Dark Whispers

Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Introduction – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

● Some people in this city (and the narrator) will give you misinformation

● “High St. N” is the city block above the words “High St.” on the map,

likewise “Main St. S” is the city block just below the words “Main St.” on the map

● The H-Scene Checklist, Walkthrough, and In-Depth Guide have matching section headings, so you can move between them as you like

● Section references for ctrl-f are numbered as #1.0

● H-Scenes are listed as A.1, A.2, B.1, C.0, etc.

● Walkthrough steps are numbered as 1 — , 2— , 3— , etc.

● Try switching fonts, saving, and restarting, it may fix some of the translation bugs

I assume that you have played the game’s tutorial, or at least have been playing long enough to know the basics. I will refer to the games three times of day as “Morning, Afternoon, and Night. ”

Most streets have city blocks on both sides of them, and most city blocks are between two streets. This may account for some of the confusion when playing the game. The characters in the game give you street names, but you have to select a city block from the map (generally, the blocks right next to the street names). For clarity, when I tell you where to go, I will refer to the city blocks as STREET NAME north or STREET NAME south. For example, “Main St. S” for the block below Main St., or “High St. N” for the block above High St..

There are some cases where what the characters say is simply wrong. Clearly, the people in Arkham are trying to trick you! Not just them, but the game itself, as well! That’s right, the cruel and twisted natures of Cthulhu and the Impeller have already infected almost the entire city, and that infection has turned meta. You can’t trust anyone, not even yourself. Fear not, however, as I shall guide you along the way.

They don’t just lie about the street names, but other things as well, such as names and descriptions of people. On top of that, the shops in town often won’t even provide English translations of the description cards on their products!*

Remember when the NPC’s would lie to you in Castlevania II, because they blamed you for Dracula cursing their land? It’s kinda like that. The people of Arkham have been made into distrustful liars, including the narrator, apparently. …

Anyway, this guide has three major parts. A short list of how and where to unlock the H-Scenes, a step-by-step Walkthrough of the complete game, and an In-Depth Guide where I explain in more detail about what you need to do, what you can optionally do, clarify some of the discrepancies you’ ll find, and give you additional hints and tips.

The three parts all use the same section headers to break them up, so if you’ re using the H-Scene List or the Walkthrough and you need more details, try checking the same section of the In-Depth Guide.

The H-Scenes are listed as a letter followed by a decimal to show progressive versions of similar scenes, such as A.1, A.2, A.3, etc.. The steps of the Walkthrough are listed as numbers followed by a dash (1 — , 2— , 3— , etc.). Sections are labeled with numbers preceded by pound sign/hashtag for use of ctrl-f. See table of contents.

An H-Scene with a zero (C.0, D.0) means it is a one off without a progression. The names I’ve thrown on the H-Scenes are simply meant to be descriptive and are not official names.

If you find anything here that you know for sure is inaccurate, please contact me by massaging Guyin Cognito on F95zone, which is the only place this walkthrough should be.

*Sometimes, I can get the English working for the shop descriptions. It seems to have something to do with having switched fonts under the game’s Preferences. I haven’t sorted out exactly how that works, but give it a try. The English translation is in there, it just doesn’t always trigger when it should.

Hints And Tips – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

You’ re probably going to want a lot of money, and some of the H-Scenes require high lust. Both of these require repetitious actions that will feel tedious, but if you activate the skipping options for “after choices” and “transitions” and turn on skipping while you do them (or just hold Ctrl) it will feel a lot faster.

The fastest way to raise lust is to step in and out of the Desmort bar, getting harassed outside and playing RPS in the afternoons. Don’t turn off skipping to try and use rollback to force a win at RPS, it’ ll come around again fairly quickly. To have enough lust for job H-Scenes, accept the first offer from a stranger on the street, and then change out of the starting clothes so they’ ll leave you alone until you need them again. If lust goes too high, you’ ll get an H-Scene on the street that puts lust just under the minimum for the first offer from strangers.

While you have to use the menu in the hotel to work in the Bookstore, you can also go there to buy books. The entrance is on Pickman St. N, you can only see the top half of the door, and it’s under an awning on the left side of the screen. If the English descriptions aren’t working, check my Shop Items Compendium. I have all the books listed by color.

The game doesn’t always tell you when it’s happening, but there are skill checks being made. Sometimes you’ ll do things like search a room or research some papers, and nothing will happen. Sometimes, this is because you failed a skill check, not because you’ re looking in the wrong place or doing things in the wrong order. Fortunately, most skill checks can be tried again without any penalty. So, always make sure to try things a few times before giving up. For instance, there are doors in the catacombs that you can get through by either picking the lock or blowing them with a grenade. You can try to pick the lock as many times as it takes, so don’t waste a $125 grenade! Likewise, when doing research at the university, you might not find what you’re looking for the first time, but there’s no special order to the research options, you just need to keep digging.

All the guns cost the same and use the same ammo (including the shotgun). The bigger the gun, the more damage it does, but even the smaller ones do quite a bit. Occasionally you’ ll get three enemies at once, using dynamite might not insta kill them all, but it will get them all down to almost dead. You can change weapons in a fight by selecting the desired weapon from the item list and still attack that turn. If an enemy is almost dead, just stab them with the knife. Ammunition is cheap, but (like all items in this game) it appears to exist in a limited amount.

H-Scene Unlock List – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

Some H-scenes require high lust. There are four ways I know to increase it. The main way is to wander the map in the starting outfit until people harass you. Winning RPS against Ember gives you a nice +20 lust boost. You can buy potions from Dorago that add 25, but his stock appears permanently limited to 10. Near the end of this update, you’ ll be able to spam it in your bedroom.

Accepting the first offer from the men on the street will raise lust high enough to trigger the job related events.

Prologue: secrets in the city

Getting started and making contacts

Handsy Strangers

All of this series is triggered randomly by wandering the streets, they only occur when wearing the starting clothes, and which one happens depends on current lust %.

A.1 Stranger on the street: optional at 75 lust; +5 lust

A.2 Two men on the street: optional at 80 lust; +5 lust

A.3 Three men on the street: optional at 85 lust; +5 lust

A.4G (Grace) A skillful pair: automatic at 90 lust; -20 lust

A.4E (Eloise) Puppy decoy: automatic at 90 lust; -20 lust

A.4R (Rebecca) A walk home: automatic at 90 lust; -20 lust, +$50

Paul & Ember

B.0 Loser does a dare: win RPS, propose a dare (no alternative); +20 lust

Get a Job

C.0 Magic moment: work with magician, random, auto, minimum 80 lust; -20 lust D.0 Gang debt: work bookstore, random, -$100 alternative, minimum 80 lust

First you receive a threat, work again and don’t pay debt; -40 lust

Chapter 1: Echoes from the past – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

E.1 Servicing the servants 1 : search Old Room until employee appears, search Dining

Room until employee appears, search Bathroom until employee appears, auto

E.2 Servicing the servants 2 : search Master Bedroom until employee appears, auto E.3 Servicing the servants 3 : search Old Room until employees appear, auto

F.0 Who are we?: search Guest Room find glasses, search Parlor find cloth, search

Library find book, search Library find parchment, search Kitchen find trapdoor, auto

Chapter 2: Looking for answers – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

Rebecca and Boudolf Part 2

G.0 (Rebecca) Protection: during the Prologue hire Boudolf for protection, explore the

Catacombs with him, then visit him at Desmort (Night), bring him to the catacombs again and explore until you find a ritual book, wait for Chapter 2.

Sharing information and finding the green stone

In Chapter 2, use the Library in the Sanders’ mansion to research the ritual book until she understands it, then visit Boudolf at Desmort (Night), hire him again (Morning) and return to the catacombs, explore a bit then leave (Boudolf should mention the ritual), meet Boudolf at Desmort (Night), choose “OK. ”

A powerful spell: the jester’s voice

H.0 (Rebecca) A whisper and a scream: when dealing with the statue in the cemetery,

whisper, don’t shout (save first, you miss a powerful spell to get this scene)

I.0 (Rebecca) A live friend: agree to ghouls terms while seeking the green stone J.0 (Eloise) Beauty and the bald: When Eloise visits Professor Anderson to ask about

the green stone, offer to “do anything” for the information

K.0 (Eloise) Generation Gap: enter Bathroom at Sanders’ mansion with 95 lust

(you have to have the incest patch installed to get this scene)

Under the mansion

L.0 (Grace) Reflections: find old study beneath the mansion (explore it), -10 sanity M.0 Memories of Madness: don’t help Charles, 70 or more lust when reach the cave

After party – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

The Dream-Quest of Vixeah

N.0 Living Nightmare: meet Vixeah in Bookstore, formula in Guest room,

meet Vixeah in Bookstore, return to Bookstore, note in Library, rest in your room, investigate River St. S at Night, “Have a look”

The fate of the Larson family

O.0 Why you don’t save bite victims 101: choose Hide in the Larson case (incest patch) P.0 Abandon hope all ye who enter here: choose Fight in the Larson case

Walkthrough – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

Prologue: secret in the city

Getting started and making contacts

Steps 1 –8 can be done in any order, but are listed in my recommended order

Handsy Strangers

1 — Wear starting outfit, wander city, random events raise lust

Leads to H-Scene series A when lust reaches 75

Paul & Ember

2— Paul & Ember: random, Pickman St. N, morning, unlocks RPS game

Go to the Desmort bar on High St. N (door far right) in afternoons to play RPS. Win RPS and propose a dare for H-Scene D.0 , +20 lust

Get a job

3— “Search for a job” from hotel until you get hired by a Magician and a Bookstore 4— Buy magician’s assistant clothes for your character (low cut purple with headband)

Clothes and Weapons shops are on Main St. S

5 — Both workplaces are on Pickman St. N, but you don’t enter there to work

“Go to work” from the hotel action menu to get money when needed.

Magician: $20 ($6 on bad day), more mistakes, H-Scene B.0 at 80 lust

Bookstore: $10 ($3 on bad day), less mistakes, H-Scene C.0 at 80 lust

Dorago the street vendor

6— Dorago: NE corner of Miskatonic Ave. and Powder Mill St., must already be night

Sells special gear/weapons, buys strange items, offers side-quests

Watch: in catacombs, defeat a special monster, get $140

Music: in catacombs, when you find the right one you’ ll make a copy, get $100 Statue: go to Desmort at night, steal it, get $120

Shopping Spree

Now’s a good time to gear up.

NOTE: the shotgun uses the same bullets as everything else, not the shells The Bookstore on Pickman St. N (door on left under awning) sells skill bonus books.

Bring Backup

7— Willy: Desmort bar, morning, come back to bring along as protection (free) 8— Boudolf: Desmort bar, morning, come back to bring along as protection ($50)

Choose one to hire now, or they may not be around when you need them. If Rebecca chooses Boudolf, it can lead to an H-Scene later.

#4.02 The investigation, main story begins

9— Miskatonic University, College St. N (door center screen), morning:

repeatedly click on various options until you get a clue and a new lead

10— Desmort bar, afternoon:

Persuade Dylan Brown for next lead

11— Smoking (Gentlemans) Club, High St. S (door center screen), afternoon:

Persuade Matthew (Gregory) Carlsberg to get info

12— Desmort bar, afternoon:

Deliver information, he’ ll want to verify it

13— Hotel:

Rest for a couple days while you wait

14— Desmort bar, afternoon:

Learn about cult of Cthulhu from Dylan Brown, get another task

15— Go to Miskatonic University, get dagger and learn entrance to catacombs 16— Go to clothes shop, buy white robe for $2

An old friend (only if playing as Grace)

— Go to Desmort (Morning), get message from Willy about Andreas

— Meet Andreas on River St. S (Night), there will be a fight, get pendant

19— Go to Hangman’s Hill, there’ ll be a fight, get a key

20— Enter catacombs, explore until you kill a stellar worm

If searching for the musical score for Dorago, explore until it says you made a copy of a musical score. If you didn’t make a copy, it was the wrong music.

Rebecca and Boudolf Part 1 (only if playing as Rebecca)

— After visiting the catacombs with Boudolf, meet him at Desmort (Night)

— Return to the catacombs, explore until you find a ritual book

— This path continues in Chapter 2

21— Report to Dylan Brown at Desmort (Afternoon), fight scene

End of Prologue

Chapter 1: Echoes from the past

To get the optional H-Scenes

22— Search the Old Room until you meet an employee

23— Search the Dining Room until the employee appears again

24— Search the Bathroom until the employee appears once again, H-scene E.1 25— Search the Master Bedroom and meet the employee again, H-scene E.2

26— Search the Old Room until the employees catch you snooping again, H-scene E.3

To finish the chapter

27— Search the Guest Room to find an old pair of glasses with the initials J.G. 28— Search the Parlor until you find a cloth

29— Search the Library until you find a small book

30— Continue searching the Library until you find an ancient parchment

31— Search the Kitchen to find a trapdoor, H-scene F.0

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Looking for answers

Exploring the Sanders’ Mansion (again)

32–40— Search rooms in the following order until you find scraps of paper each time: Parlor, Dining Room, Library, Old Room, Master Bedroom, Guest Room, Studio, Master Bedroom, Parlor

Free to roam once more

Rebecca can follow up on the Boudolf path. There’s a statue in the cemetery that can grant you a powerful spell (or an H-scene, if you’ re Rebecca). Finish buying up any skill books you may have skipped. Finish Dorago’s missions, if you haven’t, and consider buying some spells from him.

Rebecca and Boudolf Part 2

— If you are playing the Rebecca/Boudolf path, Rebecca will remember the book they

found the first time she enters the Library, select Search until she figures it out

— Go to Desmort (Night) to meet with Boudolf again, they’ re friends now

— Go to Desmort (Morning) and hire Boudolf again

— Explore catacombs with Boudolf for a bit, then exit, he wants to do the ritual

— Desmort (Night), discuss ritual with Boudolf, choosing Impossible ends the story;

choose Ok to make the deal, get H-Scene G.0

A powerful spell: the jester’s voice

41— Buy the yellow gem from Dorago and poetry book from Vixeah’s bookstore 42— Go to Hangman’s Hill at Night

43— Study the statue

44— Place the gem in the statue

45— Study the statue

46— Go to the Library in the Sanders’ mansion, study until you learn the words 47— Return to the statue in the cemetery at Night

48— Shout the words to learn the “jester’s laugh” spell

If playing Rebecca, whisper to get H-Scene H.0 instead of the spell

Hunting Alastair

49— Search the Kitchen to find a card for the gentlemans club

50— (SAVE HERE) Choose whether or not to try and save Charles

51— Go to gentlemans club (smoking club) on High St. S

52— Go to police station on High St. S

53— Go to St. Mary’s Hospital, Persuade (or bribe) nurse

Sharing information and finding the green stone

54— Visit each of the other characters in their rooms at the Sanders’ mansion

Rebecca’s room is the Guest Room

Eloise’s room is the Master Bedroom

Grace’s room is the Old Room

55— Go to your own room at the Sanders’ mansion

Eloise gets an upgrade to the Master bedroom here

It works like hotel, plus rest restores sanity, and “think about the cursed” increases lust

Rebecca’s path to the stone

— Go to your room (Guest room) to reflect

— Go to the cemetery at Night (if you haven’t dealt with the statue, it will block you)

— Speak the right words to calm the ghoul: middle, bottom, top

— Agree to the ghoul’s terms for H-Scene I.0

— Go to the Guest room

Eloise’s path to the stone

— Go to Miskatonic University (Night)

— Ask about curses

— Persuade Professor Anderson to talk, or make him an offer to get H-Scene J.0

— Return to the Master Bedroom in the Sanders’ mansion

— Mix 1 yellow and 2 blue

— Go to the Guest Room

Grace’s path to the stone

— The riddle has to be answered in Spanish (just add an “a” at the end)

Answering wrong costs sanity

The answer is at the bottom, under Acknowledgements and Thanks

Using Persuade instead has no penalty

Rebecca (Guest room) and Grace (Old room) get the room upgrade here

— (Eloise only) Fill lust in Master bedroom, find Grace in the bathroom

Choose “Fine” to get H-Scene K.0

Under the mansion

56— Make any preparations you want before the final dungeon of Chapter 2

Use the bedroom to cap off Health, Sanity, and Lust

57— Go to the Kitchen to access the dungeon beneath the mansion

— (Grace) open doors until you find a special room, explore it for H-Scene L.0

58— Open doors until you reach the ritual cave

59— Confront Charles

if you chose to save him, use top option to cure him, Ending Path A

if you chose to save him, use any other option to fight him, Ending Path B if you chose not to save him, and lust is 70, get H-Scene M.0, Ending Path C

End of Chapter 2

End of update 2, except for…

The after party

You can continue playing to complete secondary missions for more H-Scenes

The Dream-Quest of Vixeah

— Start by entering the Bookstore to find Vixeah, she has a request

— Find the formula she wants in the mansion Guest room

— Deliver formula to Vixeah in Bookstore

— Return to Bookstore to check on Vixeah, find Thomas running Bookstore

— Find a note about the formula in the mansion Library

— Rest in your own room at the mansion, meet Vixeah in dream

— Investigate River St. S at Night

— “Have a look” to get H-Scene N.0

The fate of the Larson family

— Start by entering Desmont in the Afternoon to catch up with Paul & Ember

— Search the hotel room until you find some journal entries from Duncan

— Head to the cemetery in the Morning to find the gravesite of Cameron Larson

— Meet Paul & Ember back at the Desmort in the Afternoon

— Agree to help them further

— Enter the catacombs under Hangman’s Hill

— Explore until youl come across a horrific sight

— (SAVE HERE) Choose Hide or Fight

— If you Hide, explore a little again, have a fight,get H-Scene O.0 (incest patch)

— If you Fight, after the fight Ember is captured by H-Scene P.0

End of content for version 1.5

In-Depth Guide – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

Prologue: secrets in the city

Getting started and making contacts

Handsy strangers

To raise your Lust, you’ ll need people to push you. Also, pull you, leer at you, cat call you, grope you, and generally harass you. For some reason, the outfit you start the game in is the only one that really appeals to the town perverts. Walk around town wearing the starting outfit to get random encounters that will increase your Lust. You can also earn lust by winning games of RPS with Ember or by using potions purchased from Dorago, but his supply is limited. RPS is a big boost.

There is a series of scenes that follows simply wandering around. The first three stages offer the player a choice to participate, and will only raise lust if you agree. The fourth stage of the event occurs without player choice, lowers lust, and is different for each of the three player characters. Rebecca gets $50 in hers.

At first, men will only look at her, +2 lust

At 50 lust, they will begin saying obscene words to her, +5 lust

At 75, 80, and 85 lust, people invite her to do more, optional, +5

At 90 lust, a unique scene will occur for each girl, auto, -20 lust

Paul & Ember

The odd uncle-niece team of Paul & Ember can be met randomly in the Morning on Pickman St. N. After their introduction scene, you’ ll unlock Rock, Paper, Scissors with Ember at the Desmort bar.

To play again, just come back to the Desmort bar (High St. N, door far right) during the afternoon. Note that if you have another meeting there at the same time, it will

temporarily override the RPS game. After you reach a certain point in the Prologue, Paul & Ember will stop showing up. They will reappear in Chapter 2 for an optional side-quest.

If you win, you can ask them more about themselves, or propose a dare. Once you’ve learned all about them, choose the dare to see H-Scene B.0 with Ember. You’ ll gain 20 lust for watching this scene, and it’s repeatable.

Get a job

Search for a job from the hotel menu until you get hired as a Magician’s assistant, and at a Bookstore. Then, you can select to work from the hotel menu.

If you don’t have the right outfit already when you try to work for the magician, it will suggest you go to Main St. to buy clothes. You want the Main St. S block.

You’ ll notice the weapons shop is also here. Click on the handy picture signs to enter the shops, not on the doors. The clothes you want for the Magician’s assistant job is the low-cut purple outfit with a headband. Make sure to buy the right outfit for your chosen character.

For a moment, it may look as though you bought the wrong outfit, but don’t panic. When you buy the outfit, it disappears, and the remaining items shift to fill in the space, but the description does not change until you move the cursor. Once you’ve got the outfit, remember that you must equip it on your character sheet/screen any time you want to work for the Magician. Don’t forget, if you need to get cat calls to raise lust, you need to put the starting clothes back on.

Both of the jobs are on Pickman St. N, which is where you’ ll be after work, but don’t bother going there to start work. You have to select “go to work” from the action menu in the hotel. Oddly enough, the magician only has work for you during the Morning and Afternoon, but not at Night.

Fortunately, neither traveling to the hotel nor working changes the time of day, so you can return to the hotel and work again in a constant loop until you have the money you need. Just like trying to raise lust, it’s faster with skip options 2 and 3 turned on.

The Magician pays you $20 per day if you do well, or $6 a day if you mess up. Making mistakes seems to be a little more likely at this job. Overall, I recommend the Magician for quick money.

Wear your regular outfit for the Bookstore. The same concept applies to times of day and looping back through the hotel. The Bookstore pays only $10 on a good day and $3 on a bad day, but it seems slightly less likely to make mistakes at this job.

Both of these jobs lead to H-Scenes through normal working, as long as your Lust is 80 or higher. Accepting the first offer from strangers on the street should put your lust high enough to trigger the workplace scenes. Get H-Scene C.0 working with the Magician (-20 lust after), and D.0 working at the Bookstore (-40 lust after).

Dorago the street vender

This is the trader of exotic goods Grace mentions at the beginning. To find him, it must already be Night when you select his location on the map. The spot is totally

unmarked. It’s a small square near the bottom right of the map on the North East corner of Miskatonic Ave. and Powder Mill St. (second from the bottom, fourth from the right).

Dorago will sell you special items, buy things others may not want, and offer you side-quests. If you complete all his requests, he’ ll even offer you some more unusual items.

He has three missions for you. “The lost watch” is actually about finding a missing wrist watch. “The cursed score” is about a piece of sheet music with a note of the arcane. “The proof of a crime” is a murder case with stolen evidence, a statue. You must first accept each job in order to be able to find the items in question. The statue can be found right away, but the watch and the music will have to wait until you have access to the catacombs.

To find the watch, start by going to Miskatonic University in the Afternoon. Then explore the catacombs. Eventually, you’ ll come across a strange monster. Win the fight to earn the watch, and return it to Dorago for $140.

To find the music sheet, explore the catacombs until you find it on the ground. You’ ll want to examine it and make a copy before returning it to Dorago for $100. If your examination fails, you’ ll have to find another music sheet.

To find the statue, go to Desmort at Night. Try to steal the statue back from the men carrying it. If you fail, you may need to return to Dorago to restart the mission. Simply keep trying until you get the statue. Return the statue to Dorago for $120. This mission can be completed right from the start.

Shopping spree

Now you know where all the shops are, you have a way to earn money, and you can complete the statue quest for Dorago for a nice $120 bonus. So. it’s time to go shopping! If the English is on the fritz in your game, scroll down to my Shop Items Compendium (#6) for a little help.

Get each clothing set for your character. While the game doesn’t let you see your combat stats, I happen to know that the unique outfits have slightly better defense. For Rebecca, that means the blue shirt and black pants. For Eloise, it’s her yellow outfit with the jacket (from Delirium). For Grace, it’s the fancy purple gown. I don’t think the casual dresses do anything special, but these women have been through quite a lot already, and they deserve to have a decent wardrobe.

I recommend getting a pistol and plenty of ammo. All the handguns do decent damage, and they all use the same bullets, so I say pick the one you like. If you’ re a min-maxer, the Smith & Wesson is the most powerful handgun. If you want to embrace the horror genre, get the shotgun and have fun blasting bodies to pieces (use your imagination for those bits). It’s fun to throw dynamite and grenades, but you’ ll be killing most enemies in one hit already, and the dynamite literally costs 100 times as much as a bullet or a shotgun shell.

As you may recall, the Bookstore is on Pickman St. N (door on left under awning). Vixeah sells books that grant you permanent +10 skill bonuses for $50 each. You can only

buy each book once. I recommend you buy and read all of them as soon as possible. She also sells chalk, which will come in handy for finding your way back out of the catacombs, a couple of books that affect sanity and lust, and a book on poetry that’s part of a puzzle in Chapter 2.

Dorago has extra ammo, some spells, and various potions. After you complete his missions, he’ ll have more magic to sell you.

Bring Backup

If you go to the Demort bar during the morning, you can look around and potentially meet Willy or Boudolf (only one per visit).

Willy is a large and surprisingly nice guy who can accompany you later when you go to dangerous places, and he’ ll do it for free!

Boudolf is initially described as a dangerous looking female, but upon meeting Boudolf, he is a man dressed in plain clothes. … Anyway, he is not interested in chit chat, but he can be hired as protection for $50.

You can only bring along one of them, but you should choose one now. Their help is intended for your exploration of the catacombs, but once you ask them to come along, they’ll be there when you need them. If you wait too long, you’ ll miss your chance until Chapter 2. Rebecca (only) has her own sub-plot with Boudolf, including an H-Scene and an armor upgrade.

The investigation, main story begins

Research at Miskatonic University

The university/college is on College St. N, and fortunately it is one of the larger well labelled locations. It’s just a picture of the college, so the door is easy to spot. You have to be there during the Morning to get the scene to trigger. Once inside, Professor Anderson will let you research some documents.

Click on the different research options until you learn all you can from them, they will disappear when you’ re done with them. Afterwards, Prof. Anderson will point you toward a new lead, Dylan Brown.

Meet Dylan Brown at the Desmort

Head to the Desmort in the Afternoon to find Dylan Brown. He doesn’t trust you yet and will ask you to get some information he wants from Matthew Carlsberg. He’ll also give you a business card for the Smoking Club and a tip on how to sneak in. He will tell you the Smoking Club is on Pickman St., but it’s not.

The Smoking Club and Mr. Carlsberg

The Smoking Club is on High St. S, the same area as the police station. … Anyway, the club’s entrance is almost exactly center screen, immediately left of the three-bulb street light and under a wide hanging sign.

Go in the Afternoon to find Gregory Carlsberg. Yes, Gregory Carlsberg. No, not Matthew Carlsberg, Gregory. … Anyway, he’s a man of particular tastes, and you’ ll need to be wearing the right outfit in order to have any chance to Persuade him to talk to you. Grace needs the fancy purple gown. Eloise needs the yellow dress with the jacket, and Rebecca needs the blue top with the black pants.

Eventually, he will direct you to Hangman’s Hill, and, as the two of you have gotten to know each other now, he asks you to call him Mathew. … ( -_-#)

Anyway, the game then says we need to go back to Dylan Brown as soon as possible to deliver the proof. So, back we go to Dyl–waaait a minute! We don’t have any proof of anything yet, we just know where to get it, Hangman’s Hill. Oh, look, there it is on the map.

: :click: : … : :click, click: : … why is nothing happening…

Requesting to be asked to go to Hangman’s Hill

So, apparently, we need to report back to Dylan Brown before we can get access to Hangman’s Hill, which is why the game specifically tells you to do that. It’s a good thing we have such a reliable trustworthy narrator so that we knew how important it would be to take the advice! To catch up with him, return again to the Desmort in the Afternoon.

You tell Dylan what you learned from Mr. Carlsberg, and he says he’ ll verify your story himself, and you should come back in a couple of days. Simply cycling the time of day won’t cut it. Go back to the hotel and “Rest” for a couple of days.

When you return, Dylan will have verified your story to his satisfaction, and he will provide you with the information you seek to the tune of five options worth of info!

Afterward, he tasks you with another act of proving yourself, which requires:

• A special dagger, at Miskatonic University

• A ritual dress (a white toga will do), and

• A rare and unusual creature called a stellar worm

So, all easy things to— waaait a minute! A stellar worm?! Where in the name of Nyarlothotep am I gonna get a stellar worm? Well, obviously, from the catacombs under Hangman’s Hill, built and lived in by the early settlers of the town. (Wait, they lived in the catacombs? That’s not— but it—argh! … okay.)

Go to Miskatonic University (Morning or Afternoon) to ask about the dagger and getting into Hangman’s Hill. You’ ll get the dagger and the info with no trouble.

Go to the clothes shop (anytime) to ask about a toga. It will only cost you $2. It is not an equipable clothing item.

An old friend (only if playing as Grace)

If you’ re playing as Grace, go to the bar (Morning) to get a message from Willy to meet an old friend. Then, go to River St. S at Night to find Andreas. There will be a fight here. Afterward, you’ ll get a pendant. (So far, I have no idea what this has to do with anything. It may simply be a side-story for Grace.)

Rebecca and Boudolf Part 1 (only if playing as Rebecca)

If you’ re playing as Rebecca and want to follow the Boudolf sub-plot, make sure you’ve hired him to accompany you in the catacombs. This is a complicated and long multipart sub-plot that stretches from the Prologue into Chapter 2.

To get started, hire Boudolf and explore the catacombs as described below. After that, find Boudolf in the Desmort at Night to have a chat. Then bring him back to the catacombs to explore some more until you come across a strange book with a protection ritual in it. That’s all until chapter 2.

Into the catacombs of Hangman’s Hill

The catacombs can get sort of dangerous to wander in, if you’ re down there a long time. The enemies don’t really do a lot of damage, and almost anything can be killed in one shot from the Colt pistol, but if you’ re wandering down there for a long time, the damage can add up. Also, running away from fights will cost you a little sanity.

You’ ll want to make sure you have some chalk to find your way back out easily (just having it in your inventory is enough). I recommend the knife or Colt for most fights, but if you want to stock up on ammo, you can use whatever you want. There are doors and blockages/rock slides that can be opened with grenades. The doors can also be opened by lockpicking or using small keys you may find laying around.

This next paragraph takes a bit of the “videogame magic” out of the catacombs. You don’t necessarily need to know this, but I wouldn’t feel this guide was complete without mentioning it.

There is no map for the catacombs. Each room is produced randomly as you move. For now, there’s nothing that requires you to pass through the doors and blockages. Whatever you’ re looking for, just keep moving until you find it.

For now, just explore long enough to find proof that you fought a stellar worm. If you’ re looking for the music sheet or the watch for Dorago’s missions, they can be found as random items as you wander the catacombs. When you find the right music sheet, you’ ll make a copy of it. You won’t be able to hand it in to Dorago until you’ve found the right one and made the copy. The watch is in the clutches of a special monster. Once you’ve found everything you’ re looking for, head back out.

If you go to Hangman’s Hill at night, you’ ll find an odd statue, but you won’t really be able to finish dealing with it until Chapter 2.

Return to Desmort in the Afternoon once you have everything Dylan Brown requested. This will lead to another fight.

End of Prologue

Chapter 1: Echoes from the past

Chapter 1 begins with a long cut scene. Following that, we play as Anna, Grace’s mother and the other women’s grandmother. Explore the house to find clues as to what’s going on.

Chapter 1 is short compared to the Prologue, but could leave you wandering aimlessly for quite a while if you don’t know the right order to explore the rooms. The order listed below is the correct order. If you don’t find anything when you search, that either means you got off track or you failed a skill check. Make sure to follow this order, and just keep searching until it works.

There are two event paths here, one for optional H-Scenes, and another to progress toward the end of the chapter. You can look for all the H-Scenes first, or work on both at once, but when you reach the end of the story path, it will be too late to go back for the H-Scenes. Just make sure to stay out of the Kitchen until you’ re ready to move on, and you’ ll be fine.

Optional H-Scenes path:

Search the Old Room until you meet an employee

Search the Dining Room until the employee appears again

Search the Bathroom until the employee appears once again, H-scene E.1

Search the Master Bedroom and meet the employee again, H-scene E.2

Search the Old Room until the employees catch you snooping again, H-scene E.3

Story path:

Search the Guest Room to find an old pair of glasses with the initials J.G.

Search the Parlor until you find a cloth

Search the Library until you find a small book

Continue searching the Library until you find an ancient parchment

Search the Kitchen to find a trapdoor

The chapter finishes off with H-scene F.0 automatically

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Looking for answers

Exploring the Sanders’ Mansion (again)

Here we are back in modern times. You will now be given the option to choose which of the girls to control again! Just like in the prologue, you can’t change after you make your choice, at least not for the rest of the chapter.

Once you choose your character, it’s time for more exploring of the house. This time, we’ re looking for leads on what to do next, which you will find, after finding nine scraps of burnt paper with more plot clues on them. The navigation for the house is slightly different now, and it’s a little broken. Sometimes, you will need to use the map to re-enter the house, because there’s no other way to exit some of the rooms.

There is not an exact order to find all the burnt paper scraps, but it seems you can’t search the same room twice in a row, and some rooms contain two pieces. At any rate, the order below will work, and you do need all the scraps before you can search the kitchen to get the next lead.

Search the Parlor to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Dining Room to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Library to find a burnt piece of paper

(see Rebecca and Boudolf Part 2, below, if this process is interrupted)

Search the Old Room to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Master Bedroom to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Guest Room to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Studio to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Master Bedroom to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Parlor to find a burnt piece of paper

Search the Kitchen to find a card

SAVE HERE Choice of whether to try and help Charles (if he’s even alive …)

Finally! At long last, we actually get the chance to save Eloise’s husband and cure Charles of the monstrous affliction that he’s been suffering since the end of the first game in the series! Wow, I can’t believe it’s all come full circle after all these years. That’s a rare kind of opportunity in a video game series, especially in the hopeless horror genre!

If you choose not to try and save Charles, you can also get H-Scene M.0 later. Of course, you wouldn’t leave the poor guy to such a miserable fate after all this time and cost dear Eloise her husband just for another sex scene, right? … You’ re not gonna save him, are you? Well, then you’ ll need your lust to be at least 70 when you get there to activate the scene, you heartless pervert.

Free to roam once more

Now that you’ re finally out of the house, there are a few things you can do. If you’ re playing Rebecca, you can follow up on the Boudolf path. There’s a statue in the cemetery that can grant you a powerful spell (or an H-scene, if you’ re Rebecca). Finish buying up any skill books you may have skipped. Finish Dorago’s missions, if you haven’t, and consider buying some spells from him.

Rebecca and Boudolf Part 2

If you are playing the Rebecca/Boudolf path, Rebecca will remember the book they found the first time she enters the Library. You’ ll need to use Search in the Library until she figures out the ritual before you’ ll be able to proceed with the main plot investigation. Be sure to return to the Library after studying the ritual.

Any time after that, meet up with Boudolf at the Desmort at Night. They’ ll discuss the ritual, chit-chat, and generally get closer as friends.

At this point, you’ ll need to return to the Desmort in the Morning to rehire Boudolf. With him along, explore the catacombs again. You don’t need to find anything in particular, you’ re just spending time together. If you’ve done everything right so far, when you leave the catacombs Boudolf will bring up trying the ritual.

Meet Boudolf at the Desmort at Night again to discuss performing the ritual. Choose [Imposible] to back out and end this path. Choose OK to agree to Boudolf’s offer. This will lead to H-Scene G.0.

A powerful spell: the jester’s voice

If you go to the cemetery at Hangman’s Hill at Night you’ ll find an odd statue. Studying takes some effort and costs some sanity. Make sure to have read all the skill books first to have the best chances.

Eventually, you’ ll find a place to put a small gem. It wants the yellow “eye” gem that Dorago has for sale.

Further study reveals some odd words. They are a quote from a poem. You’ ll need the poetry book from Vixeah’s Bookstore to figure that out. You’ ll realize that you need to say some special words at the statue, but you’ re not sure what words.

Spend some time in the attic Library at the Sanders’ mansion to ponder this until you determine what words to say.

You may experience a bug here that takes you straight to the statue at that very moment. If not, return to the statue at Night. If Rebecca whispers the words, it will trigger H-Scene H.0. The other women will only be disturbed and leave. If any of the women shout the words, they’ ll learn a powerful group attack spell: the jester’s voice.

Hunting Alastair

At this point, our new leads are looking for Alastair at the High Street Gentlemans Club and looking for the stone to access the trapdoor in the Kitchen, which could be anywhere, even in a shop!

So, the “High Street Gentlemans Club” is the same place as the Smoking Club you’ve been to before. In fact, the bouncer is sick of you, and it looks like this will be your last visit. All you learn is that they are not happy with Alastair. Head to the police station on the same street in the Morning or Afternoon to ask why. You’ ll get a lead about an injury that occurred during the incident, unlocking St. Mary’s Hospital on the map.

St. Mary’s Hospital is properly marked. It’s just SE of the Hangman’s Hill area. Head to the hospital to ask around. The nurse there is reluctant to offer information about a patient. You can be persistent and Persuade her. If you have at least $100, you can also bribe her. They’ ll agree on “at least $50,” and the nurse then takes all your money.

Sharing information and finding the green stone

However you get the information, return to the restored Sanders’ mansion and share the information with the other two women in each of their rooms. Then go back to

your own room to decide how to proceed. Each woman has her own path to finding the green stone.

Rebecca’s room is the Guest Room

Eloise’s room is the Master Bedroom

Grace’s room is the Old Room

At this point, Eloise (and Grace) gets a room menu like you used at the hotel, including all the same options. There are two very important differences, though. The first is that, unlike the hotel, resting here actually restores a little sanity! The other is a new option, “Think about the cursed.” Selecting this option causes you to ponder the nature of your family’s lusty curse. It also raises lust by 15 and can be done as much as you want!

About here I discovered that Eloise’s starting outfit was gone. I went back and found that it happens while investigating the statue. The next time I change outfits, the starting outfit disappears. Lucky there’s a new and easy way for her to get lust, I guess.

Rebecca’s path

Rebecca will devise a plan involving ghouls, which leads her to the cemetery at Hangman’s Hill. Go to the cemetery at Night. If she hasn’t dealt with the jester statue yet, she’ ll need to take care of that first. Once it’s out of the way, she can come back and venture further into the cemetery.

After a wait, a ghoul appears. She’ ll try to communicate with the ghoul to bring it to a relatively docile state. There are three sets of words she must remember. She can try as many times as it takes, but she loses sanity each time she fails.

First, middle option

Second, bottom option

Third, top option

Once the ghoul is willing to talk, she’ ll confirm that he knows the location of the green stone. He does indeed, but he wants something in return. Agree to his terms now for H-Scene I.0, or lie to the poor lonely creature.

Eloise’s path

Meanwhile, Eloise decides to ask Prof. Anderson about the green stone. Visit Miskatonic University at Night, after classes are over. He’s reluctant to answer, but he will tell you what he knows about curses. To get the rest of information out of him, you have to use Persuade, or make him an offer that leads to H-Scene J.0.

Once Persuaded, by whatever means, Prof. Anderson will provide the information needed, and some supplies to make a detection potion. Return to the Master Bedroom at home, and mix a solution of 1 part yellow and 2 parts blue. The result will be a glowing potion that gets brighter as you approach the green stone. Find it in the Guest Room.

Grace’s path

Grace will proceed with her plan automatically when you return to her room. She enters the dream realm. This involves a riddle that does not properly accept the answer in English; you have to answer in Spanish.

Now, some people can be awfully funny about riddles, so I want to let you try to figure it out first. I’ll tuck the answer away at the bottom of the Acknowledgements and Thanks section.

Alternatively, you can get around the riddle by just choosing Persuade, and it makes no difference whatsoever. At the end of her little adventure, she’ ll realize where the green stone is hidden and automatically retrieve it.

This is a convenient time to pick up an optional H-Scene, for Eloise only. You need to have a whopping 95 lust to activate it, which previously would only have been possible by using a lust potion or playing RPS repeatedly. Now, however, Eloise can just saunter up to the Master bedroom and ponder the family curse until she’s maxed out. Once you’ve got that taken care of, go have a chat with Grace in the downstairs Bathroom. Choose Fine to get H-Scene K.0. I won’t tell you what happens, but suffice to say you’ ll need the incest patch installed for it to work.

Under the mansion

Once you have the green stone, you’ ll call a family meeting. Each woman has her own reasoning to go into the depths alone.

Stock up on supplies, and make sure your lust is at least 70 if you’ re aiming for H-Scene M.0. You remember, the one you decided to betray poor Charles to get? Once you’ re ready, head to the Kitchen to begin exploring the catacombs under the mansion.

If you’ re lucky, you might get a small key to help open one of the doors down here. You can also still retry picking the lock all day, but, hay! A key!

If you’ re playing as Grace, you should find an option to explore a room. Do it to discover an old study containing the rare and valuable H-Scene L.0.

Eventually, you’ ll pass through a door that leads to the cave. If you decided to try and save Charles, now you’ ll get the chance (choose the top option).

If you fail to save him (or your lust is too low), you’ ll have to fight him. This is also where you’ ll get H-Scene M.0 if you chose not to try and save him earlier. I hope you enjoy it; it cost Charles his humanity.

Dark humor aside, this is the end of update 2, and there are 3 possible endings. Path A for saving Charles, Path B for killing Charles, and Path C for getting the H-Scene and letting the terrible monster escape.

End of Chapter 2

End of update 2, except for…

The after party

You can choose to continue playing from here and get two more side-quests and H-Scenes! Vixeah wants to learn about lucid dreaming and has a personal item of your family, while Paul & Ember return in search of their cousin Duncan.

The Dream-Quest of Vixeah

Start by entering the Bookstore to find Vixeah. She is interested in learning about lucid dreaming. She offers you all her savings, information on magic words to alter time and reality, and a diary of Elisa Langsley. Wow, she really wants to try lucid dreaming!

To help her out, she suggests you find a diary regarding a plant formula to aid in lucid dreaming and the prayers of the priests in the cave of the flame. As luck would have it, Elisa left another diary on the subject in the Guest room of the mansion. Grab it and bring it back to Vixeah.

It is indeed what Vixeah was looking for. She’ ll ask to have some time to copy the information she needs. This time, you don’t have to do anything to pass time. Just pretend a couple days have past, turn around and go right back into the bookstore.

It seems Vixeah has gone missing for a few days, and Thomas (from the clothing shop) is running things while she’s away. She seems to be totally out of contact. Is she sleeping? You’ ll have to keep a look out for her, but where?

Meanwhile, Thomas has totally restocked the bookstore! So, if you want, you can earn some more cash and buy yourself another round of skill improvements.

Let’s head back to the Library at the mansion to read all these books. Oh, hey, another page from that diary … it’s a trap!

Well, it’s late, nothing can be done tonight. Better get some sleep yourself, in your own room, at the mansion (not the hotel). You’ ll have a strange and vivid dream, with Vixeah in it. She has realized she’s trapped in a nightmare, and she teaches you the words for the Haste and Slow spells, as promised.

Can anything be done to help poor Vixeah? In the dream, she was on River St. S. Go there at Night to see if you can find any clues.

Well, there are some clues, but not any hope. “Have a look” in that window to see H-Scene N.0 before taking care of another terrible monster.

The fate of the Larson family

Start by entering Desmont in the Afternoon to catch up with Paul & Ember. They’ re having some family trouble. Ask them what the problem is. Their cousin Duncan disappeared a few months back, while doing some family research regarding property holdings just outside Arkham. Last they heard, he was staying at the White Lake Hotel, in room 45. By coincidence, that’s the very same room you were staying in recently! They’d like you to ask around about their cousin, since you know the town and all.

Search the hotel room until you find some journal entries from Duncan. It seems his attempts to prove his link to his wealthy ancestor, Cameron Larson, were met with accusations of occult practices, and records of other family members were discarded. Then

he ran into some characters that were after him from the catacombs. He intended to blow it shut with dynamite.

Head to the cemetery in the Morning to find the gravesite of Cameron Larson. From that spot, you can see the entrance to the catacombs. Clearly, Duncan never finished his plan. Which means he might still be down there. Only one way to find out.

But hay, this isn’t about your family, for once, so just tell Paul & Ember where they can go. Meet them back at the Desmort in the Afternoon. Of course, they’ ll want you to join them, since you’ve been there before. Agree to help them out a little further.

Make sure you’ re healed up and geared up, then head into the catacombs under Hangman’s Hill once again. Look around a bit, and you’ ll come across a horrific sight. This leads to an option to hide or fight. Save here, as you’ ll want to do both.

If you choose hide, Grace and Ember will make it to cover, but Paul will be captured. The two women collect themselves and plan to ambush the creatures and rescue Paul. Use the on screen arrow to get out of the darkness and back into the catacombs, then keep looking until you find Paul. He’s alive, but he’s been bitten. This leads to H-Scene O.0 (requires incest patch).

If you choose fight, Ember will be captured without any chance of rescue. This leads to H-Scene P.0, after which, Paul loses his last ounce of hope.

End of content for version 1.5

Shop Items Compendium – Dark Whispers Walkthrough & Guide

I’m mostly making this in case the translator is on the fritz when you play.

Most items have their own descriptions

Thomas’s Clothing Shop, Main St. S

There are nine outfits available, three for each character. The graphics for all the outfits are different depending on who you’ re playing, but they are only represented by the outfits for the current character. The first set is casual outfits, Eloise and Grace’s are called brown, while Rebecca’s is called blue. The second set is more unique to each character, and the third set is the magician’s assistant costumes.

$20 Casual dresses

$100 An elegant dress, the size of Grace

$40 A very masculine but comfortable outfit, looks like Rebecca’s size

$20 An outfit that brings back bad memories, the likes of Eloise

This is Eloise’s costume from Delirium, and these three unique ones are those needed for certain Persuasion cases.

$30 Illusionist’s assistant clothes (needed to work for magician)

Migel’s Weapons Shop, Main St. S

The pictures are pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll list the guns for you, they all cost $50.

All the handguns use the same bullets. The shells, obviously, are for the shotgun.

Berreta M418, pocket gun, easy to hide, first made 1919– 1922

Colt 1903, semi-automatic pistol, design John Browning, built Colt Patent Firearms Short barrel shotgun, high fire power, popular with travelers and bank guards Smith & Wesson Model 3, single-action, superior-break revolver

As of the end of version 1.5, most enemies, including the Impulsator worms near the end, can be killed in one shot from the Colt. Having a stick or two of dynamite or some grenades comes in handy for full groups of enemies before you get the jester’s voice spell. The shotgun does not use the shells; it uses the same bullets as everything else.

Vixeah’s Bookstore, Pickman St. N

Yellow book, $50: a classic art book for students, Art skill +10

Dark blue book, $50: a history book for students, History skill +10

Purple book, $50: a book with tricks to increase personal charm, Persuade skill +10

Pale blue book, $50: a novel, to reduce stress, Sanity +15

Brown book, $50: a guide to lock types, Locksmith skill +10

Green book, $50: an illustrated first aid guide, Medicine skill +10

White book, $50: an erotic novel, to reduce excitement in intimate moments, Lust -25 Black book, $50: looks like notes on Eibon’s book, Occult skill +10

Bright blue book, $20: a book with some antique poems (needed for statue in cemetery) Chalk, $1: a piece of chalk, very useful to moor the way back in the catacombs

Dorago’s ally, North East corner of Miskatonic Ave. and Powder Mill St., Night only $45 a small bottle of painkillers (health potion, +25? Never used one)

$80 a green preparation to reduce excitement (lust -25)

$100 a purple preparation to forget the bad moments (sanity +25)

$100 a blue curative preparation of dubious origin (? ? ?)

$10 ancient and forbidden words that heal (circle spell)

$10 old symbols to harm various enemies (triangle spell)

$10 a spell to increase sanity (circle with lines through)

$50 an empty bottle

$20 a strange jewel (needed for statue in cemetery)

$90 a pink preparation to increase excitement (lust +25)

He also has more bullets and shells

After you complete his three missions, he will also sell you knowledge (spells)

$150 Word of poison (this line was blank when I played)

$250 Word of damage

$400 Stop word (paralysis)

$450 Word of speed

$500 Word of slowness

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