Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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Hometown/Family – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Meg – Can stay loyal to her or have enough corruption/persuasion to keep your affairs secret.

Mei – Best course is to first focus on corrupting her. Affection and respect are easily built later on so don’t worry too much about reducing respect at first.

Imani – Mei’s girlfriend. Will be tied in with Meg as possible love triangle with Emma.

Ling – Emma’s Mama. There are some options for corruption and lust but nothing more currently in game.

Amy – Emma’s Mother. Some options for lust, but nothing more currently in game.

Students – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Devya (Megagirl) – Key to her romance path is Affection and Respect. There also seems to be a corruption route being made for her as well based on Lust and Corruption, though it doesn’t lead to the best scenes later on. Her path can also be linked with Robbie who Devya also likes.

Robbie (Rage) – Easy to build stats with. Just spend time with her and be nice. Runs somewhat contrary to Anya/Lisa Path.

Sara – Flirty. Seems loving and giving. Sort of sexually repressed due to power.

Anya – Aggressive, sexual, and highly dominant, but respects those that stand up for themselves. Closely associated with Lisa.

Lisa – Submissive, sexual, and Angsty. Hates Candice ‘Licorice’. Anya’s sidekick.

Tonya – Mysterious.

Faculty – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Gloria (Major Liberty) – Likely Respect and Affection oriented.

Cassandra (Glowstick) – Lustful but maybe repressed. Trying to be the ‘good leader’.

Ada (Tech Wizard) – Arrogant, highly intelligent, slightly lustful.

Betty (Nightengale) – Highly lustful, but still loving.

(Stalker) – Dual personality. Serious and ‘good’ when civilian. Lustful badass in hero suit.

Candice (Licorice) – Reformed villain. Trying to be good, while still understanding all villanous thoughts.

Jordan – Partner of Ada. Seems serious and detached. Military focus. Not seen much yet.

Friday (Day 1)

{Anya} – Martial Arts would be a good choice

{Stalker} – Martial Arts or Studying would be good choice.

{Robbie}{Ada} – Studying would be good choice.

{Liberty}{Mei} – Martial arts will make impressing them easier when training.

{All others} – My Social life for the Charisma and Seduction boost will help you the most early on, the others can generally be trained up before any real skill checks are made for them.

Saturday (Day 2) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Meet Mei and Imani:

{All Paths} – Best to lie here. Persuasion boost and Mei’s respect started at zero so not really losing any points with her. The gains from telling truth are easily made up later.

Practice with X-ray vision:

{All Paths} – Let’s Do it is best option. Gains in skills. However, choosing the other option will show a different sex scene with Meg for a few gallery screens, but you will lose some affection points for her, but are easily replaced later.

Sunday (Day 3) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

What to do for the day:

Go out on the town – Provides some good skill boosts. Best choice for most paths especially {Devya}{Lotus}{Betty}

Stay in and cuddle – {Mei} use Imani’s power on Mei,

{Sara or Imani} Use Imani’s power on Imani.

{Ling?} – way to add corruption to Ling, but nothing in game yet and harmful to other relationships.

{Meg} – Can use on Meg to add some corruption for her.

Monday (Day 4) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

{Lotus} – flirt option

{Devya} – Apologize for romance path, Ogle for corruption path. Don’t xray glowstick but xray all others. You will need the lust.

{Glowstick} – Use x-ray on Glowstick ONLY if her path only. All others should avoid using on her.

{Stalker} – Be sure to xray her.


{Devya}{Robbie} – Search for Shy girl first. Escort her to doctor, but return before xray through door. Then talk to Devya. Choose Everyone knows you’re hero. If corrupting Devya, you can choose Anya, then Devya.

{Mei}{Tonya} – Visit them and be friendly.

{Anya}{Lisa} – Join Anya in bathroom. Mei/Tonya visit is best 2nd meeting.

{Any other Paths} – Should visit Mei/Tonya for setting up skill gains later.

Back to your room with Devya:

{Devya} – Telling the truth. Also open up Sharing Robbie. If went Anya/Devya corruption path still okay to tell truth here.

{Robbie} – Tell the truth to Devya if you want to share. Lie to Devya to keep Robbie to yourself.

{All others} – if no interest in Devya, best to lie for a persuasion boost.

Video call with Meg:

{Devya} – romance route you want to say ‘roommate could come back’ to preserve your lust. On corruption route where cheated with Anya, confess to Meg. Devya will earn some affection and lost respect back.

{Meg} – Can have cybersex with Meg, though the gains are largely still maxed out anyway.


{Devya} – Accept her request and xray her. Lust should be high enough to masturbate. Distract her for romance path, or tell her truth for corruption path. This will count as cheating on Meg

{All other Paths} – Spy on Mei/Tonya for some skill boosts.

Tuesday (Day 5) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

{Devya} – Corruption route=give her a show. Otherwise just go shower.


{All Paths} – Turn around.

{Devya} – Corruption: Touch yourself. Romance: Keep showering

Breakfast in cafeteria:

{All paths} – Go ahead and xray Glowstick here. Still disabled if you did earlier. Skip x-ray on Mei and Tonya.

Powers Evaluation:

{All paths} – Flirt and Xray.

Dorm Room with Devya:

{Devya} – Tell the truth for both romance and corruption.

{All other Paths} – Vague Answer.

Outside Mei’s Room:

{Devya} – Knock right away.

{Mei} – Use xray. Stall. Keep Stalling for big boost to her corruption.

{Tonya} – Be sure to knock eventually. No Keep Stalling option.

{All other Paths} – Can do whatever you wish here.

Inside Mei’s Room:

{Devya} – Corruption path: Encourage her to drink, keep pushing, accept taking her home and her lust should be high enough to accept fooling around. Keep going for gallery scenes unlocked. This will be cheating on Meg.

{Devya} – Romance Path: Decide for herself.

{All others} – Decide for herself.

7 Minutes in Heaven:

{Meg} – Can choose any partner, but kiss them on lips or fooling around counts as cheating.

{Mei} – Slip her tongue to continue her corruption.

{Tonya} – Flirt, but decline to go further is best option for her romance.

{Anya} – Sit back is best choice as is needed next day. Though getting up earns love and respect.

{Lisa} – Get Freaky is best as needed for next day. Though chatting earns love and respect.

{Robbie} – Either works for her path as all 3 stats grow quickly. Kissing is probably best option.

{Sara} – Kiss her is best option as needed next day.

{Devya} – Choosing Robbie or Sara and kissing is best option as it will lead to lust boost with her later that night.

{All other paths} – Anya(sit back) is good choice for a small sex skill boost.

Back in Dorm Room:

{Meg}{Devya}{Sara}{Robbie} – Call Meg. Devya will get lust boost if kissed Sara or Robbie in closet.

{All other Paths} – Experiment with powers for energy boost.

Wednesday(Day 6) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide


{All Paths} – Wash her back and Offer to wash the rest. The shower without touching yourself except for Devya corruption path.

{Devya} – Corruption path only… touch yourself after Sara.

Use X-ray for {All Paths}

Fight Training:

{All Paths} – Go easy on Robbie. Right?

{Mei} – Distract Sara, but not really necessary to do.

{Sara} – Distract Mei to see Sara win(if you used Imani power on Imani), but not really necessary and you lose out on some fight skill so just watching is still a better choice imo.

{All other Paths} – Just watch.

{All paths} – Intervene. Either you don’t care about losing points with Anya, or you have already had sex with her twice and won’t lose stats with her anyway.

Locker Room to Borrow a Power:

{All Paths} – Good idea to approach Sara first but choose nevermind to earn some respect.

{Anya} – Accept her offer to visit her that night.

{Devya} – Choose her if going for Devya exclusively. Robbie is better choice if on sharing path.

{Lisa} – Choose her power.

{Mei} – Try asking and turning down all other girls. Then Mei will kiss you.

{Robbie} – Help her and ask her to stay.

{Sara} – Use the trust me when kissed in closet is best for her path.

{Tonya} – Choose her power.

{Betty} – Robbie is best choice to earn some affection from Betty.

{Liberty} – Mei is best choice as you can earn affection or respect.

{Jordan} – Mei is best choice as you can earn significant respect from her here

Dorm Room:

{Anya} – Obviously visit Anya and undress

{All other Paths} – Call Meg

Thursday (Day 7) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide


{Devya} Corruption path ONLY – touch yourself in shower.

{All other Paths} – Keep Showering.

Breakfast in Cafeteria:

{All Paths} – use xray.

{Anya} – Stay out of it.

{All other Paths} -should Step in to break up argument.

Meeting with Ms. Chow:

{Lotus} – Tech Wizard, Glowstick, Lotus to earn respect or Affection. Unsure which are better stats yet for Lotus, so I usually go affection now, so Lotus and Saving People best choices.

Afternoon activity:

{Devya} – Go to library and praise Robbie as Devya’s respect harder to raise.

{All other} – Best to go to Art Studio.

{Anya}{Lisa} – I didn’t see what happened.

{All others} – Choose they attacked Ms. Carmichael.

Back in Your Dorm Room:

{Sara} – Visit Sara. Xray and tell her about no panties. Stay with her in the park.

{All others} – Hang out with Mei. Don’t x-ray unless you have low persuasion. Pry about Tonya if interested in group scene on Saturday.

{Mei} – definitely need to Pry about Tonya.

{Devya} – If corruption path..don’t call Meg as it clears your lust needed for shower next morning.

Friday (Day 8) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide


{Devya} – Corruption path ONLY – then touch yourself else keep showering.

{All others} – Keep showering.


{Stalker} – Unsure yet what best stats to boost for Stalker. I usually choose one xray and one don’t look for 10 points each of lust and respect. May change in future when more stalker content.

{Stalker} – Need 30 fight or 30 stealth to get bigger stat boosts with Stalker by defeating enemy on your own.

Home :

{Mei} – Yell at her(mom) to earn some respect from Mei.

{Amy} – Hug them.

{Ling} – Hug them. Only useful if used Imani power on Ling earlier to rebuilt stats lost.


{Meg} – Leave out cheating or having stayed faithful is best. Or you can slowly rebuild relationship after this setback.

Saturday (Day 9) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Breakfast with the Moms:

{All Paths} – Accept the apology here.

Bedroom (with Imani and Mei):

{Imani}{Mei} – Ask about open relationship is best option.

{Meg} if you are seeking forgiveness you won’t get a choice here. Otherwise can choose to remain only with Meg if you choose. Get exclusive strap-on seem if stay only with Meg.

{All other Paths} – Best to ask about open relationship to keep other dating option open. Won’t be available for some paths like Sara since you didn’t ‘Pry about Tonya’ earlier.

Party Time :

{Meg} – if you are on the forgiveness path. Don’t x-ray Sally and Taylor. Need to keep lust low.

Never Have I Ever Game:

{Meg} – if on forgiveness path best option is choices 1-1-2. You will get a bathroom scene with Taylor where you can push her off if your lust isn’t maxed. Helps rebuild Meg’s stats.

{Meg} – if on loyal path then choices 2-1-1 will get you a strap-on scene with Meg.

{Imani} – Best is choices 1-2-2 to get Sally Marie demonstration, but choose ‘Probably shouldn’t’ for her respect.

{All other paths} – Best is choices 1-2-2 to get Sally Marie demonstration and ‘go for it’ for a large energy skill boost.

Sunday (Day 10) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

{All Paths} – Be nice at breakfast.

Swimming Pool:

{Mei} – Join Mei and Imani. Rub her butt, but avoid going further. Even though you gain some a large lust with her, you lose opportunities later that are more beneficial along with some charisma skill gains.

{Imani} – Join Mei and Imani. Rub her butt and pussy if Meg is gone. Though this won’t make up for the lost opportunities by Meg being gone. Alternatively, can Go with Sally Marie and Taylor, but tell them to get a room for some respect.

{Meg} – Forgiveness Path. Go with Sally Marie and Taylor, but tell them to get a room.

Lunch with family:

{All Paths} – Stop her will provide big boosts to Affection and Respect with your family.

{Amy}{Mei} – Let her continue will boost lust with both Amy and Mei, but huge hits to other stats. Something to consider if this is the start of some family corruption path in the future. I wouldn’t recommend this option yet though.


{Meg} – Stay with her in open relationship.

{Imani} – Stay with Meg in open relationship for possibly later trio.

Car Ride:

{Mei} – Massage her feet.

Dorm Room:

{Devya} – Check it out and then seduce her.

{All other Paths} – Let it go.

Monday (Day 11) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Shower events:

{All Paths} – Chatting will generally increase affection except for Lisa.

{All Paths} – Flirt will increase lust and a point of seduction. Sara, Lisa, and Anya will lead to shower sex once, though you will get a warning for being late to class. This will cause a loss with Sara as well, so best avoided. Will also lose respect with Lotus later in the week.

Morning Class – History class with Stalker:

{Lisa} – You’re Pretty choice will boost Lisa’s affection and respect.

{Stalker} – You’re Pretty choice will increase Stalker’s lust but reduce her respect. Unknown if this is a good or bad hit yet.

{Robbie}{Stalker} – If you have 55 technology, choose the ‘No more space exploration’.

{All others} – Less diversity.

Break Time Events :

{All Paths} – Gain 1 point affection for who you hang out with.

Afternoon Class – Beach Volleyball:

{Robbie} – Can choose Robbie for a boost in stats, though honestly, its not needed here. Mei still better option unless you only are pursuing Robbie exclusively.

{Sara} – Good choice if pursuing Sara and don’t care about Mei. Not necessary to Sara’s Path though. Accept the challenge even though will lose final.

{Mei}{All others} – This is definitely the best overall choice for most paths. Large boosts very everyone involved. Accept the challenge and choose Anya, unless you are focusing on Lisa’s Path. This alone will fix or max out Mei, Anya, and Lisa relationship scores.

Evening Events:

{Ada}{Betty} – Visit Tech Wizard’s Lab on Monday’s only. Consent.

{Students} – Can gain up to 12 affection by spending time with a student, or train with them twice for minor skill boosts and a bit of respect/lust. Can do a little each. Can also go on a date with them. Dates will generally give large boosts to affection/respect/lust. Dates will be necessary to open options in later events and progress relationships.

{Cassandra} – Should go out on a date with Mei(if possible) for a small boost to Glowsticks stats later on.

Hero Events :

{Faculty} – Can train for a large boost in both skill and attributes plus some respect/lust. Also can choose to go on a field mission with selected Faculty member. This generally provides some skill boosts as well as relationship growth with them. Also provides means of increasing personal respect as a hero. May need a certain level of skills for best results. Will detail individual missions at the end of document.

Tuesday (Day 12) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Morning Class – Philosophy class with Glowstick :

{Glowstick} – Focus on test. Can get some lust by xray, but lust can be built later without penalty.

Afternoon Class – PE with Major Liberty:

{Liberty} – Quick Kiss for respect or Drag it out for Lust. Unknown which might be better yet.

{Robbie} – Offer to help. Will get different scenes depending on whether Devya participates as well.

Evening Events:

{Betty} – Go on her 1st date. Should have 35 seduction for added boost. Choose to eat dinner first for much better results.

{Cassandra} – Go on her 1st date. Choose normal clothes is probably best as lust is easier to build later.

Wednesday(Day 13) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Morning Class – Math/Science class with Tech Wizard :

{Ada} – Speak up if your Mind+Tech is 120+

Afternoon Class – PE with Major Liberty:

{Robbie} – no stat boosts but can watch scene for gallery if already went on 2 dates with Robbie.

{Devya} – Can come along with scene for Robbie if on sharing Path. Adds to Devya’s corruption.

{All Paths} – Best choice is fight. Especially good for Anya path if you can beat her in tough fight. Need high fight + strength skills or Dexterity + Maneuver skills. Even defeat better option than just fucking.

Evening Events:

{Betty} – Go on her 2nd date. Should have 75 total dex+maneuver for more stat boosts.

{Cassandra} – Go on her 2nd date. Small extra boost if went on date with Mei earlier.

Thursday (Day 14) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Morning Class – Public Relations with Lotus :

{All Paths} – Probably best to keep listening as the respect hit is significant

Afternoon Class – PE with Major Liberty:

{Sara} – You want 100 Strength + Fight for better results here.

{Liberty} – Fair fight with Mei is best for an affection/respect route. Dirty fight will earn lust and corruption for Major Liberty.

{Mei} – Fair fight will earn more affection/respect. Dirty is huge boost to lust/corruption for Mei.

Evening Events:

{Betty} – Go on her 3rd date. Choose either Future option for respect or affection. I chose future career for respect here since affection will almost max by end of this date anyway.

{Cassandra} – Go on her 3rd date. End Session probably best choice for a love(good) route, but the keep going could have lasting effects across other girls too. Will have to watch how this affects future updates with others.

Friday (Day 15) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Meeting with Ms. Chow:

{Lotus} – Can earn lust or respect by using/not using x-ray. Can’t determine which is more helpful yet. Would choose based on how you chose before in her interactions. You should never have been late to classes and earned at least 70 respect before this day. Also captured Lady Dragon in Lotus Hero Mission for overall best results with her.

Art Class:

{Candice} – Stay and help her clean up. Charisma+Seduction of 75 needed for a bit more lust for Candice. Enables dates with Candice.

{Anya}{Lisa} – Join them in the shower for some fun. Must agree to help with Lisa revenge plan or you completely wipe out all stats for both girls.


{Devya}{Robbie} – Should be on the Library route. Will open possibly open up ALEXIS provided you met with Ada earlier about dating others.

Evening events:

{Candice} – Can go to her apartment. Probably choosing Sexy Pose and then NOT making a move would provide the best stats boosts all around. Unknown yet if this is best.

Saturday (Day 16) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Mixer event:

{Students} – Speak with those you are most attracted to. Up to 4 can be chosen. Alternatively, speak to those that you haven’t maxed stats. Great point to make up ground for those that have been neglected.

{Imani} – Accept the offer to join the group sex with Meg.

Sunday (Day 17) – Champions of Liberty Institute of Training Walkthrough & Guide

Choices should be largely locked in by previous choices at this point. Otherwise choose based on who you are pursuing.

Currently end of 0.62

Field Missions : *Note: I am choosing what I believe to be the best outcomes. Try all possibilities yourself as you may find other ways to play the mission better for you.

Stalkers 1st Mission – You want 25 seduction and 35 persuasion for best results here.

{Stalker} – Don’t xray for a big respect boost.

Go into mission as a Stripper. First choose to Lapdance for Butch.

You can then prod her for information to get the primary objective.

Seduce her to raise your seduction skill, but decline to go back to the room with her.

Now choose to lap dance for Femme. Seduce her, and go back to the room with her.

You will capture both Femme and Butch and obtain the info you need for biggest rewards.

Lotus 1st Mission – You want either 75+ energy or Sara’s lust+affection to be 100+ for this.

{Sara} – Choose her to kiss.

{Mei} – Kiss Mei.

{Sara} – Choose Sara when captured if on her path.

{All other Paths} – Choose Mei (should have 75+ energy).

Major Liberty 1st mission – You want 90 Mind+Willpower(Devya) or both 86 Maneuver+Endurance and 86 Dexterity+Fight(Liberty)

{Devya} – Rescue the prisoner is best but need the mind+willpower to resist. Don’t have sex with the prisoners to preserve Devya’s respect.

{Liberty} – Helping Major Liberty is best, but need those high physical skills for best results.

Licorice 1st mission – You want 100 Stealth + Dexterity and 75 Dex + Man for Anya power or 50 affection with lisa and 100 energy + Man for Lisa power

{Licorice} – Side with her choice, capture and let cat burglar go for big affection boost but will cost you some respect with Anya, Lisa, and Ada. Big respect boost for arrest.

{Lisa}{Anya} – side with Lisa, capture and arrest Cat burglar, choose to kiss your path interest.

Tech Wiz 1st Mission – You 100 charisma + Persuasion and max Affection/respect with Ling

{Robbie}{Tonya}{Ada} – Have Mama Ling lap dance to get best results all around.

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