Anies's Workshop

Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

アニエスの工房 Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  • Extra H neg TP, but sometime up status (in random), total 60 times (has message if cant up again), if def and int in rank C can +3
  • when sleep, if TP under 20 has bad states, need go church buy item for it tired.jpg , some food can remove this states too
  • in dungeon, if TP under 20 move to other area will back to home, neg actual value (実績値) and has bad status
  • after up rank, home basement can get new alchemy, shop selling list will change
  • after ending can open all H-scene, ver2.0 can open too
  • has 4 H-scene need ver2.0

Start and Rank E – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  1. vs boss then near bridge
  2. get water from well that in right of home
  3. back to home make 7 x ☆ポーション(お届け用)
  4. go to guild (冒険者ギルド)
  5. Extra : town right talk to boy has CG or + agi
  6. town lower left farm can get vegetables/day
  7. to weapon and armor shop, then town upper right can get metal/day
  8. move out town to forest 悠久の森, can get item ☆帰還の羽 for back to town, upper right has hidden room forest.jpg
  9. 2th area has hidden room that in behind of tree forest2.jpg
  10. 3th area, click statue then use ☆帰還の羽 back to town
  11. Extra : at night to pub (酒場), talk to man has CG or + def
  12. at night can go to big bathroom (大浴場) that in town left, pay $100 for TP+30
  13. back to guild, report to 受付嬢
  14. now can make equip in weapon and armor shop
  15. Extra : at night, talk to man who near weapon and armor shop has CG or + int
  16. at night, pub talk to manager can work in pub
  17. home talk to teacher get quest

forest 悠久の森 – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  1. can skip : forest 2th area, man who fell down need bread (パン +15 実績値, ミルクパン +20, くるみパン +30)
  2. forest 3th area open box, and go to SE area has H
  3. forest 4th area has bug, box can open ∞ times
  4. forest 5th area need make torch (松明), need 3 + 3 for box, deep vs boss (better make fire bomb [フレアボム] for attack), upper left get 眠り草 to teacher has H

beach 調べの海岸 – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  1. if buy swimming suit from merchant in beach, change it then use sun oil (サンオイル) can make TP dont down faster
  2. beach talk to 2 boys, tomorrow talk to lady then go to changing room has CG, then talk to lady can get new alchemy
  3. can skip : beach area 2, man need サンダーボム
  4. beach cave area, north hole has H
  5. beach area 5 vs boss, after boss, palm tree in upper has hidden box
  6. home talk to teacher has H
  7. if 実績値 over 500 and defeated 2 boss, guild talk to ランク昇格, up rank to D

E採取 collection quest, talk to 報告 get 1st choice for report

  • 求む、薬草! — ハーブ x7
  • 水は命 — 綺麗な水 x10
  • 黒いダイヤ — 石炭 x4
  • 大工の急務 — 木材 x4
  • お得意様のメニュー — ツルギウオ x2
  • 怒りの矛先 — 粉砕石 x2

E作成 create quest, talk to 報告 get 2nd choice for report

  • 備蓄品の補充 — ポーション x3
  • 弓の代用品 — マジックアロー x3
  • 縛りの美学 — ロープ x2
  • 毒怖い — アンチドーテ x2
  • 邪魔な草は燃やす — たいまつ x2
  • ケーキがないなら — パン x3

E討伐 subjugation quest, talk to 報告 get 3rd choice for report

  • 草藪にご用心 — スライム x2 slime in forest
  • ビーチの危機 — アングラー x2 anglerfish in beach
  • 俺の仇を — スネイク snake in forest
  • 海のおたずね者 — デスクラブ x2 club in beach
  • 畑の手入れ — ハブりん x3 plant monster in forest
  • 海のギャング — シャークネス shark in beach

Rank D – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  • guild outside talk to man, if 実績値 over 800 and talk to him again has H
  • back to home, talk to sister can change doll (partner)
  • church (教会) talk to priest can get work
  • Extra : magic book shop talk to man has CG or + M-def
  • at night, 店:人形屋 can buy equip for doll
  • Extra : at night to pub has CG or + def (NPC changed)
  • at night, pub talk to chef (who near manager) can buy food (in random)

mine メキラム鉱山

  1. 1st area talk to man can get hammer for push rock, hammer can broken (in random), rock click 4 times can destroy it
  2. can skip : mine 2nd area, talk to man who surround by rock can get 実績値
  3. talk to man, pay 50$ for go up ladder has H
  4. mine 3rd area, push iron color rock to slab, upper right has hidden road mine3.jpg
  5. mine 4th area, passwords is number of shovel, pillar and pot
  6. 5th area vs boss, after boss go big bathroom talk to manager, then make 素材系 > ☆入浴剤, noon go to big bathroom report has H

graveyard 星ノ墓所

  1. 1st area left has hidden teleport graveyard1.jpg
  2. 2nd area, man need スピードアップ
  3. 3rd area, click pillar follow number will know go where, NW of 5th pillar has H
  4. 5th area vs boss, if 実績値 over 1500, go guild up rank to C

D採取 collection quest

  • 銅メダル職人の仕事 — 銅鉱石 x4
  • 冷たい飲み物 — 温まらない水 x2
  • 魔法の草 — マジックハーブ x2
  • 鶏のエサ — きらめく貝殻 x2
  • 石けん作り — オイルの実 x4
  • もう味は薄くない — 岩塩 x3

D作成 create quest

  • 海辺の必需品 — サンオイル x2
  • 目覚ましに — ソウルクリア x2
  • 発破工事 — フレアボム x2
  • 全体回復 — Sポーション x2
  • 美しいは香りから — 香水 x2
  • 痛いのは嫌いので — ハイポーション x2

D討伐 subjugation quest

  • オオカミ狩り — ウルフィ x3 wolf in mine
  • 先端恐怖症 — フェンシング x2 bee in graveyard
  • 鉄装備にはキツイ — イエロースピリット x2 yellow flame in graveyard
  • お化け嫌い — ミントゴースト x3 ghost in mine
  • ミイラ取り取り — ミイラ mummy in mine
  • お腹が減るので — モメーン x2 bread monster in graveyard

Rank C – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  • home talk to teacher, if get 眠り草(forest) カカオ(desert) 毒草(forest) has H, after H talk to her again
  • lower left talk to lady 2 time can get tutor job
  • pub outside talk to chef
  • Extra : magic book shop talk to man has CG or + M-def (NPC changed)
  • Extra : at night, lower talk to man has CG or int +3
  • Extra : at night, pub talk to man has CG or def +3 (NPC changed)
  • Extra : at night, big bathroom talk to man has CG or def +3

desert ゾム砂漠

  1. can skip : 2nd area, man in right need ソフトクリーム
  2. 3rd area go east to oasis has H
  3. can skip : 3rd area, man in lower right need ソーダ味アイス
  4. 4th area, click plant from upper desert4.jpg
  5. 5th area, right has hole to treasure area, 4 tomb use 聖水 (can buy in church), then vs boss
  6. after boss (or slum one is ok), talk to teacher has H

if 実績値 over 3300, guild talk to 受付嬢 2 times, in pub talk to master then talk to all customer, after save choice different route for different H (after event, 2 hscene can find in hscene room)

slum 禁街区

  1. upper left house talk to aged, talk to him again get 2nd choice for H, then can pass upper right door
  2. 1st area, upper talk to man, give him 怪しい粉 x3 or TP-30 for avoid trap in this area
  3. can skip : 2nd area, talk to man who fall down, give him ポーション +実績値60, if アンチドーテ +10(bug?)
  4. 2nd area, lower talk to man has H
  5. 2nd area, near exit to 3rd area, talk to girl, give her 怪しい粉 5 or $800 for avoid trap in this area
  6. can skip : 3rd area, man in upper right need 聖水
  7. 3rd area, upper left pub talk to manager can go south to 4th area
  8. 4th area, need defeat 4 robot, upper right is one of enemy
  9. 3rd area report to manager can go west to 5th area
  10. 5th area defeat boss

if up to rank B, a lot CG or up status event will disappear

if 実績値 over 3500 and defeated 2 boss, go to guild up rank to B, get 1st choice for H

C採取 collection quest

  • 強めの武器素材 — ミスリル鉱石 x4
  • 縫い物屋の仕事 — サボテンの針 x4
  • 城の建材に — 硬い木材 x3
  • 危険な実験 — 澱んだ水 x2
  • 冷房代わりの石 — 氷原石 x2
  • 秘薬の材料 — マンドラニンジン x2

C作成 create quest

  • 狩人の奥の手 — マジックアローII x2
  • スペルの求道者 — 魔法のインク x3
  • 嗜好のメニュー — ステーキ x2
  • 要人護衛の馬車作り — 硬質ガラス x3
  • 一網打尽 — Sサンダーボム x2
  • 閃光爆弾 — スタングダレネード

C討伐 subjugation quest

  • トゲ嫌いの事情 — シャボー x2 cactus monster in desert
  • 砂中に潜むサメ — さばくシャーク x2 shark in desert
  • 粛正命令 — 悪の衛兵 knight in slum
  • アリさんの保護 — アントオブヘル x2 quicksand’s ant in desert
  • 復讐依頼 — 外道 x2 big helmet guy in slum
  • 治安維持活動 — 野盗 x3 muscle guy in slum

ver2.0 part1 :

  • after beach H beach.jpg (Rank D, man outside guild), Rank C or B, talk to man who nearby weapon shop’s left has H
  • slum 禁街区, after click teleport stone in 3rd area, lower house (near SW exit) talk to man, get 2nd choice has H

Rank B – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  • home talk to teacher, if get 禁忌の果実(ice fort) カカオ(slum) マンドラニンジン(slum) report to teacher, then go church talk to priest has H
  • pub outside talk to chef has H, after H get 1st choice has part 2
  • talk to teacher again can get quest, if get 5樹液(forest) report to teacher, then town upper left talk to soldier has H

ice fort 雪壕砦

  1. can skip : man in 1st area upper left need ワイン
  2. 2nd area, change torch as same as 2 torch that near big ice stone
  3. 4th area, door passwords is angel, knight, dragon and door
  4. 5th area vs boss

volcano ヴォル火山

  1. 3rd area go SW, talk to magic has H
  2. 5th area vs boss
  3. if 実績値 over 6000, guild talk to ランク昇格, up rank to A

B採取 collection quest

  • 高等調理の燃料 — 備長炭 x3
  • ある細工師の弟 — 銀鉱石 x5
  • 気になる果実 — マジックチェリー x3
  • 不思議な水の力 — スイン水 x2
  • ある細い師の兄 — 金鉱石 x4
  • 脅しの道具 — マグマ水 x2

B作成 create quest

  • 殺意の矢 — マジックアローIII x2
  • 禁断の書物 —混沌の禁書 x2
  • 肉への渇望 — ハンバーガー x2
  • 最高の占いを — 魔霧の燭台 x2
  • 薄く柔らかい鋼 — 鋼のクロース x3
  • 使い道は秘密 — 劇薬

B討伐 subjugation quest

  • ネズミ駆除 — アイスラット x2 rat in ice fort
  • 腐ってやがる — ゾンビ x2 zombie in ice fort
  • 悪霊退散 — ゴースト ghost in volcano
  • 強襲回避 — シグマ bear in ice fort and volcano
  • トカゲの毒 — バジリスク x2 lizard in volcano
  • 狂った猫 — マッドキャット x2 cat monster in volcano

Rank A – Anies’s Workshop Walkthrough & Guide

  • at night, home talk to teacher (ver2.0 has new H)
  • talk to teaccher again can get bomb

Abandoned territory 廃領地

  1. if go there 3nd and 5th times has H
  2. after 3rd area is mini boss
  3. 4th area step all magic circle for door, then final door passwords is how many different
  4. 5th area, if caught by monster 3 times will back to start
  5. 6th area, when near lighting start better don’t move
  6. better ready a lot attack item for final area boss (ver2.0 has GoR)

A採取 collection quest

  • 暗黒物質 – ダークマター x2
  • 聖堂の木像作り – 魔の木材 x3
  • 祈りのために – 神の雫 x2

A作成 create quest

  • 特別なご褒美 – 特大ケーキ
  • 究極の秘薬 – エリクシル
  • 破滅願望 – 破滅の扉の鍵

A討伐 subjugation quest

  • 七色の強敵 – 虹色の少女 rainbow hair girl
  • 兎の脅威 – ラヴィ x2 bunny
  • 正義の鉄槌 – 騎士信徒 knight

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