Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Welcome to Giant Guardians Walkthrough, which guides you through all the choices and routes to unlock all the scenes in the game.

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Main Story – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I must…..”

Choice: “Run away from the house.”

Choice: “Stay silent inside the house.” (Death)

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Run Away”

interes_kendra += 1

Choice: “Stay still. I cannot run from her anyway.”

valentia += 1 interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “She is… so beautiful. I want to be caught by her.”

valentia += 1 perversion += 1 interes_kendra += 1

Kendra: “Let’s begin with something easy. What do you think about the queen?”

Choice: “She is an excellent and merciful lady who cares about her people”

interes_kendra += 1

Choice: “I don’t know about her.”

interes_maryen += 1

Kendra: “What do you think about the guardians?”

Choice: “They are gentle persons who kindly decided to protect those who need them.” interes_maryen += 1 bondad += 1

Choice: “I’m sorry but I have no idea of who they are.”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “They are the ones who must protect us.”

interes_kendra += 1

Kendra: “What if I told you that if you became my prisoner, I would spare the lives of the people in this town. Then, tell me, what would you do?”

Choice: “I would go with you if that way I can save their lives.”

interes_maryen += 1 bondad += 1 valentia +=2

Choice: “I don’t know those people. However, I would gladly go with you.”

interes_kendra += 1 perversion += 1

Choice: “J-just let me go, I beg you!”

interes_kendra += 1

Me: “If I do as she says, I could get to the ground safely.”

Choice: “Try to break free.”

Maryen: “Don’t stay here, it’s so dangerous! Run away now please!”

Choice: “Run away as fast as I can.” (Forest/NeutralPath)

Choice: “Stay here and watch.” (Death)

Choice: “I cannot abandon Maryen.” (if interes_maryen > 1) (Skip next choice) bondad += 1 valentia += 1

Choice: “I want to stay here.”

perversion += 1

Choice: “I cannot let Kendra hurt more people. I will obey her.”

valentia += 1

Kendra: “Aren’t you happy as a guardian? You are helping this tiny to feel really good.” Choice: “T-this… is the best…”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “Please… he-help… !'”

(If interes_kendra > 1 JUMP TO Hell Path.)

(If valentia > 1 then you gain maldicion_kendra_a_maryen +=1 and continue below. Else you get death ending.)

Heaven Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “Since I’m being held very close to Maryen’s face, I can easily make out her expressions, so it’s not hard for me to realise that what she just heard must be really painful to her.”


bondad+=1 interes_maryen+=1

Choice: “…”

Choice: “… You should crush them all, Maryen.”

interes_sheina +=1 interes_kendra +=1 interes_maryen -=1

Choice: “That’s really unfair. She just tried to help you all.”

bondad+=1 interes_maryen+=1

Maryen: “You are safe now… don’t worry.”

Choice: “Thank you so much Maryen.”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “…”

Maryen: “It’s my fault. If only I had arrived earlier…”

Choice: “It was not your fault. You saved many lives..”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “Those idiots don’t deserve your help…”

Choice: “…”

Eliette: “Nice to meet you Mr. %(player_name)s. Welcome to Keisiema.”

Choice: “My pleasure.”

Choice: “Nice to meet you too honey! *wink*”

perversion += 1

Choice: “The pleasure is mine lady Eliette.”

interes_eliette += 1

Me: “With more giantesses around I should…”

Choice: “Just keep walking calmly.”

Choice: “Run closer to her.”

Maryen: “I’m sorry…”

Choice: “Don’t worry Maryen. Thank you.”

Choice: “I have a goddess in front of me and you say that I’m not dreaming?”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice:”It’s okay, you were busy after all. Can you say thanks to Eliette from me please” interes_eliette += 2

Me: “I nod with my head.”

Choice: “Good night Maryen.”

Choice: “So you are not sleeping with me…?” (If interes_maryen > 3, extra text)

perversion += 1 interes_eliette -= 1

If interes_maryen > 3 (She appears on the bed next to you.)

Me: “Somehow, I manage to calm myself. She looks genuinely worried.”

Choice: “I was being crushed by Kendra… It felt so real”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “Yes, but don’t worry, it was just a nightmare…”

valentia += 1

If interes_eliette < 2 continue below. If more than 2 then jump to (A)

Maryen: “Maybe it’s not comfortable for you to sleep with someone of my size but…”

Choice: “Thanks Maryen, but that’s not necessary. It was just a dream.” (A)

Choice: “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden.” (B)

Choice: “Yes please… I would feel way safer with you.” (C)

interes_maryen +=1

If Maryen sleep with you. (B+C)

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Have a proper etiquette, look at other way.”

interes_maryen += 1

Choice: “There’s no harm if I keep looking… right?”

Choice: “Try to cover her.”

If Maryen doesn’t sleep with you. (A)

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Stay here resting.”

Choice: “Go find the noise origin, maybe Eliette needs my help.”

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Gently call her again.”

Eliette: “Are you okay!?”

Choice: “Yup, I just have my heart on my mouth but I’m alive”

Choice: “Yes, do not worry Eliette, it was my fault.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “Get closer and call her again.”

Me: “My lower body hurts… but I think I have nothing broken.”

Choice: “I’m fine, don’t worry!”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “Ouch… please, be careful.”

Choice: “Actually… that felt good”

Eliette: “Well, and that’s why I feel I must use it.”

Choice: “I see, that’s understandable.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “But they cannot see you here”

Eliette: “There, now I hope you have a proper rest Mr. %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “Thank you a lot Eliette.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “You are not joining me tonight?”

perversion += 1

Maryen: “%(player_name)s, this is Sheina, she will try to help you.”

Choice: “It’s a pleasure to meet you lady Sheina”

interes_sheina += 1

Choice: “Hello there beauty! *wink*”

Choice: “Nice to meet you.”

Sheina: “That’s why she lets things be resolved by force if both parties wish it.”

Choice: “I see, that’s fair”

interes_sheina += 1

Choice: “That’s a nonsense… if you have the power to stop wars, you MUST do it.” valentia += 1

Sheina: “In any case, I would appreciate if you refrained from talking like that about my

queen again.”

Choice: “… Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in my position.”

interes_sheina += 1

Choice: “Sorry, but that’s my opinion.”

Choice: “…”

Me: “I will…”

Choice: “Stay in this kingdom.” interes_maryen +=1 interes_eliette += 1 interes_sheina += 1 vas_con_sheina = “false”

Choice: “Go with Sheina”

interes_sheina += 1 vas_con_sheina = “true”

If vas_con_sheina = “false” and If interes_maryen >= 4 you get this choice.

Maryen: “So I feel better knowing that you will keep being here for a while.”

Choice: “Thanks for worrying that much Maryen”

Choice: “I’m not that weak, you know?”

Maryen: “Take your time, I will leave the door ajar so you can leave when you want.”

Choice: “Okay Maryen, thanks for everything.”

interes_maryen +=1

Choice: “So… you are not joining me?” (if (interes_maryen < 4) get a shy response) perversion += 1

Eliette Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

If interes_eliette >=2 continue from here, if not skip to Maryen Path

Within the action of Eliette sitting on you, you gain 2 points of her_pierna_izq and 1 point for her_pierna_der.

Me: “Eliette is on the verge of crying while looking at me.”

Choice: “Try to endure the pain and make her believe that I’m okay.”

interes_eliette += 1 bondad += 1 heroe_del_banio += 1 her_pierna_izq += 1

her_pierna_izq -= 1 her_pierna_der -= 1

Eliette: “You were trying to not worry me, right?”

Choice: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Choice: “I couldn’t let tears to drop from those beautiful eyes.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “Look aside and don’t say anything.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “Tell her that you think that you have something broken.”

her_pierna_izq -= 1 her_pierna_der -= 1

Elliette: “We were supposed to protect you and still… I hurt you way more than that demoness.”

Choice: “Accidents happens every day Eliette, don’t worry.”

Choice: “You know? It wasn’t that bad… kinda enjoyable in a way.” (if perversion>1 you say one extra line.) perversion += 1

Depending on weather you said yes to Sheina or not.


Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Accept Eliette’s proposal.”

Me: “I don’t think I can go anywhere like this, I would just be a burden to Sheina.” Choice: “Okay, but… Will you be careful with me?.”

Choice: “I am at your care then Eliette, thank you.”

interes_eliette += 1

Continue Below

Choice: “Go with Sheina anyway”

JUMP TO Sheina Path


Me: “She looks really decided to do it.”

Choice: “Okay, but… Will you be careful with me?”

To be Continued

Choice: “I am at your care then Eliette, thank you.”

interes_eliette += 1

Eliette: “But I will make sure to repay you for this.”

Choice: “Don’t worry Eliette, it was just an accident.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Can I ask for something lewd in return?” (if perversion > 1)

Eliette: “C-can I finish drying your hair?”

Choice: “Sure, go ahead.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Don’t worry, I can do it by myself.”

Eliette: “I am sorry Mr. %(player_name)s, I know it’s something that any mortal wants to know, but still…”

Choice: “It’s okay Eliette, don’t worry.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “That’s unfair…”

interes_eliette -=2

Eliette: “It’s not just following a rule, I really cannot speak about it…”

Choice: “I’m sorry Eliette…”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “…”

Me: “…”

Choice: “You have a heart of gold Eliette…”

Choice: “…”

Eliette: “So please… try to move away so I can put it back on its place…”

Choice: “Try to move away”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Let me stay like this. I’m on a paradise right now.” (if perversion > 0)

perversion +=1

Me: “So… she is strong enough to move the closet, but trapped if she wants to keep me safe.” Choice: “Nod and stay still.”

Eliette: “A-are you okay…? It’s not painful… right?”

Choice: “It’s okay, it’s… ehem… it’s soft. It doesn’t hurt.”

Choice: “(My body is reacting by itself)”

perversion += 1

Choice: “Take this chance and grope her.” (if perversion > 0)


Eliette: “I will leave you with Maryen, you are safe with her.”

Choice: “(I also think that’s the best…)”

deelietteamaryen1 = 1

Choice: “That’s not true. I want to stay with you.”

deelietteamaryen1 = 0

Me: “Eliette sighs sadly and seems about to start speaking.”

Choice: “Interrupt her and say that I’m okay.”

interes_eliette += 1

Choice: “Let her speak.”

If deelietteamaryen1 == 1

Me: “Well…”

Choice: “My legs still hurts…”

Choice: “I feel bad for Eliette…”

interes_maryen +=1 interes_eliette +=1

If deelietteamaryen1 == 0

Eliette: “Why…?”

Choice: “Because I know that I can believe in you.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Because you are so beautiful.”

Me: “Eliette is really obliging, she didn’t began eating until she was sure that the food was of my liking.”

Choice: “If this is the reward, I almost want you to accidentally sit on me more oftenly.” perversion +=1

Choice: “Thank you very much for all this.”

interes_eliette +=1

Eliette: “Never mind, it’s not something I will do.”

Choice: “”Please tell me, I want to know.””

Eliette: “There’s no way I could doom someone’s soul. Eternal suffering is way worse dying…”

Choice: “I see…”


Choice: “Sorry for asking Eliette. We can speak about something else.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Don’t ask about it.”


Eliette: “I also have to attend my duties, so stay here and relax in the meanwhile.”

Choice: “See you later Eliette”

Choice: “I’m going to miss you…”

interes_eliette +=1 perversion +=1

Me: “When I open my eyes, my first sight is the gigantic hand of Maryen just in front of me, caressing my chest with a finger.”

Choice: “Oh… Hello Maryen.”

Choice: “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!” (if valentia < 3)

valentia -=1

Me: “When I finish my dinner…”

Choice: “Stand up and bring the tray with dirty plates and the kitchen.”

bondad +=1 interes_maryen +=1

Choice: “Hand them to Maryen.”

Me: “The good part is that my legs doesn’t hurt in the slightest, at least not while I’m lying down, so I suppose that I’m recovering.”

Choice: “I’m worried about Eliette.”

bondad +=1

Choice: “She’ll be fine.”

Eliette: “Now that I think about it… Why are you under me…? I am too heavy for you…”

Choice: “Yes you are… please move away.”

Choice: “You are not heavy, I’m fine.”

interes_eliette +=1 bondad +=1

Me: “…”

Choice: “Don’t think about it.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “This is turning me on…” (if perversion >0)

Me: “She is not conscious right now, but…” (if interes_eliette >7)

Choice: “Stay silent and let her sleep.”

Choice: “Don’t worry Eliette… I will stay here.”

decir_eliette_te_quedas = 1

Eliette: “G-good morning…”

Choice: “Good morning Eliette.”

Choice: “Good morning cutie.”

Bezvalienne: “I’m glad to see that you are alright.”

Choice: “Don’t worry, nothing bad happened.”

Choice: “You should be more careful…”

Me: “It feels like my body is floating.”

Choice: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Choice: “So this is how it feels to be in heaven?”

perversion +=1

Eliette: “Hmm… I was too busy today, since I had to do Maryen’s work.”

Choice: “Are okay Eliette? That doesn’t look healthy.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Her work? Is Maryen alright?”

Maryen: “I’m sure that he is feeling nice there, right little human?”

Choice: “(This feels nice, but I should not mention it…)”

interes_eliette +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “Now I’m sure that I’m in heaven.”

perversion +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “(I’m scared)”

valentia = 0

Maryen: “Are you alright %(player_name)s? I didn’t hurt you… right?”

Choice: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Choice: “That was amazing, we should repeat sometime!”

perversion +=1


Me: “If I move enough I could make her notice that I’m here.”

Choice: “Move, I must get out of here.”

Choice: “Don’t move, I want to stay here a little more.”

Eleiette : “Uhm… maybe they’ll stretch enough if I walk a little.”

Choice: “This is dangerous, I must make her notice that I’m here.”

Choice: “Stay quiet and don’t move.”




Eleiette : “Please don’t move…”

Choice: “Tickles! Keep moving.”

interaccionpieeliette = 1

Choice: “Do as she says and don’t move.”

interaccionpieeliette = 0

Choice: “Can I stay here a little more?”

interaccionpieeliette = 2


Eliette : “I’m not welcome there….”

Choice: “But knowing you, that’s not going to stop you from helping.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Then why you help them?”


Eliette : “Could you please try…? I’m sure they’ll trust a human more than a giantess.”

Choice: “Isn’t that dangerous for me?”

Choice: “Alright, I’ll do it.”

bondad +=1

Dolores: “Oh… I’m sorry. Am I talking too much?”

Choice: “No, no. Please continue.”

doloresenkeisiema = 1

Choice: “I’m sorry Dolores, but I’m in a hurry.”

doloresenkeisiema = 0


Unknown Male : “What are you doing here?”

Choice: “Do not dare to call her giant monster again.”

Choice: “We are here to help.”


Cal: “You almost get yourself in serious problems there… I told you to be careful.”

Choice: “I can beat them…”

Choice: “I was just trying to help.”


Me: “He raises the sword getting closer to Eliette, clearly about to hither.”

Choice: “I cannot hold myself…”

golpeasbandidoeliette = 1


Me: “I’m sure that some of them would be attacking me right now if E liette were not

Choice: “Sorry, but he deserved it.”



Choice: “Can I hit him just once again?”

interes_eliette -= 1

Choice: “Stay calm.”

golpeasbandidoeliette = 0


Eliette : “Could you let %(player_name)s sleep in a house?”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice:  “No way, I’ll stay with you.”

interes_eliette +=1


Eliette : “And while I was healing the survivors, she left…”

Choice: “The world needs more people like you, Eliette.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Maybe you should have killed her.”

interes_eliette -=2

Choice: “Stay silent.”


Me: “…”

Choice: “Are you hurt?”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Poke her buttcheek.”

perversion +=1


Eliette : “I don’t need to eat that often, just once every few days.”

Choice: “I’ll skip dinner too.”

bondad +=1

Choice: “Are you sure Eliette?”

Eliette : “That was very brave from you.”

Choice: “I couldn’t let anything happen to that innocent dog.”

Choice: “I knew you would feel bad if something happened.”

Choice: “My legs moved by themselves.”

if interes_eliette > 20

Me: “You will never be alone.”

Choice: “I will stay with you.”

interes_eliette +=1

Choice: “Someone like you will always be surrounded by beloved people.”

To be Continued


Maryen Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Maryen: “Maybe you would like to find a job if you are going to stay, but right now, I will give you that so you have something to start.”

Choice: “”Thank you so much Maryen.””

Choice: “… Thank you, but I cannot accept it.”

interes_maryen+=1 bondad+=1

Me: “She is moving her gigantic hand, about to grab me.”

Choice: “Step back.”

Maryen: “… %(player_name)s…?”

Choice: “”I’m sorry Maryen… it was instinctive.””

interes_maryen +=1

Choice: “‘Please don’t touch me.”

interes_maryen -=4 bondad -=1 valentia = 0

Choice: “Stay still.” (if valentia > 1)

interes_maryen +=1

Me: “Should I ask her about the red eyed Maryen that I see on my dreams?”

Choice: “Don’t mention it, it’s just a nightmare.”

Choice: “I must ask her about it.”

Maryen: “%(player_name)s, this is Bezvallienne, a close friend of mine.”

Choice: “Nice to meet you.”

Choice: “It’s a pleasure to meet such a cute angel.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Hello”

Maryen: “Excuse her, she is… quite an affectionate person.”

Choice: “That’s fine by me. I find it adorable.”

interes_bezvallienne +=2

Choice: “N-never mind…”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Well… yeah, maybe too much physical contact…”

Maryen: “I’m afraid it’s something related to a third person… so to not violate their intimacy, could you give us a moment alone %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “Of course, no problem.”

interes_maryen +=1 interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Just nod.”

Me: “She smiles at me, it doesn’t feel like the girl is making fun of me, but more like she is being friendly.”

Choice: “(Smile) ”Would you treat me as your king then?.”

bondad +=1 roleplaycorona = 1

Choice: “Let is slide, it was not bad intended.”

roleplaycorona = 0

Choice: “(Upset) ”It’s not that I’m small… you are just absurdly big.”

Me: “It would probably cost all my money… What should I do?”

Choice: “Buy it for her.”

tobilleramaryen = 1 bondad +=1

Choice: “I should keep my money.” (Jump to Bezvallienne Path)

tobilleramaryen = 0

Me: “As she speaks, I notice that I was lost in my own thoughts.”

Choice: “Yes, sorry… I was just distracted.”

Choice: “I was thinking that your feet are beautiful.”

Maryen: “I’m not used to receive compliments, but even less about my feet hehe…”” Choice: “Well, you have lots of things to be complimented for.”

Choice: “Why? I would love to be stepped by you.”

Maryen: “H-how can you say that? There’s no way you could survive.” Choice: “Well… maybe if you are careful and don’t put much weight on me…” interes_maryen+=1

Choice: “It’s not a bad way to go. I’m already in ”heaven” after all.”

Maryen: “Let’s just say… ”much bigger”.”

Choice: “Why didn’t you grow to stop Kendra yesterday?”

Choice: “Do not mention it.”


if interes_maryen > 9 she is a bit selfish on you living here.

Fierkel: “Quite unusual… I’ve never seen a purebred human before.”

Choice: “Hello Fierkel, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Choice: “If you come a little closer you’ll also taste one for the first time…”

interes_maryen +=1

Fierkel: “Bye…”

Choice: “See you later Fierkel.”

Choice: “Why don’t you stay with us?”

bondad +=1

Me: “I see…”

Choice: “Have I done something stupid?”

Choice: “So you had sex with me while I was drunk?” (if interes_maryen > 10 you get more dialogue.) perversion +=1

Maryen: “How do you feel?”

Choice: “I’m in heaven right now.”

interes_maryen +=1

Choice: “I cannot move my body and my eyelids weights too much”

Maryen: “That was known later as ” The great heaven’s war ”, which had the highest number of casualties in all the history of Keisiema.”

Choice: “I’m so sorry to hear that Maryen.”

bondad +=1 interes_maryen+=1

Choice: “How can someone be so rotten inside…?”

Me: “Even if as you say, it’s something widely known, I’m glad that you told me personally.”

Choice: “I hope you never have to feel such pain again.”

bondad +=1 interes_maryen +=1

Choice: “The next time I see Kendra I’ll…”

valentia +=1

Me: “I cough recovering my breathe.”

Choice: “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

interes_maryen +=1 bondad +=1

Choice: “You nearly killed me…”

interes_maryen -=2

Maryen: “Don’t worry, I’m fine, just return to your room, please…”

Choice: “Return.”

tequedas_celdamaryen1 = 0

Choice: “Stay with her.”

tequedas_celdamaryen1 = 1

Maryen: “Hmm…? What is it?”

Choice: “Please stop, I cannot breathe…”

Choice: “This feels too good.

tequedas_celdamaryen1 = 2 her_torso +=1

Me: “Even if I cannot see Maryen right now, I think that she is in tears right now…”

Choice: “It’s fine Maryen… I’m just too weak, but I trust you.”

bondad +=1 interes_maryen +=2

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Me: “Her face is close, but she is not touching me.”

Choice: “Aaaah!!”

interes_maryen -=1

Choice: “Try to relax.” (if valentia > 0)

Maryen: “We are just having some fun together.”

Choice: “Try to make them feel better.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Stay still.”

Maryen: “Feel free to do it… that’s the point after all.”

Choice: “I can’t resist anymore, this feels too good.”

Choice: “You can go harder than this. I want you to enjoy it.”

maryen_hierealprota +=1 her_torso +=1 her_pierna_izq +=1 her_pierna_der +=1

Eliette : “She’s not herself without the eyepatch.”

Choice: “But I don’t want her to feel lonely.”

bondad +=1

Choice: “Are you sure that’s not her true nature?”

interes_eliette = 0


if maryen_hierealprota = 0

Maryen: “About what happened before…”

Choice: “Don’t worry about it.”

Choice: “To be honest, that was incredible.”


Maryen: “I know it’s embarrasing… if you don’t want I’ll understand.”

Choice: “It’s fine, let’s go together.”

Choice: “Are you kidding me? I would never miss that!”

perversion +=1


Me: “I can hear her breathing calmly.”

Choice: “Don’t disturb her and stay silent.”

Choice: “(Whisper)”You’re so beautiful Maryen…”


To be Continued

Bezvallienne Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Maryen: “She is not listening to me…”

Choice: “Don’t worry, I will stay here.”

Choice: “I’m still thinking about it.”

Bezvallienne: “Well, seems like we are alone %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “Is this a date then?”

Choice: “Where do we start then?”

Me: “Even though her small wings are barely flapping, she takes off easily and starts flying.”

Choice: “How can you fly with those small wings?”

Choice: “Could I learn to fly too?”

Me: “I have the feeling that something’s off…”

Choice: “Are you okay Bezvy?”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “It must be my imagination.”

Bezvalllienne: “Sorry %(player_name)s…”

Choice: “Thank you Magallanes.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “This is not funny…”

Bezvallienne: “Well, I should bring you back to your place at the castle.”

Choice: “We should do this again.”

dormirconbezvy = 0

Choice: “I would like to stay with you tonight.”

dormirconbezvy = 1 perversion +=1

(if dormirconbezvy == 0)

Me: “… My heart skipped a beat again.”

Choice: “Please stay with me.”

dormirconbezvy = 1

Choice: “You can stay with me if you want.”

dormirconbezvy = 1

Choice: “I’m not sure if we should sleep together…”

Bezvallienne: “Do you want me to ‘calm’ you %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “Nod”

dormirconbezvy = 2

Choice: “Shake my head”

(if dormirconbezvy == 2)

Me: “She just started, but I won’t be able to resist this much longer.”

Choice: “Try to resist the climax.”

Choice: “Let it happen.”

(if dormirconbezvy == 2)

Me: “I think I’m going to lose my mind…”

Choice: “Bezvy, I love you…”

tedeclarasabez = 1 interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “This feels so good…”

tedeclarasabez = 0

Me: “And her face relatively close to me.”

Choice: “Good morning Bezvy…”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Just a little longer…”

Bezvallienne: “Eliette told me this morning that Maryen will be busy today, so I’ll take care of you.”

Choice: “I see…”

Choice: “It’s great to share spend more time with you.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Sa: “So I’ll let the little man here say it.”

Choice: “You are always beautiful Bezvy.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “I like it, it suits you.”

Choice: “Hmm… not bad.”

Me: “…”

Choice: “Come on! Go for it!”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Bezvallienne: “Even if I grab the bouquet, who would…?”

Choice: “You are such a wonderful girl, I’m sure that you’ll find someone soon!” bez_cogeramo = “Si”

Choice: “If you take the bouquet, I’ll take the responsibility.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1 bez_cogeramo = “Compromiso”

Choice: “Alright, as you want.”

bez_cogeramo = “No”

Bezvallienne: “Tadah~ ! I bought this yesterday, do you like it?”

Choice: “You’re gorgeous.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “You’re cute.”

Me: “But what she just said… is it really okay to let her feel like that…?”

Choice: “Let it happen.”

bez_llora1 = 1 interes_bezvallienne -= 4

Choice: “Stop her.” (if bez_cogeramo != “No”)

bez_llora1 = 0

Me: “My name is %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “I’m Bezvy’s friend.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “I’m Bezvalliene’s assistant.”


Me: “Hmm…”

Choice: “Buy one for Bezvy.”

comprasflorbezvy =1

Choice: “Don’t do it.”

comprasflorbezvy =0


Me: “Of course, everything is perfect.”

Choice: “And the food is good too.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Thanks for inviting me.”


Bezvalliene: “It’s a part of my past that I don’t feel prepared to face.”

Choice: “You’re not guilty for what happened.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Choice: “Stay silent.”


Bezvalliene: “Was it a good night? You look good.”

Choice: “Yeah, I slept like a log.”

Choice: “It couldn’t be better, I dreamed about you.”

interes_bezvallienne +=1

Bezvallliene: “Really? What was it about? I wanna know!”

Choice: “You were about to do something lewd to me.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “We were cuddling on the bed.”


Cal: “That’s why I’m afraid of telling her about what happened with Bezvallienne… I’m afraid of what would she think about me.”

Choice: “To be an angel, you are such a coward rat…”

disculpadecalix = 0

Choice: “You should apologize to Bezvallienne.”

disculpadecalix = 1


Me: “I just climaxed again… I could try to use this few seconds of relative mental clarity to say something… before she starts moving again.”

Choice: “This feels so good Bezvy…”

parasabezbe bida = 0 perversion +=1

Choice: “Don’t underestimate me, I’ll not lose that easily next time.”

parasabezbe bida = 0

Choice: “You’re drinking to forget… but this is not going to change anything Bezvy.” interes_bezvallienne -=4 parasabezbe bida = 1

To be Continued

Sheina Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Sheina: “Maryen has gone to pick some things for your travel.”

Choice: “As expected from Maryen, she really is a nice person.” (If interes_sheina > 1 and perversion > 2 you get extra dialogue.) interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Let’s wait for her then…”

(if interes_sheina > 1)

Me: “Is that an heart-shaped tattoo?”

Choice: “What am I doing? I should stop watching!”

Me: “I’m not sure if she noticed.”

Choice: “I’m just a little dizzy because of the hot bath.”

Choice: “Sorry… That was really impolite.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “I could stare it the rest of my life.”

perversion += 1

Sheina: “You should try to have more confidence in me, we are going to travel together after all.”

Choice: “I wasn’t scared'”

Choice: “I know, sorry, it was just instinctive.”

interes_sheina +=1

Sheina: “Phew… Now to the city. I must report this to the queen too.”

Choice: “Aren’t you tired Sheina?”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Alright, let’s go then.”

Sheina: “Well, let’s go, it’s not far from here.”

Choice: “I wish I could be the one carrying you the next time.”

Me: “… !!!”

Choice: “Relax, she is not going to crush me like this.” (if valentia > 1)

Choice: “Stay still and raise your hands to recieve that perfect butt.” (if perversion > 1)

Choice: “Beg her to stop.”

Choice: “But I was so comfortable there…”

Margarita: “Well…? Who is the little gentleman in your hands?”

Choice: “”I’m %(player_name)s. It’s a pleasure to meet you Margarita.””

Choice: “Let Sheina answer her.”

Sheina: “Don’t worry about the prices, I invite today.”

Choice: “I want something expensive.”

Choice: “I want something cheap”

interes_sheina+=1 bondad +=1

Sheina: “It smells nice~”

Choice: “A toast to our travel.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “I toast for having met such a wonderful lady” (if interes_sheina > 5 get different dialogue) interes_sheina += 1

Choice: “Start drinking.”

Me: “We both have a satisfied look in our faces.”

Choice: “Thanks a lot for the dinner Sheina.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “…”

interes_sheina -=1

Me: “It’s true that I can feel my cheeks getting hot.”

Choice: “It must be the alcohol”

borracho1 +=1

Choice: “It’s because of her”

interes_sheina +=1

Sheina: “What could you possibly do to me with that tiny body of yours… hmm?”

Choice: “P-please Lady Sheina, stop. I-it’s just the alcohol moving you.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “If you expose such a feast in front of me, I have no choice but to eat.”

Me: “She is also skillfully moving her feet.”

Choice: “But feet are not my thing…”

(If her_pierna_izq > 0 else ignore.)

Sheina: “An accident, you mean when Kendra attacked the city…?”

Choice: “No, it was back in the castle. Eliette accidentally sat on me.”

Choice: “Yes, I was hurt during the attack.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “I’m beginning to feel so good.” (if interes_sheina > 8 different dialogue)

Me: “It’s the owner of this place and also the waitress that we met yesterday.”

Choice: “Yes, it’s a very comfortable place.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “It could be better if you joined me on this bed.”

Choice: “My head hurts…” (if borracho1 > 0)

Margarita: “Take your time and enjoy your breakfast, I still have to prepare something before we leave.”

Choice: “Are you not eating?”

Choice: “Okay, thanks!”

Me: “I could finish everything but… probably I will feel too heavy to walk later?”

Choice: “Eat everything that she served to me.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Eat just what I feel that I need.”

Me: “Even though she is walking slowly, her massive breasts are bouncing.”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Take your eyes away.”

interes_margarita +=1

Margarita: “Digestion makes one feel kinda drowsy right? This way you can relax.”

Choice: “Thank you Margarita.”

Choice: “Aren’t you spoiling me too much?”

Margarita: “And then I come to my inn and work as a waitress.”

Choice: “Wow… you sure are a hard worker. I admire you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “That’s too much work. You should relax a little.”

Margarita: “Who knows? Maybe someday I’ll follow the same fate and find my love here.”

Choice: “I’m sure about it.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “That could happen… Who knows what awaits in the future?”

Choice: “Hmm… I don’t believe in destiny.”

interes_margarita = 0

Margarita: “Do you want to come with me? It will not take much time.”

Choice: “Of course, I also want to be with you a bit longer.”

Choice: “Sorry, but I should meet with Sheina as soon as possible.”

(If you choose to go with Margarita continue below, if not ingore.)

Margarita: “Oh… Sorry %(player_name)s. That was not intentional.”

Choice: “*Blush* D-Don’t worry…”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “I would not mind if you want to do it again.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Never mind! I’m not hurt or anything”

interes_margarita +=1

Margarita: “Hmm… Maybe a strong human like you could hold them instead of clothing?”

Choice: “Anytime! I would gladly become your bra!”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “I don’t think my arms could resist…”

Margarita: “As I said, Sheina told that you can meet her in the main castle.”

Choice: “But I want to stay with you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Margarita: “Why you want to stay at my side?”

Choice: “”I feel good when I’m with you.””

Choice: “I feel that meeting you was my destiny.”

interes_margarita +=2

(If interes_margarita > 3 then you will go with Margarita, else you will go with Sheina)

JUMP TO Margarita Path

Choice: “Okay, thanks for everything Margarita.”

Margarita: “As I said, the guards are informed about your arrival, so you just need to introduce yourself to them.”

Choice: “Thanks again for everything you did today Margarita.”

bondad +=1 interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Okay, I’ll be going then.”

Me: “Even though she was also distracted, those are her first words after almost killing me.”

Choice: “Argue with her.”

interes_chicacapucha +=1

Choice: “Apologize.”

??: “I cannot move right now, so shut up and stay there.”

Choice: “Try to get out my myself.”

Choice: “Stay still.”

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Ask for help.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “Mess with her a little and ask for something in exchange for your silence.”

??: “… What do you want?”

Choice: “Ask her to refer to me as her king.”

Choice: “Ask her to do something lewd.”

perversion +=1 interes_chicacapucha +=1

Me: “I nod and follow the soldier.”

Choice: “Why did the winged soldier left before?”

Choice: “Don’t ask.”

Sheina: “Well? How was your travel with Margarita?”

Choice: “Fine, she’s a good person.”:

Choice: “It was good, but I missed you…”

interes_sheina +=1

Sheina: “And what do you think about this country? Do you like it?”

Choice: “It’s maybe too big for me.”

Choice: “It’s amazing, but I almost got crushed coming here.”

Me: “Their steps are also synchronized, they tap the floor at the same time so they sound like a single person walking.”

Choice: “Awesome… How are you two so synchronized?”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “Are you twins or something?”

Me: “I see…”

Choice: “That must be great.”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “That sounds like a hassle…”

Me: “Their voices just sound like one right now…”

Choice: “Go with Aureis.”

Choice: “Go with Caeris.”

Me: “They are looking at me with the same eyes that if I were some kind of cute pet…”

Choice: “W-what are you going to do?”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “You two are being too obvious… you know?”

Caeris: “I know right? But we are going to scare him if we keep saying things like that right?”

Choice: “I’m not worried… I think I can trust you.”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “I’m scared…”

Me: “They are leaning against the basin, so their chests are more exposed and close to me.” Choice: “Just try to relax and enjoy.”

Choice: “This is turning me on.”

perversion +=1

Me: “They keep teasing me with their words while massaging my crotch skillfully.” Choice: “I want to make you feel good too.”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “You are amazing… It feels great.”

Sheina: “I almost want to kidnap you and tell the Queen that you left.”

Choice: “It’s not kidnapping if I want it to happen, right?”

interes_sheina += 1

Choice: “Wouldn’t you be in troubles then?”

Me: Her order makes my lips start moving.”

Choice: “I beg your pardon, highness.”

interes_orphelith +=1

Choice: “Sorry, sorry!”

Orphelith: “Your other option is to stay here in the castle until we can confirm your origin.”

Choice: “I want to go with Sheina.”

ec_timfalme1 = “sheina”

Choice: “I want to stay here.”

ec_timfalme1 = “castillo”

Orphelith: “Is there something that you want to ask me?”

Choice: “What’s going to happen to Kendra?”

Orphelith: “So neither Homaspernia or myself will punish Kendra.”

Choice: “That’s cruel and unfair.”

desafiasalareina = 1 valentia +=1 interes_orphelith = 0 interes_sheina -= 5 Choice: “”I see…”

Choice: “Can I become your servant?” (if ec_timfalme1 == “castillo”)

Orphelith: Why would you want to become my servant, human?”

Choice: “Because I want to reward your kindness, my queen.”

interes_orphelith +=1

Choice: “Because I think that I fell in love with you.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Nothing in particular, my queen.”

interes_orphelith +=1

Sheina: “Are you alright?”

Choice: “My legs are still shaking.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Yes, don’t worry.”

if ec_timfalme1 == “sheina” continue below, else JUMP TO Castle of Timfalme Path.

Sheina: “Yes, you don’t mind that we share it during your visit to the castle, right?”

Choice: “Are we going to share the same bed again?”

Choice: “(Blush) I-is this alright…?”

Me: “She is not above me, but I can see her gigantic rear coming down.”

Choice: “Stay where she left me.”

Choice: “Move closer to her.”

if desafiasalareina > 0, else ignore.

Sheina: “Please, refrain to do it ever again.”

Choice: “Nod.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Sheina: “I hope you like it.”

Choice: “Thank you very much Sheina!”

Choice: “How can I compensate you for this?”

interes_sheina +=1

Sheina: “It really suits you and seems that I was right with your sizes.”

Choice: “(Blush) ”Sh-Sheina… I can see through your clothes.””

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Praise her.” (if interes_sheina >10 you get extra dialogue)

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “This pajama is really comfortable, thank you.”

Sheina: “I’m speaking a lot, I hope that’s not too boring…”

Choice: “Nothing like that, in fact I’m very interested.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Hmm… Maybe a too much information.”

if interes_sheina > 10 follow below

Sheina: “How many ‘guardians’ has each kingdom?”

Choice: “One.”

Choice: “Two.”

p_examen_sheina1 +=1

Choice: “Three.”

Sheina: “Which kingdoms are probably going to have a conflict?”

Choice: “Viridice and Lycalis.”

p_examen_sheina1 +=1

Choice: “Homaspernia and Keisiema.”

Choice: “Timfalme and Viridice.”

Sheina: “How long has been her majesty Orphelith the queen of Timfalme?”

Choice: “Around 350 years.”

Choice: “Around 200 years.”

Choice: “Around 3.500 years.”

p_examen_sheina1 +=1

Sheina: “Why am I not wearing a bra?”

Choice: “To tease me?”

p_examen_sheina1 +=1

Choice: “Because it’s more comfortable for sleeping?”

p_examen_sheina1 +=1

if p_examen_sheina1 == 4

Sheina: “It feels good, right?”

Choice: “Leave myself on her hands.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Massage her too.”

interes_sheina +=1

Me: “Her bare foot steps so close to mee that I can feel the floor shaking.”

Choice: “Step back.”

Choice: “Stay still”

valentia +=1 interes_sheina +=1

Me: “Sure…”

Choice: “Do it as strong as I can.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Do it carefully.”

Sheina: “Isn’t it the same for you?”

Choice: “Of course, I also enjoy being with you.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “(Stay quiet. I’m only doing this to find answers.)”

interes_sheina -=5

if interes_sheina > 15

Sheina: “Tell me %(player_name)s, would you be happy if I were to do such thing?”

Choice: “Nod”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “That looks dangerous…”

Choice: “I prefer to travel inside your boot.”

quierepiesconsheina = 1

Unknown Female: “Sometimes I really want to believe it.”

Choice: “It’s soon to abandon hope, he could still return.”

bondad +=1

Choice: “I think it’s better to be realistic…”

Me: “And the choice is on my hands huh…?”

Choice: “I would destroy this boat.”

pesqueroroto = 1

Choice: “I would not do it.”

pesqueroroto = 0

Synanla: “I see…”

Choice: “It’s an honour to meet you, lady Synanla.”

interes_synanla +=1

Choice: “A goddess! I’m in front of a goddess!”

Choice: “(I’m too scared to speak.)”

Me: “What…?”

Choice: “What could I do for you?”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Me: “And suddenly, there’s a terrible pressure on me.”

Choice: “I accept.” (camino_mar_norte1)

propuestasynanla = 2

Choice: “I’m sorry, but I would like to stay in land.”

propuestasynanla = 1

Choice: “I want to stay with Sheina.”

propuestasynanla = 0 interes_sheina +=2

Synania: “The pleasure is mine.”

Choice: “Thank you for honouring us with your pressence, matriarch.”

interes_synanla +=1

Choice: “Remain silent and wave your hand.”

Unknown Male: “But I’m glad to skip all that ape shit…”

Choice: “Funny for you to mention ”ape shit”.”

valentia +=1

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Use the spell to make Sheina know that I’m in danger.””

escapas_bandidos_sheina1 = 1

Sheina: “So I’ll bring you to Timfalme like this.” (Keyword is adamal.)

Choice: “Ask her to destroy the building.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “Try to get out by myself.”

escapas_bandidos_sheina1 = 0

Me: “I grab the knife stronger and as soon as I feel the touch of his fingers on my lips my mouth, I-“

to open

Choice: “Aim to the throat.”

Choice: “Try to disarm him.” (Death)

Unknown Male : “Please %(player_name)s, accept our apologies.”

Choice: “Nod silently.”

Choice: “You risk your lives for the citizens’ safety. No need to apologize.”


Sheina: “I just have to deactivate the spell and…”

Choice: “Wait for her to finish.”

destr_lust_barcosheina = 0

Choice: “I really like what I’m seeing.”

destr_lust_barcosheina = 1 perversion +=1 interes_sheina +=1


To be Continued

Orphelith/Maids Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Sheina: “But I hope to see you here when I come back.”

Choice: “Me too, I hope to see you soon.”

interes_sheina +=1

Choice: “Have a safe trip.”

Me: “Small houses inside of a gigantic room…”

Choice: “That’s an interesting idea.”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “Isn’t this a little strange?”

Me: “I think I’m hearing something in the hall.”

Choice: “Go to check.”

pillasaladrona = 1

Choice: “Stay and sleep.”

pillasaladrona = 0

??: “Seriously… What the hell are you doing here?”

Choice: “Answer her firmly.” (if valentia > 1)

valentia +=1 interes_ladrona +=1

Choice: “I’m scared.”

??: “But you have to promise me that you are not going to say anything about this.” Choice: “I cannot promise such thing. You are a thief.” (if valentia > 2)

??: “Don’t be stupid… I can kill you easily.”

Choice: “You don’t look like a murderer to me.”

interes_ladrona +=1

Choice: “How? Are you going to suffocate me with your massive tits?”

perversion +=1

??: “Just tell me what you want in exchange for your silence.”

Choice: “What about giving me a massage with your breasts?”

perversion +=1 guarroconladrona +=1

Choice: “First tell me why are you doing this.”

Choice: “You must have your reasons to do this. I won’t say anything.” (if valentia > 2) interes_ladrona +=1 bondad +=1

Choice:”I-I won’t say anything! I promise! But please spare my life.” (if interes_ladrona == 0)

Me: “Look… I’m not going to say anything.””

Choice: “It’s so gentle from you to do this.”

interes_ladrona +=1

Choice: “But you cannot let people depend on you.”

Choice: “Now, can you let me down?”

??: “I’ll take my leave now. Pretend that you didn’t see me.”

Choice: “What would happen to you if they catch you?”

Choice: “Okay, see you.”

Me: “The door is stuck, probably due to the massive weight that the structure is holding.”

Choice: “Aureis, Caeris!! I’m inside the house!!”


Aureis: “Wait, we will take you out of there.”

Choice: “”Yes please! The door is stuck!””

Both: “Please, don’t tell anyone…”

Choice: “I will not say anything. Just don’t do it while I’m here.”

geminigems_juegocasas = “nunca”

Choice: “Don’t worry. Now that I’m safe you can continue.”

geminigems_juegocasas = “fuera” interes_aurcae +=1

Me: “Both girl looks eachother with a playful smile.”

Choice: “That’s not what I said…”

Choice: “Yup, that would make me very happy.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “You know what? You can continue. I will stay here.”

geminigems_juegocasas = “dentro” perversion +=1 interes_aurcae +=2

(If geminigems_juegocasas == fuera or dentro)

Caeris: “A-are you enjo-…ying the show?”

Choice: “Nice, please continue like this.”

Choice: “You can go harder if you want.”

if geminigems_juegocasas == “dentro”

Caeris: “The house c-could… collapse…”

Choice: “As I said, I trust you.”

interes_aurcae +=1

Choice: “If it’s my fate to die under two beautiful maids, I’ll gladly accept it!” interes_aurcae +=2

Me: “Anyways, I need to make her notice my pressence.”

Choice: “Stay calm and try to push her foot.” (if valentia > 0)

interes_helga +=1

Choice: “(Panic) I DONT WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!!”

Helga: “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

Choice: “I’m okay, don’t worry.”

tegustan_piesdehelga = 0

Choice: “In fact, I actually liked it…”

interes_helga +=1 tegustan_piesdehelga = 1

if tegustan_piesdehelga > 0

Helga: “Unless you want to repeat, of course.”

Choice: “Can we repeat then?”

tegustan_piesdehelga = 2

Choice: “Get out.”

Helga: “Can you guess what am I?”

Choice: “A demoness.”

Choice: “A gargoyle.”

interes_helga +=1

Choice: “A grey goat.”

Caeris: “Do you feel comfortable in that house?”

Choice: “Yeah, I have what I need. Thank you!”

Choice: “It would be better if I wasn’t here against my will…”

Me: “They are rubbing my body with their tongues, quickly cleaning the food that I had sticking on me.”

Choice: “Wait… What are you doing!?”

Choice: “Woah… this feels good.”

perversion +=1

Both: “What do you say?”

Choice: “No please! Don’t eat me!”

Choice: “Knowing you both deeper right? Sure!”

Croixelle: “In fact, just go hide somewhere and don’t say a single word.”

Choice: “Alright… And what do I get in exchange?”

Choice: “I won’t say anything, don’t worry.”

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

interes_croixelle +=1

Choice: “This could be fun, try to push her.” (Different actions happen if her_pierna_izq > 0)(if her_pierna_izq > 0, empeora_pierna_izq = 1 + her_pierna_izq = 1)

guarroconladrona +=1 perversion +=1

Me: “I could have killed you there!”

Choice: “But it was you the one who sat on me.”

Choice: “I’m sorry…”

interes_croixelle +=1

(if pillasaladrona == 0)

Croixelle: “He was the kind of person that I hope to be one day.”

Choice: “That’s laudable, both from your father and you.”

bondad +=1 interes_croixelle +=2

Choice: “And what does the queen think about this?”

Croixelle : “Look at both sides before walking”, even kids know that in Timfal me.”

Choice: “I’m sorry, I was half-asleep.”

Choice: “And what about you? It was your fault!”


Coixelle : “A dream about me…? What kind of dream?”

Choice: “I can’t remember… but I think it was something bad.”

Choice: “A dirty dream.”

perversion +=1


Croixelle : “I can risk myself, but I don’t want to involve another person into this…”

Choice: “Can I go with you?” Jump to Croixelle Path

interes_croixelle +=1

Croixelle : “Why do you want to risk yourself like that?”

Choice: “I think that what you’re doing is something really kind, so I want to help                you.” bondad +=1 interes_croixelle +=1 granujaconcroixelle = 0

Choice: “Because I’m bored and want to stretch my legs a little.”

granujaconcroixelle += 1

Choice: “I see… be careful then.”


Helga: “I’m not tired enough to sleep yet, so we can spend some time together.”

Choice: “Why not? I don’t anything else to do.”

Choice: “Yeah, that sounds great.”

interes_helga +=1


Me: “So I bump my fist with hers, accepting her proposal.”

Choice: “Alright! Let’s do it.”

interes_helga +=1

Choice: “Okay, I guess that some training doesn’t harms.”


Helga: “Change into this.”

Choice: “Sure, thanks.”

Choice: “Okay, but can you turn around?”

Helga: “Hehe… don’t you feel like you’re lifting me?”

Choice: “Yup! I-It makes me… feel very s-strong.”

Choice: “V-Very… funny…”


Helga: “Enjoying your stay in cheese-ville man?”

Choice: “Ha-ha-ha… Timfal me’s top humorist. Take me out!”

Choice: “I wouldn’t mind to stay here.” (if tegustan_piesdehelga > 0)

tegustan_piesde helga = 3

Helga: “I mean, I’ve been wearing those boots during the entire night shift.” Choice: “It’s not that bad.”

Choice: “Yeah, it stinks, but I can endure it.”

To be Continued

Croixelle Path

Unkown Female : “Just a little… I promise that it’s not going to hurt… in fact… it will feel good for you too.”

Choice: “Stop her.”

dejasvampirabe ber = 0

Choice: “Let her drink.”

dejasvampirabe ber = 1 bondad +=1 interes_croixelle +=1


Me: “Croixelle is a princess after all, I’m sure she’s not used to do this.”

Choice: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Choice: “Aah… I feel so cold and weak… if you could put me on a warmer place…” guarroconladrona += 1

To be Continued

Margarita Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “Not to mention what would happen if she falls…”

Choice: “I trust her.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “I am afraid.”

valentia -=1

Me: “It’s like a really intense full body massage.”

Choice: “This feels too good.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I have to find a way to escape.”

Me: “It’s hard for me to breathe…”

Choice: “Struggle.”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

interes_margarita +=1

Margarita: “You wanted to stay with me. I hope… that you are not afraid of me now.”

Choice: “In fact, that made me happy.”

interes_margarita +=1 perversion +=1

Choice: “What’s done is done.”

Margarita: “What do you think about our work here at the farm?”

Choice: “I would gladly work here too.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “It looks like hard work.”

Me: “When I open my eyes, I can only see the shadow of a huge boot over me.”

Choice: “W-wait!! I’m not a thief!”

Choice: “Good morning?” (if valentia > 0)

valentia +=1

Kive: “You look like a human and I don’t see any animal or monster feature in you. No wings, no pointy ears…”

Choice: “I’m just a purebred human.”

bondad +=1

Choice: “In fact, I’m nothing less than a purebred human.”

Margarita: “Don’t worry Margarita…”

Choice: “I’m okay.”

Choice: “I only have eyes for you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Me: “Ahw…”

Choice: “Will you tell me if I take a flower and ask you for a date?”

Choice: “Come on, it was about me after all, I want to know!”

Me: “She hands me a glass of water while gently smiling at me.”

Choice: “”Do you want some?””

Me: “Her lips are gently pressing my arm, it’s not painful in the slightest, but still…” Choice: “Keep calm and smile.”

interes_margarita +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “… !! P-please don’t eat me!”

interes_margarita -=1

Choice: “”Are you not going to eat?””

Margarita: “And of course, I’ll pay you.”

Choice: “You don’t need to pay me, I just want to stay with you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Thank you, that sounds fair.”

Me: “I could try to take one for Margarita.”

Choice: “Go and take it.”

floramargarita = 1

Choice: “It’s better to not risk myself.”

floramargarita = 0

if floramargarita == 1

Margarita: “You are such a handsome gentleman.”

Choice: “Thank you Margarita.”

Choice: “I am the fortunate one.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Your breasts do not belong to this world.” (if perversion > 1)

perversion +=1

if interes_margarita > 14

Margarita: “W-what do you think dear…? Do you like it?”

Choice: “It feels amazing…”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Please stop… It’s too soon for this.”

Me: “She is already dressed up.”

Choice: “Good morning Margarita.”

Choice: “Good morning dear.”

interes_margarita +=1

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Eat just what I can.”

Choice: “Eat everything.”

interes_margarita +=1

Margarita: “Then you can try my mother’s food, she cooks better than me.”

Choice: “I can’t believe there’s someone who cooks better than you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “I’m eager for that day to come!”

Margarita: “I work with ingredients of my size and just cut them the smaller that I can when it’s a tiny dish.”

Choice: “Of course I will help.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “I suppose that I have no choice.”

interes_margarita -=3

Margarita: “…”

Choice: “(Blush)”

Choice: “Drop the tools.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Margarita: “You worked very hard today honey.”

Choice: “You too Margarita. Good work.”

Choice: “Raise my head and kiss her on the lips.”

interes_margarita +=1

Me: “Her voice is trembling as she is milking herself.”

Choice: “It feels great like this.”

tecaesenlaleche = 1

Choice: “Go harder please…”

tecaesenlaleche = 1

Choice: “A little more soft please…”

tecaesenlaleche = 0

Me: “Her soft and warm lips are still very close to me.”

Choice: “(Kiss her) “Good morning dear.”.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Good morning Margarita.”

Me: “Margarita looks down at me, without noticing I was completely quiet looking at her bottom.”

Choice: “S-sorry, I wasn’t pretending to stare like that.”

Choice: “It can’t be helped, you have the best rear that I have ever seen.”

Kive: “Uhm~? Perhaps you like my legs or it’s just my imagination…?”

Choice: “(Continue working) Well, I think they’re beautiful.”

interes_kive +=1

Choice: “I would kill to be between them”

Choice: “Shouldn’t you be working…?”

Me: “I…”

Choice: “Let her continue.”

infiel_a_margarita +=1

Choice: “Stop, I’m not that kind of man.”

interes_kive +=1

Me: “I feel my cheeks burning and my heart beating fast.”

Choice: “You are so beautiful that I have no words…”

Choice: “Phew… you’re hot!”

Choice: “I-I… y-you… err…”

(if infiel_a_margarita < 0)

Me: “What should I do? She seems happy to do this but I could try to make her feel good too…” Choice: “Try to use your legs.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Do not move.”

Me: “She’s sitting on the giant bed close to me, making it sink slightly under her rear.”

Choice: “Good morning dear.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Good morning Margarita.”

interes_margarita -=2



Margarita : “She always says that ”the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”.”

Choice: “You could conquer any man with such delicious food.”

interes_margarita -=1

Choice: “That was not necessary, you have my heart already.”


Me: “It’s like Sheina’s letter made her doubt if I was being held here against my will.”

Choice: “Of course, I want to be with you.”

interes_margarita +=1

Choice: “Sure! I enjoy working here.”

interes_margarita -=3


Kiv : “I hope you’re not afraid of speed.”

Choice: “I would love some speed.”

Choice: “Hmm… isn’t that dangerous?”


Me: “Then she continues running as fast as before.”

Choice: “Yeeeeehaaaaa!”

disfrutasvelocidad = 1 interes_kive +=1

Choice: “I’m gonna diiiiiie!”

disfrutasvelocidad = 0



Kiv : “Do it and I’m going to give you ”another kind of ride” later at the farm…”

Choice: “Get closer.”

(If infie l  a   margarita == 1 it will be set to 3 which will lead to a death ending.

If not then it will be set to infie l   a  margarita == 2.)

Choice: “Make some distance.”

Me: “Kive looks at me with a surprised expression.”

Choice: “I’m in love with Margarita.”

interes_margarita +=3 interes_kive +=1 con_margarita = 2

Choice: “You’re beautiful Kive, but doing that would hurt Margarita.”

interes_kive +=1

Kiv : “But what are your feelings towards her? Do you love her?”

Choice: “Yes, of course I love her.”

con_margarita = 2

Choice: “I don’t know…”

con_margarita = 1 interes_kive +=1


Me: “Margarita kisses the tip of her finger and pokes me gently on my chest.”

Choice: “See you later dear.”

Choice: “See you later.”

interes_margarita -=1


if con_margarita == 1

Me: “Is it alright for me to accept this when I’m not sure if the feeling is mutual…?”

Choice: “Let her continue.”

paizuriconmar = 1

Choice: “Ask her to stop.”

paizuriconmar = 0


if infiel  a  margarita == 2

Margarita : “Aaah… You liked it dear…?”

Choice: “I loved it… that was amazing.”

Choice: “Do I really need to say it dear…?”


To be Continued

Forest/Neutral Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Get closer.”

Me: “Well, not that I can be any kind of threat to her, but still…”

Choice: “Thanks a lot, you saved my life…”

interes_regina += 1

Choice: “You are not going to eat me, right…?”

Choice: “Run away!”

Me: “She is playing with me…”

Choice: “I’m %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “…I’m too scared to even speak.”

Me: “She is smiling brightly, it would seem innocent if I wasn’t aware of the


Choice: “Please, have mercy.”

Choice: “What are you going to do with me?”

Me: “Her warm tongue is rubbing against my legs, hips, crotch… is she savouring me or just


Choice: “Thinking about her teeth biting me is horrifying. I won’t move.”


Choice: “Struggle with everything I have!”


Choice: “It feels amazing…” JUMP TO Naya Path

perversion += 1

Me: “On the other hand, it can be dangerous to be alone but… I think I would like to search for more civilization, maybe someone there would remember me.”

Choice: “I want to stay with her”

Choice: “I would like to find answers by myself.” JUMP TO Diula Path

Regina: “Even during day, the forest is dangerous.”

Choice: “Don’t sweat it, I was born lucky!”

Choice: “I’m thankful Regina, and I hope to see you again.”

Choice: “I will keep that on mind… thanks.”

Regina Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “Absorbed in my thoughts, I hear the sound of Regina’s clothes falling to the ground.”

Choice: “Is she undressing near to me?”

perversion += 1

Choice: “She needs some privacy, keep looking at the lake.”

interes_regina += 1

Me: “She doesn’t look embarrassed on the slightest… as if this was the most natural request.”

Choice: “Yes ma´am!”

Choice: “…You want us to take a bath together?”

Regina: “Are you okay there? I’m not pressing you too hard right? I don’t want you to fall.”

Choice: “I feel like nothing bad could happen to me now…”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Yup! With those huge tiddies enveloping me, everything is better.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I…I… err… *gulps*”

Me: “I can also feel the giant girl breathing and how her chest inflates and deflates.” Choice: “It’s so relaxing I could fall asleep again.”

interes_regina += 1

Choice: “This is… turning me on…”

perversion += 1

Regina: “I heard that human’s libido was higher at night but… you are quite active in the


Choice: “It’s your fault!”

Choice: “…I’m sorry.”

interes_regina += 1

Regina: “Most of people are usually too afraid from our size to have those feelings.”

Choice: “How could I be scared of such a beauty?”

perversion += 1

Choice: “You are really gigantic compared to me but… I feel that I can believe in you.” bondad += 1 interes_regina += 1

Choice: “(I’m still kinda afraid…)”

Regina: “Just keep some distance if I need to fight, okay?”

Choice: “And leaving you fighting alone? No way, I will help.”

interes_regina += 1

Choice: “Okay, I understand.”

Regina: “In the name of all kind giant girls around here, is there something that I can do for you?” Choice: “Don’t worry Regina, you are already doing much.”

interes_regina += 1

Choice: “Can you please squeeze me stronger?”

Me: “She is being delicate enough as to not harm me in the slightest. In fact, this is unbelievably comfortable.”

Choice: “Harder, please!”

Choice: “Thanks, this feels like heaven”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Can we stay like this for longer please?”

interes_regina += 1

Regina: “I think I will let you discover it with time.”

Choice: “Aaahw! Come on! That’s unfair! I want to know”

Choice: “Sounds good to me.”

Me: “I’m firmly trapped between her impressively soft breasts, just my arms and my head are buried.”

Choice: “Don’t worry, it’s really comfortable…”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “I’m in heaven…”

Choice: “T-thank you but… I would like to walk now that I’m awake.”

Me: “When she is this close, I can see how round and soft her rear looks…”

Choice: “Go closer and keep looking.”

perversion +=1

Me: “I have no time to run, I should…”

Choice: “Try to make her know that I’m here.”

Choice: “Raise my hands.”

interes_regina +=1

Regina: “But if any accident happen… I could crush you, you are very small and fragile.” Choice: “I’m Sorry Regina. I’ll be more careful.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “I’m sorry, but the views were just hypnotizing.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Keep this distance and stop looking.”

Me: “It tastes really good and it’s really easy to chew.”

Choice: “I like it! Thanks a lot Regina.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Keep eating without saying anything.”

Diula: “Are you perhaps willing to mate, human?”

Choice: “It’s just a physical reaction.”

Choice: “I’m in heaven right now.”

perversion +=1 interes_regina+=1 interes_diula+=1

Choice: “I’m sorry…”


Me: “Their subtle movements are making me feel good…”

Choice: “I must resist.”

climaxconregdiu = 0

Choice: “This feels too good to resist.”

climaxconregdiu = 1 perversion +=1

Regina: “We can leave her sleeping here.”

Choice: “It’s not dangerous for her to sleep here alone?”

interes_regina +=1 bondad +=1

Choice: “Nod in agreement.”

Me: “She takes a step back.”

Choice: “Summoning your own clothes looks convenient.”

Choice: “You look georgeous, it really suits you.”

interes_regina +=1

Regina: “And right now, I’m both of them.”

Choice: “It looks like a huge responsibility.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Wouldn’t you want to have more… freedom?”

Regina: “But she is also fragile… and it’s my duty to protect her.”

Choice: “Sorry, but that’s not true. It’s not just your duty.” (if bondad > 0)

interes_regina +=2 compromisonatural = 1

Choice: “Mother nature is lucky to have such a great protectress.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “I would not care much…”

interes_regina -=2

Me: “Her clothes feels the same than silk and they are very thin.”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

Choice: “This is not good, I should make some distance from her intimacy.”

Choice: “I must take this chance to tease her a little…” (if perversion > 0)

Me: “She is looking at me with her mouth partially open, breathing deeply.” Choice: “That was enough, I was just teasing her.”

Choice: “Continue.”

Regina: “Ending a life is always heartbreaking.”

Choice: “You said ”most of them” right?”

Choice: “Don’t ask.”

interes_regina +=1

Regina: “So I’ll leave you on a safe place and return later to do it.”

Choice: “Don’t worry, you can crush it that also makes you feel better.”

tolerdestruccionregina = 1

Regina: “I’ll gladly do it anytime.”

Choice: “I’m glad to see you smiling.”

interes_regina +=1 bondad +=1

Choice: “I didn’t know that you had such a sadistic side.”

Me: “The sound of the wood cracking is becoming stronger.”

Choice: “(I’m enjoying watching this.)”

Regina: “Are you perhaps enjoying this too %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “Nod silently.”

Choice: “Of course! How could I not like this?”

perversion +=1

Regina: “What about this is so alluring for you?”

Choice: “It’s impressive to see such a big woman crushing a building effortlessly.”

Choice: “To be honest, I think that the house is lucky to be your chair.” Choice: “I would like to be inside the house.”

if interes_regina > 12

Regina: “I love it…”

Choice: “Try to massage her too.”

Choice: “Do as she says and leave it to her.”

Choice: “(At least this time I’m not inside…)”

Choice: “Yes please… I would prefer to not see that again.”

tolerdestruccionregina = 0

Me: “The gigantic plant girl walks closer.”

Choice: “D-D-Diula!? H-H-Hello…”

valentia -=1

Choice: “Good evening Diula.”

Medusa: “But now, could you move out from there…?”

Choice: “I’m so sorry!”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Please let me stay on this paradise.”

perversion +=1

Madea: “…”

Choice: “But her butt is so soft…”

Choice: “I don’t mind to be eaten by her.”

Regina: “What do you say, do you want to try while I keep massaging her?”

Choice: “Sure! Leave it to me.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Sorry… I’m not sure about this.”

Me: “Inside, there’s a deep red pulp that smells incredibly good when she brings it closer to me.”

Choice: “Take it with my hands and eat.”

Choice: “Eat directly from her fingers.”

interes_regina +=1

Me: “This doesn’t seems to be an easy topic for her.”

Choice: “Tell me about it, please.”

Choice: “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable.”

interes_regina +=1 bondad +=1

Medusa: “I see… you were avoiding the topic because…”

Choice: “… It’s a painful memory for you.”

Choice: “… You regret killing that people.”

Regina: “%(player_name)s… am I too scary?”

Choice: “Don’t worry, you are not scary.”

valentia += 1 interes_regina +=1

Regina: “But you are trembling honey…”

Choice: “It’s just that your size is impressive.”

Choice: “It’s just that you are even more beautiful now.”

Choice: “I’m sorry but… that size is a little scary.”

interes_regina -=2 valentia = 0

Regina: “Do you trust me?”

Choice: “Nod in response.” (if valentia > 0) (if interes_regina > 15 you get more text and 1 cg) interes_regina +=1

Choice: “That’s too dangerous…”

interes_regina -=2

Me: “I think that I know what’s about to happen.”

Choice: “Keep my eyes open.”

nogoreregina = 0

Me: “Then, he runs towards Regina, who is not looking at him…”

Choice: “Regina! Behind you!”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Choice: “I cannot look at this…”

nogoreregina = 1

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Go there.”

interes_regina +=1 salvas_chica_regina = 1

Regina: “Fortunately, since we were touching just minutes ago, I was able to follow essence to find you.”

my own

Choice: “Thank you Regina.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “…”

Choice: “Stay here.”

salvas_chica_regina = 0

Regina: “I’m sorry for what you had to see %(player_name)s…”

Choice: “Don’t worry. I can understand your reaction…”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “To be honest… you scared me.”

Regina: “Do you think that I’m a good guardian?”

Choice: “You are the best guardian that Viridice could have Regina.”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Everyone makes mistakes. You’re not different.”

Regina: “I don’t enjoy taking lifes…”

Choice: “They leave you no choice Regina…”

apoyas_guerra_regina = 1

Choice: “Maybe there’s another way…”

apoyas_guerra_regina = 0

Regina: “What makes you think that? You already saw me taking many lives…”

Choice: “Because it’s your duty as a guardian.”

Choice: “Because every life is precious to you.”

interes_regina +=2

To be Continued

Diula Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I feel myself calmer than I should be on this situation, maybe it’s an effect of the same toxin?”

Choice: “Stay still without moving and reflect on the situation.”

Choice: “Slowly try to move to the exit.”

Choice: “Struggle with all my strength”


Me: “She doesn’t look like an evil man-eater… but now that she is talking I can see her unnaturally sharp teeth.”

Choice: “I a-a-am… %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “I’m %(player_name)s.”

valentia += 1

Me: “… !!”

Choice: “H-Hey!! I thought that you were not going to eat me!”

valentia += 1

Choice: “… (If I’m going to die, this is not a bad way).”

perversion += 1 interes_diula +=1


Me: “However…”

Choice: “…I am afraid”

Choice: “…this is too stimulating.”

perversion +=1

Me: “I look at the exotic looking fruit in front of me, it looks edible and smells nice.”

Choice: “I don’t want to hurt you.”

interes_diula +=1

Choice: “Thanks, I’m starving.”

Me: “If you are hungry…”

Choice: “Maybe you should be patient and wait here for more preys.”

(Solo with Diula)

Choice: “You should move to other position to hunt.”

(Meet Regina again JUMP TO Diula/Regina Path)

Me: “… !!”

Choice: “H-hey! You said that you wouldn’t eat me!”

valentia +=1

Choice: “Finally! I will gladly satisfy your hunger”

perversion +=1 interes_diula +=1


Me: “Her stomach walls feel elastic and slippery.”

Choice: “Let me out of here!! I don’t want to die like this!!”

Choice: “Woah! Amazing! So this is how you are in your insides?”


Diula/Regina Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Diula: “Oh… Hi Regina.”

Choice: “Nice to see you again Regina!”

interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Hello again.”

Me: “The breathing from both girls and how their breasts are moving is being too intense for me.”

Choice: “(I’m scared, this is dangerous…)”

Choice: “(This feels too good).”

Regina: “My my…”

Choice: “(Don’t say anything).”

Choice: “I’m sorry.”

interes_regina +=1

Diula: “Can you make more?”

Choice: “Please… G-give me a break.”

Choice: “Sure! Go ahead.”

(if interes_regina > 3)

Me: “She asks in a soft tone and a sweet smile on her face.”

Choice: “It doesn’t hurt. I feel really good.”

Choice: “I’m fine! You can do it harder.”

her_brazo_izq +=1

Me: “Wind begins blowing, materializing white and golden threads around Regina’s naked body.”

Choice: “Stop looking and apologize.”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

Me: “Speaking to me in a quiet voice to wake me up.”

Choice: “Good morning.”

Choice: “Just a little more…”

if her_brazo_izq > 0

Diula: “I’m sorry.”

Choice: “It was my fault, I told you to do it harder.”

interes_regina +=1 interes_diula +=1 bondad+=1

Choice: “Don’t worry. Just be more careful in the future.”

interes_regina -=1

Diula: “It’s difficult to control my strength with this size, but I don’t want you to fall.”

Choice: “I see, okay I’ll endure it then.”

Choice: “Don’t worry, I will not fall, you can move that vine away.”


Me: “Then she crouches to pick the corpse and brings it to her mouth full of sharp teeths.”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

Choice: “(I don’t want to see this…)”

Diula: “Three days with no food or water for me.”

Choice: “That’s so cruel…”

interes_diula +=1 bondad +=1

CHoice: “Well, you had it well deserved.”

Me: “…”

Choice: “I’m glad that you found a place to call home Diula.”

interes_diula +=1

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Choice: “(I cannot hold my tears).”

interes_diula +=1 bondad +=1

Me: “So this is what happens to poachers here…”

Choice: “I’m terrified…”

valentia -=1

Choice: “So… it’s forbidden to hunt here in Viridice?”

interes_diula +=1 valentia +=1

Diula: “But they are now food for me and for this forest.”

Choice: “I think you was too extreme…”

Choice: “They had it deserved…”

interes_diula +=1

Diula: “Regina says that good things happen to good people.”

Choice: “Thank you Diula.”

interes_diula +=1

Choice: “…”

Madea: “It’s a pleasure, %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “The pleasure is mine.”

Choice: “Hey cutie.”

perversion +=1

Diula: “Even if she insist that is fine.”

Choice: “I think that you are doing a good job.”

interes_diula +=1

Choice: “So you are a living weapon.”

interes_diula -=2

Diula: “It feels good but… at the same time I feel… lonely.”

Choice: “Instead of doing it alone, you can use me if you want.”

interes_diula +=1 perversion +=1

Choice: “I see…”

Me: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Try to move.”

interes_diula +1

Choice: “Stay still.”

Hirduil: “There’s much to learn… but don’t worry and give yourself some time.”

Choice: “Thank you very much Hirduil.”

Choice: “Is there no way that Diula can teach me?”

Diula: “And I don’t know why… but that makes me happy.”

Choice: “Here? But someone could find us.”

Choice: “I’ll do my best!”

perversion +=1

Me: “Specially because we are at the capital of Viridice…”

Choice: “Maybe we should stop…”

Choice: “Keep doing it.”

perversion +=1 interes_diula+=1

Brais : “Nice to meet you %(player_name)s!”

Choice: “Nice to meet you, I’m sure we’ll get along fine.”

amistad_brais +=1

Choice: “Woah… so much energy to spare.”



Brais : “Heya~ !”

Choice: “Good morning Hi rd uil, Brais.”

Choice: “Good morning master, mate!”


Brais : “I-I don’t want to… be mean but… is that safe for you…?”

Choice: “No problem, she is careful with me.”

Choice: “I guess I’ll die…”


Me: “Brais looks genuinelly happy for me.”

Choice: “Thank you.”

Choice: “Thanks mate, I’m sure you’ll do it soon.”


Diu la : “…I want to feel you deeper.”

Choice: “That sounds great!”

interes_diu la +=1

Choice: “Wait… this is going too fast!”


Me: “This thing covering my body… are her stomach fluids?”

Choice: “Trust her and try to stay calmed.”

Choice: “Struggle violently and try to escape.”

Me: “Even with her usual calmed voice, Diu la sounds really aroused, her breathing becomes heavy and fast.”

Choice: “Try to stay calm and stop moving.”

Choice: “Keep trying to get out.” (Death)

To be Continued

Naya Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Naya: “But I’m not sure if I would be able to stop myself if I savour you once more… are you sure?” Choice: “Please! I want to get inside again.”

Naya: “As I thought, you must really like my mouth to risk your life that way.” Choice: “It’s not just your mouth, I want to be swallowed!”

Choice: “Indeed! Please let me in again.”

Choice: “Why would I ever want to risk my life again!?”

Choice: “No please, I don’t want to die.”

Me: “The feeling is so intense and even if both the grass and the girl are soft to touch, it still hurts a bit since she is not being especially careful..”

Choice: “I-it hurts! Stop!”

Choice: “It’s amazing Naya… ! I love it!”

perversion += 1 valentia +=1 interes_naya += 1

Choice: “(Stay quiet).”

Me: “Things are becoming more and more wild.”

Choice: “I want to make her feel good. Try to be more active.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “I will just let her use me.”

her_torso +=1

“But if she continues like this, I will die for sure.”

Choice: “(Keep trying to make her stop.)”


Choice: “(Try to make her feel even better.)”

Choice: “Struggle and try to escape. I’m going to die at this rate!”

Naya: “This is… so good… !”

Choice: “(I’m also feeling great down here)”

interes_naya +=1 perversion +=1

Choice: “(It’s better if she ends soon…)”

if (interes_naya > 2)

Naya: “Woah! Sorry, I almost squish you there. Are you okay?”

Choice: “Sure! I’m fine. By the way, it has been awesome!”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “It has been dangerous…”

Naya: “Is that just your morning wood or maybe you are happy to be there?”

Choice: “…”

Choice: “Who wouldn’t wake up ”happy” after sleeping on boobs?”

perversion +=1 interes_naya +=1

Madea: “Where is she hiding?”

Choice: “She just climbed that tree behind me…”

interes_naya -=2 interes_madea +=1

Choice: “I don’t know…”

interes_naya +=1

Naya: “Of course! Right %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “(Keep silent).”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Yeah, she saved me back in the forest.”

interes_naya +=1

Me: “…”

Choice: “I will be careful, thanks Madea.”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “But… I do like how the crotch tattoo sounds.”

interes_naya +=1 perversion +=1

Naya: “What do you think that Madea is?”

Choice: “Half-fox”

Choice: “Half-wolf”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Half-cat”

Naya: “It’s me~ ! Did I forget to mention it?”

Choice: “Okay, that was funny but… jokes aside, Who is the matriarch?”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Oh? So you are the leader here?”

interes_naya +=1

Me: “Then, Naya moves her lips. Reading them, she is clearly repeating ”Crotch tattoo”.”

Choice: “Thank you very much Madea.”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Nah, you are such a worrywart Madea. I’ll be okay.”

interes_naya +=1

Me: “Indeed, they seem to be prepairing a big festival.”

Choice: “Is there something that I can do to help?”

interes_madea +=1 bondad +=1

Choice: “Follow them quietly.”

Naya: “Aahw~ You don’t want to let him see your naked body?”

Choice: “That’s a shame, but I’ll obey.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Okay Madea, thanks.”

interes_madea +=1

Madea: “… They are the same as always.”

Choice: “Take a look.” (if perversion > 0)

Me: “So she was not speaking to me…”

Choice: “This is a sign, I should not be trying to look.”

Choice: “Screw it! I must feast my eyes.”


Choice: “Don’t look.”

Madea: “It’s the tradition… and it’s not like you have to wear it all the time.”

Choice: “You both are georgeous… it suits you very well.”

interes_madea +=1 interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Are we going back then?”

if interes_madea < 3 continue below, else skip to Madea path.

Naya: “This little pervert is happy to be there~ right?”

Choice: “Nod.”

perversion +=1 interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Shake my head.”

Naya: “Well? What do you think? Don’t you feel like a chief here? Haha~”

Choice: “I would not mind becoming chief if that means that you’ll be my wife.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “I’m not really interested…”

Naya: “Hmm?”

Choice: “Why are those boys dancing with the giantesses? Isn’t that dangerous?”

Choice: “Why am I not dancing among those giantesses?”


Naya: “You’ll keep being my little sex slave~ ! You are too rare to let you go.”

Choice: “But I want to be your only man.”

Choice: “Sounds good to me.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “When will I be free?”

(Start with estamina_piernasnaya = 2)

Naya: “We have just started~”

Choice: ”P-please stop!””

Choice: “This feels incredible Naya…”

estamina_piernasnaya -= 1

Choice: “This is nothing, I can resist without problem.”

estamina_piernasnaya -=1

Naya: “Now try to push my legs with your hips, the same as you would if you were having sex.”

Choice: “Give it all.” (If her_torso > 0, estamina_piernasnaya -=1 is not recieved.)

Choice: “Do it as strongly as you can resist for a while.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Don’t do it.” (If her_torso > 0 then this will result with death.)

estamina_piernasnaya -=1

Different dialogue if estamina_piernasnaya == 0 or not.

Male: “And judging your question… are you perhaps interested in her?”

Choice: “Not really.”

Choice: “Nod”

Me: “So what about enjoying some quality time together~?”

Choice: “Are you sure this is okay? You have a partner now.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Sure! Go for it.”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Do I have an alternative…?”

Me: “But sometimes, her sharp teeth touches me, reminding me that she only has to bite to cut me in half.”

Choice: “I’m afraid…”

valentia -=1

Choice: “This feels wonderful.”

interes_naya+=1 perversion +=1

Naya: “Of course, feel free to cum too.”

Choice: “Move intensely.”

comotemuevesnaya = 2 interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Move with delicacy.”

comotemuevesnaya = 1

Choice: “Don’t move.”

Me: “Naya licks her own lips after saying this.”

Choice: “Move with all my strength.”

comotemuevesnaya = 2 interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Move with delicacy.”

comotemuevesnaya = 1

Choice: “I’m not your toy.”

comotemuevesnaya = 0 Death

Me: “However, no one asked her for help even if they look very busy.”

Choice: “Are you not going to help?”

bondad +=1

Choice: “Where are we going?”

Madea: “…”

Choice: “You killed your previous partner!?”

Choice: “Well, looks like a good way to go.”

interes_naya +=1

Me: “I must…”

Choice: “Try to find a good place to hide.”

Me: “I find a gigantic hollow tree. It’s really big and dark inside.”

Choice: “Hide here.” (Death)

escondite_naya1 = 2

Choice: “Keep looking.”

Me: “What can I do…?”

Choice: “Calm down and keep looking.”

escondite_naya1 = 3

Choice: “Run away!!” (Death)

escondite_naya1 = 1

Choice: “Wait here. I want her to catch me.”

escondite_naya1 = 0 interes_naya +=1 perversion +=1

(if escondite_naya1 == 0)

Naya: “Remember… if you cum without my permission, you’ll become my food.”

Choice: “Do my best to resist.”

Choice: “This feels too good to resist.” (Death)

Naya: “Their flavour cannot be compared to yours… hehe.”

Choice: “Say nothing.”

Choice: “I’m happy to hear that. When is my turn then?”

Me: “Maybe I should say something… It’s true that Naya crushed the relic, but about the other things… she’s innocent.”

Choice: “Try to say something to defend Naya.”

interes_naya +=2 defiendesanaya1 = 1

Choice: “Stay silent.”

defiendesanaya1 = 0

Naya: “Should I… prepare Lycalis for war…?”

Choice: “With you by their side, Lycalis could easily win a war.”

bondad = 0 apoyasguerralycaviri = 1

Choice: “There are no winners in a war Naya.”

apoyasguerralycaviri = 0

Naya: “Alright… I suppose that I should ask Madea to talk with Regina.”

Choice: “That would be a wise choice.”

Choice: “No, I think it should be you.”

interes_naya +=1 bondad +=1

Me: “The meat is perfectly spiced and feels really tender when I bite it.”

Choice: “So tasty! Thank you!”

interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Uhm… Can I have fork and knife?”


Naya: “Or even into my mouth, so the first thing that you see when you wake up are my teeth.”

Choice: “That sounds bad for my heart…”

Choice: “That sounds incredible.”

perversion +=1


Me: “During our travel throught the forest of Lycalis, Naya remains silent.”

Choice: “Lift my arm to caress under her neck.”

bondad +=1 interes_naya +=1

Choice: “Do nothing.”


Me: “Nothing like that.”

Choice: “I find it really interesting.”

Choice: “But it doesn’t look like something that you like to remember.”

interes_naya +=1


Me: “After savouring his prey, she swallows him without chewing.”

Choice: “…”

lepidesvoreanaya = 0

Choice: “Can I be the next one?”

lepidesvoreanaya = 1


Naya: “Flattened tinies covered on dirt are not that tasty…”

Choice: “Look.”

Choice: “I don’t want to look.”

To be Continued

Madea Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Madea: “I’m sorry, I know it’s not very polite to grab you but it would be dangerous for you otherwise…”

Choice: “It can’t be helped…”

Choice: “Don’t worry, in fact, sorry for the inconvenience.”

interes_madea +=1

Me: “There are a lot of giantesses and persons of my size dancing together around a big fire.”

Choice: “Isn’t that dangerous for them?”

Choice: “Can I join them?”

Madea: “Are you feeling good? We can stop if you want.”

Choice: “To be honest, I’m afraid, but I feel that I can trust you.”

detenerbaile = 0 bondad +=1 interes_madea +=1

Choice: “This is fun! I like it!”

detenerbaile = 0 interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Could we stop please?”

detenerbaile = 1

if detenerbaile == 0

Madea: “What do you think? Do you like it?”

Choice: “It’s interesting and funny. I want to learn more.”

interes_madea +=1

Madea: “I think this is not safe for you… we better stop.”

Choice: “Can we dance again the next time?”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “”No problem, it was fun.””

Choice: “Your breasts? Of course! They are beautiful.”

perversion +=1 interes_madea -=2

Me: “What should I do…?” (temuevesbajomadea just gives different dialogue.)

Choice: “Struggle and try to escape.”

temuevesbajomadea = 1

Choice: “Try to make her feel better.”

temuevesbajomadea = 1 perversion +=1

Choice: “Don’t move.”

temuevesbajomadea = 0

Me: “My back hurts a little due to what she did yesterday, but I’m fine.”

Choice: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Choice: “Nah, you were very gentle.”

Madea: “And it could cause a conflict.”

Choice: “That sounds horrible…”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Are you afraid?”

Me: “Even if it looked small on her hands, just the piece that she gave to me is larger than both my hands together.”

Choice: “Thank you so much.”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Where does this meat comes from?”

Me: “Yeah… Naya found me after that.”

Choice: “She almost ate me… but brought me with her at the end.”

techivasdenaya1 = 1

Choice: “She saved me.”

techivasdenaya1 = 0

Madea: “But now, could you move out from there…?”

Choice: “I’m so sorry!”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “After what you did yesterday and you are now shy about this?”

perversion +=1

Madea: “…”

Choice: “But her butt is so soft…”

Choice: “I don’t mind to be eaten by her.”

Regina: “What do you say, do you want to try while I keep massaging her?”

Choice: “Sure! Leave it to me.”

interes_regina +=1 interes_madea +=1

Choice: “Sorry… I’m not sure about this.”

interes_madea -=1

Madea: “I’m sorry for what you just had to see.”

Choice: “Don’t worry. Are you feeling better now?”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “It’s fine, that was impressive to see.”

Madea: “But Naya is going there too… what is that air-head thinking?”

Choice: “I don’t know why Naya is a guardian.”

Choice: “I don’t know her enough to judge her.”

interes_madea +=1

Me: “Judging her reaction, it’s clear that her mind is not here right now.”

Choice: “I’m fine, but the question is, are you alright?”

interes_madea +=1

Choice: “No worries, I wouldn’t mind ending under your rear.”

Madea: “That idiot… What are we going to do now…?”

Choice: “I don’t think that she did this intentionally.”

Choice: “It’s almost like she’s looking for a war.”

interes_madea -=2

Madea: “If those two fronts explode at the same time… Lycalis will…”

Choice: “Have no chance…”

Choice: “Defeat their enemies.”

interes_madea -=2

Choice: “…”

interes_madea +=1

Madea: “I would do a better job just as a warrior.”

Choice: “No way! That’s not true!”

interes_madea +=2 bondad +=1

Choice: “If you feel that the weight is too much… I don’t see why not.”

To be Continued

Hell Path

Kendra: “Well? How do you feel?”

Choice: “My head is still spinning…”

Choice: “I’m very happy at becoming your slave!” (if perversion > 0)

perversion += 1 interes_kendra += 1

Kendra: “So if I were you, I would not try to escape or you could end up being devoured.”

Choice: “D-d-devoured!!? Are there giantesses eating humans!?”

Choice: “Being eaten? That would be awesome!”

Choice: “I want to stay with you anyway. I don’t plan to escape.” (if perversion > 1) interes_kendra +=1

Me: “I must…”

Choice: “Keep calm and try to wake her up”

valentia += 1

Kendra: “What makes you think I will not crush you…?”

Choice: “You would not kill me after taking me with you.”

Kendra: “Are you sure…?”

Choice: “Maybe I cannot be sure about what a giant demoness would do to someone she just met.”

interes_kendra += 1

Choice: “Nod with a confident smile.”


Choice: “Maybe you would, but panicking would not help me.”

valentia += 1 interes_kendra += 1

Choice: “Stay and enjoy her breasts.” (if perversion > 0)

Me: “I will…”

Choice: “Try to massage her breast.”

Kendra: “Put your hands under my breast again. Now…”

Choice: “Obey her and ask for her forgiveness.”

Choice: “Keep massaging her.”


Choice: “Endure it, it’s better if she doesn’t wake up.”

Choice: “Try to break free with all my strength!! She is going to crush me!!!”

Me: “We walk in silence for a while.”

Choice: “Where are we going…?”

Choice: “…”

Me: “I’m %(player_name)s”

Choice: “Nice to meet you”

interes_nyxmay += 1

Choice: “I’m frozen… I don’t think I can speak.”

Me: “Is she really able to feel my heartbeats just by looking at me?”

Choice: “I am afraid…”

interes_nyxmay += 1

Choice: “You are imagining things.”

interes_nyxmay -=1

Choice: “It’s because you are incredibly beautiful.”

perversion += 1

Me: “She seems to know something… I think she could help me but…”

Choice: “Can you help me please?”

interes_nyxmay += 1

Choice: “What must I do to have your help?”

interes_nyxmay += 1

Choice: “She would never help me…”

if (interes_kendra > 5) continue below, else jump to Nyxmay Path.

Nyxmay: “Maybe it was love at first sight?”

Choice: “But I want to go with you.”

Choice: “…”

Choice: “That’s nice to hear.”

interes_kendra +=1

Kendra: “Uhm? You are not going to eat?”

Choice: “I’m not hungry right now, but thanks.”

Choice: “Who could eat after hearing that?”


Me: “He doesn’t look like he’s in pain, in fact, the small person is smiling.”

Choice: “What is wrong with this place?”

Choice: “Interesting…”

interes_kendra+=1 perversion+=1

if (interes_kendra > 6) then continue below, else jump to Yakuu Path.

Kendra Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “She begins pressing her foot against the orc who is screaming under her while his bones are being slowly crushed.”

Choice: “Kendra, stop!!”

Kendra: “Why should I stop?”

Choice: “That’s too cruel!”

bondad +=1

Choice: “It’s unfair that he gets under your sole before me.”

perversion +=2 interes_kendra+=1

Choice: “Close my eyes and cover my ears.”

Choice: “Keep looking and enjoy the show.”

perversion +=1 interes_kendra+=1

Me: “Kendra continues walking, leaving behind the orc corpse.”

Choice: “That blow from before, it didn’t hurt you right?”

Choice: “Don’t say anything.”

Kendra: “Yup…”

Choice: “Now that you mention it… you two look similar.”

interes_kendra -=2

Choice: “I would never guessed…”

Kendra: “And since most of the people from Homaspernia hate that kingdom… let’s say that I’m very welcome on this land.”

Choice: “Why did you do that to your home and your sister?”


Choice: “I suppose that you had your reasons.”

Me: “She is no longer looking at me…”

Choice: “Keep all the distance from Kendra as I can.”


Choice: “Keep the same distance with her.”

Kendra: “Or maybe knowing that your life is in my hands is turning you on even more?”

Choice: “You would not do such a thing if there’s something from your sister in you.” Death

Choice: “Yeah, I enjoy being at your mercy.” (if perversion > 2)

interes_kendra+=1 perversion +=1

Choice: “It’s just that there’s nothing I can do.”

Me: “She keeps grinding her butt against me, but right now she is not breaking me anything.”

Choice: “Please stop… !”

Choice: “Try to resist and don’t say anything.”

Choice: “This feels amazing, please continue.”

interes_kendra +=1 perversion +=1

Kendra: “I could think about it if you beg me.”

Choice: “There’s no way I would beg!”

Choice: “P-please…”

interes_kendra +=1 perversion +=1

Me: “Every second that I’m walking by myself on this place I’m on risk of being crushed…”

Choice: “Thanks for carriyng me Kendra.”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “(Stay quiet).”

Me: “I can only imagine how was this person’s last moments.”

Choice: “Take the food from the bag.”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “There’s no way I can eat this.”

Kendra: “Pwah~ that really hits the spot.”

Choice: “Can I have some?”

Choice: “Drink from my water canteen.”

Kendra: “No problem! You are light as a feather, I’m sure that he’ll be fine.”

Choice: “Try to escape.”

Choice: “Stay here.”

Me: “I feel how Trish lifts her rear just a little so I can breathe again.”

Choice: “Move your fat ass away you crazy bitch!”


Choice: “Just take some air and endure it.”

Kendra: “Yeah, I’m sure that he is smart enough to obey…”

Choice: “Please stop! I’ll not endure this.”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “I could do this all the day.”

Choice: “Stay silent and just focus.”

Me: “They are really tempting my body, but if I don’t resist… I’m sure that the punishment will be something really bad.”

Choice: “Keep trying to resist”

ganasjuegokendratrish = 1

Choice: “Just enjoy and let it happen.”

ganasjuegokendratrish = 0

if interes_kendra > 11 you will live, else you will die.

Unknown Female: “H – e l p . . . ???”

Choice: “Scream.”

Choice: “Try to stay calm.” (if valentia > 1)

interes_vaiklis +=1

Unknown Female: ” . . . “

Choice: “You don’t scare me…”

Choice: “Are you trying to help me?”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Vaiklis: “And emptiness… feels sad…”

Choice: “Maybe forgetting is not that bad.”

Choice: “Yeah, it really feels empty.”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Vallklis: “But I am only comfortable in this house… and I cannot get out from this kingdom.”

Choice: “Excuse me but… What happened to you?”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Choice: “And how did you turned into… that?”

Nyxmay: “Well? And how about %(player_name)s? Are you two getting along?”

Choice: “She’s a good girl.”

vasconvaiklis = 0 (Choose to continue Kendra Path)

Choice: “I think that you should let her die…”


Choice: “In fact… I would like to stay with her.”

vasconvaiklis = 1

Me: “Surprisingly, both Nyxmay and Kendra kept silent when Vai’Klis asked.” Choice: “Because I also know the sorrow of losing my past.”

vasconvaiklis = 2 interes_vaiklis +=1

Choice: “Because you are so hot.”

interes_nyxmay -=2 interes_kendra -=2 interes_vaiklis = 0

Kendra: “It’s usually Nyxmay the one doing this, but…”

Choice: “You have a pride to protect.”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “You want to face your fears.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Me: “However…”

Choice: “I should not miss this chance to scare her.”


Choice: “I should try to calm her.”

interes_kendra +=1

Me: “I should try to calm her…”

Choice: “They are afraid of you.”

Choice: “They don’t want to leave because you are too sexy.”

perversion +=1

Vai’klis : “Are you okay… %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “S-sure…! It feels… great…”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I cannot breathe…”


Nyxmay: “Are you ready…?”

Choice: ‘Please, I don’t want to die.”

valentia -=1

Choice: “Sounds great, I cannot wait!”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I’m not a toy…”

valentia +=1


Me: “She’s also moving a little, doing her part.”

Choice: “Yes, it feels so good.”

interes_vaiklis +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “N-Not really…”


Nyxmay: “And what about you, little human? How do you feel?”

Choice: “Amazing, I’m in heaven.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice:”She’s… too cold.”

insultasavai1 = 1 interes_kendra -=5 interes_nyxmay -=3

Kendra: “What the Fk did you say…?”

Choice: “Sorry… I mean that she feels really good.”

Choice: “It’s true, she’s too cold… it doesn’t feel any good.”


Me: “She is using her hand to use me as a sex toy, driving me deeper into her.”

Choice: “Move my legs as strong as I can.”

interes_kendra +=1

Choice: “Move my legs slowly.”


Kendra: “I don’t mind… doing all the job myself but… come on… are you really that pathetic?”

Choice: “I’m too exhausted, let her do it.”

Choice: “Use my legs and arms until my last drop of energy.”

interes_kendra +=1

To be Continued

Nyxmay Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Nyxmay: “You will feel less ”compressed” in that place and that means your victory.”

Choice: “I refuse, I am not interested in going with you.”

Choice: “I have no choice but to obey her.”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “Awesome! I cannot wait!.”

perversion += 1

Me: “It is soft for now but…”

Choice: “She is going to kill me! I must start moving!!”

Choice: “She is just playing… I will not follow her game.”


Choice: “Try to stay calm and firmly start moving.”

valentia += 1 interes_nyxmay += 1

if (perversion > 1):interes_nyxmay -=1

Me: “At this point it starts to become difficult to breathe since my chest gets squeezed between her soft thighs really hard.”

Choice: “Please stop, this is impossible.”


Choice: “Keep pushing and advancing with all my strength.”

Nyxmay: “You are very close~”

Choice: “Make a last push and reach the ”goal”

if (perversion > 1):interes_nyxmay -= 1

Choice: “Don’t touch there. That’s a lady most private place after all…”

interes_nyxmay += 2

Kendra: “Uhm? You are not going to eat?”

Choice: “I’m not hungry right now, but thanks.”

Choice: “Who could eat after hearing that?”


Me: “…”

Choice: “I’m afraid…”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “Do not show fear.”

valentia += 1

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Choice: “Shout to the monster and try to distract him.”

bondad +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Me: “Then she begins walking again, but the elder man is just in front of us. Is she to crush him?”



valentia +=1 interes_nyxmay-=1

Choice: “Please, don’t kill him!”

bondad +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “…”

Nyxmay: “Give me a second, I will be back.”

Choice: “Please don’t leave me alone.”


Choice: “Don’t you think I could escape?”

Choice: “…”

Nyxmay: “But thanks to that, now I have a very enjoyable new toy…”

Choice: “Stop calling me toy…”

Choice: “I’m also happy of being yours.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “…”

Nyxmay: “Well? What do you think of my place?”

Choice: “It’s so silent that it makes me nervous”

Choice: “It’s silent and peaceful. I like it.”


Me: “I feel how it’s gradually getting more difficult to breathe.”

Choice: “P-please, I don’t want to die!”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “Stop playing, just end me already.”

valentia +=1

Choice: “I know this is dangerous, but I’m getting turned on.”

interes_nyxmay +=1 perversion +=1

Me: “Gh… !”

Choice: “S-stop, it hurts!! Stop this!!”

Choice: “Try to endure it silently.”


(if interes_nyxmay>10, else you die.)

Nyxmay: “Well… it was really enjoyable, but if I want to keep your sanity, I should let you have some rest.”

Choice: “Thank you…”

Choice: “Can we… do it again please?”


Nyxmay: “This last is my personal favorite… but since you are such a good boy, I will decide.”

Choice: “Squish me fast.”

let you

Choice: “Do it slowly.”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Nyxmay: “Well… let’s just say that you would find that there are fates way worse than death.”

Choice: “Thanks for keeping me alive then.”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “What will happen when you run out of magic?”

Nyxmay: “I hope you don’t mind… but I like to sleep like this.”

Choice: “It’s not like I have another choice anyway…”

Choice: “(Blush) I-It’s okay…”

interes_nyxmay +=1

if bondad > 1 you get interes_nyxmay +=1 during the dream sequence.

Me: “…”

Choice: “Breathe. She is just trying to scare me.”


Choice: “She is serious…”

Choice: “No please… have mercy.”

Choice: “If that makes you happy, go ahead.”

Me: “…”

Choice: “Good morning Nyxmay.”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

interes_nyxmay -=1

Me: “As always, her lustful and sadistic smile combined with her sweet voice sends a chill down my spine.”

Choice: “Please, make it painless.”

Choice: “I’ll gladly do whatever makes you happy.”

interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “Let me go already, I’m not your toy.”

interes_nyxmay -=2

Me: “Just looking at her eyes already frightens me.”

Choice: “Please don’t eat me!!”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

valentia +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “What the Fk are you doing!? Let me out!!”

interes_nyxmay -=10

Nyxmay: “For being such a good boy, I will make it stop hurting.”

Choice: “Let her do it.”

consentir_dolor = 0

Choice: “No, I want you to fully enjoy this.”

consentir_dolor = 1 interes_nyxmay +=2

if interes_nyxmay<=14 you will die, if not then continue below

Me: “Nyxmay is combing her hair when she notices that I’m awake.”

Choice: “Nod.”

Choice: “I had a beautiful dream.”

bondad +=1

Unknown Female: “H – e l p . . . ???”

Choice: “Scream.”

Choice: “Try to stay calm.” (if valentia > 1)

interes_vaiklis +=1

Unknown Female: ” . . . “

Choice: “You don’t scare me…”

Choice: “Are you trying to help me?”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Vaiklis: “And emptiness… feels sad…”

Choice: “Maybe forgetting is not that bad.”

Choice: “Yeah, it really feels empty.”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Vallklis: “But I am only comfortable in this house… and I cannot get out from this kingdom.”

Choice: “Excuse me but… What happened to you?”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Choice: “And how did you turned into… that?”

Nyxmay: “Well? And how about %(player_name)s? Are you two getting along?”

Choice: “She’s a good girl.”

vasconvaiklis = 0 (Choose to continue Kendra Path)

Choice: “I think that you should let her die…”


Choice: “In fact… I would like to stay with her.”

vasconvaiklis = 1

Me: “Surprisingly, both Nyxmay and Kendra kept silent when Vai’Klis asked.” Choice: “Because I also know the sorrow of losing my past.”

vasconvaiklis = 2 interes_vaiklis +=1

Choice: “Because you are so hot.”

interes_nyxmay -=2 interes_kendra -=2 interes_vaiklis = 0

Nyxmay: “Since I find so cute the way you are struggling that much with the slightest movement.”

Choice: “Try to stay still.”

Choice: “Try to make her feel good.”

Me: “I had no time to recover… I still have this increasing mixture of feelings between pleasure and… fear?”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

Choice: “Struggle.” (if vasconvaiklis == 1 then death)

interes_nyxmay +=1

Vai’klis : “Are you okay… %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “S-sure…! It feels… great…”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I cannot breathe…”


Nyxmay: “Are you ready…?”

Choice: ‘Please, I don’t want to die.”

valentia -=1

Choice: “Sounds great, I cannot wait!”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I’m not a toy…”

valentia +=1


Me: “She’s also moving a little, doing her part.”

Choice: “Yes, it feels so good.”

interes_vaiklis +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “N-Not really…”


Nyxmay: “And what about you, little human? How do you feel?”

Choice: “Amazing, I’m in heaven.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice:”She’s… too cold.”

insultasavai1 = 1 interes_kendra -=5 interes_nyxmay -=3

Kendra: “What the Fk did you say…?”

Choice: “Sorry… I mean that she feels really good.”

Choice: “It’s true, she’s too cold… it doesn’t feel any good.”


Me: “While still touching me, she lifts her rear just enough to free my chest and let me talk properly.”

Choice: “Soft…”

Choice: “You can go harder if you want.”



Me: “I know what makes Nyxmay feels good…”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “That’s not fair, I want you to feel good too.”

interes_nyxmay +=2

Nyxmay: “Fufu… That’s just a little reward for being so obliging.”

Choice: “Thanks Nyxmay.”

Choice:”To see you enjoying it that much was rewarding enough.”

interes_nyxmay +=1

To be Continued

Vaiklis Path? – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Vaiklis:”%(player_name)s… What’s your opinion on them?”

Choice: “They are monsters…”

interes_vaiklis -=1

Choice: “I’m no one to judge…”

interes_vaiklis +=1

Choice: “They are like goddesses.”

Vai’klis : “Are you okay… %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “S-sure…! It feels… great…”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I cannot breathe…”


Nyxmay: “Are you ready…?”

Choice: ‘Please, I don’t want to die.”

valentia -=1

Choice: “Sounds great, I cannot wait!”

perversion +=1

Choice: “I’m not a toy…”

valentia +=1


Me: “She’s also moving a little, doing her part.”

Choice: “Yes, it feels so good.”

interes_vaiklis +=1 interes_nyxmay +=1

Choice: “N-Not really…”


Nyxmay: “And what about you, little human? How do you feel?”

Choice: “Amazing, I’m in heaven.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice:”She’s… too cold.”

insultasavai1 = 1 interes_kendra -=5 interes_nyxmay -=3

Kendra: “What the Fk did you say…?”

Choice: “Sorry… I mean that she feels really good.”

Choice: “It’s true, she’s too cold… it doesn’t feel any good.”


Me: “What should I do then…?”

Choice: “Massage her with all my st renght.”

Choice: “Do it delicately.”

To be Continued

Yakuu Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Yakuu: “I hope you make a better job as part of my bed than cleaning…”

Choice: “”No please, don’t crush me!””

Choice: “…”

interes_yakuu += 1

Choice: “I’m not afraid of you…”

interes_yakuu += 1 valentia += 1

Me: “At this rate, he is going to die for sure…”

Choice: “Stop!! you monster!”

valentia += 1 bondad += 1 interes_yakuu += 1

Choice: “Please my lady, don’t kill him.”

bondad += 1 interes_yakuu += 1

Choice: “…”

Me: “It’s almost impossible to breath like this.”

Choice: “Struggle and try to move, I must get out of here.”


Choice: “Don’t move.”

(if (valentia > 1) + if interes_yakuu > 0) (If interes_yakuu < 0 you get death.)

Yakuu: “Y-you will… beg for me… to end you…”

Choice: “This is also turning me on…”

Me: “Easier said than done… The sensations on all my body are overwhelming.” Choice: “There’s no way I can hold this…”

orgasmoconyakuu1 = 1

Choice: “I must endure it…”

orgasmoconyakuu1 = 0

Choice: “I hope this ends quickly.”

Pyeka: “A human… and a purebred one none less. That’s really surprising.”

Choice: “H-hello…”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “What a beautiful sight to wake up..”

interes_pyeka +=2

Choice: “Keep silence”

Pyeka: “Are you okay %(player_name)s…?”

Choice: “You are… a psychopath maneater monster.”


Me: “I cannot believe it… is this where I end!?”

Choice: “Keep fighting.”

Choice: “Surrender and wait.”

Choice: “Please don’t eat me I beg you!!”

valentia -=1 interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “I was thinking that being eaten by you it’s not a bad way to go.”

interes_pyeka +=1 perversion +=1

Choice: “…”

Pyeka: “Oh…? And what do you think? What’s your first impression?”

Choice: “You are really beautiful…”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “We are already on a bed. Want me to show you what I think?” (if perversion > 1) perversion +=1

Choice: “…”

Pyeka: “Can I savor you little? I promise that I won’t eat you.”

Choice: “Accept.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “Refuse.”

Pyeka: “In fact… I think I like your flavor too much…”

Choice: “H-hey! You promised that you won’t eat me!”

Choice: “It’s okay, you can keep savoring me.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Me: “…”

Choice: “Keep silent and look at Pyeka.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “I can’t remember anything before Kendra captured me.”

Me: “Then she found me interesting enough to not just squish me and took me with her.” Choice: “Please, help me.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Yakuu: “This is your life now… and you must only care about being a good servant.” Choice: “I’m just asking for mercy. Please…”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “… Yes ma’am.”

Choice: “And that’s all.”

if interes_pyeka>5 then jump to Pyeka Path, else continue below.

Me: “She is standing in the middle of that gigantic room, right now seems like she is alone.”

Choice: “Yes mistress.”

Choice: “Okay, but please, don’t move much.”

Choice: “Keep quiet.”

interes_yakuu +=1

Choice: “This is so humiliating…”

interes_yakuu +=1

Me: “If she sits there’s no way I will survive.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “Shout and ask the countess for help.”


Me: “But the truth is that I’m being pulled against Yakuu’s soft places.”

Choice: “This is really turning me on.”

yakuuseviene1 = 0 perversion +=1

Choice: “I hope this ends soon.”


Me: “Now it’s being painful… this could end really bad.”

Choice: “Struggle with all my strength.”

yakuuseviene1 = 1

Choice: “I must stay still.”

yakuuseviene1 = 0 valentia +=1

Yakuu: “Am I clear…?”

Choice: “But that’s so difficult…”


Choice: “No problem…”

Me: “Maybe now he knows what will happen if he becomes Yakuu’s slave.”

Choice: “What are you waiting for!? Run away!”


Choice: “Stay silent.”

Me: “He did it for me… even if he was scared, he tried to help me.”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

salvasalloodeyakuu = 0

Choice: “Help him.”

interes_yakuu+=1 salvasalloodeyakuu = 1

Yakuu: “Your right arm for this slave’s life… What do you say?”

Choice: “I accept.”

salvasalloodeyakuu = 1 interes_yakuu +=1 her_brazo_der +=1

Choice: “You are not so stupid to waste two slaves like that.”


Yakuu: “Public executions are a show that our citizens can enjoy for free.”

Choice: “That’s horrible.”

bondad += 1

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “That doesn’t sounds half bad…” (if bondad < 2)

bondad = 0

Me: “…”

Choice: “This is too cruel…”

bondad +=1

Me: “It’s so unfair.”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”



Choice: “That was a nice show.”

bondad = 0 perversion +=1

Me: “It feels like she is about to break something…”

Choice: “T-too strong…”

interes_yakuu -=1

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Unkown Male: “Are you okay?”

Choice: “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Choice: “It’s been harsh to see such cruelty…”

Unkown Male: “And when the Queen approved the guardian’s decree, she choose Yakuu as the main guardian of Homaspernia and Pyeka as the second.”

Choice: “I don’t think it was a wise choice…”

Choice: “Well, they look strong.”

Me: “The wolf guy moves away.”

Choice: “Move.”

Choice: “Stay.”

Yakuu: “Now paint my toe nails…”

Choice: “It will be an honour!”

perversion +=1

Choice: “But I never have done this before…”

Me: “Come on… what are you waiting for?”

Choice: “Hurry up.” (if salvasalloodeyakuu == 0 then death)

Choice: “Keep doing it slowly.”

Me: “I keep carefully painting her nails while she is looking at me silently for now.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Choice: “Praise her feet.”

perversion +=1 interes_yakuu +=1

Yakuu: “Stop squirming insect… I still have to dress up.”

Choice: “Keep trying to get out of here.”


Choice: “Obey her and don’t try to move.”


Yakuu: “Anything that you want to say…?”

Choice: “Thank you…?”


Choice: “I’m… so sorry…”

Me: “But I can still talk.”

Choice: “My apologies lady Yakuu, that was so unpolite from me.”

interes_yakuu +=1

Choice: “I think it’s because of the drink that you had…”

Choice: “I’m such a disgraceful worm! I’m so sorry my lady!”

valentia = 0

Choice: “But it’s all your fault!”


To be Continued

Pyeka Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Pyeka: “Yakuu is a lovely friend of mine, but she is very strict and sometimes kills her slaves at the smallest mistake.”

Choice: “I don’t think that ‘lovely’ is the word to define such a monster.”

interes_pyeka -=1

Choice: “Seems like you really appreciate her right?”

Me: “Even with that size, her nails are sharp like a blade…”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

interes_pyeka +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “(I’m trembling…)”

Pyeka: “Then, the ring will disappear and that person’s body will follow your orders.”

Choice: “I order you to come with me, Pyeka.”

Choice: “Don’t try it.”

Pyeka: “Good luck finding someone for Yakuu, %(player_name)s. I will be waiting for you.”

Choice: “I have no choice…”

bondad +=1

Choice: “In fact, this could be fun…”

bondad = 0

??: “Uhm… your nose is bleeding, are you okay?”

Choice: “It must be the impact.”

Choice: “It’s because you are so absurdly sexy…” (if perversion> 0)

perversion +=1

Me: “So it’s on my hand huh…?”

Choice: “The wolf guy.”

esclavoelegido = “wolf”

Choice: “The demon guy.”

esclavoelegido = “demon”

(if esclavoelegido == “wolf” then you get interes_pyeka +=1)

Else you get interes_pyeka -=3

Me: “The point of her tail is swinging fast and even her way of talking is different.”

Choice: “Punch him in the face.”

interes_pyeka +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “Don’t move.”

esclavoelegido = “corpse”

Me: “About me, I should…”

Choice: “Do it as strong as I can.”

Choice: “Keep doing moderately strong, with delicacy.”

Pyeka: “I can feel your gentle touch, subtle, delicate…”

Choice: “Well, you are a lady… I must be gentle.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “Keep quiet.”

(If esclavoelegido = “demon” or “corpse”)

Me: “When she is silent, the only thing I can hear is the water when the demon lamia moves her gigantic body.”

Choice: “Apology about what happened before with the slave.”

Choice: “Don’t bring the topic back…” (if esclavoelegido == “corpse” then you get death ending)

(if esclavoelegido = “wolf” + if interes_pyeka > 8 )

deseoapyeka1 = “ninguno”

Pyeka: “Does this suits me?”

Choice: “You are gorgeous.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “I prefer when you are naked.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Stay silent”

interes_pyeka -=1

Pyeka: “Simple… isn’t it?”

Choice: “I’ll… do my best.”

Choice: “Woah! Really? That’s like a dream coming true!”

Pyeka: “Now… let’s find what that tiny body of yours can do.”

Choice: “Move with all my strenght from the beginning.”

Choice: “Begin slowly moving.”

Me: “Deeper? That would mean getting completely inside.”

Choice: “Do it.”

unbirth_pyeka1 = 1 interes_pyeka +=2 perversion +=1

Choice: “It’s too dangerous, I will continue like this.”

unbirth_pyeka1 = 0

Me: “After every movement, it makes more clear for me that I’ll not resist this much longer.”

Choice: “Keep moving until I’m totally drained.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Choice: “Leave it to her.”

Me: “Just one piece is almost bigger than me…”

Choice: “Eat by myself.”

Choice: “Ask her for help.”

Pyeka: “Hehe… your heart is beating so fast that I can feel it.”

Choice: “It’s because I’m afraid.”

Choice: “It’s because you are incredibly gorgeous.”

interes_pyeka +=1

Pyeka: “But don’t worry, I’m going to do my best effort to resist my urges to swallow you.” Choice: “Thank you…”

Me: “Yet… somehow, the idea of just asking her to make me finish in exchange of swallowing me, pops in my mind.”

Choice: “No way.”

pyekatetraga1 = 0

Choice: “I don’t care if you eat me, please just finish.”

pyekatetraga1 = 1 interes_pyeka +=1

Pyeka: “But don’t worry… you’ll make another visit sooner than you think.”

Choice: “How did you take me out?”

Choice: “Don’t ask.”

Choice: “You don’t have to resist, eat me.”

pyekatetraga1 = 1 interes_pyeka +=2

Pyeka:”I suppose you have no problem with it,right?”

Choice:”How could I not enjoy being with such a beautiful woman?”|


Choice:”Stay silent.”

Pyeka:”I could kill them with a spell but…I just use it to stun them.”

Choice:”Ask her about how she finish them.”

Choice:”I don’t want to hear it…”

Me:”What are they doing?”

Choice:”What’s going on?”

Choice:”Are you going to be alright?”

bondad+=1 interes_pyeka+=1

Cul:”Blessed be our brother.”Choice:”This is crazy…”

opiniondel ritualpyeka=0

Choice:”Stay silent.”

opiniondel ritualpyeka=1

Choice:”Can I be the next one?”

interes_pyeka+=1 opiniondel ritualpyeka=2

To be Continued

To be Continued

Side Story – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Haramunia Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I…”

Choice: “Try to stay calm and say good morning.”

Choice: “Take a deep breath in surprise and stay frozen.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Try to run away!!”

Hara: “I am ready! We can start walking then.”

Choice: “Thank Regina for her help before leaving.”

bondad +=1 interes_hara +=1 interes_regina +=1

Choice: “Get down of Regina’s lap.”

Me: “We are walking relatively close, so I can feel when her feet hitting the ground, but it’s way less than I imagined from her size.”

Choice: “You are less noisy than I thought when walking”

Hara: “Huh? don’t be afraid, humans are out of my menu! I promise nya.”

Choice: “That’s a relief, thank you Hara.”

interes_hara += 1

Choice: “It’s a shame that I will never meet your mouth…”

perversion += 1

Hara: “Does that count as ”meeting my mouth?”

Choice: “That’s even better!”

interes_hara += 1

Choice: “I suppose it’s okay”

Choice: “…I will still have an eye on you.”

interes_hara = 0

Choice: “Don’t mention it.”

Me: “Suddenly, I hear a roar, like coming from something big.”

Choice: “On guard and look around!”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Scream!”

Choice: “Stay calm.”

valentia +=1

Me: “Due the size of the catgirl, that would require a small climbing.”

Choice: “I will try to climb, is not too high.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Can you help me?”

Me: “The girl starts eating, she seems to be enjoying it, so I suppose that it would taste good.”

Choice: “What kind of animal is the jerky made of Hara?”

Choice: “Start eating without asking”

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Try to stop the fruit on her lap.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Let it keep rolling.”

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Turn around.”

interes_hara += 1

Choice: “Keep looking.”

perversion += 1

(interes_hara > 2)

Me: “It was nice to meet you too Hara.”

Choice: “Caress her cheek.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Stay still.”

Me: “…”

Choice: “Stop looking.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Keep looking.”

Hara: “Any last words…?”

Choice: “N-no please! I’m sorry, don’t kill me! I will not do it again!”

Choice: “Come on, I know that you would not crush me.”

Hara: “Bye…”

Choice: “I keep myself silent and calmed” (if valentia > 1)

valentia +=1 interes_hara += 1

Hara: “I find amazing that someone that small can be that valiant.” Choice: “It’s just that I know that you are a good person.” interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Don’t say anything.”

Choice: “Can I really be sure that she is not going to kill me?”

Me: “Good evening.”

Choice: “You look very tired, are you okay?”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Don’t mention it”

Me: “Then, the catgirl keeps crawling, getting close to the abandoned structure.”

Choice: “W-Why did you j-just undress!?”

Choice: “Whoah…”

(if interes_hara > 7)

Hara: “Are you enjoying the show tiny…?”

Choice: “Apologize and stop looking.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “I cannot stop looking.”

Hara: “Haa… A-are you okay tiny…? I didn’t hurt you r-right?”

Choice: “It was incredible Hara… I really enjoyed it.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “I’m okay… I don’t have anything broken.”

Hara: “There’s more predators over here.”

Choice: “Will you not crush me accidentally?”

Choice: “Okay, thanks for protecting me Hara.”


Me: “Hey Hara…”

Choice: “Can we rest a little please?”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “I’m exhausted… Can you carry me?”

Me: “Then she brings me to her cleavage, and without hesitating, she places me between her breasts.”

Choice: “W-wait what…? W-why here?”

interes_hara += 1

Choice: “Seems like I’m going to enjoy the rest of the travel.”

Me: “It’s potentially fatal… but I could jump out to leave her escape faster…”

Choice: “Jump out from here and let Hara run away.” (if valentia > 0)

valentia +=2 bondad += 1 heroeconhara = 1 interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Stay here and believe in Hara.”

heroeconhara = 0

Seinyaru: “Nice to meet you.”

Choice: “The pleasure is mine Seinaru.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “Nice to meet you ‘Seinyaru.”

Hara: “He is not going to do such thing, right?”

Choice: “I would never dare to steal a dragon’s treasure.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “Not while you are looking at least.”

interes_seinaru -=1

Choice: “I would never take what’s not mine.”

interes_seinaru +=1 interes_hara +=1

Hara: “Pheew~ It was delicious nya~”

Choice: “Thanks for the food Hara.”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

Me: “It’s not an easy task to not hurt me while straddling Seinaru, since I’m so small compared to both of them.”

Choice: “I am afraid, they could even kill me accidentally.”

Choice: “I know I can believe in Hara.”

Hara: “Y-you are feeling great over there too right?”

Choice: “I’m feeling amazing Hara…”

interes_hara += 1

Choice: “It’s not bad.”

Me: “She seems to be enjoying it too, but maybe I could do something for her in return.” Choice: “Try to make them feel even better.”

interes_hara +=1 interes_seinaru +=1

Hara: “Haa…haah… That was great nya!”

Choice: “Next time I will be the winner Hara.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “I am powerless against you.”

Choice: “Let her use me as she pleases.”

Hara: “It’s time to wake up nya~”

Choice: “Hmm… I want to sleep a little more.”

Choice: “Good morning.”

Hara: “Seems like you were really tired tiny… or maybe you were just too comfy there nya?”

Choice: “Seinaru’s thighs are so comfortable.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “I was exhausted. This is just what I needed.”

Me: “She is holding a red and gigantic piece of fruit that looks like a ripe apple.”

Choice: “Yes please”

Choice: “No, thanks. I think I can do it.”

interes_hara +=1

Hara: “You should be more sensitive in front of a human.”

Choice: “Well… They had it deserved for trying to steal a dragon’s treasure.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “(Nervous laugh) D-don’t worry.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Yes please…”

Hara: “But maybe I will not want to let you go when the time comes nya~ !”

Choice: “That doesn’t sound bad either.”


Choice: “What’s the point of helping me then?”

Hara: “What about spending a good time here relaxing, while hearing the river and enjoying this fresh breeze?”

Choice: “It’s true… it feels amazing here.”


Choice: “You just want a chance to laze off right…?”

Me: “She is also soft enough to make me feel comfortable.”

Choice: “I could easily fall asleep like this…”

interes_hara+=1 interes_seinaru+=1

Choice: “But I don’t feel very safe at her side. She looks so dangerous…”

Seinaru: “My kitty treasure…”

Choice: “You should tell her that when she is awake.”


Choice: “Aaahw… that’s so sweet.”

valentia +=1

Choice: “Keep silent. It’s better if she thinks that I’m also sleeping.”


Hara: “Well… What do you think tiny? Are you comfy down there?”

Choice: “Yes, she is so soft and warm.”


Choice: “She is a bit too hot…”

if bondad<3

Me: “Seinaru turns her back to us, about to begin running.”

Choice: “Grab her tail, I don’t want to miss the show!”

Me: “Seems like she saved my life…”

Choice: “(Laugh) ”I thought that cats always lands on her feet”

Choice: “Thank you so much Hara…”

Choice: “Goodbye Seinaru!”

Me: “I also notice that the catgirl’s steps are really close to me.”

Choice: “Aren’t you walking even closer to me than usual?”

Choice: “I feel safe when you are this close.”

interes_hara +=1

Hara: “…”

Choice: “I’m sorry you had to see that Hara.”


Choice: “Stay silent. There’s nothing I can say right now.”

Me: “…”

Choice: “What happened?”

Choice: “Caress and try to comfort her.”

interes_hara +=1 bondad+=1

Hara: “Do you mind if… we stay like this for a moment nya?”

Choice: “Is not too dangerous to stay here?”

Choice: “No problem, we can stay all the time that you need.”

interes_hara+=1 valentia +=1

Me: “She seems to have mixed feelings, but having to bury him in that state could be too much for her.”

Choice: “Don’t worry Hara, leave it to me.”

interes_hara+=1 bondad+=1

Me: “The scene in front of me is so disturbing and bloody that it’s difficult to think was once a living being like me.”

Choice: “This really upsets my stomach.”

that he

Choice: “I can handle this…”

valentia +=1

Choice: “It’s too dangerous to stay here… we should leave.”

Hara: “I will walk a bit faster so we reach a safe place soon okay?”

Choice: “(blush) O-okay…”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Take your time~ I feel amazing here.”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Fine, thanks…”

Hara: “Are you comfy over there nya~?”

Choice: “C-could you try not making them bounce this much?”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “I’m in heaven…”

??: “W-WAIT!! HARA!?”

Choice: “Hara stop!!”

Choice: “I’m sure that she is just kidding.”


To be Conintued

Seinaru Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “When we were on the forest, she suddenly went on heat and used me as a sex toy.”

Choice: “Fortunately, she didn’t hurt me.”

her_torso =0

Choice: “A she went so wild that she almost breaks my chest.”

her_torso +=1

Me: “I’m %(player_name)s, a human… and…”

Choice: “I’m Naya’s property! She is going to get mad if you hurt me!”

Seinaru: “So I think I just have a purpose for you…”

Choice: “Beg for mercy.”

Choice: “Don’t kill me! I can show you where Naya hides her treasures!”


Choice: “I’m not afraid of you.”

interes_seinaru +=1 valentia += 2

Choice: “I-I’m sorry! I w-w-was lost in the forest. I didn’t know th-there would be a dragon living here.” interes_seinaru +=1

Seinaru: “Leave right now before I change my mind…”

Choice: “Please let me rest here… I will leave soon.”

Seinaru: “I’m being merciful here not having you as lunch…”

Choice: “Beg her to not let me die.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “You are not going to let me die out there, right?”

Choice: “It’s so dangerous outside. I will not leave yet.”

Choice: “(Run away)”

(If her_torso > 0 you get interes_seinaru +=1 with this choice.)


Choice: “Thank you Seinaru.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “Thanks! You are not so terrifying as you look.”

Seinaru: “Yes, I live here on my own.”

Choice: “Isn’t it a bit lonely?”

Choice: “I see…”

Seinaru: “Am I being clear…?”

Choice: “Crystal clear!”


Choice: “It’s kinda abusive from you isn’t it…?”

If her_torso > 0

Seinaru: “How did it happened?”

Choice: “That stupid Naya was on heat and went too far.”

interes_seinaru -=1

Choice: “Naya accidentally hurt me.”

bondad +=1

(If her_torso > 0 + interes_seinaru > 2 then you gain seinarutellevaenmano = 1)

Seinaru: “You are lucky to be alive then, she usually doesn’t leave many survivors.” Choice: “It wasn’t luck, I would be dead if Maryen didn’t save me.” interes_seinaru += 1

Me: “She stayed there fighting with Kendra.”

Choice: “I should have helped her…”

interes_seinaru += 1

Choice: “I hope that she is okay.”

Choice: “It wasn’t luck, I’m stronger than you think.”

Me: “… I’m in front of two naked giantesses.”

Choice: “Blush and look away.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “You should not do this in front of a stranger.”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

perversion +=1 interes_seinaru +=1

Me: “Before I can react, Hara picks me up and begins undressing me.”

Choice: “I’m fine, I don’t need to undress.”

Choice: “(My body already reacted to have both naked girls near to me.)”

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Ask them to stop.”

Choice: “Endure it and keep making them feel good.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Hara: “It’s time to wake up nya~”

Choice: “Hmm… I want to sleep a little more.”

Choice: “Good morning.”

Hara: “Seems like you were really tired tiny… or maybe you were just too comfy there nya?”

Choice: “Seinaru’s thighs are so comfortable.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “I was exhausted. This is just what I needed.”

Me: “She is holding a red and gigantic piece of fruit that looks like a ripe apple.”

Choice: “Yes please”

Choice: “No, thanks. I think I can do it.”

interes_hara +=1

Hara: “I will give you those for free.”

Choice: “Thanks Hara!”


Choice: “I will pay you when I can.”


Hara: “You should be more sensitive in front of a human.”

Choice: “Well… They had it deserved for trying to steal a dragon’s treasure.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “(Nervous laugh) D-don’t worry.”

interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Yes please…”

Hara: “What about spending a good time here relaxing, while hearing the river and enjoying this fresh breeze?”

Choice: “It’s true… it feels amazing here.”


Choice: “You just want a chance to laze off right…?”

Me: “She is also soft enough to make me feel comfortable.”

Choice: “I could easily fall asleep like this…”

interes_hara+=1 interes_seinaru+=1

Choice: “But I don’t feel very safe at her side. She looks so dangerous…”

Seinaru: “My kitty treasure…”

Choice: “You should tell her that when she is awake.”


Choice: “Aaahw… that’s so sweet.”

valentia +=1

Choice: “Keep silent. It’s better if she thinks that I’m also sleeping.”


Hara: “Well… What do you think tiny? Are you comfy down there?”

Choice: “Yes, she is so soft and warm.”


Choice: “She is a bit too hot…”

Seinaru: “About you…”

Choice: “Please don’t eat me!!”

Choice: “Are you going to eat me? Please do it!”

Choice: “Stay calm.”

valentia +=1 interes_seinaru+=1

Me: “Seinaru simply closes her hand stronger and the thief gets crushed easily.”

Choice: “This is too much, stop looking.”

Me: “Even if I’m covering my ears, she is so close and so big that I can still hear her perfectly.”

Choice: “They were people like me after all… I cannot endure looking at this.”

Choice: “I just cannot handle blood…”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

Me: “She is painly honest…”

Choice: “I’m not that weak!”

Choice: “Yeah, I know… thanks for protecting me.”

Me: “Is she going to sit on me as part of this training!?”


Choice: “Raise my arms, prepare myself and believe in her.”

Me: “Her rear is clean now, even after squashing those thieves.”

Choice: “I see… thank you.”

Choice: “Hey Seinaru, why is your butt no longer stained with blood?” (if perversion > 0)

Seinaru: “Alright… do ten more and we’ll make a short pause.”

Choice: “Try to do it.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “I cannot do it…”

interes_seinaru -=1

Me: “Even if it’s faintly burned, it tastes good.”

Choice: “It’s delicious, thank you!”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “Well, you burned it a little, but it’s okay.”

interes_seinaru -=1

Seinaru: “Come on, I didn’t say to stop right?”

Choice: “Keep doing push-ups.”

interes_seinaru +=1

Choice: “This is too much, I can’t do it.”

interes_seinaru -=1

Me: “Even if that doesn’t seems to be her intention, just a mistake and I’m a goner.”

Choice: “Please stop, I’m afraid.”

Choice: “Don’t say anything and continue.”

Seinaru: “I think that I have to go even easier on you.”

Choice: “There’s no need for that. Go harder.”

interes_seinaru +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “Yes please.”

To be Continued

Carmilla Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “She keeps walking towards me…”

Choice: “Try to escape.”

Choice: “Let her catch you.”

Carmilla: “Huh…? You are not even trying to run from me?”

Choice: “Why should I run from such a beautiful goddess?”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “You know that it’s impossible for me to escape.”

Carmilla: “Am I clear?”

Choice: “Yes Carmilla.”

Choice: “Yes my goddess.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “I’d rather become a corpse than your slave.”


Me: “There’s not much that I can do to stop her, I’m at her mercy after all.”

Choice: “Please, don’t kill me. I’ll serve you.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Me: “She is clearly enjoying how I’m begging for my life.”

Choice: “I beg you, my goddess, don’t take my life.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “Please show mercy!”

Choice: “Just let me go, please.”

Carmilla: “I’m looking for a substitute for my previous feet worshipper…”

Choice: “I’ll gladly worship your feet, my goddess!”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “What happened to him…?”

Carmilla: “Otherwise, if you are not worthy of such an honour, I’ll just end your pathetic life here…”

Choice: “What must I do?”

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Carmilla: “Oh… and… you can speak now, but if you are going to open that mouth, make sure that I like what you say.”

Choice: “(I don’t want to do this… but I have no choice.)”

fetichistadepies = 0

Choice: “(This is a dream coming true!)”

fetichistadepies = 1 interes_carmilla +=1

Me: “I shake my head trying to keep my mind focused.”

Choice: “Try to massage her feet on a different way.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “Keep doing like this, it seems like she likes it.”

Carmilla: “Lick my soles like the lowly animal that you are.”

Choice: “I’ll gladly do it, my goddess.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “(I have no choice…)”

Choice: “No way, that’s going too far!”

interes_carmilla -=1

Carmilla: “Well… that’s just if you are still alive if that happens.”

Choice: “But I want to stay with you.”

Carmilla: “I don’t care in the slightest what you want, insect…”

Choice: “Please my goddess, my only wish is to serve you.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “Focus on the job and stop talking.”

Choice: “Stay silent.”

Carmilla: “Any complaints…?”

Choice: “No, my goddess, I’ll happily serve you.”

interes_carmilla +=1

Choice: “Shake my head.”

Choice: “(Murmur) Crazy bitch…”


To be Continued

Bell Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Bell: “Hmm?”

Choice: “Speak as loudly as I can to make her notice me.”

Bell: “Or I swear that it will look like I sat on a Fking cherry.”

Choice: “There’s no way I can get down from here so quickly!”

Choice: “Y-yes ma’am!!”

interes_bel +=1

Choice: “Keep silent.”


Bel: “And the preparations also take a huge amount of time.”

Choice: “I don’t have any money…”

interes_bel +=1

Choice: “Why you leave something so expensive just here?”

Bel: “Purebred humans are very useful ingredients in alchemy… your blood for example.”

Choice: “Are you planning to use me as an ingredient…?”

Choice: “Please don’t kill me!”

Me: “Seems like it’s quickly evaporating…”

Choice: “Make some distance.”

her_pierna_izq +=1 her_pierna_der +=1

Choice: “Stay right here.”

Me: “She is just in front of me with way more revealing clothes.”

Choice: “You are beautiful with that clothing.”

interes_bel +=1

Choice: “Good morning Bel.”

Me: “Well, maybe ”small” is not the correct word when my breakfast is literally bigger than my head.”

Choice: “This looks great, thanks!”

Choice: “Isn’t this too much for me?”

Bel: “And I’m not much into slavery, killing for fun, eating persons, etc…”

Choice: “But you are not different, I’m your slave after all.”

interes_bel -=1

Choice: “I’m glad to know that you are not like them.”

Me: “Maybe both…?”

Choice: “Hmm maybe you overdid it…?”

Choice: “Woah! That was incredible.”

interes_bel +=1

Me: “Bel sighs and smiles, she really looks like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.”

Choice: “I still think that killing them was too much.”

interes_bel -=1

Choice: “Well, they had what they deserved.”

interes_bel +=1

To be Continued

Roxanne Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I should…”

Choice: “Struggle and try to make her know that I’m a person.”

orgasmoroxie1 = 0

Choice: “Don’t move.”

orgasmoroxie1 = 1

Me: “Now I can only hear her breathing and the wet and viscous sound of her insides she keeps using me like a living sex toy.”


Choice: “I’m feeling good too.”

orgasmoroxie1 = 2

Choice: “This is dangerous… I hope it ends quickly.”

Me: “This situation could be dangerous. Even though she is way smaller than Kendra right now, she can still crush me accidentally.”

Choice: “Try to wake her up.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Choice: “Struggle and try to escape.”

Me: “Her breasts are softly squeezing my body, she accomodates on top of me making me exhale.”

Choice: “This is dangerous.”

Choice: “This is turning me on.”

perversion +=1

Roxanne: “I suppose you’ll have no problem with me sitting here right?”

Choice: “Wait! This is dangerous!”

Choice: “No problem! This is even enjoyable.”

perversion +=1

Me: “Roxanne slightly lifts her butt to let me speak properly, even though I’m still trapped.”

Choice: “Sorry, I didn’t pretend to insult you.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Choice: “I could endure this all the day.”

Me: “I cannot answer her, in fact I can barely breathe…”

Choice: “I’m so scared.”

Choice: “This is turning me on.”

interes_roxanne +=1 perversion +=1

Roxanne: “That would be helpful.”

Choice: “It will be a pleasure.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Choice: “You won’t get mad if I dislike your performance… right?”

Roxanne: “Uhm? What’s with that face? Are you alright %(player_name)s?”

Choice: “I’m afraid.”

Choice: “This is awesome.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Roxanne: “But I wonder… will you try to something or just let me play with you?”

Choice: “Massage her.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Choice: “Don’t move.”

Roxanne: “However, we can still play like this a little longer.”

Choice: “Make my best effort to make her feel good.”

interes_roxanne +=1

Choice: “Don’t move.”

To be Continued

Riys Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Try to save the elf girl.”

valentia +=1 bondad +=1 interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Abandon her.”

valentia = 0 Leads to death.

Me: “Maryen came and stopped her, giving me the chance to escape.”

Choice: “I still feel bad about leaving her there.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “She saved me and I’ll not forget it.”

Me: “She starts getting upset… this is not good. But I’m so compressed.”

Choice: “(This is dangerous.)”

Choice: “(I’m enjoying this.)”

perversion +=1

Me: “I’m pushing my luck every second that I stay here…”

Choice: “Try to get out with all my strength.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “I’m sorry Riys, but I cannot move.”

Riys: “But at least it will make your job here easier.”

Choice: “Thank you very much Riys.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “I don’t need it, I’m already strong.”

Me: “It’s like touching a stone that has been an entire day under the summer sun.”

Choice: “Hot! hot!”

Choice: “Endure it silently.”


Me: “That’s easy to say, but even with my improved strength, I am no match for her.”

Choice: “But I’m no match for you.”

Choice: “Alright! I’ll do my best.”

interes_riys +=1

Me: “I’m basically an ant trying to lift a person… I feel that she could just crush me so easily.” Choice: “Do my best effort.”

interes_riys +=2

(if interes_riys>6)

Riys: “That smile tells me that she finds amusing having me here…”

Choice: “Sure! Count me in.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Give me a break, isn’t this too much as a routine?”

Choice: “This is pointless, please let me go.”

Me: “She sighs and moves her head to both sides, cracking her neck.”

Choice: “Praise her legs.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Ask about the food.”

Me: “And such a powerful person decided to hire and protect me.”

Choice: “Thank Riys.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Follow her silently”

Riys: “However, it’s a good place to buy materials and artifacts.”

Choice: “Can I just stay here when you go?”

Choice: “Alright, I’ll go.”

valentia +=1 interes_riys +=1

Riys: “So just do what you can.”

Choice: “Sure! I’ll do my best.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “This is too hot!”

Me: “She is looking at me with defiant eyes, like challenging me.”

Choice: “This is nothing, I can endure it…”

Choice: “This is tough… But I’ll handle it.”

Riys: “Well? What will you do? Do you surrender?”

Choice: “Okay… I’m at my limit.”

Choice: “I can still handle it.”

interes_riys +=1

Riys: “Do you want some of mine?”

Choice: “This is enough, thank you.”

Choice: “Alright, I’ll have some more.”

interes_riys +=1

Riys: “We are not far from the frontier, so we should arrive before the night falls.”

Choice: “Can I walk by byself then?”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Alright, thanks for carriyng me then.”

Riys: “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with them.”

Choice: “I know they are no match for you.”

interes_riys +=1

Choice: “Please, be careful.”

Me: “This is not good… even with the rune, I’ll not survive like this.”

Choice: “Struggle.”

Choice: “Try to stay focused.”

Riys: “Are you alright? It seems like you were able to activate the rune.”

Choice: “I’m fine, I have nothing broken.”

Choice: “In fact, you can press harder if you want.”

interes_riys +=1

To be Conintued

Frayo Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “It’s really comfortable and warm in here, I have the feeling that I could fall asleep in no time.”

Choice: “This is the best bed Hara, thanks!”

Choice: “Blush and look away. ”G-good night…””

interes_hara +=1

Me: “She is curled with the catgirl and her face is so close that I’m sandwiched between her cheek and Hara’s chest.”

Choice: “Keep calm and wake Hara up.”

interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “WOAAH!! Who are you!?”

Frayo: “Oh… Hello to you too, nice to meet you.”

Choice: “Good morning Frayo.”

interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “We already slept together, I think we can skip the formalities.”

perversion +=1 interes_hara +=1

Me: “Since Frayo’s legs are open just in front of me, the lewd scent is tickling my nose.”

Choice: “Keep looking.”

perversion +=1 interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “Avert my gaze.”

interes_hara +=1

Hara: “What do you say nya?”

Choice: “Join them.”

Hara: “What should I do?”

Choice: “Focus on making Frayo feel good.”

interes_frayo +=1 interes_hara +=1

Choice: “Don’t try to resist and let Hara do the work.”

Choice: “Don’t do it.”

Frayo: “Sure! Gladly!”

Chocie: “But we don’t know anything about her…”

interes_hara -=1 interes_frayo = 0

Choice: “Welcome then Frayo, it’s nice to have you with us.”

interes_frayo +=1 bondad +=1

if interes_frayo > 2

Frayo: “I would like to help you too %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “Thank you Frayo.”

Choice: “Thanks Frayo, you are such a good girl.”

interes_frayo +=1

Frayo: “Are you sure that you are okay %(player_name)s? Isn’t this maybe too cold for you?”

Choice: “I’m fine as long as I keep walking. Don’t worry.”

Choice: “It’s too cold to walk, can you carry me?”

Hara: “Heh~ It looks more like you are talking about a pet nya.”

Choice: “I’m fine with being treated as a pet.”

interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “I’m not so helpless…”

Choice: “…”

Hara: “Stay with her while I’m out, okay? I’ll come back soon.”

Choice: “No problem, see you later Hara.”

interes_frayo += 1

Choice: “(I don’t feel safe with this strange giant girl.)”

interes_frayo == 0

Frayo: “Are you feeling better now?”

Choice: “This feels nice, thank you.”

Choice: “Not bad, but I would feel warmer inside you.”

Frayo: “My dearest companion gave their life to save mine, I would be dead otherwise…”

Choice: “I’m sorry to hear that…”

interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “…”

Frayo: “In fact… she doesn’t seems to have any intention of hurting you either.”

Choice: “I have the feeling that I can trust both of you.”

Choice: “I’m sure that you will keep her under control.”

if interes_hara >= 15

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Accept.”

teunesafrayohara2 = 1

Choice: “Refuse.”

teunesafrayohara2 = 0

Hara: “Oh! It really suits you!”

Choice: “Yeah, it looks very good on you.”

interes_frayo +=1

Choice: “Keep silent.”

To be Conintued

Kylee Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I’m %(player_name)s.”

Choice: “Nice to meet you.”

interes_kylee = 1

Choice: “And I’m not ‘tiny’.”

interes_kylee = 0

Kylee: “You must feel so lonely.”

Choice: “Nah… I’m good.”

Choice: “Yeah… a little.”

interes_kylee +=1

Kylee: “Of course, this was just a test, I’ll be doing it stronger each time.”

Choice: “Isn’t this dangerous?”

Choice: “This is fun, let’s continue!”

interes_kylee +=1

Kylee: “So I’ll get something for you.”

Choice: “Thanks Kylee, but I can’t accept. I’ll pay for my own clothes.”

interes_kylee +=1

Choice: “That would be great.”

To be Conintued

Campus Life – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Kendra: “I’m sure that my shoe would be a good bed for you.”

Choice: “I don’t want to sleep in a shoe, thanks…”

Choice: “That doesn’t sounds bad.”

Maryen: “By the way, Kendra… Why are you still here if he’s not around?”

Choice: “Try to ask for help.”

Choice: “Don’t move.”

Elilette: “I-I’m glad to hear that… I was worried.”

Choice: “Could I ask you to do it again?”

Choice: “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t your fault.”

Maryen: “Are you okay with that?”

Choice: “Sure! I’m happy to be with you.”

Choice: “Hmm… but I don’t want to be a nuisance.”

Me: “While looking at me, Naya licks her lips and Pyeka gulps saliva.”

Choice: “No please, have mercy!”

Choice: “Very funny…”

valentia +=1

Choice: “Yes please, eat me.”

Me: “Yeah, I’m fine…”

Choice: “Can you do it again?”

perversion +=1

Choice: “Don’t worry.”

Me: “When she asks me, Naya notices something and laughs.”

Choice: “(I cannot breathe…)”

Choice: “(This is not a bad way to die…)”

perversion +=1

To be Conintued

Zanna Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “Not to mention that the pose is… quite provocative. My heart skipped a beat.” Choice: “(Blush) Stop looking there.”

interes_zanna +=1

Me: “It seems like she doesn’t care in the slightest about me being this close to her…” Choice: “S-sorry, it’s just…”

interes_zanna +=1

Choice: “I’m fine.”

Choice: “Keep looking”

perversion +=1

Zanna: “Maybe you could stay here.”

Choice: “Ask her if I can work here.”

Choice: “I would gladly become your slave.”

perversion +=2

Zanna: “You know? Many materials come from their bodies, and properly cooked, their meat is edible too.”

Choice: “Do you usually fight them too?”

Choice: “Why do they attack?”

Zanna: “It’s not easy to do, but that’s also why I love that place.”

Choice: “Thank you for the dinner Zanna.”

Choice: “How much I owe you for the dinner?”

interes_zanna +=1

Me: “Those yellow eyes are intimidating…”

Choice: “……”

quierevorezanna = 0

Choice: “That would be great!”

quierevorezanna = 1

Zanna: “Come on, hurry and undress.”

Choice: “Do as she says.”

Choice: “Shake my head.”

Zanna: “Then? How do you feel? You like it?”

Choice: “It feels great.”

Choice: “(Blush) …”

Zanna: “So I’m sorry but you’ll have to get used to those views.”

Choice: “Try to keep calm.”

Choice: “Looking at her naked body is turning me on.”

To be Conintued

Sheri Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Get down.”


Choice: “Stay here.”

Me: “What should I do…?”

Choice: “Try to climb her.”

interes_sheri +=1 valentia +=1

Choice: “Keep calling her until she notices.”

To be Conintued

Xerin Path – Giant Guardians Walkthrough

Me: “I’m about to be flattened just like that skeleton, that’s now pulverized under her sole.”

Choice: Please have mercy!

interes_xerin +=1

Choice: “Desperately try to crawl away.”

interes_xerin +=1

Choice: “Stay quiet.”

valentia +=1

Xerin: “But purebreds are so hard to find… maybe I could keep you as my toy?”

Choice: “Let me go!!”

interes_xerin = 0 + Death

Choice: “I’ll become your toy.”

interes_xerin += 1

Choice: “I’d rather die than become your toy.”

interes_xerin = 0 + Death

Xerin: “Be grateful… you should be worshiping me just for letting you live.”

Choice: “Thank you… thank you so much.”

interes_xerin +=1

Choice: “Keep my breathe.”

To be Conintued


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Micin

    It’s like you forget about move path

  2. Micin

    It’s like you forget about kive path

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