Indecent Desires Walkthrough

Indecent Desires Walkthrough

Here’s Indecent Desires walkthrough,Best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Game Version: v0.23b

INTRO – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» You wake up in your room and meet Sarah in the kitchen.

» Touch her ass and Sarah is going to tease you a little but in the end she is going to kick you out of the house (game ends).

» If you peek under her robe you get to see her panties and the game continues.

» The chat with Sarah gives you more information about the story.

» Chat with the girls on the terrace.

» You get to see Sarah masturbate in the bath and after at the shower.

» Starts with Sarah at the shower. If you take a picture with her you she gets +1 Obedience that is going to affect the story later. If you don‘t take a picture with her you get to see the full picture and a little bit different chat.

» You are in the living room and you can go to your room or to the beach. If you go to your room you have the option to go to bathroom where you can take a bath, masturbate and imagine Sarah.

» After the bath scene you go to the beach where you meet Trevor and Karina.

» Chat with Trevor gives you more info about the story and his personality.

» When you talk with Trevor about the university you get a chance to Defend Sarah or not.

» If you chose to Defend Sarah you get +1 Respect with Trevor. Else you are going to get

+1 Disdain from his side later when he finds out you lied.

» The conversation with Trevor about Sarah, Kate and Monique is going to change accordingly to what you decided.

» Trevor leave and you are with Karina on the beach.

» If you ask her for a blowjob directly she is going into her knees, roleplay for a little bit but after she’ll crush your balls and the game ends. You get two different images and a few lines.

» If you give her the blunt and ask for nothing else then you get +1 Affection and the story changes slightly for now.

» If you ask for a hand job in the beginning you are not going to have the option to play with her boobs or see her on her knees.

» Play with Karina’s boobs and she gets +1 Lust

» Ask for a hand job and Karina gets +1 Depravity

» If you want to see all the action you need to do this: I am going to play with your boobs

/ Get on your knees / Give me a hand job / Give me a blowjob.

» While Karina gives you a blowjob you can force your cock deeper and you get the appropriate animation but you also get +1 Hate from Karina.

» You have 3 options to finish. You can‘t go wrong here. For each option you get different images and chat.

» If you chose to finish in her mouth you have the option to tell her to swallow. You get new images and +1 Hate from Karina.

» Trevor comes and he is going to punch you. You cannot avoid this.

» If you punch him back you get +1 Respect and the story changes.

» If you don‘t punch him he is going to treat you with disrespect and you get +1 Disdain. He is going to kick you out of the bar a little bit later. If he kicks you out of the bar, you find yourself on the beach with your own thoughts, and you will meet the girls on the beach but you won‘t get the alternative route.

» Stay and watch gives you +1 Respect with Trevor.

» If you punch Trevor you can mock him to fuck Karina’s throat.

» If you punch Trevor you get invited for a 3 some.

» If you decide to leave when invited for a 3 some, Trevor is going to cum in Karina’s mouth (different image) and he’ll chat with you.

» If you decide to leave at any time and you have +2 Respect with Trevor you get the alternative route that gives you the option to spy on Monique and see her naked.

» When you spy on Monique you can take a photo of her naked. That is going to give you

+1 Obedience from her side. You can still choose to masturbate, but you’ll get caught. You get 2 new images and some chat before sequence ends.

» If you chose not to take a picture you can masturbate once, but if you go faster you’ll get caught and get 2 new images and some chat before sequence ends.

» While you give Kate a massage you can ask her if you can massage her ass or not. If you ask, you’ll get +1 Affection and if you don‘t ask you get +1 Lust

» When you give Kate a massage you have the option to compliment her feet or her ass. You can chose whichever, but the game is going to take note of what you pick in the end. You won’t see the impact of it this episode, but specific content will be available in future episodes.

» Monday morning you need to check your phone for messages before you can go to the University.

» More interaction with the computer and in the bathroom is going to be added in future chapters.

» If you are rude to Aiko, you get +1 Hate / +1 Obedience from Aiko and +1 Hate from Kate. Kate is going to send you away and you get to sit near Karina.

» If you are nice to Aiko, you get +1 Affection from Aiko and +1 Affection from Kate. Kate is going to invite you to sit near Aiko and you get a new scene.

» If you put your hand between Aiko legs you will get +1 Lust with Aiko.

» Give Aiko a compliment, and you get +1 Affection with Aiko.

» Sarah sleeps in the living room. You can pull her t-shirt down and see her boobs. Your decision is going to have an impact later in the game, as Sarah may realize what you did after you left the room.

» At the lake you see Aiko and Kate’s love scene.

» If you get closer and peep you are going to get the full scene. Aiko and Kate get +1 Lust as they don‘t really believe you that you weren’t spying on them.

» You also get the chance to take a picture that can be used later to blackmail them.

» If you let them know you are there, Aiko and Kate get +1 Affection but you don‘t see the full scene.

» If you stay with Kate at the lake you’ll have a chat with her and she’ll ask you to keep the secret to yourself. If you keep the secret, Kate gets +1 Affection. Else Kate gets

+1 Obedience.

» If you go home with Aiko and you have the picture of her and Kate, you can blackmail her. If you blackmail her, Aiko gets +1 Hate. If you decide to keep the image for yourself Aiko gets +1 Affection.

» In your room if you go to bathroom and decide to masturbate while taking a bath you can fantasize about Sarah or Aiko.

» Talk with Elizabeth and she’ll send you to Monique’s office.

» Once you get to Monique’s office you observe the door is open but you have the option to knock at the door, or enter. There is not a big difference, just a few different chat lines in both scenarios.

» If you want Monique to get +1 Lust, follow this path in conversation:

» “I bet most guys have fantasies after they visit you!”

» “You are one sexy doctor Monique.”

» If you want Monique to get +1 Affection follow this path in conversation:

» “They do?!”

» “That’s normal, you are a very attractive woman, Monique.” Later while you are on the medical bed you’ll have 2 options:

» If you want Monique to get +1 Lust, follow this path in conversation:

» “Have a hard-on in front of her”

» Following the other path she’ll finish the exam and no points are affected.

» If you have a hard-on she’s going to press with her fingernail on your cock. You have here 2 options and the game is going to remember these options for later. Monique is going to act accordingly.

» “OUCH!” – You don‘t like it

» “MMMM!” – You like it

» After you finish the medical exam Monique asks you to close the door on the way out and you’ll have 2 options.

» If you leave the door open you can spy on Monique, otherwise you don‘t have a chance to spy on her.

» If you leave the door open there is a little dialog about the logo, but with no impact on the game. The logo represents boobs upside down 🙂

» At any point you can decide to go home and you will meet with Elizabeth in front of the clinic on your way home.

» If Monique has at least 2 points of Lust she is going to masturbate in the office…

» If she has less than 2 points of Lust she is going to keep working…

» If you want to get the full scene with Monique – (2 nice animations with her masturbating) do as follows:

» You start to spy on Monique. Once you hear the first sound on the corridor you check the corridor and get back to spying. When you hear the second sound you need to check the corridor and even check the door. After you check the door, you go back to spying on her and you’ll see her in a different position…

» You meet with Elizabeth in front of the clinic. There is a little bit of chat and you have the option to invite her for a coffee or go home. If you decide to invite her for a coffee she tells you that she is married.

» Tell her the ring is not a problem, Elizabeth gets +1 Lust.

» Tell her that she’s very beautiful, Elizabeth gets +1 Affection.

» Tell her that the ring is not a problem you have 2 other options:

» “Damn baby, I wanna eat Thanksgiving dinner off that ass” this option gives Elizabeth

+1 Lust and she is going to rub her ass on your cock (by mistake). lol

» “No, I wasn’t staring at your ass” this option will give Elizabeth +1 Affection.

» After that she wants to kiss you (on your cheek) but you will have the option to chose to go for her lips.

» If Elizabeth has +2 Lust or more you are going to kiss her on the mouth otherwise even if you chose to kiss her on the lips she’s going to turn her head. 😛

» After this you go home and the navigation system is implemented. You are free to move around the house.

» You are in your room but before you leave, you need to go to bathroom and take a piss.

» After that you’ll find Sarah and Aiko in the Outdoor Bathroom.

» At any point you can close the door and leave.

» If you go inside and spy on them:

» If you take a picture of them Sarah and Aiko get +1 Obedience each…

» If you choose to masturbate, you get 2 options:

» Hide or let Sarah see you. In case you let her see you, there is going to be an end game scene, but I really encourage you to save and play it, if you like that kind of stuff.

Sarah makes Aiko suck your cock, but there is some mean chat. You’ll get a nice animation with Sarah pushing Aiko to suck your cock and cum on/in her face/mouth… After that the game ends.

» If you hide while you masturbate you get to see the rest of the scene with Sarah and Aiko.

» Check the sound in the living room and head to the terrace after that where you will find Aiko.

» Put your hand on Aiko‘s arm and she gets +1 Affection.

» Put your hand on Aiko‘s thighs and she gets +1 Lust.

» After the scene with Aiko on the terrace, if you go to the Outdoor Bathroom you will find Sarah sleeping.

» You enter the bathroom and check out the pills. Take a picture of the label to remember the name of the pills.

» You are going to have multiple options in this scene where you can decide to leave and I presume the result is obvious.

» The right path to get the full scene is to:

» Masturbate

» Stroke Faster – that will get you more excited and more willing to risk.

» Squeeze her boobs.

» And here you will have the option to cum all over Sarah‘s face or her boobs. Each option is going to give you a different scene.

» The game is going to remember if you cum on her face or her boobs and is going to give you different scenes later in the game.

» Taking a picture of Sarah’s cum plastered face is going to give you some perverted ideas and you can follow it or leave if you don‘t like it.

» Following the entire scene (spread cum on her lips) will give Sarah +1 Lust.

» After the scene with Sarah in the bathroom you need to go back to your bedroom (keep using BACK button, will get you straight there)

» The first option that is going to have a big impact while you are with Aiko in your room is whether you CLOSE the DOOR or not. This is a rather large ramification and is going to give you two full separate scenes.

» I suggest you to save and play both of them.

» In both ramifications the night is pretty similar (you can be a gentleman and let Aiko sleep or play with her body a little bit.)

» If you play with her boobs, rub your cock on her panties and you didn‘t cum in the bathroom with Sarah there is going to be a little bit of precum on Aiko panties from your cock.

» If you left the door open:

» You’ll have a fight with Kate. Aiko wakes up.

» If you want to have fun and make a joke with Kate about last night, Aiko and Kate are going to get +1 Hate.

» If you calm down Kate and tell her that nothing happened, Aiko and Kate get‘s

+1 Affection.

» After Kate leaves you have the option to talk with Aiko about last night or compliment her.

» Compliment Aiko, and she gets +1 Affection.

» If you decide to talk about last night (scene with Sarah):

» You tell her to go to police and Aiko gets +1 Hate

» You tell her you can talk with Sarah and Aiko gets +1 Affection. If you closed the door:

» Wake up in the morning and you have the option to:

» Cover yourself and Aiko gets +1 Affection

» Don‘t cover yourself and Aiko gets + 1 Lust

» Kate is coming, you go to bathroom where Aiko is naked and after a chat Kate leaves.

» After Kate leaves you have the option to talk with Aiko about last night, or compliment her.

» Compliment Aiko and she gets +1 Affection.

» If you decide to talk about last night (scene with Sarah):

» You tell her to go to police and Aiko gets +1 Hate.

» You tell her you can talk with Sarah and Aiko gets +1 Affection.

» You can meet Sarah on your way to the Main Area, in the Entrance Hallway.

» Pick up Sarah’s purse, and you’ll get 2 options:

» Compliment Sarah‘s high heels for +1 Lust.

» Compliment Sarah‘s purse for +1 Affection.

» If you pretend you didn‘t hear Sarah and leave, she gets +1 Hate

» You can check out her booty or her high heels while she moves away to get a new image, but no points here.

» Next you can find Monique in the Gym.

» Look at Monique‘s ass while she exercises, for a set of new images and +1 Lust.

» Later you can look at Monique‘s bouncing boobs while she exercises for another image with her boobs and +1 Lust.

» After the scene with Monique you need to go back to your room and call Lysa using the laptop.

» Chat with Lysa and she let you know that she sent you $100. You’ll see the money in your wallet.

» If you made Sarah lick your fingers in the bathroom, the MC is going to have some naughty thoughts.

» You can give nice gifts to get points, or you can spend all your money on hookers 🙂 it will be up to you in the future.

» After you chat with Lysa you should take a Nap.

» You need to go to Kate’s room.

» You can knock on the door, or enter directly, it doesn‘t have any impact here.

» Once you are in Kate‘s room, you can go to her personal bathroom. Pay attention that going straight inside or knocking at the door will change Kate’s behavior, attribute points and also the option to spy on her or not after you leave the bathroom.

» Knock at the door:

She is friendly and she gets +1 Affection

» If the door was open while you were sleeping with Aiko last night and Kate caught you with Aiko in the morning, she is going to be very angry at the end of the scene, else she’s more friendly. 🙂

» You don‘t get the chance to spy on her.

» Enter without knocking

She is kinda angry in the beginning, and she gets +1 Hate and +1 Lust a little bit later.

If the door was open while you were sleeping with Aiko last night and Kate caught you with Aiko in the morning, she’s going to be very angry at the end of the scene, else is she more friendly. 🙂

You get the option to spy on her while she bends over to pick up the brush, and you get a nice glimpse underneath her towel. 🙂

» After you chat with Kate in her bathroom, meet Sarah. She is drinking wine in the Casual Lounge. (from the main area, under the stairs).

» Go to sleep (click on the bed)

» In the morning meet Kate at the entrance corridor on the way to the Kitchen.

» Meet Aiko in the Kitchen.

» Go to the pool and spy on the girls.

» You can decide to leave at any point if you don‘t like the scene.

» After the pool scene, you need to sleep before the party.

» When you wake up, go to the pool for the party.

» Drink a shot with Karina and she gets +1 Lust.

» Don‘t drink the shot with Karina, and Monique will get +1 Affection.

» Choose to talk with Kate, Aiko and Larissa.

If you chose not to bring the girls some drinks, Aiko gets +1 Hate

» You can choose to talk with Monique

» Put in a good word for Trevor, and Monique gets +1 Lust

» Double cross Trevor, and Monique gets +1 Affection

» Say Yes to Trevor when he asks if you spoke with Monique about him, and Trevor gets +1 Respect

» Say No to Trevor when he asks if you spoke with Monique about him, and Trevor gets

+1 Disdain

» Karina’s scene at the beach:

» If Karina has +2 Lust Points, she is going to accept fucking.

You get 2 Lust points from here:

(+1 Lust from the first scene with Karina at the beach (play with her boobs) (+1 Lust from the pool scene if you drink the shot with her.)

» Cum in her mouth – Karina +1 Lust

» Cum on her feet – Karina + 1 Affection

» Cum inside her – Karina + 1 Hate

» Give her the money for the pills – Karina +1 Affection

» Don‘t give her the money for the pills – Karina +1 Hate and (Pregnancy Risk)

» If Karina has less than 2 Lust points she is going to invite you to lick her pussy:

» If you say yes – Karina gets +1 Lust point.

» You need to go to sleep after this.

Hints – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» Advance time: You can advance time by “taking a nap” (a few hours) or “sleep till next day” (advance time to next morning day) in the hero’s room, by clicking on the bed. There are different activities that will advance time like: training in the gym, masturbating in the bathtub and more will be added later.

» Glitches: This should not happen, but if someone is not where they’re supposed to be (assuming you are reading the walkthrough) or nothing is happening, try to take a nap or interact with different objects.

» Interact with Characters: You can experience the same interaction more than once and try to choose the alternative path, but the attribute points will be added only the first time you interact with the character. This way you don‘t need to save and reload every time to see what is happening. If you chose a different answer or choose to say something else. Anyhow, the attribute points will be added only the first time you run a interaction and they will contribute to the characters attitude in the long run.

» Money: You can make money by playing games on your laptop. More ways to make money will be added later.

» Find money in front of the house (Entrance) if you run out of money.

CHEATS: Start or load a game and go to Options. On the right side you will have t h e option „Attribute Cheats“. After you activate the „Attribute Cheats“ you can go to every character attributes and input the value that you want.

Please be aware that changing of character attributes might break your game or you can miss/skip some content…

» Wake up sunday morning in your room.

  • Open University

» Talk with Sarah in the Main Area.

» Talk with Kate in her room.

» If you chose to see the uniform modeling event you will need to run that in the evening (Kate Bedroom) before the University will open.

Open Clinique

» Talk with Monique in the Entrance Hallway.

Open Downtown

» Talk with Monique in her office (Clinique Office). The new location is going to be available even if you accept the „quest“ or not.

Open Service (Car Shop)

» You will receive a sms from Trevor on Monday but you will need Kate‘s car. Ask Kate for her car in her own room or at the University.

Open Elizabeth House

» You will receive a sms from Elizabeth on Friday but you will need Kate‘s car. You can visit Elizabeth on Sunday afternoon.

Open Dark Street Day

» Talk with Trevor at the Service about the Dark Street.

Open Dark Street Night

» Talk with Trevor at the Service about the Dark Street.

» Talk with Monique in her office about the training program.

» Train in the Gym (Monday morning / Wednesday afternoon / Friday morning)

Monique errand (panty liners).

» Talk with Monique in her office.

» Go to Downtown Shop (Buy a box of panty liners) – Return to Monique

Monique catch you masturbating.

» Masturbate while taking a shower more than two times. Next time you masturbate (Evening or Night only) Monique will catch you.

Kate uniform modeling scene.

» Talk with Kate in her room. „University Open“

Kate gaming scene.

» Talk with Kate in her room. „What do you do for fun?“

» After that you need to visit her in her room (Evevning)

Hooker Leyla.

» Meet her on the Dark Street everyday (morning/afternoon)

Sarah and Jessica plan.

» After the University is open spy on Sarah and Jessica in the Kitchen (evening)

  • Elizabeth sex scene.

» Visit Elizabeth house on Saturday afternoon.

  • Gia quest – adjustable key

» Finish first round of chat with Trevor and find Gia at the service repairing the car.

» Talk with Gia at the Service – “What’s new?”

» Talk with Ava at the Downtown Shop – “Adjustable Wrench”

» Talk with Sarah in her Office – “Ava Grades”

» Talk with Jessica in the Meeting Room (University) – “Ava Grades”

» Talk with Ava at the Downtown Shop – “Good news”

» Talk with Gia at the Service – “I found the tool you asked”

» Ask her money if you need them but it is going to have an impact later.

» Events in progress

(This are not the events that are going to be implemented next, but it shows that they are not finished yet. There may be other events that are going to be implemented before we are going to finish the following ones)

» Visit Kate in her room while she sleeps. (Event in progress)

» Remove the blanket

» Play with her boobs

» Play with her ass

» Visit Monique in her room while she sleeps. (Event in progress)

» Remove the blanket

» Play with her boobs

» Play with her ass

» Visit Sarah in her room while she sleeps. (Event in progress)

» Remove the blanket

» Play with her boobs

» Play with her ass

» Meet Elizabeth at the Clinique reception (Event in progress)

» Chat with Karina in the University Cafeteria (Event in progress)

» Meet Kelly at the University Pool (Event in progress)

» Try to go into the Girls Locker Room – Kelly’s not going to let you go inside (Event in progress)

» Masturbate while taking a bath. (Scene in development)

» Fantasize about: Sarah / Kate / Monique / Aiko / Jessica (Scene in development)


» NEW SCENE: First encounter with the thugs on the Dark Street

» NEW SCENE: Buy gun from Trevor (at the car shop)

» NEW SCENE: Second encounter with the thugs on the Dark Street

» NEW SCENE: Chloe (the hooker)

Once you can visit the dark street by night you will meet Chloe.

» Blowjob

» Full blowjob scene + 4 animations

» Fuck

» You need to accept to wear the handcuffs (lol)

» Full fuck scene + 9 animations

» You can chose to „force“ her to suck your cock (using the gun) but she is going to get anger and she is not going to accept to service you after that. +1 animation

» Fuck scene (2nd time)

» If you fuck with her and don‘t make her suck your cock you can return and ask for a fuck the second time and you will get +6 new animations.

» When you return you are going to have the option to fuck her tight little ass (Work in progress)

» NEW SCENE: Aiko swimming naked (Every weekday – afternoon)

» Find Aiko swimming in the pool (Home)

» Give her the towel and you get some affection

» Keep stare at her feet she invites you to give her a foot massage and lick her toes

» Blackmail her for a handjob

» This scene has multiple endings (Play as you like)

» NEW SCENE: Aiko gets her fingers stuck (Every weekday – afternoon)

» Find Aiko in Sarah‘s Bathroom (Home)

» Use lotion – she is gratefull and gives you a kiss if you have more than 5 affection points

» Pull her from behind – she gets +1 lust

» Lift her skirt – she gets some hate points depending on how you decide to act or how far you want to go

She is going to act acordingly depending on how you proceed:

If you Finger her pussy + Lick her pussy before you fuck her – she is going to enjoy it

If you don‘t Finger her pussy + Lick her pussy before you fuck her – she is going to dislike it

You should have $50 if you decide to cum inside her and want to avoid pregnancy.

The game is going to remember if you didn‘t give her the money and later (most probably if you decide to cum inside her 3 time) she is going to get pregnant 😛

» This scene has multiple endings (Play as you like)

» NEW SCENE: Monique at the pool (Saturday – Morning)

» Talk to her about everyone (Kate/Aiko/Sarah/Work/Jessica/Trevor)

» Talk with her about Sarah will open the scene with Sarah in the Sauna

» NEW SCENE: Sarah in the Sauna (Every day – evening)

» Talk with Monique at the pool (Sunday – Morning) to open this scene.

» For the first choice you should chose Affection or Lust. If you chose Hate she is going to kick you out from the sauna.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko at the university (Every weekday)

» You can now find Aiko at the university every weekday. SCENE IN PROGRESS

» NEW SCENE: Spy the girls while they are taking a shower

» Buy camera (Downtown shop)

» Install camera in the gym bathroom

» Check camera on your laptop (evening)

» Every time you get a new image – every 4th time you see them masturbating.

» Days: Kate – Monday / Wednesday Monique – Tuesday / Friday Sarah – Thursday / Saturday

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 007 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate

» Find Aiko & Kate at the University

» Scene available only after „Aiko gets her fingers stuck“ scene completed

» You can spy the girls in the library.

» NEW SCENE: Buy blunt from Trevor

» Find Trevor in the back alley of his car shop everyday afternoon

» You can buy one blunt from him every time

» NEW SCENE: Karina in the Cafeteria

» Find Karina in the University Cafeteria

» Make sure you have Blunt in your inventory and approach her

» Go smoke in the Boys Bathroom with Karina

» Repeat the event at least 3 times for every path.

Buy blunt from Trevor – Return and smoke with Karina

You have 2 options: Blackmail Her or Be Nice

I encourage you to play both ways as there are different endings / animations / conversations. You can chose your way after you see the content

Once you chose a path the second one is not going to be available. You can access the second path if you save the game before chosing one….

Blackmail her – +2 hate / +1 lust Be nice – +2 affection / +1 lust

She is going to ask you to help her blackmail Aiko in the 3rd scene of every path. Up to you what you chose but helping her blackmail Aiko will open a long series of events that are in work right now. If you decide not to help her blackmail Aiko other paths are going to open soon. If you decide not to help her you can also change your mind at a later date as you can still find her in the cafeteria and offer to help her. 😛

» This scene has multiple endings (Play as you like)

» NEW Locations: University – Girl Bathroom / Boys Bathroom

» NEW SCENE: Kate at the pool (Saturday – Afternoon)

You have 2 options: Tell her about the bra or not.

» Talk to her about everyone (Monique/Aiko/Sarah/Karina/Trevor)

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 008 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Blackmail Aiko (for picture)

» Find Aiko at the University

» Scene available only if you accept to help Karina blackmail Aiko

» 3 scenes are added depending on the attributes that you have

» if Aiko have 5+ Hate your only option is to blackmail her and make her suck your cock

» if Aiko have 6+ Lust she is going to suck your cock willingly

» if Aiko have 10+ Affection she is going to suck your cock willingly

» NEW SCENE: Bribe Kelly and go inside the girls locker room

» Buy Chocolate bar at the Downtown shop

» Talk with Kelly at the pool / give her the chocolate

» NEW SCENE: Help Karina blackmail Aiko

» Scene available only if you blackmail Aiko

» Find Karina in the University Cafeteria

» Make sure you have Blunt in your inventory and approach her

» Go smoke in the Boys Bathroom with Karina and give her the picture. She is giving you something back.

» NEW SCENE: Karina blackmails Aiko (monday – afternoon)

» Make sure you have a chocolate in your inventory.

» Talk with Kelly at the University pool. Give her the chocolate

» Go inside the girls locker room and you will see Karina/Aiko feets inside a changing room.

» Spy on them …

» This scene has multiple endings (Play as you like)

» NEW SCENE: Shopping with Kate

» Meet Kate at the University in the afternoon

» You need to have $50 if you want Affection (pay for the swimsuite)

» NEW SCENE: Shopping with Monique

» Meet Monique at the Clinique in the afternoon

» Go to the Clinique the second day and the event will start.

» You need to have $50 if you want Affection (pay for the shoes)

» NEW Locations: University – Girls Locker Room / Boys Locker Room

» There are 2 new characters in the scenes (Ivy in the shop and the lady passing Kate while shopping)


» NEW SCENE: Kate panties (fantasy)

» Go to Kate‘s bathroom, in her room

» Check the clothes basket

» Pick her panties, mastubate and have a fantasy with her.

» NEW SCENE: Monique panties (fantasy)

» Go to Monique‘s bathroom, in her room

» Check the clothes basket

» Pick her panties, mastubate and have a fantasy with her.

» NEW SCENE: Sarah panties (fantasy)

» Go to Sarah‘s bathroom, in her room

» Check the clothes basket

» Pick her panties, mastubate and have a fantasy with her.

» NEW SCENE: Train Travel (Mindy)

» Take the train while traveling from home to school

» Check right and you will see Mindy

» After the ticket controller asks for tickets you have 3 options:

» No and leave

» No and pay for her ticket (You will have a chance to invite her at the beach. There are going to be a few scenes (with Mindy and most probably Fred) that are going to be available soon if you chose this path). You will need to have $25 to chose this option.

» Yes and you are going to have some „action“

» This scene has multiple endings (Play as you like)

» NEW SCENE: Drink with Sarah

» Buy whisky ($50) from Downtown Shop

» Invite Sarah to drink with you once you have a bottle of whisky

» You can find her in her room every evening

» She needs at least 2 Affection points to accept

» After drinking with her you can go to her room and have a little bit of fun

» Rub your dick between her feets / Finger her pussy / Rub your dick on her lips

» NEW SCENE: Drink with Kate

» Buy champagne ($50) from Downtown Shop

» Invite Kate to drink with you once you have a bottle of champagne

» You can find her in her room every evening

» She needs at least 5 Affection points to accept

» After drinking with her you can go to her room and have a little bit of fun

» Rub your dick between her feets / Finger her pussy / Rub your dick on her lips

» NEW SCENE: Drink with Monique

» Buy red wine ($50) from Downtown Shop

» Invite Monique to drink with you once you have a bottle of red wine

» You can find her in her room every evening

» She needs at least 3 Affection points to accept

» After drinking with her you can go to her room and have a little bit of fun

» Rub your dick between her feets / Finger her pussy / Rub your dick on her lips

» NEW Characters: Mindy and Fred

» NEW Locations: Private Beach – New scenes are going to be available to this location soon.


» NEW SCENE: Sarah/Aiko/Alexander

» Go to Sarah room on Thursday afternoon

» This scene continue the main story. In order to run this scene you need to run the scene

„Sarah and Jessica plan“ before + you need to have the GUN in the inventory.

» You will have 2 Options:

» Spy:

» Enjoy the full scene.

» You will take a picture that is going to help you blackmail Sarah and/or Aiko in a future scene.

» Leave

» You will get back to your room and skip a part from the scene but in the end you will get back at spying as this is the main story.

» NEW SCENE: Mindy at the beach (Part 1)

» Go to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to pay the ticket and invite Mindy to the beach in the scene „Train Travel“.

» This is the first scene from a series of scenes that we are going to introduce.

» Play this scene as you like but the main triggers are as follow:

» DIRTY/Perverse: If you want the outcome of the series of scenes with Mindy to be perverse you should CHOSE the following path:

» „Show your butt to all of these old peeps“

» „I’m getting naked too“

» Soft: If you want the outcome of the series of scenes with Mindy to be soft then you should NOT CHOSE one of the options:

» „Show your butt to all of these old peeps“

» „I’m getting naked too“

» NEW SCENE: Mindy at the beach (Part 2)

» Go to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to buy a LOTION from the Downtown Shop.

» Play this scene as you like

» NEW SCENE: Mindy at the beach (Part 3)

» Go to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to buy a LOTION from the Downtown Shop.

» and a blunt from Trevor (visit Trevor at the car shop in the afternoon)

» Play this scene as you like

» NEW SCENE: Blackmail Sarah in the evening

» You need to have the picture from the scene with Sarah/Aiko/Alexander

» Visit Sarah in her bedroom in the evening and Blackmail her

» Play this scene as you like

» HINT! If you run this scene you are not going to be able to run some other scenes (Blackail Sarah at night and/or Blackmail Aiko (this scene is going to be introduced in the next release (most likely)))

» NEW SCENE: Blackmail Sarah at night

» You need to have the picture from the scene with Sarah/Aiko/Alexander

» Visit Sarah in her bedroom in the evening and invite her to drink something (you need to have a bottle of whiskey and enough affection points for this)

» After you drink with Sarah, go to her room at night

» Rub your cock on her lips and you will have the option to „Put your cock in her mouth“

» Play this scene as you like

» HINT! If you run this scene you are not going to be able to run some other scenes (Blackail Sarah in the evening and/or Blackmail Aiko (this scene is going to be introduced in the next release (most likely)))

» NEW Location: Private Beach

» OTHER: Added new menu in Sarah Evening event

» If you go to her room you can check her ass or boobs

» NEW Avoid Chloe in the scene – Karina blackmails Aiko

» Because some of you guys complained about the interaction with Chloe in the scene „Karina blackmails Aiko“, that was unavoidable, we setup a route that will allow you to avoid the interaction with Chloe but still enjoy the scene. To access this path you will need to buy the gun from Trevor before this scene. Simply select the option: „Pull the gun out“ while talking with Chloe in the girls lockeroom.

» The scene Sarah/Aiko/Alexander now gives +1 Obedience to Sarah and +1 Obedience to Aiko

» If you played ALPHA version already you should notice +2 Obedience points added when you run the game first time.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 011 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Mindy at the beach (Part 4)

» Go to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to buy a LOTION from the Downtown Shop. and a blunt from Trevor (visit Trevor at the car shop in the afternoon)

» Play this scene as you like

» NEW SCENE: Mindy at the beach (Part 5)

» Go to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to buy a LOTION from the Downtown Shop. and a blunt from Trevor (visit Trevor at the car shop in the afternoon)

» You may want to save the game before:

» “You wonder if this is getting to be too much. Do you say anything?”

» “Yes”

» MC and Mindy get‘s back into cabana and start to fuck.

» Monique catch you.

» This scene is going to open a new path with Monique.

» Play this scene as you like

» “No (Extreme/Fetish content)”

» Chosing this path is going to advance the „action“.

» Reverse cuckold style scene where MC is the bull.

» Play this scene as you like

» NEW SCENE: Blackmail Aiko (Fuck Kate)

» You need to have the picture from the scene with Sarah/Aiko/Alexander

» You need to have the picture from the scene where Karina blackmails Aiko

» Aproach Aiko on the school corridor

» New location added (Aiko‘s Apartment) on the map

» Visit Aiko at home in the afternoon

» NEW SCENE: Talk with Trevor (Fuck Kate)

» Visit Trevor at the Car Service and ask about a Strap-on

» NEW SCENE: Talk with Gia (Fuck Kate)

» This scene is available only after you finish the quest: (adjustable wrench)

» Talk with Gia and ask her about a Strap-on

» You are going to set a date to meet at the Beach Cabana (Friday – Afternoon)

» NEW SCENE: Gia at the beach (Fuck Kate)

» Go at the Beach Cabana on Friday Afternoon and Relax

» Play this scene as you like

» NEW SCENE: Gia gives you the Strap-on (Fuck Kate)

» Visit Gia at the service the second day (afternoon) after the Beach scene.

» NEW SCENE: Talk with Aiko at the University (Fuck Kate)

» Talk with Aiko at the University after you got the dildo from Gia.

» NEW SCENE: Visit Aiko at home (Fuck Kate)

» Visit Aiko at home (afternoon) after you talked to her at the University.

» NEW Location: Aiko‘s Apartment

» Resolved an issue where the items was not removed from inventory.

» Advance time at the beach.

You can now advance the time while you are at the beach cabana. (Relax)

» Gia received some love and her appearance was slightly changed.

You will need to finish the following quests in order to see her new look: Quest from Gia (adjustable wrench)

Buy a gun from Trevor Get the dildo from Gia

» The part with Monique from the scene Mindy at the beach (Part 5) was added only in the final version. If you played the Alpha version you may want to replay that scene.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 012 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Blackmail Aiko (Fuck Kate)

» Go to Aiko‘s apartment in the afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you need to have the key to Aiko‘s apartment in your Inventory

» Play this scene as you like

» MINI SCENEs: Advance after Blackmail Aiko (Fuck Kate)

» The girls (Aiko and Kate) are not going to talk with you if you aproach them at the University.

» You first need to talk with Kate in her room in the evening.

» Talk with Aiko at the University in the afternoon.

» More content on this path is under development.

» NEW SCENE: Monique at the Beach (Massage)

» Go to the beach on Wednesday afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to buy a BabyOil from the Downtown Shop.

» Relax at the beach pod (cabana) in the afternoon and Monique will come.

» Play this scene as you like


» Talk with Trevor at the service in the morning. (Jet-Ski)

» Agree to bring him a picture with Monique‘s boobs.

» Visit Monique in her room at night

» Remove blanket – Play with her boobs – Take picture

» Talk with Trevor at the service in the morning. (Jet-Ski)

» Give Trevor the picture and he is going to deliver the jet-ski to the beach.

» Talk with Monique at the Clinique

» Talk with Monique and invite her to join you for a jet-ski ride.

» NEW SCENE: Monique at the Beach (Jet-Ski)

» Go to the beach in the afternoon.

» In order to run this scene you will need to click on the JetSki and „Wait for Monique“

» Play this scene as you like

» This scene is going to be updated in the next release. You are going to have a button to resume the action from where you left.

» NEW SCENE: Monique at the Beach (Jet-Ski) (CONTINUATION)

» This is valid only if you played ver. 012 and you want to continue the quest otherwise the scene will run in one piece.

» Go to the MC bedroom – click on the bed – chose:

Continue Monique Jet-Ski scene

» “Stay on the beach” (+3 Affection)

» “Go into the forest”

» “Let her continue” (+3 Hate)

» “Stop her” (+1 Hate +1 Affection +1 Lust)

» Every path has different outcomes and you get different attributes points.

» Play this scene as you like.

» I suggest you play all the paths and decide wich one to follow after.

» Enjoy!

» NEW SCENE: Fuck Chloe

» Meet Chloe on the Dark Street in the evening or at night.

» „How about a fuck? ($100)“

» This should be the second time you ask for a fuck from Chloe.

» „Fuck her boipussy“

» “Rub her cock”

» Chosing this option is going to open a new path: „Suck her cock“

» “Fuck the slut (Extreme content)“

» Check next page for this path

» “Suck her cock”

» “I like being humiliated (Extreme content)”

» Chosing this option is going to open a new path

» “Not interested”

» “Tell me more”

» “Accept to be Chloe‘s slut”

» Chosing this will change your relationship with Chloe and she is not going to accept to offer you her services. More content can be added on this path if you guys like it. Expect a poll soon on patreon and subscribestar.

» “Fuck this! She is insane!”

» Chosing this will „close the path“ but can be accessed again by talking with Chloe on the Dark Street and chosing the option „Work“

» “I don‘t like being humiliated”

» “Fuck her ass”

» “Fuck her asshole without lube”

» Scene ends

» “Lick her ass”

» “Fuck her ass“

» Scene ends

» “Stick your tongue inside her asshole“

» “Fuck her ass“

» Scene ends

» “Fuck the slut (Extreme content)“

» “Fuck her mouth“

» “Cum in her throat“

» Scene ends

» “Finger her boipussy“

» “Fistfuck her“

» “Push your fist inside her asshole“

» “Take the money and leave“

» Scene ends

» “Push Harder“

» “Push Harder“

» If you chose this path Chloe is going to cum

» “Cum in her spread boipussy“

» “Cum in her spread boipussy“

» If you chose this path Chloe is not going to cum

» Every path has different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» Enjoy!

» NEW SCENE: Work for Trevor

» Visit the car shop in the afternoon and talk with Trevor.

» Work

» Working for Trevor is going to put you in a few „strange“ situations.

» Content is going to be added if you guys wish so. Expect a poll soon on patreon and subscribestar.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 014 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate Reverse Blackmail (Pussy lick)

» To play this scene you need to follow the path where you blackmail Aiko and fuck Kate.

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Hey“

» She is going to ask you to lick her pussy

» First time you have the option to make her suck your cock

» If you chose this path, next morning you are going to get arrested because Aiko and Kate prevented you that they are going to report you…

» Play on this path if you want to see the action but make sure you save the game before.

» This scene is made to loop and if you don‘t manage to satisfy Aiko the first time you will have one shoot everyday.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate Reverse Blackmail (Ass lick)

» To play this scene you need to first satisfy Aiko by licking her pussy.

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Hey“

» She is going to ask you to lick her ass

» If you are not into this you can refuse her but Kate and Aiko are not going to talk with you again. Aiko is going to make you beg her if you change your mind 🙂

» This scene is made to loop and if you don‘t manage to satisfy Aiko the first time you will have one shoot everyday.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko test dildo

» The scene was added after the pool results on patreon/subscribestar.

» The main scene was added in ver 0.12. You visit Aiko in her apartment and give her the dildo.

» Now you have the option to let her test the dildo on your ass before the scene with Aiko and Kate where you fuck Kate.

» To see this content you need to load a saved game and replay the scene where you give Aiko the dildo.


» To open this path you need to accept to work for Chloe

» Visit Chloe and ask her about Work after you accepted to work for her.

» You will need to go at „work“ only at night.

» There are 2 type of „clients“: 2 ladyboys and 1 male

» Once you decide to „service“ the client you are going to have a menu from where you can choose how you want to „service“ the client that night.

» The reward ($) is shown in the menu but depends if you manage to satisfy the client or not.

» Refusing to „serve“ a client 5 times and Chloe is going to punish you (this scene is still in development. I only managed to add the text that leads to the punishment moment so you can make an

ideea about what is going to follow).

» Myla scenes: Blowjob (she suck you)

Ass fuck (you fuck her) (in development) Handjob (you give her a handjob) (in development) Blowjob (you suck her) (in development)

Ass fuck (she fuck you)

Fetish (coming soon)

» Vanda scenes: Blowjob (she suck you)

Ass fuck (you fuck her) (in development) Handjob (you give her a handjob) (in development) Blowjob (you suck her) (in development)

Ass fuck (she fuck you)

Fetish (coming soon)

» Jaja scenes: Blowjob (he suck you) (not available)

Ass fuck (you fuck him) (not available) Handjob (you give him a handjob) (in development) Blowjob (you suck him)

Ass fuck (he fuck you) (in development)

Fetish (coming soon) (in development)

Every scene has multiple endings. Play them as you wish.

» HINTs: This route is totaly avoidable and you don‘t need to follow it if you don‘t like this type of content.

Every character can be avoided if you don‘t like him/her.

To avoid one character simply don‘t go to „work“ every 3rd day. This will not count as refusing her/him and you are not going to get punished by Chloe.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 015 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate Reverse Blackmail (Submit 1st)

» To play this scene you need to follow the path where you blackmail Aiko and fuck Kate.

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Hey – Submit 1st“

» You have 2 options. The game is going to remember your choice and Aiko is going to act differently in the first scene from the apartment. Different outcomes (scenes) are going to be added in a future release that are going to conclude this series depending on your choices also.

» She is going to invite you to her apartment at NIGHT

» Visit Aiko‘s apartment at Night

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like but you will need to satisfy Aiko to progress.

This scene is made to loop and if you don‘t manage to satisfy Aiko the first time you will have one shoot everyday. Talk to her first at the University and visit her at night in her apartment.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate Reverse Blackmail (Submit 2nd)

» To play this scene you need to follow the path where you blackmail Aiko and fuck Kate.

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Hey – Submit 2nd“

» She is going to invite you to her apartment at NIGHT

» Visit Aiko‘s apartment at Night

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like but you will need to satisfy Aiko to progress.

This scene is made to loop and if you don‘t manage to satisfy Aiko the first time you will have one shoot everyday. Talk to her first at the University and visit her at night in her apartment.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko & Kate Reverse Blackmail (Submit 3rd)

» To play this scene you need to follow the path where you blackmail Aiko and fuck Kate.

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Hey – Submit 3rd“

» She is going to invite you to her apartment at NIGHT

» Visit Aiko‘s apartment at Night

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like but you will need to satisfy Aiko to progress.

This scene is made to loop and if you don‘t manage to satisfy Aiko the first time you will have one shoot everyday. Talk to her first at the University and visit her at night in her apartment.

» If you chose to fuck Aiko, next morning you are going to get arrested because Aiko and Kate prevented you that they are going to report you…

» Play on this path if you want to see the action but make sure you save the game before.

» NEW SCENE: Kate‘s panties

» You can not run this path if you blackmailed Aiko and fucked Kate in Aiko‘s apartment.

» Go to Kate‘s bathroom and masturbate over her panties.

» The second time you masturbate over her panties she is going to catch you. (MONDAY – AFTERNOON)

» Make sure is Monday afternoon as that is the day when she comes home from school earlier.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Sarah‘s panties

» You can not run this path if you blackmailed Sarah with the Alexander picture.

» Go to Sarah‘s bathroom and masturbate over her panties.

» The second time you masturbate over her panties she is going to catch you. (WEDNESDAY – AFTERNOON)

» Make sure is Wednesday afternoon as that is the day when she comes home from work earlier.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Monique‘s panties

» Go to Monique‘s bathroom and masturbate over her panties.

» The second time you masturbate over her panties she is going to catch you. (FRIDAY – AFTERNOON)

» Make sure is Friday afternoon as that is the day when she comes home from work earlier.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Myla ass fuck (she fucks you)

» The scene was added in Chloe‘s SLUT

» NEW SCENE: Invite Aiko to the bar

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Aiko (HATE = 0).

» Talk with Aiko at the University – „Invite her to the bar“

» Meet her in the afternoon (Downtown Alley)

» No

» Stop flirting with the barmaid, progress on Aiko‘s soft path and gain Affection.

» Yes

» Continue flirting with barmaid but you will not be able to advance on Aiko soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Gia to the bar

» To play this scene you need not to ask her money after bringing her the wrench.

» Talk with Gia at the Car Shop – „Invite her to the bar“

» Meet her in the afternoon (Downtown Alley)

» No

» Stop flirting with the barmaid and progress on Gia soft path.

» Yes

» Continue flirting with barmaid but you will not be able to advance on Gia soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kelly to the bar

» There is no condition for now. You can invite her to the bar at any time.

» Talk with Kelly at the University Poll – „Invite her to the bar“

» Meet her in the afternoon (Downtown Alley)

» No

» Stop flirting with the barmaid and progress on Kelly soft path.

» Yes

» Continue flirting with barmaid but you will not be able to advance on Kelly soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kate to the bar

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Kate (HATE = 0).

» Talk with Kate at the University – „Invite her to the bar“

» Meet her in the afternoon (Downtown Alley)

» No

» Stop flirting with the barmaid, progress on Kate‘s soft path and gain Affection.

» Yes

» Continue flirting with barmaid but you will not be able to advance on Kate soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Monique to the bar

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Monique (HATE = 0).

» Talk with Monique at the Clinique – „Invite her to the bar“

» Meet her in the afternoon (Downtown Alley)

» No

» Stop flirting with the barmaid, progress on Monique‘s soft path and gain Affection.

» Yes

» Continue flirting with barmaid but you will not be able to advance on Monique soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Ruby blowjob

» Pick her up in the EVENING (Downtown Alley)

» Drive her home and get a blowjob.

» NEW SCENE: Ruby pussy lick

» Pick her up in the EVENING (Downtown Alley)

» Drive her home and lick her pussy.

» NEW SCENE: Fuck Ruby (pussy)

» Pick her up in the EVENING (Downtown Alley)

» Drive her home and fuck her.

» “Avoid him and go home”

» The beggar is not going to show up again.

» “Stop the car”

» “Fuck off perv!”

» The beggar is not going to show up again.

» “I will see what I can do”

» Monty is going to show up again in a 5th encounter with Ruby.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Fuck Ruby (ass)

» Pick her up in the EVENING (Downtown Alley)

» Drive her home and fuck her ass.

» NEW SCENE: Fuck Ruby (blowjob/pussy/ass etc.)

» Pick her up in the EVENING (Downtown Alley)

» Drive her home and fuck her.

» If you chosed to help Monty in the previous scene (3rd encounter) you are going to have the option to let him fuck her.

» „Take the money“

» Scene ends and you get $100.

» „Let him keep the money“

» You let him keep the money and this is going to give him more ideas.

» „Agree to a 3some“

» Agree to try to convince Ruby for a 3some. (poll will be added on patreon / subscribestar if you guys want to add this scene)

» „Don‘t“

» Scene ends and you are Monty‘s HERO.

NOTE: To play the Ruby path you will need to burn all your bridges with all 5 girls (Monique, Kate, Aiko, Kelly, Gia). That means you will not be able to follow the soft path with any of the girls.

If you want to play the full path with Ruby I suggest you save the game and keep flirting with Ruby at all

5 dates.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 017 ALPHA – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Work for Trevor

» Visit Trevor at the Car Shop in the afternoon and ask him about Work

» Return to Trevor on Monday Afternoon and he is going to give you the address of Edith.

» Return to Trevor on Monday Afternoon and he is going to give you the address of Betty once you manage to make Edith happy.

» Return to Trevor on Monday Afternoon and he is going to give you the address of Doris once you manage to make Betty happy.

» NEW SCENE: Service Edith (Lick her pussy)

» Visit Edith on Monday Night.

» To progress you will need to make her happy.

» Once you manage to make her happy return to Trevor.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Edith (Lick her ass)

» Visit Edith on Monday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Edith (Fuck her feet)

» Visit Edith on Monday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Betty (Fuck her mouth)

» Visit Betty on Wednesday Night.

» To progress you will need to make her happy.

» Once you manage to make her happy return to Trevor.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Betty (Make her lick your ass)

» Visit Betty on Wednesday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Betty (Fuck her pussy)

» Visit Betty on Wednesday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Betty (Fuck her ass)

» Visit Betty on Wednesday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Doris (Lick her ass)

» Visit Doris on Friday Night.

» To progress you will need to make her happy.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Doris (Lick her feet)

» Visit Doris on Friday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Doris (Fuck her pussy)

» Visit Doris on Friday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Service Doris (Fuck her ass)

» Visit Doris on Friday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 018 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Invite Aiko to the CLUB

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Aiko (HATE = 0) and date with her at the Bar.

» Talk with Aiko at the University. Invite her to the Club.

» Meet with Aiko in Downtown on Saturday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kate to the CLUB

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Kate (HATE = 0) and date with her at the Bar.

» Talk with Kate at the University. Invite her to the Club.

» Meet with Kate in Downtown on Saturday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Monique to the CLUB

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Monique (HATE = 0) and date with her at the Bar.

» Talk with Monique at the Clinique. Invite her to the Club.

» Meet with Monique in Downtown on Saturday Night.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kelly to the CLUB

» To play this scene you need date with her at the Bar first and be a perfect Gentleman.

» Talk with Kelly at the University. Invite her to the Club.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Gia to the CLUB

» To play this scene you need date with her at the Bar first and be a perfect Gentleman.

» Talk with Gia at the Car Shop. Invite her to the Club.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 019 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Invite Aiko to the SAUNA

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Aiko (HATE = 0) and date with her at the CLUB.

» Talk with Aiko at the University. Invite her to the SAUNA.

» Wait for Aiko in the Sauna (Evening)

» Make sure to clean the Sauna or You will not be able to progress o n the soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kate to the SAUNA

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Kate (HATE = 0) and date with her at the CLUB.

» Talk with Kate at the University. Invite her to the SAUNA.

» Wait for Kate in the Sauna (Evening)

» More than 5 Affection she is going to help you masturbate.

» Less than 5 Affection she is going to slap your cock and you get +Hate. You will not be able to progress on the soft path.

» 2 Blowjob animations

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Gia to the POOL

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Gia and „SAVE“ her at the CLUB scene.

» Talk with Gia at the Service. Invite her to the Pool.

» Wait for Gia at the Pool (Afternoon).

» Be a gentleman if you want to progress on the soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kelly to the POOL

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Kelly and „SAVE“ her at the CLUB scene.

» Talk with Kally at the University. Invite her to the Pool.

» Wait for Gia at the Pool (Afternoon).

» Be a gentleman if you want to progress on the soft path.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Monique to the SAUNA

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Monique (HATE = 0) and date with her at the CLUB.

» Talk with Monique at the Clinique. Invite her to the SAUNA.

» Wait for Monique in the Sauna (Evening)

» More than 5 Affection she is going to help you masturbate.

» Less than 5 Affection she is going to slap your balls and you get +Hate. You will not be able to progress on the soft path.

» 2 Blowjob animations

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 020 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Invite Aiko to the MOVIE

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Aiko (HATE = 0) and date with her at the SAUNA..

» Talk with Aiko in the Kitchen (Sarah‘s House – Monday – Night)

» Say nothing

» Spy on her

» Spy on her

» “Get naked and go inside (+1 Lust)”

» Cum inside her (+ Pregnancy Risk)

» Delete the recording

» Save it

» Pull out

» Delete the recording

» Save it

» Wait for her to finish

» Apologize (+1 Affection)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» Saving the recording is doing to give you the option to transform Aiko into your

„obedient pet“ and do some nasty stuff. This path is going to be added soon.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kate to the MOVIE

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Kate (HATE = 0) and date with her at the SAUNA..

» Talk with Kate in the Kitchen (Sarah‘s House – Friday – Night)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Monique to the MOVIE

» To play this scene you need to follow a perfect path with Monique (HATE = 0) and date with her at the SAUNA..

» Talk with Monique in the Kitchen (Sarah‘s House – Wednesday – Night)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.


For more info about accessing this path please check page 26.

» Myla scenes: Blowjob (she suck you)

Ass fuck (you fuck her) Handjob (you give her a handjob) Blowjob (you suck her)

Ass fuck (she fuck you)

» Vanda scenes:Blowjob (she suck you)

Ass fuck (you fuck her) Handjob (you give her a handjob) Blowjob (you suck her)

Ass fuck (she fuck you)

» Jaja scenes: Handjob (you give him a handjob)

Blowjob (you suck him)

Ass fuck (he fuck you)


» To play this scene you will need to accept to become Chloe‘s SLUT. Visit Chloe on the Dark Street at night.

» A blowjob would be nice

» Accept

» If you decide to suck her dick in 3 different nights Kate is going to catch you. The continuation of this path is going to be a prety twisted fuckfest including MC/Kate/Aiko/Chloe.

» Nope

» How about a fuck?

» Accept

» Ass fuck

» Nope

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 021 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Invite Kelly to the Picnic

» To play this scene you need date with her at the Poll first and be a perfect Gentleman.

» Talk with Kelly at the University. Invite her to the Picnic.

» Meet with Kelly in Downtown in the Evening (Sunday).

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Invite Gia to the Picnic

» To play this scene you need date with her at the Poll first and be a perfect Gentleman.

» Talk with Gia at the Car Shop. Invite her to the Picnic.

» Meet with Gia in Downtown in the Evening (Sunday).

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Forgiveness 1 (Kate/Aiko/Chloe)

» To play this scene, you will need to get caught sucking Chloe‘s dick on the Dark Street by Kate.

» Talk with Kate at the University.

» Meet Kate at the pool in the morning.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 022 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: Aiko – Blackmail 2 (recording)

» This scene is available only if you have the recording with Aiko while fucking her.

» Talk with Aiko at the Univ.

» Wait for Aiko in your room (Night – Click on the bed)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Aiko – Blackmail 3 (recording)

» To play this scene, you will need to play Aiko Blackmail 2.

» Talk with Aiko at the Univ.

» Wait for Aiko in your room (Night – Click on the bed)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Bad Grades 1

» This scene is available only after you talk with Sarah about Ava Grades and lick Jessica‘s pussy (in her office) (this is available on the path „Adjustable Wrench“ – more info at page 10)

» Talk with Sarah in her office.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Bad Grades 2

» This scene is available only after Bad Grades 1.

» Go into Sarah‘s bedroom (Morning/Afternoon), open the drawer that is near her bed and masturbate using her panties.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Bad Grades 3

» This scene is available only after Bad Grades 2.

» Talk with Sarah in her office (Afternoon).

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: the Gun 1

» This scene is available only after Alexander‘s death.

» Visit Sarah‘s Room. Open the drawer (near the bed).

» Pick up the shirt. Take the gun.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: the Gun 2

» This scene is available only if you get the gun from Sarah‘s drawer.

» Talk with Sarah in her office. (Afternoon)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Forgiveness 3 (Kate/Aiko/Chloe)

» To play this scene, you will need to play Forgiveness 1.

» Meet Kate at the pool in the morning.

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

* Jessica’s new appearance – as Jessica is going to get part of some action, we decided to give her the old haircut back (curly hair). We decided that the best time (in the game timeline) to change her appearance is after Alexander’s death and only if you played the “Adjustable Wrench” series. If you have already played those scenes, you should see her new appearance by visiting her in the University Meeting room.

With this release, we began the paths for submissive/dominant players. The paths are self-explanatory, and everyone can choose their way. Once you go on a path, the other paths will most likely be voided (for example, you can not be dominant and submissive toward one of the girls simultaneously). The main story will advance soon, but we wanted to update the adjacent paths first.


In the ver. 022 Alpha (Android), we introduced a new system to navigate Sarah’s house and the University (these are the only two locations with many rooms and most likely are making you lose a lot of time to navigate). We received only good feedback, so we introduced it for every OS. Please be aware that the system was not tested on another OS (win/mac), and in case you get into any issues, please report it back.

How it works: Once you are at Sarah‘s house or the University, you will see a new menu icon at the top. Open the menu, and you will see all the available rooms from that location. Click on any room, and you will be „teleported“ directly to that room.


» THINGS ADDED IN Ver 023 – Indecent Desires Walkthrough

» NEW SCENE: the Gun 3

» This scene is available only after you run the Gun 2.

» Talk with Sarah in her office. (Afternoon)

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Bad Grades 4

» This scene is available only after Bad Grades 3.

» Talk with Sarah in her office (Afternoon).

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW SCENE: Better Grades 1

» This scene is available only after Bad Grades 4.

» Visit Jessica at her house (Evening).

» Multiple choices with different outcomes.

» Play this scene as you like.

» NEW LOCATION: Jessica‘s House

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