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Lifeplay Game Guide

In this article we are going to cover complete Lifeplay game guide, which will help you to play this game in ease.

By Icarus

Main Menu.

So upon loading you should see a screen like the above, there will be (in 3.0 version) a link to Vinfamy’s patreon in the lower left, above that will be a random generated 3d model, mine seems to be someone who would not look amiss in an upmarket gentlemen’s tailor shop 🙂 To the right is a list of patrons and those who have supported in some way. You will find my name among them. So now…what do the buttons mean?

Quick Start – What it says on the tin, generates a random character for you and a random city and off you go. You can get into the game quicker but you will have no control over who or what you are or the city you are in.

New Game – Starts a new game, here you will be able to completely customise your character and select the city in which you want to reside.

New TF Game – Here you will play as a male that gets transformed into a female, the scene descriptions change to reflect that. I ahven’t played this mode except once but if you are into that then have at it.

Load – This function will send you back to a previous saved game. A saved game is a file that has everything you have done before in it.

Donate – Give Vinfamy some $$$….

Commission Game Content – Those who support Vinfamy financially (unfortunately kind words are not yet accepted as currency by Vinfamy) are entitled (I hate that word) to commission the inclusion of MAPS, SCENES & ANIMATIONS. Want a particular scene? Maybe your hometown in the game? Or an animation? (Mating press was my last commission, enjoy!)

Discord – A confusing chat room engine reminiscent of AOL online forums and so confusing I have gave up on it, but for those that like evening conversations with a mug of hot cocoa by the logfire with your favourite porn people then….there you go.

Third Party Mods – The game has attracted a huge deluge of modders who have their own modifications and content that can add (and sometimes detract) from the game. Most can be found for free on F95.

Exit – Closes the game, your character remains frozen, still….unable to move but still able to feel, endlessly trapped, you can help them by playing the game again…but you won’t will you…you monster!

Character Creation

So after clicking new game you will be sent to the character creation screen which looks very similar to this. A generic model usually appears but I wanted something better to look at so I loaded one of my preset models ‘Hannah’ Hannah is a big brunette buxom bombshell with a boyfriend but is very fun loving and quite naive so she tends to get plowed a lot outside that relationship by her boss….the bosses futa daughter….the takeaway delivery driver…the milkman….her dad…her futa mom…her futa sister….Dave from the shop…you get the picture.

You don’t have to do that with your character, you could make them what you want. Your could even ask me politely and I might give you the Hannah model. Yes YOU too could have YOUR VERY OWN HANNAH! For only the LOW LOW PRICE of $3.99 YOU can control Hannah and plow her to your hearts content! Actually to be fair she’s probably cheaper than that.

Anyway buttons…

Lower Left – Features a zoom rotate and other functions for seeing every angle on your model.

Upper left – Load a preset, so if youve saved a model you like you can load them up again, save a preset, save a model you like. The there are 4 randomise buttons, they randomise Face, Hair, Naughty Bits and Race, for those that don’t want to be playing with the sliders.

Upper Right – here is where the customisation happens, first click one of two genders (CALM DOWN SJW’s! I self identify as glazed pastry, Donut oppress me!) Then (for females only) you can also click GENITAL, where you can make her a futanari, (now for some reason there are a LOT more penis cusomtisations for futanari’s than there are males, I dunno why.) Morphs will make a LOT of sliders drop down where you can customise the character in detail.

Sliders can be things like:

Face, Ears, Legs, etc. Play around with the sliders, the level of customisation is WAY TOO HUGE (that’s what she said) to list in a small guide. Of general importance is usually penis size, boobs size, butt size etc etc.

Next you will be taken to the city select screen. Here it is IMPORTANT that you tick the ‘RANDOMISE UNKNOWN BUILDINGS BUTTON’ essentially what this does is buildings that are not known will be given an actual function. It ensures there is enough places for your character to go and to use.

The cities that come currently as standard are London, UK and Bath. If you want to use the other cities contact Vinfamy and he can get you the file.

ESC Screen

You will first be catapulted into the CITY SCREEN, but for now just immediately press ESC and you’ll come to the ESC Screen. I will now go through what these things do.

So firstly I will go through the MOD MANAGER, so see below:

This is where you can customise the kind of content you want to see. For clarity I will go through each of the OFFICIAL Modules:

Base Gameplay – The game itself, turn it off, I dare you.

Vanilla Adult Module – Your generic wham bam thank you mam sex in the missionary position for the sole purposes of procreation.

Netorare Module – Activate this and see your spouse and loved ones plowed and inseminated to all your hearts content! You spouse if female can even have a baby by someone else and you can raise it….or leave….whatever floats your boat. Basically can people go for your partner and lure them away from you.

Incest – Previously known as the Alabama Mod, this module allows you to have your family members, for those that turn your heads and immediately have that forbidden thought “wow, my sister has a great ass!” Plow your Mom, sisters, aunties etc or if female you can, somewhat now use the words “oh daddy” in an unironic sense.

Porn plot – This is generally if you decide to have a career as a porn star and features the different scenarios you can get yourself into such as solo shoots, gangbang shoots, blacked shoots, lesbian shoots etc.

Pregnancy – allows characters to get pregnant and has pregnancy scenes such as birth and having to go for checkups.

Bestiality – Buy a dog or horse and, yeah….have sex with them. Can you take a whole horse? Nay!

Netori – Allows you to sleep with and steal away other peoples spouses, different from the netorare module in that this time you are the one stealing them away.

Non-consensual mod – Ain’t no breaks on the rape train, basically you getting forced or scenes where you come across people getting forced.

Polyamorous mod – allows multiple marriage partners. Yay!

So yeah you can customise the game with the content you want. Next up is the NPC distribution screen:

Here you can customise what type of NPC’s (None playable characters….that means everyone except you) will be. For those that don’t like futa you can adjust the %transwoman down by adjusting the male and female buttons, it will automatically correct itself. So if you set male 0.5 and female 0.5 then there will be 0 futa in game.

However as a huge futa fan, WHY?!!!!!

You can also customise their sexuality, let’s face it even in real life some people aren’t interested so why should it be any different, here though you can enact your fantasies of having every female (or male) on the planet fancy you.

Average bust and penis size are self explanatory, if you want very buxom women or to have the males be horse like In their porportions here is where you go.

Okay the next bit….

You can customise how many Orcs, Elves and Vampires appear as well….for those who want fantasy but in a modern setting.

Now the edit stats screen:

You can cheat here and just mess around with the numbers yourself but I think that spoils the fun. I will now explain the different stats…

Children – How many children you have.

Fertility – I also have the BP fertility system due to a mod but un-modded games will just have Fertility, this is a measure of how likely your are to impregnate or be impregnated.

Model and Porn Fame -if you decide to become a model or a porn star, this stat affects how much you can be paid per shoot, how many shoots you are booked for and in future how many events will happen around it. Achieve a high fame and sometimes people close to you may notice!

Company bargaining and power – you can on the city screen choose to ‘take over a business’ these stats affect the prices you have to pay for stock for your business as well as how powerful that business is.

Prison Sentence – if you are caught committing crimes against Skyrim and her peo….wait…wrong game, but if you get arrested you will be sent to prison and this will detail how long your sentence is.

Age – How old you are, cannot go below 18…Vinfamy does not like Shota and Loli content I guess?

Money – How much dosh you have, have a little and you’ll have to beg family and friend for money or get a sugardaddy, OR if you are rich you can get yourself a tight little 18 year old who just want finance through their college years 😉

Attractivness – Decides whether people see you as Lucy Pinder or the Elephant man, low attractiveness will affect your chance of getting laid, with the lowest settings being the real life equivalent of a reddit, / r9k / or 9gag browser.

Cooking – How well you can cook.

Dance – How well you can dance, can affect scenes in the stripclub. Fitness – How fit you are, improve by going to the gym fatass!

Intelligence – are you a PhD? Or did you barely scrape through nursery school because the ABC blocks were too hard? This is how smart you are.

Interpersonal skills – are you a sauve talker/writer that can make people laugh, smile, be angry and experience a wide range of emotions at your whim or do you posess the people skills of a flatulent, perpetually sweating neckbeard that can tell you, in intimate detail why the latest DOOM mod is lame.

Job Experience – How well experienced you are in the job you are currently in. More experience can mean more pay and better networking opportunities.

Job Performance – are you a slacker or so hard working and brown nosing you are almost permanently acquainted with your bosses arse cheeks?

Martial – No not the white rapper, this is basically how well you can fight and kick ass, this is hard to raise but worth it, it can stop you and your loved ones from being forced or attacked and yes there are scenes in game like that for those that have that module on. Almost mandatory if you go to prison or the prisoners and guards have a field day with you and make your arsehole look like the front part of a blowhorn.

Submissive and Masochist – 100 is complete submissive, -100 is complete masochist. Now I’ll disagree with Vinfamy here as I’d prefer the word ‘Dominant’ rather than Masochist, as my understanding of Masochist is someone who enjoys pain. Anyway, this governs what options you have in scenes as well what scenes play. It also affects others reactions.

I’ll give an example, there is a scene where if you are shagging someones wife, their husband can catch you in the act, if he is submissive he won’t do shit, if she is dominant she will tell him to go do some housework and you then carry on. There are so many combinations and outcomes and A LOT of things are tied to this. To become more submissive, be the peacemaker, the one who always backs down and preserves harmony and in no time at all you can sit and beat your dick like a good little beta, hey, whatever you enjoy I don’t judge. But if you go the other way towards -100, i.e. dominant then you can become the personification of ultimate CHAD or ultimate STACY (sorry I browse / fit / .) and basically be the winner and dominant man or woman you always wanted to be..or are.

Muscle – Are you well built or basically a string bean?

Music – Do you have a musical ear, do you have good music taste? Etc etc.

Perversion – How perverted you or another character is, low perverted characters can be prudish but also innocently naive. High perverted characters can do a lot more in scenes and a lot more scenes can happen to you.high perverted character open up a lot more choices.

I’ll give an example, let’s say you have a sister in game, if she is not perverted at all ie. 0 she is the equivalent of a nun, perhaps very naive and innocent and you will most likely find her doing her work, praying and dressing conservative. Make her a complete 100% pervert and you may come home to find your dad, the family dog and Dave from the local shop sealing her up like a tupperware box.

Sneak – How well you can remain undetected, great for avoiding spouses of people you are shagging, or spying and being a voyeur on other people sexual liasons. Can also help in some hostile situations.

Arousal – How much you want to stuff or be stuffed.

Energy – How much energy you have left, if you let this go too low you won’t be able to do anything, can be replenished mainly by sleeping.

Intoxication – How much alcohol or drugs are influencing your system. Become too intoxicated and people may take advantage, make another intoxicated and you can take advantage.

Mood – How happy your character is.


After familiarising yourself with all that, you will find yourself on the city screen.

This is your main screen and one that you will see a lot of in game. Her you can go to places and do things. To navigate round you can use the WASD keys or ARROW KEYS in conjunction with the mouse to angle yourself.

Icons on the map represent different type of location, in each location there will be different things you can do. For example in this screen I am at HOME, on the left will appear a list of actions I can do here such as check weight, do light exercise, childcare, sleep, take Chinese Aphrodisiac (careful of Coronavirus!)

But as you have just started we will do the basics, you will need two things first: A HOME and WORK:

Scout around and explore the map a bit until you find a place where you might think you want to live, available homes are represented by a green coloured home icon. When you have found one of these LEFT CLICK on it to bring up some options, one will be ARRANGE A VIEWING.

Let’s see what happens when my other character, my futanari girl Alexia does this….

Now you will go through the viewing and come to the landlord dialogue screen:

You will have a lot of options all based on different stats. You can sign the lease if you are happy with the cost of the home, you can look elsewhere, you can use you knowledge (based on intelligence) to negotiate, use your charm (interpersonal stat) or use your sex appeal (attractiveness and whether they go for your type). You can also buy if you have the money.

Okay so the first landlord failed when I clicked USE YOUR SEX APPEAL, but you can still shop around, here is one where the option succeeded. You have a lot less rent now, but if you are

feeling daring you can thank her for the rent decrease or…well…the other option….so, what will you do?

So now you can see after some further negotiation that the rental price has dropped even more. Rental price AND your relationship with your landlord is important, keep your landlord happy by paying rent….and…maybe other things….

As with all homes it’s LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION, make sure you have amenities around you. That said the less around you the less your loading times so….

As for a career there are mainly 3 so far:

Normal office work represented by a black chair icon.

University work represented by a red hat icon.

And hospital work, represented by a pink cross icon.

Now the most fleshed out in terms of events is the normal office work, the other two have events but not as many in this current version. But you dont need an interview for the hospital or Uni jobs…

So lets try an interview at an office shall we?

For this one we go back to my female model Hannah. When you find a BLACK CHAIR ICON, left click on it and select ARRANGE A JOB INTERVIEW. Sometimes you won’t even get the interview but don’t worry, keep trying.

Eventually you will get a screen like the one above. You have 3 different ways to impress, you can be professional and diligent, you can be casual and show you are a human being or…flirt.

Sometimes you will have to go from interview to interview but whatever approach you take to convince them hopefully you will have success. So after the above interview…

Yay she got the job…she must have made a good impression on the boss!

So from this point, after the basic guide the world is basically your oyster. You can explore and click on everything and do activities to get your stats up and see how they affect scenes, you can get a dog or horse, you can if you RIGHT CLICK on the map screen and then click CONTACT choose CREATE RELATIVE and create a family for yourself as well. You can get a boyfriend or girlfriend, be loyal or cheat, you can be and do lots of things so feel free to explore.

Now I get that there will be people like I said in my intro that are very linear, one thought to another thought type people, this was meant for them but I get it that it’s difficult when there is no defined story, nor an end point. But please give it a go, keep at it and eventually you will love it.

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