Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture Walkthrough

Welcome to Corporate Culture Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Version 1 – Corporate Culture Walkthrough

1. Why don’t you compete for a … (Your choice)

2. A) I do.

B) It’s for work.[Lucy_R+1]

3. A) qwerty123.

B) Biggusdickus.[LuBd]

C) xXx_PussyDestroyer_xXx[LuPd]

4. A) I want to spend time with her.[LuGot]

B) I don’t have time for this.[Ed_A+1] {Go to #7}

5. A) She is gorgeous.[Lucy_R+1] [LuRtPlaces]

B) She’s a bit chubby.

6. A) It was great![Lucy_R+1]

Ask her to watch something…[Lucy_R+1]

Just be polite.

B) It’s fine.

7. Take a closer look. (Your Choice)

8. A) Yeah, she is.

B) Are you a Lesbian?[Ed_A+1]

9. A) But it sounds like that.[Ed_A+1]

B) Stay Silent.[Elsa_R+1]

10. A) Turn back to Elsa.

B) No reason to hurry.[Ed_A+1]

11. A) You’re such a racist.

B) What do we have in common.[ElLoveObey]

12. A) Go for coffee.

B) Overhear them.[ElOverheard]

Note: #13 is only for those who obtained [ElOverheard].

13. A) She isn’t coming.[Elsa_R+1] [Ed_A+1]

B) Silent.

14. Sure. (Your Choice)

15. A) Kiss her.[Lucy_R+1] [Ed_A+1]

B) Don’t kiss her.

16. A) I’m head of a department (Lie).

B) I’m an office monkey.

17. A) That was the plan.

[Lucy_R+3] [LuEdWhoD]



Note: If [LuEdWhoD], [LuGot] & [Lucy_R] >=5, then [LuSexAgreed]

B) Why would I want you to drink. [Ed_A+1]

Note: If [LuEdWhoD], [LuGot] & [Lucy_R] >=5, then [LuSexAgreed]

18. A) Yeah, agreed.

B) Evening isn’t over.

Kiss her.

Grab her pussy.

[EndGame] {Go to Version 2}

[EndGame] {Go to Version 2}

[Ed_A+1] [EndGame] {Go to Version 2}

Note: If [LuSexAgreed], then [LuBoLuSex] & [LuRout]. (Important Variable Save Before)

Version 2 – Corporate Culture Walkthrough

Note: #1-2 are only for those who obtained [LuSex]. {No} {Go to #3}

1. A) That was a one-night stand. [Ed_A+1]

B) I want something more. [Ed_L+1] [LuFriendZone]

2. A) Hit the dark side. [Ed_A+2] [LuLego]

B) Better not. [Ed_L+2]

3. A) It’s you who’s early.[Ed_A+1] [EdElPhoto]

B) It’s because of a girl.[Ed_A+1]

C) I bought you a coffee.[Ed_L+1]

4. A) Thank you.[Ed_A+1]

B) Good like Ruby?[Ed_L+1]

5. A) I don’t mind.[Ed_L+1]

B) Does it really matter?[Ed_A+1]



I’m not playing your games.[Ed_A+1]

6. A) Where are you from?[EdElFrom]

B) Tell me about your parents.[EdElParents] [ElSpecify]

I don’t buy it.[Ed_A+1]

o You’d be very elegant in a…[Ed_L+1]

o Don’t change the subject.[Ed_A+1]

Why didn’t you go into the family…[Ed_L+1]

Note: #7 is only for those who obtained [ElSpecify].

7. Specify. (Your Choice)

8. A) She’s kind.[Ed_A+1] [Ed_L+1] [EdAlKind]

B) She’s a big breast.[Ed_L+1] [EdAlBBreast]

C) I know nothing about her.

9. A) I’m fine.[Ed_L+1]

B) I’m dizzy.[Ed_A+1]

10. A) Tell the truth.

B) Try a joke.[EdAlTyson]

11. A) Try to ask her out.[Alice_R+1]

B) Don’t ask her out.

12. A) Friend.[EdElFriend]

Yeah, definitely. (Your Choice)

B) Co-worker.[EdElCoworker]

Yeah, definitely. (Your Choice)

Note: #13 is only for those who obtained [EdElPhoto].

13. A) I’ll take it.[EdElCont]

B) I want to see your childhood photos.[EdElCont]

C) I won’t do that.

Note: #14 is only for those who did NOT obtain [EdElPhoto].

14. A) I’ll take it.[EdElCont]

B) I won’t do that.

15. A) Sorry.[Ed_L+1]

B) Don’t like to be poked in the face.[Ed_A+1] [EdElPokedIn]

16. A) I want to make them suffer.[AuRemEdSuffer]

B) I want to learn how to live.[RemEdLive]

17. You think so. (Your Choice)

Note: #18 is only for those who obtained [LuSex].

18. A) How’s Jensen?[EdLuJenDate]

B) What’s new?

19. A) Ok I can move it by myself.[Ed_L+1]

B) Try to make her help me.[Lucy_R+1] [Ed_A+1]

Why would you help me otherwise?

My Wi-Fi works in my apartment too.[Lucy_S+1] [EdLuPersuad]

Note: #20 is only for those who obtained [LuSex].

20. A) Escalate.[AuLuSex] {Go to #23}

Note: If [EdLuPersuad], then Sub Choices, else [Lucy_R+2] & [Ed_L+1]

Take initiative.[Lucy_R+1] [Lucy_S+2] [Ed_A+1] [EdLuInit] {Go to #23}

Let her lead.[Ed_L+1] [Lucy_R+2] {Go to #23}

B) No interested in her.[EdLuNoInt] {Go to #22}

Note: #21 is only for those who obtained [LuSex].

21. I have a lot of work. (Your Choice)

22. A) Go to sleep.

B) Go back to work.

{Go to End Version 2}


23. A) Sleep.

B) I can’t sleep [EdWorked]

Version 3 – Corporate Culture Walkthrough

1. A) I have someone else. [Ed_L+1] [BarbLucyTaken]

B) Friends with benefits. [Ed_A+1] [BarbLucyFwb]

Try to push her. [Ed_A+1] [Lucy_S+1] [BarbLucySex]

Note: Will only appear if [LuSex]

o Cum on her belly.

▪ Kiss her. [Lucy_R+1]

▪ I have to go.

o Cum on her breasts. [Ed_A+1] [Lucy_S+1] [BarbBreastEnd] Note: Will only appear if [Ed_A] >=14 & [AuEdLuInit]

▪ Kiss her. [Lucy_R+1] [Lucy_S+1]

▪ I have to go.

o Alice waits.

Forget about her.

C) You said you just wanted to be friends.

Note: C will only appear if [LuFriendZone]

D) What about Jenson?

Note: D will only appear if [LuBoLuSex]

2. Take a look first. (Your Choice)

3. A) Stare. [Ed_A+1] [BarbAliceStare]

B) Gentlemen don’t do that. [Ed_L+1]

4. A) I don’t like you. [Alice_R+1]

B) No, not again. [Ed_A+1]

5. I knew it. (Your Choice)

6. A) Open door.

B) Fuck off. [Ed_L+2] [Ed_Sc+1]

7. Dodge right. (Your Choice, doesn’t matter)

8. Why? (Your Choice, next choices are the same)

9. Propose help. [Alice_R+1]

10. Like someone who didn’t sleep at home. (Your Choice)

Version 4 – Corporate Culture Walkthrough

1. A) Let her have the jacket.[Ed_L+1] [CptAliceTookJacket]

B) Demand the jacket.[Ed_A+1]

C) I didn’t mean to offend you.[Alice_R+1] [Ed_L+1] [CptAliceTookJacket]

Note: C will only appear if [Ed_L] >=10.

2. How close are you. (Your Choice)

3. A) Be passive-aggressive.[Ed_A+1]

B) Let her be.[Ed_L+1]

4. A) Eat it.[Ed_A+1]

B) Throw it away.[Ed_L+1]

5. A) No Mercy.[Ed_A+2]

B) Hold back.[Ed_L+2]

6. A) Take it.[CptClNumber]

B) Throw it away.[CommitAlice+1]

C) Are you sure (Convo Choice)

D) What was her name. (Convo Choice)

7. A) Take it.[CptTommyScooter]

B) I need it too.

Note: If [BarbLucySex], then [LucyLewd=3]

If [AuLuSex], then [LucyLewd=2]

If [LuBoLuSex], then [LucyLewd=1]

else [LucyLewd=0].

8. A) Got it.

B) Fool around.[CptElsaWearsomthingNice]

9. A) Brother?

B) Argentina?[CptLucyArgentina]

Next page.

Note: #10 is only for those who obtained [LucyRoute].

10. A) Talk to lucy.[Ed_A+1] [CptLucyRouteTalk]

I can’t let this happen.[Ed_A+1]

Note: Choices below are only if [Lucy_S] >= 4 and [BarbLucySex] OR[AuEdLuInit] You will obtain [LucyLewd+1]

Else [CptLucyRouteBreakup] {Go to End Version 3}

o I regret nothing.[Ed_A+1]

o Sorry.[Ed_L+1]

o I can buy you a new one.[Lucy_R+1]

▪ I want you to stay.[Lucy_R+1] [CptLucyStay]

▪ See you.[Lucy_R-3] [CptLucySeeYou]

Let her decide.[Ed_L+1] [CptLucyRouteLetherdecide]

B) Leave them alone.[Ed_L+1] [CptLucyRouteLeaveThem]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [LucyRoute] & [LucyLewd] >= 1, then [CommitAlice+1].

Version 4.5 – Corporate Culture Walkthrough

Note: #1 is only for those who obtained [CptLucyStay] OR[CptLucySeeYou] & [Lucy_R>=8].

1. A) Let her stay. [DhkLucyRoute]

B) I want you to leave.

2. A) She’s my friend. [DhkElsaFriend]


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