Another Chance Walkthrough

Another Chance Walkthrough

Welcome to Another Chance Walkthrough, we’ll walk you through all of the quests, unlock all of the scenes.

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Main Storyline Quests

Smash or Pass – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received in the Home Bedroom after the game introduction scene.


The alarm sound continues to play until the player has interacted with the Alarm Clock and chosen an option other than leaving it alone. There are two possible options to solve the quest: Smash it or turn it off gently.


If the player chooses to Smash the Alarm Clock, it will visually break accompanied by a smashing sound. It will also appear broken from that point onward.

Completing this quest triggers the Nature’s Call quest.


If the player checks the Porn Magazine before completing this quest, they can unlock the Devilish achievement.

Smashing the clock during this quest and again during the Make a Wish and Blow quest will unlock the End of Time achievement.

Likewise, turning the clock off during both these quests unlocks the Eye of the Storm achievement.

Nature’s Call – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received in the Home Bedroom after completing the Smash or Pass quest.


The player needs to go to the Home Bathroom and interact with the Toilet.

He must then use the Sink to wash his hands.


Completing this quest triggers the Dress to the Nine quest.

Dress to the Nine – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received in the Home Bathroom after completing the Nature’s Call quest.


The player needs to go to the Home Bedroom and interact with the Closet.


Completing this quest triggers the Back to School Special quest.

Back to School Special – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received in the Home Bedroom after completing the Dress to the Nine quest.


The player leaves the bedroom to go to school but runs into Jo in the kitchen. After speaking to Jo, Flora arrives. After speaking to Flora, the player can leave home to complete this quest.


Completing this quest opens up the Newfall High location.

Special Scenes:

Jo’s Kiss

Flora’s Panties

Day 1, Take 2 – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received when arriving at school for the first time.


The player must first go to the Entrance Hall, then go to the Homeroom.

There, Mrs. L will go over the new program as well as introducing Isabelle — a new exchange student from England.


Completing this quest leaves the player in a semi-free roam, where they can acquire the Poolside Story side quest, as well as The Key quest.

Special Scenes:

Mrs. L’s Butt

Tour de School – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically received after leaving the Homeroom for the first time.


Player tours Isabelle around the school, experiencing a number of different events, such as the conflict with Kate, meeting Jacklyn, and helping Lindsey.

The player must interact with Isabelle at the Entrance Hall. Isabelle says she wants to sign up for English first and heads upstairs.

Once the player gets there, Isabelle tells him that Kate is being a bitch. The player can now decide who he wants to side with. This is one of the major choices of the first act. There are multiple ways to side with either, but the easiest ways are standing up to Kate or stabbing Isabelle in the back.

Siding with Isabelle

Standing up to Kate is the main objective by taking this path, and it starts the Dethroning the Queen main quest storyline. This path is about standing up to bullies. It’s about revenge and setting things right.

Picking the “Teeth can be fixed, but a crooked personality is irredeemable.” option will unlock the Standing Up achievement.

Siding with Kate

This darker path is more depraved in nature. Siding with Kate means spying on Isabelle and plotting her humiliation. It can also mean submitting to become Kate‘s submissive pet, but it doesn’t have to as there are dialogue paths that allow the player to be more of an independent agent. Choosing this path starts the Hardcore Lesbian Humiliation main quest storyline.

Once the conflict has been resolved, Isabelle heads off to the English Classroom. There, she tells the player that she’s signed up for English and wants to sign up for the art class as well. She heads off the Art Classroom.

After talking to Jacklyn, Isabelle decides that her last sign-up is gym class. She heads off to the Gym.

In the Gym, Isabelle thanks the player for showing her around, and invites him to join her for a drink in the Cafeteria, but before they can leave, Lindsey crashes into the player, automatically starting the Loser to the Rescue side quest.

Once the player has helped Lindsey, the last part of the tour is talking to Isabelle in the Cafeteria. Here the player has the chance to acquire Isabelle’s Phone Number, which will then add her as a contact to his phone.

If the player sided with Kate, the final step after talking to Isabelle is reporting back to her. Here, the player has the option to see a special shoe-kissing scene.


If the player sided with Isabelle, talking to Isabelle in the Cafeteria automatically starts the Dethroning the Queen main quest storyline.

If the player sided with Kate, reporting back to her after talking to Isabelle automatically starts the Hardcore Lesbian Humiliation main quest storyline and unlocks the Kate’s Spy achievement.

Unlockable quests:

Loser to the Rescue

Dethroning the Queen

Hardcore Lesbian Humiliation

Special Scenes:

Lindsey’s Butt

Kissing Kate’s Shoe

Sniffing Kate’s Toes (barefoot)


Isabelle’s Phone Number


Standing Up

The Dark Side

Kate’s Spy

The Key – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is received by questing Mrs.L in Homeroom.


The player must then go to the Entrance Hall, and interact with the Guard Booth.


The player receives the Personal Locker Key, an item that allows them to access their Personal Locker. This item is also required in order to move on with the Tour de School quest.

Quest items:

Personal Locker Key

The Glowing Spider Eggs – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest begins by questing Maxine in the clubroom.


Maxine tells you she’s busy and you have to schedule an appointment, to which you reply that’s why you’re there. She then ponders about introducing appointments for scheduling an appointment, before finally addressing you. You have two choices here:

Offer to digitize and automatize her appointments system

After some reluctance, you convince Maxine that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy and you could do something as simple as a voicemail system, accessed by her phone. She’ll ask you what’s the catch.

You must have at least 4 charisma points to choose “There’s no catch. I know how hard you work for the school paper”, and at least 4 love points to choose “If I do this, I’d like to have an appointment with you at the top of the list”. Not meeting those requirements means Maxine will turn down your offer.

Once she gives you the green light, go to the now unlocked computer room.

As soon as you enter it, you’ll be greeted by Cyberia — the annoying AI professor you had thankfully forgotten about. Greet it back, then interact with the leftmost computer.

You’ll get an error whenever you enter your password. Turns out your account has been disabled for accessing prohibited websites, and you must first convince Cyberia to restore it. To do so, take the flash drive in your bedroom and use it on the AI professor.

After your account is restored, use the flash drive on the leftmost computer. Once you’re done making an appointment system for Maxine, go back to the clubroom and quest her.

She’ll then decide she doesn’t need it, claiming it’s not worth the security risk. In order to convince Maxine that nothing is going to happen to her computer, you need to speak into a voice recorder and promise to help her out should anything happen to it.

At last, Maxine allows you to install the appointment system. Once the installation is complete, she acknowledges you have an appointment with her.

There’s just one small thing…

Proceed with the conversation

All of the three remaining dialogue choices will eventually lead to Maxine telling you she has an opening for an appointment the week before graduation. However, choosing “I’d like to be a reporter for the school paper” while Spinach is awake will also unlock the achievement Here, Kitty Kitty.

With hopes of getting an early appointment, you offer to help her out by taking some photos for the newspaper.

Maxine then reveals she needs you to get her a picture of the glowing spider eggs.

She tells you they were last spotted in the women’s bathroom, before handing you her camera. Go there.

Given that the women’s bathroom is off-limits to you, you decide that your best bet is finding a place to hide and waiting until after dark when nobody is around. There are four hiding spots you can choose from:

In plain sight

If you have at least 4 Jacklyn love points, you figure that you’re going to need silver paint for this to work. Go to the art classroom and take it from the paint shelf, then go back and drench yourself in it. The Guard will eventually show up, confuse you with a piece of art (an ugly one, at that) and leave. This interaction also unlocks the achievement The Right Kind of Bust.

Otherwise, you just stand still and wait. The Guard will eventually show up and take you back home, but not before giving you detention (not implemented in v1.11). You’ll have to try again the next day.

Behind the trophy case

You hide behind the trophy case. The Guard eventually shows up, hums “Don’t Fear The Reaper” and then leaves.

Inside the air duct

You climb the pile of shoes and hide inside the air duct. The Guard eventually shows up, hums “Don’t Fear The Reaper” and then leaves.

At the pool entrance

Once the Guard shows up, you quickly undress and pretend to have just finished up your last laps and be about to hit the showers. He’ll tell you to keep up the good work and then leave. This interaction also unlocks the achievement Silver Tongue.

You can now enter the women’s bathroom. Search through any six interactables in it.

After interacting with the sixth one, Lindsey will appear out of nowhere.

If you’re drenched in silver paint, she won’t recognize you and you must first identify yourself. Once you do, she’ll ask you why you’re all silvery. While all dialogue choices lead to a topic change, choosing “It’s a long story” followed by “It started as an art experiment…” will also unlock the achievement Top Hat.

Lindsey then asks you what you’re doing in the women’s bathroom after dark. You tell her that Maxine wanted you to take a picture of glowing spider eggs, but that you haven’t found any and you have looked everywhere.

After some thinking, she comes up with an idea. Instead of actual glowing spider eggs, you could just photograph her keyring — it’s a miniature solar system with all the planets, and it’s also fluorescent. In the dark, it kind of looks like little eggs!

The two of you figure Maxine probably won’t see the difference, so you snap a picture of it.

Lindsey tells you she needs to use the bathroom now. You both say your goodbyes and then she disappears into the stall… without even checking if you left. You have a choice between trying to sneak a photo of her, or respecting her privacy.

If you do choose the first option, you’ll unlock a special scene where you can feast your eyes on Lindsey peeing. However, the loud sound of your camera snapping the shot means you’ll get caught. She’ll then scream for you to get out, and Romancing with Lindsey will be disabled.

The screen will fade to black and jump to the start of a new day. Go to the clubroom and quest Maxine.

You tell her you got a shot of the glowing spider eggs and hand her the camera back. Maxine says you’ve been very helpful and she’ll clear her schedule for your meeting.

Finally, you ask Maxine if it’s okay to bring the girl you sided with in Tour de School along, to which she agrees.


Completing this quest can unlock the computer room, land you in detention (not implemented in v1.11), and also disable Romancing with Lindsey.

Side Quests

A Short Fuse – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest begins when the player speaks to Jacklyn about the faulty light switch in the Art Classroom.


Heading out to the First Floor Hall, you can interact with the Fuse Box right by the stairs. Doing so will reveal a need for a Plastic Fork, which is obtained at the end of the Punked side quest with Flora.

The Plastic Fork will need to be combined with a Lollipop for extra length, which can be found in the Nurse’s Office on her desk, or at the end of the Search & Rescue side quest after bringing the Nurse to Kate.

Combining these two items will create the Specialized Fuse Cable Replacement Tool, which can then be used on the Fuse Box to take out the Broken Cable.

The player must then repair the cable by combining it with Electrical Tape, which can be found one day after placing any consumable item (Apple, Water Bottle, etc.) in the leftmost Student Desk in the English Classroom.

The player can then use the Fixed Cable on the Fuse Box.

Talk to Jacklyn to complete the quest.


The reward for completing this quest is that Jacklyn will ask the player for nude model suggestions. The options are:

Mrs. L

Jacklyn (requires 1 point of Lust with Jacklyn)

The Nurse (requires the Compromising Photo quest item from the Loser to the Rescue side quest).

This will permanently change the schedule of the chosen character to appear naked in the Art Classroom during the last hour of each school day.

Art Through Suffering – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is acquired by asking Jacklyn to take art as one of your focus classes.


After talking to Jacklyn, interact with the blank canvas in the art classroom.

Next, you need paint. Interact with the paint shelf.

Pick up the Paint Brush from the floor.

It’s time to paint. There are three options here.

Use the Paint Brush on the blank canvas. Jacklyn thinks your painting is bland and she won’t let you join her special class. Try again.

Use the Beaver Pelt (from Operation B. O. B.) or the Beaver Carcass (from Fully Booked). Jacklyn will be highly impressed and she’ll give you her phone number. She tells you to text her if you want to make a statement. This option unlocks The Statement quest.

Use any item other than the ones above. Jacklyn will be pleased and let you join her special class.


Completing this quest through option b. or c. above will allow you to progress to Jacklyn’s personal storyline.

Unlockable Quests:

The Statement

Special Scenes:

Jacklyn’s Search


Jacklyn’s Phone Number

Chili Con Carnal Sin – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


This quest is acquired by questing Flora when she’s at school at any point after the tour with Isabelle.


Flora asks the player to bring her a big Cooking Pot from the school kitchen so that she can cook chili for the team at her internship.

The player must now go to Cafeteria. There, he acquires Cooking Pot.

The player must now go and quest Flora at home when she’s in Home Kitchen.

Flora then asks the player to help her cook. She asks for different items in the drawers and cupboards around the kitchen.

It is worth noting that the content of each drawer can be checked before talking to her, and then again after each time the player gets it wrong.

Drawer01: Knives, spoons, forks, and a lighter.

Drawer02: Cutting board, a grater, and a pan.

Cupboard01: Spices, flour, salt, and ketchup.

Shelf01: Apron, kitchen towels, and plastic bags.

Drawer03: Measuring beaker, shot glasses.

Step 1

Flora “Can you hand me a knife first and then a cutting board, please?”

Order: Drawer01, Drawer02

Step 2

Onion Cutting

The player must now pick up the Onion from the table and cut it in a mini-game.

Once done, the Sliced Onion goes into the Cooking Pot.

Step 3

Flora “First, I need an apron, then I need a grater. And last, but not least, I need spices!”

Order: Shelf01, Drawer02, Cupboard01

Completing this step will give the player the Spices quest item.

Step 4

Flora “Bring me two spoons instead!”

Order: Drawer01, Drawer01

Completing this step will give the player the Spoon quest item.

The player must now combine the Spoon and the Spices to create Spoonful of Spices.

The Spoonful of Spices then goes into the Cooking Pot.

Step 5

Flora “Bring me a towel, then salt, then a lighter.”

Order: Shelf01, Cupboard01, Drawer01

Step 6

Flora “While I perform this exorcism, bring me a pan, a shot glass, a measuring beaker, and flour. In that order.”

Order: Drawer02, Drawer03, Drawer03, Cupboard01

Completing all the steps without screwing up will unlock the Mark of Shame achievement.

After getting the items in the right order, Flora asks the player to bring her phone that she forgot in the bathroom.

The phone is hidden in the Laundry Basket and the player must call (using his own phone) it to be able to find it.

When the player returns to the kitchen with the phone, he finds Flora freaking out. She touched her pussy without washing the chili pepper off her hands. She’s burning up.

After convincing Flora to go to the shower, the player must then follow her there.

There’s an option to end the quest here if the player isn’t interested.

Flora strips and gets in the shower and the player has the option to help her clean off or step outside. Stepping outside ends the quest.

If the player decides to clean her pussy, he soon realizes that it’s not working. Flora asks for milk.

The player must then go downstairs and get the Bottle of Milk from the Mini-Fridge, but Jo’s there blocking the fridge.

The player must use combinations of different kitchen items to distract her. There are four ways to do this.

Red Combination (Pan, Plastic Bag, Apron):

This distraction will cause the plastic bag to burn on in the pan, creating a massive cloud of smoke.

Green Combination (Knife, Cutting Board, Ketchup):

This distraction means pretending to have cut yourself.

Blue Combination (Lighter, Kitchen Towel, Shot Glass):

This distraction will cause a fire to erupt.

Purple Combination (Measuring Beaker, Spices, Flour):

This distraction will cause the flour to go everywhere, due to a sneeze.

Once Jo is distracted, the player can take the Bottle of Milk from the Mini-Fridge and head upstairs.

Bottle of Pepelepsi is also an option, which will lead to another ending of the quest.

The player must now go back to the Bathroom and help Flora.

Milk Ending

This triggers a special Flora masturbation scene. The player can choose to step outside before she starts.

Pepelepsi Ending

This triggers a special scene with the player touching Flora‘s pussy, and ends in her peeing over herself and the player.


Completing this quest by using Bottle of Milk will unlock Flora‘s first tier of Love Rewards and Quests.

Completing this quest by using Bottle of Pepelepsi will unlock Flora‘s first tier of Lust Rewards and Quests.


The Mark of Shame

Fully Booked – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


This quest begins after speaking to Lindsey about taking a break from practice to recuperate. It can be acquired at any point when Lindsey is at school.


Lindsey will ask the MC to bring her a book from the English Classroom. Interacting with the bookshelf beside the door will prompt the choice of three different books:


Atlas Plugged

Snow White and the Seven Below-Average-Normal-Guys

Bringing whichever book back to Lindsey will have her respond differently.

The player now has to wait for Lindsey to read the book. It will take her one day to finish it.

Next, the player must find her outside the school (3-6 p.m.) She’ll express being struck with inspiration but be discouraged that Jacklyn will not let her bring art supplies outside. The MC offers to bring her an easel.

The player will need to construct a Makeshift Easel out of Three Sticks and a Ball of Yarn.

The sticks being found in the bushes in front of the school, in the trash bin in the gym, and by interacting with the window in the Homeroom. The Ball of Yarn is also in the Homeroom, on the desk next to the window.

The player must first combine the sticks together, then combine the yarn with the three sticks.

Finally, gifting the Makeshift Easel to Lindsey will have her express her gratitude. This can only be done outside the school.

The easel is suddenly yoinked away by a beaver.

The player can either give chase to the beaver (requires 10 strength). This prompts the beaver to run into the school.

If the player doesn’t have 10 strength, he’ll have to chase the beaver and knock it over the head. This can only be done using the Monkey Wrench found hidden inside the Bayonets & Etiquette book found in the bookshelf in the Homeroom.

The beaver will then run away into the school, into the administration wing, and then be cornered by MC, where the player can choose to kick it, let it go, or drown it in the aquarium. If MC chooses to let it go, it will collapse on the ground from an apparent heart attack.

The quest will then be completed with MC having acquired the Beaver Carcass quest item.


This is one of the default quests required to start Lindsey‘s Love and Lust questlines.

Lindsey’s Mercy – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest can only be acquired if the player pulls back the curtain at the end of Loser to the Rescue and is rude to Lindsey during that scene. Speaking to Lindsey later and attempting to make up will then trigger the start of this quest.


Gifting Lindsey two consumable items will trigger a dialogue that progresses the player toward asking her how she is doing.


After asking Lindsey how she is doing, the dialogue will progress as it would when starting Fully Booked, triggering the acquisition of that quest.

Completing this quest also Enables Romancing for Lindsey if previously Disabled.

Loser to the Rescue – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically started when Lindsey crashes into the player in the Gym during the Tour de School main quest.


Each option will be summarized below.

Wait here…:

Picking this option means running to the Nurse’s Office on the ground floor and fetching the Nurse. However, when the player arrives there, the Nurse is masturbating behind the curtain of the hospital bed. The player will now have the option to expose her. Exposing her can lead to acquiring the Compromising Photo quest item as well as starting the A Friendly Arrangement side quest.

If the player opts to be nice to the Nurse and not extort her, he’ll acquire the Nurse’s Panties quest item instead.

Help me…:

Picking this option moves Lindsey and Isabelle to the Nurse’s Office.

She should’ve…:

Picking this option can lead to passing up on helping Lindsey, which will automatically fail this quest, and also Disable Romancing (blocking positive love and lust gains) with Lindsey. Disabling Romancing with Lindsey a second time (not possible in v1.1) will permanently close all future love and lust quests with her and instead open up a secret “hate” questline.

Carry lindsey:

Carrying Lindsey requires 3 Strength. Picking this option will trigger a special romantic scene where the player carries Lindsey to the Nurse’s Office.

After bringing Lindsey to the Nurse’s Office, Isabelle leaves and the curtain is drawn. The player now has the choice to pull back the curtain and expose Lindsey. This will lead to a special scene with Lindsey’s boobs exposed.

Picking the first option will land the player in detention (not implemented in v1.1), as well as Disable Romancing (blocking positive love and lust gains) with Lindsey. Disabling Romancing with Lindsey a second time (not possible in v1.1) will permanently close all future love and lust quests with her and instead open up a secret “hate” questline. Picking this option will also automatically start the Lindsey’s Mercy side quest.

The second option will land the player in detention, but score some points with Lindsey.

The third option requires 3 Charisma. Picking this option will get the player out of trouble as well as score points with Lindsey.


This is one of the default quests required to start Lindsey‘s Love, Lust, and Hate questlines.

Possible negative outcomes:


Romance Disabled: Lindsey

Unlockable quests:

A Friendly Arrangement

Lindsey’s Mercy

Special Scenes:

Lindsey Knocked Over

Carrying Lindsey

Nurse Caught Masturbating

Lindsey’s Boobs

Make a Wish and Blow – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is automatically triggered when the player enters Entrance Hall after finishing the tour with Isabelle.


After finishing the tour with Isabelle, the player runs into Mrs. L in the entrance hall. As thanks for completing the tour with Isabelle, MrsL gives the mc her Courage Badge that she got from her self-help group for dealing with social anxiety.

When the player returns to his bedroom, the Courage Badge will become part of the bedroom background.

The player must interact with the computer in his room to move forward.

After Interacting with the computer, the MC goes to sleep but receives another few messages from the strange number.

The next morning, he’s harshly woken up by Flora who demands to play on his xCube.

The player must then get dressed.

After getting dressed, the player must go to school. Something’s not quite right, though.

No one’s around and most of the doors are locked. Weird lines appear when interacting or investigating.

In the Gym, the MC meets Kate, who says something bad happened to the new girl. She then proceeds to insult the MC as usual. The MC realizes that no one else is around and sees this as his chance.

The top option will lead to a rough BJ scene with Kate (requires 1 Strength). The bottom choice will lead to two additional options.

In the following menu, the player gets the option to get a gentle BJ or to decline.

Declining will result in a nightmare.

Either way, the blowjob ends in the new alarm clock going off, and the MC realizing that it was only a dream. The player gets the chance to smash another clock.

Smashing the clock during this quest for the second time after smashing it during the Smash or Pass quest will unlock the End of Time achievement.

Likewise, turning the clock off during both these quests unlocks the Eye of the Storm achievement.


This is one of the default quests required to start Mrs. L‘s Lust questline.

Possible negative outcomes:

If the player chose either blowjob option, he’ll have the Exhausted debuff (-25 Max Energy).

Special scenes:

Gentle BJ

Rough BJ



End of Time

Eye of the Storm

No True Scotswoman – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest begins as soon as the player obtains the Haggis Lunch Box from the Cafeteria, by interacting with the food counter.


Gifting the haggis to Isabelle outside of the Cafeteria will prompt a dialogue between her, Flora, and the MC. Part of the way through the conversation, Mrs. L appears, informing them that food is not allowed outside of the cafeteria, and tells them to meet her in the Homeroom.

Upon arrival, speak to Mrs. L about “Cooperation and Teamwork 101,” then read the blackboard. Speaking to Flora and Isabelle will reveal that they both think themselves worthy of the reward, and it is the MC’s job to convince them to come to an agreement.

The player can find three Coffee Cups in Mrs. L’s desk, an Eraser in the trash can, and the Bayonets & Etiquettes book on the bookshelf (be sure to interact with the book to receive the Monkey Wrench hidden inside). You’ll need these items to figure out whether MC, Isabelle, or Flora receives the reward.

There are several ways to complete the quest.

The Cup Game

Place the three Coffee Cups and the Eraser on the table next to Flora, then interact with the table in the middle to call Flora over to pick under which cup the eraser is hidden.

She will select the left cup.

If she is wrong, she will want to go again. You can agree and up the stakes.

She will now select the right cup.

After she loses, you can convince her to do a dare. Namely, kissing Isabelle, which will trigger a special scene.

After that, you can choose to have her vote for Isabelle or yourself.

Haggis Regret

Giving Isabelle the book Bayonets & Etiquette will make her want to atone for her haggis sins. The player must now find a way to get her a second box of haggis.

Use the Monkey Wrench on the Globe, then use the Globe on the Basketball Hoop to receive a Greasy Bolt. To clean the bolt off, either gift it to Flora or combine it with Box of Tissues.

Once the bolt is clean, use it on the window and climb out.

Next, go to the Cafeteria and pick up another lunch box of haggis from the food counter.

The door to the Homeroom is, however, locked and the window you jumped out of is too high up. Go to the gym and retrieve the Ladder from behind the volleyball net. Then, use the Ladder on the window outside the school to get back into the Homeroom.

Give the haggis to Isabelle. This will lead to the following menu:

“I see that you’re already regretful. Don’t eat it.”

Picking this option will automatically make Isabelle endorse you for the reward.

If you pick this option, you’ll also get the haggis back, which you then can give to Flora. Flora will then endorse you as well as give you the Flora’s Bracelet quest item.

“Bon appetit!”

Picking this option will make Isabelle eat the haggis. She’ll ask for water. If you have a Bottle of Water, you can choose to give it to her. This will make her endorse you for the reward.

If you don’t have water or choose not to give it to her, Flora will step in and give her a bottle of her own. Isabelle will then endorse Flora for the reward.

Once you’ve gotten them to agree on who gets the reward. Tell them who you endorse. This will end the quest with Mrs. L coming back and handing out the reward.

Outsmarting Everyone

Finally, an alternative solution to all three is available if the MC has at least 6 intelligence. By escaping through the window, as instructed in the Haggis Regret above, the player can instead track down Mrs. L.

Talking to her gives you the option to decide who gets the reward. The MC can only choose to give himself the reward if he has 6 intelligence.

The quest is completed after one of the three characters receives the reward.


This is one of the default quests required to start Isabelle‘s Love and Lust questlines. And Mrs. L‘s Lust questline.

The Monkey Wrench obtained in this quest can be used again during the Fully Booked side quest.

The reward, Lichtenstein’s Brooch, will be given to Isabelle, Flora, or the MC.

Special Scenes:

Stealing a Kiss

Poolside Story – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest is acquired by asking Mrs. Lichtenstein to join the swim team.


After acquiring the quest, go to the sports wing and interact with the door to the pool.

The pool is closed. Return to Mrs L. and quest her again. She says the pool is closed until after the Newfall Independence Day celebrations.

In order to get your tryout you need to convince Mrs. L. to open the pool, you need to make a petition. Since petitions aren’t your strong suit, you have to ask Isabelle for help. Find and quest her.

Isabelle agrees to write the petition for you if you help her make the decorations for the Newfall Independence Day. Go to the art classroom and interact with the supply closet. This will give you the Old Artwork quest item.

Combine the Old Artwork with the Beaver Pelt (see Operation B. O. B.), Beaver Carcass (see Fully Booked), or Glass Shard (found by throwing a rock at a gym lamp) to make Confetti.

Next, quest Jacklyn when she’s in the art classroom. She tells you what items you need to find.

Grab the Discard Art from the floor in the art classroom. Interact with the supply closet to get the String you need. Finally, interact with the paint shelf to get the Decoration Paint.

Combine the Discarded Art and the Decoration Paint to make Colored Papers.

Next, your job is to cut the colored paper into Pennants. You can do this in two ways.

Combine the Colored Papers with the Glass Shard (found by throwing a rock at a gym lamp).

Use the Colored Papers on the machete in the hall upstairs at home.

Finally, combine the Pennants with the String to make Independence Day Decorations.

Find Isabelle and quest her. She tells you that the petition is complete and that she has put it up on the bulletin board in the entrance hall.

Wait 4 hours for people to sign their names. When 4 hours have passed interact with the bulletin board to acquire the Pool Petition quest item.

Go quest Mrs. L.

Mrs. L. says she can’t open the pool but has another idea. She tells you to meet her in the gym.

Go to the gym.

Quest Mrs. L. In the final scene of the quest, the player has two options.

Tell Mrs. L. that you’re ready for the lesson and proceed to swim in the kiddie pool. This will unlock the Mrs. L’s Lesson special scene for the gallery. The quest will end after the scene.

Tell Mrs. L. that you don’t want the lesson.

When you leave the gym, you decide to text Unknown.

Next time you enter a new location, Unknown will answer. The quest will end after this scene.


Depending on your choice in the final scene, two outcomes are possible. If you’re playing for Lust, do the tryout. If you’re playing for Love, decline the tryout. Completing this quest is required to move on to the second part of the Missing Tapes quest.

Special Scenes:

Mrs. L’s Lesson

Punked – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


This quest is acquired by questing Flora when she’s in the kitchen at home, at any point after finishing the tour.


Flora just drank a bottle of milk and the mc tricks her into thinking that he put something nasty in it. She runs up to the bathroom to throw up.

After Flora runs away, the player must go to the bathroom and check on her.

Flora says she’ll tell Jo unless the player fixes a meeting for her with Jacklyn.

The player must then go and quest Jacklyn and convince her to meet Flora outside the school.

After talking to Jacklyn the player must go outside the school and meet up with them.


This is one of the default quests required to unlock Jacklyn‘s Love and Lust questlines.

Completing this quest results in the player acquiring the Slice of Cake and Plastic Fork (used in the A Short Fuse side quest)quest items.

Search & Rescue – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


This quest begins when speaking to Kate in the Nurse’s Office (1-3 p.m.) about finding the Nurse.


After speaking with Kate in the Nurse’s Office, the player must now find the Nurse.

Optional: The player can ask both Flora and Isabelle if they’ve seen the Nurse, which will trigger some quest specific dialogues where the player can earn some points. Isabelle says she hasn’t seen her, but Flora has a vague memory of seeing the Nurse in front of a vending machine. Of course, there are many around the school.

In front of the vending machine in the 1st Floor Hall, the player discovers a trail of candy wrappers that leads into the Fine Arts Wing and then into the Art Classroom. It stops in front of the large supply closet, where it appears the Nurse is hiding, but the doors are locked.

Not picking up the candy wrappers will allow Kate to follow the trail as well and she will arrive as the MC interacts with the supply closet. If Kate is present and the MC confesses having found the Nurse, the MC can break open the door (requires 5 strength).

Breaking open the door in this scene will impress Kate and unlock one out of three Moments of Glory required to pursue Kate‘s Love questline.

Alternatively, and regardless of whether Kate followed the wrappers, combining Ball of Yarn (found in Homeroom, on the desk by the window) and a Safety Pin (found by interacting with the lollipop jar in the Nurse’s Office) will create a High-Tech Lockpick which can be used to open the supply closet, revealing that it was Spinach, Maxine’s cat, locked inside and not the Nurse.

Petting Spinach will send her out of the Art Classroom and into the Fine Arts Wing corridor outside. The player can chase the cat around the school, but until he lets this bloodhound of a cat sniff an item that smells like the Nurse (Candy Wrapper or Nurse’s Panties), it won’t lead him to her hiding spot.

Once the player gifts her one of the above items, the Spinach will dart out of the school and to the large bushes. Interacting with the bushes will reveal that the Nurse was hiding in them.

The player can choose to let the Nurse go or bring her to Kate.


Letting her go will give the player one of two quest items: Nymphoria Heartus or Venus Vagenis.

Bringing her to Kate will trigger a special anal examination scene. In the end, Kate gives the player a Lollipop.

This is one of the default quests required to start Kate‘s Lust questline, and the Nurse‘s Lust and Love questlines.

Special scenes:

Nurse’s Anal Examination


Moment of Glory (1/3)

The Missing Tapes – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


This quest starts after MC speaks to Mrs. L in the gym (11 a.m. – 1 p.m.) about her training regimen.


Mrs. L informs MC about a series of calisthenics VHS tapes, titled “High-intensity Omni-flex Training,” which she has used for her fitness training.

Afterward, when interacting with the entrance to the locker rooms, the MC can overhear a conversation being had between Mrs. L and an unknown, yet familiar voice, concerning Mrs. L’s behavior and the videotapes.

The MC can speak to Lindsey about it to see if she’s heard of the tapes. Flora will butt in halfway through this conversation, and toward the end will suggest that MC speak to Jo, as Jo has used similar programs before.

Speaking to Jo will prompt her to offer to look for the tapes, so long as MC does the laundry at home.

Doing the laundry can be avoided if the MC has 6 intelligence. He then convinces Jo that Flora should do the laundry. Jo asks the MC to tell Flora to do it. The MC, who is rather safe than sorry, decides to inform her via phone. The MC must then call Flora (can’t be done from the same room).


Instructions for the laundry can be found on the wall of the bathroom, and you’ll have to do as follows:

Interact with the Sink in the Bathroom to fill it with water

Place a Laundry Detergent pod in the sink (detergent can be found in the lunchbox inside the MC’s locker at school).

Interact with the Laundry Basket to pick up the Dirty Laundry. Then place the laundry in the sink to wash it.

Taking the wet clothes will provide the Clean Laundry, which can be used on the clothing line to dry it.

When next speaking to Jo, she will state that she does not have the box set that the MC is looking for.

Using the Computer in the MC’s Bedroom will allow the search for the tapes to continue. The MC will then find a picture of Mrs. L and an email address to send a message to.

When interacting with the Computer a day later, a reply email will be sent asking for $50 for the first videotape (money can be found in $20 portions in the following locations:

Cafeteria right counter, between some plates

Top-left of the information board in the Admin Wing

Between the water fountain and trash bin in the First Floor Hall.

As a bookmark on the left end table in the English Classroom

In the top right air vent of the Sports Wing.

After paying for the tapes, speaking to Jo a day later will provide the tape for MC.

You don’t have a VHS player at home, but figure that Maxine might have one in the clubroom. Go there (and if it hasn’t been unlocked yet, you must first complete Oxygen for Oxymoron).

By interacting with the old locker you’ll find that there’s all sorts of equipment from Maxine’s many investigations in there, including a VHS player which you can take.

Go back to your bedroom and use it on the computer.

Turns out the VHS player is older than Noah’s Ark and requires a capture card. Quest Jo to check if you have it in the basement.

Despite a frustrating conversation with Jo, you get reminded by Flora that there’s a box of old electronics in the attic — however, the ladder is broken (and she knows it).

Interact with the hole in the hallway. You’ll now need a lasso of sorts, as well as something to stand on.

For the lasso, you can take the xCube controller in your bedroom. Then, move the table next to your door and use the controller on the hole.

There are four items you can acquire: a plastic bag, an old book, a cardboard box and a shoebox. You must fish until you get the cardboard box, which contains the capture card among other electronics. The remaining items can still be lassoed at a later point.

You must now use the capture card on your computer, allowing you to finally put the tape into the VHS player.

Once that’s done, interact with your computer to watch the tape.


This is one of the default quests required to start Mrs. L‘s Lust questline.

Special scenes:

Mrs. L’s Picture

Potted Weeds – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School, Operation B. O. B.


This quest is started by questing Jo in the kitchen at home.


Jo’s throat is sore and hurting. After finishing the opening dialogue, interact with the computer in your bedroom. Buy Gigglypuff Seeds ($69)

After purchasing the seeds, wait 2 days for them to arrive. A mysterious package will appear in the kitchen at home. Grab it and then consume it to acquire the Gigglypuff Seeds.

Go to the forest glade and interact with the meadow. You need to plow the meadow before planting your seeds. There’s a plow inside the creepy hut. To get it out, go back home and grab one of the umbrellas from the hall upstairs. Use the Umbrella on the creepy hut to acquire the Power-Plower 3000.

Use the Power-Plower 3000 on the meadow. This will give you two options.

Plow the field yourself (requires 5 STR).

Find someone to plow it for you (requires the Compromising Photo (see Loser to the Rescue)).

After choosing this option, find the Nurse and quest her. Tell her she’ll make time to help you plow.

Go back to the forest glade and quest the Nurse. This unlocks the Nurse’s Garden special scene for the gallery.

After getting the meadow plowed, use the Gigglypuff Seeds on the plowed field.

Next, you need to water the field. This can be done in two ways.

Build a Shovel by combining a Stick (found in various places) and an Empty Can (found by interacting with the lunch box in your personal locker, and then consuming the Soup Can). Use the Shovel to dig a canal to the field. Picking this option will grow Corrupted Gigglypuff Leaves due to the pollution.

Use 3 Bottle(s) of Water on the field. This has to be done every day for 3 days. This will grow regular Gigglypuff Leaves.

After watering the seeds, you need to wait one day. Sleep and return the next day.

Birds are now trying to eat your plants. Chase them off or they will eat your seeds. This needs to be done every day until the seeds have grown into plants and are ready for harvest.

Optional: If you don’t chase them off, the birds will get high and you can unlock the Flying High Again achievement.

Once you have the leaves, go back home and grab the Kettle from the table in the kitchen.

Use the Kettle on the stove. Use the Gigglypuff Leaves on the Kettle (Jo is sometimes in the way of the Kettle, so you have to wait for her to move). Then use a Bottle of Water on the Kettle.

Jo has put safety locks on the stove, so you need to find another way to boil the leaves. Go upstairs and grab the Lamp.

Go back to the kitchen and use the Lamp on the Kettle.

Next, wait for Jo to get home, then quest her.

After drinking the tea, Jo falls asleep in the kitchen. Jo seems to have an allergic reaction to the tea in her sleep. She’s complaining about an itch. You have the option to carry her upstairs or scratching her itch. Carrying her upstairs will end the quest (this is the way to go if you’re playing for Love). Scratching her itch will unlock a Moment of Corruption, as well as add the Jo’s Tea scene to the gallery.

If you used the Corrupted Gigglypuff Leaves to make the tea, there’s an extended more hardcore version of Jo’s Tea scene. The player will also acquire the Dish Brush quest item.


Completing this quest is the first step in pursuing Jo. The player also has the chance of acquiring the Power-Plower 3000, the Umbrella, and the Dish Brush, which will be used in later quests.


Moment of Corruption


Flying High Again

Operation B. O. B. – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School, Fully Booked


After finishing Fully Booked, a beaver will appear on top of the school. Quest it to begin.


The beaver is talking in beaver-tongue, so you need to find the Book of the Dammed to translate whatever he’s saying. You’ll find this book in the bookcase in the fine arts wing.

Go back outside the school and use the book on the beaver.

After learning some important beaver facts, quest the beaver.

The beaver is clearly evil, so use the Baseball to knock it off the roof.

After knocking down the beaver, use the Book of the Dammed again on the beaver to learn more about his heinous ways.

The path into the forest is now unlocked to the left of the school, next to the bush. Interact with it to enter the new location.

The beaver is hiding in the stream. Once more, use the Book of the Dammed on the beaver to learn more.

The only way to get the beaver out of the stream is to pollute it. Use Bottle of Pepelepsi (you can refill it in the cafeteria) 3 times on the stream. Use 5 Candy Wrappers on the stream (these can be found either in Search & Rescue or by buying Lollipops ($1 each)from the vending machine on the 2nd floor and then consuming them).

The beaver jumps out of the river and you now have to fight it. There are four ways to fight the beaver.

Interact with it to fight it with your bare hands (requires 9 STR).

Combine Apple (can be found in the magical desk in the English classroom by putting another consumable item into it and waiting 1 day. The Apple is one of the random consumables that can appear) and Laundry Detergent (found in the lunch box in your personal locker) to make a Poisoned Apple. Use it on the beaver.

Use a Rock (found in the trash can on the 2nd floor) on the beaver.

Use a Stick (can be found in various places) on the beaver.

Optional: after defeating the beaver, you can skin the remains by using a Glass Shard (found by breaking a lamp in the gym with a Rock) on the corpse. This will give you the Beaver Pelt quest item, which can be used in later quests.


Completing this quest unlocks the Forest Glade location, which is a requirement for many other quests.

Stolen Hearts – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School


Quest Isabelle in the Entrance Hall.


In the first scene, this quest instantly branches into three different directions depending on your choices.

Part 1

Route 1: Warn Kate

Pick the option “Was anything stolen?” (requires siding with Kate in Tour de School)

After finishing the dialogue with Isabelle, go and quest Kate. Kate trolls you a bit, and you can end up in detention if you’re not careful.

— Proceed to Part 3

Route 2: Investigate with Isabelle

Pick the option “Do you think this is retaliation?” (requires siding with Isabelle in Tour de School) and then the option “Someone once told me you need nip bad behaviors in the bud and confront your enemies.”

Go and eavesdrop on Kate by interacting with the bathroom door in the sports wing.

Then go and tell Isabelle what you’ve found out.

— Proceed to Part 2

Route 3: Ask Maxine

Pick the option “Maybe we can ask Maxine. She’s got this school under a microscope.” or “No one ever notices me. I’m the perfect spy.”

— Proceed to Part 2

Part 2

Isabelle gives you a Pen but you have to find something to compose a message to Maxine on.

You can ask around people at school for a piece of paper, but no one seems to have any. In the end, you have to go to your bedroom closet where there’s an old photo that you use as A Piece of Paper.

Optional: Quest Jacklyn to unlock the achievement Goose Goes, Hank! (requires that the player has named themselves “Hank” in the opening scene).

Combine A Piece of Paper and the Pen to create the Letter to Maxine.

Go to the admin wing and use the Letter to Maxine on the plant there.

Then go up the stairs and interact with the water fountain to acquire a Letter From Maxine.

Optional: Maxine tells you to burn her letter. Do this by going to the kitchen at home. In one of the drawers there’s a lighter. Use the Letter From Maxine on that drawer to unlock the achievement Burned Notice.

Now, go to your personal locker and interact with your lunch box. Maxine has left a Doughnut as a clue.

— Proceed to Part 3

Part 3

Then, go and interact with the Guard Booth. The guard tells you to Fk off, but there’s always one thing that gets him talking — doughnuts. You need to get him out of his booth so you can steal the surveillance tapes.

Go and interact with the pastries in the cafeteria. Your plan is to starve the guard. You can buy all the Doughnuts for $20, or you can steal them (STR: 7). If you steal them and Jacklyn is in the room, you get caught by her, if you have enough INT and Lust with Jacklyn you can start a secret mini quest with her called Culinary Art. If you steal and Jo is in the cafeteria you’ll get detention, but after she leaves the Nurse shows up and tries to buy a couple of doughnuts from you. If you have the Compromising Photo, you can acquire the Strike Book, which is an item located in the nurse’s office. The Strike Book can be used to make the nurse do different sexual things. Nurse’s First Strike.

Interact with the Guard Booth again. The guard leaves to grab fresh doughnuts from the cafeteria. Follow him into the cafeteria.

Upon realizing that the doughnuts are out, the guard storms out of the school in his quest for pastries. This leaves the Guard Booth unguarded. Interact with the Guard Booth again.

Use the Flash Drive (found in your bedroom), to download the surveillance footage.

Go to your bedroom and use the Flash Drive on your computer. After watching the surveillance footage and learning that Lindsey is the culprit, choose to continue watching to unlock Mrs. L’s Pole Dance in the Gallery.

Optional: Mrs. L has left a secret message on the glass window of the Guard Booth. Interact with the coffee maker in the cafeteria to acquire a Cup of Coffee. Use it on the Guard Booth to see Mrs. L’s message and acquire her Phone Number.

Quest Isabelle to tell her what you’ve found out. If you tell her the truth, she storms off and slaps Lindsey.

Quest either Lindsey or Isabelle to complete the quest.


You can lie and say that Kate stole the chocolate hearts, or you can tell her the truth. If you tell her the truth, she storms off and slaps Lindsey. If you lie, the mc calms down Isabelle. These are two different endings, which may have consequences later in Isabelle’s storyline.

Unlockable Quests:

Buried Truths

Culinary Art

Special Scenes:

Mrs. L’s Pole Dance

Nurse’s First Strike


Burned Notice

Goose Goes, Hank!


Mrs. L’s Phone Number

Buried Truths – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School, Operation B. O. B., Stolen Hearts

Other requirements: Sided with Isabelle during Tour de School.


Quest Isabelle in the entrance hall.


After talking to Isabelle, you decide to help her find the box of her stolen chocolate hearts. Find Lindsey and quest her.

Lindsey says she gave Jacklyn the box. Find Jacklyn and Quest her.

Jacklyn says she threw away the box. Go and interact with the trash can outside the art classroom.

The box isn’t in the trash, but Maxine might’ve seen who took it. Find and quest Maxine.

Maxine gives the player a riddle. The answer to the riddle is to call for help. Go to your phone and call Unknown. The MC leaves a voicemail.

Enter a new location. A text from Unknown will appear. Unknown tells the MC that they didn’t find the box in the trash as Jacklyn said. They also say they will leave the box in the mc’s locker.

Go to your locker and pick up the box. This will give you the quest item Isabelle’s Box.

Next, go and quest Isabelle to tell her about your discovery.

Isabelle asks you to help her bury the box, but she needs a shovel. Go to your personal locker and interact with the lunch box. This will give you a Soup Can.

Consume the Soup Can to acquire an Empty Can.

Next, find a Stick (found in various places) and combine it with the Empty Can. This will give you a Shovel.

Go back to Isabelle and quest her. This will transport you to the forest glade.

Quest Isabelle. She’ll tell you where to dig.

Use the Shovel on the car tire. This will give you the Buried Box quest item.

Next, quest Isabelle again to get the special scene.

Go to bed.

You wake up the next day. Go to the school’s entrance hall and interact with the missing locker to complete the quest.


This is the 2nd part in Isabelle’s personal storyline. Completing will allow you to progress further. It also gives you the Buried Box quest item.

Special Scenes:

Isabelle’s Hug and Kiss

The Statement – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School, Punked, Art Through Suffering


This quest can be unlocked in two different ways. Either by getting Jacklyn’s phone number in Art Through Suffering or by completing the three quests above, and going to your bedroom. Flora will come in and steal your phone.

Start the quest by texting Jacklyn.


While texting Jacklyn, if you have enough Love with her, pick that option and skip step 2.

After texting Jacklyn, meet her outside the school.

Once you’ve got her to go out on a date with you, go to Jo and Flora and ask them to leave the house for the night.

Now, go back home to the kitchen, and decide what type of meal you’re going to cook for jacklyn. There are three options

Make a salad. After picking this option, go to the mini fridge under the table.

You learn that you need garlic, Whooshster™ Sauce, and croutons.

To get the garlic, go to the cafeteria and interact with the kitchen counter.

To get the croutons, ask Flora to buy some for you. A bag will appear in the kitchen at home.

The sauce is hidden behind one of the plants in the kitchen at home.

Once you have all the items, go to the stove and interact with it.

It’s a problem for later. After picking this option, proceed to step 5.

Get Flora to cook for you. After picking this option, go and ask Flora to cook for you.

Go to your bedroom and sleep.

Once you wake up, you’ll get a text from Jacklyn.

Get dressed for the date by interacting with your closet. Choose the collar and fishnet if you want to get pegged later on.

Go downstairs and open the door for her.

After letting Jacklyn in, quest her to proceed.

The dinner starts and you get to chat a bit with Jacklyn before a strange noise is heard upstairs.

Go upstairs and into your bedroom. Interact with the closet.

Optional: This is your chance to take the machete and put it in your backpack. The machete may provide you with additional options in later quests.

Inside the closet, you find Flora, who has been spying on your date. Jacklyn comes upstairs as well. Flora is upset and you’re provided with a choice.

If you played the Love route in Tiny Thirsty Tree (available in v1.8), you’ll have the option to ask Flora what’s really going on. When Jacklyn comes upstairs, Flora runs off, and you’ll have the option to go after her. Go to her bedroom door and interact with it. This option is part of Flora’s love route. This will unlock the Breaking All the Rules achievement.

The other option leads you to a different choice. Flora storms off.

You can tell Jacklyn to go look for Flora. This will end the quest.

You can tell Jacklyn that you and her should get out of there and make a statement. Proceed to step 13.

Outside the school, quest Jacklyn. You’ll get the option to decide what the statement will look like. There are 3 options, and the results are permanent.

After you’ve made the statement, you get three options.

Focus on the art. This is the love option, and it’ll end the quest after an artistic awakening.

If you have enough Lust (8), you’ll have to option to Fk Jacklyn in the ass. This will lead to a special scene, and then the quest ends.

If you chose the punk outfit while getting dressed, you’ll have the option to get pegged by Jacklyn. This will lead to a special pegging scene, and then the quest ends. This will unlock the Taken Down a Peg achievement.


This quest is part of Jacklyn’s storyline and will unlock future quests with her.

Special Scenes:

Jacklyn’s Pegging

Jacklyn’s Anal



Jacklyn’s Number


Taken Down a Peg

Breaking All the Rules

Oxygen for Oxymoron – Another Chance Walkthrough


This quest begins by questing the vent in the sports wing.


You notice that there seems to be something dark in the vent, and you need to remove the grill to get a better look at it.

In order to do this, you must extract the monkey wrench from “Bayonets & Etiquettes” — a book acquired by interacting with the bookshelf in the homeroom.

Once you have it in your inventory, interact with all eleven shoes in the sports wing to make a pile of shoes and climb to the vent. Then, use the monkey wrench to open it — you’ll gain a grappling hook.

Go back to the homeroom and use the monkey wrench this time to dismantle the globe. Throw your newly acquired globe on the basketball hoop, and you’ll notice that one of the bolts came loose.

However, it is so greasy and slippery that you must first combine it with a tissue from the box found in your bathroom.

Once you have a clean bolt, you can now use it to jam the homeroom window’s lock mechanism. This allows you to open the window (imagination required) and attach the grappling hook to it.

Climbing the rope will give you access to Maxine’s clubroom. She then asks if you just grapple-hooked your way in through the window and complains about the lack of security when using non-popcorn products on the popcorn dispenser, before going back to doing whatever it is she usually does.


Completing this quest unlocks the clubroom, allowing you to start Hide and Seek, Strawberries, Cherries and The Glowing Spider Eggs.

Hide and Seek – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Oxygen for Oxymoron


This quest begins by questing Spinach while she’s hiding in the trash can.


Spinach is hiding in the trash can and does not budge when you call her over, so you decide that luring her out with something is the play.

Luckily for you, pussies love balls! And there are a few ones made of yarn in the homeroom, courtesy of Maya. Taking them and giving one to Spinach will prompt her to leave her hideout, allowing you to retrieve a spray cap from the trash can.


Completing this quest gives you a spray cap, which is required to start Tiny Thirsty Tree.

Strawberries, Cherries – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Oxygen for Oxymoron


This quest begins by questing Maxine in the clubroom.


After making small talk with Maxine, she tells you that if you want to continue your pursuit of carnal pleasure, the custom is to buy her a drink.

While alcohol is not allowed in the school, you figure that Jacklyn is the type who knows how to smuggle it. Quest her and she’ll agree to help you out as long as you can get her a new pin in return.

You must now quest Flora and ask her for a pin. She’ll tell you that her internship has an open house day and she’s meant to put up posters, but now you’re going to do it for her.

The posters can be found inside your locker. There are five in total and you need to put one poster up on each bulletin board in the school, with their locations being:

Entrance hall


Admin wing

First hall

Sports wing

Once they’re all up, quest Flora again. After confirming you’re done being a poster boy, she’ll give you a squid pin.

Go back to Jacklyn and quest her. She’ll tell you to hand over the goodies and then equip the squid pin, before hinting that “there used to be a hidden stash where the sun does shine…”

Jacklyn is an artist, so naturally she’s talking about a painting! Interact with the sun painting in the admin wing to reveal a secret stash containing a summer wine.

With the drink in your inventory, you can now quest Maxine in the clubroom one last time. She’s aware of your new acquisition and has been waiting for you to make a move. You tell her you’re not interested in following the playbook, to which Maxine replies she won’t either, then.

Oh, but she does send you a nude! It can be found inside your locker.

Once you take it, you can either keep it in your inventory or use it on Maxine’s camera in the clubroom. The latter means taking a photo of the photo, which will result in you losing Maxine’s nude and gaining Maxine’s other nude instead.


Completing this quest unlocks flirting with Maxine and also permanently equips the squid pin to Jacklyn’s outfit.

Nothing Wrong With Me – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Tour de School, Fully Booked


This quest begins either by questing Lindsey or by choosing “Try to help Lindsey” in The Ley of the Land (not implemented in v1.11).


Lindsey seems out of it somehow, so you ask her if she’s okay. She replies that she lost a shoe. You jokingly ask her if she has looked on her own feet. Lindsey finds it odd that they’re there and walks away, leaving you wondering what’s wrong with her.

Give Lindsey an hour to clear her head, then quest her again at the school entrance.

The two of you chit chat about the book she’s reading before you eventually ask her about the missing shoe. However, Lindsey has no memory of that conversation ever happening, leaving you even more confused. If Romancing with Lindsey is disabled, the “Are you getting demented in your old age?” dialogue choice will be unlocked.

This time, walk up the stairs in the entrance hall. You’ll notice Lindsey is running across the hall and then start daydreaming about her… before realizing she has slipped and is about to crash!

You can swoop in or watch her crash. Depending on your choice, you’ll get a special scene where Lindsey either falls straight into your arms (with the possibility of a hug and a kiss), or falls straight into the granite floor, giving you a perfect view of her exposed boobs. If Romancing with Lindsey is disabled, the “Start filming her” dialogue choice will be unlocked.

After Lindsey gets back to practice, Maxine will show up. She claims that the disturbance in the magnetic field is messing with Lindsey’s balance, and it’s caused by the saucer-eyed doll (whatever that is?). You have two choices here:

Listen to Maxine

You get curious and decide to try to get your hands on the Ley Line Locator. This means failing Nothing Wrong With Me and starting The Ley of the Land (not implemented in v1.11) instead.

Try to help Lindsey

You decide not to waste time with Maxine’s nonsense. This means failing The Ley of the Land (not implemented in v1.11) and advancing Nothing Wrong With Me instead. If Romancing with Lindsey is disabled, this dialogue choice will be locked.

Go to the Nurse’s office and quest her. You’ll tell her you’re looking for medical advice on the causes of memory loss and poor balance, to which she recommends seeking out a medical professional as soon as possible! Oh, and also drinking more.

Lindsey would probably not agree to a medical examination, though, so you settle for keeping her hydrated. Quest her in the gym.

She happens to be out of water, giving you the opportunity to refill her bottle in exchange for a hug. To do so, use it on the water fountain in the first hall.

As you’re filling Lindsey’s bottle, the water fountain breaks. In order to avoid further water damage, you decide to plug it with your hoodie. However, the hall is still a complete mess. There are two ways to approach this situation:

Clean up the mess

You decide to clean up the mess before detention strikes, and figure that there’s probably a mop in the Janitor’s closet. But it turns out to be locked, so you must quest the Guard in his booth instead.

He doesn’t seem to be too keen on helping you out, so you resort to making a deal — you’ll get him two doughnuts and he’ll get you the mop from the Janitor’s closet.

Go to the cafeteria and interact with the pastries twice to buy two doughnuts for $4 total, then give them to the Guard.

With the mop in your inventory, go back to the first hall and use it on each of the six water puddles. Once you’re done, Lindsey will show up stating that she finished practice and couldn’t find her bottle.

You give it to her, explaining that there was a tiny mishap. But before you’re able to get into the details, Lindsey goes over to the broken water fountain and touches it, which prompts a special scene where water gets sprayed all over the place, absolutely drenching her.

You feast your eyes on Lindsey for a while and then make some small talk, before realizing people are coming up the stairs. She’s afraid to be seen like this, so you tell her to hide in the art classroom.

As you’re putting the mop away, Kate shows up and asks you what you’re hiding. After dismissing her, go to the art classroom.

Lindsey appears to be naked. Quest her and she’ll plead you to stop looking, claiming that her clothes were soaked which is why she took them off. You can either accept or deny her request.

The two of you chit chat for a bit and Lindsey asks you to get her a set of dry clothes from the women’s locker room. You agree to help her out, then offer to lend her your shirt until you’re back.

Given that the women’s bathroom is off-limits to you, you resort to asking Flora for help. Quest her.

You can tell Flora that Lindsey spilled water all over her clothes and is stuck in the art classroom, or lie that bullies stole your sports bag and hid it in the women’s locker room. Either way, she’ll reluctantly agree to help you out.

Now go to the sports wing and quest Flora again. You tell her that the bag is in the locker with the trophy stickers, and she disappears for a moment before coming back with it.

With Lindsey’s bag in your inventory, go to the art classroom again and quest her one last time.

If you have at least 5 Lindsey lust points, you mention that you like her wearing your shirt, claiming she wears it better than you do. She replies that it’s a bit big on her, but you tell her it looks absolutely perfect. This prompts a special scene where Lindsey hugs you while standing on her tippy toes, which causes the shirt to ride up, showing her bare butt. It also unlocks the achievement Teddy Bear, should this be your second time getting hugged by her.

Otherwise, you just ask Lindsey for a reward, which she finds kinda rude.

She then asks you to close your eyes while she gets dressed, before giving you your shirt back. You exchange a few comments about her new outfit and the usual blue hoodie, and she reveals her dad got her a new easel.

The two of you agree on a new painting date, Lindsey gives you her number and leaves.

Ignore all responsibilities and run

You conclude that this wasn’t even your fault, and a work more suited for janitors, before quickly leaving the crime scene.

Lindsey greets you in the gym and you give her her bottle back. She drinks from it for a bit, then reveals her dad got her a new easel. The two of you agree on a new painting date, Lindsey gives you her number and leaves.

With Lindsey gone, it’s time for you to do the same. Leave the first floor.

Once you get back to the first hall, you’ll remember about the surveillance camera — and to make things worse, Kate shows up. She tries to make conversation, but ends up getting bored with you. She then goes over to the broken water fountain, and you can:

Warn her

You tell Kate to be careful with the fountain, explaining that it will spray water all over the place if the hoodie is removed.

She asks you if you broke it, successfully interrogating you into confession. She then tells you to go over to the broken water fountain, lean in, and remove the hoodie. And if you don’t, she’ll go straight to the principal.

Interact with it and remove the hoodie. The screen will fade to black and come back full of water drops.

Kate now tells you to find a mop to clean up the mess, and you figure that there’s probably one in the Janitor’s closet. But it turns out to be locked, so you must quest the Guard in his booth instead.

He doesn’t seem to be too keen on helping you out, so you resort to making a deal — you’ll get him two doughnuts and he’ll get you the mop from the Janitor’s closet.

Go to the cafeteria and interact with the pastries twice to buy two doughnuts for $4 total, then give them to the Guard.

With the mop in your inventory, go back to the first hall and use it on each of the water puddles. Once you’re done, quest Kate.

She inspects it and says that you did a passable job at best, but that she’ll let it slide for now. She then tells you to leave the mop there to remind you who’s in charge, before finally letting you off the hook.

Stay quiet

Kate notices the water puddles all over the floor, as well as the wet hoodie on the fountain.

She tries to remove it, which prompts a special scene where water gets sprayed all over the place, absolutely drenching her. You feast your eyes on Kate for a while before deciding to sneak a picture of her. She looks enraged, so you escape while you can.

At last, interact with your locker to stash the photo you just took.


Completing this quest means failing The Ley of the Land

Tiny Thirsty Tree – Another Chance Walkthrough

Prerequisites: Punked, Oxygen for Oxymoron, Hide and Seek


This quest begins by watering the Nurse’s bonsai tree with a spray bottle filled with any liquid other than water.


As the Nurse is in the middle of thanking you for watering her bonsai, Flora interrupts her to reveal she got spaghetti sauce in her eyes and needs a bandaid. The Nurse then washes her eyes off, before putting pads over them to avoid further irritation.

Flora is now blind and requires your assistance getting home. Once you’re there, quest her in the kitchen.

You offer her a meal, to which she reluctantly agrees, stating that she’s kinda craving something sweet. You must then give her a slice of cake.

The slice of cake is a reward for completing Punked, but can also be acquired by placing a consumable (eg: laundry detergents) on the leftmost student desk in the English classroom, then waiting until the next day. Using the rollback function is recommended here.

After Flora realizes she’s been fed her own cake, she freaks out and storms off to her room. You can now go to sleep.

But before you’re able to fall asleep, Flora comes into your bedroom asking you to help her bake another cake. You have two choices here:

Help her bake

Go to the kitchen and quest Flora.

She’ll ask you to bring her a fork (rightmost drawer), a grater (leftmost drawer), a pan (leftmost drawer), a measuring beaker (right but not rightmost drawer), eggs (mini fridge), and flour (cupboard) — in that order. Once you do, quest Flora again.

She’ll then ask for sugar. Lots of it! There are ten sugar cubes scattered around the house (three in the kitchen, two in the hallway, three in your bedroom, two in the bathroom) and you must give her at least six to advance.

Flora is now ready to bake the cake. Once she’s done, she’ll have a slice and then state that her cake cravings have been sated, before asking you to help her up the stairs.

With Flora safely back in her room, it’s time for you to do the same. Go to sleep.

Stop her from baking

You explain the dangers of turning into a cake junkie to Flora and convince her to stay the night in your room.

The two of you end up having a conversation about cake addiction and Flora decides that is best to burn the recipe. She then tells you you’re not that bad — possibly a side effect of being high on cake — before recognizing your recent attempts at showing affection, holds your hand tightly and eventually the both of you fall asleep. This special scene gives you 25 Flora love points, allowing you to later choose “Flora, what’s really going on?” in The Statement.

When you wake up, leave your room. You’ll remember you were supposed to water the Nurse’s bonsai while she’s at a medical conference.

In order to fill your empty spray bottle, either use it on the toilet in your bathroom to urinate in it or interact with the soda machine in the school cafeteria and insert a dollar. Once it’s filled, go to the Nurse’s office and water her bonsai tree.

Isabelle will then knock on the door claiming she needs pads. You can give her one from the medical supplies or freeze in panic and wait for Lindsey to show up and save the day.

Right as Isabelle leaves the room, you receive a phone message from Flora asking you to bring her sweets. This is the first of a series of optional requests she’ll make throughout the day, and you can ignore them by sleeping in your bed.

If you do choose to fulfill them, the first step is buying one of the lollipops from the vending machine in the first hall (you can also use a doughnut should you have one) and giving it to Flora. She’ll thank you and tell you to keep checking your phone.

Leave the kitchen and you’ll receive the next phone message. Flora is now thirsty and wants a drink — from which you can choose between water, coffee, or any of the soda flavours.

Leave the kitchen once again. Flora now needs help to the bathroom, and you’re the only one who can help her out! Or so she says. Quest her.

Leave the hallway to receive the fourth phone message. Flora’s new request is… a book?! What does she even need a book for when she’s blind? Anyway, there are loads of them in the English classroom. Go there and take the weirdest title from the bookshelf, then give it to her.

Leave… yep, you got it. Flora sent you another message. It involves cutting onions. I don’t even know anymore. Just go to the kitchen and quest her, then play the minigame twice (alternatively, you can click on the big ‘Skip Minigame’ button on the top left).

Okay, enough is enough. Just go to sleep now.

When you wake up, go to school. You’ll find that Flora is trying to get to the Nurse’s office, also in need of pads. Guide her there.

Turns out there are vines trying to escape the Nurse’s office… but they surely mean no harm? Yeah, just quest Flora.

V.12 – Table Manners – Another Chance Walkthrough


[NameLove point +1 and NameLust point +1] :– Relationship points gained per character.

[NameLove point -1 and NameLust point -1]  :– Relationship points lost per character.

[Stats#] :– Intellect, Strength and Charisma will be denoted with their own respective colors.

[Gal#] :– Phone Gallery images.

[Ach#] :– Achievements

*Lewd Scene* :– Bounding asterisks indicate lewd scenes.


To start this quest you first need to complete these quests:- Tour de School, Make a Wish and Blow and Poolside Story.

Other Requirements:- Quest appears one week after completing Make a Wish and Blow (provided that the player has completed Poolside Story as well).

How to start the quest:- This quest begins by speaking to Mrs. L in the homeroom.

Time:- Mrs. L is present in the Homeroom from 7:00 A.M to 10:00 A.M.


Chat with Mrs. L to start the quest.

Hello there, [Player Name]! How’s it going?

Just daydreaming…

I wanted to ask you about the swim team tryout.

That’s okay…I just wanted to get wet with you, Mrs. L. (Mrs. L Lust point +1)

If you hadn’t grabbed my balls, I totally would’ve made it!

Note:- This choice will appear grayed out if the quest Poolside Story is not completed.

Do you think Kate is evil?

Note:- This choice will appear grayed out if you took the Lust path in Kate‘s dream sequence.

Mrs. L requests that you deliver a letter to Jo about the Newfall Independence Day Festival.

To find Jo, you must first go to the Cafeteria, then to the Principal’s Office, and then finally head home, where you must wait for her until 6:00 p.m.

There, you chat with her and deliver the Letter where you also notice that she is a little grumpier than normal. She then explains that the bathroom is littered, and she suspects you are to blame.

It actually wasn’t me this time, I swear! (Jo Love points -2 and General Lust point +1)

I’m sorry, I tripped over it…I’ll fix it. (Jo Love point +1)

Go up the stairs and into the Bathroom. You must first pick up the clothing and place them in the laundry basket, then clean the piss puddles with the box of tissues on the sink. Use the same box of tissues and wet them from the water in the sink to form a ‘Wet Tissue,’ then clean the lipstick-scribbled mirror with it.

Then clear the clogged sink with the umbrella you acquired from the rack in the passageway. And lastly, clean the water puddles under the sink using a mop taken from the Storage Cabinet outside the Bathroom.

After you’re done with the cleaning, chat with Flora in the passage way.

Not until you thank me for cleaning up your mess. (Flora Lust point +1)

I actually didn’t mean to scare you, but I’m sorry if I did. (Flora Love point +1)

After your talk with Flora, you can go to sleep.

Next day, you go to school to find it empty and are greeted by Kate and her gang where she reveals her plan to bully you. To save yourself, you run away from her and enter the Homeroom where the door locks itself after you shut it leaving Kate and her gang banging on it. In the Homeroom, you can explore to find places to hide from Kate and her gang.

As Kate and her gang try to seduce you to open the locked Homeroom door.

You guys are lucky the door is locked! (General Lust point +1)

Your charm and soft words have no power over me! (General Love point +1)

As you explore for a place to hide you can chat with Lacey.

Did you know that there’s more to life than just high school? (General Love point +1)

If I ever catch you alone, you’re going to be in big trouble! (General Lust point +1)

As you explore for places to hide you also find a thick stack of cash behind the globe.

Take it (General Lust point +1 and Gain $2000)

Thou shalt not steal (General Love points +2)

After searching the whole place you finally settle on a hiding spot under the teacher’s desk.

As you hear the door open and expect the worst, you miraculously hear Jo’s voice. Kate and her retinue try to convince Jo that a suspicious man has entered the room and try to search the whole room but fail to find you. Jo tiredly tells Kate and her gang that the man is nowhere to be found and that they should go and do cheer practice instead, which they reluctantly agree to and leave. Exhausted, Jo sits on the chair near the desk where you’re hiding.

Then after a little while you hear a knock on the door, you are greeted with a familiar voice of Maya as she enters the room. As they talk the conversation takes a weird turn where Jo orders Maya to walk on 4 legs like a cat.

As you hear this conversation

Question it

You’ve gone insane, Jo! (General Love points +2)

Whatever you say, Jo… (General Lust points +2) *Lewd Scene Unlocked: Jo’s Cunnilingus scene* (Moments of Corruption ⅓ Unlocked) (Phone Gallery:- Jo’s Assignment)

Keep Listening (General Lust points +2) *Lewd Scene Unlocked: Jo’s Cunnilingus scene* (Moments of Corruption ⅓ Unlocked) (Phone Gallery:- Jo’s Assignment)

Note:- If you question the conversation and object to Jo‘s advances, then you are on set on the Love path. But if you give in to Jo’s advances or choose to just listen to the conversation silently, then you are set on the Lust path and you get a cunnilingus scene with Jo.

After whichever choice you make, Jo looks for you under the desk regrettably and the screen blacks out to reveal that it was all just a bad dream.

As soon as the dream ends, you are back in your room where the quest completion prompt is presented to you.

Where to find the items necessary for this quest

Umbrella:- Beside Jo’s room in the passageway.

Mop:- It’s in the storage cabinet in the passageway just beside the Bathroom door.

Stack of cash ($2000):- It’s hidden behind the globe in the Homeroom.

How to combine the items necessary for this quest

Wet Tissue = Box of Tissue + Water from the sink

V.13 – The Ley of the Land – Another Chance Walkthrough


To start this quest you first need to complete these quests:- Tour de School, Fully Booked and also unlock the locations ‘Maxine’s Clubroom’ and ‘Computer Room’.

How to start the quest:- This quest begins by speaking to Maxine in the Gym.

Time:- You can find Maxine in the Gym at 6:00 P.M.


Chat with Maxine to start the quest.

You notice that she is staring at the ceiling with a pair of binoculars and as you attempt to strike up a conversation with her, she shoots a question towards you. “How many lamps are there in the ceiling?”


Fourteen (Maxine Love point -1)

Fifteen (Maxine Love point +1)

You think I pay attention to stuff like that? (Maxine Love point -1 and Maxine Lust point -1)

After the conversation, Maxine exits the gym leaving you cursing at the girl’s weird antics. You then head to the school’s main entrance where you see Lindsey doing her usual running practice.

She breezes across the school’s hallway, completely absorbed in her practice and totally oblivious to anything else. You envy people with clear goals such as Lindsey, who work hard to achieve them. The more you look at her the more you are captivated by her charm as she- Slips?!

Swoop In (Requires 5 Strength points to choose this option) (Phone Gallery:- Lindsey’s Catch)

I’ve been here all along.

Where did you come from? (Required 4 Charisma points to choose this option) (Lindsey Love point +1 and Lindsey Lust point +1)

We have to stop meeting like this. (Requires 4 Love points to choose this option) (Lindsey Love points +2 and Lindsey Lust point +1)

Watch her crash (General Lust point +1) (Phone Gallery:- Lindsey’s Crash)

Are you okay?

Start filming her (Requires Lindsey’s Hate path) (Lindsey Love points -2 and Lindsey Lust points -2)

Note:- This option will appear grayed out for those who have not disabled Lindsey’s Love path. The conditions to disable Lindsey’s Love path are:-

If you refuse to help Lindsey in the quest Loser to the Rescue after she runs into you by accident.

If you choose the choice “Just claiming my reward for helping you” after you pull back the curtain while she’s naked in the quest Loser to the Rescue.

If you spy on her while she’s in the bathroom in the quest The Glowing Spider Eggs.

Whichever choice you make, Lindsey will take her leave and get back to her practice. After she leaves Maxine pops up with her usual questioning stare, it seems that she had been spying on your conversation with Lindsey.

Here she reveals that Lindsey’s accidents are happening due to the disturbance in the magnetic field caused by the saucer-eyed doll.

The saucer-eyed doll?

How do you even know there’s a disturbance?

I’ve heard enough of this nonsense. (Maxine Love point -1 and Maxine Lust point -1)

Here, you have a choice to either listen to Maxine and try to nullify the effect of the saucer-eyed doll causing troubles for Lindsey or ignore Maxine and try to help Lindsey yourself.

Note:- Listening to Maxine will fail the quest Nothing Wrong with Me but helping Lindsey yourself will result in quest failure for The Ley of the Land.

If you choose to advance the The Ley of the Land quest then approach Maxine in the clubroom and have a chat with her.

Check your calendar.

What are you going to do, throw me out? (Required 4 Strength points to choose this option) (Maxine Love point +1)

I invited myself in. (Required 4 Charisma points to choose this option)

One (Maxine Lust point +1)

There aren’t any lamps. (Maxine Love point +1)

Here, Maxine convinces to give you the Ley Line Locator if you throw the ball through the hoop in the Gym. You complain that it’s impossible for someone like him to do that, and you’re reminded yet again of your tiny stature and lack of athletic ability. With no choice but to agree, you walk out of the Clubroom and into the Gym, where you notice Maxine’s already there, with some popcorn.

Interact with the ball.

Take the shot

Admit defeat

Whichever choice you take, MC will resort to doping to win. To successfully dope the test you need to consume a bottle of Seven HP .

Interact with the ball again this time.

Take the shot

Admit defeat

You score a six-pointer and can’t help but smile, knowing full well that it would be impossible without the delicious 7 HP. Maxine is suspicious of this unexpected outcome as you celebrate your victory, she asks you to follow her back to the Clubroom to continue the conversation.

After you chat with her in the Clubroom she reveals that she didn’t see you hit the shot, when you press her on the matter and ask her about whether she is going to let you borrow the Ley Line Locator, she retorts, “Well, did you hit the shot?”

You know the answer to that (Required Intellect 4 to choose this option) (Maxine Lust point +1) (Gain Ley Line Locator)

What about Lindsey? (Required Lust points = 3) (General Love point +1) (Gain Ley Line Locator)

What about the saucer-eyed doll? (Maxine Love point +1) (Gain Ley Line Locator)

Interacting with the Ley Line Locator in the inventory, you notice that the Ley Line Locator needs to be charged. Head over to the Computer room where you can find a Charger Cable in a box of cables on the top of a shelf on the right.

You try to charge the Ley Line Locator through the Fuse Box located in the first hall, but find that the Charger Cable doesn’t fit into its port . So you perform a cable surgery by combining the Charger Cable with the Glass Shard. The buttons on the Ley Line Locator light up and a white light blinds your eye while a sound of something exploding plays as soon as you put it into the charger. The air is thick with smoke rising from the Fuse Box, which appears to be permanently out of service.

You are then provided with the option of using the Ley Line Locator in 3 locations:- The First Hall, The Arts Wing and the Gym.

Use the Ley Line Locator by interacting with the Blue Button on each of the 3 locations and then interact with the Red Button. The Ley Line Locator then prompts the following message, “Error: Signal to Weak”. Not knowing how to tackle the situation, you approach Maxine.

After you talk to her about the Ley Line Locator. She asks with a probing glare, “Did I say you could borrow it?”.

You absolutely did!

We’re done testing.

Well, I’m not undressing unless you do too. (Requires Maxine Lust points = 5) (Maxine Lust point +1)

Is this another test? (Intellect +1)

After your conversation with Maxine you realize that you need 3 magnets for the Ley Line Locator to find the 4th node. You can find the 1st Magnet in the same place you found the Charger Cable, on the top shelf of a cupboard in the Computer room.

To find the 2nd Magnet you decide to place an online order, here you have the option of choosing where to place the order from, either from the school’s PC in the Computer room or your own PC at home. It will take a day for the Magnet to arrive at home.

While placing the order.

Order the Magnet (Requires $10)

Don’t waste money on junk

Note:- You ultimately have to place the order, otherwise you won’t be able to continue the quest.

For the 3rd Magnet, you can find it in the Storage Cabinet of your home.

After the day has passed, collect the package which contains the 3rd Magnet and then the next day, head to school where you can charge your Ley Line Locator with the Fuse Box again.

Now you have to interact with the screen of the Ley Line Locator called the Leyline and place each magnet at the same 3 locations from before. Then press the red button to reveal the location of the 4th node in the entrance hall, which is located between the two lockers.

When you examine the locker in the back, you see that there is a loose panel that wasn’t there before. To loosen the screws, it appears that you’ll need the correct tool. Just then, a bright idea lights up in your mind as you hurriedly approach Jacklyn in the Art room and quest her. Here you reveal that you need the help of her hands, which she misunderstands for something else.

No! That’s not what I meant!

I’m game if you are. (Requires Jacklyn Lust points = 5) *Jacklyn’s Handjob scene* (Phone Gallery:- Jacklyn’s Helping Hand)

Whichever choice you take, Jacklyn helps you remove the screws. When you lift the loose panel, you’re greeted by a pair of golden eyes staring right back at you. Those eyes seem to be able to stare right into your soul. Whatever it is, you make the decision to see through this.

Stick your hand in. (Gain the Saucer-Eyed Doll)

Stick your D in. (General Lust point +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Glorious Bastard)

Keep your limbs.

You can’t help but be astonished by the saucer-eyed doll in your hands, whose existence you didn’t even acknowledge until now. You dash back to the Clubroom to tell Maxine about your discovery. When she finds out, she is amazed that you were able to locate the doll; it appears that you accomplished the unexpected, which even Maxine finds odd. However, Maxine notices that you haven’t taken the proper safeguards against the doll, and your happiness is short-lived.

Find the 3 Magnets and bring them to the Clubroom to use them on the saucer-eyed doll. At this, the threat is neutralized and you finally breathe a breath of relief. But Maxine being her usual self is fast to spoil the mood as she says that there are far bigger dangers lurking in the shadows than this doll.

We’ll pick them off together, one by one! (Maxine Love point +1)

What’s next? The fork-toothed duck? (Charisma +1)

We’re lucky that you’re here watching over us. (Maxine Lust point +1)

You’ll get a message prompt saying that the quest is now complete.

There’s an additional Achievement you can achieve after completing the quest, by interacting with the Saucer-eyed doll.

We Leave in Peace:- Go in Maxine’s clubroom and move the Pile of Books from the right side of the table to the left by simply interacting with it. Then place a Pocket Mirror on top of the Pile of Books which would then burn the eyes of the doll. After this, go outside the school and you’ll see a weird symbol on the ground, interact with it and you’ll get the achievement.

Where to find the items necessary for this quest

Seven HP:- In the school’s Cafeteria from the soda machine.

Charger Cable:- In the computer room on the top shelf of a cupboard.

1st Magnet:- In the computer room on the top shelf of the cupboard.

2nd Magnet:- Order it from either the school’s PC or the PC at home, receive the package from the kitchen when it arrives.

3rd Magnet:- Storage closet situated on the first floor of the home.

Saucer-eyed doll:- In the secret back locker located at the school’s entrance hall.

How to combine the items necessary for this quest

Sliced Cable:- Charger Cable + Glass Shard

V.14 – Twisted Fate – Another Chance Walkthrough


[NameLove point +1 and NameLust point +1] :– Relationship points gained per character.

[NameLove point -1 and NameLust point -1]  :– Relationship points lost per character.

[Stats#] :– Intellect, Strength and Charisma will be denoted with their own respective colors.

[Gal#] :– Phone Gallery images.

[Ach#] :– Achievements

*Lewd Scene* :– Bounding asterisks indicate lewd scenes.


To start this quest you first need to complete these quests:- Tour de School, Glowing Spider Eggs and Search and Rescue.

How to start the quest:- This quest begins as you enter the Gym.

Time:- Enter the Gym at any time during school hours.


Kate approaches you with a cheeky grin on her face as soon as you enter the Gym, asking if you’ve come to gawk at the cheerleaders.

No, I was just leaving (Kate Lust point -1 and General Love point +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Moments of Glory: Resolve ⅓ Unlocked) (Quest Complete)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end the quest. This is the 1st way to end it.

Yeah. What are you going to do about it? (Kate Lust point -1)

Kate laughs off your pathetic taunts, then orders her gang to bring out the skipping ropes and ties you up for good.

Fight it (Requires 8 Strength points to win the fight)

If you win the fight, you leave the Gym triumphantly and the quest is completed prematurely (Quest Complete) (Achievement Unlocked: Moments of Glory: Strength ⅓ Unlocked)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end the quest. This is the 2nd way to end it.


You lose the fight and they tie you up, and here, Stacy suggests that they stuff him into the new girl’s locker.

Note:- If you want to obtain Kate’s Sock in your Inventory then follow along the highlighted choices which will guide you towards obtaining them.

How about you suck my D and I won’t report you to the principal? (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)

Note:- If you disrespect Stacy here, you will get the ending where Kate stuffs her socks up your mouth which is the necessary ending for obtaining Kate’s socks. There are 9 unique ways to end the quest. This is the 3rd way to end it.

Disappointed by your attitude, Kate decides to jam her sock up your mouth as punishment.

Keep your mouth shut

You could try to mentally scar the unsuspecting girls by flashing the throbbing bulge in your pants, or you may preserve your dignity and refuse to succumb to their demands.

Roll over (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put (General Love point +1)

Surrender (Kate Lust point +1)

Roll over (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put General Love point +1)

Please don’t! (Kate Lust point +1)

Isabelle is dangerous. (Kate Lust point +1) (Note:-This choice will appear gray if on Isabelle path)

She then decides to leave you all tied up for the whole night in the Gym, but surprisingly she puts her phone number into your phone and instructs you to call her only in the most dire situations, whether she did it out of pity or to give you some sort of false hope, you don’t know.

If you understand her conditions, she tells you to nod.

Nod (Kate Lust point +1)

Shake head (Kate Lust point -1)

Note:- If you don’t disrespect Stacy then that will result in Kate not serving her punishment to you (shoving her socks up your mouth). So after only a little bit of pleading with her the next morning, she lets you walk free and the quest ends. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 4th way to end it.


If you disrespect Stacy, then you would have to go through all types of humiliation and insults. The following is if you do receive the punishment from Kate.

Kate approaches you the next morning and asks you how it feels to have her sock in your mouth the whole night.


Thank you, ma’am… (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

Thanks for revealing your hand so early (Note:- This choice will appear gray if you’re on Kate path) (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)


This year will be different. Mark my words. (You get this dialogue only when you are on Kate’s route and you choose the choice ‘Isabelle is dangerous’)

Kate doesn’t appreciate your taunts, so she shoves the sock back in your mouth and leaves for good. After some time, Isabelle comes across you and unties you. Worried that you were being bullied, she asks if Kate was the one behind all this.

Nod (Gain Kate’s Socks in your Inventory) (General Love point +1) (Quest Complete)

Spite out Kate’s socks (Quest Complete)

Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry for stepping out of line (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

You’re going to regret this (Quest Complete)

Let it happen

The outcome will be the same as before, except they will now tie you up even more tightly. Here, Casey will ask whether you have maggot DNA in you.

No, ma’am… (Kate Lust point +1)

No, you psychotic bitch (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)

Keep your mouth shut

Roll over (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put (General Love point +1)

Surrender (Kate Lust point +1)

Roll over  (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put (General Love point +1)

Kate and her friends return to their practice after dealing with you. After a while, when they finish up with their practice, Kate reveals that they’re going to leave you in the gym overnight. As the girls retire for the day, Kate speaks with you alone about how she has already informed Jo that you will be staying over at her place and how shocked but pleased she sounded.

She then puts her phone number into your phone and instructs you to call her only in the most urgent of situations. If you understand, she tells you to nod.

Nod (Kate Lust point +1)

Shake head (Kate Lust point -1)

As Kate departs, you are left in the gym by yourself, bound up, with nothing to do but fall asleep to pass the agonizing time. Late at night, as you wake up, you hear the sound of a door being pushed open and, before you can do anything, you hear a familiar voice. Mrs. L appeared to be chatting with someone; who that is, you don’t know yourself. And the content of their brief exchange contained strange topics such as Mrs. Bloomer, Spiders and Castles.

After eavesdropping on Mrs.L’s strange conversation, fatigue overcomes you as you black out into deep slumber. The moment you open your eyes the following morning, Kate greets you. Surprisingly, she releases you after only a little pleading. But that happiness doesn’t last for long as with a cheeky smile, Kate informs you that there is still plenty of time before graduation and that she is looking forward to playing with her pet.

Note:- You can get the ending where Kate does not punish you by shoving her socks in your mouth only if you don’t disrespect Casey. So in this case, after only a little bit of pleading with she lets you walk free and the quest ends.


If you disrespect Casey, then you would have to go through all types of humiliation and insults. The following is if you do receive the punishment from Kate.

Kate approaches you the next morning and asks you how it feels to have her sock in your mouth the whole night.


Thank you, ma’am… (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

Thanks for revealing your hand so early (Note:- This choice will appear grayed out if you’re on Kate’s path) (Phone Gallery:- Kate’s Punishment) (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)

Kate doesn’t appreciate your taunts, so she shoves the sock back in your mouth and leaves for good. After some time, Isabelle comes across you and unties you. Worried that you were being bullied, she asks if Kate was the one who did this to you.

Nod (Gain Kate’s Socks in your Inventory) (General Love point +1) (Quest Complete)

Spite out Kate’s socks (Quest Complete)

Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry for stepping out of line (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

You’re going to regret this (Quest Complete)


You dash out of the Gym in the hopes of escaping Kate’s punishment, but you know you won’t be able to outrun a group of athletic cheerleaders for long.


Blend in the background

Kate finds you instantly, it’s as if you weren’t even hidden…She then threatens you to come with her.

I’ll come willingly…

You better call your cronies, because I’m not going anywhere.

In the air duct (Requires 5 Strength points to choose this option) (Requires having completed ‘Oxygen for Oxymoron’ Quest) (Quest Complete) (Achievement Unlocked: Call Me, Beep Me)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 5th way to end it.

Note:- To obtain the Achievement – Call Me, Beep Me; you need to not only hide from Kate in the air duct during this quest but also hide from the guard in the air duct during the quest ‘The Glowing Spider Eggs’.

Keep running

As you run from the Gym you encounter Isabelle in the corridors. Looking at you she notices right away that something’s wrong and just as you’re about to say it to her, Kate arrives and demands you to leave with her to the Gym.

I think I’m going to stay here with Isabelle. (Isabelle Lust Point +1) (Quest Complete) (If your on Kate’s path then this choice will appear gray)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 6th way to end it.

I just wanted to get Isabelle’s thoughts on the school’s gym equipment (If you are on Isabelle’s path then this choice will appear gray)

Make your escape while they argue (Quest Complete)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 7th way to end it.

Stay and help Kate

She got you good

I’ll come willingly…

You better call your cronies, because I’m not going anywhere.

Run (Free roam access to run away from Kate)

If you run off to the Ground Floor, you will complete the quest. (Quest Complete)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 8th way to end it.

If you run off to the English Classroom, Kate appears to have ceased pursuing you. When you think things have settled down, you try to leave the room, only to be startled when Kate walks in.

Survival of the Fittest

Taming of the Shrew (Requires 6 Intellect points to choose this option) (Quest Complete)

Note:- If you choose this option, you complete the quest prematurely. There are 9 unique ways to end this quest. This is the 9th way to end it.

If you run out of energy while trying to find a place to hide, then Kate will find you and you will be dragged to the Gymnasium with her goons.

I’m sorry, ma’am…can I watch? (Kate Lust point +1)

The outcome will be the same as before, except they will now tie you up even more tightly. Here, Casey will ask whether you have maggot DNA in you.

No, ma’am… (Kate Lust point +1)

No, you psychotic bitch (Kate Lust point -2) (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)

Kate decides to jam her sock up your mouth as a punishment for speaking up so rudely to her.

Keep your mouth shut

Roll over (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put (General Love point +1)

Surrender (Kate Lust point +1)

Roll over (General Lust point +1) (Kate Lust point +1)

Stay put (General Love point +1)

Kate and her friends return to their practice after dealing with you. After a while, when they finish up with their practice, Kate reveals that they’re going to leave you in the gym overnight. As the girls retire for the day, Kate speaks with you alone about how she has already informed Jo that you will be staying over at her place and how shocked but pleased she sounded.

She then puts her phone number into your phone and instructs you to call her only in the most urgent of situations. If you understand, she tells you to nod.

Nod (Kate Lust point +1)

Shake head (Kate Lust point -1)

Note:- If you don’t disrespect Casey then that will result in Kate not serving her punishment to you (shoving her socks up your mouth). So after only a little bit of pleading with her the next morning, she lets you walk free and the quest ends.


If you disrespect Casey, then you would have to go through all types of humiliation and insults. The following is if you do receive the punishment from Kate.

Kate approaches you the next morning and asks you how it feels to have her sock in your mouth the whole night.


Thank you, ma’am… (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

Thanks for revealing your hand so early (Note:- If your on Kate’s path then the choice will appear grayed out) (Choose for obtaining Kate’s Socks)

Kate doesn’t appreciate your taunts, so she shoves the sock back in your mouth and leaves for good. After some time, Isabelle comes across you and unties you. Worried that you were being bullied, she asks if Kate was the one who did this to you.

Nod (Gain Kate’s Socks in your Inventory) (General Love point +1) (Quest Complete)

Spite out Kate’s socks (Quest Complete)

Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry for stepping out of line (Kate Lust point +1) (Quest Complete)

You’re going to regret this (Quest Complete)

Note:- You’ll get a message prompt saying that the quest is now complete.

Where to find the items necessary for this quest

Kate’s Socks:- The following steps apply for all the branches of the quest for acquiring Kate’s Socks: First, disrespect Casey or Stacy (depending on your quest path) and then taunt Kate when she comes to talk to you in the morning while removing she’s removing the socks from your mouth, this will anger Kate and she will stuff the socks in your mouth again. Afterwards, while talking with Isabelle, don’t spit out Kate’s socks and you will be able to obtain Kate’s socks in your inventory.

V.15 – Gathering Storm – Another Chance Walkthrough

As you walk inside the gym, you see Isabelle looking a little rattled up by the whole locker theft incident. You walk up to her to ask whether she’s okay or not, only for her to snap back at you. Realizing her rude behavior towards you, she apologizes in a self-lamenting tone. Here, you promise Isabelle to get to the bottom of this whole ordeal to which Isabelle asks whether you have a plan for it.

Nothing besides questioning as many people as possible

Leave this in the hands of Sherlock! (Requires 6 Charisma points to choose this option) (Isabelle Love point +1)

I might have an idea… (Requires 6 Intellect points to choose this option)

Note:- If you choose the 3rd option, “I might have an idea…”, then you cannot interrogate the people about Isabelle’s locker. To interrogate the people around, choose either the 1st or the 2nd choice.

After you enter free-roam you can ask multiple people about the locker such as Lindsey, Kate, Flora, Mrs. L and Jo. All the interrogates except with Jo are non-interactable. When you ask Jo about the locker incident, she is just as perplexed by it as anybody else would be. During the conversation, she asks you to help her clean the basement of the house.

Can’t Flora do it? (Jo Love point -1)

Sure thing, I’ll take care of it. (Jo Love point +1)

Upon entering the clubroom to speak with Maxine, the suspect who is most likely behind the locker theft, you are once more met by her bizarre antics. Here, Maxine will ask about how you know about her plans.

Nobody. What plans are you talking about?

Spinach (Maxine Love point -1)

The Inconspicuous Group

Maxine is reluctant to tell you about the locker incident for free, to gain something you’d have to lose something.

All information has a price. I’m willing to pay. (Requires $50 to choose this option) (Lose $50)

Note:- If you are in the older version of the game, the requirement to choose the above option will be 1 Sugar Cube instead of $50.

I’m also part of the Inconspicuous Group. (Requires 8 Intellect points to choose this option)

Maybe. I’ll be right back… (Free-Roam Access. You can use this chance to collect cash to choose the $50 dollar option. Or if you’re in the older version of the game then you can try to find a Sugar Cube.)

Maxine being Maxine, tells you that the locker is out of your reach and that it’s been repurposed as a gateway to the underworld.

With what vague information you could get from Maxine, you try to find Isabelle and inform her about the situation. Feeling angered by the fact that now she has to also deal with Maxine along with Kate and Lindsey leaves her feeling awful. After thinking hard on how to get back at Maxine for what she did, Isabelle comes with the idea of stealing her cat from her. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, a punishment befitting for a thief is what Isabelle believes as the law of the world.

Now that you’ve decided on the ‘What’ part to do to get back at Maxine, you’re now only left with the ‘How’ part of the problem. Here, you come up with the ingenious idea of luring the cat by exploiting her heightened sense of smell against her.

Give me your panties. (Requires 10 Lust points on Isabelle to choose this option) (Gain Isabelle’s panties)

I need an article of your clothing. (Gain Isabelle’s Glasses)

After acquiring Isabelle’s clothing, you visit the Clubroom where you try to come up with ways to distract Maxine so you can lure Spinach.

What do you think about the new art teacher? (Requires having completed “Punked” quest to choose this option)

Do you ever work out? (Requires having completed “Missing Tapes” quest to choose this option)

Have you been outside lately? (Requires having completed “Search and Rescue” quest with the Love path [Letting nurse go after finding her in the bush] to choose this option)

I’ll be back. (Free-Roam Access. You can use this chance to complete any of the above 3 quests if you want to progress further in Gathering Storm.)

Whichever option you choose, she will exit the clubroom leaving you and Spinach all alone. Here you can ‘Give’ Spinach the article of clothing you got from Isabelle and she will try to follow the trail she got from the clothing after smelling it.

Now, to lure Spinach outside the school, you have to play a Mini-game. Try not to get caught by Maxine with Spinach in the same room, if so, then she will take Spinach back with her to the clubroom.

Follow the guide for completing this Mini-game:-

After Maxine leaves the clubroom, interact with Spinach and give her Isabelle’s clothing, Spinach will then leave for the Homeroom. (Don’t interact with Spinach in Homeroom if your energy is between 34-66, instead, use up your energy by interacting with random things until your energy is within the threshold of 67-100 or 0-33).

Now depending on the amount of energy you have, if you leave Homeroom, you might or might not get caught by Maxine. After interacting with Spinach in the Entrance Hall, she’ll leave for the Admin Wing. (Don’t interact/follow Spinach into the Admin Wing if your energy is between 67-100, use up your energy by interacting with random things until your energy is within the threshold of 0-33 or 34-66).

After interacting with Spinach in the Admin Wing, she will again go to the Entrance Hall. (Be sure that your energy here is not between 34-66).

If you quest Spinach in the Entrance Hall she will then go upstairs to the first floor. (Here your energy should not be between 0-33).

Now, Spinach will go back downstairs to the Entrance Hall where if you were to interact with her, then she finally runs out of the school. (Energy should not be between 34-66 during this time).

Following the scent, Spinach hurries outside the school where you discover that Spinach is already in Isabelle’s custody. After a little discussion, you agree to let Spinach stay at your house until the trade between Spinach and her locker can actually happen. Here, Isabelle also asks for her clothing back from you.

After you’re done with kidnapping Spinach, you and Isabelle head back to your room.

Note:- If in “Dead Girl’s Score” you didn’t clean your room, you’ll lose 1 Love point from Isabelle. (Isabelle Love point -1)

After thinking up various crazy ways to negotiate with Maxine, you just decide to mail her from a brand new email account. While coming up with the name of the email account, you snicker with yourself for your genius mind.

BeachBodSunKing01 (Strength +1)

NietzschesBitches666 (Intellect +1)

AtomicSexBomb1945 (Charisma +1)

You can choose to write the email yourself or let Isabelle write it.

I’ll compose it. (Isabelle Lust point +1)

I think you should write it. (Isabelle Love point +1)

After you send the email, fast-forward the time by waiting for one hour. At that time, you get a reply back from Maxine where she straight out refuses to cooperate. Enraged by this blatant provocation and bullying, she decides to send Maxine her not so beloved cat’s bloody head.

That’s enough, Isabelle. (Isabelle Love point +3) *Isabelle’s Sex  scene* (Phone Gallery:- Isabelle’s Judgment) (Quest Complete)

Cum Inside

Pull out

You’re right – negotiations are over. It’s time for justice. (Isabelle Lust point +3) (Quest Complete)

You’ll get a message prompt saying that the quest is now complete.

Where to find the items necessary for this quest

Isabelle’s Panties:- You get it from her for luring Spinach out of the clubroom. Sadly, you have to give it back to Isabelle again, you can’t keep it in your inventory.

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