Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Intro – Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

If its your first playthrough make sure and watch the prologue to get a background for the story and where it begins and a nice lewd scene that sets the basis for your heroes return. You will not miss out on any advantages or character building points by skipping it however.

Tip When you start playing and gaining resources, Make sure to wait on giving them out right away until you are able to best determine the route and path you wish to take to gain the full benefits of those resources.

There are four traits/paths that you will build depending on your choices and actions throughout the game. Also a minor Trait Loyalty.

Piety – The quality of being religious or reverent.

Knightly – How chivalrous you are and true to your knighthood.

Lewdness – Self Explanatory

Ambition – Desire to do or to achieve something of grandeur

Loyalty – Your commitment to the Countess

I will separate sections out on paths if there are more than one choice if it is a one Off I will have the traits in BOLD so you can choose based on your path. You do not have to pick the same path unless you want to. I suggest playing paths after you have played and chosen how you want to and then see what happens if you stay on a true path.

Notes depending on your playthrough pick the option that best represents your character. If you want to do Piety for example the icon will tell you which option to choose. This will not necessarily change the story, but you may miss out on some events and X out certain romances for the chapter. I will point out these choices.

I will also detail the Romances in a section below each chapter’s main story and how to complete them. Also, so I do not have to say so every time below in the guide. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO ANAL YOU WILL GET LEWDNESS POINTS.

There is no game over in this game and your decisions although may affect different outcomes, romances, and love. It will not force you to play any one way.

After the Guide there is a Romance section that is mostly updated to 15, and also the items you can give as gifts (let me know if I missed any), and the trades in Hartlepool and what they are used for or not used for atm.

Prologue – Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

-You start out at the castle and at first all you need to do is go upstairs and talk to Countess Irena. You may click on the crowd if you want, but this will not result in anything. So just go upstairs and begin your meeting.

– you can ether choose with all due respect or I will oblige. First choice does not give you any points so feel free to chose how you wish or what you feel, as it is of no consequence. With all due respect does give you a bit more insight and history on her claim for the Duchy though.

– Ill proudly Oblige or I have my doubts – Ill proudly Oblige gives plus 5 with Irena and ends the dinner. If you go with, I have my doubts Irena will assure you they will be cleared, but you will not gain plus 5 with her and you will lose Loyalty.

– You are put back in the main hall where you started with new people in the area. Make sure to talk to all of them as not only do you have relationship building, but you also get insights from Tobias on each of the regions, learn to negotiate from Tobias, build on your relationship with Maffrids and a romance option Lilianna in their daughter, you can also build your relationship with Pierre who is in charge of the guard, and lastly you get 5 points with Avani of the Kandashar delegation

– Conversation with Pierre (He is an entitled prick, so I choose to piss him off and increase my loyalty with the Countess. You may choose to do what you feel is best)

– You get three choices I Prefer to choose I Only do the Countess Bidding to increase my loyalty to the Countess. You lose 10 points with Pierre. The first option where you tell him as first knight of the guard you already know nets you negative 5 with Pierre. Its none of your business will give you ambition plus 10, but negative 30 with Pierre and ends the conversation. He is a prick and I do not like him, so choose how you see fit. I feel the best is to gain loyalty with the

Countess as it nets you the loyalty and only negative 10.

– you only get this if you choose you already know or that you only do the countess bidding. I placate him on my second choice and tell him a half truth to get plus 5 with him.

– Tobias conversation – answer “Ill achieve it someway” to gain 5 points with Tobias and gain loyalty. If you choose that you have your doubts you will lose 5 points with Tobias and Loyalty with Leffren. Then learn how to negotiate and get the first items to negotiate with. To start click on your pouch and select him and do the same with the goods he gives you. Learn and gain notes about each of the regions as well.

– After you have talked with everyone exit. It will give you a note saying make sure to talk with everyone. If you have, simply exit and move on to the next scene with Mina the maid of the countess and a possible love interest.

– After a conversation you are invited to meet her latter for some Sarding. SAVE HERE so you can go through all the choices in the Night. simply progress to night after the conversation.

– After a cut Scene with the Duke you will have your first major choice and will give you a chance for earning Piety points, building a relationship with Lilianna, Mina, and Katerina. If you are wishing to play a path, then do as follows. The possible trait outcomes are for mainly Piety or Lewdness, however if you choose Mina (both the Lewd and Piety path gives you options) you have the option to gain Knightly points at the expense of Ambition.

Piety Path start– Choose that your soul needs healing.

– Note – You will still get a chance to go see Mina or Lilianna if you choose Piety so it’s really the best option as it’s a win in my opinion.

– your second choice comes right after with a knock on your door from Lilianna. You can choose to reject her and she will be Xed out and you lose 20 relationship points with her, for the rest of chapter one and two and you gain relationship points with Mina or you can choose her and build

relationship with her.

For Piety you want to choose Mina or go to bed as choosing Lil will automatically get you lewd points plus 10. Picking Mina will get you a total of plus 15 with her and no negatives to Piety.

Going to bed and not seeing Mina does not net you anymore Piety, so Mina is the best choice if you care about relationships in the game.

If you choose Mina after the sarding you are cuddling you can pick to gain and Start some Knightly points Option 3 Of course I love you gives you Knightly plus 20 but negative 20 Ambition as she is not noble. No relationship points are gained regardless of choice.

Lewd Path Or choose that you could use a good Sarding or you need to rest your soul as ether allows you to choose the fun times before your journey the lewder path.

– Note and optimal for the Lewd path If you choose Lil (10 points of lewdness)and still want to see Mina/Katerina let her get up to the point where you can release in her face for 5 relationship points with her, or hold it back and you can ether see Mina still or look for Katerina. If you

finish on Lil you gain an additional plus five with her as she likes it, but you will not get to visit Mina or Katerina.

– If you choose Katerina you gain 10 lewdness and start the Romance with her and gain 5 relationship points. (you can do this latter, so If you are a min/max player read my preference or if you want to be true to Piety follow above or for true Lewdness go with Mina).

– If you choose Mina you will get the womanizer trait and more lewdness plus 50, which could affect you in certain standings in the future. If you want to be a Womanizer and stay on the true Lewdness path, you Lewd person pick Lil and do not finish and then choose Mina you will get plus 50 lewdness.

the Lewdest points is Lil, hold back, then Mina. Also get you the womanizer trait. Plus 60

The second most lewd is Lil, hold back, then Katerina. Plus 20

the third is Lil, Finish. Plus 10

– My preference is to stay with Lil to maximize her points as you will not get to get to see her again, then patch your relationship up with Mina latter in Chapter 1. So I choose to gain 20 Piety on my first choice and then gain some lewdness and points with Lil and stay and cum on her for more relationship points (you need loyalty and she is noble and it pisses Pierre off to me a win).

– The Next morning after a parting conversation you receive your safe passage powers and a letter to deliver. You then set out with your faithful squire Sean and get one question that is up to you to decide and gives you points to ether loyalty, ambition, and piety.

– Choose depending on the path that is more correct to your journey. The first gives you 30 Piety, Baron 20 ambition, Count gives you plus 50 ambition, and Duke 100 ambition and some loyalty.

This ends the Prologue

Chapter 1 Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

Your initial goal is to raise the affinity with the Mayor of Penketh and get the best deal for your Countess. To do this the guide will get you to plus 4, which is the max you can get at this time.

– Travel to Penketh and you will encounter a cutscene with a gypsy camp being a attacked by bandits.

Gypsy Encampment

– Your first and only battle in chapter one or two thus far will occur. Simply strike with W, A, D and block with space bar, if you are losing Sean will come and save you. If you are going

for Piety you want to win as then you can spare him for 20 points. Win the battle and you will get a choice and 20 knightly points.

Path Point options

During your Tarot Reading which you truly want you have the option to earn a lot points toward your desired path. If you are playing Piety and spared the bandit you can earn in this alone up to 220 points. Not much in the way of Lewdness but 110 is not bad. Ether way choose for your playthrough.

– You can spare the last bandit for Piety plus 20 or kill him. Note if you let him go you will see him help someone latter try and kill you.

– You then get to speak the Gypsy leader Minerva and make a choice that gives you lewdness plus 10 or Knightly plus 10

– Your second choice will decide if you want to stay and help Minerva or leave (you can return). Stay and Help the Minerva and gain 10 knightly points and 5 points with Minerva. If you choose to leave you will incur negative 10 relationship points and gain loyalty to the Count. Your choice

If you chose to stay it will be night. Click on Minerva’s Van to start your Tarot reading. Your Third choice occurs at night with a tarot reading with Minerva (pending that you agreed to stay and help) choose appropriately for your playthrough. You can get ether 50 ambition or 50 Piety.

– Your Fourth choice will give you options for 50 Knightly or 50 ambition points. Choose accordingly for your playthrough.

– Your fifth choice will give you ether Piety, Knightly (also gives you loyalty with the countess), or Ambition points. 50 points toward your desired path. Choose accordingly.

– Your Sixth choice gives you options for Lewdness, Piety, Knightly. 100 points for your desired path. Choose accordingly.

– You can visit the campfire at night, but at this time they do not trust you and will not trust you fully for the current versions.


– The next morning travel to Penketh.

Important Upon entering Penketh go to the Townhall and upon entering talk to the Priest (Charles) and make sure to give him the letter as you will not have another opportunity to do so and thus will not gain one point of affinity with the Mayor.

– Upon talking to Charles select the option that states you have a letter for him. This will award you 1 affinity which is crucial if you are trying to get the maximum.

– Go in your inventory and select the letter for Father Charles that was given to you by Countess Irena.

– He will leave to talk to the Mayor and then lets you know the Mayor will see you. You may ask him what the letter was about by talking to him again, but he does not say much.

– After a cut scene he will ask for you powers, and you get three options I choose the second but it does not matter which one you choose. Give him your powers and Speak with him

again and you will gain another point of affinity with him. In order to open free roam, you must accept the first deal (number five) so speak to him again. Do not worry as this is not final and simply unlocks the ability to free roam and gains you 10 relationship points with the Mayor.

– After your business is concluded for now with the Mayor it is nightfall and you can head to the Inn and collect your squire and meet Robyn and Dexter.

– After conversing with Robyn you get a choice as you met her earlier in the Mayors office. You can select to gain 20 points toward Piety or lewdness at the expense of 5 points with Robyn for the Piety option or negative 10 for the Lewd. or gain 5 points with Robyn by Ignoring the fact.

– You then get a choice to ether go and meet an adventuring party, staying and conversing with Robyn or minding your own business. I choose to stay and spend time with Robyn which gains you an additional 10 points with her for a total of 15 if you ignored the fact earlier. Ether way is fine as if you choose the adventuring party first the next time you stay and chat with Robyn you will gain the points. So its your call on the order.

– You then wake up and its morning.

– Go to the market check the cloth area first to see a cutscene and open further dialogue with the provision master Hall. Note: if you do not see the cutscene of by checking out the cloth merchant you will not get some funny dialogue with Hall after a rock clunks him in the head.

– you can have a brief conversation with the Meat merchant and ask of a couple rumors. He will be more important latter in Chapter 2 depending on which way you handle the cove.

– Go back to the Inn and this time chat with the adventurers after a good amount of conversation they reveal a quest they are on for the lady killer (Not as in a Murderer ether lol). You get one choice with the Alana to Sard or not to Sard that is the question. Your choice but saying no kills any chance of romance with her for now. Sarding with her gives you 10 lewdness and 10 relationship. For Piety choose to return to your quarters and you will gain 20 Piety but lose 10 relationship points with Alana.

– While Sarding if you chose to do so, if you decide Anal you will get a further 10 lewdness. After you finish you get 5 more relationship points with Alana. You will wake up behind the inn in the morning.

– Then go and collect the food provisions from the deal you accepted and then head back and speak to the countess. (there is more to do at the market, but I will include that at the end in the relationship area).


– When you arrive in the upper chambers watch the cutscene and speak to the countess.

Important do not tell her it went well, be honest and say it went poorly to gain further points with her. She will also tell you the most important thing would be Food or Coin. Food is gained by 3 affinity and 4 affinity gets you coin and plus five relationship with the Countess.

After a cutscene you are free to explore I will provide information on the main quest and then how you can focus on your relationships/Romance after the main part but

before the final important choice. IE do not return to tell the countess after gaining four affinity and instead do the Relationship side quests before returning to her.

– It will be nightfall so go and sleep in your chambers at the castle go to the lower chamber and then to the chambers. You can click on the bedside to remember if you wish to see previous deeds done in your chamber.

Akros Manor Your Home

– At this point I choose to return home to see your mother, sister, and servants (you do not have to do it this way, but it’s what I do). Go to the map and click on Akros manor.

– You will see a cutscene and be able to chat with your mother and sister

– You will get a choice in the conversation with your mother. There are four options that will give you points as follows. Option 1 honoring your position to the countess… will gain you loyalty but you lose 10 relationship points with your mother, Option 2 will earn you 20 points of Ambition and 10 relationship points with your mother, but you loose loyalty to the countess, option 3 Maybe this will… gives you 50 ambition and 10 relationship points with your mother at the expense of loyalty, option four I don’t know what may bring… looses you 10 Ambition and five points with your mother. Choose accordingly.

Important: You will then get a quest that you can pursue for giving the wood to build a family castle or you can decide against this, Wait, Give it to Hall or have it turned into paper. If you are planning on an aggressive approach in the negotiations with the Mayor and want 4 affinity you need to make sure to give the wood to Hall to help with the Paper issue in the Market. Also if you want the optimal outcome you need to keep the wood and turn it into paper In Leffren and then use it to get the Good Meat for the Cove. By doing this option you will also get the benefit of getting more arrows latter from the cove and be able to use the extra arrows to get lumber and give it to your mother latter on. This is my optimal choice for the diplomatic approach. CHOOSE WISELY. THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO AT ANYTIME SO DO NOT RUSH IT.

– She also gives you a picture of your sister and a quest to find a proper suitor for you sister.

– You then meet the two Servants Jezebel and Hannah. For now Jezebel is the only possible one to have a scene latter with. I will detail that in the romance walkthrough.

– Go to sleep and the next morning enter the house and then exit to speak with your sister about finding her a suitor.

– Do not ask for coin as of yet that will come latter (see the romance section for chapter 1)

– Travel back to Penketh and start work on building more affinity or you can end him.

Note this can be done at any time during act 1 even and you do not have to wait until this point (If you’re playing from a previous save you can start this before the hartlepool events or if playing from the beginning you can do it whenever you visit your manor). When you visit home spend a couple nights and let Jez come and visit you. Your mother will catch you in the act of enjoyment for a rather funny cut scene.

After this speak with Jez during the day and while your mother is away checking on a ghost you can sard Jez or get a BJ.

While Sarding Jez you will see Hannah come to take a bath and get an option for Hannah to become a romance option or not.

Enter the manor in the evening and see Hannah sitting at the table. You will give her a shoulder massage for plus 5 with her. Give her another reading lesson in the evening the next night for plus 10. The third night you will give her another lesson and gain plus 15. Fourth night and Plus 20 and some more scene. You can revisit and get more points with her.

When you return to Akros Manor you will be prompted to look for you sister. This opens the cellar where you see Daisy and Hannah engage in an interesting scene. You get a choice after your mother calls Daisy away. You can allow Daisy to explore for -10 Piety, or stop it for plus 20 Piety. Ether way leads to a fun scene with Hannah and Patrick.


– Go back to the Townhall

Important decision awaits here

You can ether make friends with the Mayor, kill him and appoint Hall to his position, or be aggressive but not kill him. I have chosen both to get 4 affinity but prefer to make him a friend for some beneficial and lewd scenes with Robyn that will follow. In this walkthrough I will go through the Friendship route, but feel free to save and play both if you prefer.

Aggressive approach with the Mayor

– If you choose that the aggressive approach you will gain 100 Knightly points and loose 100 relationship points with the Mayor

– You then are pressed with yet another important decision you can Kill him or choose Piety and let him live. Your will gain 200 Piety points and lose 50 Ambition.

Mayor Lives

– If you were aggressive but let him live after the scene when you return to his quarters you will be accompanied by armed guards. Do not accept any deal and instead visit the Market and speak with Hall to obtain the Gypsy quest for the love potion.

– Enter the van as it will be nightfall and speak with Minerva

– You can have general chit chat with her or ask about resources you have obtained as well. To get what the Mayor asked select option one and say you need a potion (you can also ask about what else she does if you like).

– She will then tell you after getting the ingredients that she needs the seed of a stud and well your up … . You can choose to do this willingly for 20 lewdness and negative 20 Piety or refrain for 20 Piety and negative 20 Lewdness. Either way she gets your seed.

– Return to the Penketh

– After a cutscene you will see Minerva offer to escort her around the market as well as back to the gypsy camp. This will gain you relationship points with Minerva as well as the

gypsies. You will also receive 20 points for being Knightly for escorting them back to camp and more relationship points with Minerva.

– After a cutscene where assassins from the Duke try to kill you. You will arrive back at the gypsy camp and can complete the Gypsy missions for now. Note if you spared the bandit earlier you will see him again. If not, the scene still happens.

– After the cut scene you arrive back at the Gypsy camp

Note this is now going to deviate from the main story, but since you are at the Gypsy camp you may as well finish this part and complete Minerva and the gypsies so you do not have to go back latter to do so.

– After the cut scene enter the tent and speak with Minerva

– Choose “make a request”, I want something from you, and Since I’ve seen those. You will not gain or lose any path points for doing this.

– wait until evening and do the same again (The boob job not the hand job)

– The next morning go to Minerva’s coach and talk to the gypsy you saw in the window during round two of the boob job. Enjoy your sarding if you want to get 10 lewdness with the Gypsy girl in front of the Van in the day. Sleep then head back to Penketh in the Morning. This ends the Gypsy section for now. You gain Points with Minerva and a new Romance the Gypsies.

– Back in Penketh

– Return to the market and speak with Hall and give him the Love potion and gain another point of affinity

– Speak with the Mayor and accept the 3 affinity deal as that is your only option.

You killed the Mayor

– If you kill him you lose 50 Piety, Gain 100 ambition and some Loyalty with the Countess.

– There will be a cutscene with Sean and you will end up at the Tavern with Robyn

– You can ether earn 50 Piety by going to bed or Advance on her and have some fun and you will gain some further points in the relationship. You will also have a chance for some Lewdness plus 10 if you choose to do anal. After the fun with Robyn however she will be very upset with what you did to the Mayor and you will lose 30 relationship points with her.

– The next morning in the market you will be confronted by the Priest and told of the murder of the Mayor. You have two choices you can lie and lose 30 Piety and negative 15 relationship points with the Priest or accept and be honest that you killed him for 30 Knightly points and negative five points with the Priest.

– You will appoint Hall to the position and automatically gain up to 3 affinity.

– Speak with Hall again to receive the Gypsy quest for the love potion.

– Enter the van as it will be nightfall and speak with Minerva

– You can have general chit chat with her or ask about resources you have obtained as well. To get what the Mayor/Hall asked select option one and say you need a potion (you can also ask about what else she does if you like).

– She will then tell you after getting the ingredients that she needs the seed of a stud and well your up … . You can choose to do this willingly for 20 lewdness and negative 20 Piety or refrain for 20 Piety and negative 20 Lewdness. Either way she gets your seed.

– Return to the Penketh

– After a cutscene you will see Minerva offer to escort her around the market as well as back to the gypsy camp. This will gain you relationship points with Minerva as well as the gypsies. You will also receive 20 points for being Knightly for escorting them back to camp and more relationship points with Minerva.

– After a cutscene where assassins from the Duke try to kill you. You will arrive back at the gypsy camp and can complete the Gypsy missions for now. Note if you spared the bandit earlier you will see him again. If not, the scene still happens.

– After the cut scene you arrive back at the Gypsy camp

Note this is now going to deviate from the main story, but since you are at the Gypsy camp you may as well finish this part and complete Minerva and the gypsies so you do not have to go back latter to do so.

– After the cut scene enter the tent and speak with Minerva

– Choose “make a request”, I want something from you, and Since I’ve seen those. You will not gain or lose any path points for doing this.

– wait until evening and do the same again (The boob job not the hand job)

– The next morning go to Minerva’s coach and talk to the gypsy you saw in the window during round two of the boob job. Enjoy your sarding if you want to get 10 lewdness with the Gypsy girl in front of the Van in the day. Sleep then head back to Penketh in the Morning. This ends the Gypsy section for now. You gain Points with Minerva and a new Romance the Gypsies.

– Back in Penketh

– Return to the market and speak with Hall and give him the Love potion You will still need to help in controlling the paper crisis in the Market.


– Head back to Leffrin and you will see a cutscene and the Countess is mad that you killed Baralis and you will loose 10 relationship points with her as well as Tobias even though he defends your decision.

– After the cutscene go to bed and you will get a cutscene with your Late wife Anna and then a new romance scene with Katerina or the second time if you choose to see her already in the Prologue.

– Speak with Tobias in the morning and choose to manage resources and select Lefrin’s wood and then ask him to turn it into paper for Hall. (If you already gave the Wood to your Mother you will not be able to do this as previously noted). Choose how you wish but without the wood you are only able to get up to 3 affinity, giving Hall the paper will bump you to 4 and give the optimal outcome for the Countess.

– If you made the choice to turn the wood into paper head back to Penketh.


– Speak with Hall and give him the paper to get the 4th point of affinity. Keep in mind giving Hall the paper instead of using the wood for you family will give you negative 10 with your mother.

– You will get two choices of 4 affinity – one is food and coin the other is men and coin. Choose how you wish as the countess will tell you that you then need to secure the other from latter meetings.

– After the meeting it is night and you can then go and see Robyn and have some fun with her. If you chose to not do it right after killing the Mayor she is accepting, and you will gain points instead of losing a ton.

– Return to Leffrin and give the Countess the good news. If you achieved 4 affinity you will gain plus 5 with the Countess and she will no longer be mad at you.

Before speaking with the Countess, I prefer to tie up any lose ends and romances so make sure to go to the romance guide to complete the remaining romances. Robyn will be completed for the most part and you can talk to her and enjoy her company, but you will not get the friendly scenes in your room from her that is part of the Mayors affinity 4 quest.

Making Friends with the Mayor


– Speak to the Mayor again and you can get some info on Penketh. Then ask if he needs any help which will begin the gypsy quest. IMPORTANT if you want 4 affinity you need to get his friendship higher so choose the lewd option as this will net you 5 friendship and allow you to speak with him latter in the tavern. If you do not max affinity will be 3 and you will be forced to accept the food deal before you can speak to him in the tavern.

Gypsy Camp

– After the conversation leave and head back to the Gypsy camp

– Enter the van as it will be nightfall and speak with Minerva

– You can haver general chit chat with her or ask about resources you have obtained as well. To get what the Mayor asked select option one and say you need a potion (you can also ask about what else she does if you like).

– She will then tell you after getting the ingredients that she needs the seed of a stud and well your up … . You can choose to do this willingly for 20 lewdness and negative 20 Piety or refrain for 20 Piety and negative 20 Lewdness. Ether way she gets your seed.


– Return to the mayor depending and give him the elixir of love and again choose the lewd response for additional friendship gain 1 affinity.

– Leave his office and go to the market

– After a cutscene you will see Minerva offer to escort her around the market as well as back to the gypsy camp. This will gain you relationship points with Minerva as well as the gypsies. You will also receive 20 points for being Knightly for escorting them back to camp.

– After a cutscene where assassins from the Duke try to kill you. You will arrive back at the gypsy camp and can complete the Gypsy missions for now. Note if you spared the bandit earlier you will see him again. If not, the scene still happens.

– After the cut scene you arrive back at the Gypsy camp

Gypsy Camp

– Note this is now going to deviate from the main story, but since you are at the Gypsy camp you may as well finish this part and complete Minerva and the gypsies so you do not have to go back latter to do so.

– After the cut scene enter the tent and speak with Minerva

– Choose “make a request”, I want something from you, and Since I’ve seen those.

– wait until evening and do the same again (The boob job not the hand job)

– The next morning go to Minerva’s coach and talk to the gypsy you saw in the window during round two of the boob job. Enjoy your sarding if you want to get some lewdness. Sleep then head back to Penketh in the Morning. This ends the Gypsy section for now. You gain Points with Minerva and a new Romance the Gypsies.


Back in Penketh wait until evening and head to the Tavern and speak to the Mayor in the right corner. If you followed this guide to a T you should be able to speak with him if not, then it will say you should become better friends first. This means you have to accept the 3-affinity deal as the only way to get to 4 as showing the Mayor you are a man of general lewdness in the previous conversations with the Gypsy quest.

– Select option 2 and ask him about his relationship with the Patroness Robyn. This will also open Robyn as a Romance option.

To get to 4 affinity you need to sard Robyn the other option gives you piety but disappoints the Mayor. Sarding Robyn will give you 30 lewdness so if you want to play piety take the 3 affinity offer and move on.

Since I’m going off getting 4 affinity this walkthrough will reflect that. Note this does not limit your playthrough you will just return to the countess with a fair deal rather than the optimal one. The only difference it makes in the end is points to lewdness or piety for you and plus 5 with the countess or nothing if you take the fair deal.

– After accepting to sard return to your room and go to sleep. Robyn will come to your room and you will complete the deal and gain the fourth point of affinity. For extra relationship points after sarding her in the rear, sard her boobs for extra relationship points with Robyn.

– The next Morning go to the Mayor and negotiate a deal and accept the 4 Affinity deal to provide all the levies he can muster.

Before you complete the final mission, I choose to do the Romance options available so you can ether end chapter one or continue to the Romance guide at this time for those available.

– This ends your mission with the Mayor and now you can return to the Countess and give her the good news and gain loyalty and plus 5 relationship with her. Wait two nights which will also give you a cut scene dream of your late wife Anna and a sarding scene with the Maid.

– After you give the queen the news sleep two nights and visit the upper chambers at night to start the final scene that will complete Chapter 1.


– Sleep two nights and click the upper chambers at night and you will start the dinner

During the Dinner you are faced with a Very Important choice.

If you are wanting to see the special scene with Mina you will need to protect her from Pierre as well as getting up to 500 lewdness.

– You can choose to stop Pierre this has very negative consequences, you will lose affinity with Leffrin, and relationship points with the Countess. The other choice you have is to let Pierre punish Mina and keep the peace. Make sure to choose how you want to play you ether lose resources/relationship, or lose the chance to see an additional scene with Mina and relationship points with her and may or may not affect if you want to pursue a relationship with her further.

Battle for Luvia V12


After the cutscene ending act 1 you can go to Kaelkirk or Hartlepool. You can do everything in Hartlepool first and then head to Kaelkirk as you will need to head there after anyway. Do not give the arrows to Vael until after you figure out your path in Hartlepool.


– For now, there is not a ton that you can do in Kaelkirk however since the Barron Vael here is very willing and helpful it’s nice to get this part out of the way and get some resources.

– Upon Traveling to Kaelkirk you will get a cutscene and some history on Kaelkirk, if you spoke to Tobias you can get some more information on this area as well.

– Upon speaking to with Vael, you will get three choices you can ask him to trust in you which will net you 5 positive with him but cost you loyalty with Irena, choose that we should trust countess Irena which he will tell you he trusts you and you will lose 5 relationship points with him but gain loyalty with Irena, or you can tell him that we need to trust Countess Barrone you will lose 5 relationship points with him (He does not trust women in charge so to speak) no loyalty is lost in this choice.

– Wait until evening and chat with Vael again

– You start with one affinity and upon speaking to Vael in the evening the second time you will get one more point just for chatting with him

– You also get three options of chatter with him

– You can ask about the relics he likes to collect (should be a huge hint as if you followed this guide you already purchased the Pagan item in Penkreth) if you give him this you will gain

another point of affinity with him. In Exchange he will give you pelts for it. And a further 10 relationship points with him.

– With your resources open you can also ask him about the oak and mulefat branches and he will tell you that a Fletcher in Hartlepool could turn those into arrows.

– You can ask him about his Daughter too, but he is very evasive and does not wish to talk about this again.

– Once you make arrows you can give the arrows to him to fortify the pass (NEVER ENDING SIEGE) or keep them to do something else. Should you choose to give him arrows it does not add any affinity but does update your path section for Fortifying the path. WAIT FOR THE TIME BEING UNTIL EVENTS IN HARTLEPOOL TRANSPIRE.

– This ends the activity available currently in Kaelkirk for now.

Chapter 2 – Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

TIPS RESOURCES ARE VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE UPCOMING DECISIONS IN THE CITY AND CHAPTER 2. Make sure to wait until you decide the path you wish to be on before giving out resources you may regret. SAVE BEFORE GOING TO FAR AS SOME DECISIONS AND SCENES WILL AND


– Upon entering Hartlepool you will see a cutscene with a robed woman and will be attacked

– You will then get to meet the Leader of Hartlepool and get your first choice of chapter 2

– you can choose to accept raising the levies in Hartlepool, which will give you a secondary option to ether taking the levies or letting that wait.

– If you agree to help and wait you gain plus 5 relationship points with Belinda.

– If you choose to push forward with the levies you gain nothing and lose nothing.

– Option two of we need your best more than you will gain you 10 ambition at the expense of

20 Piety and negative 5 relationship points with Belinda.

– Option three that we need to address your problems will get you 20 knightly points and 5 relationship points with Belinda.

– After a long cutscene with the Marshall you will learn about the problems and gain a quest “The Rat Problem” and run into the Mercenaries you met in Penkreth earlier. After the cutscene is over you can roam freely.

– It will be evening, and you can go to the Northern Docks and after a cutscene with the Port guard and Avani you will be able to speak with them.

– When speaking with Avani you will get two options.

– You get a plus 10 Lewd option “Ill Personally make sure” this gives you negative five with Avani and the second option the plus 10 Knightly one “You’re an Esteemed guest” will get you 5 points with Avani. This will start the quest the Blockade Laggard

– Sleep outside or in the fortress. playing you can now sleep in the Fortress

– In the morning speak with Belinda and Iva ask both about the Whitey and the canary trail, and deliver the letter you were given to Belinda.

– You get a quest to deliver a letter from Belinda to the cloth merchant Douglas in Penketh. You will gain 10 Knightly for delivering the letter. Upon returning the package to Belinda you will gain plus 5 with her. You can do this now or explore Hartlepool more.

– In the morning head to the South Docks and see a cutscene with the silk traders.

– After the cutscene speak with the silk trader and view anot her cutscene where you will meet Soon and Seiki.

Upon receiving the scroll of possible trades, you will get three choices that you can pursue if you like. Pelts for red Silk, Spices for Salt or Gold, or Powder for arrows and fifty Royal Pieces. Worth noting but wait for now.

– Visit the Porthouse and see a cutscene where again you will see Seiki and Soon. You will then be confronted by some peasants asking for work. You will be able to conclude that they could help you as you increase your lands and bring up a conversation you can have with Irena about rewarding you for your efforts. (Not in this version but latter)

– After the cutscene you will enter the Porthouse.

– Once inside you can ask around about the Canary Trail and Whitey, speak with the Barmaid and buy some new items for your collection, and speak with the Madam.

– Asking around will not yield much information other than to speak to Captain Tolvert.

– After awhile you will see two familiar ladies from the beginning of the game … . They will call you over.

– Meet Mouth and Ass lol

– After the introductions you get several choices of conversation with Mouth and Ass. You can ask them for more information on your investigation of the Canary trail and whitey to which they do not know much, The second choice about the canary trail gives a passing hint that if they were pirates they would hide in the Mountains. After that you can ask them about their nicknames to find out their real names Ass is Maeve and Mouth is Nesa. Last choice to have some fun will give you the option to have fun for 4 gold and 20 lewdness. Then Enjoy

– Sleep In the fortress

– Sleep in the fortress a couple nights and you will see a nice cutscene with Belinda and Iva. You can choose the lewd option to stay and watch more or gain piety plus 20 to your choice.

– During the scene you will notice a woman enter your room. Welcome Dolce and she has been sent to please you. You can choose to see her face or leave her veil on (this will give you 20 lewdness). You will then get a choice to see a lewd scene or dismiss her for piety (you get this choice only if you asked to see her face). (plus 20 and ends the scene). Plus 20 lewd and 10 to dolce or plus 20 piety and negative 10 with Dolce.

– If Lewd then you will get a choice to have her start sucking for a blowjob or to show her butt for anal sex.

– The next morning enter Belinda’s office and you will meet Dolce again having a conversation with Belinda.

– You then see Dolce waiting outside after speaking to her you can demand to find out who her mistress is for ambition or choose piety and let her be. Choosing to demand gains you 10 ambition and negative 20 piety and choosing to let her go gains you 20 Piety.

– If you choose to demand who her mistress is you will find out about the portguard and whitey. You can then choose the romance option to have her wait in your room.

– Again you can choose ether anal or blow job. (NOTE both the peeping and Dolce scenes are repeatable).

– Speak with Iva about both Whitey and the Canary Trail to get some more information and let her know what you have found so far.

– Speak with Belinda

– Speak with her about both Whitey and the Canary trail to find a few more bits of Information.

– You can then have her Fletcher turn branches into arrows. Choose to check our resources and select the branches of oak and mulefat. You will lose both and gain resources in Arrows.

– Lastly if you did not take what she could offer as of, yet you can choose to take the deal of raising the levies and getting some troops.

– You can also after receiving the arrows for the branches choose to give the arrows to the Bailiff and receives more footman and archers.

– The next time you sleep in the Hartlepool castle you will see a cutscene involving the Duke and a bunch of girls.

– After you haves slept at least twice in Hartlepool In the Day head to the common house and you will encounter the woman you saw upon first entering Hartlepool and you will confront her.

– For Romance choose the plus 30 Lewd option which gives you completion of the romance with the Rouges for now. Or choose to gain plus 30 Piety by turning her down and Xing out the Romance with her for now.

– Ether way you will get knocked out and see another Knight i.e. the lady killer who will question you and your intentions for him.

– You will Get three options and gain plus 10 Knight for choice one, or plus 10 Ambition for choice two, or – 10 Piety for choice three.

– After this scene leave and head to the Northern Docks and Look for Avani

– You will be given several conversation options with her. You can inquire about her safety to which she really does not understand, You can inquire about Whitey to which she does not know anything about, ask about her accommodations to which she is not really happy about at the moment but she trusts you and the quest to get her better accommodations will continue in latter updates, and lastly you can choose to compliment her to which she laughs and seems slightly uncomfortable though no relationship is lost. This ends Avani’s content for now.

Porthouse Hartlepool

NOTE if you need to refill your pouch after spending money, which you will in this section just stop by Akros manor and your mother will refill your pouch.

– Go to the right and speak with the Barmaid

– For 10 lewdness you can make her turn and check out her backside

– Ask about Whitey and the Canary trail to which you will find out about refuges and that Whitey is a bit unhinged.

– You can then check out her inventory and buy four current items she offers Igniter, Gold Tunstead wine (only one available), green dream, and cheap Tunstead wine.

– At this point after buying one of each available I sleep and return to Akros Manor to refill my pouch. Also, if you like after refilling your pouch you can swing by the Gypsy camp to get some information on your new purchases from Minerva.

– She will not give you anything on the cheap Tunstead wine, she will give you info and you may gift her the Green Dream for plus 5 with her, Tip you can buy another bottle back in Hartlepool.

– Back in Hartlepool meet the Mistress and her bodyguard Cinnamon (you can look at her but no conversation at this time) and you are given several choices so of course inquire on what she knows about Whitey and the Canary trail. She does not have much to say about Whitey other than that she does not like her, however on the canary trail it seems she knows people that could be of use for trading that could benefit you. This opens the scroll of possible trades with the Mistress.

– After this you can inquire about the membership which will cost you 20 gold and give you

100 Lewdness. You will receive the Port house copper membership which will give you access to her girls (One at this time only with more to come).

– You can then access the scroll and look at trades You can trade Gold for pelts and Arrows for lumber at this time with more to be added later.

Wait until you need to use the arrows based on the path you choose as you will get a set of arrows latter so you do not need to decide now. You now have all three choices for what you can do with the Arrows. You can give it to Vael in Kaelkirk for the Path reward of Everlasting Siege, Belinda in Hartlepool For the reward of archers and footmen to the war (IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO ALL THREE FOLLOW THE GUIDE), or trade for lumber with the Mistress in the port house after discussing Whitey and the Canary Trail. Trading it may have consequences latter.

– Time to see the Ladies if you chose to buy the membership select to see the girls and show her the Coin, she gave you. If you do not want Lewdness do not do this as buying the coin from her will give you 100 Lewdness. Key though if you want the special Mina scene.

– You will start with the Northern Warrior who is the only one available at this time.

– This also opens the New Role Play feature

– You can ask her real name Eve during your conversation, Role Play what she will call you and you will call her or use real names. If you RP you can change every time, but if not, it will remember your choices on what you call her and she calls you.

Note you must speak with the Talvert’s in the evening four times and side with the same person. At the end you will get a big reward with one, but the other will not like you very much. It is repeatable. You get a lewd scene with the wife but at the expense of Captain Talvert being your enemy via your path. The choice is yours, However having the Portguard’s loyalty will be more beneficial for gaining resources for your cause.

– In the evening you can join the Talvert’s as soon as you enter for some conversation and drinking. You will eventually get a choice of siding with Captain Talvert or his wife on if the future of Hartlepool is in Trade or not. If you side with the Captain, you will gain 5 relationship points with him and loose five with the Wife or vice versa if you choose to side with the wife. You will then wake up surprised in a random spot in Hartlepool.

– Speak with the Talvert’s again and you will learn a little more of Whitey and the Mayors unfortunate demise and again you can side with ether the Captain or his wife for five points ether way. Again, you will wake up and be surprised how you got there.

– Speak with the Talvert’s again and repeat who you want to side with eventually you will ether gain enough points with Ms. Talvert where she will join you for some Lewd fun if you have some extra Green with you it will help (Note if you gave one to Minerva earlier make sure you have purchased another one before this scene. If you choose to remain Silent you will gain 20 Lewdness but at the expense of 20 knightly and piety. You will also not be on good terms with the Captain of the guard and lose 20 relationship points with him on top of the -5 you get for each time you side with the wife. Which will show up in your path.

– The other route with net you friendship of the Port guard in you path but will upset Ms. Talvert and you lose 20 relationship points with her.

– Your path will be updated accordingly as ether friend or foe with Captain Talvert and the Portguard.

– Make sure to swing by the tower and talk to the mercenaries who you met in Penketh.

– You can also take Anibal to the tower as she will mention the view. You get to have some oral loving.

– No action will be taken yet but you will need to keep the mercenaries in mind for both paths, Anibals fate, and the Pirate Cove in General.

Version 13b


– You need to find as much information as you can on the canary trail and Whitey. Start by talking to both Belinda and Iva, Then speak to Captain Talvert in his guardhouse where you can also ask him about his books and the portgaurd as a whole, last but not least speak with the Port Chief on the Norther Docks during the day. You should if you spoke to everyone at the tavern, docks, and Castle get a notification that you got enough information to speak with Belinda. Save here so you can pick the different options at the end of the conversations ahead.

– Go back to the fortress and select that you think you know where the Canary Trail is. You will ask to summon Talvert to speak to both Him, Iva, and Belinda. You have already learned that they are dozens, they are not in the city or outside the city, they attack by land and sea. The conversation will go on and you will decide there may be traitors in the port guard and you, Talvert, and Iva will decide to go.

– You then get three options you can comfort Talvert, Thank Belinda, or Check on Iva. Checking on Iva gains you 10 relationship points with her, Thanking Belinda will also give you plus 10, and comforting Talvert will also lose 5 relationship with him (so if your already friends with him I feel it would be better to gain with Belinda or Iva personally). Belinda

will be more beneficial to gaining resources and relationship with her. Best Choice in my opinion and really the only way to get enough relationship with her if you do the Diplomatic approach for resources and scenes with her.

– If you chose to Thank or check on Iva during the boat cut scene Talvert will be upset that you think his men betrayed him and you will loose 10 relationship points with him.

– When you get there, a fight will break out and you will once again get to battle with a brute of a man. In the end you will retreat as you find out they have many men. Iva will be upset as she has never seen conflict

– On the ship you will sit and speak with her and be presented with two choices when you offer to warm Iva up. You can choose to say Belinda is wrong about you wanting to get into Iva’s paints or say she is not wrong. Choosing to say she is wrong will get you 5 points with Iva and additional 5 when you pull her close for warmth.

– You will return to Hartlepool and you can speak with Belinda and Talvert about the events that transpired. You will need more men.

– You can speak with Sir Dupre however at this time you will not be able to select ether option as of this update. So to progress you will need to go and speak with Anibal to continue the story for this update. SAVE HERE.

– Go and see Michelle and the street and ask to see Anibal (you can also get another Blow job from her only this time not get knocked out)

– Approach Anibal and you have several conversation options with him.

– Asking him why he is staying in Hartlepool will give you information on why he is there and what he is planning. Ask him what he knows about the Canary trail will give you information that they are aiding the poor and an idea on where the trail will lead this is important. You can ask him about Whitey but he does not seem to know much more than common knowledge. Lastly and important you can tell him you know where they are and about the possibility of a diplomatic approach and find out the he may know someone Important. You can then have him take you to the pirates SAVE.

– When you accept Anibal’s help you will change your attire and have and option for Piety (plus 20) or lewdness (plus 20) with Michelle as you would like you to have some fun as a goodbye. NOTE There may be a random bug that forces you to do this scene twice.

– After the sarding or piety role you will meet two men you briefly had a talk within the pub when you first arrived in Hartlepool. They are willing to smuggle you into the camp and will need more people. You will bring the trio that originally asked for work from you when you first went to the pub. After a cutscene you and the servants will go to sleep in the cove.

– Upon meeting the leader in the cove you will get three choices. You can Say you came in good faith to parlay, Ask where the leader is, or ask for your sword to end this. Asking any of the questions to the woman in front of will result in a brief conversation and then you get to meet Shannah. Choose how you wish.

You will get two choices that will vary in consequence. You can be frank (emperior choice) You will gain 10 relationship points with Shannah or Threaten them (countess Irena choice) Your threats will net you negative five with Shannah.

You then get another three-way decision. You can choose to ask how you can help the pirates (no bonus’s per say but seems to be the best choice in my opinion), Whitey is

out of control and you cannot help (-5 with Shannah) , or You better not harm the people I came with she states Whitey will not trust you -5 with Shannah.

When you return to talk to Belinda you will get two choices.

If you have cannot have the next conversation with Belinda repeat the trip to the Cove and it will work just fine. Note the note above.

– One is the pious route that these pirates are of Belinda and the former bailiff doing (plus 50 Piety), or they are thugs (this will give you plus 10 with Belinda). Sleep on it and enjoy a couple of cut scenes (make sure you sleep in the Hartlepool bed both times). If you want the best relationship with Belinda and are planning on the diplomatic path you should appease Belinda and not accuse her.

After this go and speak with Anibal. he will offer to mediate the discussion. You now have two choices attack with Belinda or let Anibal mediate.

Version 14 AND 15 The Cove Decision. I will list the aggressive approach first and the diplomatic approach will follow. Before Jumping into a path make sure you have visited Vael and received the pelts and mulefat branches. Using your resources wisely will be very important for you assault. Turn branches into arrows but only use them as needed per the walkthrough.

Resources of Importance

Diplomatic Bring the Leffren wood to Tobias in Leffren to have him turn it into Paper. Then take the Paper to the Mistress in Hartlepool and trade the Paper and Gold for Good Meat. Do not worry if you want to give lumber for the Akros Manor you can also get lumber from the mistress as well after events in the cove transpire.

Aggressive One you have the branches take them to Belinda and have them turned into arrows. Take the arrows and 50 royal pieces to the Southern Docks and trade them for Powder (VERY IMPORTANT). Also do not worry as you will get arrows from the cove and you can also trade for arrows to give them to both Vael and Belinda.

Aggressive Approach

To prepare make sure you have the branches both Oak and Mulfat from Kaelkirk. Go to the merchant by the dock and trade arrows and 50 gold for Powder for the assault.

Before you talk to Sir Dupre you can warn Anibal or not. Warning him will spare his life and he will be disappointed with you (-30 Relationship with him), but will live. If you do not warn him Sir Dupre will kill him. If you do not warn him Michelle will be there and ask you if you had a hand in his death. You can lie for Piety and she will leave and return to Penketh or you can be honest and say you did have a hand in it for Knight points.

*Point of NO Return* Speak with Sir Dupre and make the choice to help him if he helps you to start this path. This will lead to the ambition path achievement. After you speak with Sir Dupre and make the deal you will immediately see a cutscene with you and the port guard.

– Once on the island when you are planning your attack you will see different interactions with John and the port guard depending on if you befriended him and the guard through siding with him in the port house.

You will have several configurations and options to use. You will also see the morale of each assault team and if they are required or optional. IF YOU DID EVERYTHING YOU WILL HAVE THREE REQUIRED AND TWO OPTIONAL OPTIONS. Sir Dupre, Patrick, and Port Guard are required with Johns Strike team and Powder tactic are optional.

NOTE my configurations are taking in account that you traded arrows and gold for powder and befriended the port guard. If you did not do it this way your resources and tactics may not be available. The Port Guard can only be used for containment so Cave Containment.

Configurations with Powder which means John’s strike team left out there are many that you can do and use including where you want to enter the cove. Patrick Underground assault will go through a series of mazes and eventually come out behind Shannah and the pirates, it’s a quick assault and catches them by surprise, I did not utilize John and his team and he became support for the boom from the powder I traded for which I used at the front entrance, I put the port guard on containment, and had Sir Dupre drop from the sky through the sink hole, Although they were victorius

Whitey escaped and Sir Dupre died. You end up with plus 50 with Belinda, a new batch of arrows, and a stash of gold spoils of war and the copper disk that appears to be pagan.

Second Configuration I had Patrick go through the front door in this assault you will need to fight using the space bar to block, WAD to attack to defeat foes and the boss Timor, I had the Port Guard keep contain, Blew up the sink holes, had dupre attack from the back, and John left out.

Third Configuration Patrick goes through the sink holes Iva uses her assets well on the drop, Powder for the back entrance, Guard for cave contain, and Sir Dupre through the front. Over all all three scenarios end relatively similar in that you will succeed with only sir dupre dying, getting gold, arrows, and bronze disk.

For the tunnel I will include a map follow it along by using forward. It is very easy to find the path to continue the adventure, the secrets are located in the back areas toward the top middle of the map.

When you return after your victory speak with Belinda in the morning. She is quite happy with how everything turned out. She sends Iva to check on the refugees in the evening. After the cutscene it will be evening. Go to sleep in the bed in Hartlepool to get a Meanwhile cutscene.

Check out Belinda’s quarters for a cutscene with Dolce (note the tip of sending Iva away). Iva will catch them and after a cutscene join you as a leader. No matter what you pick as a response to Iva it will give you ten relationship with her, so choose what you like.

Return to Belinda the next morning and after discussing the events of the prior night you can partake and a rather fun time with Belinda and negotiate resources (if you used the powder and minimized losses you can get more from her).

If you have more than 70 diplomacy with her. You get two choices a more risqué choice with Belinda and Dolce or just Belinda. Choosing Both gets 50 Lewd and choosing the latter nets you 50 ambition. Choose accordingly. If you choose just her and complete all the lessons, you will be able to partake in the lewd choice latter so best of both worlds. Choose Lesson 1, 3, 2, 3 and all poses during the fun. Next day speak with Belinda and arrange to meet her latter. You may select the other options but will not be available until you pass your lessons. She will tell you that you have learned enough and then open the day options for Belinda.

Go and speak with John and ask about the Portgaurd. If you have a good relationship you will have his favor and the portguard if not he will turn you down.

Head to the western watchtower to chat with the remaining Mercs who will choose to stay around.


– Now you can leave Hartlepool and finish up any side tasks at hand. If you are continuing from an old save you may want to stop by Akros Manor and see the wine cellar.

– You can also at this time take the bronze pagan disk and go to Kaelkirk. Giving Vael the disk he will offer you more pelts or mulefat branches and gain another point of affinity now up to 4. You will speak to the maid who tells you about Vael’s daughter. They had a fight and she left a few years back although she will say no more.

– When your ready return to Leffren after a cutscene and introduction of Iva you will talk to the countess and tell of your efforts in Hartlepool. If it went well and you did everything you will get plus ten relationship.

– You will see another Meanwhile with Blanca and Minerva in Grassmere when you sleep.

Diplomatic Approach

You are now able to decide what to do about the pirates and refuges.

You can speak with others about your return trip to the Isle with Anibal’s help (Talvert will lead to you saying you better keep it to yourself) (Belinda you will get a cut scene as they were worried about you and leads to a choice of plus 50 Piety Blame the Hartlepool administration and start the Piety path or They’re just a bunch of Raggeds which will get you plus 10 with Belinda and 10 Ambition) Ether choice will end with the same that you need to think and sleep in a good bed.

Speak to Anibal again and you can decide whether to Go to war or take the diplomatic approach.

After a cutscene with Anibal and talking to Shannah with Anibal you start the nitty gritty of the Diplomatic approach.

She needs food in quantity to feed her people and the refugees. There are three options to get the best outcome These are Grain, Bad Meat, and Good Meat. Now the grain you already have and if you offer it Shannah will look at it as a start and with a positive 5 your provisions will reduce by 50 but it’s a start. Whitey will not like any of this as a note though the good meat does get her some positivity.

To get the bad meat Head to Penketh and speak to the meat vendor. Here you will have a choice that may have impacts down the line. You can choose to pay 20 from the treasury every year for the bad meat which the vendor will agree to or you can choose to take the meat with your powers and end up getting the achievement of angry merchants. Your choice ether way you get the bad meat. This will net plus 10 with Shannah and allow you to progress with Affinity 4 not optimal but if you gave your lumber away early this is your only option.

To get the good meat you first need to have the lumber you received in the beginning of

the game in Leffren. Turn the wood into paper and then head back to Hartlepool and speak with the mistress in the tavern. Trade the paper for the good meat supply. Giving this to Shannah will get you plus 30 with her and with the rest the optimal outcome.

After you have done all three head back to the cove and parlay with Shannah, Anibal, and Whitey as they will hold a vote on what to do.

On your journey there you will get the option from the merchant ship to pay your way so to speak. This is a lewd choice where you can have fun (plus 30 lewdness), Another time for 30 lewdness, or you may choose piety and decline her lewd offer plus 30 piety,

After you give the items to Shannah there will be a long cutscene and you will get the agreement you settled for. During Anibal’s speech you will get a choice on what to do with the portguard defectors. You can choose the piety option for plus 50 or choose to allow them to return to the guard without persecution.

Keep in mind if you only give them the bad meat you will get some but not the optimal option. After that, it’s party time and you will get a choice of ether a lewd option (Plus

80 Lewdness) with The girls or you can choose the piety option (100 Piety) by choosing to focus on your journey.

In the end if you get the optimal agreement you will get arrows, Gold shipment, A pagan Disc (Hmm Kaelkirk perhaps?) and the portguard along with the defected guard who will join your cause.

Now if you want to give lumber for Akros manor you should have two sets of arrows if you exchanged the branches from both leffren and Kaelkirk and had the fletcher in Hartlepool make arrows, So with the extra set take them to the porthouse and exchange the arrows you received from the cove for lumber and then give it to your mother.

Return to Belinda and you will have a conversation with her in which you will loose 10 points with her (HOWEVER IF YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO GET HER REALTIONSHIP UP YOU MAY STILL ADAVANCE ON HER) after telling her about the outcome. After a nice cutscene with Iva, Dolce, and Belinda you will gain Iva as a follower.

– You get three options toward the end of the conversation outside with Iva you can tell her she has nothing better to do, Teach her to be a knight, or you would be a great leader. Ether way you get 10 points with her and she becomes a leader and follower for the cause.

Return to the tower and you will bring Anibal’s body to the mercenaries.

– This will end the Mercenaries until latter.

Return to Belinda the next morning and after discussing the events of the prior night you can partake and a rather fun time with Belinda and negotiate resources.

If you have more than 70 diplomacy with her. You get two choices a more risqué choice with Belinda and Dolce or just Belinda. Choosing Both gets 50 Lewd and choosing the latter nets you 50 ambition. Choose accordingly. If you choose just her and complete all the lessons you will be able to partake in the lewd choice latter so best of both worlds. Choose Lesson 1, 3, 2, 3 and all poses during the fun. Next day speak with Belinda

and arrange to meet her latter. You may select the other options but will not be available until you pass your lessons. She will tell you learned enough and then it will open up the day options for Belinda.

Go and speak with John and ask about the Portgaurd. If you have a good relationship you will have his favor and the portguard if not he will turn you down.

Head to the western watchtower to see the mercenaries and deliver Anibal’s body. Leffren

– Now you can leave Hartlepool and finish up any side tasks at hand. If you are continuing from an old save you may want to stop by Akros Manor and see the wine cellar.

You can also at this time take the bronze pagan disk and go to Kaelkirk. Giving Vael the disk he will offer you more pelts or mulefat branches. Branches are important if you want to get more arrows.

When your ready return to Leffren after a cutscene and introduction of Iva you will talk to the countess and tell of your efforts in Hartlepool. If it went well and you did everything you will get plus ten relationship.

– You will see another Meanwhile with Blanca and Minerva in Grassmere when you sleep.

– Tie up any loose ends such as the arrows to Kaelkirk or lumber to your mom and that’s it for now.

Head to Kaelkirk

Show Vael the Disc found in the Pirate Cove to Vael he will want to research it further and will offer you branches for arrows or Pelts for Trade and leather. This should max your relationship with him and get you up to 4 affinity.

– You will speak to the maid who tells you about Vael’s daughter. They had a fight and she left a few years back although she will say no more.

This ends the guide for now.

Romance – Battle for Luvia: Armored Romance Walkthrough & Guide

If you have been following my guide you should already have completed a few romances during the main quest playthrough. Romances Completed should be as follows

Minerva (completed during the gypsy quests as stated)

Lia and Emilia (Completed During the Gypsy Quest)

Liliana Maffren (Completed during the Prologue) If you choose Mina or Piety she will not be available again until chapter 4.

Alana of Acallaris (completed during the second Tavern scene and well receiving the Lady killer quest)

Mariola She is the pottery merchant in the Market

To complete her romance for this chapter visit her in the market and purchase all of the items she has available which will take all of your 18 gold (do not worry as you can return to Akros manor and ask your mom to refill your pouch and which you get 20 Gold). After the purchase leave and speak with her again. Choose option 1 advance on her and you will complete her romance for now. You gain relationship points with Mariola and some lewdness as well.

Note: you can if you like take the purchased vases to Minerva for some tips on who to give the items too.

Robyn the inn keeper

Go to the inn at night and speak to the Mayor again and tell him you plan on seeing Robin again for another Anal scene

Wait until night and back to the tavern to speak with Robyn and select wait to be alone with her the first time and meet me in my room latter the second time.

Speak with her and do each of the options available each night with her to unlock all available scenes and complete her Romance.

To unlock all the scenes, you need to visit her a total of five times including the additional Mayor scene to start.

Jezebel Akros Manor Maid

This one is easy as you already should have slept one night in Akros manor.

Return home and talk to you mother to refill your pouch and get a nice peep of Jezebel.

Sleep at home and you will get a nice wake up and ether start a romance with her or reject her. Your choice ether way it ends the Romance with Jezebel for now. If you accept her choose both options as each will give you plus 5 romance with her.

When you visit home spend a couple nights and let Jez come and visit you. Your mother will catch you in the act of enjoyment for a rather funny cut scene.

After this speak with Jez (click on her and she will distract your mother) during the day and while your mother is away checking on a ghost you can sard Jez or get a BJ.

While Sarding Jez you will see Hannah come to take a bath and get an option for Hannah to become a romance option or not. Repeat to see all options. Each time you get morning service you will gain plus 5 with her.

Hannah of Akros

After completing the scenes with Jez make sure to check the main floor of your house at night to find Hannah reading.

Offer to help her four times to see some nice massage scenes.

After you have built up your relationship when you enter you house area again you will notice your sister gone and its time to check the wine cellar.

After a cutscene with Hannah and your sister you will get a choice to stop your sisters behavior or encourage them.

After that enjoy your time with Hannah in the cellar. Depending on your choices you will get the option to have the cellar be empty, your sister their, or just Hannah.

Mina of Leffrin

Head back to Leffrin and go to the lower grounds

Exit to Garden and speak with Mina (if she is not there or they are both there simply exit, and reenter and she will show up sitting on the bench)

If you chose not to come and see her in the Prologue she will be disappointed. To continue your relationship with her you can choose the Lie option or the break option. Choosing to lie nets you a loss of 20 piety and plus 5 relationship points. The other gains you 20 Piety and plus 5 relationship points. Choose how you wish.

Either way you choose, she will invite you to her chambers in the evening.

Exit and wait until evening and go and see her in the lower quarters select search for someone and select Mina (Note you have to speak with her during the day if you wish to see her otherwise you cannot visit her unannounced).

After a cut scene you will sard, you can choose to seed her or not, then cuddle where she will suggest Marriage. You can choose how you want I usually agree and tell her I love her (this nets you negative 20 ambition and positively 20 knightly, the others follow as you expect) as it makes her happy and its not binding, nor does it prevent anything. Choose how you wish though.

The next morning visit her again in the garden and suggest meeting up latter.

Go and see her in the evening and you will sit and chat. You have three options the third for a BJ nets you nada but does not hurt to try, the first you converse and ask how she is doing or hear the story again, so you want to choose lay in bed.

Once in bed choose to play with her pussy as playing with her ass will give you 30 lewdness but net you negatively in your relationship -10 and you get shut down. She will be upset the next time you speak with her, but it too shall pass

This will complete Mina. Save and try the other options as the Anal one is interesting with her and needed if you are trying to get the specific path scene with her that requires 500 lewdness.

You Need to choose to protect Mina from Pierre along with 500 Lewdness to see this scene. If you choose to keep the war assets and let Pierre punish Mina this will not be an option as of now.

To do the 500 lewdness literally start from the beginning and choose every lewd option you can including in the prologue you will want to choose to get a bj from Lilianna and then stop short of cuming and go to Mina to finish then simply choose every lewd option you get a chance to obtain.

Katerina of Leffrin

Sleep your second night at Leffrin castle and watch the cutscene with you late wife and then enjoy the first scene with Katerina. Speaking with her one on one in the garden before this scene does not do anything so it’s a waste of time. (of course if you chose to sard her early you would have already seen this scene in the prologue).

Visit her in the Garden the next day (remember if she is not there simply keep reentering until she is alone).

Speak with her and after a cut scene you can gain Piety or Lewdness (she likes this choice). Your choice

You then will suggest seeing her latter and she will invite you to the kitchen. Simply wait until night and go the lower level and search for her. You can gain some lewdness, She will like if you say you are a slut you gain 10 lewdness and 5 relationship points with her, or say Mina could learn from you and gain the same, or say nothing while she is giving you a hand job. You can then choose to have her suck your cock or cum on her face your choice. I choose to cum on her face and then have her give me a BJ (Note if you end the night on the BJ you lose 5 points with her). Then you will sard away you can choose to go vaginal or anal, cum in her or out (Note she prefers vaginal, but try both). Remember Anal always gives you lewd points. This gives you the check mark, but there are more scenes.

The next morning SAVE and THEN visit her in the garden and speak with her.

Choose to fool around and then choose to go into the bushes in more ways than one lol.

You can choose to Sard her face or sard her cowgirl or both. The next choice is VERY IMPORTANT if you care about keeping a good relationship with Mina.

IF YOU CHOOSE TO SARD HER ASS MINA WILL CATCH YOU. Choose to sard and seed her pussy.

Note if you have achieved at least 100 Lewdness you can see her cleaning in the upper chamber in the morning and grope her chest. If you have 200 Lewdness you can get a BJ on the Balcony and hear some interesting chatter while she is doing it. If you are very lewd Now at 400 you can sard her in the arse right on the table.

You can now invite her to your room. Simply talk to her in the garden and ask her to see you in your room.

This ends Katerina Mouth and Ass

Upon entering the port house chat with the patrons for information on Whitey and the Canary Trail and they will call out to you. You will recognize and be reminded of the first time you saw these two.

Some awkward conversation about that will ensue

You can chat them up about Whitey and the Canary trail

You can also learn their real names and Maeve and Nesa and choose to call them what you prefer

Last for 4 gold you can have some lewd fun with them both completing the Romance. This is repeatable.


You will first encounter Michele as you enter the Hartlepool. She distracts Sam as a thug tries to attack you

Latter after the attack on you. You will meet her again in the common street and she will try to entice you to make up to you. Ether way you will be knocked out and start

Progress the Anibal quest. If you choose to allow her to polish you off you will gain lewdness and if not you will gain Piety.

In 13 you can again approach her and if you choose option two for romance she will give you another blow job in the back alley.

If you choose the diplomatic approach you will have a choice to sard Michelle for lewdness or decline for peity.

Porthouse Ladies

For now, there is only one lady available the Northern warrior woman named Eve

To complete this romance come to the Mistress with 20 Gold and receive the copper coin and gain 100 lewdness.

Show her the coin and pick the only choice for now the Northern Warrior

You can find her real name Eve or choose to Roleplay and have her call you what you want and you will call her the pet name of your choosing.

Bear in mind it will remember your choices, but you can change them each time you choose to see her.

Have fun.


– In the morning speak with Belinda and Iva and deliver the letter you were given to Belinda.

– This will also in return have you deliver a letter from Belinda to the cloth merchant. Upon returning the package to Belinda you will gain plus 5 with her.

– Sleep in the fortress a couple nights and you will see a nice cutscene with Belinda and Iva. You can choose the lewd option to stay and watch more or gain piety plus 20 to your choice.

– During the scene you will notice a woman enter your room. Welcome Dolce and she has been sent to please you. You can choose to see her face or leave her veil on (this will give you 20 lewdness). You will then get a choice to see a lewd scene or dismiss her for piety (you get this choice only if you asked to see her face). (plus 20 and ends the scene). Plus 20 lewd and 10 to dolce or plus 20 piety and negative 10 with Dolce.

– If Lewd then you will get a choice to have her start sucking for a blowjob or to show her butt for anal sex.

– The next morning enter Belinda’s office and you will meet Dolce again having a conversation with Belinda.

– You then see Dolce waiting outside after speaking to her you can demand to find out who her mistress is for ambition or choose piety and let her be. Choosing to demand gains you 10 ambition and negative 20 piety and choosing to let her go gains you 20 Piety.

– If you choose to demand who her mistress is you will find out about the portguard and whitey. You can then choose the romance option to have her wait in your room.

– Again you can choose ether anal or blow job. (NOTE both the peeping and Dolce scenes are repeatable).

– After your conquest in the cove You can have an additional scene with Dolce should you choose the lewd option or build up enough with Belinda to get the lewd option.

Belinda of Hartlepool

To get the conclusion option with Belinda from the Diplomatic solution you need to make sure you choose to earn relationship with her at every choice (When you first meet choosing to help weed out the problems, Deliver the letter and get her package for her, Upon the first trip refer to the pirates as a bunch of brigands, and after the meeting with Talvert, Iva, and Belinda choose Belinda). Its easier with assault is you get a huge bump with her, but you will not get that same bump with the Diplomatic approach. Not to mention when you return and talk with her you loose ten relationship with her so make sure you follow the guide and earn as much as you can with her.

Once you return from ether the diplomatic path or the assault path and have earned enough relationship you can ether have Belinda teach you how to be with a noble woman, Have fun with both Belinda and Dolce, or both. See main guide.

Gifts and Resources, you Can give for relationship Points, Troop building, or Affinity

– Classy Vase – Can be given to your mother for 10 Relationship points

– Green Dream – To Minerva for 5 relationship points. (Not repeatable)

– Green Dream – To Ms. Talvert Path specific

– Gold coin – You can give a gold coin to Katerina for 10 relationship points repeatable and you can max your relationship out with her. Approach her outside during the day and drag your pouch to her.

– Gold Tunstead Wine – You can give to Baralis for 15 relationship points

Hartlepool Exchanges

Black Market

50 Royal Gold Pieces for Pelts Not currently much use for this atm

Arrows for Lumbar Important one if you want to build akros Manor and chose the diplomatic path where you needed to get the good meat from the black market.

Oak branches for 30 Royal Pieces can be important on the war path as you would need to do this in order to give arrows to both Hartlepool, Kaelkirk, and get powder. Not to mention getting the extra set of Mulefat branches from Vael in Kaelkirk as trade for the Bronze Pagan disclet found in the cove

Paper for the good meat Very important if you want the optimal result on the diplomatic path. Turn the Lumbar into paper back in Lefren and trade with the Mistress.

Silk Trader

Pelts for Red Silk Not neaded as of yet but may have something to do with Penketh latter.

Salt or Gold for Spices Nothing of not as of yet.

Powder for Arrows and 50 gold This is very important for the warpath and needed to get the optimal result as far as assets from Belinda and Talvert. It minimizes loss and is effective. So if you want to give arrows to Belinda and Vael and still get the powder you need to have arrows made from the branches received when you started and your first meeting in Kaelkirk. Then use those branches and gold assets to buy the powder, Then get the arrows from finishing the cove and bring the disk to Vael in Kaelkirk, Choose the mulefat branches and give him the arrows for the never ending siege, Go back to Hartlepool and buy the oak branches from the black market and return Belinda to have more arrows made, then give her those arrows and you can repurpose troops to be archers.

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