Maiden of the Crests` Princess Guardian

Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

RJ306069 紋章の乙女 Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  • Ctrl can skip message
  • all monster has GoR, but a lot H is same
  • if near next area has message, press A can go to map
  • after ending can all H-scene on
  • in castle, press A key for short cut

Start – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. left room talk to king
  2. 1F, upper left talk to Chef
  3. 1F lower right to underground, talk to Scholar, inside room talk to Captain
  4. 3F to princess room

if start choice skip OP

  1. get 2 flower
  2. click pot then click soldier
  3. town lower left house, talk to aged
  4. move out will move to inn, click bed for sleep

Capital – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. item shop 2F, talk to merchant 2 times can get clothes, shop 90% off and H
  2. town middle click pedestal, left talk to man who under tree can get $500
  3. town upper right house, click box can get $500
  4. near west exit has small box can get equip
  5. item shop talk to dwarf, then town upper left house talk to Instructor
  6. town lower to sewer, get item then click shining object can make to entrance, back to town report to Instructor
  7. tomorrow talk to Instructor again can buy whip from shop, if Lv10 talk to Instructor for last SM
  8. west to west checking station
  9. talk to soldier 2 times, get 2nd choice for H (if pay $ also has part of CG, can only choose one of them…)
  10. left room can go underground
  11. pass checking station, next area has inn, pay $50 for sleep, 3、6、9、12 times has H (later has another inn for this H)
  12. west to cave, deep vs big spider
  13. move out cave, if go north, house click box can get 1k (1st choice then 2nd one). SW to 2nd town

2nd West Town – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. click pedestal
  2. inn can meet Captain, 2F left talk to Adventurer
  3. gray roof house (clinic) in lower of inn, talk to counter and man, inside talk to doctor can get clothes and H, then EV回收数 over 12, 18, 24 has new H
  4. now can go hot spring in town upper left
  5. lower right house, click book on bed
  6. clinic talk to man, then go to hot spring has H
  7. if 清純度 under 300, when hot spring’s male changing room has people, go inside has H
  8. if back to capital, item shop 2F, talk to merchant has H and shop 80% off
  9. 2nd town go south can go to temple, click wall has H wall.jpg
  10. deep vs fire golem, deep get equip and click shining object can back to entrance
  11. from 2nd town go east to SW checking station
  12. talk to soldier 2 times, get 2nd choice for H (if pay $ also has part of CG, can only choose one of them…)
  13. left room can go to underground
  14. south of checking station has inn, lower vs Devil, better win this fight
  15. SE to coastal cave, deep vs big squid
  16. upper right has new bridge, pass cave then follow road to 3rd town

3rd dock town – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. click pedestal and board
  2. inn 2F, right talk to Adventurer
  3. purple roof house in lower of inn, talk to man can get clothes and H, then EV回收数 over 15, 20, 25 has new H
  4. if EV回收数 25 and has few ハンカチ, town lower right talk to man few times has H
  5. south to dock, can find princess’s item
  6. dock talk to sailor 2 times has H, if EV回收数 over 25, inside house has H dock.jpg
  7. if back to capital, item shop 2F, talk to merchant has H and shop 70% off
  8. in capital, if 清純度 under 384 can go to brothel that in lower right, talk to manager who near entrance 2 times can get clothes and choice 2 type prostitution. Next H need 清純度 under 360, 350, 330, 310, 290, 260 (and H with owner), 240. If choice any prostitution, then keep get 2nd choice will H with owner, get clothes and 2H, EV回收数 over 20 has new H, then EV回收数 over 30 and go to mansion talk to owner has new H
  9. after 1st prostitution, talk to man who under tree has H
  10. If EV回收数 high, brothel has 2 new NPC has item sale bad status item.jpg
  11. from dock town go north to forest, 1st area go NW, click small hole has H
  12. deep vs ghost dragon
  13. from dock town go east, princess H get 1st choice, then vs vs Devil, better win this fight
  14. go to SE checking station
  15. talk to soldier 2 times, get 2nd choice for H (if pay $ also has part of CG, can only choose one of them…)
  16. right room can go to underground
  17. if pass checking station has princess H, get 1st choice
  18. NE to maze forest
  19. 2nd area keep go NW has church, inside has H, then talk to founder, if EV回收数 over 18, 22, 25 has new H
  20. if go east room sleep has H
  21. pass maze forest to 4th town

4th snow town – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. talk to Captain, then click pedestal and board
  2. inn 2F, left talk to Adventurer
  3. town upper right house, talk to 2 man, if middle one get 2nd choice has H. If EV回收数 30, underground talk to man has H
  4. go to upper left mansion can get clothes, talk to customer then talk to club owner has H, then EV回收数 over 18, 22, 25 has new H
  5. club talk to counter from back has H
  6. town upper left mansion, move in from back door, if dress 兵士の服 talk to rich can sell pants, then click pants has event. Change clothes to ショーガールの服, talk to rich again can sell pants, then click new pants has event
  7. town north to freeze ruins
  8. click back of hole has H back of hole.jpg
  9. deep vs ice golem, get equip then click shining object can back to entrance
  10. town west vs Devil, better win this fight
  11. pass small cave to east checking station
  12. talk to soldier 2 times has H
  13. right room vs 2 soldier, then can go to underground
  14. deep vs ogre
  15. move out underground, go SW can back to Capital

Ending – Maiden of the Crests: Princess Guardian Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper right house click box can get 1k
  2. item shop 2F, talk to merchant has H
  3. upper right small road to castle, upper vs Capital (GoR)
  4. north to cave, deep vs boss
  5. pass cave to Royal’s graveyard, deep vs Devil, 2 fight (GoR)

After Ending

  1. click book on bed
  2. inn click doll can go to H-scene room, talk to cat get 1st choice x2 can open all H

For princess

  1. dock town, dock vs big squid, after boss nearby talk to lady fighter can get equip, but cant go Devil end
  2. NE to 18番街道, talk to Adventurer then enter crystal temple
  3. click wall has H crystal temple.jpg
  4. deep vs crystal golem
  5. open box then back to castle
  6. now can go Devil or Captain end

Captain end

  1. underground training room (地下 訓練場) talk to Captain
  2. 2F to room of Captain (2階 兵長の部屋), click box on bed
  3. 3F to princess room (3階 姫の部屋), talk to princess
  4. 2F to room of Captain (2階 兵長の部屋), click book on bed

Devil end

  1. talk to princess
  2. jail talk to Devil
  3. 3F to princess room (3階 姫の部屋), click orb

For nude

  1. go to church (ハメーン教会) that in maze forest, go to west room
  2. underground talk to man can inside cave
  3. deep click object, then talk to Founder has H, now can nude

nude H

  • Capital, upper right house talk to man, in event go to west tower. After H can nude in castle
  • Capital, talk to man who under tree
  • castle, 1F upper left talk to chef
  • castle, underground training room (地下 訓練場) talk to soldier
  • 2nd west town, clinic talk to man
  • dock town, lower right talk to man
  • snow town, upper left mansion talk to rich then click new pants
  • east checking station (東の関所) talk to solider

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