Arle the Sorceress` I'm Smarter Than This! Why Is This Happening!

Arle the Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Arle the Sorceress Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Arle the Sorceress : I’m Smarter Than This! Why Is This Happening! Walkthrough & Guide

talk to item stop master, 2nd choice and 1st choice, then go room in shop can sell underwear, then each day talk to him can sell underwear again (need sell few times for flag in hscene room > talk to aged in north room, then 2F SE get item to aged > 2F, talk to aged in NW > next day go classroom talk to teacher then port to tower > click switch up to 2F help classmate, in fight if wait few round has hscene, in hscene 2nd choice > go up VS boss then open box > in forest help princess > near forest entrance vs dragaon

back to classroom report > back to room sleep then go classroom again > 2F headmaster room > NW float door room float door.jpg talk to student has hscene and get skill > north magic circle to teleport room talk to teacher then port to maze forest > get advice from dark elf then kill dark enemy in forest for open road > click 2 sword, near campfire 2nd choice has hscene, if click campfire again has another hscene > kill all enemy in big magic cricle area then click stone inside (slime wait few round has hscene, in hscene 2nd choice ) > deep vs boss help dark elf

2F headmaster room > NW room float door.jpg get hscene and skill again > back to room sleep > teleport room talk to teacher, port to castle, then talk to princess > NW room sleep > teleport room talk to princess then port to Empire > in Empire castle go 1F NE room

Hscene and event (only 1 event in school and other in Empire [帝国])

  • sleep in Empire castle 4 times can go bad ending, after ending 1st choice can continuous
  • inn click notice then go NE house house.jpg > move out has message then back to house talk to maid in SW kitchen > back to house 2F talk to master > item shop buy item : [異常防止] (1.5k) > back to house 1F fireplace or 2F NE room get key > NW room, before open box use item [異常防止], then open box vs enemy (GoR)
  • inn east side has fight, then sleep in inn has hscene
  • east area pub, if dress magic clothes to pub has event, this event can try any times, if lose has hscene
  • with princess back to school classroom talk to teacher, then port to beach get bikini and hscene
  • with princess to east area pub, dress maid clothes talk to master can work in pub (2nd choice), in event 2nd choice has hscene
  • with princess, go east area man catching girl has event, if 1st choice can work in brothel, each heroine need prostitution few times for flag in hscene room

back to castle talk to princess, 3rd choice > item shop wait doctor in corner > potect doctor from monster then go castle VS prince > jail see prince corpse > back to room potect princess but she caught my enemy > 2F talk to king, then go north room open silver box > use 3F teleport room port back to magic school [魔法学園] > 2F NW room float door.jpg get hscene and skill > teloport room talk to teacher, then port to enemy castle > in enemy castle, if vs worm enemy hscene3.jpg wait few round has hscene, in hscene 2nd choice > deep find princess but enemy use her as hostage, then heroine caught to jail > catch by enemy 4th times (4th hscene 1st choice) then catch by orc 1 more time (1st or 3rd choice) > back to castle, NE to king room VS boss

port to Empire [帝国], east area NE camp has hscene > back to holy kingdom [聖法国], talk to angel will port to evil king seal ruins > deep vs evil king (must lose) > back to school vs ogre > deep VS ogre leader > 2F NW talk to student > go underground VS dragon, then 2nd choice for hscene and skill > to 2F teleport room to evil king castle > move out go enemy castle [魔窟], magic circle near entrance has boss > maze forest [迷い森], big maze circle has boss maze forest deep.jpg > tower [試練の塔], boss room new stair has boss tower deep.jpg > back to school 2F talk to student in NW for hscene and skill > port to evil king castle [魔王城] > if fight to minotaur enemy hscene4.jpg , wait few round has hscene, in hscene 2nd choice > VS evil king (GoR, not lose in event)

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