IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

RJ291809 女勇者イリス IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. if monster has GoR, clear area boss can get H in H-scene room
  2. some H need 女神の剣レベル6 or higher (show in menu lower right)
  3. if monster has hand icon is counter attack counter.jpg , has eye icon is magic reflection magic reflection.jpg , if skill information has 必中 can go through them

Capital ロステリア城 – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. go to upper right house, then go to hide room
  2. move out village,. v1.12 : click board can get item 天使人形 for add EXP
  3. NE pass grassland to capital, go to castle talk to king
  4. south to tower of goddess, roof Swordman join and vs boss
  5. castle report to king, tomorrow talk to captain has fight
  6. 2F south room talk to princess, then change clothes, 1F west room talk to aged has H
  7. lower right house, talk to man has H
  8. right guild, right talk to Knight 2 times he join
  9. back to grassland, NE to goblin cave, goblin has GoR
  10. V1.10, cave upper right click box, then move lower has event
  11. deep vs boss, after boss talk to Knight again he really join

2nd town マルドール – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. east pass bridge to 2nd town
  2. inn talk to man has H, talk to pub master
  3. リードの家 click man in petrifaction then Dancer join
  4. magic school, library click bookshelf
  5. upper talk to sister, she will join
  6. 2F east room change school uniform, 1F east classroom talk to young has H
  7. 1F upper right room talk to man has fight, 2nd round use heroine’s TP 70 skill
  8. down to sewer, slime has GoR
  9. deep vs slime boss, go to north room then talk to sister again she really join
  10. v1.10 sewer has slime girl, defeat her has H
  11. east to ruins, 1F upper left vs minotaur (GoR)
  12. 2F press switch and push pillar, 3F vs boss (GoR)
  13. go to リードの家, click man in petrifaction

Forest village コルド族の集落 – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. SE to forest, if v1.10 1st area has spider monster girl, defeat her has H
  2. to forest village has fight
  3. upper tent talk to village head
  4. south pass lake, if v1.10 cave has plant monster girl, defeat her has H
  5. to forest ruins, deep vs boss (GoR)
  6. back to forest village, go to upper tent will vs boss
  7. lower right tent talk to Samurai and he join
  8. change clothes talk to boy in village’s lower left has H
  9. back to 2nd town, リードの家 talk to man, at night talk to Swordman
  10. move out from east exit, can jump over wood, deep vs big bee (GoR)
  11. talk to Samurai again and he join
  12. change Dancer in front, go to 2nd town, リードの家 talk to her father
  13. mansion 2F talk to rich has H and fight
  14. sleep in inn
  15. change Swordman in front, back to capital, inn 2F talk to his sister
  16. guild talk to man in left
  17. go to grassland, goblin cave deep vs boss

3rd Dock town 港町パスティ – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. Pass forest south to dock town
  2. mansion change clothes, upper right talk to boy has H. Then change Dancer in front, lower left room talk to man
  3. sleep in inn has H
  4. left house 2F talk to aged has H
  5. north to volcano, after fight Ninja join, wolf has GoR
  6. near volcanic crater vs boss, then talk to Ninja for he really join
  7. if go to volcano again, volcanic crater has cerberus
  8. dock talk to sailor 2 times will vs kraken, after fight can get ship and go to 4th town

4th town ザナトール – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. ?? now from dock town go west to elf restaurant, can join Elf??
  2. if back to capital, get ship to NW can go to 星の館
  3. entrance talk to bunny in right can join arena fight, has 3 fight
  4. talk to king, can use 星のかけら get item, then goblin cave、ruins in 2nd east, 1F upper left cave and cave in volcano has new boss
  5. 2F arena talk to ninja has H
  6. back to 4th town, inn talk to monster has fight, after fight will caught to jail
  7. click door can move out, move out fort, fort entrance talk to man
  8. change Dancer in front, mansion 2F talk to man, after 3 fight, to 2F has H and boss
  9. inn vs demon girl, if win talk to her again can change clothes, talk to boy and young has H
  10. inn talk to manager then east click wall can go to sewer
  11. pass sewer to resistance’s hideout, talk to man
  12. 2F talk to boy has H
  13. back to 4th town, sleep in inn
  14. change Dancer in front, go to capital, guild 2F talk to master

5th Elf Restaurant – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

エルフのレストラン and Shrine マイラの祠 :

  1. from dock town go west to elf restaurant, talk to Elf she join
  2. change clothes, talk to 2 man has H
  3. sleep in inn has H
  4. change Knight in front, talk to old knight has fight
  5. restaurant north has fairy, win can get equip
  6. by ship, north of restaurant has shrine マイラの祠
  7. church change clothes talk to priest has H, workshop talk to aged has H, talk to aged again has 2nd H
  8. workshop talk to blacksmith has fight, after defeat him, pay 25k can make equip, after 5 fight can get equip

H collection – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

after all H can port to Heaven 天界 :

  • capital, castle 2F south room change clothes then talk to soldier
  • capital, inn 2F talk to aged
  • 2nd town, left house talk to aged
  • 2nd town, magic school 2F east room change clothes then 1F library talk to young
  • forest village, change clothes then upper left talk to man
  • dock town, mansion change clothes then talk to young
  • dock town, dock talk to man
  • resistance’s hideout, upper house talk to aged
  • 星の館, west and east room talk to 2 boy
  • 星の館, need clear arena and change clothes, east room upper right talk to fighter

Ice ruins, Cave to Devil castle, Graveyard and Heaven 天界

ice ruins – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. from Elf restaurant NW to ice ruins, orc has GoR
  2. cave area 2 click mushroom, lower right orc and inside orc for H-scene collection
  3. if push pillar area, push down small pillar then push big one to up
  4. deep vs orc, after fight has H, then talk to Elf again she really join
  5. deep to magic circle will vs boss, after boss Dancer can get skill and get Dancer ending flag
  6. v1.10, change Dancer in front, talk to her mother ?? now go dock town, dock talk to sailor to new area get 2 new member better??

cave to Devil castle – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. from 4th town go NW to cave
  2. cave has succubus, defeat her has H
  3. 1st area lower left has hidden road hidden road.jpg
  4. next area has dragon for weapon, deep vs boss (GoR)
  5. demon guard in cave entrance and inside one for H-scene collection

graveyard – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. from shrine to graveyard, zombie has GoR
  2. has dragon, has zombie boss for H-scene collection
  3. underground has Hades, defeat it can get Swordman skill and Swordman ending flag
  4. if defeat Hades, change Swordman in front, back to capital, inn 2F talk to Swordman’s sister
  5. v1.10 has Lv43 soul, don’t defeat it now

heaven 天界 – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 1st area has dragon
  2. deep vs Goddess for weapon and heroine skill and get Goddess ending flag
  3. v1.10 has golem, defeat it can get weapon

Devil king castle – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. click 2 crystal can jump to upper has boss
  2. V1.10 : 3F has daughter of Devil king, defeat her has H
  3. 3F north vs Devil king (GoR), defeat it to ending, 1st choice for Swordman end, 2nd for Dancer end, 3rd for Goddess end
  4. after ending, H-scene room upper has crystal for open all old version H-scene

V1.10 and New Area – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  • dock town, dock talk to sailor, can go to deep sea or east country, better go to 2 side get 2 new member first
  • Elf restaurant, change Elf to front, talk to man in upper right has H. If 天界 defeat golem and get weapon, change Sister to front, talk to him again has H. If 深海 defeat leviathan, change Sister to front, talk to him again has H

Deep Sea 深海 – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. lower right has H and Kraken monster girl join
  2. maybe not need? — menu choice パーティチャット > 決着・さびれた大剣
  3. go to deep sea town, go to upper left house, talk to kraken king in lower left
  4. north to cave, frog has 3 GoR + 1 H, deep vs mini boss then inside vs boss
  5. if click orb 3 times can vs leviathan for weapon
  6. back to town report to king

Easy Country 東の国 – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. go right has fight then Ninja girl join
  2. north to village, go to upper left house
  3. north to hill, ogre has 2 GoR, hilltop vs boss
  4. if click 2 statue then click tree can vs boss for weapon
  5. back to town, go to upper left house report to man, after H talk to man again
  6. change Ninja in front, talk to man
  7. move out village from south exit, SE to training forest, deep vs boss can get 2 weapon

graveyard and realm of the dead – IRIS THE WARRIOR Walkthrough & Guide

  1. shrine マイラの祠 to graveyard, deep vs soul
  2. magic circle to realm of the dead
  3. vs 2 boss for H-scene collection
  4. deep vs Devil king, if defeat it has crystal in H-scene room for open all v1.10 H-scene

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