CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Start Question – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  1. u want sex with few girls ? — yes : other heroine good impression up, no : girl friend good impression up
  2. u like red or black? — 1500$ or 2500$
  3. if your girl friend NTR by other male, u excite? — yes : up NTR point, no : add item

choice for heroine – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • 話すする — talk to heroine, up or down good impression
  • バイトをしてもらう — (for girl friend only), she will use 3 day do part time job, or at night go brothel
  • デードをする — go out with heroine, if good impression over 40, can move to bed for sex
  • キスをする — kiss, need good impression over 20 (sometime fail), if over 30 must success + can choice 2 times/day, if over 40 can choice 3 times
  • 胸を触る —touch chest, need good impression over 30 (sometime fail), if over 40 can choice 2 times/day, if over 50 can total choice 3 times
  • アソコを触る touch sexual organs good impression over 30 (sometime fail), if over 40 can choice 2 times/day, if over 50 can total choice 3 times

Main point – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • some useless quest deleted, if quest not write down here can ignore
  • if lechery over 40 has another type hscene
  • 2nd town and 3rd town only can go in Sat [土] and Sun [日]
  • 2nd heroine in middle area NE building 2F SE room or guild, she has quest find 水晶 x5 for good impression only
  • 3rd heroine in weapon shop, she has quest find 銅 x5 銀x5 for good impression only

For hero, job can do in start

  • guild 1F talk to man near door > new job : guild 2F talk to man using PC
  • middle area, house in north of pub, kill 3 monster
  • west area, talk to aged in NW farm, catch butterfly (no job when raining)

East area – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • school, 1F, south area, NE classroom, Apr-Jun girl near NE corner need 高級な花 x 7 for exchange パラの飾り (sp 5 rege)
  • school 2F, south area, NE classroom, talk to girl in NE (1st choice) > library talk to student in NE > report to girl, then she need 気持ちの手紙 & 高級な花, reward +Max HP item
  • school 1F east area, talk to teacher teacher.jpg can get job for girl friend (need NTR point?)
  • at night, school SE has cat, talk to it has fight… if win can get item

Middle area – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide


    • talk to girl in left counter can go forest or dungeon (A-C has 3 types different type of dungeon), each times need 5 day.
    • If after go any dungeon, then go restaurant talk to man in NW restaurant.jpg , dungeon A-C can go B3
    • If after go any dungeon, can go B1
    • If kill dungeon A-C boss, then can go dungeon D (has 2 different type dungeon in random)
    • NE notes can get quest, then talk to girl in right counter finish it, but quest can get 1 only and cant cancel, last 2 quest for equip
    • dungeon A-C has event in entrance > inn talk to girl in right area inn.jpg > guild 2F talk to man in front of door > move out town can go new dungeon [光魔の建物] (from town south entrance)
    • B1, watch in NW can use 魔術の火 exchange magic, man in NE can use 閃きの雷 exchange skill but need level 30
    • B1, man in south need 石版 x3 or 砕けた石版 x8 to exchange 魔術の火 or 閃きの雷
  • Cat in east of guild need キャットフード, if give it to cat can play mini game, game get point can exchange equip, equip better then weapon shop
  • open box outside item shop, then girl friend can get new job (talk to her choice バイトをしてもらう > 道具屋の事を言う)
  • Inn, big bathroom talk to man on chair then talk to inn master, then girl friend can get new job (talk to her choice バイトをしてもらう > 宿屋の事を言う)
  • inn, talk to man in SW room > at night go pub talk to man in SW > go 2nd town, guild talk to girl in left counter can go 3rd town
  • Aug, restaurant has box restaurant.jpg , then girl friend can get new job (talk to her choice バイトをしてもらう > 食堂の事を言う)
  • at night, talk to man in pub pay 1k pub.jpg , then go west area brothel 3F click NW bookshelf, next day can find nude girls in : 1, NW of pub. 2, inn SE room. 3, east area SW. 4, west area toilet. 5, school 2F south area, SW room. 6, house in home SW (same building)

west area – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • NW house, talk to man in 10-12 month, if get 魔獣の骨 x5 can make 髑髏
  • at night, talk to man outside toilet (1st choice x 2), then go heroines room can get underwear, give to him can get $
  • at night can go brothel, 2k eash time, 4 hscene

2nd town – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • man in department store 1F need 壊れた武器 x20 for exchange 古代の銃
  • witch in north side need 武器鉱石 > department store 3F east side talk to her again > easy market NE talk to her can make 3 equipment
    • 妖刀 (also for 3rd heroine NTR) — 武器鉱石 玉鋼 精錬石
    • 鏡の盾 — 武器鉱石 鋼鉄の結晶 精錬石 プルーシールド(from weapon shop)
    • 羽靴 — 武器鉱石 鋼鉄の結晶 精錬石 毛糸
  • NW shop, talk to man wearing mask, pay 5k for hscene room open (home’s PC)
  • girl in west of toilet can buy キャットフード (500$)
  • east open area :
    • sunday [日] pay 500$ has event in north house
      • Jan : message is catch chicken, has bug change to maze
      • Mar : luck game, has bug, change to maze
      • May : hit game? has bug, change to maze
      • Aug : pass maze, better go NW exit then go other exit, can get power up item
      • Oct : cooking, if not enough item make food must fail, reward not very good
      • Dec : can do 1 time only, if heroine good impression high can get better item, if over 100 has power up item
    • better use 1k x3 buy pickaxe, saw and shovel from merchant

Hospital – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • if heroine pregnant, can go hospital 2F talk to sister
  • talk to heroine’s son or daughter (father not hero), then leave hospital hero will know heroine got NTR
  • east children center, talk to man use 1k can buy book 闇の書, use it see heroine’s NTR status (need hero know herone got NTR). 1st page of book 1st page.jpg , 1st message is NTR point, 2nd message is heroine sex to other male how many time, 3rd is how many baby by other male
  • if go children center, can see sons and daughters. If 20 day will grow up. If over 40 day sons or daughters leave (after dungeon possibly dont count 5 day, bug?), possibly has item in silver box

3rd town – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • with 3rd heroine, go NW house talk to man in NW side (1st choice) > with 2nd heroine (in Wed [水]), go B1 talk to soldier can use pot
  • aged in inn 2F need 綿 + 糸 for exchange 毛糸
  • man in east side need 武器鉱石 x5 for exchange 虹色鉱石

Dungeon – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

[光魔の建物] (from town’s south entrance)

go up VS boss > school 2F library click book > back to dungeon, go top click stone > move down use big magic circle > 3F VS boss > 4F VS dragon > 5F talk to fairy queen > god area VS boss then talk to another world god > another magic circle to next area (choice no idea…) > boss > VS another world god (better get VS god equipement in fairy town)

quest for get VS god equipment : in fairy town, npc near SE :

ダークマター プロンズメテオ シルバーメテオ ゴールドメテオ all x5 or

ルーンスター プロンズメテオ シルバーメテオ ゴールドメテオ all x5

if not enough item, next time go dungeon again, item will repop​

after win another world god :

  • hscene room has hits
  • cat in hscene room can change day and month
  • man in hscene room sell item
  • fairy outside home can change weather

For NTR – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • purple color choice up other male good impression or NTR point
  • green color choice for event, sometime up NTR point

Girl friend – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

  • NTR point over 2, good impression to パイス over 12, then with girl friend, talk to him in guild SE, will has event in pub (if want up good impression or NTR point, at night can find him in restaurant NTR.jpg ). if go with girl friend to guild talk to him or at night girl friend not in home, go middle area NE building 3F click window will has hscene
  • If girl friend working in inn, go to inn talk to her, then NTR point over 5, good impression to デオ over 10 has hscene, total 4 hscene
  • NTR point over 15, if girl friend working in item shop, talk to her will up good impression to shop master, if enough has hscene
  • NTR point over 5, if girl friend working in restaurant, talk to her will up good impression to ザンバ, need more high NTR point and enough good impression will has hscene
  • NTR point over 20, if girl friend working in school, go school 1F south area, NW class room has event, next time has hscene with headmaster, then lechery over 40 has hscene with student
  • When lechery over 40, know girl friend sex with other, at night, go brothel with girl friend and talk to brothel master, then back to home talk to her can work in brothel, then go brothel 2F has hscene , total 4
  • When girl friend not virgin, after new dungeon 5F talk to fairy in south area , then talk to guild master in counter, at night west area, with girl friend talk to man in SE will go evil king castle? total 2 hscene
  • NTR point over 20, NTR over 5 times, with girl friend go to 2nd town toilet or sunday with girl friend go west area toilet
  • NTR point over 20, NTR over 10 times, lechery over 40, with girl friend go 2nd town department store 2F, talk to girl in counter
  • NTR point over 20, NTR over 10 times, with girl friend to 3rd town big bathroom
  • NTR point over 30, NTR over 10 times, with girl friend see her son (need son in 20 – 40 day), total 4 hscene (if danger day no hscene, if father not hero also no hscene)

2nd heroine – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

(girl in guild counter)

  • NTR point over 6, good impression to パイス over 12, if go with her talk to him in guild on Wed [水], after lose to him, next day go guild talk to new girl has event, next wed with girl friend talk to him again, then next day go guild talk to new girl has hscene. At night, click her room door, if cant open has hscene
  • NTR point over 5, NTR over 2 times, with her to 2nd town toilet or sunday go west area toilet
  • NTR point over 5, NTR over 5 times, lechery over 40, with her to 2nd town department store 2F talk to girl in counter
  • NTR point over 10, NTR over 5 times, with her to 3rd town big bathroom
  • NTR point over 15, NTR over 5 times, with her see her son (danger day no hscene, if father not hero also no hscene)

3rd heroine – CONFUSION WORLD Walkthrough & Guide

(girl in weapon shop)

  • Talk to man in weapon shop, then with her talk to him in outside 2 times, then talk to him in weapon shop again, if give him 妖刀, at night if weapon shop door locked has hscene
  • NTR point over 5, NTR over 2 times, with her to 2nd town toilet or sunday go west area toilet
  • NTR point over 5, NTR over 2 times, with her to 2nd town department store 2F
  • NTR point over 10, NTR over 2 times, with her to 3rd town big bathroom
  • NTR point over 15, NTR over 5 times, with her see her son (danger day no hscene, if father not hero also no hscene)

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