Welcome to KAME PARADISE Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.
straight foward map
1: Rock
2: Paper
3: Scissors
1: Scissors
2: Rock
3: Rock
something like left switch, go into center and hit switch, hit the first left switch again, go to the top left and hit switch. In the next room, hit the right switch and enter nearby door. go to the far upper left area to hit a switch and enter the far right room
Ox King
1: Paper
2: Paper
3: Rock
Chi Chi
1: Paper
2: Paper
3: Rock
talk to the announcer at the top left, then the big guy on the far left to get him to move
Red Ribbon Soldiers
1: Rock
2: Rock
3: Rock
1: Scissors
2: Rock
3: Rock
Go to upper left area at the starting area of the forest to challenge pilaf and co
Pilaf and Co:
1: Paper
2: Paper
3: Rock
Go to bootom left area for mai
1: Scissors
2: Scissors
3: Paper
Leave and head to town go to capsule corp and talk to mrs breifs
Mrs Breifs
1: Rock
2: Rock
3: Rock
Go back to forest and talk to the Big Wolf on the upper side of the map heading from the right(game breaking bug, once he moves, proceed past him. doing the pilaf and co events will move him back into place and he will refuse to move). Go into the well behind the house. Easy maze.
1: Rock
2: Rock
3: Rock
Walk into the kitchen
Blonde Lunch
1: Paper
2: Scissors
3: Paper
The End