Harem Hotel

Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Main character – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide

Android – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide






CHAPTER 1: Introductions

Is that a sexbot?


Relationship Level 1

Must be on day 26 or later

Must have built the second floor

Must have seen a strange girl around the hotel

You wake up to a strange, masked girl by your bed. Ellen comes in and explains your grandfather built her. You decide to let her stay, give her a name, and introduce her to Lin. You assign her as a maid, to learn under Lin.


Relationship Level 2

Visit the Kitchen

Lin begins to teach Android, but due to her internet connection she is already more than capable. Lin feels insecure in her position, and brings her to your room, Android efficiently cleaning it, further annoying her.


Relationship Level 3

Ashley must have moved in

Maria must have moved in

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 2

You introduce Android to the other residents. Kali is interested, Maria is horny, and Ashley is jealous. Kali points out Android’s red eye, which Android learns indicates errors, freaking her out.


Relationship Level 4

Talk option on Android’s door

Android is worried she’s broken, and talks about what she felt after waking up. You console her.


Relationship Level 5

Talk option on Android’s door

You and Android go see Ellen to learn about her commands, and she brings out a manual. Android is uncomfortable, and Maria appears to have overheard some commands.


Relationship Level 6

Automatic in Morning

Android wakes you up, worried at her breasts suddenly having shrunk. You use the command to restore them, and investigate who shrunk them. Ashley admits to doing it out of jealousy. Android is angry, and Ashley slaps her.


Relationship Level 7

Talk option on Android’s door

Maria is in Android’s room, crudely hitting on her. Eventually, you show up, and Android convinces Maria that she’s not just a sex toy. She and Maria become friends.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option Kali’s door

Android is concerned about her errors and visits Kali. Kali begins looking through Android’s code on her computer, and then makes a copy of Android’s code to see if she can fix her.


CHAPTER 2: Friends in Pleasurable Places

Android gets to know the player, and others.


Relationship Level 9

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali believes she can fix Android’s errors, but makes a backup of Android’s code on her own computer. After Kali fixes the errors, Android behaves like a mindless sexbot, but Android’s true “self” is conscious on Kali’s computer. Android transfers herself back to her body. Android is disappointed, but then says she’s content to have errors, because they make her who she is.


Relationship Level 10

Lin’s Relationship Level must be at least 11

Visit the Kitchen in the Morning or Noon

Lin challenges Android to a pizza cook-off. Both are excellent, but Android gets the win. Lin instead decides to challenge her to give you a BJ, which Android is unwilling to, but Lin does.


Relationship Level 11

Maria’s Relationship Level must be at least 1

Talk option on Android’s door

Maria is in Android’s room, with a vibrator. You can watch or interject, the latter reducing Maria’s Affection.


Relationship Level 12

Talk option on Android’s door

Maria is in Android’s room again, with anal beads. You can watch or interject, the latter reducing Maria’s Affection.


Relationship Level 13

Talk option on Android’s door

Maria has gotten addicted to Android’s juices, and wants to eat her out. You can watch or interject, the latter reducing Maria’s Affection. If you stay, you join in, fucking Maria.


Relationship Level 14

Visit the Laundry

Android masturbates using the washing machine. You get some toys from Maria to use on her.


Relationship Level 15

Go to sleep

Android is having a hard time sleeping, and asks to sleep with you. She wakes you up in the morning with a handjob. Unlocks sleeping together and alarm option.


Relationship Level 16

Must have bought Android’s expansion module

Talk option on Android’s door

Android wants to give you a boobjob. Unlocks repeatable.


CHAPTER 3: Discovery

It’s time to learn about this robot with feelings. How does she work?


Relationship Level 17

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali believes she has fixed most of Android’s errors. Testing a transfer, Android behaves like a mindless sexbot. Kali restores her old code. Android is tired, but says she’s content to have errors, because they make her who she is.


Relationship Level 18

Talk option on Android’s door

Android has realized your time together is limited, and wants to show you her full face, even though it’s embarrassing. You tell her it’s beautiful. Android doesn’t want to keep it exposed all the time, but says maybe she’ll give you a BJ sometime.


Relationship Level 19

Talk option on Android’s door

You invite Android to the Hot Springs. If she has the Exhibitionist trait, you can have her go nude. You chat, but the humidity bypasses Android’s water warnings, and her Femdom Mode activates. You can either stop her with a command, or let her bring you back to her room for cunnilingus. Either way, unlocks repeatable.


Relationship Level 20

Talk option on Android’s door

You take Android shopping at Burning Topic, where Juliet gets Android a virgin killer sweater. If Android has the Exhibitionist trait, you can have her change right there. The sweater costs $50, which you pay for.


Relationship Level 21

Talk option on Android’s door

You find Android unconscious underwater in the Hot Springs. You take her to her room, where her nanobots slowly repair her. Ellen requests you buy water sealant, and Kali applies it while making a quick app for her. After, you test out the sealant in the Hot Springs.


Relationship Level 22

Talk option on Android’s door

Android asks to go to the beach, and is able to float in the water by enlarging her breasts. A woman named Elizabeth with her android Pixel come by, worried about Android. She teaches you a bit about androids, and reveals Pixel has a penis module.


Relationship Level 23

Visit the Hot Springs

You talk with Android in the Hot Springs. She reveals her errors are fixing themselves in a slowing curve, reverting her to a normal android, essentially killing her.


Relationship Level 24

Talk option on Android’s door

Android requests anal. Unlocks repeatable.


Relationship Level 25

Talk option on Android’s door

Walking with Android, you meet a woman with her own android. Android tries to talk it, but is rebuffed. You arrive at a restaurant, but aren’t allowed in because the waiter Durn says androids aren’t allowed, so you decide to buy a Human Kit to help her get in (unlocks in the shop).


Relationship Level 26

Buy and give Android the Human Kit

Must have at least $10

Talk option on Android’s door

Android tries on the Human Kit, and you enter the restaurant. Android enjoys a plate of peppers while you chat. After returning home, she kisses you.


Relationship Level 27

Leave your room

Android looks around Ellen’s room where she was created, while you chat with Ellen, and finds a QR code that causes her to remember her life while your grandfather worked on her. She leaves the room crying, and requests you erase her memories, which you are unable to even if you agree. She asks you for $100, and leaves the hotel.


CHAPTER 4: Unlocked

What are her limits? Does she even have any?


Relationship Level 28

Leave your room in the Morning

Android comes back with a new appearance. She discusses some of her new abilities, and offers you a BJ. Unlocks repeatable, and alternate form for them.


Relationship Level 29

Multi-part event

1. Talk option on Android’s door in the Morning

2. Click on Maria’s door in the Evening

Android wants to test out her new abilities, so she seeks out Maria for sex to flip domination back on her.


Relationship Level 30

Leave your room

Lin and Android are cleaning the Lobby. Android breaks her arm lifting a piano, so you, Kali and Android travel to her old friend Lindsey’s lab at Nero Inc. She transfers Android’s head to a new body for $4000, and offers upgrades for Android in the future. If you can’t afford the $4000, you go into debt, which you can clear once via Ellen.


Relationship Level 31

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 32

Visit the Lobby in the Evening

Android is bored, so you take her to visit Kali at Syltech. She hacks people’s devices and puts their nudes on the projector screen. After, you take Android to the cafe with Kim and Ami. They are very impressed by her until realizing she is an android, opting to leave in shock. Android is greatly hurt by their reaction.


Relationship Level 32

Maria must be available

Be in your room at Noon

Kali is worried that Android might get out of control, so you both talk to her, suggesting she try to get to know people at the bar under Maria’s tutelage. After multiple failed attempts, she locks herself in her room thinking the problem is her.


Relationship Level 33

Automatic in Morning

You wake to find the piano playing itself, and a strange view of Android on the TV, visualizing her internal struggle. Kali and Ashley come down and see this too. Ashley resolves to comfort Android through her closed room door, and Android invites her in.



CHAPTER 5: Allies

What if loneliness was a choice?


Relationship Level 34

Visit the Lobby

You find and follow a robot puppy to Android’s room. Android is hooked up to many cables, saying she is partitioning herself. You take a walk with her and her partition A11-Y, convincing Android that she doesn’t need to kill others to make her dream a reality.


Relationship Level 35

Talk option on Android’s door

Android starts work on Cyberspace and teaching Ally. Kali and Ashley meet it/her, Kali learns how it works, and recommends getting a new body due to hardware limitations. Lindsey is revisited, who sells you a suitable body for $4000.


Relationship Level 36

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali transfers Ally to the new body, and you take it and Android to the park for a long talk while Ally plays, happening across Moon while you’re there.


Relationship Level 37

Automatic in Morning

Player wakes up sick, caught from Moon. Android oversees your care, reminded of Grandfather’s cancer while Ally inquires frequently, and bakes with Lin. Ally runs off and messes with the hotel’s power, Android follows and talks it out.


Lin – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide






CHAPTER 1: Introductions

Pointy ears and yellow eyes? Who is she?


Relationship Level 1

Visit the Kitchen while Lin is there

You talk to Lin in the kitchen. She cooked some pizza for you, but it’s burnt.


Relationship Level 2

Visit the Kitchen while Lin is there

You talk to Lin in the kitchen, and ask her about elves and her life. She cooks chicken for you, but it’s burnt.


Relationship Level 3

Be in your room in the Morning on any day except Wednesday

Lin comes to your room to clean your clothes. You’re naked, and Lin is embarrassed. Lin comes back and dresses you.


Relationship Level 4

Visit the kitchen while Lin is there

Lin made you a cake. It’s only half burnt.


Relationship Level 5

Visit the Lobby

Lin is worried she’ll be sold. Ellen reassures her by telling Lin that she used to be a maid at the hotel.


Relationship Level 6

Visit the Lobby

Lin tells you about how she and her sister were enslaved, and about her life as a slave. You tell Lin she could probably use the internet to find her sister.


Relationship Level 7

Visit the Kitchen while Lin is there

Lin falls down while cleaning. You can look up her dress.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin invites you to do some yoga with her. She wears her leaf outfit. Afterwards she gives you a handjob.


Relationship Level 9

Sleep alone in your room

Lin asks to sleep with you. You can let her, or not. You can take off her clothes while she sleeps.


Relationship Level 10

Visit the Kitchen while Lin is there

Lin made you a bunch of food. She didn’t burn any of it.


Relationship Level 11

Visit the Kitchen while Lin is there

Lin accidentally spills coffee on you. You and Lin go to the laundry room, where you take off your clothes so they can be washed. Lin gives you a BJ.


Relationship Level 12

Ashley and Maria must be at the hotel

Visit the kitchen while Lin is there

Lin makes pizza for the hotel residents. It turns out well, but people complain that it has olives.


Relationship Level 13

Lin’s Obedience must be at least 8

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin asks you take have sex with her. You do, taking her virginity.


Relationship Level 14

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin accidentally finds anal porn on the internet. She asks you to fuck her in the ass. You can do it, or decline.


CHAPTER 2: Friends & Family

The player learns of Lin’s last known living family member and relationships are strengthened.


Relationship Level 15

Visit the Lobby

Lin used your card to bid on her sister in an online auction. Jin arrives. She’s very lewd, and offers to blow you, which disturbs Lin. You can accept her offer or not. She leaves afterwards.


Relationship Level 16

Talk option on Lin’s door

You take Lin to the beach. She talks about her sister, and you both swim a little.


Relationship Level 17

Must have built the Dungeon

Visit the Dungeon

You find Lin looking around the dungeon. She asks to test it out, so you tie her up and make her cum.


Relationship Level 18

Sleep alone in your room

Lin asks to sleep with you in your bed, which you can either allow or not. If you allow it, Lin sleeps nude. You can either just go to sleep, or have some fun first.


Relationship Level 19

Interact with your room’s door in the morning

An unusual looking elf starts talking to Lin as Lin is trimming the hedges. She makes a lot of claims about elven history, and then demands you let her buy Lin. After you refuse, she storms off.


Relationship Level 20

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin is feeling insecure after Sylvia’s visit, and has dyed her hair blonde to be more like Sylvia. You reassure her that you like her like she normally is.


Relationship Level 21

Android’s Relationship Level must be at least 8, and her Obedience must be at least 4

Visit the Utility Room

Lin and Android are talking, and Lin decides they should have a threesome with you. Android reluctantly agrees. If you agree to the threesome, you do lewd things with Lin and Android.


CHAPTER 3: The Divide

Elves and Humans don’t live very much alike.


Relationship Level 22

Talk option on Lin’s door

You take Lin to a clothing store in Caliber. If her exhibition is at least 10, she changes in the middle of the store. After leaving, you and Lin see Cornwall, the Minister of Elves, giving a speech, and briefly talk with him.


Relationship Level 23

Talk to Ellen in the Lobby

You receive a letter from Cornwall challenging you to demonstrate that your way of treating elves is superior. Lin finds Jin to help train her to take the challenge with you. Lin, Jin and you head down to the dungeon, and begin training Lin.


Relationship Level 24

Talk to Ellen in the Lobby and select “Take Cornwall’s Challenge”

For you and Lin to get maximum points in the competition, her Obedience must be at least 20, her BJs must be at least 10, her Vaginal must be at least 10, and her Anal must be at least 10. In the dungeon, you meet Cornwall and his friends, and their slaves Ann, Sui, Serni and Sylvia, who has been captured. The competition involves multiple sexual activities. Sui is taken away from her master after he tries to force her to have anal sex. If you and Lin win the competition, Cornwall is impressed.


Relationship Level 25

Enter the Lobby

Nia, Sylvia and Ann kidnap the player in disguise and request you buy them.


Relationship Level 26

Visit the Kitchen

You find Lin in the kitchen wearing a naked apron. If you’re not a jerk, she offers to do whatever you want. Unlocks repeatable scenes in the Kitchen in the Morning.


Relationship Level 27

Android must be available

Android must have been given the Human Kit

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin and Android decide to go out together for pizza. They head to Papa Rons, where they have to deal with a confused Nidra. They sit down at a table and talk some before the pizza is ready, and then go home with Kali.


CHAPTER 4: The Shattered Land

Lin and friends seek adventure with a goal in mind.


Relationship Level 28

Leave your room

Lin wants to see the common elf queen, Jia. Jia agrees to talk to you and Lin, but tells Lin that she’s just a puppet, used to give elves hope and keep them complacent. Lin is disappointed, but before you leave, Jia tells you and Lin about the High Elf island of Syl’iath.


Relationship Level 29

Must have bought Sylvia, Nia and Ann

Visit the Sanctuary

You, Lin, Sylvia and Nia make plans to visit Syl’iath to ask the high elf queen’s help in liberating the elves on Syl’anar.


Relationship Level 30

Must have at least $375

“Go on an Adventure” option on Lin’s door

You, Lin, Sylvia and Nia rent a boat and begin to travel to Syl’iath. Sylvia reveals she was forced from Syl’iath so the queen could consolidate power. Nia is uncomfortable, and worried about how you’ll treat her.


Relationship Level 31

You and Lin fish for a while. Nia observes your relationship with Lin. Sylvia talks to Lin about the history of common elves. Lin has second thoughts. You and Lin have sex.


Relationship Level 32

Nia relaxes a bit, and decides to wear a bathing suit. You all plan how to approach the high elf queen.


Relationship Level 33

Arrive on island, immediately captured by Queen and thrown in her personal dungeon, you note your companions’ names were known but not yours (fairy spies foreshadowing), Tari introduced.


Relationship Level 34

The queen has you taken out of the dungeon to answer questions. Lin and Nia are also taken for questioning.


Relationship Level 35

Hotel residents panic about lack of contact, Nia questioned briefly (given ultimatums) meanwhile everyone else brought to Queen. Lin makes deals, including offering gun blueprints once returned to Syl’anar


Relationship Level 36

Return to hotel – revelation of fairy spies, you confront Zoia, Cia and Runa about it.


CHAPTER 5: Independence:

Lin grows as a person and takes matters into her own hands.


Relationship Level 37

Talk option on Lin’s door

Lin is feeling down. You offer to teach her how to drive. Lin is upset about everyone getting hurt during the trip to Syl’iath, and feels like a failure. Distracted, she crashes the car into a road sign at low speed. This makes her more depressed.


Relationship Level 38

Talk option on Lin’s door

Another driving lesson that you trick Lin into as she demands to be punished. Eases her pain with talks, Lin sounds hopeful again, you get icecream and happen across a news reporter, subsequent interview.


Relationship Level 39

Talk option on Lin’s door

Visit desert elf Owl Clan, discussion on situation and trading of favours, briefly interrupted by human raiders, plan to bring war droids for defense.


Relationship Level 40

Talk option on Kali’s door

Nia brings 3 war droids for Kali to reprogram, MC and Lin deliver them to Owl Clan, Lin gives Iksa burner phone with Kali’s number. Lin records 30min speech and tour from Iksa.


Relationship Level 41

Must have at least $350

“Invite Lin on a Vacation” option on Lin’s door

Syl’tin vacation. Loving chat, recounts meeting Iksa in the industrial revolution, makes love with the player, wakes up to go fishing in the night and happens across a Drow.



CHAPTER 6: Trouble in Syl’anar

A storm brews on the horizon.


Relationship Level 42

Talk option on Lin’s door

Invited to Jia’s wedding in New Portshire. Jia attempts to run away in the night; begs Lin to kill her husband-to-be, Nia comes by to try and use her, her “bodyguard” activates her shocking chip. MC and Lin return home, recounting with Nia shortly after.


Relationship Level 43

Automatic in Morning

Jin alerts the Player Lin is stressed, option to unlock repeatable cunnilingus or visit hot springs and forever lock out the former.


Relationship Level 44

Enter the Sanctuary

Announcement of elves going extinct, Lin begins to plan peaceful revolution alongside humans thanks to Sylvia’s advice.


Kali Trenero – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide






CHAPTER 1: Introductions


Relationship Level 1

Talk option on Kali’s door

You interrupt Kali while playing a game. Kali introduces herself, and you get to know each other a little.


Relationship Level 2

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali’s hard drive breaks. You buy her another one to replace it.


Relationship Level 3

Enter the Hot Springs

You find Kali sunbathing. You get her a drink, and she accidentally flashes you.


Relationship Level 4

“Invite Kali to Cafe” option on Kali’s door

You invite Kali to Corpus Cafe. She buys and wears an expensive red dress. You have a conversation with her, and get to know each other a little better.


Relationship Level 5

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali asks you to pick up a package for her from the front door. You can choose to snoop.


Relationship Level 6

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali finds a job. You go with her to her new job, meet her coworker, and keep her company during her training.


Relationship Level 7

Talk option on Kali’s door

You and Kali go to the beach.


Relationship Level 8

Visit the Hot Springs

Kali is relaxing nude at the hot springs. You can steal her clothes.


Relationship Level 9

Automatic in Morning

Kali invites you to the hot springs, but then steals your clothes to prank you.


Relationship Level 10

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali gives you a BJ, and answers a phone call from her dad. Unlocks repeatable


Relationship Level 11

Talk option on Kali’s door

You and Kali walk around the suburbs, chatting. Kali hacks a delivery droidbot for fries.


Relationship Level 12

Leave your room

Lin is feeling a little sick, so Kali substitutes as maid for the day. She offers you a boobjob afterward, unlocking repeatable.


Relationship Level 13

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali asks you to come with her to make a delivery to a creepy guy. He offers to pay Kali to masturbate on his porch.


Relationship Level 14

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali can’t get herself off. She asks you to help, with your dick. You help her out.


CHAPTER 2: Friends & Family


Relationship Level 15

Lin’s Relationship Level must be at least 10

Talk option on Kali’s door

Lin catches Kali wearing a maid outfit. Kali and Lin get to know each other, and talk about you.


Relationship Level 16

Talk option on Kali’s door

Lin burns Kali’s popcorn. You suggest Kali punish Lin by sitting on Lin’s face.


Relationship Level 17

Enter the Lobby

Kali’s dad visits the hotel. Kali is embarrassed. Kali’s dad offers to fly you and Kali out to visit him.


Relationship Level 18

Enter the Lobby

Talk option on Kali’s door

You visit Kali’s dad and sister (Lucia) at his penthouse in Syl’anar. You can fuck Lucia, unlocking her story. Lucia gets Kali to admit her feelings for you before you both head back to the hotel.


Relationship Level 19

Kali’s Affection must be at least 0

Get a text from Kali (Automatic in Morning)

Enter the Hot Springs

You and Kali sit in the hot springs. She talks with you about your future together.


Relationship Level 20

Talk option on Kali’s door at Noon

Kali’s about to head to work when Lucia shows up. Lucia says she saw their dad with his mistress, so she wants to move in with Kali. Kali reluctantly agrees.


Relationship Level 21

Talk option on Kali’s door in the Evening

After Kali’s left for work, Lucia meets Lin and Ashley. She shows them embarrassing pictures of Kali as a child. Kali comes back and is annoyed.


Relationship Level 22

Talk option on Kali’s door

You, Kali and Lucia head to the beach. Both girls sunbathe, and you put sunscreen on Kali, and massage her a bit. You meet some of Lucia’s friends.


Relationship Level 23

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali is cosplaying as a girl from a porn game. You can fuck her in the ass.


Relationship Level 24

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali accuses you of fucking Lucia. Lucia shoves you and Kali into Kali’s closet. Kali tries on Lucia’s sexy outfits, and mostly gets over her jealousy.


Relationship Level 25

Talk option on Kali’s door

“Set up the Scene” option on Maria’s door, weekdays at Noon

Maria helps you surprise Kali. Kali shows up to deliver a pizza, and you pretend to rape her.


CHAPTER 3: Friends in High Places


Relationship Level 26

Automatic in Morning

Kali’s dad was shot. Kali, Lucia and you go to visit him at his home in The Capitol. You all meet Mariella, Kali’s dad’s new wife, and then talk to Kali’s dad. He wants Kali to inherit Nero Inc., his company. He gives you $10,000. You can talk to Mariella on the way out.


Relationship Level 27

Android’s Relationship Level must be at least 10

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali has made an app that can monitor and control androids. Android lets Kali test the app on her. Android and Kali agree to install the program into Android, which will let her control other androids.


Relationship Level 28

Lin’s Relationship Level must be at least 24

Must have $250

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali is anxious and doesn’t want to go to the party her father is throwing. You calm her down and agree to go to the party along with her, Lucia and Android.


Relationship Level 29

“Go to the Party” option on Kali’s door

Or, wait until Noon for a small extra scene

Or, wait until Afternoon for different small scene, and Kali Affection loss

Kali, Lucia, Android and you attend Kali’s dad’s party. You talk to Kali while in the pool. St. Lily, Mariella and Kali’s dad unveil their Elfbot prototype, but it starts bleeding while they present it. Android controls another android and causes problems, before being stopped by Serni.


Relationship Level 30

Multi-part event

1. Leave your room

2. Talk option on Kali’s door

3. Automatic in Morning

Kali was accepted to Syltech. Later, Android helps Kali prepare for her entrance test. Later again, you take Kali shopping for new clothes for school, and give her encouragement and advice. She tries on new clothes and hair styles.


CHAPTER 4: Syltech


Relationship Level 31

Multi-part event

1. Automatic in Morning

2. Talk option on Kali’s door in the Morning

Kali tells you she passed the entrance test. Later, Kali heads to her first day at college, while Lucia heads to her first day of work as a delivery girl. You ride with Kali on the train. At Syltech, you meet Kali’s teacher, and Kali’s classmates Vanessa and Kim. That night, Kali comes back to the hotel, and you can let her sleep with you in your bed.


Relationship Level 32

Enter the Lobby in the Afternoon

You visit Kali at college where she, Vanessa and Kim are working late. Vanessa is upset when she finds out you own a slave. You can all go to the library along with Nala, who educates you and Kali about elven history (if you let her).


Relationship Level 33

You must have bought Nia

Be in your room at Night

Kali is going to stay overnight at college to get work done. She calls and gets you to bring her clothes and a pillow. You overhear Vanessa’s abolitionist podcast. Kali takes a break and fucks you in the library, while Vanessa and Kim secretly watch.


Relationship Level 34

You must have bought Nia and Sylvia

Enter the Lobby in the Morning

Nala, Vanessa and Kim show up to Kali’s room to work on a group project. Vanessa discovers the sanctuary, and meets Nia and Sylvia. She recognizes Nia, but assumes she’s human. The group finishes their project, but Kali asks Android to try to control the droidbot, which winds up breaking it.


Relationship Level 35

Maria must be at the hotel

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali, Maria and you head to a university party. Vanessa, Kim and Nala are also there. You and the girls from the hotel play against the other girls in strip beer pong, and win. Kim, Vanessa and Nala strip, and then jump in the pool. You hang out with Kali, Maria and Vanessa. Vanessa brings out a tinu joint she brought, and passes it around. You can smoke some or decline. Kali talks with the group about her future plans.


Relationship Level 36

Progress Moon’s story to at least level 1

Enter the Lobby

Bowling with Moon, hacks the backboard screen. Gets drunk, option to have threesome at nearby hotel.


Relationship Level 37

Have at least $10

Talk option on Kali’s door

Kali’s father reveals the elfbots to the Syltech software engineering class. Kali’s group pass his test with flying colours.


Relationship Level 38

Talk option on Kali’s door

Beach outing with Syltech girls. Optional Ami/Kim threesome. Only Kali is accepted onto the Elfbot project.


Ashley – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide






CHAPTER 1: Introductions

Someone new has moved into the hotel. Who is she?


Relationship Level 1

Visit the Hot Spring

Ashley relaxes and talks about the hotel quality of life, then her towel slips exposing her chest. She also mentions a girl she dislikes named Felicity.


Relationship Level 2

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley searches under her nightstand for her phone. She isn’t wearing any underwear. If you choose the right options, she flashes you.


Relationship Level 3

Visit the Laundry

Ashley is upset at Lin for not having her clothes ready. She talks about Lin with you.


Relationship Level 4

Talk option on Ashley’s door

You are invited to watch a samurai movie with Ashley. You get a summary of the movie from the TV and Ashley, and at some point Ashley lays on her side giving you a view of her butt.


Relationship Level 5

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley asks you for help with her homework. After a while she gets bored and admits to being a virgin despite bringing boys home. She also admits she’s doing badly in school.


Relationship Level 6

Visit the Kitchen any day except Wednesday

Ashley eats cake for the first time after Lin makes some for her.


Relationship Level 7

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley asks for help with math as a pretense to invite you into her room. Once you’re there, she gives up on being subtle and gives you a BJ.


Relationship Level 8

Enter the Lobby

Interact with Ashley’s door

Automatic in Morning

Ashley brings her friend Maria to the hotel, and talks with her in the Lobby. Ashley and Maria come up with a plan to lose Ashley’s virginity. In the morning Ashley has sex with you.


Relationship Level 9

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley invites you to the beach. She talks about how she got to the hotel, and tries alcohol for the first time.


Relationship Level 10

Automatic in Morning

Ashley’s mom visits the hotel furious, after their argument Ashley invites you to have anal sex for the first time.


Relationship Level 11

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley talks to you about her problems at school.


Relationship Level 12

Maria’s Relationship Level must be 4

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria shows you her new nipple piercing and Ashley threatens her because she thinks Maria is trying to steal you away from her.


Relationship Level 13

Talk option on Maria’s door during the Morning or Evening

Ashley goes to Maria’s room to apologize for what she did. The two make up and Maria eats Ashley out.


Relationship Level 14

Buy and give Ashley the Slutty Schoolgirl outfit

Automatic next Morning

Ashley wakes you up by giving you a BJ with the new outfit you just got her.


Relationship Level 15

Wait a few days

Automatic in Morning

Ashley wakes you up again but this time she sits on your face. You force her off and eat her out.


CHAPTER 2: College Trouble

After getting to know her, the player experiences Ashley’s life in college.


Relationship Level 16

Ashley’s door, visit her college

Talk to Ashley

You go to Ashley’s college to check up on her. As you begin to talk the teacher interrupts and explains how Ashley’s behavior has toned down since she’s met you.


Relationship Level 17

Ashley’s door, visit her college

You go to check on Ashley and find Emma bullying her. Ashley makes you take part in her revenge by jerking you off onto Emma’s seat.


Relationship Level 18

Ashley’s door, visit her college

Before you can enter the class you are stopped by Felicity and Emma. They want to get back at Ashley. Emma and Felicity threaten to blackmail her unless you take part in their revenge, so they jerk you off into her water. Ashley gets upset and the teacher suspends Felicity and Emma.


Relationship Level 19

Ashley’s door, visit her college

You go to check on Ashley and find Felicity and Emma bullying her again. They have more things to blackmail Ashley with, so the two make you and Ashley have sex in front of them. The teacher catches you and Ashley gets suspended from school.


CHAPTER 3: Dedication

Perhaps a little too soon, Ashley has decided the player will be hers forever.


Relationship Level 20

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley finds out about the other women you are seeing and ‘punishes’ you by giving you a foot job.


Relationship Level 21

Must have $20

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley invites you on a date to a fancy restaurant. (If you have her exhibitionism high enough she will take off her top). Ashley asks you questions and yourself, and tells you more about herself.


Relationship Level 22

Visit the Lobby

Ashley needs to catch up in school so Kate and Juliet come over to help her with calculus.


Relationship Level 23

Wait a few days

Automatic in Morning

Ashley’s mother visits the hotel again to take Ashley back home. Ashley refuses and protests by giving you a BJ in front of her.


Relationship Level 24

Wait a few days

Automatic in Morning

Ashley visits your room wearing a nurse outfit. She invites you to take some aphrodisiac drug. If you do, you and Ashley fuck all day.


CHAPTER 4: Redemption

Ashley’s mask slips and the player gets to understand who she truly is.


Relationship Level 25

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Overworked from study and hasn’t dyed her hair for the first time in ages, you take her to relax at a clock tower she visited as a kid. If she has the “Buttslut” trait, Ashley offers you anal sex.


Relationship Level 26

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 8

Lin’s Relationship Level must be at least 10

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley gifts things to Lin & Kali amidst depressive state.


Relationship Level 27

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Unsuspended from college, Ashley starts having panic attacks


Relationship Level 28

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Backstory following flashbacks, first genuine declaration of love as she begs you not to leave her.


Relationship Level 29

Wait a few days

Automatic in Morning

You wake up to Ashley in your arms. Unlocks sleeping with Ashley at night.


Relationship Level 30

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley and Kali go to Papa Rons. They chat for awhile before being hit on by two guys, send them away, then briefly chat further about you.


Relationship Level 31

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley teases you in “looking for her phone” again. You can leave, or fuck her either in her ass or pussy.


Relationship Level 32

Android’s Relationship Level must be at least 5

Try to sleep in your room at Night

Ashley takes you to the beach at night for a long chat, after which you discover an injured blue fairy.


Relationship Level 33

Android must be available

Automatic in Morning

Ashley brings you to the laundry room by Android’s request. You meet a red fairy (Zoia) and green fairy (Runa) who introduce themselves and watch over the blue fairy (Cia) until she recovers.


Relationship Level 34

Must have $15

Automatic in Morning

Cia wakes up. Ashley lets the fairies stay in her room, so you buy a cat post for them to sleep on. She gets Zoia to steal Felicity’s phone, and sends you some of her nudes.


Relationship Level 35

Wait a few days

Automatic in Morning

Ashley has a dream about accepting and loving herself, deciding to move on from the past.


CHAPTER 5: Frenemies

Friends are made of old enemies, and new relationships are formed.


Relationship Level 36

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley makes up with Felicity & Emma.


Relationship Level 37

Felicity and Emma’s Relationship Level must be 25

Automatic in Morning

Felicity and Emma invite you on and Ashley a trip to their father’s winter cabin. Emma is being possessive, gets Felicity to dye her hair back to blonde. Felicity gives you a BJ in the hot spring, then you all go to sleep.


Relationship Level 38

You, Felicity, Emma and Ashley all skinny dip in the hot spring and have some naughty fun. Felicity cooks, plays music with Emma, then you all have a snowball fight before readying to leave.


Relationship Level 39

Multi-part event

1. Talk option on Ashley’s door

2. Talk option on Ashley’s door again, on a weekday Morning

Ashley uses Zoia to blackmail Felicity & Emma’s father the Dean to get them back into college, Ms.Burchette doesn’t let them enter class until Ashley fakes magic by having Zoia blow wind in Burchette’s face/hair.


Relationship Level 40

Maria must be available

Must have $100

Automatic in Morning

Ashley’s 20th birthday



CHAPTER 6: The Search for Lost Family

Ashley and the player search for her old mother figure and discover more about Syl’anar’s underbelly.


Relationship Level 41

Talk option on Ashley’s door

The player, Zoia and Runa take Ashley to Caliber city hall to find records on Ms. Ren, following leads and ending up calling in Cornwall to take down a slave thief and scammer.


Relationship Level 42

Maria must be available

Talk option on Ashley’s door

You can spend up to $1720, so you may want to save up before starting

Maria has combed Ashley’s natural hair, and Ashley takes MC to Caliber city slums to track down Ms. Ren, recounting her experience of the area in her youth, visiting her favourite ramen shop, and coming across the Blue Dragons gang who inform them the local mafia has Ms. Ren.


Relationship Level 43

Talk option on Ashley’s door

Ashley hosts Felicity & Emma for a foursome with the player. Unlocks repeatable.


Autumn Corpus – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide





Relationship Level 1

Must have built the second floor

Day 55

Automatic in Lobby

Autumn moves into the hotel, briefly asking if Ellen and the player are religious.


Relationship Level 2

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Autumn finishes setting up her room, and asks about the other girls’ virtuosity.


Relationship Level 3

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Brief chat at Corpus Cafe.


Relationship Level 4

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Autumn meets Maria.


Relationship Level 5

Visit the Kitchen

Autumn meets Lin.


Relationship Level 6

Visit the Laundry

Laundry mishap, borrows Ellen’s bartender outfit.


Relationship Level 7

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Autumn meets Android.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Confrontation with Maria.


Relationship Level 9

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Autumn meets Kali, chats with her in the Hot Springs.


Relationship Level 10

Automatic in Morning

Ellen placed a dildo in her room, she initially blames the player.


Relationship Level 11

Automatic in Morning

Allows the player to take pictures of her in her underwear; start of “illness” con.


Relationship Level 12

Leave your room

Android and Ellen encourage Autumn to masturbate MC to “cure” your “affliction”.


Relationship Level 13

Automatic in Morning

The player dreams of three Autumns as she tries a handjob while you’re asleep.


Relationship Level 14

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Talks with Kali for advice about having given the player a handjob.


Relationship Level 15

Visit the Shower

Shower broke, player fixes it, she flees to her room to try to masturbate but stops when the player spots her.


Relationship Level 16

Visit the Shower

Brings the player to her room for BJ, unlocks repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 17

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Breaks shower in setup to bring the player to her room for mutual masturbation, unlocks repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 18

“Invite her to the Beach” option on Autumn’s door

Beach chat about Gaius religion, and wanting to experiment more sexually.


Relationship Level 19

Visit the first floor

Spies on Maria masturbating, talks with her, confronts the player about illness con. Affection reduced, gift required to check on her in room but next event happens regardless.


Relationship Level 20


Thinks on things, makes up with the player, unlocks shower boobjob. Autumn goes clothes shopping with Maria and sends pictures to the player.


Relationship Level 21

Interact with Autumn’s door in the Afternoon

The player visits her at the cafe, covers her and Hazel’s shift with Lin and Android while they visit their father in hospital.


Relationship Level 22

Interact with Autumn’s door in the Evening

Visiting her grandma at their farm. Chat about upbringing there, kisses the player. Affection raises to 15 regardless of what it was, unlocking “In Love” trait, whereafter you can visit Autumn at night.


Relationship Level 23

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Lin’s friendship must be at least 28

Must have Sylvia and Nia

Announcement on TV of infrared satellite launch failure, visits father at rally where Queen Jia has been brought into Gaianism. Cafe chat about Autumn deciding her own path.


Relationship Level 24

Automatic in Morning

Asks the player to bring panties (optional) to her at the cafe, immediately calls you back to help have her first orgasm. Hazel catches her, unlocks Exhibition events.


Relationship Level 25

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Talk option on Autumn’s door next Sunday Noon

Church visit for Resonance of Souls. Autumn confesses sins and receives a vision, Autumn & Hazel are informed one of them will become a Saint as their Seer has foreseen the coming of the Seldarine.


Relationship Level 26

Must have built the Sanctuary

Must have bought Sylvia

Talk option on Autumn’s door

The player brings Autumn to Sylvia to explain The Seldarine.


Relationship Level 27

Must have built the Garden

Enter the Garden

Long lore talk via a book Sylvia gave her. The player progressively treats her more lewdly until Maria arrives and give her cunnilingus.


Relationship Level 28

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Player visits Autumn as she and Hazel undergo preliminary rituals for sainthood at Caliber church. An “angel” in a soulstone commands her to stop The Seldarine or cull all elves.


Relationship Level 29

Automatic in Morning

Talk option on Autumn’s door

You and Autumn take a trip the Capitol to visit Gaius’ grave. Along the way, you can ask questions about Autumn, Gaianism, and other lore. Autumn touches and is drawn into a soulstone. She meets and talks to Liberty, Paragon of Freedom, who says people call her a Cherub. Autumn chooses Liberty as her Paragon.


Relationship Level 30

Must be the weekend

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Maria and Kali test to see if Autumn is bisexual, then take her lingerie shopping, urging her to have sex with the player.


Relationship Level 31

Talk option on Autumn’s door

Cunnilingus option, unlocks repeatable.


Emma Beaumont – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide





Relationship Level 1

Must have bought the second floor

Must be on at least Day 45

Felicity and Emma are in the hotel lobby. They begrudgingly rent a room, rudely interacting with you and Ellen before moving in.


Relationship Level 2

Interact with Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma have finished unpacking. If you make a lewd comment, you lose some Affection. Else, they ask you about the hotel’s facilities and its residents.


Relationship Level 3

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity and Emma are in the Hot Springs, bossing Lin around. If you talk poorly about her, she’ll lose Obedience. Either way, Felicity and Emma continue to be rude to Lin, then you.


Relationship Level 4

Visit the Laundry Room

Felicity and Emma are in the Laundry, complaining. Ashley shows up and angrily demands they leave, but it doesn’t work.


Relationship Level 5

Visit the Second Floor

Felicity is with Emma in the hallway, planning how to bully Ashley. They barge into Kali’s room for dirt on the player, Emma talking tech instead. Emma runs into you in the hallway, and asks you don’t reveal her liking computers. If you say you will, she loses Affection; if you say you won’t, she gains Affection. She gives you a camera with a picture of Felicity, to give to Ashley as counter-blackmail.


Relationship Level 6

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is talking with Emma, and Ashley shows up to show Felicity the counter-blackmail. She has her apologize to her, and kiss her shoes wearing a micro bikini.


Relationship Level 7

Automatic in Morning

Felicity and Emma wake you up, demanding you give them your car to go to the beach, so you drive them instead. You buy them drinks, and if you choose lemonade, they enjoy it and thank you when you get back.

If you get them beer, they get drunk and ask if they can sleep with you back at the hotel. They are angry in the morning, but if you tell them they’re cute, Emma gains Affection and Felicity loses Affection. Felicity stays mad, but Emma thanks you, and apologizes for Felicity.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You have Android meet Felicity and Emma, and they tell her to address them like royalty. If you agree, you gain Affection with them; telling her not to is neutral, and telling her to call them rude names loses Affection. They then dress Android up in various outfits.


Relationship Level 9

Maria’s Relationship Level must be at least 1

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are talking with Maria in their room. They put on their cheerleader outfits, and Maria slips out to talk to you, knowing you’re peeping. She gets them to stretch in their underwear, then talks to you afterward, giving advice about dealing with Felicity & Emma.


Relationship Level 10

Automatic in Morning

Felicity wakes you up, asking for money. You refuse to give her any unless she cleans your room in a maid outfit. Afterward, you can either give her the money or not, and she will either gain or lose Affection as a result.

Note: You can see an easter egg by repeatedly agreeing to give her the money upon her first request, and selecting the bottom of many “No” options when they pop up.


Relationship Level 11

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is complaining to Emma about living in the hotel, and admits that their dad disowned them. You come in, having overheard, and hug Felicity. She tells you some of the abuse they have endured. You can hug her again or reassure her verbally. Both increase Affection, but the hug increases more. Felicity thanks you for letting them stay in the hotel.


Relationship Level 12

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma have returned from shopping, wearing new outfits. Felicity flirts with you, and asks who looks better between them; whoever you pick gains Affection.


Relationship Level 13

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are trying on various outfits, and eventually notice you watching. Felicity pushes you down, and gives you a footjob as punishment, unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 14

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You catch Emma masturbating to you. She tries to pretend otherwise, and you offer to let her see your dick. She gives you a handjob, unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 15

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Maria is playing truth or dare with Felicity and Emma in their room. They all admit to some lewd things, and Felicity takes her top off and poses like a kitty.


Relationship Level 16

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity and Emma are at the Hot Springs. Felicity demands you get her some tea, and you only do so when Emma asks you. Felicity gets mad and splashes tea on you, and Emma confronts her. Felicity storms off, and Emma follows, apologizing to you.


Relationship Level 17

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity has been fighting with her father. You suggest sending him a picture of you and her having sex to piss him off. Felicity eventually agrees, but only the tip. While taking photos, you insert fully, and have sex proper. You cum on her for the photo, and this unlocks a repeatable scene.

Emma then enters, bursting into tears and leaving. You find her in the shower, where she admits her feelings. She gets mad and starts to leave, but you kiss her, assuring her that Felicity had not stolen you from her.


Relationship Level 18

Multi-part event

1. Enter Felicity and Emma’s room

2. Visit the Hot Springs.

Felicity tells you that she decided not to send the pictures to her father, that Emma isn’t mad any more, and that she would be willing to wear outfits for you in the future.

Later, Felicity and Emma are in the Hot Springs, and Felicity brags about her relationship with you. Emma responds that she kissed you. Felicity gets mad and leaves.


Relationship Level 19

Multi-part event

You must have $200

1. Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

2. “Take Emma Shopping” option on F&E’s door

Emma is talking with Maria about wanting to have sex with you, partly so Felicity doesn’t win, although she wants you to initiate it. Maria advises she wear something sexy. Emma doesn’t have much money, so she asks you to take her shopping.

When you’re ready, you can take her shopping at Burning Topic, and Emma asks Juliet to find something sexy, buying it without even seeing it. Back at the hotel, Emma changes into it, which turns out to be animal print lingerie. She invites you to come look at it, and then awkwardly flirts until you initiate sex, taking her virginity and unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 20

Automatic in Morning

You wake up to Felicity sleeping alongside you. She demands you take her on a date to a fancy restaurant, where you talk about your relationship with her and Emma. Some options raise or lower Affection. She asks about the Dungeon, but you say she isn’t ready, intrigued as she is.

This unlocks the option to sleep with Felicity.


Relationship Level 21

Visit the Kitchen

Emma asks Lin to teach her to cook you something. Lin insists on two favours in return, and they make a pizza. Felicity spies on them doing so. Emma delivers the pizza to you in a naked apron (one of Lin’s favours).


Relationship Level 22

Visit the Kitchen

Felicity decides to one-up Emma, and attempts to bake a cake. She fails, and starts a fire in the oven. Ellen handles it, scolding Felicity. Lin teases Felicity a little, but offers help in exchange for two favours. Lin lets Felicity take some cake she had already made. They come up to your room, and Felicity pretends she made it by herself, insulting Lin. Lin gets Emma, who scolds Felicity harshly and says she is indeed dating you, and Felicity runs away in tears.


Relationship Level 23

Must have built the Bar

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is still upset that you’re dating Emma. Emma thinks she’s the only one you’re dating, but Felicity insists you’re dating both of them, and other girls in the hotel. They argue, and Felicity leaves. She has you take her to the Dungeon, where she gives you a BJ and fucks you. If you praise her, she gains Affection. She returns to Emma confident in her relationship with both of you, but Emma is still in denial.

This unlocks Felicity’s repeatable Dungeon scenes.


Relationship Level 24

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door in the Evening

Emma invites you on a dinner date, offering to drive although out of practice. She insists you’re not with any of the other girls, but you tell her you are. Emma is upset, and tells you she wants you to herself. She isn’t happy, but eventually accepts it. She insists that anything you do with Felicity, you do with her. You ask her about herself, then head home, and Emma asks if she can sleep with you.

This unlocks the option to sleep with Emma.


Relationship Level 25

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity finds Emma and Lin in the Hot Springs. She wants to apologize to Lin, however Emma takes the opportunity to snipe at Felicity, and an argument ensues. Lin uses one of her favours to have Felicity go to her room, and tries to convince Emma to give her a chance, unsuccessfully. Lin goes to talk to Felicity, Emma following. She her last favour with each to make them stay and talk it out, then leaves.


Relationship Level 26

Ashley’s Relationship Level must be 36

Automatic in Morning

Felicity and Emma invite you on a trip to their father’s winter cabin in Syl’osi, and invite Ashley as well. Emma acts possessive, but calms down after Felicity talks to her. Emma gets Felicity to dye her hair blonde. However, even after the talk there’s still some squabbling and possessiveness from both. Felicity gives you a BJ out by the hot spring.


Relationship Level 27

Automatic in Morning

Continuation of previous event

You, Felicity, Emma and Ashley skinny dip in the hot spring. After some conversation, Felicity and Emma blow you, then you have sex with Ashley. You head back inside, and Ashley masturbates while Felicity cooks. Felicity and Emma bring out instruments and play some music. You all head outside for a snowball fight, then take a dip in the hot springs to warm up before heading back to the hotel.


Relationship Level 28

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You invite Emma to the dungeon. You have her wear ears, a tail and a ring gag, fucking her while edging her. This unlocks her Dungeon repeatable scenes.


Relationship Level 29

Automatic in Morning

You wake up to find Emma sleeping with you. Felicity enters looking for her, mildly irritated at her potentially copying her animal ears, but Emma just invites her join. They do so, and you wake up to them giving you a double BJ.

This unlocks dual sleeping with Felicity & Emma.


Relationship Level 30

Visit the Lobby

Maria and Android must both be available

Felicity enters the Lobby and finds Lin playing the piano. She invites Lin to her room to show off her violin skills. Felicity is out of practice and Emma criticizes her for it, which starts an argument. Lin and Felicity head down to the Lobby to play a duet, Android criticizing Felicity’s speed. Felicity goes to the kitchen with Lin to make you pancakes. Emma lays in bed, thinking about what she is passionate about.


Relationship Level 31

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are arguing again, this time insulting the other girls in doing so. You take them shopping, but have each pick out what the other wears. They notice Juliet, and approach her to apologize for how they’ve treated her. After picking out clothes and leaving, they find a stray kitten with an injured paw, which they decide to adopt. You pay $175 for the kitten’s treatment and supplies.


Relationship Level 32

Automatic in Morning

A note leads you to the Dungeon, where Felicity & Emma are naked with tail butt plugs. You fuck them anally.



CHAPTER X: Corruption in Caliber


Relationship Level 33

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You visit Felicity and Emma at their college gym where Ashley and Kate are also practicing. Suddenly a few old friends appear to tease Felicity and Emma and bully Kate. Felicity and Emma takes a stand to defend their new friends.


Relationship Level 34

Visit the Lobby

Android must be present

Time of day cannot be Noon

Two strange men who turn out to be a part of The Ascendants attempt to book a room in order to hide hacking the hotel’s computer system. Upon noticing this, Android defends the hotel and gets them to talk. Once she gets all the information she needs, she makes the two leave and promise to never come back.

Kali, Ashley, Felicity and Emma notice what happened and Felicity and Emma offer to help while Ellen suggests The Ascendants may be after outstanding loans your grandfather made. Following Felicity and Emma’s suggestions, you all talk to their father and ask for help only to be told they will get none while living in the hotel.


Relationship Level 35

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Double date to cafe then park, Ascendants spy badly stalks them.


Relationship Level 36

Sleep alone

Corrupt cops question the girls and plant drugs, and attempt to steal Sylvia. Zoia and Cia stop them, thus Felicity, Emma and Maria are introduced to them.


Felicity Beaumont – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide





Relationship Level 1

Must have bought the second floor

Must be on at least Day 45

Felicity and Emma are in the hotel lobby. They begrudgingly rent a room, rudely interacting with you and Ellen before moving in.


Relationship Level 2

Interact with Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma have finished unpacking. If you make a lewd comment, you lose some Affection. Else, they ask you about the hotel’s facilities and its residents.


Relationship Level 3

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity and Emma are in the Hot Springs, bossing Lin around. If you talk poorly about her, she’ll lose Obedience. Either way, Felicity and Emma continue to be rude to Lin, then you.


Relationship Level 4

Visit the Laundry Room

Felicity and Emma are in the Laundry, complaining. Ashley shows up and angrily demands they leave, but it doesn’t work.


Relationship Level 5

Visit the Second Floor

Felicity is with Emma in the hallway, planning how to bully Ashley. They barge into Kali’s room for dirt on the player, Emma talking tech instead. Emma runs into you in the hallway, and asks you don’t reveal her liking computers. If you say you will, she loses Affection; if you say you won’t, she gains Affection. She gives you a camera with a picture of Felicity, to give to Ashley as counter-blackmail.


Relationship Level 6

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is talking with Emma, and Ashley shows up to show Felicity the counter-blackmail. She has her apologize to her, and kiss her shoes wearing a micro bikini.


Relationship Level 7

Automatic in Morning

Felicity and Emma wake you up, demanding you give them your car to go to the beach, so you drive them instead. You buy them drinks, and if you choose lemonade, they enjoy it and thank you when you get back.

If you get them beer, they get drunk and ask if they can sleep with you back at the hotel. They are angry in the morning, but if you tell them they’re cute, Emma gains Affection and Felicity loses Affection. Felicity stays mad, but Emma thanks you, and apologizes for Felicity.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You have Android meet Felicity and Emma, and they tell her to address them like royalty. If you agree, you gain Affection with them; telling her not to is neutral, and telling her to call them rude names loses Affection. They then dress Android up in various outfits.


Relationship Level 9

Maria’s Relationship Level must be at least 1

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are talking with Maria in their room. They put on their cheerleader outfits, and Maria slips out to talk to you, knowing you’re peeping. She gets them to stretch in their underwear, then talks to you afterward, giving advice about dealing with Felicity & Emma.


Relationship Level 10

Automatic in Morning

Felicity wakes you up, asking for money. You refuse to give her any unless she cleans your room in a maid outfit. Afterward, you can either give her the money or not, and she will either gain or lose Affection as a result.

Note: You can see an easter egg by repeatedly agreeing to give her the money upon her first request, and selecting the bottom of many “No” options when they pop up.


Relationship Level 11

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is complaining to Emma about living in the hotel, and admits that their dad disowned them. You come in, having overheard, and hug Felicity. She tells you some of the abuse they have endured. You can hug her again or reassure her verbally. Both increase Affection, but the hug increases more. Felicity thanks you for letting them stay in the hotel.


Relationship Level 12

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma have returned from shopping, wearing new outfits. Felicity flirts with you, and asks who looks better between them; whoever you pick gains Affection.


Relationship Level 13

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are trying on various outfits, and eventually notice you watching. Felicity pushes you down, and gives you a footjob as punishment, unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 14

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You catch Emma masturbating to you. She tries to pretend otherwise, and you offer to let her see your dick. She gives you a handjob, unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 15

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Maria is playing truth or dare with Felicity and Emma in their room. They all admit to some lewd things, and Felicity takes her top off and poses like a kitty.


Relationship Level 16

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity and Emma are at the Hot Springs. Felicity demands you get her some tea, and you only do so when Emma asks you. Felicity gets mad and splashes tea on you, and Emma confronts her. Felicity storms off, and Emma follows, apologizing to you.


Relationship Level 17

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity has been fighting with her father. You suggest sending him a picture of you and her having sex to piss him off. Felicity eventually agrees, but only the tip. While taking photos, you insert fully, and have sex proper. You cum on her for the photo, and this unlocks a repeatable scene.

Emma then enters, bursting into tears and leaving. You find her in the shower, where she admits her feelings. She gets mad and starts to leave, but you kiss her, assuring her that Felicity had not stolen you from her.


Relationship Level 18

Multi-part event

1. Enter Felicity and Emma’s room

2. Visit the Hot Springs.

Felicity tells you that she decided not to send the pictures to her father, that Emma isn’t mad any more, and that she would be willing to wear outfits for you in the future.

Later, Felicity and Emma are in the Hot Springs, and Felicity brags about her relationship with you. Emma responds that she kissed you. Felicity gets mad and leaves.


Relationship Level 19

Multi-part event

You must have $200

1. Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

2. “Take Emma Shopping” option on F&E’s door

Emma is talking with Maria about wanting to have sex with you, partly so Felicity doesn’t win, although she wants you to initiate it. Maria advises she wear something sexy. Emma doesn’t have much money, so she asks you to take her shopping.

When you’re ready, you can take her shopping at Burning Topic, and Emma asks Juliet to find something sexy, buying it without even seeing it. Back at the hotel, Emma changes into it, which turns out to be animal print lingerie. She invites you to come look at it, and then awkwardly flirts until you initiate sex, taking her virginity and unlocking a repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 20

Automatic in Morning

You wake up to Felicity sleeping alongside you. She demands you take her on a date to a fancy restaurant, where you talk about your relationship with her and Emma. Some options raise or lower Affection. She asks about the Dungeon, but you say she isn’t ready, intrigued as she is.

This unlocks the option to sleep with Felicity.


Relationship Level 21

Visit the Kitchen

Emma asks Lin to teach her to cook you something. Lin insists on two favours in return, and they make a pizza. Felicity spies on them doing so. Emma delivers the pizza to you in a naked apron (one of Lin’s favours).


Relationship Level 22

Visit the Kitchen

Felicity decides to one-up Emma, and attempts to bake a cake. She fails, and starts a fire in the oven. Ellen handles it, scolding Felicity. Lin teases Felicity a little, but offers help in exchange for two favours. Lin lets Felicity take some cake she had already made. They come up to your room, and Felicity pretends she made it by herself, insulting Lin. Lin gets Emma, who scolds Felicity harshly and says she is indeed dating you, and Felicity runs away in tears.


Relationship Level 23

Must have built the Bar

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity is still upset that you’re dating Emma. Emma thinks she’s the only one you’re dating, but Felicity insists you’re dating both of them, and other girls in the hotel. They argue, and Felicity leaves. She has you take her to the Dungeon, where she gives you a BJ and f**ks you. If you praise her, she gains Affection. She returns to Emma confident in her relationship with both of you, but Emma is still in denial.

This unlocks Felicity’s repeatable Dungeon scenes.


Relationship Level 24

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door in the Evening

Emma invites you on a dinner date, offering to drive although out of practice. She insists you’re not with any of the other girls, but you tell her you are. Emma is upset, and tells you she wants you to herself. She isn’t happy, but eventually accepts it. She insists that anything you do with Felicity, you do with her. You ask her about herself, then head home, and Emma asks if she can sleep with you.

This unlocks the option to sleep with Emma.


Relationship Level 25

Visit the Hot Springs

Felicity finds Emma and Lin in the Hot Springs. She wants to apologize to Lin, however Emma takes the opportunity to snipe at Felicity, and an argument ensues. Lin uses one of her favours to have Felicity go to her room, and tries to convince Emma to give her a chance, unsuccessfully. Lin goes to talk to Felicity, Emma following. She her last favour with each to make them stay and talk it out, then leaves.


Relationship Level 26

Ashley’s Relationship Level must be 36

Automatic in Morning

Felicity and Emma invite you on a trip to their father’s winter cabin in Syl’osi, and invite Ashley as well. Emma acts possessive, but calms down after Felicity talks to her. Emma gets Felicity to dye her hair blonde. However, even after the talk there’s still some squabbling and possessiveness from both. Felicity gives you a BJ out by the hot spring.


Relationship Level 27

Automatic in Morning

Continuation of previous event

You, Felicity, Emma and Ashley skinny dip in the hot spring. After some conversation, Felicity and Emma blow you, then you have sex with Ashley. You head back inside, and Ashley masturbates while Felicity cooks. Felicity and Emma bring out instruments and play some music. You all head outside for a snowball fight, then take a dip in the hot springs to warm up before heading back to the hotel.


Relationship Level 28

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You invite Emma to the dungeon. You have her wear ears, a tail and a ring gag, fucking her while edging her. This unlocks her Dungeon repeatable scenes.


Relationship Level 29

Automatic in Morning

You wake up to find Emma sleeping with you. Felicity enters looking for her, mildly irritated at her potentially copying her animal ears, but Emma just invites her join. They do so, and you wake up to them giving you a double BJ.

This unlocks dual sleeping with Felicity & Emma.


Relationship Level 30

Visit the Lobby

Maria and Android must both be available

Felicity enters the Lobby and finds Lin playing the piano. She invites Lin to her room to show off her violin skills. Felicity is out of practice and Emma criticizes her for it, which starts an argument. Lin and Felicity head down to the Lobby to play a duet, Android criticizing Felicity’s speed. Felicity goes to the kitchen with Lin to make you pancakes. Emma lays in bed, thinking about what she is passionate about.


Relationship Level 31

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Felicity and Emma are arguing again, this time insulting the other girls in doing so. You take them shopping, but have each pick out what the other wears. They notice Juliet, and approach her to apologize for how they’ve treated her. After picking out clothes and leaving, they find a stray kitten with an injured paw, which they decide to adopt. You pay $175 for the kitten’s treatment and supplies.


Relationship Level 32

Automatic in Morning

A note leads you to the Dungeon, where Felicity & Emma are naked with tail butt plugs. You fuck them anally.



CHAPTER X: Corruption in Caliber


Relationship Level 33

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

You visit Felicity and Emma at their college gym where Ashley and Kate are also practicing. Suddenly a few old friends appear to tease Felicity and Emma and bully Kate. Felicity and Emma takes a stand to defend their new friends.


Relationship Level 34

Visit the Lobby

Android must be present

Time of day cannot be Noon

Two strange men who turn out to be a part of The Ascendants attempt to book a room in order to hide hacking the hotel’s computer system. Upon noticing this, Android defends the hotel and gets them to talk. Once she gets all the information she needs, she makes the two leave and promise to never come back.

Kali, Ashley, Felicity and Emma notice what happened and Felicity and Emma offer to help while Ellen suggests The Ascendants may be after outstanding loans your grandfather made. Following Felicity and Emma’s suggestions, you all talk to their father and ask for help only to be told they will get none while living in the hotel.


Relationship Level 35

Talk option on Felicity and Emma’s door

Double date to cafe then park, Ascendants spy badly stalks them.


Relationship Level 36

Sleep alone

Corrupt cops question the girls and plant drugs, and attempt to steal Sylvia. Zoia and Cia stop them, thus Felicity, Emma and Maria are introduced to them.


Maria – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide






CHAPTER 1: Introductions

Someone new has moved into the hotel. Who is she?


Relationship Level 1

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria invites you out for coffee at the cafe for a brief chat about her and your situations.


Relationship Level 2

Visit the Hot Springs

Maria and Ashley are relaxing by the hot springs, and she teases Ashley into going nude.


Relationship Level 3

Visit the Lobby

Maria is blasting loud music, so you enter to ask her to turn it down, and find her dancing in a revealing outfit.


Relationship Level 4

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria broke up with her boyfriend after he cheated on her. To get back at him, she gives you a BJ. Unlocks repeatable scene.


Relationship Level 5

Ashley’s Relationship Level must be 11

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria shows you her new nipple piercing, making Ashley jealous, who threatens Maria with a knife before soliciting sex from you.


Relationship Level 6

Talk option on Maria’s door during the Morning or Evening

Maria makes up with Ashley, offering to share the player sexually with her, giving her cunnilingus after noticing you watching their discussion.


Relationship Level 7

Talk option on Maria’s door

You peek in on Maria while she’s streaming. She briefly chats with you after noticing your peeking.


Relationship Level 8

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria invites you to the beach. She flashes the bartender for a free drink, and you notice that she’s using an egg vibe. She soon needs to pee, but the bathrooms are full, and finds a secluded spot to relieve herself. You can either peek or not.


Relationship Level 9

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria is streaming again, with her viewers making various requests. She notices you peeking, and asks you to fuck her on stream. Unlocks repeatable.


Relationship Level 10

Talk option on Maria’s door

Buy the Succubus outfit for $100

“Give Maria the Succubus Outfit” option on Maria’s door

Maria asks you to buy a succubus outfit for her. Once it’s delivered, Maria is thankful, and she can wear it thereafter in repeatable sex events.


Relationship Level 11

Talk option on Maria’s door

You invite Maria to the beach. You suggest she blow you in a secluded area, but she decides you should fuck her instead. She streams it, and you creampie her by fan request.


CHAPTER 2: Friends in Lewd Places

Maria explores the hotel… mainly its inhabitants.


Relationship Level 12

Android’s Relationship Level must be at least 3

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria invites you, Lin, Kali, Ashley and Android to the beach, having bought everyone revealing swimsuits. Maria sets up a volleyball match between the other girls, and takes you behind some rocks to fuck you. Ashley finds the two of you while trying to recover a lost ball, and decides to join in. You eat Ashley out and fuck Maria, giving her another creampie.


Relationship Level 13

Visit the Shower

You catch Maria spying on Ellen in the shower. Maria steals Ellen’s clothes, and you go along with it. Ellen comes out looking for her clothes, and Maria gropes and fingers her until she is reprimanded.


Relationship Level 14

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 4

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria Kali, and gifts one of her old cheerleading outfits. She brings the player in to show her off wearing it, then convinces Kali to give you a thighjob and let her watch. Unlocks repeatable.


Relationship Level 15

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria invites you on a date at an expensive restaurant. She asks you some questions about your tastes, until her ex shows up and confronts her. He gets angry and starts insulting her, so you knock him out. You and Maria quickly leave.


Relationship Level 16

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria asks you to invite Ellen to the Hot Springs naked. Ellen agrees, but opts to wear a bathing suit. Ellen notices you’re erect, and likens you to your grandfather. Maria shows up, naked, and convinces Ellen to fuck you.


Relationship Level 17

Visit the Hot Springs

Lin and Maria are chatting in the Hot Springs. You arrive, and Lin asks Maria about her parents, Maria confessing that she is an orphan. Maria talks briefly about streaming, which interests Lin.


Relationship Level 18

Talk option on Maria’s door

Lin and Maria are in her room, streaming. Lin is curious, and Maria encourages her to join the stream. After a fan donation, Lin briefly exits to ask you if it’s okay Maria eats her out on stream.


Relationship Level 19

Exit your room in the Morning

A viewer of Maria’s has tracked her down, and showed up at the hotel to ask her to stream anal. She is mortified, and yells at him until he leaves. She is however tempted by his $500 offer, and asks you to do it. If you agree, you insist that she not stream it, and tell her she can stay at the hotel even if she doesn’t have the money. Maria is taken aback, confesses her love and has anal sex with you. Unlocks repeatable.


CHAPTER 3: Discovery

Maria explores herself


Relationship Level 20

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria wants to snoop around people’s rooms, and asks you to help. You visit Ashley, Kali, Lin and Android’s rooms, Maria making comments and trying on their clothes, but is shocked by a rifle in Android’s room, where Android herself quickly shows up to reprimand her.


Relationship Level 21

Talk option on Maria’s door

You enter Maria’s room and find her in her revealing nightgown. She asks you to give her cunnilingus. Unlocks repeatable.


Relationship Level 22

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria invites you on a fancy date. You ask Ellen to help you prepare, who gives you one of your grandfather’s old suits. Maria diverts you in the car to a spot overlooking to the city instead, saying she feels depressed and unsure of things. She requests to break up. Afterwards, you take her back to the hotel.


Relationship Level 23

Visit the Lobby at Noon

Maria returns, saying she wants to get back together, but different than before. She wants to be closer to you and everyone else in the hotel. She sleeps with you, unlocking that option.


Relationship Level 24

Talk option on Maria’s door

You find Maria in a different outfit, and wearing glasses. She reveals that she usually wears contacts, and asks you to chill with her. She asks you about how you wound up with a harem, and how you see her. After a little more conversation, she decides to take a nap, which you can join if you wish.


Relationship Level 25

Lin’s Submission must be at least 1

Interact with Lin’s door

Lin has somehow tied herself up, and Maria finds her. She teases Lin until she screams loudly enough for you to hear. You arrive, and Lin blows you then fucks you until you creampie her. Maria says she had fun even though she intends to be less sexual these days.


CHAPTER4: Reunited

Maria reunites with an old friend


Relationship Level 26

Must have built the bar

Visit the Bar

Maria and Moon are chatting in the Bar. A girl approaches Maria, who turns out to be her friend Hana from her orphanage. You all go to Maria’s room to catch up. Hana reveals she is a hentai artist. They exchange phone numbers before Hana leaves.


Relationship Level 27

Automatic in Morning

Maria invites you, Hana and Ashley to a movie. You chat during the train trip, Hana surprised about the harem and your elf Lin. You agree on a romance movie featuring an elven slave, which is mostly porn. Maria fucks you in the back row.


Relationship Level 28

Be in your room in the Evening

Maria and Hana invite you to the beach. You rub sunscreen on Hana, she tries alcohol for the first time, and as the sun falls you all talk for a while. Maria gets Hana to take her top off, and does so too. Hana stops things before they get too heavy, and you all head back.


Relationship Level 29

Visit the bar in the Evening

Maria and Hana are at the bar, Hana wanting to come out of her shell, but having trouble doing so. Maria takes her lingerie shopping. Maria tries some on in the middle of the store, and has Hana do the same. Maria then has the group run back to the car without paying. At the hotel, Maria fucks you on top of Hana, then has you fuck her, taking her virginity. Hana realizes that she’s late getting back home, and leaves in a panic.


Relationship Level 30

Autumn’s Relationship Level must be at least 3

Talk option on Maria’s door

You find Hana moving into Maria’s room, with help from her and Autumn. Maria decides you should visit Caliber palace museum, along with Ashley and Lin. Lin is uncomfortable, but provides firsthand knowledge of the events displayed. After briefly checking out the royal bedroom, you all head back to the hotel.


CHAPTER 5: Tribulation

Maria uncovers the past.


Relationship Level 31

Must have bought Nia

Be in your room at Noon

Maria wants to get a DNA test to learn about her parents, while Hana discourages her. You and Maria head to the hospital anyway, where the doctor draws some of Maria’s blood. You and Maria chat briefly. The doctor bursts in with police droids behind her, and take Maria away, enslaving her, as it turns out she is a half-elf. You are unable to do anything. Heading back to the hotel, you get Kali to put you in contact with Mr. Trenero to ask for help, or Cornwall to threaten him. Either way, nothing can be done.


Relationship Level 32

Must have bought Sylvia

Android must be available

Automatic in Morning

Ellen announces she was able to buy Maria, and you go to the hospital to pick her up. In the hotel lobby, the girls try to comfort Maria. Hana reveals that she’s also a half-elf, and in a similar situation. Maria goes to her room, and finds that all her assets have been seized by the government, and her history and records erased. Ashley bursts in to hug and console Maria, but she gets angry at her. You chat with Hana outside, who further admits she ran away from her parents. You take her to meet Sylvia and Nia. Sylvia says that Hana is one quarter high elf, one quarter common elf, with her ancestors likely still alive. Nia officially asks you if you’ll join the fight against slavery.


Relationship Level 33

Android must be available

Ashley’s Relationship Level must be at least 32

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria is being consoled by Hana, Felicity & Emma. The latter decide to try to get Maria’s school records, resorting to asking their father for help after Kali and Android can’t. Ashley shows up to try to comfort Maria again, taking you, Hana and Maria to her secret beach. Maria is happy to relax somewhere outside but private. She talks about whether she should try to find her parents again, and what else she should try to do with her future.


Relationship Level 34

Must have bought the Garden

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 32

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria wants to learn about her dark elf heritage. You go with her to the Syltech library to meet with Nala. Nala teaches her a lot, however she is still curious about her parents. Ms. Mana overhears, and talks to her. She says that Maria’s parents must have loved her, as gave her up to have a better life as a human. Maria relaxes with you in the Garden back at the hotel after.





Relationship Level 35

Talk option on Maria’s door

Hana brings the results of Maria’s DNA test, which reveal that her mother was the infamous elven revolutionary Banshee, who has been in a high security prison for the last 21 years (right around Maria’s birth). Maria decides to help fight for abolition, and you take her to meet Nia. Together you realize Maria could be excellent as a spy. Maria is determined, but Hana wishes not to get involved.


Relationship Level 36

Talk option on Maria’s door

Maria starts eavesdropping on Bar patrons, and gets an invite to a high stakes poker game to make connections and hopefully save a rare hybrid elf. She asks Nia help her plan for it, who also begins to teach her escape tactics and some hand-to-hand skills.


Relationship Level 37

Visit the Garden

Nia trains Maria in self-defense focused combat techniques with Sylvia and Hana watching.


Relationship Level 38

Talk option on Maria’s door

Poker game with high rollers, Maria helps cheat but fails, and Nia breaks out the elf Cira, who joins the hotel.


Side Character – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide

Kate – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide





Event 1

Visit the community college

(Ashley’s door, weekdays at Noon unless suspended)

Select “Peek Inside” to start Kate’s story

Kate catches you watching her in the shower, and gets you agree to sexually satisfy her at some undetermined point in the future.


Event 2

Visit the community college

Kate attempts to converse with Ashley and Juliet about their bodies, only for both interactions to fail miserably.


Event 3

Leave your room

You and Kate go for pizza, discussing your respective sexual desires and body preferences.


Event 4

Enter the Lobby in the Morning

You and Kate go for a jog, learning more about each other. Suddenly, she has to pee, and you have the option of watching.


Event 5

Enter the Lobby in the Morning

Kate takes the player to her gym, working you hard and offering a BJ in the bathroom as incentive to try harder.


Event 6

Enter the Lobby in the Evening

Kate talks with the player about romance, the player explaining her reading from novels is not real romance. She has you take her on a dinner date, frequently awarding “points”. The player kisses her after returning to the hotel.


Event 7

Automatic via text

Choose “Visit Kate” from the front door

Kate invites the player to her apartment. Short chat and tea followed by cunnilingus. Juliet, her housemate, catches you in the act.


Event 8

Enter the Lobby

Kate & Juliet visit to stay the night with Ashley due to a power outage at their apartment complex. They relax in the Hot Springs, then have a brief chat about Juliet before dinner.


Kate Riddle




I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space.

I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space.


What is seen directly before the end of January and February that can’t be seen at the beginning of either month?

What is seen directly before the end of January and February that can’t be seen at the beginning of either month?


On Earth I am dead, though I live on the moon. I am in no crater, but I’m in every bloom. I cannot move on my own, but I’m in each room.

On Earth I am dead, though I live on the moon. I am in no crater, but I’m in every bloom. I cannot move on my own, but I’m in each room.


With thieves, I consort… the vilest, in short. I’m quite at ease in depravity, yet all divines need me. Savants couldn’t lose me… for I am the center of gravity. What am I?

With thieves, I consort… the vilest, in short. I’m quite at ease in depravity, yet all divines need me. Savants couldn’t lose me… for I am the center of gravity. What am I?



Remember previous riddle answers, and think about what Kate says when you enter them in that order.


Nia – Harem Hotel Full Walkthrough & Guide

Events – Love Route





Event 1

Buy her from the store and pick her up

Player brings her to the Sanctuary and chooses Route. Nia requests they buy her some supplies for her missions ($100 from Store -> Misc).


Event 2

Buy and give Nia her Supplies

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

Player hands over her supplies, she changes into her Liberator outfit and explains her cause.


Event 3

Have bought Sylvia

Enter the Sanctuary

Nia and Sylvia question Lin about the player’s intentions, Sylvia delving into sexual topics. She gets embarrassed and leaves.


Event 4

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

The player asks Nia about herself in the hotel lobby.


Event 5

Enter the Sanctuary

Sylvia is urging Nia not to go on a mission, for which she requests the player’s help. They infiltrate the Blue Oyster strip club and liberate a number of elves, including Peni, who will be available for purchase the following day for $675.


Event 6

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

Burger outing in Corpus city. Brief chat before Nia attempts to save the cashier elf, failing and almost getting caught by nearby police.


Event 7

Enter the Sanctuary on Wednesday

Lin, Sylvia and Ann discuss elven holidays and traditions, urging Nia to try out Midlari. Lin takes her to a nearby grove to collect a rare flower, which she presents to the player. Lin urges to complete the last step of the tradition and have sex with the player, which she accepts, even visibly enjoying it.


Event 8

Enter the Sanctuary

($200) The player asks Nia on a date, which she declines but trusts them enough to take them to a hideout to procure a taser, which she could never afford without the player. They meet Jena and Ghen Tindo, and purchase some smoke grenades for Nia.


Event 9

Enter the Lobby

Nia enters the hotel injured and covered in blood. Android treats her while Lin takes you aside, hoping to convince Nia to stop her missions. You oversee her care and chat with her, offering mission backup, then carry her back to her room.


Events – Slave Route






Event 1

Buy her from the store and pick her up

Player brings her to the Sanctuary and chooses Route. Nia requests they buy her some supplies for her missions ($100 from Store -> Misc).


Event 2

Buy and give Nia her Supplies

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

Player hands over her supplies, she changes into her Liberator outfit and explains her cause.


Event 3

Have bought Sylvia

Enter the Sanctuary

Nia and Sylvia question Lin about the player’s intentions, Sylvia delving into sexual topics. She gets embarrassed and leaves.


Event 4

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

The player orders her to describe her activities, and has her strip to her underwear.


Event 5

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

The player has her wear a maid outfit topless and without panties, orders her to clean the kitchen and then Maria’s room.


Event 6

Sanctuary, talk to Nia

Boobjob on the couch alongside Sylvia, unlocks repeatable scene.


Event 7

Enter the Sanctuary

The player catches her masturbating with a massager, has Lin wax her pubic hair, then brings her to the beach to do poses.


Event 8

Enter the Sanctuary

Nia brings Peni to the Sanctuary after having raided the Blue Oyster club alone, and the player punishes her by fucking Peni in front of her.


Event 9

Enter the Lobby

Nia enters the hotel injured and covered in blood. Android treats her while Lin takes you aside, hoping to convince Nia to stop her missions. You oversee her care and chat with her, offering mission backup, then carry her back to her room.







Event 1

Must have built the Bar

Enter the Bar

Ellen introduces you to the bar’s employees, Bart and Moon.


Event 2

Order a drink at the Bar

After ordering a drink at the bar, Moon chats briefly, bragging about her alcohol tolerance.


Event 3

Visit the Bar

A drunk customer gets grabby with Moon, and she decks him. He flees the bar.


Event 4

Visit the Bar on a Monday

Maria must be available

Maria and Ellen are having a drinking competition. Whoever loses will give you a BJ, and you can influence the result by giving one of them a stronger drink. Unlocks repeatable Bar scene on weekends.


Event 5

Visit the bar on a weekday in the Evening

Maria must be working at the Bar

(buy and give her the Bartender Outfit she requests after Relationship Level 20)

Maria and Moon are playing Never Have I Ever, and invite you to join.


Event 6

Visit the bar on a weekday in the Evening

Moon is with Maria, exhausted after her shift. You invite Moon to relax in the Hot Springs, and Maria lends her a bikini. Moon has you climb some rocks with her, and you chat about her life growing up in the jungles of a different country, and her experiences after moving to Syl’anar.


Event 7

Multi-part event

1) Visit the bar on a weekday in the Evening

2) Automatic in the Morning in your room after 9 spankings

Moon accidentally broke all the bar’s glasses, and insists that you punish her. She agrees to let you spank her, but once isn’t enough punishment, which begins spanking her once a day for a total of ten times.

After 9 spankings, Moon confronts you for getting her horny, but never finishing her off. She shoves you down onto your bed, kisses you, and you have sex. This unlocks repeatable spanking/sex for Moon at the bar.


Event 8

Visit the Lobby in the Evening

Moon takes you on a surprise date to a fancy restaurant. You tell her you have a harem, which she’s surprisingly fine with, then talk about her life growing up, college, and her interest in chemistry. She asks you how you treat the girls in your harem.


Event 9

Visit the Bar in the Evening

Maria must be available

Moon and Maria are chatting, and Maria gets Moon tipsy with a special drink she mixed. The three of you head to the Hot Springs to relax. Maria strips nude, urging Moon to join. Maria taunts her into getting sexual saying she’s ‘boring’, and the three of you head to your room for anal sex with Moon while Maria watches. Maria takes Moon to her room to sleep off the alcohol.


Event 10

Visit your room or the Lobby in the Evening

Moon calls you and invites you to her apartment. She shows you around, talks about her hobbies and aspirations, then reveals she mainly wanted to give you a BJ, and you sleep together afterward.


Event 11

Visit the Bar

Felicity and Emma’s Relationship Level must be at least 5

Kali is trying out drinking in the bar, where she meets Moon. They decide to play a racing game together in the Lobby, and Emma joins in, the player watching.


Event 12

Visit the Lobby

If you don’t go the first time, interact with the hotel’s front door

Moon invites you out again, bringing you to a treehouse that she and her study group made and maintain. She gives you a tour, then brings you to a bedroom where you have sex on a couch. You both take a nap, then head back.



Events – Love Route





Event 1

Buy her from the store and pick her up

Player brings her to the Sanctuary and chooses Route.


Event 2

Sanctuary, talk to Sylvia.

Theater date. A police officer stops the player and Sylvia on the way, demanding the player collar her or face a $200 fine. She talks about High Elf society, and after the movie, crystals.


Event 3

Sanctuary, talk to Sylvia.

The player assigns Sylvia as evening Maid, with Lin and Android giving her brief tutoring.


Event 4

Buy the Garden

Enter the Sanctuary in the Evening

Nia tells the player that Sylvia isn’t in her usual spot after work, and should check on her. In the Garden, she chats about an upcoming High Elf holiday, and her banishment. Suddenly, a yellow fairy spy attempts to assassinate her, and Cia, Runa and Zoia interject, Cia overloading the yellow fairy’s crystal, killing her.


Event 5

Enter the Kitchen in the Evening

Sylvia gets flustered at Lin being sexual with the player, Lin coaxes her into asking for doggystyle sex.


Events – Slave Route





Event 1

Buy her from the store and pick her up

Player brings her to the Sanctuary and chooses Route.


Event 2

Sanctuary, talk to Sylvia

The player has Sylvia wear a nice dress with ropes, and takes her and Lin to the Corpus Cafe. The two cut away at her ego, and a brief encounter with Double Tie Guy helps cement how important it is she follow the player’s orders.


Event 3

Sanctuary, talk to Sylvia

The player assigns Sylvia as evening Maid in a naked apron outfit, with Lin and Android giving her brief tutoring.


Event 4

Enter the Sanctuary

The player catches Sylvia masturbating in the Sanctuary with a dildo she stole while cleaning Maria’s room, and has her continue with it on the table to climax, then takes it away, saying they have other plans for her next time.


Lucia Trenero





Event 1

Enter the Hot Springs

Lucy invites you to the Hot Springs via text, where if you choose to continue her story, she has you to fuck her doggy style. She calls in Kali to watch, but she flips that on Lucy by having you get rough with her.


Event 2

Enter Kali’s room

Optional threesome, unlocks repeatable scene.


Event 3

Enter Kali’s room

Lucy took Kali’s car keys, optional anal sex and cum swap.


Event 4

Enter Kali’s room

Kali’s Relationship Level must be at least 30

Lucy takes on Kali’s old Papa Rons delivery job, and Kali has you tag along for her safety. She offers you a BJ on the porch of the creepy guy from Kali’s deliveries.


Event 5

Enter Kali’s room

Lucy dons a slutty nurse outfit to fuck the player out of boredom.


Event 6

Enter Kali’s room

Lucy interrupts Kali’s time with the player an hour before class because her car broke down and she wants a lift, which greatly angers Kali. Unlocks repeatable BJ scene.


Event 7

Enter Kali’s room

Lucy makes snide remarks while Kali is about to fuck the player, so she shows her up by having you bring in Dungeon gear and roughly fuck her ass. Lucy is shocked, and Kali rubs it in, hard. Lucy appears legitimately hurt, but is composed again by next event.


Event 8

Enter Kali’s room

Lucy requests the player call her to deliver pizza to Kali at Syltech. She shows up, flashing her tits, and Kali has her embarrass herself publicly by stripping nude and yelling a phrase to the class.







Event 1

Lin Friendship 18

Buy Jin for $1000

The player takes Lin and Jin out to dinner. They learn just how different Jin’s life was after she helped Lin run free, and that she is almost completely beholden to the lust instilled by the drugs she has been taking.


Event 2

Enter Lin’s room

Must have bought Nia

Must have bought Sylvia

Lin brings Jin to Nia and Sylvia (along with the player) to discuss quitting her Dark Elf hormones, and ensuring it’s her decision to do so.


Event 3

Talk to Jin in Lin’s room


The player and Lin send Jin off to the hospital. The second half of the event takes place after a week, whereby you must enter Lin’s room and together pick up Jin from the hospital.


Event 4

Enter Lin’s room

Lin shows Jin the internet on her laptop, which she is displeased at. They move on to vineworking Midlari outfits, which Jin immediately tries to seduce the player with, Lin scolding her.


Event 5

Enter the Hot Springs

Chat in Hot Springs with Lin, Nia and Sylvia. The player catches her sneaking off to masturbate and discusses her past.







Event 1

Visit Kali at Syltech (Evening)

Vanessa asks you on a date, which you have at Corpus Cafe. You chat about her situation and motivations.


Event 2

Android’s Relationship Level must be at least 33

1) “Set up Hot Springs advertising” option on Kali’s door on Sunday

2) Visit the Hot Springs on Monday at Noon

The player has Kali send out advertisements to Syltech for the hotel’s hot springs. Vanessa, Ami, Kim and Nala start showing up Mondays at noon. The first time they do is the event; a short chat about their situations and goals.


Event 3

Enter the Lobby in the Morning.

Vanessa shows up at the hotel and takes you on a “date” at a nearby protest.


Event 4

Automatic; you receive a text, but can choose when to proceed.

Vanessa invites you the to Caliber palace museum, gives a rundown of history especially on the wanted posters from the Third Elvish Uprising, option to have sex on the royal bed.







Event 1

Automatic, Morning of Day 6

Ellen chats with the player about elves, your grandfather, and herself.


Event 2

Check your computer

Day 11

The player finds pinups of Ellen on their computer. Ellen is present, and you have the choice to continue her story or not.


Event 3

Enter the Laundry

Ellen has Lin wash her clothes in the laundry, then teases her when the player walks in and gets an erection.


Event 4

Enter the Hot Springs

Day 25

Ellen is chatting with Lin in hot springs, and the player overhears some sexual details. You can offer to provide relief whenever needed.


Event 5

Enter Ellen’s room

Doggystyle sex, unlocks repeatable scene.


Event 6

Automatic in the Evening

Enter the Lobby

Ellen is trying to masturbate in partial secrecy, and when noticed, she offers you a BJ, unlocks repeatable scene.







Event 1

Maria’s Relationship Level must be at least 30

Have at least $10

Automatic in Morning

Date at Juicy Burger


Event 2

Text invite morning after Hana Event 1

Deepthroats the player with Maria, unlocking repeatable scene. Starts showing up at Hot Springs in the evenings.


Event 3

Have at least $30

Talk option on Maria’s door

Fancy dinner date. Chat about mostly lewd stuff, including how she wants to incorporate romance into her comics.


Event 4

Must have built the Garden

Automatic in Lobby (noon?)

The player catches her trying to keep an anal plug in public, explains she wants to try more things she draws. Player invites her to Garden, where she has them give her cunnilingus.


Event 5

Enter the First Floor

Hana chats with Ashley, they bring you to her, then move to Maria’s room to have you creampie Hana. Unlocks repeatable.


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