Blooming Love

Blooming Love Walkthrough

Welcome to Blooming Love Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Introduction – Blooming Love Walkthrough

This document will describe the different effects of the choices that you can make during the course of Blooming Love . The game currently only has one hidden stat: Your sister’s Balance . The Balance starts out in the middle and can be increased and decreased during the game . The lower her Balance, the more free she will become . She’ll become more adventurous, relaxed and sexually curious . The higher her Balance, the more she will become a good-girl . She will become more innocent, naïve, idealistic and enjoys a healthy lifestyle . She will still be sexually active, but less adventurous . Keep in mind that neither is a ‘bad’ personality, despite her Balance being low with the one and high with the other . It is really just a personal preference so that each player can change her slightly to fit their own preferences .

This document will show each choice in the game and the influence it has on your sister’s Balance and other effects . If the choices is pink, it will lower the Balance . If it is orange, it will increase the Balance . If it is black, it has no effect on your sister’s Balance . It can have an impact on the story though .

Lastly, Day 9 introduces an Affection system for most characters (excluding your sister, who does not have a ‘romance’ stat like in most dating-sims . You’ll always end up in a relationship with her) . Increasing a character’s affection changes the way the feel about you and opens up

threesome/foursome options . These options will always be optional, even if the affection is high enough . So you can still decide to increase a character’s affection to make them like you more without being forced to have sex with them . There will also be no cheating involved .

List of Choices – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– You’ve changed a lot too, sister . / Yes . A lot has happened during the last five years . / But I still look good, I hope?

– Do you think something happened to mom? / I think you made the right choice in leaving .

– I’ve been too busy these last few years . / I just didn’t get many opportunities to get out there I suppose .

– Don’t worry about me, it’ll only take a few minutes . / You just got here . I’ll take care of the food, okay?

– I should make something delicious . / I should make something healthy .

– Thanks . I try my best . / It should . I made something special, just for you .

– Yeah, it was . / And it was unhealthy too .

– I’m just going to take this copying as a compliment . / And what do you think about my new hairstyle?

– Money is a bit tight at the moment, but we’ll manage. / Don’t worry about it . I’m glad you came .

– Of course, no problem . / You need to relax . A bath will do you good .

– Do you mean you read erotica? / If you enjoy it, I’ll enjoy it .

– Uh… Sweet dreams I guess. / I’ll call you if I need anything, okay?

Day 2 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– Another 5 minutes should do ./Maybe another 20 minutes will be enough .

– When ‘Maybe another 20 minutes will be enough’:

– I can’t start thinking about Sophie naked again!/I need to hide it before Sophie finds it .

– Choosing ‘I need to hide it’ will makes sure Sophie doesn’t find it later

– When ‘Another 5 minutes should do’:

– Admire her beauty for a little longer/I should announce my presence

– You are much more important than a few bills/We’ll have to watch our expenses, that’s for sure

– Not that I don’t enjoy the view, but…/Shouldn’t you put on some clothes?

– Check under the couch/What did you do with them last night?

– You look good too, Sophie./It’s just something I did for work .

– If you did not hide the dildo, Sophie will find it:

– I’ll talk to her about it later/I probably shouldn’t mention that I saw it

– Choosing to talk about it makes sure Sophie mentions the dildo during the card game later in the day

– Let’s do it!/I should respect her privacy If ‘Let’s do it!’ was chosen:

– Maybe I could try on a pair/Let’s not disturb them If ‘Maybe I could try on a pair’ was chosen:

– I can see why Evelyn enjoys wearing lingerie/Maybe I want a bit too far…

– Tell her about your sister/Keep your sister a secret

If you tell Lisa that Sophie is your sister, she will remember it

– Some tomato soup might be good ./What would you like?

– We get along pretty well, yeah ./We have a professional relationship, yes .

– Let Sophie work her magic/Try to stop Sophie

Letting Sophie work her magic will persuade Lisa to give you a pay rise

– Help Sophie with her outfits/Patiently wait for Sophie to finish If ‘Help Sophie with her outfits’ was chosen:

– It might be a bit too revealing ./You look amazing, just like always .

– It suits you really well ./I like the tank top better .

– You think she’s pretty?/It was still very generous of you, Lisa .

– Are you in college right now?/Did you have good grades in high school?

– You are going to attend Alacia High School, no matter what ./I’ll try to figure out some way for you to attend .

– You really don’t blame me for leaving?/Who was your first crush? If ‘Who was your first crush?’ was chosen:

– Damn! You dirty girl…/That must have been tough .

– If she asks me out, sure ./That wouldn’t be very professional .

– Of course I do . It’s wonderful ./Occasionally, yes ./You’re cheating . That’s another question .

– Do you like to masturbate?/Would it be weird for siblings to have a relationship?

– Sit on her legs/Stand next to her

– I could teach you if you want ./Thanks . We can do this again whenever you want .

– I think your breasts are perfect ./I have no problems with mine .

– No problem ./I enjoyed it too .

Day 3 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– Take a quick bath/Watch some television

If ‘Take a quick bath’ was chosen, Sophie will walk in on Evelyn in the bathroom .

– Apologize to your sister/Look at her naked body

If ‘Watch some television’ was chosen:

– Watch the romantic show/Watch the comedy show

– An adult toy section? Sounds good to me ./I’m not sure if that’s a good idea .(Choice will be remembered)

– And here I thought I’d have to quickly throw something together ./Now I’m curious to find out how your food will taste ./If you made it, I’m sure I’ll love it .

– Place your hand on her leg to comfort her/Just start eating

– I think it needed just a bit more work ./It’s a bit too bland, but it’s not bad ./The flavors you used don’t mix together very well I’m afraid.

– The apartment is quite big though, despite it only having one bedroom ./I think he just doesn’t like the idea of me no longer living alone .

– Try to help her up/Place a hand on her shoulder to comfort her

– Should I continue the massage?/You can put your shirt back on if you want .

– You can sleep with me if you want ./You can take my bed if you want .(Choice will be remembered)

– On the right side ./In the middle .

– Guess I’ll have to sleep in my underwear too/I’ll just have to keep looking(Choice will be remembered)

– I just hope you’ll feel better tomorrow ./You sure did . Not everyone gets to experience this wonderful bed .

– Try to slowly push her away/Try to fall back asleep like this

– I just have to be brave . I have to tell her ./I don’t think I can risk it .(Choice will, obviously, be remembered)

Day 4 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– Did you know you have beautiful eyes?/Good morning, sis .

– If you decide to wear a pajama’s the previous night:

– If Sophie’s balance is low enough:

– This isn’t appropriate?/Why are you so interested in my underwear/You could have taken a look last night if you wanted

– If Sophie’s balance is not how enough:

– And who says that suits me?/And you like that?

– If you instead wore only your underwear the previous night:

– I don’t think there’s another option, sorry ./You have so few clean clothes though .

– Promise to clean the dirty underwear later/Shove the dirty underwear under your bed If you don’t shove them under your bed, you can later decide to let Sophie see them or you can decide to shove them under your bed before Sophie can see them

– Peek over the railing/Call Sophie

– I love the way you smile . You should smile more often ./I hope it’s going to be fun today too .

– I like the smell of flowers even more/Parks aren’t really my thing I’m afraid/I can appreciate the beauty of this park, not the smell

– If you did not decide to tell Sophie you like her:

– Being in love will do that to you ./They must make each other happy .

– What about a girlfriend?/You will be a bit older than you classmates though .

– We’ll find something better that’s not too far from the park ./I like it here too .

– I think its great how much you like romantic movies/Next time we’ll watch something else then

– If you did decide to tell Sophie how you felt about her the previous night:

– You’re setting some high expectations ./We can only hope, sis .

– And they lived happily ever after…/It was a fitting ending for a romantic comedy .

– If Sophie managed to get you a pay rise on Day 2:

– If you told Sophie you liked her:

– I’ll be careful ./You’re worth it though .

– It has been a lovely day ./It was . You’re very easy to talk to .

– If you allow me to taste your food too, then sure ./I don’t usually share my food, sorry .

– If you did not get a pay rise:

– You are the one who should worry a bit less I’d say ./I did the best with what I had .

– Yeah, I was lucky she found me ./I do wish she’d be a bit more professional sometimes though .

– Are you trying to get in my bed again?/You might be right .

– If you did not shove your underwear beneath the bed earlier in the day:

– Try to hide the underwear before she sees it/I shouldn’t be embarrassed about Sophie seeing my underwear

– If you only wore your underwear to bed at the end of Day 3:

– Maybe a bit, yes . I like it though ./When it makes you look so gorgeous? Never .

– If you wore a pajama instead at the end of Day 3:

– It’s a bit hot, yes . But I can handle it ./ I just figured it’d be a bad idea for us to both sleep in only our underwear .

– If extra scenes are installed:

– I’d love to …/Let’s wait until we’ve figured out if we really want to be together . (Choice will be remembered)

Day 5

– Check the living room/Check the bathroom

– I’m more concerned with if it fits properly/This bikini looks great on you

– I only have the one pair I’m afraid/You can have mine if you want (Choice will be remembered, but isn’t that important)

– Oh, I like it . It’s fun ./I don’t mind, as long as it stays within reason

– No, of course not ./As long as you don’t mind me waking up early on work days .

– Dive towards her/Dodge and counterattack

– She’s my girlfriend actually ./She’s my sister actually .

The consequences of this actual will take a bit of explaining. If you tell George that Sophie

is your girlfriend, he’ll allow you to use a couplejacuzzi. If you tell him Sophie is your sister, you get a scene in which you introduce Sophie to George. By doing this, the main character will learn that Lisa is gay. Whether she knows this or not will come back in thefuture.

Besides exclusive scenes, various scenes also change a bit depending on this choice .

– If you chose to tell George that Sophie is your girlfriend:

– You can’t be that naive, sis…/The nudity- is-allowed sign doesn’t hang there for nothing

– You have the most perfect body I’ve ever seen . . ./You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

– If you chose to tell George that Sophie is your sister:

– Lisa is a welcome addition to any party ./Lisa is still my boss .

– At least you’re responsible ./I think you’re smarter than you think .

– I promise ./If borrowing money is the only way, I’m willing to take that chance .

– Of course, be my guest ./Won’t that distract you from the movie? (Choice changes the scene somewhat)

– Kiss Sophie/Wait for Sophie to kiss you

– If you told George that Sophie is your sister earlier during the day:

– I would never think that/How can I think your breasts are anything but gorgeous?

Day 6

– No, let her sleep/I’d better wake her up (Choice will be remembered)

– What do you mean?/Where are you?

– Are you okay?/Can I come over to visit?

– A better toy will do the trick/I should respect Evelyn and give the toy she gave me another try

– Anything for you, sis ./I would never leave you hanging when you needed my help .

– She said she’s going to be fine ./She said she’s in pretty bad shape right now .

– We can spend the rest of the day together, okay?/I would like us to stay together too, but I see no other way .

– If Extra Scenes are installed :

– Maybe if I try it on I can see what’s wrong with it/Lisa probably had her reasons . I’ll just leave it be (Choice will be remembered)

– Put it back on store shelves/Leave it inside the box (Choice will be remembered)

– How diligent of you ./You can relax around me, you know that . You don’t have to overthink like this .

– Maybe that’s a good idea ./Can’t do that . We have to respect his privacy . (Choice will be remembered)

– Don’t worry you can leave it on ./You can still remove it now . (Choice will be remembered)

– Focus on reading/Stroke Sophie’s hair absentmindedly/Stroke Sophie’s side gently

Day 7

– Nah, you’re right . It was nothing ./I think checking it out will make me feel better. Choosing the second options is advised . Choice will be remembered and leads to a few exclusives scenes and some alternative/exclusive dialogue during the day .

– If you chose ‘I think checking it out will make me feel better’:

– I believe you . But why does John want those letters?/Just get out of here . You’ve looked at my sister’s breasts long enough .

– Play with my vagina/Play with my ass

This choice might look like a meaningless choice that only impacts the following

masturbation scene, but it’s actually a choice that will be remembered .

This choice will remain Evelyn’s anal-vaginal preference for the rest of the game .

– I’m afraid not, no ./You’re going to have to take this up with the landlord, lady .

– If you chose ‘I think checking it out will make me feel better’ as the start of the day:

– It is, but I don’t think there’s anything we can do ./Hopefully the landlord will be able to fix whatever is wrong .

– You are a great worker, sis ./Working together is so much fun, don’t you think?

– If you told Lisa I’d be a good idea to add an adult toy section to the boutique on Day 3:

– Open the box/Put it behind the counter for Evelyn(Choice will be remembered)

– We’ll just let Lisa take care of them when she gets back ./Oh… I was hoping you wouldn’t have to see those.

– She’s enjoying herself./She’s really doing her best to help out . She’s a great worker .

– Everything is going to be alright, Sophie ./I… I don’t know if I can fix this…

Day 8

– No, I’m just taking a bath ./I don’t think I can work today . I’m not feeling well . (Choice is remembered, but doesn’t have much overall effect on the story)

– We can give it a try, maybe I’ll start feeling better in the afternoon ./No, I don’t think that would be a good idea . (Choice is remembered and leads to two mutually exclusive scenes)

– If you decided to go to work:

– I’m holding up . I can keep going ./No, maybe coming here was a mistake .

– No, I’m afraid not ./I gave some students a few extra lessons when I was in high school, if that counts .

– I promise ./Maybe you should just carefully climb down instead of jumping .

– Knock on her door to see if she’s awake ./Don’t knock on her door .

(Despite this choice being in a dream-memory, it will be remembered and will come back later)

Day 9 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

(Introduction of the Affection system. Please see the top of the document)

– I don’t like it either, sis ./Yeah, I don’t think the dorm will have a bathroom like the one here .

– Reliable? Me? The girl who ran away?/That’s true . I consider myself to be pretty dependable .

– Let’s check out the music club first ./Let’s check out the art club first .

(Choice will be remembered and changes a few things during the rest of the day, including possible exclusive scenes)

– Maybe we should take it with us . (+1 Fellicia affection)/It’s not our cat . I’m sorry . (Choice will be remembered and will be mentioned later, but isn’t

very important)

Day 10 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– Well… You sort of made me cum in my sleep ./Sorry, I… I just had a nightmare . That’s all . (Choice will be remembered, but isn’t very important)

– I have to go to the hospital. We can go on a date another day (+2 Lisa affection)/I don’t want to let Sophie down . Lisa will have to wait

(Choice is very important and leads to big mutually exclusive scenes)

– If you went to hospital:

– We had to cancel some other plans, but you’re important to me . (+1 Lisa affection)/ I was worried about you, so I wanted to make sure you were okay .

– Open the door and enter the room/Quietly close the door and leave/Just keep walking (Choice will be remembered)

– I do my best ./Ah… I enjoy working with you too, Lisa . (+1 Lisa affection)

– If you instead went on the date with Sophie:

– I enjoy moments like this too ./I enjoy the moments where you’re naked .

– I like your laugh ./I like your personality ./I like your face ./I like your breasts .

– I don’t really like being outside during the winter I’m afraid./

I think this park would look gorgeous covered in snow .

– No, that’s not it . She’s already in a relationship ./We just went here because Sophie

likes being in nature . (Choice will be remembered)

– The romantic movie ./The romantic restaurant .

(Choice is less important than the previous one, but will also lead to smaller mutually exclusive scenes)

– If you went to go see the romantic movie:

– Don’t worry . The movie will continue in a few minutes ./This is how they get more money out of you .

– If you went to the romantic restaurant:

– So do you ./The lighting provides just the right atmosphere .

– You mean my breasts will be your pillow ./Sounds comfortable .

Day 11

– I hope so too, Sophie…/I’m not sure if that’s ever going to happen .

– It was great hanging out with you, Lexi . We should do it again sometime . (+1 Lexi affection)/ Sophie, we should get back to work before it gets too late .

– Yes, if that’s possible ./Hmm . I suppose we’ll have to tell them eventually .

– Who says I was trying to hide them?/My collection isn’t that big…

– I guess so…/I’m not sure, Sophie .

– It would be even better if we were both completely naked ./I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love you right now…

– Admit how much you like it to Sophie/Focus all your attention on enjoying how good it feels

Day 12

– Call him ‘Frank’/Call him ‘dad’

– Kiss Sophie/Don’t kiss Sophie (Choice is remembered and decides whether Lexi knows about your relationship or not)

– Let her stay . One more night can’t hurt/Wake her up and ask her to go back to her own room (Choice is remembered)

Day 13

– Still, I shouldn’t have left without saying anything . (+1 Roxanne affection)/Then it’s all good now, right?

– I’m sorry, Lisa . It could never have worked between us ./If I’d know, I would have given you a chance . But you never asked . (+1 Lisa affection)

– Thank you, Lisa . I appreciate that . (+1 Lisa affection)/We could get in real trouble with the school if anyone found out.

– Go with the teddy bear/Go with the necklace (Choice will be remembered and will of course have some influence on multiple scenes after this choice)

– I’m sure you did your best . Lexi will appreciate the effort ./We can make a new cake together if you want .

– That wouldn’t matter to me ./We’d find a way to deal with it . We can handle anything together, okay?

Day 14 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– I’m sure Roxanne would appreciate that… (+1 Roxanne affection)/Do you mean you want me to come too?

– Yeah, we had some fun ./She just had morning classes . We had to get up early .

– Amazing . Absolutely amazing ./I’d be jealous of your boyfriend if you bought this for him .

– The first one looked better./This one will really get your boyfriend going ./Why not buy them both?

– Yeah, this is my first meeting actually ./I don’t need to be in the club room when Roxanne isn’t there .

– Do you want go after her? (+1 Fellicia affection)/Let’s just go to the art club room.

– Open the letter/Just give the letter to Lexi (Choice will be remembered)

Choosing to not open the letter will automatically start the Lexi-Fellicia romance. By opening the letter Lexi will ask you who you think she should get with,

which gives you the choice between starting the Lexi-Fellicia or Lexi-Roxanne romance.

– If you opened the letter:

– Roxanne, I’d say (Lexi- Roxanne romance)/Fellicia fits you best (Lexi- Fellicia romance)

At the end of the day you can have a threesome with you, Sophie and Lisa. You need to have at least 2 Lisa affection points though. If you do not, Sophie will not suggest the threesome and you can skip thefollowing section of the walkthrough.

– Alright, I’ll ask her (Start threesome)/I don’t think this is a good idea (Reject threesome)

– No, it doesn’t ./Weird doesn’t have to mean bad .

– If you asked Lisa to have a threesome:

– While masturbating? No, I haven’t ./A few times, maybe .

– I did . A long time ago ./No, I didn’t .

– Not this time ./Not without the woman I love .

Day 15 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– Tell her you have it/Stealthily place it behind her table (Choice is remembered)

– We can try it together if you like .***/You’re usually so confident . I know you can do this ./Then maybe you should just wait . (Choice will be remembered, obviously)

*** = This will lead to a foursome on Day 16. The option will only appear if Lexi’s affection is at least 1. Her new girlfriend’s affection (Fellicia or Roxanne) also needs to be at least 1 . And Lexi needs to have seen Evelyn and Sophie kiss (she needs to know about your relationship) .

– Hmm, yes . That’s one of the things I love most about you ./Seeing your smile always helps me brighten up my day .

– I knew you’d take it this way…/Do you honestly believe that would be a good idea?

– Tell Frank/Don’t tell Frank (Choice will be remembered)

– If you chose ‘Tell Frank’:

– No, I won’t let you do that to Sophie . I’ll be the test subject . /No one is going to be a test subject .

(Choice will be remembered and changes the ending)

– Right, let’s sleep in your room ./It might be better if we slept in separate rooms tonight . (Choice will be remembered)

Day 16 – Blooming Love Walkthrough

– I slept perfectly fine ./I didn’t sleep well either, I’m afraid.

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