Heavy Five Walkthrough

Heavy Five Walkthrough

Welcome to Heavy Five Walkthrough, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Table of Contents Show

Annie (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah) – How you deal with Sarah is up to you.

Defence (Annie)

– 1) Be just as casual back

– 2) Agree

Crewroom (Sarah) – Up to you

Freeroam: Cargo Bay

– 1) Inspect Tritanium boxes

Freeroam: Defence

– 1) Inspect Mug

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) Ask about the refit

– 2) Sympathise

– 3) ask about sarah

– 3) Actually, I’m more interested in you…

– 4) Yes

– 5) I don’t care

– 6) Ask about the mission

– 7) She has a point

Crewroom (Chris)

– 5) Ask about the mission

– 6) Ophion

You can talk with Chris about anything else that interests you. Just don’t be a fool and don’t complain about the crew!

– 1) Small Talk

– 2) Compliment her on sports career

– 3) Tease her back

– 4) Accept

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) Small talk

– 2) The weapons station

– 3) Yes

– 4) Give her a chance

– 5) Tell her

Annie (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Annie (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

– 6) Boxing

– 7) Yes

– 8) Ask for the hug

– 9) Actually, I rather like it a lot

– 10) Brazen it out

– 11) Time on Ophion

– 12) Sure

Crewroom (Sarah) Up to you


– 1) Trust Chris. She can fly us in.Vanguard

– 2) To be honest, yes

– 3) Yes

– 4) Well…why not.

– 5) Do it

– 6) It is rather funny

You got an invitation from Annie to go for drinks

You performed a sexual act with Annie…

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

If you’re playing as black male, you can also accept invitation from Trisha to go drinking. As you might expect, addition of Trisha will change how the drinks will go quite a bit.

– (Bm) 1) Accept the offer

Free Roam Up to you until night.

Lounge (Annie)

– 1) Talk about landing

– 2) Her Endorphin Advice / Remind her what you think of her

– 3) Ask about repairs to the vanguard / small talk

– 4) Cheers!

– (Bm) 4) Ask trisha to leave.

– 5) Ask about chris… / ask about sarah…

– 6) fuck yes! (A) / actually…no. not like this. (B)

o Your call, this decision has major consequences and leads to different paths.

– (B) 7) Give In (A) / we’re not doing this tonight.

– (B) 8) Listen to annie sing.

(A) Your Room (Annie)

– 1) better safe than sorry (C) / it’ll be fine (A)

o Another possible branching here. Make your choice.

– 2) More than a handful… / there’s more to a woman…

– 3) She’s a brat! Spank her!

– 4) intervene / let justice take its course.

– 5) Take the blame / protest… / chris is being unreasonable

(B/C) Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

(A) You got Annie into serious trouble.

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris) – Up to you

Parade – Up to you

Airfield (Annie)

– (B) 1) NO!

Rescue Mission (Chris/Sarah) – Up to you, if you volunteer to go.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Free Roam – Up to you, make sure to see Annie at least once before evening.

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– (B/C) 1) Always happy to help! / No. I’m Going to go and get Marcus.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

(A) Lounge (Annie, Sarah)

(B/C) You met a princess! (sort of…)

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you. If you’d like to go on a side mission with Sarah, go see Marcus first. (S) Visit Annie at the Vanguard at some point

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) Let it go.

– 2) Time for a quick chat?

– 3) I want to discuss my orders with you.

– 4) Not really, no.

– 5) I wanted a private word with Sarah

– 6) I’m not interested in her that way / Be Careful?

If you have accepted a mission from Marcus:

– (S) 1) I need Davis for a Mission

– (S) 2) Pollen Collecting

– (S) 3) But Why?

Go meet Annie again at dusk.

Vanguard (Annie)

– (A) Carry on, come What May…

– (A) I have an idea…

Hallway (Annie)

– 1) Go With Annie.

Lounge (Annie)

– 1) Play Strip Pool / Play Ordinary Pool

If you lose the strip pool… up to you.

Annie (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah) – How you deal with Sarah is up to you.

Defence (Annie)

– 1) Be just as casual back

– 2) Agree

Crewroom (Sarah) – Up to you

Freeroam: Cargo Bay

– 1) Inspect Tritanium boxes

– 2) Inspect equipment boxes in the top right corner twice

Freeroam: Defence

– 1) Inspect Mug

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) interrupt her

– 2) Ask about the refit

– 3) Sympathise

– 4) Ask About Sarah.

– 5) actually it was you i was trying to show off to…

– 6) Yes

– 7) Keep trying

– 8) try with humour (A) / Try with ”rea5on“ (B) / try w. cunning (C)

o All options have their perks. They also shape the MC’s personality with „humour“ establishing her as a lesbian, „reason“ as someone who is totes usually straight, and „cunning“ more ofa subtle option without revealing much.

– 9) ask about the mission

– 10) She has a point

Crewroom (Chris)

– 1) Ask about the mission

– 2) Ophion

You can talk with Chris about anything else that interests you. Just don’t be a fool and don’t complain about the crew!

– 3) Small Talk

– 4) compliment her on sports career

– 5) Brush the comment with light humour

– 6) Why not!

Annie (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Annie (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

– 7) Accept / Perhaps…

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) The Ophions

– 2) Agree

– 3) Harris

– 4) Walker

– 5) Small talk

– 6) Boxing

– 7) Time on Ophion

– 8) Sure

Crewroom (Sarah) – Up to you

Engineering (Annie)

– (A) 1) Last minute flirting

– (B) 1) Last minute flirting

– (C) 1) discuss the cause of the problem

You got an invitation from Annie to go for drinks

(B) You’ve seen engineer bewbs…*

Chapter 2

Airfield (Annie)

– (B) 1) Tease Her / Flatter her.

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

– 1) Cancel Chris

o You get this choice if you’ve also accepted drinks invitation from Chris.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you until night. (A)

Lounge (Annie)

– 1) Talk about landing

– 2) Ask about repairs to the vanguard / small talk

– 3) Cheers!

– 4) Ask about chris… / ask about sarah…

– (A) 5) Ask whether the cunning plan would have worked.

– (B) 5) is she suggesting spanking me?

– (A/C) 6) listen to annie sing.

– (B) 7) Call her bluff.

– (B) 8) insist on getting spanked.

– (B) 9) push it further.

– (B) 10) Insist on the spanking.

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

(A) You learned about witches…

(B) You might be getting a spanking

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris) – Up to you

Parade – Up to you

Rescue Mission (Chris/Sarah) – Up to you, if you volunteer to go.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Free Roam – Up to you, make sure to see Annie at least once before evening.

(A) Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) Ask her for drinks again.

– 2) „How about a game of pool instead?“

(B) Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) Up the Ante (B) / Let her off. (E)

– (B) 2) Accept her terms (B) / Challenge the terms (D)

– (E) 2) Push a little…

– (E) 3) „No, I don’t. “

– (E) 4) Push it!

– (E) 5) Challenge accepted.

o If you’re interested what losing the challenge is like (N)

(D/E) Plant Room If Annie requires you to find something, go there.

– (D/E) 1) Go left.

– (D/E) 2) Up the stairs.

– (D/E) 3) Go to yellow boxes.

– (D/E) 4) Inspect Yellow Boxes.

– (D/E) 5) Use Geiger Counter.

– (D/E) 6) Look behind yellow boxes and find a red object.

– (D/E) 7) Take it.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

(E) You talked „chicken“ with Annie.

Chapter 4

Recommendations for this route will be will be added after the release of a patch. Presently, there is a bug that cause some of the subpaths not to function correctly.

Chris (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah) – How you deal with Sarah is up to you.

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) Be just as casual back

– 2) Agree / disagree

Free Roam: Crewroom

– 1) Inspect Bored Pilot Magazine

(then read it in the PDA)

Free Roam: Cargo Bay

– 1) Inspect Tritanium boxes

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) Ask about the refit

– 2) Sympathise

– 3) Ask about the mission

– 4) she has a point.

Crewroom (Chris)

Whatever you do, don’t complain about the crew! It shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s not clever to do, but as it is a first option, it’s tempting to click it, right?

– 1) Ask about the mission

– 2) Replacing Harris

– 3) Demand an answer

– 4) Ophion

Talking about other mission related topics is as always recommended

– 5) small talk

– 6) Talk about her

– 7) Compliment her sports career

– 8) Tease her back

– 9) Accept

– 10) Discuss the latest bored pilot magazine

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) More Mission Questions

– 2) the ophions

– 3) agree

– 4) …

– 5) Small talk

Chris (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chris (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

– 6) Boxing

– 5) Yes

– 6) Time on Ophion

– 7) sure

Crewroom (Sarah) – Up to you


– 1) Trust Chris. She can fly us in.

You got an invite from Chris to spar with her

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris)

– 1) challenge her attitude

– 2) Push it

– 3) Accept the wager!

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you

Lounge (Annie) Rather optional part, so if Annie didn’t invite you or you declined, don’t worry about missing these.

– 1) Ask about repairs to the vanguard

– 2) Cheers!

– 3) Ask about chris…

– 4) actually…no. not like this.

– 5) We’re not doing this tonight.

– 6) listen to annie sing.

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

You made a wager with Chris

You found out something about Chris

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris)

– 1) Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out there.


– 1) Take Chris.

o If Sarah volunteers.

Rescue Mision

– 1) Ask what she’s thinking about

– 2) Agree with her / be non-commital

– 3) mention the wager over kelly.

– 4) „Well, I like you… “

– 5) open fire and then close the distance.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Mess (Kelly)

Gym (Kelly, Chris)

– 1) Stay to the end

– 1) Stay

The rest offree roam is up to you.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

You went and rescued Walker.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly)

– 1) But a guess is all it would have been / Agreed

– 2) No

– 3) Chris is right / she could be right or wrong.

– 4) Prove it’s safe.

– 5) Turn it up.

– 6) Turn it to the max…

– 7) Yes.

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you. Keep an eye on the gym and go there when Chris is present.

– 1) What do you mean by what you said?

Hallway (Annie) Up to you

Your Room (Chris) – You can inform her of your discoveries, if you made any while roaming around the station.

– 1) Yes.

Chris (Male Domme) – Heavy five Walkthrough

WARNING: This route contains femdom content. If

such content offends you, skip this route.

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah) – How you deal with Sarah is up to you.

Engineering (Annie) – How you deal with Annie is up to


Free Roam: Crewroom

– 1) Inspect Bored Pilot Magazine

(then read it in the PDA)

Free Roam: Cargo Bay

– 1) Inspect Tritanium boxes

Engineering – Up to you

Crewroom (Chris)

Whatever you do, don’t complain about the crew!

– 1) Ask about the mission

– 2) Replacing Harris

– 3) Demand an answer

Talking about other mission related topics is as always recommended

– 4) small talk

– 5) Talk about her

– 6) Compliment her sports career

– 7) Tease her back

– 8) Accept

– 9) Discuss the latest bored pilot magazine

Engineering – Up to you

Crewroom – Up to you


– 1) Trust Annie. That brake needs to be closed.

Airlock (Chris)

– 1) Yes

– 2) See where this is going

– 3) Squeeze

Chris is going to try and „train“ you…

Chris (Male Domme) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chris (Male Domme) – Heavy five Walkthrough

You got an invite from Chris to spar with her.

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris)

– 1) challenge her attitude

– 2) Push it

– 3) Accept the wager!

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you

Your Room (Chris)

Up to you to choose your trait.

– 1) Be Contrite / Be Defensive

– 2) Climb down the rabbit hole

– 3) It’s a trap! / I can handle this

– 4) i can’t win…

– 5) pass the cage over

You gave control to Chris

You made a wager with Chris

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris)

– 1) Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out


– 1) Take Chris.

o If Sarah volunteers.

Rescue Mision

– 1) Mention last night.

– 3) mention the wager over kelly.

– 4) Drop the Wager / The bet was made… /

– 5) open fire and then close the distance.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Mess (Kelly)

Gym (Kelly, Chris)

– 1) Stay to the end

– 1) Stay

The rest offree roam is up to you.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room (Chris) It’s in your hands. 😉

You may get up to four deals, if you request it, as part of this and/or future sessions. If you’d like to do a specific one, but it isn’t offered, don’t worry, you might get a chance later.

(T) First one, if you agree, means that your key is temporarily given to Trisha.

The other three depend on randomness, your choices, and her mood.

(A) Chris might talk about Amanda and ask you if you find her attractive. If you say yes, the deal you may get involves bringing Amanda’s perfume to Chris.

(K) Chris might ask you if Kelly has better boobs than Trisha. If you concur and don’t find any problems with anything Chris says next, then you may be offered a deal to obtain Kelly’s pictures for Chris.

(P) This deal is the least likely to be offered as it requires Chris talking about the topic of panties four times. You may then be offered a deal to bring some panties.

You went and rescued Walker.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly)

– 1) But a guess is all it would have been / Agreed

– 2) No

– 3) Chris is right / she could be right or wrong.

– 4) Prove it’s safe.

– 5) Turn it up.

– 6) Turn it to the max…

– 7) Yes.

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you. Keep an eye on the gym and go there when Chris is present. (K) If you have a deal to get Kelly’s pictures, go see her in the control tower right away.

– (K) 1) I Wanted a Quick Word…

– (K) 2) Try to get Some Pictures…

Gym (Chris)

– 1) What do you mean by what you said?

(P) If you have a panties deal, go see Annie at the Vanguard at dusk.

– (P) 1) Cunning Plans are Go!

– (P) 2) Push it.

– (P) 3) „Confess“… / I’m playing a game with Chris…

Your Room (Chris) – You can inform her of your discoveries, if you made any while roaming around the station.

– 1) Bring it on!

Chris (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar – How you deal with Sarah is up to you.

Engineering,- How you deal with Annie is up to you

Free Roam: Crewroom

– 1) Inspect Bored Pilot Magazine

(then read it in the PDA)

Free Roam: Cargo Bay

– 1) Inspect Tritanium boxes

Engineering – Up to you


Whatever you do, don’t complain about the crew! It shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s not clever to do, but as it is a first option, it’s tempting to click it, right?

– 1) Ask about the mission

– 2) Replacing Harris

– 3) Demand an answeR

– 4) Ophion

Talking about other mission related topics is as always recommended

– 5) small talk

– 6) Talk about her

– 7) Compliment her sports career

– 8) Risk a subtle compliment / brush the comment away with light humour

– 9) she is indeed pretty

– 10) why not!

– 11) Discuss the latest bored pilot magazine

– 12) she does have a decent pair/too big for my taste

– 13) one of interest

– 14) Accept

Engineering Up to you

You may also get a drinks invitation from Annie if she likes you enough. Having drinks with both will be a bit different than just with Chris alone.

– 1) Small talk

– 2) Time on Ophion (An)

– 3) sure

Crewroom – Up to you

Chris (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chris (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

You got an invitation from Chris to go for drinks

You got an invite from Chris to spar with her

Chdpter 己

Airfield (Chris)

– 1J Chdllenge her dttitude

– 2) Never been tempted / might have been / I’m usually the one…

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

– 〔HnJ 1) it’ll be fine

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam: Lounge

– 1J In5pect dll the pd5ter5 in the rddm

Free Roam Up to you until night.

Lounge (Chris) /〔HnJ Lounge (Annie)

– 〔HnJ d5k dbdut repdir5 td the vdngudrd / 5mdll tdlk

– 〔HnJ d5k dbdut dnnie

– 〔HnJ drdp the mdtter

– 1J Tdlk dbdut her cldthe5

– 2) Let’s go glam!〔GJ

– 3J tdlk dbdut the drt5

– HJ tdlk dbdut mu5ic

– 5J tdlk dbdut her fdvdurite film

– bJ tdlk dbdut her fdvdurite mu5icdl

– 7J pu5h dn!

– BJ 当e5 / I d5ked fir5t

o Not gonna help you with next one if you’re such a huge fan. 😉

– gJ pld当 d 5ill当 duiz

– 1dJ uhdt dbdut if it ud5 tedm5? / ue cduld d5k edch dther due5tidn5?

– 11J d5k d 5ill当 due5tidn / d5k d trivid due5tidn

– 1己J Nd dther due5tidn5—

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

〔GJ You need to get glam!

You have a drinks invite from Chris

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris)

– 1) Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out there.

– 2) Me Too.


– 1) Take Chris.

o If Sarah volunteers.

Rescue Mision

– 1) Ask what she’s thinking about

– 2) Agree with her / be non-commital

– 3) Ask what she’s thinking about / Ask about the vanguard.

– 4) Open fire and then close the distance.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Mess (Kelly)

Gym (Kelly, Chris)

– 1) Stay to the end

– 1) Stay

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah) If you’re looking for something to glam up.

The rest offree roam is up to you.

Living Quarters / Mess (Sarah) Depends on what (if anything) you’re playing with Sarah. Be sure to follow her to watch some news and talk about clothes to borrow.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly)

– 1) But a guess is all it would have been / Agreed

– 2) No

– 3) Chris is right / she could be right or wrong.

– 4) Prove it’s safe.

– 5) Turn it up.

– 6) Turn it to the max…

– 7) Yes.

– 8) Yes.

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you.

Keep an eye on the gym and go there when Chris is present.

Gym (Chris)

– 1) What do you mean by what you said?

(G) If you haven’t taken Sarah to a mission, go visit her when she’s in the laundry.

(G) Alternatively, go see Sarah in the Showers at dusk.

(G) Sarah’s Room (Sarah) – Pick your outfit

Lounge (Chris)

– 1) Her quarters.

– 2) Her past.

3) “…Your husband. “

– 4) “…your proudest moment. “

– 5) “…your biggest regret. ”

– 6) “…your biggest fear. ”

– 7) Ask Something Else.

– 10) What’s your favourite cheese?

– 8) Her hopes.

– 9) Us…

– 10) Be Assertive (A) / be coy (B) / just be friends. (F)

Your Room (Chris) – You can inform her of your discoveries, if you made any while roaming around the station.

– 1) Yes.

You found out about James Chadwick.

(G) You borrowed some of Sarah’s clothes.

Sarah (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah)

– 1) Be casual

– 2) Play along

– 3) Flirt it up

– 4) Flirt it up more.

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) Be just as casual back

– 2) Disagree

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) Accept it is what it is

Engineering (Annie) – How you deal with Annie is up to you, but it doesn’t hurt to be nice. Crewroom (Chris) – How you deal with Chris is up to you.

Engineering (Annie)

You can talk about all the topics with Annie, but the most important small talk here is the weapons station.

– 1) Small talk

– 2) The weapons station

– 3) Yes

– 4) Give her a chance

– 5) Tell Her

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) Small talk

– 2) Express genuine interest/Suggest something more challenging

o Either way is good, but you’ll learn more about her with some suggestions.

– 3) Encourage it

– 4) It was funny

– 5) Accept (VR) / vr games aren’t really my thing (Coc)

o Choose whatever of her suggestions do you find interesting, or neither if you don’t want to play any games with her. And perhaps make a save here, it might be worth trying both games in the future.

– 6) Agree to play caverns of creatures (Coc) / fantasy vr game (VR)

Sarah (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Sarah (Male Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough


– Trust Chris. She can fly us in.

You got an invite from Sarah to play games

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you until night.

(VR) Living Quarters (Sarah)

– 1) find out more about gloria

– 2) tell her / don’t tell her

– 3) Could be fun to explore a bit / fine. I’ll play like this

– 4) Hell, why not… / not my thing (Coc)

(Coc) Mess (Sarah)

– 1) Wizard /Thief / Warrior

– 2) find out why

– 3) find out more about gloria

– 4) Ask about the figures

Making a save at the start of the dungeon is recommended. Don’t save during combat, dice rolls won’t change upon loading if you do. Play CoC as you wish you don’t need to win. My only tip is to drink from fountains. Good luck!

– 6) i liked it / i think it needs some work / not for me, sorry (VR)

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

(VR) You found out that Sarah would „play“ with you…

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris)

– 1) Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out there.


– 1) Take Sarah.

Rescue Mission

– 1) We Should Keep Quiet / Talk about the vanguard

– 2) Ignore it and follow the route (A) / take the shortcut (B) (P) (A) Following the Route

– 1) Make Conversation.

(B) The Tunnel

– 1) Agree with Sarah’s idea.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Free Roam – Up to you, make sure to visit Sarah and Annie at the Vanguard.

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) Always happy to help! / No. I’m Going to go and get Marcus.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

(VR) Living Quarters (Sarah)

– 1) I’m playing VR.

– 2) Fight the Avatar

– 3) Make the fight easier / Leave it as it is.

– 4) Stay

– 5) Tell Sarah about „Vampy / Don’t Tell. (V)

(COC) Mess (Sarah)

Recommendations for this subroute will be will be added after the release of a patch. Unfortunately, there’s a bug that can cause her affection for the MC plummet and thus, for example, unable a possibility of her approaching the MC with a request for a “special”

adventure during the side mission. I recommend not playing CoC with her until it gets fixed. If you played CoC in Chapter Three, you’ll need to load an earlier save and play it again when it’s fixed.

You went and rescued Walker.

You met a princess! (sort of…)

(B) You made your first kill…

(VR) Babe got banged“

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

(B) (P) Hallway (Sarah)

– 1) Find out more.

– 2) Let her Explain.

– 3) What is she proposing?

– 4) Agree to do this.

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you, but I recommend going on the mission for Marcus first.

Biology Lab (Marcus)

– 1) I’m here for the mission briefing.

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) I Wanted a private word with Sarah.

– 2) Be Careful?

– 3) I need Davis for a mission.

– 4) Pollen Collecting

– (B) 5) Get the Tritanium

Mission: Oasis Reacon

Ask anything you want during the journey.

– (B) 1) Alright, let’s do this.

– (B) 2) Sarah will be fine… / Sarah shouldn’t be left alone.

Showers – You might want to check out this location, if you haven’t already.

– 1) Inspect Showers

– 2) Use Toolbox (Vulcan Laser Cutter)

– 3) Make the Hole – Pranks are fun! (H)

Hallway (Sarah) If you asked Sarah about your orders, she interrupts you later that afternnon.

– 2) Ask to hear her opinion anyway.

Showers (Sarah) At dusk, Sarah’s icon appears there…

– (H) 1) Turn off the Lights and Stay

– (H) 2) Peek…

– (H) 3) Peek…

– (H) 4) Peek…

– …

– (H) 5) Stay Perfectly Still.

(VR) Sarah’s Room (Sarah)

– 1) Watch the joys of Channel Seven News!

If you win the VR game…

– (V) (BOBE) 1) Struggle Cuddle Time! / Leave

If you lose the VR game…

– (V) (BABE) 1) Bring on the Orcs! / Leave

– (V) (BABE) 2) Ask why they are called the Ugg twins.

– 3) Alright.

(COC) Mess (Sarah)

Recommendations for this subroute will be will be added after the release of a patch. Unfortunately, there’s a bug that can cause her affection for the MC plummet and thus, for example, unable a possibility of her approaching the MC with a request for a “special”

adventure during the side mission. I recommend not playing CoC with her until it gets fixed. If you played CoC in Chapter Three, you’ll need to load an earlier save and play it again when it’s fixed.

(B) Sarah had a close encounter…

(H) You made the most of the shower…

(V) (BOBE) You had sex in VR as the male character.

Sarah (Male Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah)

– 1) Have an ensign for breakfast

– 2) Push it further

Engineering (Annie)

At this point, it’s better not to antagonize Annie. Making too many foes simultaneously could backfire… But if you’re brave and want to be as much of a bad guy as possible… here are some suggestions that I mark as orange.

– 1) install some order

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) Make your dissatisfaction known.

– 2) Look to exploit this

– 3) Time to get my wicked on…

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) i will have respect on this ship!

– 2) ask about the refit

– 3) berate her for the condition of the ship

Crewroom (Chris)

– 1) Complain about the crew

– 2) protest your importance

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) talk to her

– 2) no. If anything i didn’t go far enough

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) She can’t talk to me like that

– 2) Something mild


– 1) Trust Chris. She can fly us in.

o You don’t get to choose if Chris doesn’t think you’re trustworthy. If you got on Annie’s bad side, who knows what would happen if you chose to trust her…

Sarah (Male Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Sarah (Male Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

You’re trying to blackmail Sarah

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus)

– 1) Ask some questions

– 2) what do scientists actually do?

– 3) Ask about the second project

The rest is up to you.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you.

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you.

You found out about what Marcus is working on.

Chapter 3

No specific recommendations for this route in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you, but if you want to go on the mission visit Marcus first. (A)

(A) Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– (A) 1) I Wanted a private word with Sarah.

– (A) 2) I need Davis for a mission.

(A) Mission: Oasis Recon Up to you

Alternatively, keep an eye on the laundry and go there when Sarah’s icon is present.

(B) Laundry (Sarah)

Showers – You might want to check out this location, if you haven’t already.

– 1) Inspect Showers

– 2) Use Toolbox (Vulcan Laser Cutter)

– 3) Make the Hole – Pranks are fun! (H)

Showers (Sarah) At dusk, Sarah’s icon appears there…

– (H) 1) Turn off the Lights and Stay

– (H) 2) Peek…

– (H) 3) Peek…

– (H) 4) Peek…

– …

– (H) 5) Stay Perfectly Still.

(H) You made the most of the shower…

Sarah (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1


– 1) Be casual

– 2) Play along

– 3) Flirt it up

– 4) Flirt it up more.


– 1) Be just as casual back

– 2) Disagree


– 1) Accept it is what it is

Engineering – How you deal with Annie is up to you.

Crewroom – How you deal with Chris is up to you.


You can talk about all the topics with Annie, but the most important small talk here is the weapons station.

– 1) Small talk

– 2) The weapons station

– 3) Yes

– 4) Give her a chance

– 5) Tell Her


– 1) Small talk

– 2) Express genuine interest/Suggest something more challenging

o Either way is good, but you’ll learn more about her with some suggestions.

– 3) Encourage it

– 4) It was funny

– 5) Accept /vr games aren’t really my thing

o Choose whatever of her suggestions do you find interesting, or neither if you don’t want to play any games with her. And perhaps make a save here, it might be worth trying both options in the future.


You got an invite from Sarah to play games

Sarah (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Sarah (Female Romance) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus) – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you until night.

(VR) Living Quarters (Sarah)

– 1) find out more about gloria

– 2) tell her / don’t tell her

– 4) Hell, why not… / not my thing (Coc)

(Coc) Mess (Sarah)

– 1) Wizard

– 2) Praise her / warn her

– 3) Thief / Warrior

– 4) find out why

– 5) find out more about gloria

– 6) Ask about the figures

– Making a save at the start of the dungeon is recommended. Don’t save during combat, dice rolls won’t change upon loading if you do. Play CoC as you wish – you (probably) don’t need to win. My only tip is to drink from fountains. Good luck!

– 7) i liked it / i think it needs some work / not for me, sorry (VR) Your Room (Chris) – Up to you

(VR) You’re going to be „mega-heroic“!

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris)

– 1) Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out there.


– 1) Take Sarah.

Rescue Mission

– 1) Let Her Continue

– 2) Ignore it and follow the route (A) / take the shortcut (B)

(A) Following the Route

– 1) Make Conversation.

(B) The Tunnel

– 1) Agree with Sarah’s idea.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Free Roam – Up to you.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

(VR) Living Quarters (Sarah)

– 1) I’m playing VR.

– 2) Fight the Avatar

– 3) Make the fight easier / Leave it as it is.

– 4) Stay

– 5) Tell Sarah about „Vampy / Don’t Tell. (V)

(COC) Mess (Sarah)

Recommendations for this subroute will be will be added after the release of a patch. Unfortunately, there’s a bug that can cause her affection for the MC plummet and thus, for example, unable a possibility of her approaching the MC with a request for a “special”

adventure during the side mission. I recommend not playing CoC with her until it gets fixed. If you played CoC in Chapter Three, you’ll need to load an earlier save and play it again when it’s fixed.

You went and rescued Walker.

(B) You made your first kill…

(VR) Babe got banged“

(BUM) You showed Sarah your bum…

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

(B) (P) Hallway (Sarah)

– 1) Find out more.

– 2) Let her Explain.

– 3) What is she proposing?

– 4) Agree to do this.

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you, but I recommend going on the mission for Marcus first.

Biology Lab (Marcus)

– 1) I’m here for the mission briefing.

Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– 1) I Wanted a private word with Sarah.

– 2) Be Careful?

– 2) I need Davis for a mission.

– 3) Pollen Collecting

– (B) 4) Get the Tritanium

Mission: Oasis Reacon

Ask anything you want during the journey.

– (B) 1) Alright, let’s do this.

– (B) 2) Sarah will be fine… / Sarah shouldn’t be left alone.

Hallway (Sarah) If you asked Sarah about your orders, she interrupts you later that afternnon.

– 2) Ask to hear her opinion anyway.

Showers (Sarah) At dusk, Sarah’s icon appears there…

– 1) Find out what happened…

(VR) Sarah’s Room (Sarah)

– 1) Watch the joys of Channel Seven News!

If you win the VR game…

– (V) (BOBE) 1) Struggle Cuddle Time! / Leave

If you lose the VR game…

– (V) (BABE) 1) Bring on the Orcs! / Leave

– (V) (BABE) 2) Ask why they are called the Ugg twins.

– 3) Alright.

(Coc) Mess (Sarah)

Recommendations for this subroute will be will be added after the release of a patch. Unfortunately, there’s a bug that can cause her affection for the MC plummet and thus, for example, unable a possibility of her approaching the MC with a request for a “special”

adventure during the side mission. I recommend not playing CoC with her until it gets fixed. If you played CoC in Chapter Three, you’ll need to load an earlier save and play it again when it’s fixed.

(BJ Sarah had a close encounter…

(VJ (BABEJ You had sex in VR as the female character.

Sarah (Female Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Hangar (Sarah)

– 1) Have an ensign for breakfast

– 2) Push it further

Engineering (Annie)

At this point, it’s better not to antagonize Annie. Making too many foes simultaneously could backfire… But if you’re brave and want to be as much of a bad guy possible… here are some suggestions that I mark as yellow.

– 1) install some order

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) Make your dissatisfaction known.

– 2) Look to exploit this

– 3) Time to get my wicked on…

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) i will have respect on this ship!

– 2) ask about the refit

– 3) berate her for the condition of the ship

Crewroom (Chris)

– 1) Complain about the crew

– 2) protest your importance

Engineering (Annie)

– 1) talk to her

– 2) no. If anything i didn’t go far enough

Crewroom (Sarah)

– 1) She can’t talk to me like that

– 2) Something mild

You’re trying to blackmail Sarah

Sarah (Female Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Sarah (Female Blackmail) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Gate (Joneses) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus)

– 1) Ask some questions

– 2) what do scientists actually do?

– 3) Ask about the second project

The rest is up to you.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Power Plant (Trisha) – Up to you

Free Roam Up to you.

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you.

You found out about what Marcus is working on.

Chapter 3

No specific recommendations for this route in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you, but if you want to go on the mission visit Marcus first. (A)

– (A) 1) I’m here for the mission briefing.

(A) Vanguard (Annie, Sarah)

– (A) 1) I Wanted a private word with Sarah.

– (A) 2) I need Davis for a mission.

(A) Mission: Oasis Recon Up to you

Alternatively, if you don’t go on a mission, keep an eye on the laundry and go there when Sarah’s icon is present.

(B) Laundry (Sarah)

Showers (Sarah, Annie) – Go there at dusk.

Kelly – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Play as you wish. If you don’t mind femdom content

with Chris, I recommend following that route. (D)


– (D) 1) Trust Annie. That brake

needs to be closed.

Airlock (Chris)

– (D) 1) Yes

– (D) 2) See where this is going

– (D) 3) Squeeze

(D) Chris is going to try and „train“ you…

Chapter 2

You don’t meet Kelly until Chapter Three, but first

choices that are about her start here.

Airfield (Chris)

– 1) Challenge her attitude

– (M) 2) Push it

– (M) 3) Accept the Wager!

– (F) 2) Never been tempted / might have been / I’m usually the one…

Rest of the Chapter is up to you.

(D) Your Room (Chris)

Up to you to choose your trait.

– (D) 1) Be Contrite / Be Defensive

– (D) 2) Climb down the rabbit hole

– (D) 3) It’s a trap! / I can handle this

– (D) 4) i can’t win…

– (D) 5) pass the cage over

(D) You gave control to Chris

You made a wager with Chris.

Chapter 3

Kelly – Heavy five Walkthrough

Kelly – Heavy five Walkthrough

Hallway (Chris) – Up to you

Parade – Up to you

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Mess (Kelly) Go there after you or Kelly returns from the mission.

Gym (Kelly, Chris)

– 1) Stay to the end

– 1) Stay

The rest offree roam is up to you.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

(D) Your Room (Chris) It’s in your hands. 😉

You may get up to four deals, if you request it, as part of this and/or future sessions.

(D) Chris might ask you if Kelly has better boobs than Trisha. If you concur and don’t find any problems with anything Chris says next, then you may be offered a deal to obtain Kelly’s pictures for Chris. If this doesn’t happen, for the purpose of this path I recommend reloading the session.

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly)

– 1) But a guess is all it would have been / Agreed

– 2) No

– 3) Chris is right / she could be right or wrong.

– 4) Prove it’s safe.

– 5) Turn it up.

– 6) Turn it to the max…

– 7) Yes.

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you, but I recommend going to see Kelly in the Control Tower first. Keep an eye on the gym and go there when Chris is present.

Control Tower (Kelly)

– 1) I Wanted a Quick Word…

– (D) 2) Try to get Some Pictures…

– 3) …power bus / …network systems

Gym (Chris, Kelly)

– 1) What do you mean by what you said?

Your Room (Chris) – You can inform her of your discoveries, if you made any while roaming around the station.

– (D) 1) Bring it on!

o As the domme session has a random element to it, save a game before it starts, and reload it if the topic of Kelly doesn’t come up. You must have convinced Kelly earlier to send you pictures.

Trisha (White Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Play as you wish.

Chapter 2

Airfield (Chris) – Up to you

Hallway (Marcus)

How you deal with Marcus is up to you.

Learning as much information as possible

about him and his wife might not be a bad


Power Plant

How you deal with Mike and your job is up to you.

– 1) Be Modest / Be Confident / Be Boastful

– 2) Let’s keep my options open for now / fuck it. She’s hot! Free Roam Up to you.

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you.

You got an invite from Trisha

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris) – Up to you

Parade – Up to you

Rescue Mission (Chris/Sarah) – Up to you, if you volunteer to go.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Geology Lab (Trisha)

– 1) Disturb her.

– 2) Ask about the mining

– 3) Sure (A) / I’d Better not. (b)

– 4) Ask about the samples.

– 5) Offer to repair the MRI

– 6) Talk about other matters.

Freeroam – Up to you, but I recommend visiting Trisha again later.

Trisha (White Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Trisha (White Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Biology Lab (Marcus)

– 1) „I have some questions… “

– 1) How is your work progressing?

o You might be invited for dinner with Marcus and Trisha, depending on what you might have said about his research in Ch. 2. (D) At this point, I’m not sure about the significance of this course towards Trisha’s path, so it’s marked as non-essential. Feel free to ask him about anything else.

(A) Geology Lab (Trisha)

No choices to make.

(B) Geology Lab (Trisha)

– Agree to go to the mine. / Stop this.

– Agree to go to the mine. / Stop her.

– Agree to go to the mine. / Stop her.

– Agree to go to the mine. / Call her bluff.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

You agreed to go to the mine…

You have a dinner invite…

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you. But don’t forget about Trisha’s mission.

Geology Lab (Trisha)

– 1) What are you doing?

– 2) I’m here for the mission briefing

Mission: MRI Parts (Trisha)

– 1) Ask about her and marcus.

– 2) Yes.

– 3) Ask why she’s stayed / Ask about the MRI Parts

– 4) Yes. / I’D prefer to move on to the „really interesting“.

– 5) Yes.

– 6) Hell, why not…

– 7) I rather think I do / You’re stunning

(D) Hallway (Marcus, Trisha) If you accepted Marcus’s dinner invitation.

– 1) Confirm dinner Tomorrow

The rest of the Chapter is up to you.

You’re taking part in a heist!

You had sex with Trisha.

Trisha (Black Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Play as you wish.

(A) Alternative path in Ch.2 will take place if you have

invitation from Annie to go drinking. See Annie’s route

if you don’t know how. Generally, just being friendly

with her and talking about Ophion with Chris, should be

enough, you don’t need to show interest in her.

Chapter 2

Airfield – Up to you


How you deal with Marcus is up to you. Learning as much information as possible about him and his wife might not be a bad idea.

Power Plant

How you deal with Mike and your job is up to you.

– 1) Accept the offer

Free Roam – Up to you until night

Lounge (Trisha) Go meet her

(A) Lounge (Annie)

– 1) ask about repairs to the vanguard / small talk

– 2) Ask annie to leave

Your Room (Chris) – Up to you.

You got an invite from Trisha

Chapter 3

Hallway (Chris) – Up to you

(A) Hallway (Chris) – If you went drinking with Trisha and Annie, I recommend volunteering.

– Volunteer. We can’t leave someone out there.

Parade – Up to you

Airfield (Annie)

Trisha (Black Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

Trisha (Black Male) – Heavy five Walkthrough

– 1) Be Sarcastic. / Be truthful.

Rescue Mission (Chris/Sarah) – Up to you, if you volunteer to go.

Power Plant (Mike) – Up to you

Geology Lab (Trisha)

– 1) Disturb her.

– 2) Mention the Reward

– 3) Ask about the mining

– 4) Sure

– 5) Ask about the samples.

– 6) Offer to repair the MRI

– 7) Talk about other matters.

Freeroam – Up to you, but I recommend visiting Trisha again later.

Biology Lab (Marcus)

– 1) „I have some questions… “

– 1) How is your work progressing?

o You might be invited for dinner with Marcus and Trisha, depending on what you might have said about his research in Ch. 2. At this point, I’m not sure about the significance of this course towards Trisha’s path, so it’s marked as non-essential. Feel free to ask him about anything else.

Geology Lab (Trisha)

No choices to make, unless you haven’t agreed to go to the mine.

Roof (Amanda) – Up to you

You agreed to go to the mine…

You have a dinner invite…

Chapter 4

Mess (Chris, Kelly) – Up to you

Amanda’s Office (Amanda) – Up to you

Your Room Up to you

Plant (Mike, Kelly) Up to you

Freeroam – Up to you. But don’t forget about Trisha’s mission.

Geology Lab (Trisha)

– 1) What are you doing?

– 2) I’m here for the mission briefing

Mission: MRI Parts (Trisha)

– 1) Ask about her and marcus.

– 2) Yes.

– 3) Ask why she’s stayed / Ask about the MRI Parts

– 4) Yes.

– 5) Yes.

(D) Hallway (Marcus, Trisha) If you accepted Marcus’s dinner invitation.

– 1) Confirm dinner Tomorrow

The rest of the Chapter is up to you.

You’re taking part in a heist!

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