Manila Shaw Blackmails Obsession

Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

all the men in the game are big perverts and corrupt (except Jason)

Please note some Quests are prohibited if manila is pregnant (as far as I’m concerned manila is not pregnant)

itinerary and possible choice, rough Burke, Accepts Michael, Accept bribe, lose pusher, Mason surrender pleasure

a route where she only becomes pregnant towards the end of the current version (0.34), or the most corrupt route is chosen

I sometimes advance the time to chain the quests, but you have the possibility to go to the gym to exercise and earn +3xp, – 10 dollars and it takes 1 hour

Table of Contents Show

Day 1 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: A bad Hair Day


(is the owner of the palace and a nearby convenience store.

he was denounced by several women for rape,

but he was always excused for lack of evidence.)

You owe me two months rent! Can you pay me?

I’m sorry +1

Arrogant and rude +1

Side quest: I owe Mr.Burke 2,000$ Exit the house and go to the store on your right (Burke store). head to the door and the script starts talking to Michael the 3 choices are available to you (Accept, Neutral, Refuse) his love, the choices have an impact on the progress of the game.

Michael: Do you have the same feeling?

Accept (Begin a relationship with him)

Think about it (Don’t hurt his feeeling)

Refuse (Hurt his feelings)

After your choice J-blue comes into action, you can lose the fight and be humiliated, (if you refuse michael a scene this unlocks), you can fight and win and the new choice Important.

To lose Fight

if you refuse Michael’s love and / or accepted the bribe from Jblue / Tué .

The fight being won:

J-Blue: bitch, you sure know how to fight, but let’s see how you do against a real pistol.

Arrest Him (+1)

Kill Him (+2) (open sex with Mr.Ghellar)

if you decide to kill him you open the road with his father (Mr.GHELLAR). and close the blackmail route from Lt.Storm police station.

(Lt.Storm will make you sing anyway if you accept michael’s love).

J-Blue: You arrest me bad choice….

You can let me go for 5,000. Nobody will Know nothing, not even your partner…he is KO. So tell me, what do you think ?

Refuse the offer (+1) (Open chantage route1 Lt.storm)

Accept the offer (+1)

(if you accept the bribe, you open the blackmail route to J-blue)


(each time you go to the police station you will have to sign the attendance book), go to the elevator (up), and head for the middle door (Lt.Storm),

if you accepted Michael’s love you will miss a scene or Lt. Storm will ask you where Michael is.

if you refuse Michael love (Lt.Storm):

Truth (+1)

Lie (+1)

if you are neutral to michael and kill blue

Salary advance for Gambling debt (+1)

say nothing

if you chose to tell the truth go to the left in the administrative part of the police station to have a

scene with Michael Problems? (unlock an event later in the game)

Lt.Storm wants to see you

when leaving the elevator go to the left and go to your workstation (3 hours later) collect the document from the printer and deposit it at reception,

if you have stopped J-Blue: Stop them (opens sexual harassment lt.Storm)

Let them go

Impulsive: Hit him!

Ignore him and let them go

Continue the fight

let them go

according to your choices go back to lt.storm

Sexual harassment…No thanks

Accept the agreement

return workstation (1 hours later)

Michael is at Reception, if you lost life during the fight against J-blue Michael invites you to eat before going to the Park

i’m hungry (+100 Hp)

Let’s go to the park

In the park you will talk to the Mr. sitting on a bench at the top right

here an important choice: first meeting with Pusher

lose the fight and it will be where you live, losing all fights in front of him opens sex at home with him (1 time).

After your choices in front of Pusher you go back to the police station and Michael speaks with you then go home,

if you accept Michael’s love, the phone rings and he offers you an appointment (if you refuse and accepted the bribe the scene will be different)

Choice; OK or Next time

(if you refused Michael and took the bribe the outfit will be different and Michael’s speech too) Put on lingerie and sit Sofa

Side Quest; First Date (Elegant/Stylish) or (Elegant/Sex Bomb)

if you refused michael you can leave your house at midnight and watch the scene Noah Roxanne (Day2 the procedure)*

Put lingerie and Sleep,

Day 2 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: John Doe

police station

after having signed the register directed you on the left to go to the shooting range (+ 5xp), Side quest: Expert (1//15)

after workstation, retrieve the document (printer) and take the elevator to go see the Lt.Storm (and its it will be the same every day), (day8 the procedure Lt.Storm slape your ass)

if you have Kill J-Blue, his father his father will erupt in the office

Kick his balls!

Don’t stop him (kiss you)

leaving the police station you met Mason

Mason: Fuck! You can’t arrest me! Bastard!

Arrest Him (+1)

Ignore Him (+1)

fight at win police station, fight on win street, Mason catches your breasts and loves them Do you like my touch?

Hit him (+1)

Surrender to pleasure…(+1)

(succumb to open pleasure sex with Mason, the arrest will allow you to give him a blowjob later at the police station).

go to the park talk to the old man sitting on the bench, take the elevator talk to michael, go back to your computer

go home put on your lingerie and sit on the sofa, Revenge Side Quest or advance time to midnight

*go put normal jeans and go outside, follow the road on your left which goes up and go to meet

Noah and Roxanne Arrest hem (+1)

Go away

Watch the blowjob (+1)

You decide to watch: Arrest hem (+1)

Go away

Go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 3 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Lucifer

Side quest: Midnight

shower, uniform, police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 2/15), at your workstation, take the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm,

if you have accepted the sexual harassment of storm

Stop him (+1)

Continue (+1) blowjob

Harbor: Inspect the woman’s body


Talk Michael: Help Him (Daily Quest: Investigation, +1)

No, I’m busy

go left and go up to talk to Punk on the bench, then go south to the water’s edge (port) talk to the Artist, go back to Michael and go to your car. (if you chose to ignore the quest go directly to your car).

4 Hours Later

a citizen calls the police for an assault in progress, it is the assault of a policewoman (here several choices can affect the future version of the game)

First meeting Allison and Lucifer (+Liu)

Arrest him (+1)

Wait and Watch (+1)

Allison blowjob Lucifer,

Lucifer: Give me all your money and Take off your clothes!

the fight begins:

if you lose : Allison and Manilla Blowjob (empty your wallet) “save5”

Shoot Liu’s hand (+1)

if you won :

Accept the Blacmail (+1)

(in both cases Allison thanks you for saving her life, so you might as well watch the blackmail)

go to your desk and go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time to midnight,

put on Sex bomb and go park, Talk Old Man John Doe is waiting for you in the public toilet for


John Doe: A perfect ass …… Fascinates him for a information (+1)

Don’t touch me!

(if you refuse but accepted the bribes from j-blue you trigger a blackmail scene with him,if you seduce him for more information you will come back to see him the next day to thank him). if you accepted the JBlue bribe and take the Don’t touch me option, he will ask you for a sexual favor

Side Quest::: Red Women

Daily Quest: The Pusher

return home, put on lingerie and sleep.

Day 4 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: It’s time to work

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 3/15),

go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, Go park, you will find Pusher at the public toilet for men,

many possibilities, lose the fight and you will have a night later with him,

win the fight and:

Arrest him (+1)

Kill him (+1)

(if you kill him the whole city will know, if you arrest him you will have no sexual relationship with him),

go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advanced time midnight

put on sex bomb and go talk John Doe at the park (women’s public toilet),

“john doe lets you know he’s aware that you took the bribe from J-blue, (but no sex)”

go home put on ligerie and sleep

Day 5 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: A long Friday….

Side Quest: Payday

Daily Quest: what’s up

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 4/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm,

at the reception of the police station go to your right (Administrative office) to recover your salary, (if you refused michael’s love and accepted the blackmail of J-blue the scene is different), go to your car, Hospital

Doc: Yes I’am


return to your car, michael calls you to go and see in a warehouse south of your home, (Break the lock) second meeting with Mason

Mason: Hold on and fight him (+1)

Surrender to pleasure… (+1)

surrender to pleasure “facial care”

if you won the fight: Safetyy switch on (+1) shoot it and stop the

Safety switch off (+1) “facial care” (Titfuck, Blowjob)

Side Quest: Kidnapping (to solve this quest it’s very simple, beat Masson and succumb to carnal pleasure)

if you arrested Mason, Rick and Mark here:

Kill him (+1) if you feel capable of facing two, wait


Michael comes to your rescue

go to your desk, take the elevator talk to Michael (Pizza time) (love michael),

go home put on lingerie and sit sofa

advance the time until 9:00 p.m. Put on (Elegant) “Stylish”

leave your home and go full south entry in Trading city and continued south, Michael waits for you

in front of the Pizzeria,(Lt.Storm will surprise you to have a relationship with Michael (open blackmail route2 Lt Storm).

Go home, put on lingerie, advanced time 1 hours and sleep.

Day 6 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest:

Jogging I

Gym Training


put on gym (sports), leave the house and go to the park, go to the shop to buy the phone and a knife 250$ (the door is just after the hotel), continue on your right and enter the park

Ben i’am a personal trainer:

Help me

No, thanks

Side Quest : Black Knight I

return home and advance time until 7:00 p.m. first the Gym

(at the gym you will find an old acquaintance J-Blue),

Jblue will you do what i say?

No, i won’t (+1) Jason’s intervention to get rid of J-blue Yes, i will (+1) Blowjob J-blue

(Attention this scene this triggers only if you have accepted the bribes of J-blue the 1st day) if you stop him and you don’t let Lt.Storm punish you with sex and J-blue will be interrupted by Jason at the Gym,

Go home put your Jeans and go to the Pub is at the bottom left of trading city,

Ben Chad Allison…. Don’t get drunk *

*Don’t touch my friend! (Fight, +1) ifyou lose the fight you’re just

oblivious and one of you cums on you *Watch Allison’s Blowjob (+1)

Get Drunk (+1) (Blowjob Ben and Chad)

(save you allison and participate in sex with her is happy).

Go Home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 7 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest : J.Blue’s Video advance time until 11 p.m. gym clothing and go the Gym

J-Blue presents his brother Marcus, (the director of the casino).

Blowjob J-Blue

Return Home put on lingerie and Sleep.

*if you chose the boring route, 7 p.m. Gym

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +0 exp)


advance the time until midnight and sleep

Day 8 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Jason Mayers

Side Quest: Expert

put on your uniform,wanting to leave your home Mr. Burke makes his appearance, Two Month’s

rent! Can you pay me ? 2,000$ (+2)

if you accepted the bribe from J-blue you can pay the 2,000$ and he shouldn’t come boring you



Mr.Burke Slap your ass:

Don’t say anything….

Hit him!

(come back tomorrow, prepare your mouth or the money you owe me)

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 5/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm,presentation of detective Jason Mayers

if you have already seen her at the Gym the scenario changes a little and Lt.Storm is not happy (he

is never happy)

early Lt.Storm blackmail from Manila

Side Quest Hotel “INN”

Hospital, Go to Office Lt.Storm talk Jason, go to Adminitrative office (Medical Doc) open Vaginal


go to your desk, go home and put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time until 11 p.m.

Go put on Casual “jeans” go Hotel “inn” you don’t have to go tonight, you can wait until tomorrow night

Lt.Storm it’s time to have fun: Anal sex and Vaginal sex (+2)

Anal sex (+1)

Vaginal sex (+1)

go home, put on lingerie and sleep

Day 9 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Forger….

put on your uniform,

Mr.Burke if you don’t have the money, you pay with your body (give me a blowjob)if you have accepted bribes from J-Blue, he will tell you and the sex road with him can start here

Hit him (+1)

Give him a Blowjob (+1)

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 6/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, talk Jason outside

your nephew Logan: Fight him (+1) (open sex lucifer) save7

Ignore him (+1) (open sex Bartender (Pub)

“I am not trying to fight to lose”

Talk Michael, return you desk, (if you have left Mason free you will receive a message) Go home put on lingerie and sit sofa,

put on casual “jeans” (vaginal sex mason) 10 p.m.

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 10 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story : Who’s Hessex / Hessex

Side Quest: Expert

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 7/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm,

Lt.Storm I want to taste your lips… Refuse him (+1)

Kiss him (+1)

interogate Logan, news Equipement, go outside

(still difficult choices to make)

if you lose the fight against Red Moon you return directly to the police station

“Manilla regained consciousness” / second meeting with Lucifer

take off the clothes I penetrate your asshole

Use “”Stun Gun charged , (+1) you return directly to the police station Fight him (+1) ifyou lose the fight (blowjob) and it gives you 100$

Anal Sex (+1) Pull in or

Pull out if he cums on your ass he tries to make a drawing.

It’s really nice fucking your ass, but nest time i’ll have fun you pussy! “so in the next few days we will see him again”.

Go talk Jason,

if you arrest Mason and agree to help Michael (Harbor) Jason will offer to interview the prisoner

Yes (+1)


interrogate room Get away form here (+1)

Suck his cock (+1)

go to your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time at midnight and sleep


if you haven’t stopped Logan Refuse him (+1)

Blowjob (+1)

go to car, put on casual jeans and go Pub “Trading City” , in pub Black:

I’m on duty (+1)

Drink a bourbon (Vaginal Sex, +1)

Return home, put uniforme, talk jason, New Equipement, your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time at midnight and sleep

Day 11 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Dirty House

Side Quest: Expert

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 8/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm,

“talk to the receptionist downtairs and telle her that the toilets on the second floor are out of service”

Daily Quest: Gift I

spoken at the reception, put the sign at the entrance to the toilets, entrance recovered the broken glass on the ground (+100$), go see Lt.Storm (handjob), Go talk Jason at the reception

Simon Le Rouge’s apartements,

Kill Fat Man and Fight Jay (+1)*

if you lose the fight Jason come to your rescue,

*if you win it you will have the choices: Arrest (+1) or Kill (+2)

Vaginal sex (+1)

go to your desk and go to Lt.Storm in the toilets

Daily Quest: Gift II (Blowjob)

Go home, put on lingerie and sit sofa advance time at midnight and sleep

Day 12 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story : Garage

Side Quest : Expert / Payday

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 9/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, Talk Michael,

inspect the garage and Red Moon appears: Fight win and nothing special happens, lose and it will

massage you.

collect the documents on the ground and open the small wooden box (2 drug bags in the box)

The police must seize the drug (10 exp, +1)

Steal the drug (Req. C > J, +1)

if you need stolen money and resold it will make you some dollars

go to your desk and go to Lt.Storm in the toilets Gift III Vaginal sex

Go home, put on lingerie and sit sofa advance time at midnight and sleep

Day 13 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest : Jogging II

Messages : Romance / Asap (refuse michael)

Food and Sex

New Outfit

put on casual jeans, go clothing store Allison : Ok, i want to have fun (new quest) i don”t think it’s good idea

if you took Jblue’s bribe he comes to see you in the fitting room, two choices are possible:

Get out of here now! (+1)

What do you want? (+1) (Titjob,Handjob)


Go to the Park Michael Romance he announces that he owes 100,000$ to Derek,

Accept to meet Dereck (new quest)

Don’t help Michael


go to Coffe Bar near the gym

Accept to meet Dereck (new quest)

Don’t help Michael

go home put on gym advance time until noon and go to the park (Jogging II):

MR.Burke kiss my cock and suck it:

Fuck off (+1)

Do what he says (Req. C=5+, +1)

Side Quest: Anal Pig (J-Blue bribes)

put Casual Sensual go to Burke store

Pay 2,000$ (+2)

I have no money for rent

Side Quest: Black night II sex Ben, Chad and Allison

go home

Side Quest: Club (Dereck) if you put the sex bomb he will ask you to give him a blowjob for Michael’s debt (you can refuse and leave) decrease debt 500$

Go home (+1)

Accept his blackmail (Blowjob, +1)


we put on jeans and we fight Blood (henchman), if we win we will have the choice to do this sodomized, or else to refuse and leave (if you lose the fight against blood, it will only masturbate in front of you and leave you; So to be Sodomized you have to beat him)

decrease debt 1000$

Kick him (+1)

Accept his blackmail (Anal sex, +1)

I advise for those who do not modify their backup (money, attck, defense …) to return to sex bomb

return home, lingerie and sleep

Day 14 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest: Plumber / Temple

Message: Food and Sex / Marcus

Shower, after tom’s come take a shower.

Temple: take the bus in front of the casino (-50$)

Talk Toshiro entrance and accept, the first house on the left is something to dress in (kimono) something to restore life and mana.

put on the kimono, open the red chest 500$ and 3 healing herbs on the right and exit, go to sensei win fight,

Alex: No, Thanks (+1) (no sex if you win or lose)

Accept the bet (+1, 1,000$)

(if you win you hit 1000$, if you lose there will be sex) i choose to surrender

(if you kill J-blue win the fight so that the scene with Mr.ghellar (this triggers without problem)

Hit Alex and Ghellar (+1, Battle) ifyou lose the fight (Ghellar forces you to take the blue pill), *if you win the fight (Ghellar flees and announces that he will avenge)

Swallon the blue pill (+2) (alex vaginal sex front Mr.Ghellar)

before going to see Alex, go around the temple, plunder or not the grave, meditate, and return

Sensei Teah me Kami.

(if you chose to lose to Alex and / or you do not necessarily want to waste the can of care item from your inventory, return it or you have put on the kimono and eat drink).

I choose to loot the grave, the objects recovered from resale and therefore give back enough to afford the care kit or other

Talk Alex Zen Bathroom: i can”t do that (+1)

Okay (+1) Blowjob, Anal sex

return to the house on the left you see Dereck on the bed:

Get ou (+1)

Fuck Him (+1) Pull it out… or Don”t say anything change clothe and take bus, go home,

Food and Sex:

put casual sensual advance time 1 hour go to Mason go home


put sex bomb, go to the casino at 10 p.m. , Talk Marcus Vip room,

We have many things to talk about!

Get your hands off me!

Don’t say anything (+1)

only if you chose the first day his love

Marcus announces that Michael is unfaithful,watching you Allison give Michael a handjob you have two possibilities here:

Angry with him (+1) (you will have a discussion outside his house later in the evening, Break up or give him a chance)

Vengeance (Req. : C=5+, +1)

Revenge yourself by making love with Marcus (several scenes, and this opens the double scene in version 0.22)

Titsjob, Blowjob,you get the key card for the private elevator (Marcus room)

Side Quest: All In (Eden)

go to the elevator Vaginal sex, Anal sex

go to home, put on ligerie and sleep

Day15 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Hunter

Side Quest: Expert

Shower, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 10/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, talk Jason

if you refused Michael’s love the first day, free yourself with the combat knife and lose the fight to enjoy a scene with Hunter and Michael behind the window

if you don’t have a knife watch you hunter make love to the kidnapped woman, and he just knocked you out then

*use pocketKnife (Requiered: PocketKnife, +5exp) *Don’t do anything

*Purify me instead of her (+2) Blowjob

*Watch the purification (+2) he fucks the other woman *if you use the knife and win the fight you can Arrest him (+1) or Kill him (+2)

losing the fight takes you to the same scene Purify me

(on the road to michael’s love i prefer to kill him or arrest, on the road where i refuse michael i prefer to lose the fight). if you helped michael (Harbor, Interrogate Mason), you can interrogate him if you stop him

Daily Quest: Interogation “room 2f” (reward Favor john doe), Go to your desk

Go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time until midnight, put sexy bomb go talk John Doe (park), go home put Casual Jeans and go Trading City talk nigthwatchman give invitation, talk to


Do you wan’t to fight in my arena?

No, I don’t (+1)

Yes, I do (+1) best choice

if you refuse you will not be able to return, so accepted. Win Toshiro +100$ per fight, Slag 200$ per fight, talk to scars and accept Challenge. win ten fight against Toshiro (100$ per fight)

“Toshiro 3/10”

go home , put on lingerie and sleep. (handjob)

Day16 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Harassers / Secret Lab

Side Quest: Expert / Challenge I /

Shower, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 11/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, fight and win against Joe and Buddy, (you can lose if you wish), Sheila:

Disarm her (+1)

Don’t do anything

only the scenes change somewhat if you disarm and lose the fight, on the other hand if you win the

two fights no sexual intercourse.

Return police station, your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time until midnight put on Casual jeans go park Secret Lab, password 558769

Save the Woman (+2, fight the soldiers)

Ignore them

(if you don’t have a lot of money i advise you to ignore)

whatever you choose you end up falling on the Project X-666

to this day whether you win or not it doesn’t change anything about him

once at home go to sleep

Day17 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Possible care to get pregnant from here (monitor your fertility) take Birth control 0% fertility for 24h

Story: Traffic

Side Quest: Expert / Challenge I / Condo Fees

Message: Payment (John Doe) Shower, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 12/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, (ah if you lost to Pusher at each meeting this is the place to be careful) (burke can pass for the sex session shower) I tend not to take a shower until Manilla discovers the cameras

Hit him (Req,: J=+15, +1

Pay the debt ($3,000)

Fuck him (+1) Condo Fees

we see Mr.Ghellar and Pusher discuss he talks about you and michael

if you lose the fight you will have Vaginal intercourse (becomes pregnant),if you win the fight you can either grab the Drugs from the truck for the police or steal it for you.

The police must seize the drug (+20 exp, +2)

Steal 50 Bags of Nightfall (Req. C > J, +2)

my choice is to win the fight and steal the drugs (resell for cash)

we see Pusher flee and announce that he will take revenge, Go to Lt.Storm, go talk Allison password Miller’s locker 45342

Follow the rules (+20 exp, +2)

Steal her personal effects (Req. : C=5+, +1)

200$ and something

go to your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa advance time until 11 p.m.

Side Quest: Sex Storm

Put on casual sensual or Sex bomb and go Hotel “INN”

Message: Payment put on sex bomb and meet John Doe Park

(my choice casual sensual and return home put sex bomb and talk John Doe).

Go home put on casual jeans and go fight Toshiro 6/10, go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 18 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Possible care to get pregnant from here

Story: Benny 1 / Benny2

Side Quest: Expert / Challenge I / Bad water / Condo Fees

Message: Hard Sex

Shower, Hit him (Req,: J=+15, +1

Pay the debt ($3,000)

Fuck him (+1) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 13/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk to Lt.Storm, go home put on casual jeans the building to the right of the gym

if you lose the first fight against “Paradise” you will have “Paradise” and “Criminal” to face at the Park if again you lose Criminal Fuck Manilla in the park

if you win the fight against paradise then lose against Criminal, you again face Paradise and

criminal in the park Arrest him (+20 exp, +2)

kill him (+2) Vaginal sex Criminal

if you win the fight against paradise then against Criminal, you face Paradise in the park again

Arrest him (+20 exp, +2)

kill him (Req. : C=10+, +2) Vaginal sex Paradise

go home put your uniforme and go police station, your desk (pusher scene), Talk Storm Go Home put on lingerie and sit sofa,

advance time by one hour, put on casual sensual go to mason

Go home put on casual jeans go to Trading City (Pub) “Benny 2”

go home put on lingerie take bottle water in the fridge and sleep after sex pusher put on jeans and go foght Toshiro 9/10 go home, put on lingerie and sleep

Day 19 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Hades / Red Card

Side Quest: Expert / Challenge I / Payday / Rent and Bills / Condo Fees

Shower, Hit him (Req,: J=+15, +1

Pay the debt ($3,000)

Fuck him (+1)Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 14/15), go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Michael; Talk to Lt.Storm, Hospital,

Burke Blackmail: Don’t touche me! (Special Event, +1)

Vaginal Sex (Req. : C=10+, +1)

(only if you were nice to him)

if you accept Vaginal sex Storm is not aware that you are corrupt, and you will not have the beach event with Burke

Go Home put on lingerie and sit sofa, advance time by one hour,

Daily Quest: Love Night (Michael) put on casual jeans go Michael House (trading City) if manila is pregnant she can tell michael (justice) or lie to him (corruption)

go home, advance time by one hour, Pub Trading city casual jeans, you entered the pub and a client

(erik) slap your ass Hit him (+1) Erik says he will take revenge later (Day32)

Don’t touche me, you bastard (+10 exp)

Don’t say anything (+1)

Black (bartender) this proposal:

Refuse this proposal (+10 exp, +1)

Accept hisproposal (+800$, +1)

go home put sex bomb, go hades talk Cerberus show red card

Client: Arrest him

Blowjob (Req.: C=10+,+100$)

Handjob (Req.: C=+10, +100$)

go home put on casual jeans and go Fight Toshiro 10/10, talk to Scars,

Fight Slag 3/10 (+200$ per fight) Blowjob, go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 20 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest: Three Clients (I do this quest only on the Justice road)



Condo Fees

Shower, Hit him (Req,: J=+15, +1

Pay the debt ($3,000)

Fuck him (+1)Condo Fees

put on jeans ang o meet Dereck behind the gym, Derek reminds you of your deal concluded a few days earlier, continued blackmail or stop here (I do not know what happens next if we decide to stop), the discord may some may change if Manila is pregnant.

No, I change my mind Every choice has its consequences* Save11 Yeah, but I call it blackmail

Go take Bus to Temple (50$), put the Keylogi, Fight Sensei, Go mdeditate,

*if you are pregnant no fight against Sensei, direct Meditation, Alex come to disturb you and:

Push him away (+10 exp, +1)

Vaginal sex (Req. : C > J, +2)

(during meditation Alex come and offer you another fight, if you win you will have a Monolith, if you lose he will have your body), No, I’m not

Yes, I am

(I will advise you to have a path where you won)

also remember that you can restore your health and mana between sensei combat and meditation “At the Temple you have the possibility of meditating to recover from Justice 1h, 2h or 3h”.

changed you and go back to home, put on Casual Sensual, go massage (the massage center is east of Trading city).

Suresh Don’t be afraid and get undressed.

I’ve changed my mind, i’m going to home

Okay…. (+1)

(Suresh insert fingers into her pussy)

go home, advance time until 11 p.m., put on sex bomb, exit house “1st Customer” Mayor Kilian

(if manila is pregnant the sex scene will be different) 1st customer this valid in two steps go to the appointment not pregnant and pregnant to finish this quest.

at the end keep the outfit and go west (Sector Hades),

Arrest him

Blowjob (Req.: C=10+,+100$)

Handjob (Req.: C=+10, +100$)

there are two cars so two customers, so 200$ more (while you are doing this time is not advancing) go home and put on jeans go fitght Slag 7/10 (if you are pregnant you cannot fight), go home put on lingerie and sleep.

– – – –

Day 21 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Side Quest: Sex Gym/ Monokini/ Beach I/ Challenge I / Tree client (Blowjob, Handjob) you can arrest the three clients on Sunday evening, you will question them at the police station and you can either arrest them or make them pay for their freedom (by blackmailing them: Storm will be angry “if you had sexual intercourse with him by the past,

it will avenge on your body “; if you have played Justice thoroughly it does not happen anything)

Shower, Hit him (Req,: J=+15, +1

Pay the debt ($3,000)

Fuck him (+1)Condo Fees

after shower, put on casual sensual and go clothing store,

Buy “monokini” (-500$, +1)

Accept Allison’s gift

Robber event: Attack the criminal (+1)

Don’t do anything (+1)

if manila pregnant no fight

(one has the impression that I flee all the fights but to have a maximum of the history of the city and Manilla we have frankly no choice)

go home put on casual Summer and go Beach, here you can have Mr.Burke according to your previous choices who just asked for his sexual payments (especially if Manila is pregnant),

if Burke did not come to the hospital you will not see him on the beach if you are pregnant there is no part of voley

otherwise it’s a game of volleyball with friends: (Strip voley)

No, Thanks (+1)

Okay (+1)

Focus on Victory (+1)

Focus Damien’s cock (+1)


Enjoy the moment

Kiss Grace with tongue (+1)

after you talk Jason: It’s a mistake to kill him (+1)

Help him*

*Accept the kiss (Begin the relationship with him)

Refuse the kiss

go home advance time until 7 p.m. put on gym “Sex Gym”

Kick him (+1)

Let him train you (+1)*



(once the event is finished go back there and change the choice to see the different comments from J-blue) by returning there you will have the choice:

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +6 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +12 exp)


or advance the time by one hour put on sex bomb and go casino talk Marcus

Mr.Church *Kick Him (+1)

Let him lick your pussy (+1)

*(Marcus helps the client and you have a choice)

if you let it lick your pussy, back home.

No, I don’t want to do it (+10 exp, +1)

*Okay, I’ll give you a Handjob (Req.: C=15+, +1) *opens a new choice after the handjob

Reject the proposal (+50 exp, +1)

Accept (Req.: C=20+, 1000$, +1)

after event Back home advance time to midnight go Hades sector

Arrest him

Client 1

Blowjob (Req.: C=10+,+100$)

Handjob (Req.: C=+10, +100$)

Arrest him

Client 2

Blowjob (Req.: C=10+,+100$)

Handjob (Req.: C=+10, +100$)

Client 3 Arrest him

Blowjob (Req.: C=10+,+100$)

Handjob (Req.: C=+10, +100$)

or you stop them to blackmail them and have Storm sex after, (anyway Lt.Storm will want sex if you have refused Mr.Burke in hospital) my choice is to advance in “Paradise Quest”

for the needs of the Walkthrough I stop them

Go home put casual Jeans go fight Slag 10/10, Talk to Scars

Fight N.Watchman (if you win: 500$, 25 exp) “per fight” 2/10 Titsjob

go home put on lingerie and sleep.

– – –

Day 22 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

(Preggo one 500$ unit “Burke store” 24 hour work)

Story: Androids / surveillance

Side Quest: Expert/ Three Clients/ Challenge I/

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: $)*

Take quick shower (followers: $)*

Burke Sex (+1) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range (Expert 15/15) you have the option to buy Tactical Shotgun 1,000$ (20$ Shells “shotgun), go to the work station, get the document,

take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm Information about androids (+1)

Go to the car

if you have accepted the bribe from J-Blue and refused Mr.Burke to the hospital, Lt.Storm will show you the surveillance video here or you have accepted the bribe from J-Blue and you will have a sex scene (Repeatable in his office)

interview the Three Clients: Validate the Arrest (+100 exp, +1)

Blackmail (Req.: C=20+, +1,500$ per week, +2)*

*Lt.Storm Punished your incopetence! you will not have this scene if you have not had relations with storm in the past (Deny love Michael, Kill J-Blue).

Go to car Quest Behind Burke’s store, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa. (possible change depending on the version of the game)

Side Quest: Punishement / Pole Dancer and Sex Gym “you can do them every night” put on casual summer, go Burke Store

Don’t let yourself be blackmailed (+1)

You son of a bitch (+1)

after event go home put on Gym

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +6 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +12 exp)


go home put sex bomb, casino pole dancer

Bukkake (Req.: C=25+, +300$, 1 hour)

End of shift (+200$, 1 hour)

go home put on jeans Love Night “Michael”

Fuck Miachael (25+MP) Vaginal sex (+10 exp, -25MP)

Break up with Michael (Love Story with Jason)

Go away

even if you are pregnant you can make love to her (provided you have chosen the right route) go home, advance time until midnight if you haven’t Arrest les Three Clients put on sex bomb and go Hades (Handjob, Blowjob Req.: C=10+, +100$) if you stop them, whether you blackmail them or not you won’t see them again. after put on jeans and go behind store burke rejoin “Jason in car” (if you are pregnant the scene will be different jason will go alone in combat and shackle will arrive as a reinforcement to save him or not)

if you lose the fight Wang+Tony will sexually abuse you, “see you again tomorrow Rose gang” if you won the fight he’s Arrest Wang and you questioned him tomorrow

go fight N.Watchman 4/10 (500$, +25 exp)/ go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 23 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Gang of Rose

Side Quest: Sex Gym, Pole Dancer, Expert, Peeping tom

Three Clients if you didn’t stop them (Handjob, Blowjob Req.: C=10+, +100$)

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: $)*

Take quick shower (followers: $)*

Burke Sex (+1) Condo Fees

put on casual jeans (Peeping Tom), if you’re pregnant you won’t have to look for Tom

exit house, to the left of the hotel “INN” is a citizen to talk to, after talking to him head south “Trading City”, Tom will offer you one to continue filming you in the shower for money, or you can stop him now (for the moment arresting him does nothing)

Tom proposal: Arrest him (20 exp, +2)

Accept the blackmail (Req.: C=15+, +2)

if you accept the blackmail return the house put on lingerie and shower (be careful not to get pregnant)

Spy camera: Item Store to the right of the “INN” hotel just before entering the Park


after event Tom /go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range Fight x1 Androids and shoot stand

go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm (if you won against Wang last night, you questioned him), go to car,

Gange Rose: lose the fight and Rose sex Jason and you strap on (Wang and Tony can be present according to your choice of the day before)

once at the police station go to your desk and go home put on lingerie and sit sofa it is 10 p.m. you have 2 hour to lose so you are going to Pole dancer or Sex Gym

i choose the Gym

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +7 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +14 exp)


and Pole Dancer

Bukkake (Req. : C=25+, +300$, 1 hour)

End of shift (+200$, 1 hour)

(from 10 p.m. you can also come see Michael on the Love route)

go fight N.Watchman 9/10 (500$, +25 exp)/ Love Night “Michael”

Fuck Miachael (25+MP) Vaginal sex (+10 exp, -25MP)

Break up with Michael (Love Story with Jason)

Go away even if you saw the star at michael (love route) do not go out of the Challenge because it is 5am and when you go out it will be time to wake up at home so black screen game crashes)

go home put on lingerie and sleep.

Day 24 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Merry… / Santa (not pregnant)

Side Quest: Sex Gym, Pole Dancer, Expert,

Three Clients if you didn’t stop them (Handjob, Blowjob Req.: C=10+, +100$)

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 102$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 52$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 0$) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range Fight x3 Androids and shoot stand go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

50$ (10 exp, +1)

100$ (20 exp, +2)

I have no money, I’m sorry

go your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa,

i choose the Gym

and Pole Dancer

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +8 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +16 exp)


Bukkake (Req.: C=25+, +300$, 1 hour)

End of shift (+200$, 1 hour)

go home puton casual jeans and advance time midnight, Got to Parking casino

Jason: Yeah

We can’t start dating (Stop the romance)

Santa pop: lose fight sex scene, win return home

go fight N.Watchman 10/10 (500$, +25 exp), Talk to Scars (lose figth = Anal Sex)

win 5 figth and title Queen of the ring (if you lose 1st round anal sex, 2 round lick pussy, 3 round Scars vaginal, Suck Slag and Toshiro touches your boobs)

if you haven’t lost a fight on Toshiro Slag and N. Watchman it’s time to lose one on each and see the scene / you can still keep fighting to make money / I chose to go see Michael, seeing that I am on his road of love

Love Night “Michael”

Fuck Miachael (25+MP) Vaginal sex (+10 exp, -25MP)

Break up with Michael (Love Story with Jason)

Go away

go home put on lingerie and sleep.

Day 24 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: …Christmas

Side quest: Pole Dancer, Sex Gym, Expert, 1st Customer,

Pregnant here use Preggo One (burke store) advance the time of delivery to 24h

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 388$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 188$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 705$) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm if you are pregnant you will play Jason for the main quest; sex scene

if you are not pregnant you will accompany jason and fight, lose fight sex scene, win return police station

Manila pregnant the only quests you can do and that of the three clients (Hades sector) if you haven’t stopped them, otherwise sex gym pole dancer and fight if you haven’t finished and / or love michael,

Go put on lingerie and sleep

Day 25 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Mr.Ghellar

Side quest: Payday / Bribes

Daily quest: Chilbirth

Message: Gang Bang (Mason)

put on Normal Chilbirth, take Ambulance, enter the hospital, take the staircase in front of you on the right, take the elevator on the right then head towards the central hall sparkling star.

Event: so who is the father ?

to leave the hospital take the elevator then the stairs and exit, take bus return to home put on lingerie

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 318$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 118$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 717$) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the shooting range Fight x3 Androids and shoot stand go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

then if you have kill J-blue, Mr.Ghellar wishes to speak to you, if you have to refuse the love of Michael and broke up with him he will not come to your rescue in the fight

MrForger Yes, I do

No, I don’t

go your desk, go home put on lingerie and sit sofa,

choose the Gym

and Pole Dancer

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +8 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +20 exp)


Bukkake (Req.: C=25+, +300$, 1 hour)

End of shift (+200$, 1 hour)

go home put on casual summer, Lt.Storm Hotel “INN”

Event Sex

go home put on sex bomb

Three Clients if you didn’t stop them (Handjob, Blowjob Req.: C=10+, +100$)

go home put on casual summer advance time 1 hour // Gang Bang Mason

(Mark and rick if you stopped Mason, you would have had two comics to stop the next day, or if you lost the fight michael venai to your rescue)

check computer home:

put on lingerie and sleep

Pay 3000$ (+9 exp, +1)

Bribes 1500$ (+61 exp, +1) side quest Three Clients.


Day 26 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide


Take normal shower (Followers: 496$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 296$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 941$) Condo Fees

put on casual jeans go park talk marcus

I’m not interessed (+50 exp, +1)

Okay (+1) (new quest)

go to clothing store if you accepted Marcus’ proposal

(if it was Michael who defended Mr Forger you pay for the dress 500$)

go take bus front casino (temple), put on Keylogi, if manila pregnant no fight, and sensei will be furious, buy Bô staff, and fight Sensei

and fight Alex win the first fight and lose the second sex zen bathroom, “event zen bathroom”

if you kill J-Blue win both fights and a sex scene with Mr Ghellar

Go out and spy on tem (+1) new quest Sacred Chest

Suck Ghellar’s cock (+1)

if you want meditation (upper left corner of the temple), otherwise put on jeans and tak bus

advance time until 7 p.m. and go to the gym

Training 1 hour (- 10$, -25 MP, +9 exp)

Sexual Training (-50 MP, +18 exp)


after the Gym advance by one hour, put “Elegant” Very Fashion and go casino

proposal from Marcus (J-Blue must be alive) “All in Eden after”

Refuse (+50 exp, +1)

Accept (Nightfall, +1,000$, +1) “Scene double Marcus J-blue”

open your inventory, item, telephone advance the time until 00:00 or work casino, and take the Nightfall pill, take the private room elevator, Enjoy scene

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 26 Sunday

Forger Date

Sacred Chest

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 423$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 223$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 902$) Condo Fees

Sacred Chest: put jeans, go temple, put kimono

Fight Him (+1)

Go away

Give him a blowjob (+1)

Take it (+1 Level, +3) save the temple

Dollars 25K

Tuth (+1) alex exiled from the temple, revenge later

Lie (+1)

Use your Kami: Open it (Chest, +3)

too late to bring the money

(Mr.Gellar will become the owner of the temple)

jason date:

Casual Summer 12h

Win Fight Rudy and Kiet

End the date (+50 Exp, +1)

Invite him to your home (sex scenes)

if you lose the fight, one will urinate on Jason and the other will masturbate on Manilla

Forger Date:

21h00 put very fashion dress

Defend Logan (+1)

Don’t say anything

I’m police officier, Shane

I have a boyfriend, Shane



His same isn’t important…


I promise you I’ll think about it

Accept….(Req: C=25+ or Nigthfall, +1) Handjob, Blowjob

if you choose to Defend Logan, Police officer, you will have the scene with Forger Complete if however you accepted of course (I miss 2 scenes with forging at the edge of a swimming pool, I haven’t found the route for that yet)

possible to go to Gym before the Forger Date and after Forger you can go to the worked casino

Day 27 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Hotel I

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 466$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 266$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 508$) Condo Fees

go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

this will unlock the sex office

Vaginal sex I (+10 xp, -25 MP)

Vaginal sex II (+10 xp, -25 MP)

Go Away

Hotel I

(Mr Ghellar tells you about the video that Derek took during the 1 customer service) depending on the chosen route

interact with all the PNJs in the hotel, when you get the Quest Update message, take the elevator you realize that the officer is no longer there for surveillance

(if you lose the Battle “Killer” = Game Over)

(Michael possible help you)

Mr Ghellar has a proposal

Reject Him (+25 exp, +1 justice)

Blowjob +500$, +1 corruption)

go home put on lingerie and Save

it’s 7 p.m. so you can go to the Gym x2, Put on Sex Bomb and go wark Casino,

at midnight, if you have stopped the 3 clients, quest kidnapping,

Fight (+2)

the woman remains unconscious and the two guys take care of you

Drop the gun (sex, +2)

if you choose to go to a sex scene with the unconscious woman

go home put on your jeans and go to the arena and hit Scars (lose to scars egal sex Anal) it is possible to see Michael before going home

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 28 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Hotel II

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 352$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 152$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 941$) Condo Fees

get off at the hotel, go to the police station, sign the register, return to the Ghellar hotel, talk Jason fight Cain, if you surrender Jason come to your aid,

Hotel II

talk to jason

Go with Jason (Req: J=25+ or Shotgun, +2)

Don’t say a word lose the fight = Game Over

go to the top left of the ground floor of the hotel to find the 3 corrupt policemen, (fight) if you killed J-Blue, you will have a scene with Mr Ghellar

Stop torturing me, Ghellar…..

Yeah…put your dick inside me…

according to your choices after combat you take back control of Manilla, take the elevator and go to

Mr Ghellar’s room

Get out (+1)

Check his body (+1)

it’s 10 p.m. you can go to the Casino or Gym

quest Capitulation to lose the fight against Mason = Game Over

Arrest Him (+500 exp, +3)

Kill Him (+250exp, +1)

Listen to him (req; C=50+ or Nigthfall, +3)

go home put sex bomb, go see the 3 customers in their car if you haven’t stopped them, go fight Scars

go home put on lingerie and sleep


Day 29 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Christmas ?!

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 459$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 259$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 831$) Condo Fees 46%

get off at the hotel, go to the police station, sign the register, return Hotel talk Jason (if pregnant you skip a lot of things)


No (Req: C<25, 100 exp, +2)

Yes (+2)

if your corruption is too important you will have no choice but to accept

talk to michael in the hallway

Go home

Talk Michael (req Romance, Sex scene)

go home (+1)

okay (+1)

Seduce Him (req Nightfall, sex scene, +1) Vaginal sex Michael Manilla is not satisfiedshe continues with Mr Ghellar (according to your previous choices kill J- Blue)

go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, Gym, Casino, Hades, fight to Scars,

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 30 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Hotel III

Side Quest: Pen drive

Hotel III

Take normal shower (Followers: 439$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 229$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 670$) Condo Fees

get off at the hotel, go to the police station, sign the register, return Hotel talk Jason

Daily Quest: Black Test

Talk Ghellar room : i want to sex slave?

No, I d’on’t (+1) you say yes in the next scene automatically

Yes, I do (+1)

go home put on sex bomb and go park

Hit him (+1) on this choice if you lose the fight John doe happens, if you win he will tell you where he is

Suck his cock (+1) he will tell you where he is

John doe talks to you

Seduce him (+1) give you the code

Listen to him (+1)

handjob (+1)


Vaginal Sex (req: C=50+ or nightfall, +2)

back to the hotel talk to Jason you will have a time limit to defuse the bombs

countdown 10 minutes (when you know where to look and you have memorized the code in 2 min it’s over)

Code to defuse bombs: 46667

go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, Gym, Casino

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 31 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Target

Side Quest: Pen Drive / Payday

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 434$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 234$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 635$) Condo Fees 53%

get off at the hotel, go to the police station, sign the register, (it’s pay day)

return Hotel talk in Ghellar Room

Save Ghellar (+2) if you killed J-Blue = sex scene fight lucifer: if you lose the fight he escapes, if you win you stop him.

Mr.Ghellar talk Refuse (+100exp, +1)

Accept (Req: C=25+, +2000$, +1)

let him die (+2)

go home put on lingerie and sit sofa, Gym, Casino

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 32 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Quest Bad Omen

Take normal shower (Followers: 434$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 234$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 635$) Condo Fees 56%

Red Moon Fight surrender and the stick penetrates you

win the first fight and you bid on a second and finally Red Moon

Magic Hands


Accept (req: C=10+, +1)

No, i want to rest

Sure (New Quest)

Yeah (req c=20+, +1)


No, i’m satisfied

Yes please (req C=30+, +1)

you should be able to go back whenever you want with varying choices

( +100mp)

(C=5+, +100mp)

(C=10+, +100mp)

(C=20+, +200mp)

(C=30+, Full HP,MP, +100exp

Massage I

Massage II

Step I

Step II

Step III


go home, advance time, go gym and sex bomb work casino, return home put sensual

Sex Party (day19 erik choice)

Talk to him (+1) Erik punish you after the orgy

Don’t say

go home put on lingerie and sleep

Day 33 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Beach II

Take normal shower (Followers: 310$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 110$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 653$) Condo Fees 60%

put on casual summer, put on monokini

Fuck off (Req: romance Michael, +1)

No, Thanks

Okay (req C>J or Nightfall, +1) (Good Choice)

start with Playing with Jason /

go Nudist Beach

Yes, We are (0 / C:+1 Lie)

i’m not interested

Sounds good (req: C=50+, or Nightfall, +2)

No, we aren’t (0/ c:+1 lie)

go advance time : Date with Jason

Normalize (Req: J>C, +1 Level, +3)

Surrender to Kendra (Req: C>J, +1 Level, +3

go home, gym work casino, take care of the three Red Card customers, fight scars

Go Home put on lingerie and Save

Pen Drive:

next update

Day 34 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Grace I

Side Quest: Pen Drive

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 465$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 265$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 799$) Condo Fees 63%

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

if you arrested Lucifer you can ask to interrogate me (did you protect Mr Ghellar?)

Go Hospital, Doc:

Report to the captain (+1 Level, +3)

Blackmail him ($50,000, +1)

I don’t want to do it

Okay (Vaginal Sex)

Prison Cell: Enter the cell of Lucifer good choice

Go away

Get out of the cell (+1)

Give him a Handjob (Req. : C=15+, +1)

Hit him

Go away whatever your choice leads to the new quest,

maybe in the future it will be important.

Revenge 90: Go Lt.Storm, blackmail (Vaginal Sex III +10 xp, -25MP)

return you desk, go home put lingerie and sit sofa

gym training, work casino, return home and put lingerie, sleep

Day 35 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Grace II

Side Quest:

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 416$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 216$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 745$) Condo Fees 66%

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm, on the right when leaving his office, the men’s locker room and shower Akin

Go away (+1)

Watch him take shower (+1)

No way!

Show him your boobs (+1) blowjob

Fuck him (Req.: C=50+ or Nightfall, +2) Handjob vaginal sex

Go Hospital, talk Doc

Enter the portal (+250 Exp, +2)

Get your test tube (Liquid Kami) Fight soldier

Don’t touch it

Go away

whatever choice your route will open the repeatable scene with the Doc. (Vaginal Sex) go Akin’s car and go to your desk, go home put lingerie and sit sofa

work casino, return home and put lingerie, sleep

Day 36 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Escape!

Side Quest: Condo fees

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 398$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 198$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 867$) Condo Fees 70%

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the

document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

Red Moon, Sheila and ??? in laboratory:

Watch the bedroom Scene (Sex)


go parking, fight if you lose = Game Over Mardock + 3 Androids

Chase the vilain (+250 Exp, +2) you shoot Mardock aboard the


Drive back to the police station

go to your desk, go home put you lingerie and sit sofa

gym training, work casino, return home and put lingerie, sleep

Day 37 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Briefing

Side Quest: Condo fees

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 398$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 198$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 884$) Condo Fees 73%

put on your uniform, go to the police station, sign the book, go to the work station, get the document, take the elevator, talk Lt.Storm

(John Doe, Nicholas, Ardoia, ????, Cain, Scars) criminal conference

go to your desk, go home put you lingerie and sit sofa

gym training, work casino, if you were still in contact with Michael it is the last moment for you to separate

return home and put lingerie, sleep

Day 38 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Rush

Side Quest: Payday, Chest

Shower, Take normal shower (Followers: 371$)*

Take quick shower (followers: 171$)*

Burke Sex (Followers: 843$) Condo Fees 76%

put on Casual Summer, where you buy the phone find the box that Jason needs, go to the parking casino, talk Jason

Désert Motel Jason (Req.; Romance)


Michael (Req. : Romance)

ifyou choose Jason by being in a relationship with Michael he argues and you are alone in the room, if you are in a relationship with both choose Michael (Jason will be angry with you)

if you chose Jason you made a good choice for the fight, since Michael flees leaving you alone fight if you lose = Game Over

Faust (he has a family area with Lucifer or Pusher)

Police Operation (+250 Exp, +2)

Blowjob (Req.: C=20+, +2) my choice

I want to reward you

Take the keys

Fuck him (Req. : C=30+, +1)

my choice

will you become one of my women

I-I can’t…. (Req. : J=15+) Bad Answer

YES! (+500 Exp, +2) Good Girl

Faust: come back with your sexy friends when your mission is complete.

you are destined to be the star of my next porn movies.

Save and clicked on the vortex, fight if you lose = Game Over

2 soldier then Hanna and Peter,

Stop and check

my choice

(Kairos is inisible)

Ignore it

and we continue with Sax who attacks you, after fight

Kendra: Accept (C=+5, J=-5, +1 Level)

Refuse (+1000 Exp)

Save end of release 0.34

Day 38 – Manila Shaw: Blackmail’s Obsession Walkthrough & Guide

Story: Subway

the backups listed below are not included, good luck finding all the Developer’s subtleties in the routes

Save44 Save45 Save46 Save47 Save48

Save49 Save50

Accept Michael, Bribes J-blue, Erik Fuck, Forger Fuck swiming pool

Accept Michael, Arrest All Ennemies

Refuse Michael, Arrest J-blue, Free Masson, save Ghellar, Arrest Lucifer (J=25/C=90) Refuse Michael, Kill Blue, Arrest Lucifer

Refuse Michael, Kill Blue, and Save Mr Ghellar

Accept Michael, Bribes J-blue, Arrest Lucifer, Jason Romance, (J=5/C=100)

Accept Michael, Bribes J-blue, Mr Ghellar dead, Michael Romance, (J=11/C=94)

* there is a nightfall vendor if you ever play see it justice so don’t worry, in the same area as the pizzeria

* if you kill J-Blue, Mr.Ghellar will ask you for a son (zen temple) Alex sex scene (different), at the next visit to the temple he will ask you for a Blowjob, at the Café when he meets Mr.Forger he will wish to have you for the night

* if you have stopped j-blue, you will see him leave the police station you will have several choices that can lead you to the sexual harassment of Lt.Storm

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