Glimpses of the Past

Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Ep. 1 – Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

1. Why we are talking about sleezy guys? Maybe we could speak about something else.

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point)

2. My little bells.

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point)

3. So, are you coming with us?

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point)

4. Great.

Kindly (if you have 2+ Kindly Points, Monica will kiss MC on the cheek.)


(If you have 2+ Cocky Points, Kiss with Monica on the lips.)

(If you have less than 2 Cocky Points, she will tell you to slow down.)

5. So why are you lying there?

Let go

Hold up

6. Attention! Those people who hate NTR, I recommend skipping the next scene. In my opinion, this scene does not belong to this category. But, some players may not

agree with me.

Skip (Your choice)

Proceed (Your choice)

There will be a warning. In the story the characters will be divided into 2 types, those who love the bad guys, and those who love the good boys. Some scenes, dialogues, additional renderings will be available only if you follow one of these paths.

7. We’re just passing through here, weshould have stayed, and there weren’t any good hotels nearby, just this shithole. We saw you practicing here, and we were wondering why such a terrible place would have such a handsome man in it?

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Lana’s Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (+1 Amanda’s Point)

8. …

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point)

(If you have 4+ Cocky Points, Lisa will be surprised, but she will love that MC was confident and kissed her.)

(If you have less than 4 Cocky Points, MC will confound Lisa, and this situation will be a bit awkward for her.)

Other dialogues depending on the choices you make.

(If you have 3+ Kindly Points, Modest MC.)

(If you have 3+ Cocky Points, Self-confident MC.)

9. Do you like it? (SMS)

I like it (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Monica Point)

Not really (+2 Cocky Points)

10. Relax, dear, I’ll give you a gentle massage, just enjoy.

Stop her (Lesbian=OFF)

Let her continue (Lesbian=ON)

11.Cheers to us…

Lana (+1 Lana’s Point)

Amanda (+1 Amanda’s Point)

12. MC, will you join me?

Go with Amanda (+1 Cocky Point), (+1 Amanda’s Point), (Scene with Amanda). Stay with Lana (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Lana’s Point), (Scene with Lana).

If Stay with Lana: Baby, why do you need this humble, inaccessible girl when you have a hot,

sexy, woman next to you?

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Lana’s Point), (- 1 Amanda’s Point), (Amanda angry), (Unlocking photo in gallery).

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (+1 Amanda’s Point), (Unlocking photo in gallery).

Ep 2 p.2 – Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

13.You don’t mind if I call you that, do you?


No problem (She’ll call you Son.)

14.Your face seems so familiar to me…

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Catherine point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point)

15. No, I don’t think so. MC is a goodboy. He was just defending himself today. Right, honey?

Put your hand on her knee (+1 Cocky Point), (+1 Catalina point), (Scene with Catalina).

(If you have 5+ Cocky Points, She will like it.)

Do nothing (+1 Kindly Point), (Scene with Catherine).

(If you have 6+ Kindly Points, A kiss with Catherine and + 1 Catherine point.)

Call the phone before going to bed.

(If you have 4+ Lana’s Point, Scene with Lana.)

16. So forgive me if I did anything wrong. (SMS) Lie (+1 Kindly Point),

Truth (+1 Cocky Point), (+1 Lana point), (Additional picture in SMS), (Unlocking photo in


(If you have 3+ Amanda’s Point, Scene with Amanda), (If in a scene with Amanda and Lana in

the locker room you chose the option “Let her continue”(Unlocking photo in gallery after scene with Amanda).)

(If you choose different options each time, MC will simply put his phone on silent mode and go to bed.)

I’ll have to look for our photos together.

(Unlocking photo in gallery)

Ep 3 p.1 – Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

17. She doesn’t look happy, I’m pretty sure she misunderstood the situation.

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Unknown Person Point), (Neutral dialogue)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (Aggressive dialogue)

(If you have 8+ Cocky Points, (Unlocking photo in gallery))

18. Maybe I should warn her.

Tell her (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Lisa point)

(If you have 8+ Kindly Points and 1 Lisa point (Unlocking photo in gallery after the end of the MC memory.))

Be quiet (- 1 Kindly Point)

19. Of course, go ahead.

With a minigame (If MC wins 3 times, it will unlock 2 photos in the gallery.)

No mini-games

20. (Maybe I should tell her the truth, or maybe I should come up with some excuse.) Truth (+1 Kindly Point), (+1 Lisa point)

Lie (+1 Cocky Point)

21. Of course, I’ve waited so long for this moment.

Rough joke (-2 Kindly Point), (+1 Cocky Point)

Light sarcasm (+1 Kindly Point)

22. So you’re brave in words? Now we’ll see if you’re strong enough to last at least 10 seconds.

With a minigame (Recommended)

No mini-games

23.(Which film should I choose?)

In the TRON (Zoe’s scenes), (+1 Zoe point)

Suck it all out (Catherine’s scenes), (+1 Catherine point), (Sex scene after the cinema).

(If you choose the path with Zoe, You will have a scene with Zoe, but later there will be no sex scene with Catherine.)

24.The choice is yours.

Go away (+1 Kindly Point), (-2 Cocky Point)

Fuck her (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point), (Sex scene).

After the scene with Lola

(If you have 9+ Kindly Points (Unlocking photo in gallery))

End of Part 1, Episode 3

Ep 3 p.2 – Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

The scene with Rita

(If you chose the “Don’t mind” option when talking to Catalina that she call you son, then Rita will

call you that too.)

25.Such a strong young man should definitely have a girlfriend, shouldn’t you? No girlfriend (have gf = False), (- 1 Kindly Point), (+1 Cocky Point)

I have a girlfriend (have gf = True), (+1 Kindly Point)

(If you have 6+ Cocky Points, Call son = True, have gf = False (Unlocking photo in gallery))

26. So what? Should I do a striptease in front of him now?

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (- 1 Cocky Point), (+1 Alisa Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point)

27. Well, how is she? Did you enjoy spending time with her?

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (-2 Cocky Point)

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point), (Catalina point +1)

(If you have 1+ Catalina point, (Unlocking photo in gallery))

28. (Maybe I should leave?)

Stay (+1 Cocky Point), (-1 Alisa Point), (Alisa naked = True)

Leave (+1 Kindly Point)

(If you choose to leave and have 7+ Kindly Points (Unlocking photo in gallery))

29. (I guess I…)

Don’t like it (lesbian = False)

like it (lesbian = True)

30. (Let’s check it out.)

Amanda (amd point + 1), (amd call = True)

Lana (lana point + 1)

(If lesbian = True and have 5+ Cocky Point (Unlocking photo in gallery))

Ep 4 p.1 – Glimpses of the past Walkthrough & Guide

31. (She didn’t hear me?)

Grab her ass (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point), (als_take_ass = True)

A pat on the shoulder (+1 Kindly Point), (- 1 Alisa Point), (Unlocking photo in gallery)

32. Your body excites me. My little pussy wants to be fucked by your huge cock.

Kindly (+1 Kindly Point), (- 1 Cocky Point)

*(if als take ass and Cocky Point > 8):

Cocky (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point) Have a good day, Ms Catalina.

If Kindly Point > 7(Unlocking photo in gallery)

33. Here, this will relieve the headache.

Take a pill (take pill = True)

Refuse (take pill = False)

34. I don’t think you’re going to be very comfortable there with a loaded gun in your pants.

Agree (pill yes = True), (+1 Cocky Point)

Blowjob (ep4 office bj = True)

Warn (+1 Kindly Point), (-2 Cocky Point), (Unlocking photo in gallery) *if Cocky Point > 8:

Take her hard (+1 Cocky Point), (-2 Kindly Point)

Footjob (ep4 office fj = True)

Refuse (pill yes = False), (+1 Kindly Point)

35. Unfortunately, I’m busy hunting hot chicks right now and can’t take your call.

1) Nothing

2) Nothing

3) Nothing

36. It’s you…

Lola? Nothing

Catherine? Nothing

Lana? Nothing

Zoe? (zoe point +1)

Amanda? Nothing

I enjoyed our fun together (Unlocking photo in gallery)

37. (I think I remembered…)

*if zoe_point > 1:

I was with Zoe yesterday (ep4 go zoe = True)

I wasn’t with Zoe (ep4 go zoe = False)

38. I think your little friend agrees with me, don’t you?

*If you took a pill from a secretary and refused her:

Agree (Sex scene with Zoe), (Unlocking photo in gallery)


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