue to the north room, you’ll unlock a CG scene if Mia is in your party (maybe you need her like 2nd member and not 3rd, I’m not sure).

Ugh, this room stinks! Here you can grab [Disinfectant], [Drink], [Glass] and something inside [Nailed box] (I don’t know what’s inside yet). You have to grab the glass if you wanna continue with the story. If you want to read the paper needs bunch of paper no.1 “Water the dead person to continue the rhythm” I guess =_= go upstairs, open the box for a [Biscuit], wardrobe for [Broken scissors (4ATK 1WGT)]. If you use the bunch of paper no.1 in the bookshelf “Broken scissors can be used for opening fridges”, go south and you can get that [Rusty knife (13ATK 4WGT)]. You can’t reach that memo yet so kick the pillar in the right and cross over it. Go to the skeleton room in this hall:

Let’s talk, Homura! #2


1. Yachika is okay > Relationship with Mia increases.

2. No change

3. The very best


1. Even cake > Relationship with Yachika increases.

2. Like

3. Dislike


1. Honestly… > Relationship with Rikana decreases?

2. No, I don’t regret then “Because I met you” (Rikana-san will blush, kawaii <3) > Relationship with Rikana increases AND “Because was dad” > Relationship with Rikana increases?

3. I’m glad I could met you> Relantionship with Rikana decreases.


1. Blame them

2. I’m sorry…

3. It’s okay > Relationship with Kippei increases.


1. He’s a good father! > Relationship with Seijirou increases.

2. … Perhaps > Relationship with Seijirou decreases?

3. Truly rude?

and interact with him then use the glass in him. Wardrobe next to him will open and then it shows the door in that dark hallway opening. Quit the room and continue you’re path, I recommend you save the game before go to that room.

Jeez… this room looks creepy. [Gum], [] in the wall (bunch of paper no.1/Rikana’ skill) “The man who fall in front of the Presence of fear will be fucked… The soul is closed into the darkness”, in the table (bunch of paper no.2/Rikana’ skill) “There are some strange in this mansion… if you put a biscuit in a stash and goes another room with a broken bed, you can grab the biscuit from another stash and use it if you need a rest” (something like that), bookshelf in the left shows you a page blacked with a door painted in it, when you turn the page, the door open gradually, it chills Homura. Bookshelf next to the table (bunch of paper no.2/Rikana’ skill) “There is a traitor among you…”


I think it refers to Shima, or maybe Seijirou…

, and next to it (bunch of paper no.1/Rikana’ skill) “Fear was gone but there is a questionwho am I actually?” and a [Brass key] grab this item at the end then try to going out… MY, MY, A F*CKING NAKED WOMAN IS EMERGING FROM THE GROUND! your party will freak out and you’ll run away like a chicken (don’t try face her, you can beat her) if the naked woman kill some guy in your party, he will unlock a CG scene where he’s raped then murdered. Try to hide in any place you find (you see all red but places you can hide have their true colours). When you lose the naked woman, Seijirou will ask Homura if he knows about her because naked woman called Homura but he doesn’t know anything then Seijirou will try to force Homura to talk and say what he knows but Homura will say he knows nothing and Seijirou will go by himself, without the party. You have lost the brass key, maybe that woman took it so come back to that room. Aha, there is! Grab the key again and then walk until you encounter a fight against a spirit then it will teleport you to a hidden room where there’s a [Rope] (it can lock humanoid enemies actions 1 turn I guess) pick up that rope and go out the room (a window in a place like that?it shows you next room, you can monitor it) kick the pillar and go to the rest room (or toilet if you didn’t pick up the matches) and takes the matches from the stash, now you haven’t Seijirou and matches are useful (don’t save the rope, you will need now) then go back to piano’s room and use the rope in that piece of wood, cling to the rope and go down, this place is all dark so you know what to do, use the matches and investigate the place until you found a [Broken ladder]. Did you see? There’s a crack in the wall but you can’t break it yet, you need a hammer (remember this crack for the future). It’s time to use the broken ladder so return where you found the small key…


1. It doesn’t matter if you’re not dressed in legs (I don’t know how to translate it) then “Hug Mia” > Relationship with Mia increases OR “…” > Relationship with Mia decreases.

2. I’ll help you to revert it (I don’t know how to translate it) > Relationship with Mia increases.

and use the broken ladder in that huge abyss to cross it then your 2nd member will need go to the toilet and Homura will wait.

While 2nd member is doing his/her “things” Homura will hear something inside the right door, maybe Seijirou-san? “Seijirou-san! If you’re there please come out! That sound would be the pillars falling…” there are some [Bandages] (recovery from injuries) well, go out because you can’t grab those items in upper right but a voice will stop Homura, she’s a little girl named Yuki, how a little girl like her can be in a place like this alone? She won’t tell about her but she will tell you about that monster who will kill your friends one by one in this mansion, does Yuki know about that monster? o_O then she will smile and say Homura won’t die in this house and don’t worry about that and she begs you trust her and ask you to watch through the window, there’s something to take away the power from that monster she says… anyway you’re going to watch through the window and… is that Seijirou in the ground? D: he seems alive yet, hurry up! Yuki there’s no here anymore, look again through the window but now you can’t see anything just darkness… was he really Seijirou? Homura ask himself and he decides don’t say anything to 2nd member about this and Homura will sense confusion in his head, when you go out the floor will collapse and then you can’t watch through window anymore. Well your 2nd member is late…

Kippei, Mia and Yachika:

S/He will appear quickly and sorry for being late. You can enter after that and take a [Gum].


You will hear Rikana yelling from the toilet! Hurry up and enter! [Gum] here and when you try to enter the toilet…

1. Hurry up and open the door! > you’ll unlock a CG scene > Relationship with Rikana decreases?

2. First try to knock the door > Rikana go out and asks what’s happening, she didn’t yell, maybe a poltergeist?

After that scene you will talk about Seijirou to Rikana and what you saw.

If you try to enter in the toilet again:


1. I want to examine it

2. Sorry I was insensitive… > Relationship with Mia increases.


1. Maybe there’s something useful

2. I’m sorry > Relationship with Yachika decreases.


1. Definitively I’m not entering > Relationship with Rikana decreases.

2. Maybe there’s something useful

A [Spray] from the toilet room (spray does damage against bug enemies). I think if you examine the WC you’re relationship with heroine will decreases (not with Kippei). Come back to the hall and you can read [Aika’s memo #3] (Nami was separated from Aika). Use the brass key in the south door and it will break. Now you’re in the courtyard, here you can take [Biscuit] and [Broken squared wood (8ATK 3 WGT)]. Ignore that door because you can’t reach it (not in this path but you can in the West Wing path) and go east:

Let’s talk, Homura! #3


1. I don’t do anything for someone

2. Strong determination

3. Support her > Relationship with Mia increases.


1. Seriously > Relationship with Yachika decreases.

2. It’s good if you want then “The very best” > Relationship with Yachika increases OR “Certainly” (it says Kanarazu hahaha xP) > Relationship with Yachika decreases (another one stays the same).

3. A nightmare


1. If that’s the case why the short skirt?

2. Jacket… I should have brought it > Relationship with Rikana increases.

3. Let’s move! One, two, three, four!


1. Is it true?

2. Don’t joke

3. Kippei, stay by my side! > Relationship with Kippei increases.

In the next place Homura notices a pier but no boats, maybe in another one. You can pick up [Tabacco] (reduces fear, ONLY Seijirou can use it). You can’t reach that key behind fence so continue to east, before you enter in the shelter go up a little then right, you can open a box with small key or Yachika for a [Gum]. Enter in the shelter and go to the down room, you can’t enter in the right room in this path (you can in West Wing path), it’s a rest room (no bed), a [Hand axe (25ATK 7WGT)] and a [Nailed box] (no idea what’s inside yet). I would recommend you save in another data place ’cause you can’t go back to the East Building since now. Return to the courtyard and Seijirou will appear in your back (since when was he there?). Seijirou excuses himself for that fight with Homura in the East Building, he’s calm now (rare in Seijirou -.-). Homura will inform about it was happened since he left the party and Seijirou will tell you about they can’t exit the house through the forest because they don’t know the size of the forest, what will be in the forest and if there are another monsters so it will be a suicide, he will comment something that strange darkness, it’s dangerous. He will ask you about what he’s doing in the courtyard then Homura will talk about Seijirou in the ground bleeding. He’s surprised then he will joke about maybe the monster can show you what you want to see (then Homura is a sadist pervert who wants Seijirou dead l0l). Your 2nd member will suspect about the calmness in Seijirou. When stop the chit-chat you have Seijirou in your team again with a [Wooden stick] and he has no more items :/ don’t worry about give him something, it’s okay. You can’t return the east building yet so use that wooden stick in the fence to catch the key, use it in the fence and cross it and you’ll be trapped. Continue the path and you’re going to encounter another shelter, inside you can open a [Nailed box] (no idea what’s inside yet) and read [Aika’s memo #4] “My body feels strange when I came here… it feels hot… I’m sorry for Nami but I want to get fucked by Takumi” (sorry if I mistranslated, it will unlock a CG scene), but you can’t reach that weapon yet but… do you see the crack behind weapon? Memorize the place from shelter’s outside. Reach the boat and Seijirou will announce boat only has 2 places so he will wait for you 2 (if your member died you can actually go with Seijirou), go aboard to left upper corner:


1. It was just a thunder > Relationship with Mia increases.

2. Touch the boobs


1. Grab the boobs? > Relationship with Yachika increases. If you have above 31 relationship with Yachika it will unlock a CG scene.

2. Let’s go


1. Don’t go, please > Relationship with Rikana decreases.

2. I think it cannot be helped

3. I would do the same > Relationship with Rikana increases?


1. It’s disgusting

2. You have no remedy… > Relationship with Kippei increases.

Go to the right now and examine the red square in the ground and dig the item, a [Hammer]! (now you can break some walls and rocks). Enter in the right door and you’ll unlock a CG scene if your 2nd member is Kippei. If you peep through the windows you can watch the room where appeared Yuki (it seems some items disappeared…) and the toilet where your 2nd member were. Take the [Binoculars] and aboard the boat then go to the island with the grave and use it in the pier looking to the right. You’ll observe a number, it’s a password. Examine the grave and you’ll find a hidden stairs, go down and you’re in a secret room. Take the [Broken ladder], there is a note in the table “See to the east to the tree in the old pier” (where you found the password) and a locked box, but you can open with the password so do it and grab the [Statue] (IMPORTANT ITEM TO FIGHT BACK THE NAKED WOMAN AND CONTUINING THE STORY) there’s inside. When you try to exit the grave you’ll be trapped and the water is flooding the room, don’t panic, wait. Seijirou will help you to go out but wait… what’s wrong with him? He’s mutating and tell you about be one with him (lol). Homura wakes up, he passed out when he reached the statue. Go outside and aboard the boat, your 2nd member will recommend you leave him/her in the western pier so you can get Seijirou in the boat, s/he feels ask you about dejavus. Go to western pier then go back to Seijirou but he’s not in the pier, maybe in the shelter? Enter and you won’t find him neither. Use the hammer in the back of the shelter where is that weapon and you can grab it. It’s a [Machete (42ATK 14WGT)] (but not so large), you hammer will break. Save the game and go back where you left your 2nd member, s/he isn’t here (if you didn’t use the hammer yet, some rocks will slice in your path and when you use the hammer here it will break). Homura thinks Seijirou would be in the eastern shelter. Now it’s your choice if you go to the eastern shelter or you go back the eastern building:

If you go to the rest room in the eastern shelter, Homura will hit something and the room will lock, here is something will say “die” and the floor will dye with Homura’s blood. Game over.


If you are with Seijirou and no more members, you can enter in this room freely, you know why? 🙂

So go to the eastern building and save the game before enter. When you enter the door will lock and you’ll presence a scene where Seijirou is altered forcing with your 2nd member. You don’t know why he’s altered and he doesn’t know what you’re saying about they talking with him, he was alone all the time. Suddenly another calm Seijirou will appear from the locked door asking about how two Seijirou, then the altered Seijirou will hit the another one to the death and a CG scene will unlock. That’s our Seijirou! How can a Seijirou be calm?! IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. The giant tentacle monster will appear from Seijirou’s corpse, so run and hide! (You can’t fight back. If you’re with a girl in your party and she’s murdered by the giant tentacle monster it will unlock a CG scene). After that you will have a conversation with Seijirou, he’ll prove you he’s the real one and he explains what he did while he wasn’t with you (he’ll tell you about the situation, how he saw Kaneda, Yamanobe, the another party and the giant tentacle monster faking Seijirou’s appearence). Now Seijirou is in your party again with a hammer 😀 so you can use it to grab items you couldn’t (remember that crack where you found the broken ladder). First go to that place, there you can pick up [Matches], [Bunch of paper no.2] and a [Hand axe (25ATK 7WGT)] in the closed box (Yachika or small key). Continue breaking the rocks with the hammer and if you try going to the west some rocks will block your way and you can’t break them so continue to the east and go upstairs, here grab that [Rope]. You can read the bookshelf if you’re with Rikana or you have bunch of paper no.1 “If two members are tired and sleep together in the bed their relationship will grow up naturally”, use the hammer again in that rock and then in the wall and kick the pillar, now you have a shortway. Take the broken scissors and go to the kitchen, enter in the north room (it had rocks before and was closed) and use the broken scissors to open the fridge then you can grab [Drink] and [Ice pick (15ATK 2WGT)]. Now go to the room where you met Yuki and now you can take the [Rosario] (it damages spirit enemies), now go to the toilet and break those rocks then use the broken ladder in the abyss with 2 black spaces then break that last rock and enter in the another toilet, here pick the [Broken ladder] and open the box with small key or Yachika for [Iron pipe (30ATK 11WGT)]. When you have all these items go to the 2nd floor, room with 925 number and now you can cross that abyss you couldn’t in the past (Seijirou put that plate and that broken ladder when he was alone in the building, that’s why the plate dissapeared when you peeped through the window from the courtyard and the broken ladder you couldn’t reach in the first room in the hallway isn’t) then a [Aika’s memo #5] (I have no fucking idea what it says xD). You will reunite with the other team and they’ll inform you about their situation then they will ask for some weapons and something to eat. If you don’t pass any items and that party is Mia+Yachika+Rikana, you’ll unlock a CG scene later, in the main building. When you exit the room, you’ll unlock a CG scene if Yachika or Rikana are in your party with Seijirou and the broken ladder will break. You can’t return. Now it’s the last part in West Wing, go to the new hole in the wall from the kitchen:

Let’s talk, Homura! #4


1. Extreme swimwear

2. I want to see it now

3. I would like go to the sea > Relationship with Mia increases.


1. Sure

2. I don’t want to die

3. Protect it would change my life


1. Please, don’t ask such questions

2. Are you scared?

3. I feel… simple > Relationship with Rikana increases.


1. It’s not a big deal > Relationship with Kippei increases.

2. Nothing

3. …


1. He’s a funny dad

2. He’s respectful > Relationship with Seijirou increases.

3. He’s a little pervert

Read the note in the floor “WARNING: Do not touch the doll within the room, absolutely don’t touch… absolutely…” well, well, enter that room. It’s a rest room, but if you examined it that corner in the piano’s room when Kippei or Seijirou told you, now you can watch a doll in the bed. DON’T TOUCH IT YET, in the bookshelf “Mysterious?! A boy that has been falling from the sky? It’s unknown where are his parents”, save the game, prepare yourself and when you’re ready touch the doll IF YOU WANT TO. If you don’t touch the doll is okay, but if you touch it the doll’ scenes will continue and now you will have to afford some dangers. I know you’re curious so I’ll tell about this. When you touch the doll and quit the room, the doll will fall anyway exit the room then you’ll hear a maniacal laugh and Homura is alone now. Homura hears 2nd member yelling, exit this hallway to the kitchen and you watch Seijirou murdering the another member. Seijirou will chase you so run away. When you run away you’ll see the another party all dead, pick up that weapon and exit this room. Now you’re in the green room with the another team dead again. Exit and Seijirou will find you, but it’s strange, you can hear some voices calling you. Now you have to fight Seijirou (DON’T KILL HIM, IF YOU KILL HIM YOU WILL LOSE FOREVER LATER, RUN IF YOU DON’T WANT LOSE HIM, he can’t kill you if you try suicide yourself) run away from this room and now you’re in Seijirou skin. “Everybody is dead” in the table. If you go to the right the wardrobe will shake and a doll will fall down. You can save your game and exit the room. Now you’re in the hallway from 2F, if you try escape from this hallway you can’t. Go north and examine that door, then go to east and come back the door is hitting now, examine it and blood will flood all the hallway. Seijirou will light up and now is all break. Go north and Seijirou will hear Homura calling him. The another exit from north is blocked too so return and the statue will move, you can enter in that room. A lot of dolls and a hammer, the doll in the center is watching you (these dolls really freak me out), take the hammer and exit the room. Darkness again, Seijirou will light up and DOLLS EVERYWHERE, Seijirou is really scary now, he will light up again and now all is corpses and a simple doll which calls Seijirou “Papa”. Take the hammer and try exit the room breaking the stones, you can’t so head north, you’ll hear something, if you return your sight you’ll watch a broken doll. Continue to the north and the last door will open and dolls will float everywhere and another one will hug Seijirou, he will freak out and will throw up the doll. Continue to the north and break these rocks, don’t go downstairs, instead go up and break that crack in the wall. Examine the room and go downstairs now, head to the green room and now you’re in your another party member skin with Homura but no Seijirou. You can save. Exit the room and try to go to the toilet in the east but you can’t, go upstairs and if you try to enter in the rest room the roof will fall down in your head. It was a hallucination. Continue to the south and Homura asks you go to the toilet because he throat is dry. Go to the toilet and examine the sink, Homura will drink A LOT OF bad water, ugh. Go out the toilet and then downstair, when you try to go the west wing another Homura will appear from the piano’s side and he will yell at you RUN AWAY! Your Homura will transform into the giant tentacle monster. DON’T LET THE GIANT TENTACLE MONSTER CATCH YOU OR YOU’LL LOSE THAT MEMBER FOREVER. Go to the 2F and continue through the hallway then you’ll watch Seijirou and he’ll close in the 925room. Now you’re in Homura’ skin again in the first room. Wake up your another member then wake up Seijirou. Floor will collapse and Seijirou will throw away that cursed doll. Now you can’t exit the room, only go through that hole. Enter and you’re now in a loooong hall, use Seijirou’ skill. Go to the end and when you can’t go more, return. Your another member will run away but not Seijirou. Come back to the beginning, if you didn’t lose your members, a giant meat beast will appear and you’ll wake up (at the end) if you lost some member, the light goes off and their corpses will appear, then you’ll wake up and you’ll see their corpses again, they’re dead and you lost them forever. Go to the left hole and there you can read a note (bunch of paper no.2/Rikana) “I tied that rope in my neck… but if you don’t want die, use that rope wisely” then use the rope in that piece of wood and go down, here you can take another [Rope]. Continue the path but don’t cross over that corpse yet, go to the south and use the hammer in that rock then against that crack in the wall, there you can pick up [Gum], [Matches] and [Drink] in the closed box (small key/Yachika). Go to the east and you’ll cross a corspe which attacks you. It had a note in its hands “Takeshi was ate by the darkness. I become crazy”. If you have the statue among your items, it will dissapear. Return to the beginning and the naked woman will appear. Run to the other side and when you’re in the end rocks will block her path. Now you can read [Aika’s memo #6] (something about she encounters more people but she has not interest in old men?) examine that stairs and wait until the room is full with water and now you can cling on it. Now you’re in the main courtyard (where passed Yamanobe in the prologue), if you lost the statue now you can take back. Examine the courtyard and you can get a [Gum] and dig up a [Sulfuric acid] (it damages corpses I guess such severed heads, half men, flesh balls…) in the left corner (a black space in the ground, by the walls). Actually you can go back to the west building if you break the stone is in the entrance, but the west building is been eating by darkness now you can just visit the room with the doll. Who’s there? Another guy! But wait… HE’S GOING TO EXPLODE!! Homura will run away and then the guy will explode. When you enter in the room now you can’t use the bed and a new hole appeared. Here’s a closed box and you can’t open unless you have a [Electric conductor (50ATK 10WGT)] (instakill to humanoid enemies), you can get one in the final dungeon in the true ending. I guess in this box you can get something about Yuki’s route, I’m not sure. When you finish go to the courtyard again and enter in the north room, you’ll presence a scene and then a hidden stairs will appear in your left.

You have completed the East Wing path, since now it’s all the same and Hanamura and Jane explained it (it will change some items like Aika’s memo instead Hayato’s memo, etc).

The book too soaked in blood you can use it in the bookshelf in the right room where you found the bracelet to enter in the secret room where Homura was when he passed out.

I think Shima will kidnap your 2nd member EXCEPT if there’s Rikana in your party (it doesn’t matter if she’s 2nd or 3rd member) because Shima loves in secret Rikana.

You were right when you wrote if you haven’t more members it will appear Yamanobe and Yuki when the monster forces you to choose (actually YOU CAN CHOOSE BETWEEN Yuki and the other member if you’re relationship with Yuki is high, you can grow up your relationship with Yuki in her route, if you select custodying when you’re going to bed and let the another members rest).

I think you can have a bad ending if you permit the darkness catch you when you’re running where the pillars are falling down or let the naked woman kill you if you’re alone with Homura and no more members. Homura suddenly wanna see Mia and now he’s in the mansion again, he will exit the room and then he will run into Mia, he kisses Mia (she will blush) and he’ll smile evilly, then lock Mia with him in the library in the left (he’s gonna fuck Mia and she says she’s not prepared yet) and another Homura will appear approaching to that room and taking a peep (it is actually the 3rd CG scene in Homura’s gallery, you can unlock it if you sleep in the near rest room with another member but no Mia [besides she has to be in your party and she has to been guarding] in your gameplay). It’s a time loop.

How to get the true ending

Read Jane and Hanamura walkthrough for more info!

Read those documents in the room under the room with the FIRE EMBLEM and FINAL FANTASY books. Here you can read 2 books with the bunch of paper no.3 or Rikana and there a box you can’t open yet.

Continue the walkthrough. When Shima appears, choose not to split up and he will force your member to go with him. Enter in the rest room, get the key to save your mate and get THE STATUE, IF YOU HAVEN’T THE STATUE YOU WON’T GET THE TRUE ENDING. Save the member, kill Shima’s abomination and return to the rest room. If YOU DIDN’T TAKE THE STATUE NOW YOU CAN’T ENTER! when you try exit the room the naked woman will appear. NOW IT’S YOUR CHANCE! Don’t you remember when you encountered the naked woman you hadn’t the statue with you? Fight that bitch and use the statue against her, now you can damage her. When you have defeated her she will throw a key. Pick up and exit the room. Now go back the room with those documents and that closed box. Use the key and the wardrobes will move themselves and now you can use the hammer to break that wall behind the corner shelf. BREAK IT and read the document in the box.

Continue Jane’s walkthrough. When you wake up from that world full of corpses where you chose between Yuki or another member it will appear a new door in the south. IF YOU’RE ALONE AND YOU HAVEN’T GOT ANY MEMBERS YOU’LL GET A BAD ENDING]. If you’re not alone read those documents, a little girl is talking about her younger brother. When you have finished a woman will appear from the right door and she will ask you who’re you. She looks familiar, isn’t it? You will explain you’re Homura and she will be happy and she will approach you saying she’s your older sister and Yuki did her work. Then her face will transform into a familiar face, SHE’S THE NAKED WOMAN! If you’re alone Mizuki (her name) onee-chan will rape you and she will maintain you handcuffed. Homura is mindbroken and he can’t think anymore, only in having sex with Mizuki onee-chan. BAD ENDING.

If you’re not alone, the another member will push the woman and she will be eaten by the darkness, you’re now safe.

Continue with Jane’s walkthrough. When you arrive Yamanobe’s room there isn’t anybody, something melting down will approach you and you have to fight it (you can use the rope or the electric conductor if you have). When the monster is defeated you’ll pick up a mobile phone with a voice message. It’s Chiyoko, Kaneda’s girlfriend so it was Kaneda… (that’s why I said you can’t get this ending in West Wing, because in the West Wing you see Kaneda dying, but I’m not sure if you can get this ending ONLY in East Wing…). You’ll teleport in a green room, continue and you’ll encounter your lost member (s/he won’t try to kill you like in the normal ending). Continue to the north and you can save here, I recommend you, now it’s the final dungeon.

In this dungeon the monsters are dangerous. You will watch Yamanobe going to the north. Here you can read a note (ONLY RIKANA CAN READ IT, YOU CAN’T USE BUNCH OF PAPER, I haven’t read it yet) and a closed box (ONLY YACHIKA CAN OPEN IT, YOU CAN’T USE KEYS, I haven’t opened it yet) and a [Drink]. If you go to the east you can get [Golden key] under a platform, you won’t see it but you can get it if you examine the ground under the platforms, with this key you can open a box starting the game and get a weapon which can open nailed boxes so I recommend you find it. Go to the north and right, you’ll see a pink weapon you can’t reach, find the way to reach it and you have now [Electric conductor (50ATK 10WGT)] (it will open those boxes with screws and instakill humanoid enemies if you attack with it, it’s very useful, I recommend you pick up it). When you have all items follow your father and now you’re in a room with a dark pool and a box in your left. Examine that corpse in the right and it will transform in a save diary. I recommend you get a [Disinfectant] if you aren’t with Mia in your party and a lot of healing items and your best weapons. Go to the black pool, a message will appear saying you can’t return if you continue. That’s ok.

Now you’re in front a giant green door, your father is examining it, there are a lot of flesh pillars beating. Oh… my… god… Yuki is appearing from that door (you knew she was hiding something) and she will announce they’re being born. A flesh beast will appear from the left and it will approach you then it will melt down and Yuki will announce sarcastically “Ahhh, it was X member from your party 🙁 ” then another one will appear from the right and it will melt down too “It was X member from your party, you know? 🙁 it’s sad” then a last one will appear from the right corner and s/he will be fine… or not. S/he will cry out saying s/he’s feeling hot and s/he become to melt down and attacks you. You can’t run away, that command was replaced for “weep/cry” (Homura and his members will ask themselves why is it happening) don’t hesitate and lose time trying convince yourself it can’t be happening, actually it’s happening so attack your melting friend and kill him/her.

Yuki will clap you happy for you did and Yamanobe will fight Yuki himself. Use the Necronomicon a lot of times until Yuki get bored (Yamanobe can’t defeat her), then Yuki will melt down Yamanobe’s arm and you will attack Yuki. She will increase Homura’s fear calling him and saying “Don’t you remember? I’m the princess and you’re the prince; Did you enjoy this house? I did it basing in Papa’ stories; Mama is waiting for us behind this door; We will be always together, always, always, always; We’re twin siblings, try to remember; etc”. Continue attacking Yuki until she get bored then she will transform in a giant flesh beast.

Here’s the final battle. You “run away” command changed into “HEART” (it will heal you) I think this battle isn’t hard unless you can’t read japanese well but it’s long. Yuki’s attacks can inflict poison and she will attack your members with their worst fears (it will increase their fear bars to 99%, I recommend you protect them with Homura defense’s skill after she does this). I THINK actually your members can’t die unless Yuki devours them, if they die Homura will encourage them to wake up so they do.

After a while Yuki will ask Homura why he hates her and Homura will say he has no idea what she’s talking about. Yuki now is gonna instakill some member in your party (devouring I guess):

If she talks about a little boy, she’s gonna instakill Kippei.

If she talks about a girl with big boobs, she’s gonna instakill Mia.

If she talks about something saying “baka”, she’s gonna instakill Yachika.

If she talks about someone with cold eyes, she’s gonna instakill Rikana.

If she talks about annoying man, she’s gonna instakill Seijirou.

Now you can get 3 different endings:

– Bad ending: let Yuki kill all your members except Homura. After that, she will transform back to her human form and she will rape Homura. Killing unconsciously in the climax with her abomination form. It will unlock a CG scene. Then it will appear bloody credits with a scary background music.

– Normal/bad ending: let Yuki kill 1 member (not all) and continue attacking her. Yamanobe will say you have to run away then Homura will flee and all your friends and your father will die. Time passed. You’ll presence Yamanobe approaching the mansion with 2 new members with him, Yamagata and Kai (they looks like a mixture between Shima and Kaneda, but they’re not their sons or something like that, they have different surnames). If you pay attention you’ll figure out Yamanobe actually is Homura (he uses “watashi” instead “washi”) he grew up and now he’s investigator like his dad was. Now you can save the game and start another round!

– Happy/true ending: don’t let Yuki kill your members, when she talks about some member in your party PROTECT HIM/HER WITH HOMURA’S DEFENSIVE SKILL, Yuki will ask why Homura hates Yuki. Continue attacking and she will try to kill another member (pay attention what she says and defense your mate). Yuki will give up and she will transform into her human form. She says she doesn’t need anyone anymore and she will open the gate. Yamanobe will shout she mustn’t do it, Yuki will reply she’s a monster and she doesn’t need anyone anymore. Yamanobe will hug her and he will talk about he’s the real Homura Ayakouji, he’s Yuki’s twin brother. He lost his memories and he grew up like Syoukei Yamanobe and put his son Homura Yamanobe. Yuki will be happy but not so much time, she won’t believe Yamanobe and she will kill him with a smile in her face, then she will attack you again. She will kill the member with minor relationship with you then she will attemp to kill Homura’s mate with more relationship, Homura will beg her for her/his life, he can’t live without that member and he will be crazy if she kill him/her. Yuki will think it but she’s too possesive and jealous then she will murder him/her. Homura will get angry and he will shout “I DON’T WANT ANYONE DIES”. The gate will openg and the time will go back. Congratulations! You have achieved the happy ending, enjoy the following scenes 😀 (if you pay attention you can read Yuki’s messages in the credits telling about why she did all that). If you got a high relationship with some mate, you’ll unlock his/her respective CG scene.

Now you can play Yuki’s route! If you picked up [Golden key] you now can open nailed boxes with the weapon at the beggining.

West Path – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

Alright, time to make a (semi) walkthrough!

NOTE: This walkthrough only applies to a non-Seijirou playthrough.

At the beginning of the game you get asked various questions:

1. “Do you like to experience fear?” Yes/No

2. “Are you weak at heart?” Yes/No

3. “Do you require my assistance?” Yes/No

and finally:

4.Would you like to skip the prologue? No/Yes

I don’t know if these questions actually change anything within the game. I wondered if maybe there would be more guro or something if I answered yes to experiencing fear, but I see no changes.

In the very beginning, walk north into the main lobby. You can see your friends looking at thing within the lobby.

Interact with the Northern door and your main character (his name is Homura btw) says notes that it is locked… which is odd because your father told you that he would be in the northern room, and you have the keys to the West and Eastern doors…..strange…

All of a sudden, you hear a voice yelling at you… marking the entrance of Seijirou and Rikana. They talk about what you’re doing here, wheres you dad and blah blah blah. Finally, you’re given the option of choosing a party member. I listed in a previous post above on their individual skills and items.IMPORTANT: This character will stay with you for the REST of the game.

Once you have your party member chosen, you are given the task of going upstairs. There is a chasm preventing you from reaching the base of the stairs. Luckily, Homura has a Wooden Plank in his inventory. Use the plank in front of the hole in order to fill it, then walk across. Go down the hall and head down the stairs on the otherside. Your partner will note that there is a chasm preventing you from crossing. Head back up the stairs and you will notice that a Pillar that was once blocking a doorway has mysteriously moved…. Head inside and you’ll see a row of bookcases. One of the bookcases has a box on top. Interact with the bookcase and your partner will comment that neither of you can reach the box. Grab the nearby stool (the one that isn’t broken) and place it in front of that bookcase. You get a small CG, and then interact with the box to get a tome. Once you’ve got that, head back to the lobby.

Everyone at the lobby mentions that they haven’t found any clues on the whereabouts of the previous group. Seijirou decides that it would be best to split into two groups. (WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) Pick your third party member, then proceed to head west. You’ll be interrupted by a scene, and then proceed to head west.

WEST WING You must be registered to see the links

As soon as the party walks into the hallways, the door closes behind them, and cannot be opened.The first door on the southern wall is a safe room. Grab the healing items and drop off the [West Wing Key] that Homura is holding into the Locker, as you will not be needing it any further.

Quick Explanation of Save Points:


Keep walking down the hall and a pillar will fall in front of you. At the far left end of the hall there are a row of bookcases. Interact with the one blocking the doorway from the side to push it out of the way. (Homura will mention that even though he pushed it into the hole, he didn’t hear it hit the ground….) Enter through that door.

In this hallway when you walk past a window, Homura will mention that he can see into the rooms. In the first window you can see a pair of scissors in the room. Keep note as it’s a nice early weapon to have. In the next window, you partner will look inside and see a rather grisly…”hallucination”. Homura will then look inside and mention that theres nothing wrong. Pay close attention to the “hallucination” though, as there is a key in the middle of the room. Keep note of where in the room that key is, as it’s very important. Keep walking up the corridor and to the doorway. Homura will mention that something is blocking the doorway and if he should force it out of the way (Yes/No). Say yes and a pillar will be pushed out of your way, and provides a nice bridge to the next door. (Yay!)

Back in this hallway, if you try to interact with the northern door, you’ll see that it is locked. (and if you have Yachika in your party she’ll mention she can’t open it). Go into the room with the “hallucination” and interact with the tile where you saw the key to pick it up. The [Small Key] can be used to open the northern Door, as well as opening various other things (if you don’t have Yachika anyways). Head to the door just south of the one you were just in to grab the [Broken Scissors] (S: 4/ W:1). It’s not a great weapon, but it’s better than nothing. After that, head to the northen door and unlock it with the Small Key. Head to the next area.

On your right you see a weapon and a key, and on your left [Hayato Memo #1]. (Translation of the Hayato Memo’s will be in a separate post.) Another note on the ground to the north reads: “Don’t walk in the shadows if you wanna live.” (Whatever that means, pay it no heed…. for now.) Interact with the table to the right to find a hidden box of [Matches]. The matches are important, as they let you see in dark areas as well as function as a combat item, which is useful against small creatures such as rats. Pick up the [Rusty Knife] (S:13/ W:4) and put it in someone’s inventory, and pick up the [Snake Key]. Further north you see a piano on your right, along with a green statue and some stairs on your left. Ignore the piano for now, and head up the stairs.

You’ll see a pair of [Scissors] (S:6/W:2) on your left. Grab those and throw them on one of your characters. Further North you’ll see an unopenable door with a [Spray] (bottle) in front of it. The [Spray], or Bug Spray is a great combat item. You can use it during combat and it does great damage to bugs and some small animals, though it’s ineffective against other enemy types. Throw it on your weakest fighter, then head back down the stairs.

You can choose the go a little further north and into the room on the right for another safe room, organize your inventory, save,etc. Head south back into the hallway. Theres a door on the right side that can be opened with the [Snake Key]. Open it, and then the game tells you that the Snake Key has no further use, and if you would like to discard it. (As in the Resident Evil games) Discard it to free inventory space, and head inside.

Interact with the note on the table to make a bookshelf fall over. Go into the corridor and walk til the end. Homura will notice that there is a crack in the wall where he can see the entrance to the hallway and… *GASP* the door is open! You see a short scene of a Giant Tentacle Monster wrecking someones face and your party loses their shit. Your third party member will note that the GTM is suddenly missing and is probably headed your way. Go back the way you came and your partner will tell you that the GTM is in the room you opened earlier. Head back to the crack in the wall and interact with it to break out to the otherside. Once that ordeal is over, feel free to go into the safe room.

Next, head back into the corridor through the hole you made and grab the items lying around, mainly the [Broken Ladder]. You can also look into the window, and Homura will note that there is something written on the wall, yet it’s too far away for him to read it. Head back into the hallway and head to the western end. Use the Broken Ladder on the chasm to the staircase to cross.

Once you go up the stairs, you find yourself in a hallway with a row of 5 pictures, in order:

1.A picture of a baby in a stroller. (Upon close inspection you can swear that you can hear a baby crying…)

2.A picture of a teenager.

3.A picture of a young boy. (Upon close inspection you swear that the boy is running away from someone…)

4.A picture of an Adult.

5. A picture of an Old Man. (Which cannot be removed from the wall.)

The puzzle here involves you that you switch the locations of the pictures around so it is 4 1 2 3 5. Once you do that, the picture of the Old Man will fall off, and examining it presents you with a [Lily Key]. Go back down the stairs in go to a room on the left side of the hallway.(That room may still be locked, but you can unlock it with a small key or with Yachika) One of the dressers in the room is locked. Use the Lily Key to open the dresser, then inspect the dresser again to get [Binoculars]. Head back through the hole in the wall on the eastern side of the hallway. Find the window where you couldn’t see far enough before and use the Binoculars. This gives Homura a clue about the piano. After you do that, head back into the northen area.

Interact with the piano and Homura will begin playing, your partner even compliments him on his amazing ability to play…except…Homura says that the piano is playing on its own!? After that short scene the door covered in blood to the left will open. I highly recommend that you save at this point as shit is going to hit the fucking fan. Once you’re ready, walk into the room.

In the room you see a stuff thats pretty unsettling. All of a sudden, the room goes virtual boy on you, and a mysterious woman/creature/thing appears. You try to open the door but before you can the woman attacks! All your party members will tell you something you already know: “Whatever you do DON’T fight this thing, you can’t win. RUN. LIKE. HELL.” You escape from the fight and burst out of the room. Now this is where it’s CRITICAL you pay attention: You need to run away from that thing. If it catches you and you go into combat, RUN. You’ll notice that where there used to be shadows in the room there are now these weird yellow things. These slow you down when you walk in them, but are sometimes necessary to walk through to proceed. (Now we know what that survivor was talking about…) Go back south into the main hallway, and up the stairs into the hallway with the paintings. On the southern wall there should be a statue. Interact with it to be given the option to hide. Your characters will hold their breath as they pray that the monster doesn’t find them… (I think I almost crapped my pants the first time I did this) After the monster leaves, head back into the room where you encountered it.

EDIT/ NOTE: I now know that this doesn’t always work. She CAN find catch even if you hide behind a statue, under beds, etc. To escape her, just simply run up the stairs immediately to the left after you leave the room that you encounter her in.

In the room you see a weapon, a [Wooden Plank], and a fridge in the top-left corner. Grab the plank, and the [Piece of Wood](S:16 / W:4), and to open the fridge you need to use the Broken Scissors. Inside you have an Antidote and a bottle of wine. Take the antidote and upon interacting with the bottle of wine you’re given the option of choosing who gets to drink it.


2.2nd party member.

3. 3rd party member.

It doesn’t matter who you choose as it doesn’t effect anyone, except if Homura or Mia drinks the wine they go unconscious (only as an event though, does not effect them statistically).

Afterwards, climb up the stairs and interact with the statue to the north, and the hole in the handrail to the north. Homura asks if he should drop the statue off the handrail or not (Yes/No). (I actually don’t know WHY he does this, but it’s important to progress.) Upon dropping the statue, they hear a woman’s scream, and the door to the south BURSTS open. Head to the south and use the plank to cross the gap. Head into the room.

You’re now in a room with red walls. Head down the hall until you’re in a square room. The left dresser contains a [Broken Piece of Wood](S:8/ W:3) and the right contains a Biscuit. You cannot open the middle one yet, so go into the middle of the room to drop down. You’re now in the room you were looking into earlier with the Binoculars. Grab the weapon the right, an [Old Spear](S:18/ W:8) and the matches to the top left if you don’t already have them. There is also [Cigarettes] on the desk, but you cannot use them unless you’re Seijirou (and if he was in your party you wouldn’t even be here right now) so ignore them. Interact with the bookcase from the side to reveal a hidden passage.

Now you are underground. Make sure to use the Matches that you just got to illuminate the surrounding area. Go slightly south to find a safe room. In this safe room there is an item in the corner called [Video Tape B]. This lets you watch an H-Scene later, but you cannot use it now, so for the time being just throw it into the locker. Once you do the safe room stuff, head East and climb up some stairs to enter a room. Interact with the [Small Knife] (S:6/ W:2) and the notes if you wish. MAKE SURE NOT TO INTERACT WITH THE HAMMER UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS. Once you pick up the [Old Hammer] go to the top right corner….oh no… The screen changes… AND THAT BITCH RETURNS.

Once again RUN as fast as you can out of the room. You need to back track back into the caves and go west past the safe room. Go north until you find a green statue, and break it with your new hammer. Keep going north and you’ll find another statue. Break that too and keep following the trail. It may seem like a never ending path, but after you go down 3 floors you’ll reach a dead end with another statue. Homura will hear a voice telling him to break it. Do so and the woman will be stunned. Run past her and you’ll see an event.

After the event ends, pick up the [Bloody Key] and head back up. Check the walls near where you broke the first statue during the chase to find that it is cracked. Use the hammer to access a secret area which contains a [Small Ax] (S:25 / W:7) and [Sulfuric Acid]. [Sulfuric Acid] is a combat item that is useful against the Undead, but not against Spirits.

Homura wants to investigate the room that you guys just got chased out of so head east…and then theres a landslide that blocks your path…But never fear, thats what you have a hammer for! So take that baby out and use it on those boul- and the hammer breaks. Well shit that really sucks. Given no other options you must now head back upstairs into the study. Once there Homura notices that there is suddenly a hole in the wall to leave to room… nifty. Once you exit, Homura will state that he wants to rest.

Go north into the chapel and go to the safe room. Interact with the bed for a short scene of Homura standing guard while the other 2 members rest. Homura will suddenly hear a voice calling to him from the south, and there he sees a little girl. She tells him that he must break all of the statues in the mansion, and that the key he got will be useful in a room with red walls. Afterwards go into the safe room and talk to your party. Once that is over, head up the stairs and then south, back into the room where you fell. In this room, you can now use the [Bloody Key] on the shelf in middle. That unlocks it, giving you a journal of some sort and a [Broken Ladder]. After reading it and trying to leave…the screen changes colors, and we all know what that means, meaning we have to run away from that dumb bi- HOLY SHIT ITS THE TENTACLE MONSTER. Run north out of the room and to the right to find a chasm. Use the [Broken Ladder] on the chasm to go across, and enter the room on the right.

In this room, you’ll reunite with the other party of friends! Yay! Except the floor suddenly collapses and you guys are seperated once again…darn. The other party will ask that you give them food and a weapon. I do not know how this effects the game later on. EDIT: Thanks to GOR, we now know that if you have 2 female party members and decide not to give the other party any items, Seijirou and Kippei will rape the other female for an H-Scene later. Feel free to give them any crappy weapon you might have kept along with a biscuit, as you will find another biscuit once you leave the room. After that, leave the room and head back downstairs. You’ll encounter the mysterious little girl, Yuki, again. She’ll tell you to pass through the East wing and to go into the forest from there. With that said head south into the hallway, and to the right. Homura will notice that the door that’s been closed all this time has mysteriously opened!? Once you head inside…

EAST WING You must be registered to see the links

…You’ll end up on the East Wing and your friends will say: “What the hell? This should lead to the lobby, why are we suddenly in the East wing?” Spooky shit. Anyways, the room to the north is a safe room. Feel free to save and inventory manage, but you cannot sleep here. (Something about there being a dead mouse in the other bed).

Keep heading east and you’ll find a set of stairs. Climb up and you’ll see some doorways. The door on the left is jammed and cannot be opened, so head north. Walk down the hallway all the way til the end when you see some stairs. Walk down those sta- Oh shit. The screen is turning red again. Out from the stairs bursts the GTM. Turn the other away and run down the hall. Eventually this will trigger an event where the monster breaks through the floor and falls. Well crap, now you can’t go that way. The good news though is that there was a statue blocking a doorway earlier, and the fall of the monster made it break. Head into the corridor to the end and you’ll see a machine of some sort. Interact with it and you’ll see a short even of a secret passage appearing. Neat.

Head back out of the corridor, and back into the room with the stairs. This time, open the Eastern door [Bloody Key]. Once you’re in this room, read the memo and it will tell you that in order to progress, you must defeat 4 enemies in this room… AND SUDDENLY AN ENEMY ATTACKS. Defeat this enemy, and 3 others by just wandering around the room. Suddenly a window will break, providing an exit to the forest. Before you leave though, make sure to grab the [Rope] on the table.

Once outside, use your Matches so you can see, and head north until you see a peg on the floor. Use the [Rope] on this to go down into the forest. Proceed north from here and you’ll see a door on your left. Head inside for a safe room. You should probably save and stock up on healing items and things are going to get pretty dangerous from here. Proceed to head east and ignore the door to the north. It’s jammed and cannot be opened. In the next area, you can see [Cigarettes] to the north. Ignore them as they cannot be used. (For those who are curious though, the smokes do block the path from interacting with the dock. Even if you were to interact with it, you characters just note that the boat has been washed away from the dock and you cannot reach it.) Continue to head east. You’ll see an iron gate with a lock on it. None of your keys can open it, so proceed to head south-east until you reach a shack.

Go into the southern room for a quick safe zone. Then go to the bloody door on the right. Use the Bloody Key. The game will ask if you wish to discard it as it has no further use. Feel free to do so and head into the next room. You can read the [Hayato Memo #6] to see an H-event of Hayato raping Misa. After that, try to leave the room. Suddenly a shelf will fall over, dropping a hammer. Take the [Hammer] and use it to break the discolored wall on the right. Head into the hole you made to access another room. In the room, interact with the painting in the north-east corner. Homura will note that there is a button inside. Press it, and a bookcase will move, exposing a hidden passage. Head down the stairs and into a room. (The characters will have a brief conversation about how Homura keeps mentioning that Yuki (the little girl) keeps telling him to break the statues, and that the other party members haven’t seen her and that Homura must be hallucinating. However, your partner will admit that breaking the statues is probably a good idea, as it seems to have some effect on the monsters.) Use your hammer on the statue and it’ll break….and the terror begins.

In order to escape the woman this time, you need to head ALL the way back into the mansion and to the staircase room. It’s going to be very hard to see some of the exits to the next area as you run this time, so it might be a good idea and try to remember the way back. Once you escape the woman the party will discuss how the woman CLEARLY died by the tentacle monster earlier, so why is it back!? Homura has no answers, but clearly destorying the statue had some sort of effect. Now that you have the broken hammer, go back to the west wing… On the way back you’ll walk through a dark hallway that wasn’t there earlier… You can’t use your matches and you can’t help but have a bad feeling. Once you walk through to the other side, you’ll notice that your third party member is missing! OH NO… and then your third character will come through the doorway. “Is something wrong?” they’ll ask…

Okay at this point, the path diverges, which decides the fate of your third party member.


Member Lives:

Your third party member seems a little suspicious…so head back into the east wing, and climb up the stairs. Your third member will try to stop you from going there. Just pick the top option each time and you’ll head up the stairs. You’ll hear your third party member SCREAMING as they bang on the bathroom door! Upon trying to open it your third party member(?) will tell you not to open it as it’s obviously a trap. Decide to open it anyways and your third party member will be freed. But wait…if thats your party member…. then who’s that behind you? The doppelganger then proceeds to laugh maniacally as their face begins to melt off, revealing that it’s actually an enemy skeleton! Defeat the enemy then continue, then head back into the west wing.

Proceed back into the northern room with the piano. Use the hammer on the statue here, then go back south into the hallway. Go into the hole you made when escaping the tentacle monster and head into the study. Go down the stairs into the underground, and use the hammer on the landslide where you previously broke the the hammer. This time the hammer will destroy the obstacles, and you can continue on. Keep following the path until you find the stairs. Walk up the stairs and enter the room where you previously escaped the monster lady.


Member Dies:

As you try to leave the room, you and your partner will notice that something is wrong with the third member. The third member will then proceed to laugh crazily. Homura will ask them to stop laughing like that because it creeps them out. The character will respond by asking Homura to stop… BY DYING. The characters face will begin to fucking MELT. The character then turns into a skeleton and proceeds to attack the remaining party. Defeat it. After doing so you will hear a scream. Your partner will assume that it’s the third party member.

OPTIONAL: You can actually find your missing party member outside of the Toilet in the East Wing. Well, their corpse anyways. You can stash things on their body if you wish, serves no purpose.

You’ll find that the room now has this impenetrable darkness within the room. You cannot see through the darkness with matches, nor can you move through it. There’s not much to do in this room except to head West.

WARNING: As soon as you leave this room to the west, the darkness will cover up the door, preventing you from going back. If there’s anything you need to do in the main area, you better do it now.

You now find yourself outside. Your party will be surprised by the fact that a sudden darkness rushes out of the room and covers your exit. Your party wonders what would happen if someone were to go into the darkness. Homura mentions that it would probably be a bad idea and that there’s no point in standing around and that you should just keep moving forward.

Map of Courtyard/Main Building

If you head all the way west and then south you will find a pack of gum. Walk alongside the west wall and you’ll find a patch of ground that is slightly different from all the rest. Interact with it and Homura will suggest whether to dig there (yes/no). Dig at that patch and you will dig up a bottle of Sulfuric Acid. Sulfuric Acid is a combat item that is useful against flesh enemies (I.E. zombies/corpes). Go a little further north from here to find a Rope. If you head slightly north-east from that point, you can find a ladder. You can head down if you wish, but I haven’t found anything of note within. If you head north from that point, you will find another green statue. Use your hammer to destroy it and you will see Yamanobe run across the screen. Your party will ask if something is wrong, and Homura explains that he thought he saw his father (So is Homura hallucinating?) After this encounter, your party notices that there is now a set of stairs to the west. Proceed to head down the stairs.

You now find yourself in another safe room. Save your game and sort your inventory at the storage box. Proceed East.

You now find yourself in a dark room. Use your matches to light up the room so you can see. Proceed through the room and you’ll find a book on the ground that reads: “Only those who have become spirits will allow you through the doors…” You’ll find that the doors are locked and you cannot open them with your keys, requiring you to go around. Navigate through the maze-like areas and finding any items along the way, such as a [Broken Katana] (Strength 16/ Weight 5) , a pack of gum, and [Hayato’s Memo #7]. Head north from this point and the corridor will begin to fill with…blood… Your party will then be attacked by a [Wandering Spirit]. Just keep attacking it until it dies. Continue through the corridor and you’ll be in a room full of rotting corpses, including what seems to be, for a split moment, the corpse of one of your friends from the other group. Your party members are clearly shaken-up by this discovery, and though it seems to have just been an illusion, your party cannot shake off the feeling of unease not knowing what is happening to the other party… Feel free to save in this room, then head north. Homura will note that something is blocking the exit, and pushes as hard as he can to get whatever it is that’s blocking the exit out of the way.

You are now outside, and it is revealed that your exit was blocked by a coffin. Immediately outside you see a small locked chest. You can choose to unlock it with a Small Key (or Yachika’s Hairpin, if you have her with you). Even after unlocking it however, you’ll notice that you do not automatically grab whatever is inside. Upon inspecting the box again Homura will state that whatever is inside smells absolutely terrible, and whether he should: 1.”I have nothing but bad feelings about this..” (Leave it alone)


2.”I shouldn’t be worried about something as trivial as bad smells” (Open it)

I would recommend that you leave the box alone (1), but if for some reason you should choose to open the box (2), Homura will look inside, only to be terrified by whatever it is that is inside the box (We could assume that it was a corpse or something of the like) and immediately shut the box. This increases Homura’s fear meter so it does nothing but screw you over. MOVING ON. Walking west, Homura will note that he could’ve sworn that he saw another path… but it has mysteriously disappeared… You can see a gate to the north but you cannot open this. Head into the building.

Homura will see a glimpse of his father before he disappears, leaving behind a “Main Building” key, the same key that Homura’s father had when he went into the Northern room. Proceed to the room to the north.

In this room, head to the east to find a door that leads back outside. Grab the Plank of Wood next to the gate and head back inside. Go into the hole in the wall, and you’ll find another room with a hole in the wall. Investigate the fallen suit of armor to find the [Armor’s Spear](Strength: 55/Weight:15). Proceed to the end of this corridor you’ll find another magic circle (much like the one where you first encountered the monster girl) and a Small Key. This item is unnecessary if you already have one, but along the Eastern wall you’ll find a cracked wall with some rubble in front of it. Use the [Hammer] on the rubble, and then the wall to access a secret room! Inside you’ll find a [Rusty Sword](Strength:19/ Weight:11). After that, head back upstairs. To the North-East you’ll find a door that is locked. Use the Small Key to enter and inside you’ll find a Broken Ladder, an Antidote, and a locked box which contains some Gum. Grab the Broken Ladder, and the other items if you wish. In the corridor again, you find a door that has a hole in the ground in front of it, which can be traversed with the [Wooden Plank] you found earlier. This door leads to Save room HOWEVER Avoid using the [Wooden Plank] for now if you can. If you use the Plank now, you’ll lose access to some good items later on. If you ABSOLUTELY must Save/Rest however, it is your choice. At the end of the hallway to the West, you’ll suddenly hear a loud noise. You can see that something is trying to burst through the door! Homura motions for the other party members to get behind him…. and then the banging stops, and the door opens. Homura notes that there is nothing/no one there… Proceed through the door.

In this next room, use your Matches so you can see, and then place the Broken Ladder on the ground to traverse the hole. Keep walking north, up the stairs.

Map of Main Building – Part 2

In this corridor, you find this Green, stick substance covering the area. You cannot traverse this terrain, so for the time being, head into the door to the West. Inside your will reunite with your father! He’s apologizes for getting your party involved with this event, though your party tells him not to worry. He states that he cannot move, though he is unharmed. He tells Homura that he must head to the Clock Tower. There he will need to activate a mechanism that will open up a path. Homura want’s a more detailed explanation, but his father simply tells him to please just trust him and do as he says. In this room you’ll find a locked chest, but you can choose to ignore this as it contains Cigarettes, which can only be used by Seijirou. Head back into the corridor and Homura will state where they need to go… The staircase on the otherside of the green hallway. It’s impossible to go through the hallway as things are now, so you must find another way around. Head south and you’ll have a jump scare event. Head into the door.

You’ll notice that the room is shaking, and upon heading down the cooridor you’ll see a moving door. You cannot access it for now, so head into the door to the East. Inside this room, you will find Bandages and [Hayato’s Memo #8] Head south and you’ll find yourself on an outdoor walkway. You will find a weapon, the [Icepick](Strength: 15/Weight: 2). Continue to head south and the path behind you will crumble. Continue south and into into the doorway. In this next room, go northeast and through the doorway to find yourself back in the corridor that had the moving door. Head inside to find a [Red Key]. Upon grabbing the key, try to leave. Doing this triggers another GTM chase.

I don’t believe that there’s a way to outrun the GTM this time around, so you’ll need to hide somewhere. I personally head West back towards the stairs (Make sure to go to the 2nd set of stairs, as the first set is inaccessible during the chase) and hide behind a pillar. After that’s over, head back into the hallway where you found the [Red Key] and to the north you’ll find a Red Door. Use the key to go inside and you’ll find a [Broken Ladder], and inside the closet is a pair of [Broken Scissors] With that done, head back towards the second staircase and in one of the South-western corners of the room (where you had to use a [Broken Ladder]) you’ll find a [Silver Knife](Strength: 30/ Weight:6) Head into the Save Room and drop off the [Main Building Key] (You won’t need it), and go south after you head downstairs to find a Red Door. Use the [Red Key] (WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT) to open it.

Once inside the room, you’ll notice that it’s dark. DON’T USE YOUR MATCHES YET. Try to navigate to the West side of the room and Homura will mention that he stepped on something, and he’ll automatically use the matches. Upon doing so, he doesn’t find anything and thinks it was just his imagination. Note: If you DO decide to use your matches, you will find a Skeleton right in front of you, and you’ll be forced to fight. You’ll notice that there is a door with a hole in front of it. If you decided to hold onto the [Wooden Plank] from earlier, you can use it here to get some goodies! This is completely optional, so I’ll put a spoiler tag.

If you DO have a [Wooden Plank]


Head inside and you’ll find yourself in a Bathroom. On the ground is [Hayato Memo #10]. You cannot go into the North-western corner due to a fallen pillar, so head south into the toilet stall. Upon entering, Homura and co. will make note of the gory scene that they witness, when suddenly, your 2nd party member will mention that they heard a noise… and it sounded close. Homura says he didn’t hear anything, though he’ll be careful. In this room, you find another [Wooden Plank] grab it to replace the one you used earlier. Leave the room and your 2nd party member will mention that they heard a noise again. Try to leave and…. a [Madman] attacks! It is assumed that the Madman is Hayato (the one writing the memos, which I’ll compile the translations of in a seperate post) After defeating him, you can access the chest in the top left corner. Use the [Small Key] to open it, and it contains a [Machete] (Strength: 42/ Weight: 13). Investigate the hole that the Madman appeared from to access another room. Navigate through the room and at the end you’ll find your [Father’s Pipe]. Along the Eastern wall, you’ll find a crack. Use the [Hammer] to break the wall down and access yet another hidden room. Inside you’ll find a [Jar of Blood] grab it, then head all the way back out into the dark hallway.

If you don’t have a [Wooden Plank] (or did and already did the above) head East and open the door to the north using the [Small Key]. WARNING:Pay very close attention or someone could lose a heart. Once you enter the room, immediately walk to the north, and as far right as possible. A dagger will come flying out from the east, and if it hits ANY of your party members, they will lose a heart. After the knife hits the wall (or your party member) Homura will investigate it, and you can pick up the You must be registered to see the links(Strength: 22/ Weight: 4). In this room, you also find [Hayato Memo#9], a [Biscuit], and a [Firestarter] Grab the [Firestarter] and you can also access a Grinding Stone on the counter. Use the [Deba Bōchō] on the grinding stone to get the [Sharpened Knife] (Strength:44/Weight:3) Also use the [Jar of Blood] (if you have it) on the grinding stone. This will allow you to get one of the BEST weapons in the game. Use the [Rusty Sword] on the bloody stone and you’ll get the [Demon Sword](Strength:86/ Weight:10). There is also a fridge in the room. You need [Broken Scissors] to open it, and once you open it you find that it’s infested with bugs and you need the [Spray] to get rid of them. Inside you find [2 Drinks!]

Head back into the hallway and go to the southern room to find the Dining Room. You’ll find a note on the ground telling you to light the fireplace. If you try to use your [Matches] on the fireplace, Homura will note that it doesn’t seem to work. Use the [Firestarter] you picked up earlier and then the matches to light the fireplace. This will light the room. WARNING: Do not read the memo after doing this if you do, the memo will now read the following: “Thanks… now I can see… YOUR FACES!!!” and you will be attacked by a Madman.

Go back into the hallway and use the [Broken Ladder] to cross the gap towards the stairs. Upon doing so, Yuki will appear, then disappear soon thereafter. Homura will notice that she was facing the wall. Use the Hammer on the wall to access the other half of the Dining Room. In this room you can use the [Small Key] on the chest to find a [Biscuit]. Interact with the fallen bookshelf to which is described to you as “There’s something underneath it.” Homura will say: “It can’t be a person….can it?” and then one of the closets will open. Interact with it and you’ll be asked if you want to investigate it further. Say yes and Homura will poke around, and grab something. Upon doing so, something grabs Homura’s arm and the closet closes! One of your party members will proceed to save you, and inside you find the [Clock Tower Key]. Head back into the hallway and East downstairs.

In this hallway use your matches. To the north you’ll find a discolored wall which can be broken with your [Hammer]. Inside you find a [Drink] and a diary (which I’ll translate at some point). Back in the hallway you’ll find some [Gum]. Keep proceeding down the halls until you arrive at… THE CLOCK TOWER.

In the Clock Tower you find a Save Point and a large staircase. To the right of the staircase however, is a chest containing a [Silver Spear](Strength:65/Weight:15) Grab it if you wish, then head up the large spiraling scaffolding. On the first level you’ll find a chest that contains [Gum]. Keep climbing up and at the top you’ll find small area that contains a [Old Spear](Strength:18/Weight:8) and a note in the corner that reads: “Th…This biscuit.. I need to deliver it…to him…” If you investigate the bones nearby you’ll find a [Biscuit] and you will be prompted to pick it up, however if you do, a Skeleton will attack you. You also can see the Clock Tower controls here, and if you investigate it you’ll be prompted to activate it, however when you do, Homura notes that it’s too rusted to work. In the southeast corner of the room, you’ll find a Locker if you want to drop off some items (like the Old Spear), a Save Point, a Wooden Plank, some [Oil] and a recorder. Upon playing the recorder you hear a message of a crazy survivor talking about how he wants to rape everyone. Wonderful. Anyways, now that you have the [Oil] use it on the Clock Tower controls so you can use it. Activate it and you’ll see a scene of a bunch of doors in the Main Building open. Back to Homura and crew, you see that the tower is shaking now that it’s activated. Homura will note on the way down that it would be a good idea to walk on the OUTSIDE edges (close to the walls) as it would be safer in case anyone were to fall. What happens if you do/don’t, however, as been provided by the wonderful Jane Doe.

1.You walk on the outside edges.


Nothing happens. Which is GOOD.

2.You walk on the INSIDE edge.


One of your party members will fall off the edge but will manage to grab the edge of one of the lower floors. You must now rush over and save your ally before they die. You still get random encounters, however, so run from all of them and you’ll make it in time. If you try to fight even ONE battle to completion, your ally will fall and die.

After you leave the Clock Tower, you will suddenly be attacked by the GTM! You can choose to either run all the way back outside of the Main Building (past the Magic Circle room/hallway) or you can try to hide behind pillars, Dining Room table, etc.

After the chase, Homura will pass out, and awaken in a Magic Circle. Head north to find yourself in a room with a Doll, [Video Tape A] and a VCR/TV set. Ignore the doll as it doesn’t do anything, but grab the [Video Tape] and use it on the VCR to view an (unavoidable) H-scene. Here you see a younger girl forced to have sex with an older man, presumably the master of the house. Homura doesn’t want to watch the tape, but at the same time can’t stop. (Almost like watching a train wreck, I assume.)

After the tape finishes, Homura wakes up in a save room next to his party. They mention how he passed out after escaping the tentacle, and how they brought him here for his safety. The previous scene was, evidently, a dream, but… Eh, I’ll get to that in a second. From here go to one of the just-opened rooms, which are in the hallway on the second floor; I advise starting with the two on the left. The top room contains four strategy guides for EMBLEM FANTASY and a [Fake Book] This item is not necessary, but it lets you access a hidden room very shortly.

The southern room has a locked chest. The locked chest requires a key obtained by defeating the [Manifestation of Fear] (A.K.A. Spooky Ghost Bitch). Who can only be defeated in New Game+, which is necessary for the True Ending.

That leaves the third room, the one on the east end of the hall; this should look very familiar, having come from your dream. The lock on the cabinet has been papered over, so you can’t unlock it; You can use the [Dummy Book] you got earlier on the bookcase on the southern side of the room to reveal the Magic Circle room you were in earlier. There really nothing in this room though, you can open the chest in the corner of the room to find…Nothing. Head back into the room. You can use the VCR in the room to play [Video Tape B] (Another H-Scene), which you founder earlier, contains a moment between Misa and Ryo , the companions of Hayato, the guy whose memos you found scattered around the mansion.

In this moment, they were worried that he’d peep on them, as he was nearby, standing watch


Which Hayato notes that he DID see, according to Hayato Memo #4

, but decided to have sex anyway ; they were unaware that they were being filmed, which Homura finds very alarming, as it means that they may be being taped in safe areas as well. The other tape contains another H-Scene, of a maid of the mansion being raped by a man (presumably the master of the mansion). More importantly though, is the ring in the NE corner of the room. WARNING:Don’t walk towards the ring until you’re certain that you’ve done everything else in the house first.

Once you’re ready, step towards the ring and a journal will fall open in front of you, entry four of five. It discusses how a man had been searching for a way to revive his son, but was too late; it involves a ritual that must be done on the tenth anniversary of his death, and by the time he’d found the method, the date had passed. He wouldn’t have another opportunity for another ten years. Once you finish the entry, you’ll put the journal back on the bed; step forward, grab the [Ring of Protection], and…. The entryway will be filled with corrupt green slime, trapping you, as well as preventing access to some other journals, some closets (they will be colored green, meaning you cannot access them) as well as the darkness covering more areas, preventing you from accessing a few rooms. Homura, acting on instinct, will step onto the slime while holding the Ring (which does not take an inventory slot, you’ll notice) and be completely unharmed; this seems to be why the professor needed it to escape.

Head back upstairs and grab the [Statue] Not only is it an important story item, but it is useful for fighting Spooky Bitch, but once you walk towards the Professor or go up the stairs, Shima will step down from the third floor. Your party will be pleasantly surprised to know that he’s still alive, and he’ll tell you how he was with the professor, but that the professor has gone berserk and that he needs your help to calm him. You’ll follow him up the stairs, and you’ll work out a plan to approach him by splitting up into pairs, him going east, and you going south (the hall being a big circle, and all the doors sealed). Homura will ask how Yamanobe managed to escape from the slime, to which Shima will begin to question whether or not the Yamanobe that your party met was real, and proceeds to grill your party even harder for not noticing these things before (Dead bodies of your apparent party members appearing, Yamanobe’s appearance before you entered the Main Building, etc). He’ll volunteer your second party member to come with him, in a very rough, hasty manner. At this point, Homura stops him and you are given 2 choices

1. “…Be careful”


The plan goes as is and your groups separate. After going full-circle around the hallways, you’ll find it odd that you didn’t bump into Shima at all along the way…. and then you hear your party member that went with Shima, scream. The doors burst open and you must look for Shima!


2. “I’ll go with you instead.”


Homura volunteers himself to go with Shima. Upon doing so, Shima will get PISSED. His paranoia shows with him claiming that you’re volunteering because you don’t trust him. He’ll then run off with your second member, at which point all the doors fly open.

Either way, you now have to find Shima now that all the doors are open. (Feel free to use the map at the bottom of the post for reference.) He’s in the NE room; all the doors to it are sealed, however, so you’ll need to enter by way of the SE room. You can also find a [Rosario] in the NW room. The [Rosario] is a combat weapon that is effective against spirit-type enemies. Once you find Shima, you’ll find your second party member on a table, Shima talking about how he’s going to share a great gift with him or her, and a gate between you. After sharing a few words, your second party member will yell at you to find the key, and how it should be nearby. As you try to leave, Shima mentions that the next time you come into this room, your 2nd party member will suffer.

You are now given 2 (possibly 3) options.

1. Go find the Key.


The key is found in a room north of the NW room. In here you find that half of the room is covered in slime, yet there is one closet in the slime that isn’t affected. Search it to find the [Gate Key] go back to Shima and use the [Gate Key] to open the gate. You will save your 2nd party member and then Shima will transform and fight you. Fun Fact: If you grab the [Gate Key] before you head into this room for the first time, Homura will open the door instantly, and your 2nd party will be amazed that you already had the key.

2. Be a dickhead. (FOR PORN)


Immediately return to the room. Shima will then make fun of you for not being able to find the key. He will then proceed to rape your 2nd party member, while all you can do is watch. He will then kill them (I don’t exactly know how) and then attack you.

3. (MAYBE) Run out of time. I think if you take too long looking for the Key, (2) will happen.

Shima melts down, and basically turns into a giant spore pillar, body becoming overgrown with boiling green corruption sprouting from within, spreading it everywhere on the floor. (This, coincidentally, renders most tiles on most of the other rooms uninteractable). You then have to fight and kill Shima, after which your party will freak out about what on earth just happened. Before you leave, there’s a recorder in the room, which had… something, IDK was irrelevant.

You should head back to the Save Room where you grabbed the [Gate Key] and save, though as you try to leave the room, Spooky Bitch appears. Take the door to the south, south again, then head through the western door. This one lets you reach the stairs safely, as if you try to leave through some of the other doors, the lady will be waiting for you.

From there, you’ll need to find a safe hiding place, or run back outside of the Main Building. If you want to outrun her, I hope you remember the way out as all the doors will be closed and you need to open them manually.

After that’s over, head back to Yamanobe WARNING:Once again, make sure you’ve done everything you need to as there will be another huge event. Head downstairs and you’ll see that a new path has opened up. Upon seeing him, you’ll have a touching reunion as he congratulates you, and thanks Homura and his friends (if he has any left) for coming to rescue him, before apologizing for carelessly putting you all in such danger. He tells you that you can’t save him just yet though. Homura dismisses this as defeatism and walks forward to pull the professor out of the slime, and… Apparently walks too far, as your third party member sinks into the slime, being too far away from the Ring. To make matters worse, you can’t get your father out of the slime. Way to go, Homura. At this point, your third party member understandably starts to freak out, while the professor tries to break the tension with some rather inappropriate jokes (of the “Oh, you’ll probably not die. Hey, did something just bite my leg?”). He then tells you to just trust him, go south, and get the Necronomicon, which he needs to break this spell. If you have [Father’s Pipe] You can talk to him to return it if it’s in your inventory, and he’ll give you the [Love Test] in exchange, letting you see affection levels within your party. You can pick up [Video Tape-A] on the ground, you can return to the room with the VCR to see an h-scene involving the master and his maid.

Now it’s time to head south. Keep following the path and eventually you’ll find another Magic Circle. Place the [Statue] in the circle, and then you will be transported to…. somewhere…

Homura now find’s himself in a place of pure darkness, with gore everywhere, separated from his party member. He hears him or her call out for help. Head North-East and you’ll find your party member trapped in the gore. Interact with them and a scene begins; a giant disgusting pile of meat resembling a crudely made effigy shows up, and starts shouting at him to make a decision. I’ll just give the whole script here, monster denoted by (M)

Dialogue of this scene:


(M): “Who will suffer?”

(H): “That girl has nothing to do with this, she’s innocent!”

(M): You actually know the truth, dont you?….Or… do you really not know? In that case… I’ll make you know…

(M):”If you don’t choose, this will happen…”

(H):”Please! Stop!”

(M): “Both of them have such great screams…Hey…Isn’t this fun?”

(M): “I’m going to ask one last time…Which one will suffer?”

(H): “Damn it! What…what should I do!?”

(H): “Ah…”

-Screen turns to black-

(M): “It seems…you have decided…who will suffer…”

(H): “No…You’re wrong! I haven’t said anything yet!?

(M): “…Liar…I can see the answer in your heart…

(M): “Yuki….Yuki….Yuki….Yuki….

(H): “You’re wrong! I haven’t said anything!”

(M): “Yuki….make Yuki suffer…Kill….Yuki…You’ve chosen…Yuki…”

(M): “I’ve….heard it…”

(H)): “Stop it! I never asked for that!”

(Y): “Big…bro….You’re fine with something bad happening to Yuki..?”

(H): “No….I….”

(Y): “…It’s fine…. Yuki… doesn’t want to see big bro suffer… I don’t want to see your sad face….”

(Y): “Goodbye….Big bro….”

– You hear a bunch of screams has the screen flashes-

(M):”You…killed her…. By your will…. you killed her…. You did….you did… you did….”

(H): “It couldn’t be helped… It had to be done to save, (the other person).”

(H): “…I’m sorry….Yuki….Yuki.. Please….forgive me…Yuki!”

(M): “You…killed her…. By your will…. you killed her…. You did….you did… you did….”

(H): “…Stop!…Please stop… I beg of you…please don’t blame me…!”

(M): “You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…You did…”

(H): “Y-you’re wrong…I had no choice…”


(H):”…Then what should I have done!?”

-Screen fades and you are now in a bedroom-

There will some dialogue between you and your partner. They will mention how they had a strange dream about being a place with a little girl… and hearing her screams… Your partner will then mention that Homura is holding on to something? You are then informed that you now have the [Necronomicon].

If his affection level with his partner is low, he or she will complain about making them worry that he would have chosen Yuki over him or her; if their affection level is high, they can have sex on the bed before leaving. If you check the pillar before leaving, you’ll see the initials H and Y carved into it. If you re-enter the room after leaving, it returns to being the room with bloody strategy guides.

When you return to Yamanobe, you’ll find that the darkness has expanded again… Covering your third party member. Your father begs you to bring him the [Necronomicon]; when you do so, he quickly reads a passage that flashes the screen, clears out the darkness and the slime, and leaves the room a nice pleasant place with a magic circle, three drinks, diary, and locker. Your third party member, however, is gone. When you speak with your father, he says that they’re gone, but that their might be a chance to bring them back with the Necronomicon. He cautions that it may not work, however, and that the darkness may have had negative effects on their mind. You decide to go through with it anyway, and the professor cautions you to cover your ears as he reads from the book once more, warning that it could drive you mad. Once he’s finished, he’ll give you a [Hunting Rifle] capable of severe damage. This item now replaces Homura’s [Bottle]. It’s time to step into the magic circle, and you’ll be taken to a dark place with green walls; at one point, in a particularly narrow section, you’re followed by a madman just out of view, who explodes in gore as you leave the tunnel (if you turn around, you can fight him, if you’d like). Eventually, you reach another magic circle surrounded by creepy statutes (If you try and break them, the professor stops you, saying they’re still necessary) and a living 3rd party member. When you wake him or her, however, he or she is panicked and tries to kill you. They are completely frightened and don’t believe you the be the real party members. During this fight your [Run] command has been replaced with [Talk]. Keep talking to your party member and they’ll eventually be convinced that you are real and give up. If you decide to fight, however, you will kill that member permanently (but in return get a really good weapon, depending on who it was). If you kill the member, you party will be depressed though Yamanobe will say that it was necessary for your survival.

After the fight, Yamanobe says that it’s time to go back. Your party gathers around the Magic Circle as he reads from the Necronomicon. Homura suddenly finds himself all alone in the darkness… when he see’s his partner running towards him. They run towards each other for a hug…and then your partner is gibbed. Homura is now surrounded by all the other members, all of them chanting that it is your fault they people are dying, one by one as they all get gibbed as well. Then we see Yuki, walking towards Homura as she falls to pieces with each step. All of a sudden, Yamanobe’s voice calls out form the darkness, telling Homura that his heart is being sucked into the darkness. You find the party surrounded by swarming tentacle monsters. At this point, you should use the save journal next to Homura. When he talks to the Professor again, he’s told that he should make a break for it, while the Professor tries to hold them as long as possible with magic; as soon as you try and leave the magic circle, they’ll flash grey for perhaps ten seconds. Use this time to run as fast and as far as possible – it’s a hectic race out of the mansion at this point, retracing your steps as far as you can flee. If a tentacle monster catches you before then, you’ll be forced to fight them, as per normal. Eventually, an explosion will collapse the passage behind you as Homura grimly concludes that his father sacrificed himself to save them.

Now it is time for the finale.

There’s an inventory chest in front of you at this point; recover any remaining stress, and load up on all your healing items. Also, put away any other items but weapons and the matches. Step up the stairs, and you’ll hear Yuki say that once you pass the pillars, do not look back for ANY REASON. Save at the journal next to the stairs, then walk past the pillars, then run forward. Ignore the pillars turning to gore, ignore the tentacle monster behind you, ignore the tentacle monster -ahead- of you, ignore your party member falling behind and cursing you as heartless, just run (If you do look back, it’s instant-death for a party member). Eventually, you emerge in a dark path, and safely look back to see your second party member quite alive; his or her death was an illusion designed to trick you. Follow the path of gore forward, and as you near the exit… The [Manifestation of Fear] emerges once more to kill you. And her left arm grows to grotesque proportions as her face covers itself in tentacles.

Have all your members attack as much as possible, making sure that Homura is using the [Hunting Rifle] item as much as possible. Eventually, you’ll run out of bullets so switch back to just attacking normally. After about 3-4 turns, Yamanobe will show up to help. He will attempt to restrain her by reading from the Necronomicon, though it has a low success rate. When it IS successful though, she will now move for a while. After doing around 1000 damage to the Boss, Yamanobe will give you one last bullet for the Rifle. Once he does this, use the Rifle one last time to kill her.

The party runs past her to the stairs, where they meet the other party, who seem to have been in some peril as well. The professor pushes the still-pursuing tentacles back down the stairs, before dropping stones to seal the passage; the six main characters flee out the door, but the professor stays behind, saying that there is still something he needs to do. The party waits, but he never returns….

And then we’ve got the credits and the epilogue. 1 month later-

Kippei- He decides that he wants to become a Soccer player and has been training like crazy. He’s worried about his height though.

Mia- She decides she wants to be a nurse.

(I don’t remember what the other members decide to do, but it basically just talks about what they want to do with their lives)

Homura- Decides to follow in his father’s footsteps and become an archaeologist.

That’s it for the Normal Ending!

CG Guide – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

You can get some CG scenes without complete the game. Just found them and you won’t need complete all the game to having it in the gallery.

Mia – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Select Mia like your 1st mate.

02 – [West Route only] Select Mia to peep in the wall’s hole (1st left room, not the one with bookshelf).

03 – [West Route only] Select Mia to drink the wine (room where naked woman appears, open the fridge with scissors).

04 – [East Route only] Select Mia like your 1st mate. It occurs when you go to the kitchen. [Thanks to Bulopu for confirm it]

05 – [East Route only] After lake’s events. You need 30 or more affection with Mia. It takes place when you wake up from the bed inside grave.

06 – Select Mia like your 1st mate. The scene will be triggered when Homura come near to the door at the top after come to main building. You need some affection with Mia. [Thanks to Bulopu]

07 – Bed events.

08 – Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you (I think it occurs randomly if you have another woman with you).

09 – Sleep with her while she’s in Desperation Mode (having 1 heart/seeing someone traumatic). You need some affection with her, I’m not sure how much.

10 – [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Yachika and Rikana (order doesn’t matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Mia, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don’t pass them any items. Third, when you’re in underground path it will show.

11 – [xHomura+Kippei] Sleep with Kippei while he’s in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Mia together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you’ll appear in last save point) and it’ll show the CG.

12 – [xHomura+Seijirou] Sleep with Seijirou while he’s in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Mia together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you’ll appear in last save point) and it’ll show the CG.

13+14 – No idea

15 – Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.

16 – [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.

17 – [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she’s afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:


All these places are related to main building:

1st Floor

– Dinner room (bottom left).

– Garden (entrance to main building, she’s behind fence, you have to enter there from top door).

– Going to first’s main building room, enter in broken wall (that you broke during Yamanobe’s prologue).

2nd Floor

– Where you pushed the statue during Yamanobe’s prologue (bottom left).

3rd Floor

– Look into first room from labyrinth (where you encounter Aika’s Memo 10).

Clock Tower

– She’s looking into the abyss in last floor.

18+19+20+21 – Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

Yachika – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Select Yachika like your 1st mate.

02 – [West Route only] Select Yachika to peep in the wall’s hole.

03 – [East Route only] After taking the boat in upper-left corner. You need 30 or more affection with Yachika.

04 – Bed events.

05 – Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you.

06 – Sleep with her while she’s in Desperation Mode. You need some affection with her, I’m not sure how much.

07 – [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Mia and Rikana (order doesn’t matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Yachika, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don’t pass them any items. Third, when you’re going to forest (before climb down the building), look through the windows then it will show.

08 – [xHomura+Seijirou] Sleep with Seijirou while he’s in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Yachika together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you’ll appear in last save point) and it’ll show the CG.

09 – Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.

10 – [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.

11 – [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she’s afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:


All these places are related to main building:

1st Floor

– Bedroom (that one where you read maid’s diary).

– Kitchen (where you can sharpen your weapons, she’s next to sink).

– Going to clock tower, break the upper wall (if you completed succesfully doll’ sidequest a doll will show that place).

– At top left corner in blood poll (before the first bedroom).

2nd Floor

– At red room (you need to unlock it with red key).

3rd Floor

– Look into safe room from labyrinth (where you encounter save point).

12+13+14 – Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

Rikana – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Select Rikana like your 1st mate.

02 – [West Route only] Select Rikana to peep in the wall’s hole.

03 – [East Route only] After Yuki’s appearance go to the toilet. Select entering anyway.

04 – Bed events.

05 – Let Giant Tentacle Monster beat you.

06 – Sleep with her while she’s in Desperation Mode. You need some affection with her, I’m not sure how much.

07 – [xKippei+Seijirou] First select Mia and Yachika (order doesn’t matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Rikana, Kippei, Seijirou, when the floor breaks up) don’t pass them any items. Third, when you sleep then it will show.

08 – [xHomura+Kippei] Sleep with Kippei while he’s in Desperation Mode. He will ask you why not rape Rikana together, if you select OK it will result in game over (you’ll appear in last save point) and it’ll show the CG.

09 – Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps her.

10 – [Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with her. Let her sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.

11 – [Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with her. She needs to be in Desperation Mode. She will run because she’s afraid so you have to find her. You can encounter her at different places:


All these places are related to main building:


– Go to first place you encountered Shima in prologue (to that blood circle).

1st Floor

– Go to the toilet then climb down (where you encounter Father’s Pipe, she’s at the end of the guts pool).

2nd Floor

– She’s at balcony (where floor broke, in the bottom looking into forest).

3rd Floor

– She’s behind stairs.

Clock Tower

– At lobby (go to north from save point, don’t go up floors).

12+13+14 – Last bed events. You have to sleep with her in all beds before this.

Kippei – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Select Kippei like your 1st mate.

02 – [West Route only] Select Kippei to peep in the wall’s hole.

03 – [West Route only] Select Kippei to drink the wine.

04 – [East Route only] After taking the boat go to upper-left corner and look through the window.

05 – [East Route only] After lake’s events. You need 30 or more affection with Kippei. It takes place when you wake up from the bed inside grave.

06 – Bed events.

07 – Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you (I think it occurs randomly if you have another man with you).

08 – [Main Building only] Sleep with Yachika all beds before main building. When you arrive to main building sleep with Kippei while he’s in Desperation Mode.

09 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps him.

10 – [Boy’s Love must be ON][Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with him. Let him sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.

11 – [Boy’s Love must be ON][Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with him. He needs to be in Desperation Mode. He will run because he’s afraid so you have to find him. You can encounter him at different places:


All these places are related to main building:


– You’ll need a hammer. Go to first place you encountered Shima in prologue (to that blood circle) then break the rocks in the bottom right so the wall, he’s inside (I think he’ll appear there if you broke wall before, I’m not sure).

1st Floor

– Toilet.

– Entrance to main building (where Homura encountered Yamanobe’s key, at bottom).

2nd Floor

– At room where you encounter the locked chest (that one to get true ending, he’s next to window).

3rd Floor

– Go to the east zone, he’s outside rooms.

Clock Tower

– Entrance to clock tower.

12+13 – Last bed events. You have to sleep with him in all beds before this. If you wanna watch scene 13 [Boy’s Love must be ON].

Seijirou – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Select Seijirou like your 1st mate.

02 – [East Route only] Fight against ‘himself’ event.

03 – Select Yachika like your 2nd mate. It occurs when coming back room where floor breaks up.

04 – Select Rikana like your 2nd mate. It occurs when coming back room where floor breaks up.

05 – Bed events.

06 – Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you.

07 – Sleep with him while he’s in Desperation Mode. You have to be alone with him and no more in your team.

08 – [Main Building only] Sleep with Rikana all beds before main building. When you arrive to main building sleep with Seijirou while he’s in Desperation Mode.

09 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Come back to the room without the key when Shima kidnaps him.

10 – [Boy’s Love must be ON][Netorare] You need 80 or more affection with him. Let him sleep with another one. This event will happen in the last bed.

11 – [Boy’s Love must be ON][Main Building only] You need 40 or more affection with him. He needs to be in Desperation Mode. He will run because he’s afraid so you have to find him. You can encounter him at different places:


All these places are related to main building:


– You’ll see him going to the deep zone, he’s at starting.

1st Floor

– At library (where you moved the bookshelf in prologue).

– Going to the toilet (where you encountered the hammer in prologue), he’s next to the painting.

– Going to the clock tower (you’ll encounter him in your way in the grey zone).

2nd Floor

– Statue’s room (that one where you put sword and shield in prologue, he’s in left wall).

3rd Floor

– Go to the northeast zone, he’s outside rooms.

12+13 – Last bed events. You have to sleep with him in all beds before this. If you wanna watch scene 13 [Boy’s Love must be ON].

Homura – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Let Presence of Fear (naked woman) beat you.

02 – [West Route only] Select Kippei like your 1st mate. You need 30 or more affection with him. Let the another mate die. When you arrive east building and confront Giant Tentacle Monster let it kill Homura (NOT KIPPEI).

03 – I’m not sure about this. I achieved it letting Mia guard in first bedroom from main building (You must see another Homura having sex with Mia).

04+05 – Kill all your members except Homura. Do true ending route then go to last room (after re-encounter your father and put the sculpture in the magic circle) where you read the last diary.

06 – Let the final boss defeat all your members in true ending (except Homura).

07 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Select Kippei and Seijirou like your mates. When Shima kidnaps a member go out the room and kill the another one then go back to the room and let Shima defeat you.

Other – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Presence of fear apparition event.

02+03 – [Girl’s Love] Let Mia and Yachika sleep together.

04 – [West Route only][Girl’s Love] Select Mia and Yachika like your mates (order doesn’t matter). It occurs when you go to the bathroom’s chapel first time.

05+06 – [Girl’s Love] Let Mia and Rikana sleep together.

07 – [Girl’s Love] First select Kippei and Seijirou (order doesn’t matter). Second, when you meet the another team (in this case: Mia, Yachika, Rikana, when the floor breaks up) don’t pass them any items. Third, when you’re in main building (after underground path) a painting will slide down (before first bedroom) then it will show.

08+09 – Let Mia and Kippei sleep together.

10+11 – Let Mia and Seijirou sleep together.

12+13 – [Girl’s Love] Let Yachika and Rikana sleep together.

14+15 – Let Yachika and Kippei sleep together.

16+17 – Let Yachika and Seijirou sleep together.

18+19 – Let Rikana and Kippei sleep together.

20+21 – Let Rikana and Seijirou sleep together.

22 – Rikana must be in Desperation Mode. You need between 30-80 affection with her. You mustn’t get special relationship with anybody (don’t sleep with anybody). Other mate must be dead. After amulet is available go to room where Yamanobe is imprisoned, try to go south then Rikana will stay with Yamanobe. Return then enter from top floor (before put statue).

23+24+25 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Let Kippei and Seijirou sleep together.

26 – [West Route only] Play video tape B.

27 – [West Route only] Read Hayato’s Memo no.6.

28 – [West Route only][Boy’s Love must be ON] Read Hayato’s Memo no.9.

29 – [East Route only] Read Aika’s Memo no.4.

30 – [East Route only] Play video tape C.

31 – [East Route only][Boy’s Love must be ON] Play video tape E.

32 – [East Route only] Play video tape D.

33 – Play video tape A.

34 – [You can’t avoid this scene] Play first video tape event.

35 – [Yuki’s Route only] Sleep with her in last bed.


01+02+03+04 – Get true ending.

05 – Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Kippei.

06 – Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Seijirou.

07 – Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Mia.

08 – Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Yachika.

09 – Get true ending. Plus get special relationship with Rikana.

10+11+12 – Get true ending.

13 – [Yuki’s Route only] Get true ending.

Epilogue – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01 – Get some ending and special relationship with Mia.

02 – Get some ending and special relationship with Mia. Your fertility rate and her have to be high.

03 – No idea.

04 – Get some ending and special relationship with Yachika.

05 – Get some ending and special relationship with Rikana.

06 – [Boy’s Love must be OFF] Get some ending and special relationship with Kippei.

07 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Get some ending and special relationship with Kippei.

08 – [Boy’s Love must be OFF] Get some ending and special relationship with Seijirou.

09 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Get some ending and special relationship with Seijirou.

10 – Get true ending. Don’t get special relationship with anybody.

11 – [Yuki’s Route only] Get normal ending (go through right door, don’t go down).

12 – [Girl’s Love] Get some ending. Mia and Yachika must be in special relationship.

13 – [Girl’s Love] Get some ending. Mia and Rikana must be in special relationship.

14 – Get some ending. Mia and Kippei must be in special relationship.

15 – Get some ending. Mia and Seijirou must be in special relationship.

16 – Get some ending. Kippei and Yachika must be in special relationship.

17 – Get some ending. Kippei and Rikana must be in special relationship.

18 – Get some ending. Yachika and Seijirou must be in special relationship.

19 – [Girl’s Love] Get some ending. Yachika and Rikana must be in special relationship.

20 – Get some ending. Seijirou and Rikana must be in special relationship.

21 – [Boy’s Love must be OFF] Get some ending. Seijirou and Kippei must be in special relationship.

22 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Get some ending. Seijirou and Kippei must be in special relationship.

23 – Get true ending. Kaneda’s ending.

24 – Get true ending. Shima’s ending.

25 – [Yuki’s Route only] Get true ending (go through down door, don’t go right).

Harem – Abaddon : Princess of the Decay Walkthrough & Guide

01+02+03+04+05 – Select Mia and Rikana like your mates (NOT YACHIKA AND RIKANA, I’m not sure about Yachika and Mia). You need some affection with both (not sure about how much). When you arrive main building, enter first bedroom then inspect box so drink the content.

06+07+08+09 – [Boy’s Love must be ON] Select Kippei and Seijirou like your mates. You need some affection with both (not sure about how much). When you arrive main building, enter first bedroom then inspect box so drink the content. (Note: If you have harem expansion released with bonus pictures and play from Boy’s Harem save, try to turn OFF ingame the BL switch then continue to the box, it’ll happen a LOL scene).

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