Into the Forest

Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Chapter 1 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts at 50 and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

In the first chapter it’s not difficult to unlock every gallery item -you just have to try the different choices. But, as the decisions you choose will affect future chapters, this guide may be useful.

Question 1. I wonder what kind of dream made you wake up so horny and scared at the same time.

– I… dreamt about a girl: +10 Vera to Egel points.

– A sexy and terrifying dream, obviously: +20 Vera to Egel points.

– Stop asking questions: -10 Vera to Egel points.

Question 2. August Scarlis, countess of Vilky and owner of the Scarlis Manor.

– So you’re the boss?: -10 August to Egel points.

– A pleasure to meet you!: -10 August to Egel points.

Question 3. This palace is both our house… and our prison.

– Fear is a small prize: -10 August to Egel points.

– I hadn’t thought about it: +10 August to Egel points.

Question 4. Oh, what is it?

– Why are you alone?: +10 August to Egel points.

– Where’s the girl?: -10 August to Egel points.

Question 6. So maybe the sensible option was to go home.

– Flirt with the girl: Enter Sekani’s path, +10 Sekani to Egel points.

– Go home: Enter Vera’s path, +10 Vera to Egel points.

Question 7. So, tell me, my boy, are you going to cum for me?

– I need more: +10 Sekani to Egel points.

– Cum: No changes

Question 8. What… What was I thinking about…?

– Keep going: +10 Vera to Egel points.

– Stop: No changes

Question 9. …I don’t know if she was conscious, but she was enjoying it.

– Keep going: -10 Vera to Egel points.

– Stop: No changes


Chapter 2 – Walkthrough – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts at 50 and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide

Question 1. Crap, I was getting a boner.

– I’m not Carlis: June points +10

– Do you come here often?: June points +10

Question 2. I opened my mouth to ask her a question.

– No effect whatever option you choose.

Question 3. She parted her lips, and moved her head so as to kiss me.

– Avoid her kiss: June points -50

Question 4. …liked her.

– Face the monster with your gardening tools: June points +30

– Provoke the monster and run away: June points +20

Question 5. Only one. Honestly.


Chapter 3 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts by default at 50 (unless you use a save file) and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

Question 1. She began to approach towards me again, slowly, as if she feared of me running away.

– I’ve had a rough day.: Vera points +10

– We should go to sleep.: Vera points +0

Question 2. I sighed.

– Can you at least turn your head away?: August points +0

– Did you abuse my sister?: August points -20, Vera points +10

Question 3. I decided to answer her question without showing any trail of doubt.

– Honey: Dulcis points +0

– Sugar cane: Dulcis points +10

– Alcohol: Dulcis points -10

– This decision doesn’t affect any grade.

Gallery items guide – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

Item 1. Unlocked automatically.

Item 2. Unlocked automatically.

Item 3. Unlocked if Vera’s grade is A or more.

Item 4. Unlocked automatically.

Item 5. Unlocked automatically.

Item 6. Unlocked automatically.

Item 7. Unlocked automatically.

Item 8. Unlocked automatically.

Item 9. Patreon only option.


If you start the game with a Vera grade of S or more, you will unlock an alternative dialogue shortly before Vera’s CGs.


Chapter 4 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts by default at 50 (unless you use a save file) and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide

Question 1. Room selection. You can select 6 rooms. Each one will deliver a different scene and may have some effect on your relationship with Vera and slightly alter some scenes.

– Room 1: no effect.

– Room 2: no effect.

– Room 3: enter this when you want to proceed in the story. You won’t be able to check the rest of the rooms though.

– Room 4: no effect.

– Room 5 or Room 6: Vera points +5.

Question 2. Worse yet, it could have been a ghost…

– It’s just wind! Don’t be such a crybaby: Vera points -5

– It’s Dulcis! Stop being noisy!: Vera points -10

– We are angering the spirits of this house. +5

Question 3. To be honest, this girl actually had a nice figure under that cloak. And she seemed younger.

– YOU’RE SEXIER!: Vera Points -5, July Points +10

– YOU’RE YOUNGER!: No effect.

Question 4. Have a thought or two about it.

– Wait! I still have some questions!: July Points -5

– You’re right. I don’t wanna leave Vera alone.: July Points +5

Question 5. I was in charge of distracting Dulcis, in order for Vera to steal a spare key of the west wing hall for us.

– We were on a date.: Dulcis Points +5

– We shared cake!: no effect.

Question 6. Vera, I… I…

– Penetrate her: no effect.

– Hug her: no effect.

Question 7. Although… I could maybe impress her if I managed to get the information from other sources…

– Ask Lady August herself: Goes to August scene.

– Lady August is scary. Let’s better ask Dulcis.: Goes to Dulcis Scene

– If August points <30, Flag“You angered Dulcis”activated.

– If August points >30, Flag “Genealogy known”activated.

– It’d be less suspicious if we just ask Ludara.: Skips both of August and Dulcis scenes.

Question 8. I called her, hiding my repugnance.

– Are you truly… happy the way you live?: August points +15, Flag“Was honest to August” activated.

– Tell me about your family: If August points >30, Flag “Genealogy known” activated.

Ludy Scene. To access Ludy scene, Flag“Dulcis Met”must be false. This means you must have met Ludara in Chapter 2 instead of Dulcis. If you enter this scene: Ludara

Points +10.

Last Scene. When talking to July, if Flag “Genealogy Known” is not activated, July

Gallery items guide

Item 1. Unlocked automatically.

Item 2. Unlocked automatically.

Item 3. Unlocked automatically.

Item 4. Unlocked automatically.

Item 5. Unlocked automatically.

Item 6. Patreon only option.

Item 7. Unlocked if you met Ludara instead of Dulcis in Chapter 2 (it’s also unlocked by the default settings).

Item 8. Unlocked if you met Ludara instead of Dulcis in Chapter 2 (it’s also unlocked by the default settings).

Item 9. Unlocked if you met Ludara instead of Dulcis in Chapter 2 AND Ludara Points are superior to 50.


Chapter 5 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts by default at 50 (unless you use a save file) and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide

Question 1.“I…”

– I took off my pants: no effect.

– Begone thot: August Points -100

Question 2.“And… and…”

– I’ll find a new job: Vera Points +5, July Points +5.

– We have to find Ludara: July Points +5.

– We have to find the monster: Vera Points +5

Gallery items guide

Item 1. Unlocked automatically.

Item 2. Unlocked automatically.

Item 3. Unlocked automatically.

Item 4. Unlocked automatically.

Item 5. Unlocked automatically.

Item 6.Unlocked automatically.

Item 7. Unlocked automatically.

Item 8. Unlocked automatically.

Item 9. Patreon only option.


Chapter 6 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts at 50 and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end of the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide

Dulcis’s destination.

As we’re approaching the end of the series, some of the decisions you made in the previous chapters begin to affect the outcomes and the pathways you can take. In this chapter, there are three major points that affect Dulcis’s death scene.

-Whether you Met Dulcis in Chapter 2 or not. (Choose“Face the monster with your gardening tools”on Question 4 to Meet Dulcis).

-Whether you are in GOOD terms with Dulcis or not. (You need to have MORE than 70 points with her).

-Whether you are in BAD terms with August or not (You need to have 30 points or less with her).

Depending on what are the values of those key flags, you’ll slightly alter some scenes in this chapter, and will alter and even lock/unlock some of the endings of the final Chapter.

Question 1. Would I free the forest, the town, from the monsters? Or…

If you Met Dulcis

Game will prompt you to choose:

If you did NOT Meet Dulcis

Game will check your answer on Question 8, Chapter 2.

-I’m going to kill everybody:

Murder flag set to everyone.

-They deserve no mercy. None of them:

Murder flag was set to everyone.

-I’m going to kill this monster:

Murder flag set to monster.

-I’d kill the monster but spare the cubs:

Murder flag was set to monster.

-I can’t do it:

Murder flag set to none.

-I guess I would let them live:

Murder flag was set to no one.


If you chose to kill everyone, then Dulcis can NOT be saved and will die. Depending on whether you are on GOOD terms with Dulcis, she’ll suicide by drinking the poison herself, or be forced by Egel to drink it.

Keep in mind that if you are in BAD terms with August, Egel will from now on also want to kill August (flag Kill August will be activated). Depending on your relationship with August, Dulcis and Egel will also say different things before the maid kills herself.

If you chose either to kill no one or to kill only the monster, then Dulcis’s life can actually be spared. You will be prompted again if you want to either save her or kill her, but only if you are in GOOD terms with her.

● If you are NOT in good terms with her, Egel will kill her.

● If you are in good terms, you can choose again:

○ She killed Timlett. Her own friend. And mine. I need to avenge him: Dulcis will suicide.

○ I don’t want to kill her. She’s my friend: Dulcis’s life will be spared.

Question 2. I totally understood what Ludara wanted to show me.

– Yes. I decided to endure it and see it. Unlocks August’s rape torture CGs.

No. I understood. I didn’t need to see that. Skips August’s rape torture CGs.

Depending on his relationship with August, Egel will say slightly different things about this.

Question 3. Nah.

– It was dangerous. I didn’t want to take risks. Vera points – 20

– But then you would have seen all the orgies. Vera points +10

July and June’s date.

Question 4. So…

– …come here often? June points +10 ; July points +15.

– Ask her to say something cheesy. (Variable result, see below.)

– Tell her about gardening. June points -30 ; July points +30.

Like in Question 1, there are some changes whether if you met Dulcis or not.

If you met Dulcis, Egel will ask July to call her Egel.

If you did NOT met Dulcis, Egel will ask July to call her Carlis.

This has consequences on which girl (June or July) gets more points when you choose to ask July to say something cheesy.

If you Met Dulcis

Egel will ask July to call her Egel.

If you did NOT Meet Dulcis

Egel will ask July to call her Carlis.

Ask her to say something cheesy

June points +15 ; July points +15.

Ask her to say something cheesy

June points +15 ; July points +10.

Unlocking Vera’s extra scene.

You need to have 80 or more points (at least Grade SS) in order to unlock the extra


Question 5. For a few minutes, time itself looked frozen for us in the surge of pleasure and love.

– But, what about Vera? Patreon Scene. No effect whatsoever.

– And… finally… it was enough. No effect whatsoever.

Chapter 7 – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

In Into the Forest, every decision you make has an effect on your relationship with the other characters. This relationship level may open or close paths in future chapters. Choose wisely, as you can’t have everything in one playthrough.

Internally, your relationship level with a character is represented with a number. This number starts at 50 and changes depending on your interactions with the character. At the end, it’s translated into a grade (the one you can see in the final screen).

These grades are translated as follows:

SSS: 90 or more

SS: 80 or more

S: 70 or more

A: 60 or more

B: 50 or more

C: 40 or more

D: 30 or more

E: Less than 30

Relationship points guide – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

Question 1. Your dream… my dream… our dream … …be fulfilled.

– Sneak into the mansion with Vera: Infiltration route.

– Go see your Revolutionary peers. Alone, to protect Vera: Revolutionary route. Vera points -30.

– Run way with Vera. Just run, and never come back: [VERA’S ENDING]

Revolutionary Route

Depending on whether if Dulcis survived, had a peaceful death, or had a violent death back in Chapter 6, the conversation between Egel and the old man will change.

Nevertheless, if Dulcis died, you’ll be moved towards the Infiltration route. If not, you’ll remain in the Revolutionary Route.

Question. Where to, now?

– Seek July’s help. No effect.

– Go search for the Count. No effect.

Question. Wasn’t this what I always wanted?

– Join the Scarlis Family. Ludara points -100. Sekani points – 100. [COUNT BERT’S ENDING]

– Refuse. Kill him. July points -100. [SEKANI’S ENDING]

Infiltration Route

If you enter this route from the Revolutionary Route, there will be some minor variations in the narration. Depending on your relationship with August, there will also be little variations here and there in the narration.

Question. Is your real job …?

– Prostitution?!: Vera points -30

– Assassination?! Vera points +5

Question. Don’t you wanna fuck all these fine ladies, one after another, anytime you wish? I do…

– Join Count Bert. [CARLIS’S ENDING]

– Let Carlis help you. [CARLIS’S ENDING]

– Wait and stick to the plan. If you qualify (see the below), this option unlocks [EGEL’S ENDING]. Otherwise, it moves you towards [CARLIS’S ENDING] instead.

Remember that the bath sex scenes in these two endings are different depending on which one you are. In Carlis’s Ending, Carlis will be the narrator instead of Egel, so both narration and dialogue will be different. If Egel has been possessed by Carlis, his hair will be shown blond instead of brown.



You can get this ending even if Dulcis or August are dead. But if you do so, their scenes won’t show. In order to be able to see all the content, both girls need to be alive.

Check out Chapter 6 walkthrough if you need help saving Dulcis’s life.

Carlis will kill August if at least one of these conditions apply:

– You chose“BEGONE, THOT!”back on chapter 5.

– You have a relationship with August of less than 60 points. (Grade B or less).

– You chose to“Kill everyone”, back on chapter 2 or 6.

In order to get this ending, you just need to fulfill these conditions:

-Do NOT ask Lady August“Are you truly… happy the way you live?”back on chapter 4. -Get into the Infiltration route on chapter 7.

Both Dulcis and August need to be alive in order for you to enter this ending.

In order to get this ending, you need to fulfill all of the following conditions:

– Have a relationship with August of at least 60 points.

– Dulcis must be alive.

– Do not choose“BEGONE, THOT!”back on chapter 5.

– Do not choose“Kill everyone”, back on chapter 2 or 6.

– On Chapter 4, when you’re prompted to choose which girl to ask about the genealogy of the Scarlis’s, choose August.

– On Chapter 4, when prompted whether to ask August about herself or the Scarlis, choose“Are you truly… happy the way you live?”instead.

Question. Yeah… Maybe she wasn’t even worth me.

– Fuck her anyways. No effect. (Patreon Scene).

– Nope. No effect.

Question. I was about to fall unconscious… at any moment now.

– Wait! Ask July to play! No effect. (Patreon Scene).

– Fall unconscious. No effect.

Ending locks guide – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

There are five possible endings to the story of Into the Forest. If you don’t import a save, you can only access two of them: Carlis’s Ending and Vera’s Ending. You do need to import a save file in order to be able to access the other endings.

For easy reference, these are the main flags that will lock or unlock endings.




Effect in Chapter 7


Choosing to“Kill Everyone”when Ludara and Sekani ask you.

Carlis will kill Lady August. This will lock you from getting Egel’s Ending.


Asking August if she’s happy the way she’s living.

Unlocks access to Egel’s Ending.


Choosing“BEGONE, THOT”.

Carlis will kill Lady August. This will lock you from getting Egel’s Ending.


Choosing to“Kill Everyone”when Ludara and Sekani ask you.

Carlis will kill Lady August. This will lock you from getting Egel’s Ending.


Killing Dulcis

This will lock Dulcis from appearing in the sexual scenes in the baths.

This will lock the Revolutionary route, therefore you won’t be able to access neither Count Bert’s Ending, neither Sekani’s Ending.

7 (Final)

Having a B Grade or worse relationship with August (by having less than 60 points).

Carlis will kill Lady August. This will lock you from getting Egel’s Ending.

Ending’s reference chart – Into the Forest Walkthrough & Guide

Here’s a simplified chart of how to get each of the five endings:



Other details

ENDING 1/5: Our family’s

happily ever after.


-Have a relationship with August of at least 60 points.

-Dulcis must be alive.

-Do not choose“BEGONE, THOT!”back on chapter 5.

-Do not choose“Kill everyone”, back on chapter 2 or 6.

-On Chapter 4, when you’re prompted to choose which girl to ask about the genealogy of the Scarlis’s, choose August.

-On Chapter 4, when prompted whether to ask August about herself or the Scarlis, choose“Are you truly… happy the way you live?”instead.

This ending features variants for

each of the sexual scenes that you

can get at the end in the baths

(instead of Carlis, Egel will be the


ENDING 2/5: Carlis’s return

to the family.


In order to get this ending, you just need to fulfill these conditions:

-Do NOT ask Lady August“Are you truly… happy the way you live?”back on chapter 4. -Get into the Infiltration route on chapter 7.

This ending features variants for

each of the sexual scenes that you

can get at the end in the baths

(instead of Egel, Carlis will be the


Whether if Dulcis and August are

dead or not, will also determine

some variants.

ENDING 3/5: Joining the




-Dulcis must be alive.

-Get into the Revolutionary route on chapter


-Choose“Join the Scarlis Family.”when prompted.


ENDING 4/5: A non blood

related brother and sister’s



Choose:“Run way with Vera. Just run, and never come back”when prompted.

Vera will marry you if your

relationship with her is greater than

or equal to 70 points.

ENDING 5/5: A horny catgirl in the family.


-Dulcis must be alive.

-Get into the Revolutionary route on chapter


-Choose“Refuse. Kill him.”when prompted.

There’s a minor variation in the

narration if your relationship with

Vera is greater than or equal to 70


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