Welcome to My Summer with Mom & Sis Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.
Relationship Status: No hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Damn that’s cold. I bet he was crushed.
You’re too picky. You’ll be single all through college.
I don’t roll with losers. Sorry sis.
Nah. I think it’s because you’re his favorite.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Teddy Bear ($170)
2. Charm Bracelet ($450)
3. Silver Choker ($800)
Note: There is a series of actions that need to be done in order to progress further in the relationship. I shall refer them as “Quest” for future reference throughout the guide.
1 Heart – Quest preparations:
Steal 5 panties or have $500.
1 Heart – Quest:
1. Talk to Molly at the front yard.
2. Head to the Theater to trigger a dialogue.
3. Head to the Tech Support to trigger a dialogue.
4. Head to the Ghetto and give Skinny $500 OR 5 Panties.
5. Give back Molly’s phone to Molly in the living room.
6. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 1 heart.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Forget about him. You should be enjoying your summer.
They fit your look.
A purple one for sure.
You have a pretty smile Sis.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Silver Earrings ($250)
2. Purple Rose ($90)
3. Teddy Bear ($170)
2 Hearts – Quest preparations:
2 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to Molly’s room and click on her phone.
2. Head to the Kitchen and pick up the Cheese Snacks.
3. Head to Molly’s room and give Molly the Cheese Snacks.
4. Head to town, then return back home.
5. Head to Molly’s room and click on her phone:
Insert the Passcode: 301.
Then check the Chat, Gallery and the Camera.
6. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 2 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
How was it?
Do you want to see what’s on my phone?
Hey! It’s not easy having a hot sister.
You’re just too cute to leave alone.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Charm Bracelet ($450)
2. Silver Earrings ($250)
3. Teddy Bear ($170)
3 Hearts – Quest preparations:
3 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the Basement and talk to Molly.
2. Head to the Garage and click on the black box (On the wall), choose Switch 3 .
3. Head to the Basement and talk to Molly.
4. Head to the Theater to trigger a dialogue.
5. Return Home and give Chuck the Free Movie Pass in the living room.
6. Head to the Basement and talk to Molly to start the Truth or Dare Event:
1. Dare
2. What’s your favorite sex position?
3. Dare
7. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 3 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Don’t be like me Sis. It’s okay to be a virgin.
I dunno. Like six or seven.
I like girls who don’t fit a mold. Like you Sis.
I dream about you too sometimes. It’s not weird.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Silver Earrings ($250)
2. Silver Choker ($800)
3. Charm Bracelet ($450)
4 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Order Bikini ($700) from online shopping using your computer (Takes 7 days to arrive).
Obtain the Sunscreen, found in the Parent’s bathroom (Bathroom will be locked):
To unlock and enter the bathroom you need to have the following:
a) Have at least 5 Intelligence.
b) Buy wrench ($100) from the General Store (Hardware Section).
Then you need to do the following:
1. Go to the backyard (Left side) and click on the water filter, choose wrench.
2. Go to the kitchen and click on the sink, choose the water filter.
3. Return to the backyard and click on the water filter, choose water filter.
4 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the Kitchen and talk to Molly.
2. Give Molly the Bikini.
3. Give Molly the Sunscreen.
4. Head to the Pool (Back yard) and click on the glowing star.
5. Head to your bathroom (upstairs) and enter to view Molly’s BJ Scene.
6. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 4 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
It was great. But pretty much practice.
It’s snug, but not too bad.
No way! We can do it as much as we want
Don’t sweat it Sis. If anything happens I’ll take the fall.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Charm Bracelet ($450)
2. Silver Choker ($800)
3. Silver Earrings ($250)
5 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Obtain the Room Key, found in the Parent’s bathroom inside the black lockbox (locked):
To unlock, insert Passcode: 863.
Obtain the Dildo, you need to enter the Parent’s bedroom when it’s locked, then use the
Room key to open the door and catch Eve Masturbating. Get the Dildo when she’s done.
Obtain the Lubricant (Lube), found in the Parent’s bedroom under the left side pillow.
Buy Sleeping Bag ($1,000) from the General Store (General Section).
Have $3,000.
5 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to Molly’s room and talk to Molly.
2. Give Molly the Dildo.
3. Head to the basement and go to the bottom-left corner to trigger a dialogue.
4. Move the box North of the Plant, then push it to the left.
5. Head back to Molly and talk to her.
6. Head back to the basement and take Molly to the bottom-left corner.
7. Give Molly the Sleeping Bag.
8. Head to the Garage and click on the Christmas Lights.
9. Head back to the basement and give Molly the Christmas Lights.
10. Talk Molly to trigger a scene.
11. After the scene return to Molly in the basement and talk to her.
12. Give Molly the Lube to trigger Molly’s Anal Scene.
13. Head to town and work (As much as you can) to reduce Chuck’s anger level.
14. Return home and give Chuck $3,000.
15. Sleep
Relationship Status: 5 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Maybe we can be boyfriend and girlfriend.
It’ll be hard to think of another girl after what we’ve done.
You’ll have a boyfriend in no time and then you’ll forget about your annoying Bro.
I want to be with you Sis.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Silver Choker ($800)
2. Charm Bracelet ($450)
3. Silver Earrings ($250)
6 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Have enough energy to be able to go to town and work in Tech Support.
Have $3,000.
6 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the basement and talk to Molly to trigger Molly’s Kissing Scene.
2. Chuck will catch you kissing Molly and ground you in your room, just go to sleep.
3. The first chance you get to leave the room, Head to the kitchen and click on the phone: Calling Molly will start the Molly’s Quiz Event:
Doll collecting
4. Head to Molly’s room and talk to Molly.
5. Head to town and work at the Tech Support.
6. Head to the Parent’s room and click on their computer, choose the Thumb Drive.
7. Head to sleep.
8. (Next Day) Leave your room and Chuck will automatically trigger a scene.
9. After Chuck leaves, head to Molly’s room and talk to Molly to trigger Molly’s Sex Scene.
10. Sleep.
Congratulations! You’ve completed Molly’s questline. You can find Molly in her room and repeat some of the sex scenes as many as you want.
Relationship Status: No hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
I’m going to miss you Mom. You’re my favorite lady.
He sure is looking old, but yet somehow you’re still just as pretty as always.
Well between you and Dad, I’d choose you in a heartbeat!
I’d rather spend time with you Mom.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Decorative Pillow ($180)
2. Perfume ($500)
3. Gold Necklace ($700)
Note: There is a series of actions that need to be done in order to progress further in the relationship. I shall refer them as “Quest” for future reference throughout the guide.
1 Heart – Quest preparations:
Buy Garlic ($75) from the General Store (General Section).
1 Heart – Quest:
1. Head to the kitchen and talk to Eve.
2. Give Eve the Garlic to start the Dinner Event: I think it’s wonderful.
You’re the best Mom ever and a great cook.
That sounds fun. I wish I could go with you Mom.
3. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 1 heart.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
I wouldn’t want something like that to interfere with my last summer with you Mom.
If you weren’t my Mom, I’d totally be hitting on you.
I was thinking more physical pointers. Like what do women like?
Oh yeah. Those apps are great for meeting girls.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Heart Box of Chocolates ($300)
2. Red Rose ($75)
3. Decorative Pillow ($180)
2 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Order Drone ($800) from online shopping using your computer (Takes 7 days to arrive).
Buy Running Shoes ($700) from the General Store (Sporting Goods Section).
Obtain the following from the garage (You need to move the boxes around to get them):
a) Pliers
b) Penetrating Catalyst
Obtain the Wine Cellar Key, found in the Parent’s room laying on the ground (Near lamp)
Obtain Red Wine from the Wine Cellar, located in the basement (Door locked), To unlock:
1. Click on the Wine Cellar door, choose the Cellar Key (It will get stuck).
2. Click on the door again, choose the Penetrating Catalyst.
3. Click on the door for the last time, choose the Pliers.
4. Get inside and take one Red Wine.
2 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the living room and talk to Eve.
2. Head to the front yard and click on the Drone, use the Drone to hit the antenna (On roof).
3. Head to the living room and talk to Eve.
Give Eve the Red Wine to start the Two lies and a Truth Event:
I took a pair of your panties.
You saw me naked!
You have a great ass.
4. Sleep
Relationship Status: 2 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
I’m talking about your naughty side.
Come on Mom. I know you do it. I do it too!
That you have the best tits of any woman.
Cause I want you to think I’m hot.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Perfume ($500)
2. Heart Box of Chocolates ($300)
3. Decorative Pillow ($180)
3 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Obtain Hedge Clippers from the storage box found in the backyard (Right side) it’s blocked.
To unblock: Move the Green box “Rain catcher” (Click on it), Requires 20 Strength.
Have access to the Parent’s bathroom (Bathroom will be locked):
To unlock and enter the bathroom you need to have the following:
a) Have at least 5 Intelligence.
b) Buy wrench ($100) from the General Store (Hardware Section).
Then you need to do the following:
1. Go to the backyard (Left side) and click on the water filter, choose wrench.
2. Go to the kitchen and click on the sink, choose the water filter.
3. Return to the backyard and click on the water filter, choose water filter.
3 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the Garage and talk to Eve.
2. Give Eve the Hedge Clippers.
3. Head to the Back yard and talk to Eve to start the Mini Game.
4. After the dialogue, head to the Parent’s bathroom to trigger Eve’s Naked Posing Scene.
5. Sleep
Relationship Status: 3 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Maybe next time I can pose for you.
Not every woman. Just you Mom.
We were kissing.
Maybe you can help me out and I can give you a reward.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Heart Box of Chocolates ($300)
2. Gold Necklace ($700)
3. Perfume ($500)
4 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Obtain Erotic Novel by studying at the library (Random chance)
4 Hearts – Quest:
1. Exit your room and talk to Eve in the Hallway.
2. Head to the Parent’s room and steal Eve’s panties.
3. Head to the kitchen and give Eve the Erotic Novel.
4. Sleep for 2 days.
5. You will wake up in the middle of the night of the 2nd day, head to the Parent’s room. After the dialogue, head to your room to start the Eavesdropping Event:
Yes. I overheard a little.
You’re so far out of Dad’s league Mom. How do you put up with him?
You’re gorgeous Mom. And Dad is such a slob.
Relationship Status: 4 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
Is Dad considerate of your feelings?
I wish I could be the one to make you happy every day Mom.
I fantasize about us living together… alone.
I think we need to do what makes us happy.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Perfume ($500)
2. Gold Necklace ($700)
3. Heart Box of Chocolates ($300)
5 Hearts – Quest preparations:
Obtain the Sunscreen, found in the Parent’s bathroom.
5 Hearts – Quest:
1. Head to the Parent’s bathroom and talk to Eve.
2. Head to town and return home.
3. Head to the backyard and talk to Eve.
4. Give Eve the Sun Screen.
5. Head to the living room and talk to Chuck.
6. Click on the thermostat (On the wall).
7. Click on Chuck.
8. Click on the TV remote control.
9. Click on Chuck.
10. After the scene, you need to sneak past Chuck, in order to do so: Head to the back yard and enter the house from the front door.
As soon as Chuck looks to the right, head to the Parent’s bedroom.
11. After being busted by Molly, click on the window to climb out.
12. You need to sneak past Chuck once again
13. When you reach upstairs, you need to sneak past Molly, in order to do so:
Keep in mind Molly’s pattern is on a loop as follows: Left => Up => Right.
As soon as Molly looks up (Looking at your room), head to the Parent’s bedroom.
14. Click on Eve to trigger Eve’s Kissing & Anal Scene.
15. Sleep.
Relationship Status: 5 hearts.
Correct Dialogue Choices (When you ‘talk’ to her):
You should do what makes you happy. You don’t owe Dad anything.
Don’t worry Mom. Everything’s going to be okay.
I’m glad I can make you happy Mom. I’m here when you’re ready.
I wish it was just you and I living together. Someplace close to ESU.
Top 3 gifts (When you ‘give’ her):
1. Gold Necklace ($700)
2. Perfume ($500)
3. Heart Box of Chocolates ($300)
6 Hearts – Quest:
Note: Quest Not yet implemented!
So that’s the My Summer with Mom & Sis Walkthrough, hope you like it.
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