Noemi's Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough

Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough

Welcome to Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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Glossary of Terms – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Before we get started, here as few terms that will be used as shorthand during the doc to keep areas clean. Here we will explain the term and formatting, so you can see at a glance what is meant when they come up later. Note: If the requirements of a scene don’t mention one of the following as prerequisite, you can assume it is unrelated and the starting value will do. The same is true for unlisted prerequisite scenes, as long as you have viewed the previous arc scenes.

Day Number – This refers to the minimum numbers of days past in game before this scene will play out. Some scenes need a given amount of time to have passed, sometimes along with other requirement, to be triggered. It will be presented as in game like so: MM DD, so 01/15 means this scene will only play on or after the 15th day of the 1st game month.

Time of Day – This denotes if the scene plays out in the morning/afternoon, before the gameplay work shift of the day, or in the evening / night after the gameplay segment. For easiness sake, in this doc we will pretend Afternoon covers all the time before the gameplay including the morning, and Evening denotes all the time after the gameplay including late at night. Each day, up to one scene per day segment can be triggered, so two scenes total can be viewed if they fall on the same day.

Debt Remaining – This number denotes the amount of money Noe has cleared off her debt via the tips earned in the gameplay sections as her. This number should always be decreasing as the game goes on, so the higher the number listed here the easier / sooner you can trigger the scene. You have to be less than or equal to this number to see the scene! This will start at $100,000

Waitress Total Tips – For scenes in the story paths for the main trio of waitresses (Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), this number denotes how much overall tips they have earned during the gameplay. This number should always be rising so the lower the number listed here the easier it is to unlock the scene. You have to be greater than or equal to this number to see the scene!

Arc Cooldown – As of v0.10, this variable has been added to requirements for scene unlocks to help include a sense of pacing as arcs develop. As scenes in an arc complete, the cooldown for that arc alone is increased by a set amount of days, reducing every change of day. The next scene will play once this cooldown reaches 0 (if all other requirements are met). This is to make it so that by following character arcs in sequence rather than parallel, scenes don’t start piling up and relationship changes that takes time / time jumps between scenes don’t happen within a day or two, avoiding a jarring experience. Please note, the cooldown between scenes in never longer than the difference between the Day Number of scenes (see above), meaning this cooldown never makes the game between scenes longer than intended.

Nerve – The most important stat of the group as it come up in everything. This is a measure of how much of the fiery, risk-taking, take no shit, “I do what I want” side of Noe has re-emerged from its long repression. It marks how willing in general she to do things a shy, conservative girl wouldn’t. (Main Stat for all Restaurant Related Gameplay Outcome Unlocks)

Romance – This marks how susceptible the usually pragmatic girl is to acts of romance, fits of passion and mushy feelings. She has a loving side that is locked away, but some people can still pull her strings. She may do a lot for a man (or a woman) who can pull at her heart and she doesn’t realize just how much just yet. (Primary stat for Brad and Damon arcs – Also effects Outcomes in the Cooking Job)

Open Mind – Noe is an above average intelligent girl, but she does have her prejudices. She’s still got the old teaching of her severely protective Italian cop father in her mind and other than some fun in

college she’s not seen much of other ways of living your life. She’s never thought about things like girl-girl love, swinging or smoking pot but she will come into contact with it soon, so she’d better get used to it. (Primary stat for Roy and Asana arc – Also effects Outcomes in the Entertain Job)

Competitive – Deep down, Noe is a fighter and she doesn’t like to lose. She has a latent ruthless businesswoman side and she may go to extreme lengths to make thing go in her favour. That is doubly true when Sal is the one on the other side. As a sexy woman she has weapons in her arsenal that can help her win and if she can be riled up enough she will use them, 100%. (Primary stat for Sal and Beck arcs – Also effects Outcomes in the Promote Job)

Gameplay – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Goals of the Gameplay

The point of the gameplay is to have Noemi 1) Reduce and ultimately clear her debt, 2) Become competitive against Sal’s restaurant, 3) Show off the changes in the girls’ and the restaurant as the game progresses, including personal and sexy showings.

We want to design a system that is both fun to play, captures the competitive feel of the feud between Noe and Sal, and most importantly, that is not an obtrusive barrier to the player… by that we mean we don’t want to design a gameplay system that requires you to purposely lose so you get Sal to win / get corruption scenes or feel. We want the gameplay to drive the unlocking of the story naturally while adding to / showing off the changes to Noe’s personality and self-corruption against Sal’s efforts. We think we have exactly that in this system.

As opposed to the old Restaurant Runner (v0.1), this system includes Sal and his influence in the happenings that occur to Noemi and her business. The theme is not as much about earning your tips, though that is a big part of it, but in also the day to day battling between the restaurants. It is also more about Noe’s running of the business and assigning important duties, over her simply acting like a waitress and leaving the business work to the offscreen times.

Key Variables

The key things to track, make use of and that effect the outcomes and goals of the gameplay are:

Debt (Noe) / Money (Others) – This is the money earned by the girls during the course of their use in the gameplay. For Noe, it’s money off her debts, for the other girls it’s money towards their own goals and story events. This is the ultimate goal of the gameplay, to earn as much of this as possible as it drives the main story scenes progression for Noe (along with other stats) and the side event lines for the girls.

Stress – Stress levels are tracked by each girl and the more they are used the more stressed they get. The more stressed they are, the more they are likely to slip up and cause problems for the restaurant or earn less money for themselves. The goal is to balance this stat for the best risk / reward for you. Stress also help you to not become dependent on one girl over the others!

Little Toscana Reputation – The numerical description of how liked and well-known Noe’s place is in the neighbourhood. The higher it is, the more customers you can get in per day, meaning more money flows your way. It also means you are more of a threat to Sal, so he will meddle more in your affairs the higher it is. Rep can also be burned, if high enough, for high risk actions. For example, you can flirt more boldly and get higher tips from a customer, at the expense of becoming known as

a ’not so family friendly’ place to bystanders. Rep is earned by promoting the restaurant and running the restaurant well and is lost by Sal’s successful meddling or by reducing it yourself for other stat boosts.

Salvatore’s Deli Reputation – This is the same stat as Little Toscana Rep but for Sal’s place. This marks Sal’s fame or notoriety in the community. The higher it is, the more people will pass Noe’s up for his restaurant and cost you business… and worse, they will believe he’s not the Monster we know he is. The goal is to lower it and make it easier for Noe fight back and earn money, but by doing so he’ll have less to lose and do brasher things to discredit Noe… sexier things too. Sal’s rep will naturally increase over time as he does his own PR work, so stay ahead!

Day by Day

Each day, Noe (or rather the player) must assign her team to tasks for the day. The goals are to restore / increase “Little Toscana’s” reputation, earn money towards her own debts (advances the main story) or for the other girls (advancing their own side events), and reduce the reputation of “Salvatore’s Deli”… Noe wants to crush him, not just beat him.

Each day, Noe can give herself and all available girls a job for the day. Each job will have an effect on either income and/or one of the reputations of the restaurants, and also on the stress of the girl participating. The possible activities and their potentials are listed below.

Once all tasks are assigned, the game moves to an “Outcomes” scene, spliced together from potential outcomes from the activities. These outcomes are decided after all jobs for the day are assigned and confirmed. Outcomes can range from good to bad for each job, and largely depend on the stress level of the girl performing them at the time. Other variables such as Noe’s Nerve stat can also affect the range of outcomes. The “Outcomes” scene is a few simple lines and an image for each of the girls’ day, plus any attempts by Sal to cause trouble. The outcomes can simply be skipped like a normal VN scene.

An example of a Good Outcome is a low stressed waitress waiting a table, she is calmer and more pleasant, therefore earning a nice tip. An example of a Bad Outcome is a high stressed waitress waiting a table, she is strung out and easy to irritate, hence she earns a lower tip.

After the Outcomes are shown, a wrap up UI is shown to highlight changes and allow for early planning for the next day.


The activities and their outcomes available to Team Noe are as follow:

Wait Tables (max 2 girls, min 1 girl): The girl assigned to this job works the main floor and interacts with customers. She earns tip money for herself that day, but the job has long hours and involves moving all day so is stressful. Outcomes: Money+, Stress+

Entertain the Customers (max 1 girl): The girl uses her day to greet customers or entertain them in their own way by putting on a show. Kriem can drum and play live music, while Kelsey can dance, things like that. These can be hit and miss, depending on stress and an element of randomness, as well as any meddling from Sal. Outcomes: Base Tips+, Performer Stress+, Other Working Girls Stress Gain-

Cook on the Line (max 1 girl): One girl can help Brad in the kitchen for the day, working as a line chef and helping him get the dishes made. This is a high stress job but by doing so you can serve more customers and make better food, so the tip money for the day’s active waitresses is increased.

Outcomes: Money+ for the active waitresses, Stress++

Promote the Restaurant (max 1 girl): One girl can take the reins of the restaurants public face and help increase the reputation of the shop. They can post fliers around, use the social media accounts, meet with locals outside the shop… pretty much anything needed to get the word out. This can be a tiring job and highly depends on the stress levels going in if it is positively or negatively effective, but it can help with the reputation better than anything. Outcomes: Restaurant Rep ++/–, Stress++

Day Off (Not Applicable to Noe): The girl can be taken off the roster for the day and head home to do whatever they want. They can relieve their stress this way, and in a big way, but they do nothing else for the restaurant. Noe cannot take a day off on her workdays, she has her own days off in the Downtime System, and while at work she won’t take time off. Outcomes: Stress —

Note: Exact formulae for stat changes are constantly being tweaked with playtesting, but use Noe’s stats of Open Mindedness, Romance and Competitiveness as variables, encouraging them to be increased more. The other girls have them too, allowing them to be trainable and suit different tasks better. Theirs are not used in the story.

Sal’s Influence

Sal will try meddling in Noe’s business and if his efforts are successful, he can cost you time, money and rep, not to mention boost your stress. This is War after all!

Sal will place a trap in some of the tasks, how many depends on how much of a challenge you are to his reputation at that time. After the tasks are assigned for the day, Sal’s trap(s) are set and may affect outcomes. An example of one of his meddling might be planting a “customer” of Noe’s in the restaurant and having them grope the waitresses to spark a public fight and lower “Little Toscana’s” Reputation or cost the girl tips for that day.

The higher the Reputation of Noe’s restaurant, the more challenge she is to Sal and the more he will attempt to meddle each week / day. The lower Sal’s own reputation, the less he has to lose and the more desperate / bold he will be in his meddling, and his attempts will be more damaging if successful.

Proactive vs Reactive Tasks – The girls can do their tasks (except Day Off) either Proactively or Reactively. Think of these as Offensive or Defensive plays in the war with Sal. Proactive versions allow for bolder actions and possibly bigger rewards if successful. For example, a proactive waitress can flirt more and earn a higher tip, but it can also leave them open to Sal’s meddling. Proactively seeking tips can also reduce your reputation for being an upstanding business. A reactive version means the girl is on the lookout for things that might trip them up and can avoid Sal’s schemes, but being alert all day is tiring and hence stress will be increased more than normal.

If you assign a waitress to a proactive or neutral task that Sal has disrupted, it will fall flat and backfire on you, causing a loss. It’s a high risk, high reward strategy with the risk rising depending on how heated the fight between Noe’s and Sal’s is. In the “Promote the Restaurant” task, being proactive means attacking Sal back via negative PR, reducing his Rep if successful.

If you assign a waitress to a reactive task that Sal has disrupted, his attempts will fail as the girl will see it coming. She can counter it for no loss and do her job for the day too. It is risk free, but always comes with a higher stress level if nothing should happen.

Note: The Attitude System is locked on start. They unlock after you gain the ability to manipulate your/Sal’s Rep, after the Scene “Taste the Difference” (Main Story Arc #8)

Scene / Arc Paths – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Main Story Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) The First Day of the Rest of Her Life

Noe opens up her shop and begins another day as we the player are introduced to some of the main cast of character (or re-introduced if you played “NTR Origins: Noe Way Out”).

This scene will play out in the beginning of the game.

Noe automatically earns $4 off her debt in this scene.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats


2) Noe on Show

Noe takes the time in the morning to change into her work uniform… but something isn’t right. She has no time to fix it before she has to deal with the first customer of the day.

This scene will kick in on the second day without needing unlocking

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/02

Time of Day: Afternoon

3) Gettin’ Clean or Gettin’ Dirty?

Noe takes the time in the morning to change into her work uniform… but something isn’t right. She has no time to fix it before she has to deal with the first customer of the day.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to think about Brad or about the customer from the previous day. Selecting Brad will increase her Romantic stat by 1, while selecting the Customer will increase her Open Mind by 1

This scene will play automatically when you come to it.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/04

4) Noe of Thrones

Noe and Brad spend their Friday night on the couch trying to catch up with the latest TV blockbuster series: “Witch One” . But when Brad falls asleep, Noe watches on without him and things get out of hand.

This scene will also play out automatically when you come to it.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/05

Time of Day: Evening

5) The Name’s Sta… Kriem! The Name’s Kriem!

Little Toscana receives an unusual guest and surprisingly she’s looking for a job! Noe can plainly see the gothic punk of a girl is not a good fit for the restaurant but to her horror she seems to be the only one!

This scene will also play out automatically when you come to it.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/07

Time of Day: Afternoon

6) Kriem’s Training Day

Noe shows her new hire the ropes and is shocked by her lack of shame when it comes to getting changed. Noe can see she’s going to have a hard time dealing with the girl, but they begin a bond over their mutual opinion of Sal.

This scene will also play out automatically when you come to it.

After this scene, the Cooking daily job activity is unlocked in the Gameplay Restaurant Manager automatically.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/08

Time of Day: Afternoon

7) Pay Day!

Noe gives Kriem her performance review during her test period and decides to keep her on the staff

for the foreseeable future. To her surprise, Kriem is overjoyed at her small paycheque This scene will also play out automatically when you come to it.

After this scene, Kriem will be officially part of ‘Team Noe’ and a part of the game. Now that Noe can afford to be more flexible in her staffing and scheduling, the game will open up and stop railroading you with scenes. From this point on other character arcs will become available and further scenes unlockable based on time, stats and a combination of the two.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/12

Time of Day: Evening

8) Taste the Difference

Noe gathers the troops around to try out her new recipe, but the taste test doesn’t go as expected. The team arrange their first strike against the competition.

After this scene, the Promo daily job activity is unlocked in the Gameplay Restaurant Manager sections automatically.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 3 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/16

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,800

9) Streets Ahead

The team’s plan for a street party goes ahead and Noe tries to win the crowd back to her side with some drinks, good food and gossip. But Sal is not without his defence when an old friend tries to ruin Noe’s plan

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/21

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,800

10) Street Party Aftermath

After a successful party, Sal returns to the neighbourhood with an uncontainable anger. Noe and Sal argue again but this time Noe has some witnesses.

Little Toscana automatically gains 5 Points during this scene while Salvatore’s Deli loses 5 Points thanks to their owners’ actions before the public.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/25

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,800

11) Now Who Needs a Break?

Noe and Brad discuss their plans in the long and the short term, leading Noe to think they could use a second helping hand around the shop.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/02

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99700

12) Call Me ‘Frankie’

A classy woman walks into the shop in a huff, and after a chat about a topic of mutual disgust, Sal, Noe is ambushed by another job applicant.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/06

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99600

13) Frankie’s First Day

Frankie appears for her first day of work and her first change into uniform. She meets with Kriem too, but shockingly they don’t hit it off. After this, Frankie is free to work as instructed.

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/08

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99600

14) Can’t Come Out to Play

While all of Team Noe work through the day around and about the shop, a messenger appears in a Deli Uniform and stirs up arguments and a little fear in the ‘Little Toscana’ staff.

In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Nerve.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/14

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99400

15) A Plan Comes Together

Noe calls the girls in early to explain her latest plan to attack Sal, only the girls are not so happy or energetic to hear her out. While waiting on them, Noe goes to check on the delivery of her stock which is late, walking into a Sal trap herself.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 6 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/21

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99250

16) A Plan Falls Apart

Sal’s Trap hits Noe hard, bringing her to tears as she is semi-publicly shamed as a whore. She doesn’t stay sad long, instead getting worked up as she sets about making a new, more extreme plan of attack then before. Meanwhile, she sets her girls to work, including getting revenge on Alice and Beth.

Noe automatically gains +1 Nerve from this scene, given the strengthening of her resolve during it. Little Toscana also loses 10 Points of Rep thanks to the paper report on her.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/25

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99250

17) Kelsey to the Rescue!

Noe is still buried in her office, trying to come up with some way she can out manoeuvre the much bigger Sal’s Deli, but she keeps coming up short. That is until a surprise visitor comes to see her, helping her solve her latest problem… but she has demands of her own.

Little Toscana gains 10 Reputation Points during this scene thanks to a boost from Kelsey.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 2 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/28

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99250

18) Everybody Loves Kelsey!

Noe introduces her newest hire to the other girls, stopping a teenage brawl from braking out in the morning when Kelsey meets Kriem, then letting Frankie show the youngest girl how it’s done steps away to put her new media tips into action. The older, purer woman is no match for the mind games of the Devil in pink.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/29

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99250

19) That’s Entertainment!

Noe calls her War Council together again before opening shop, this time with her roster of girls complete. Between Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey they come to some kid of consensus on their next step forward: To make use of the quiet hours of service to put on several shows, to entertain the crowd and bring in new people at new times. Kriem wants to hold rock shows, Frankie wants to be dramatic, and Kelsey want’s Noe to be more American and use what the girls have on their side, their looks.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/04

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99000

20) Penguins and Headbutts

As the duelling shops open up for the day on either side of Easy Street, Brad makes his first visit at Sal’s to check on Beth. They share a moment and some dumb joke laughs, but his visit also gives Sal himself a few ideas of his own.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/14

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $98000

21) Little Toscana, West of Java

To Brad’s surprise on otherwise normal morning, a package lies in wait for him at the shopfront door. What seems to be a gift from an apologetic Beth is way too extravagant to be equal to his few bucks candy bar from before. While it raises his eyebrow, it’s too good a gift to pass up, and so another Sal scheme kicks off.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/23

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $97500

22) Your Teamwork Needs Work

Chaos kicks off in the Little Toscana dining room again, as all of the girls get over-excited or over- stimulated. What comes close to being a real fight becomes a wake up call for Noe, as she decides it’s time to start investing in strengthening “Team Noe” before all her hard fought gains go up in smoke.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Main Story Scene

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $96800

(End of Current Arc Content)

Asana Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Yo-ga Girl!

Noe uses her day off to go back to her old Yoga class, right above her restaurant. She spends some time renewing the acquaintance of the instructor Asana and trying out some stretchy poses .

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity for the first time. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Pay Day! (Main Story Arc – #7)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/13

Time of Day: Afternoon

2) The Camel with Two Backs!

Noe returns for a yoga session at Asana’s, but she doesn’t get her fill of inner piece by the end of it. Hoping to stay out of her apartment for a while longer Noe asks to stay for another session, only to be rejected. Asana doesn’t let her leave without lending a sympathetic ear, a promise to help with any future malaise, and some yoga help while she’s at it as Noe’s posture needed intimate correction.

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/27

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 1

Debt Remaining: $99,700

3) Down to Pluck?

Noe takes up Asana’s offer of some personal time and healing, as her void like feeling continue. Talking things out, and with some help from Asana’s Reiki, Noe starts to feel better. Why she’s

feeling loss lately might be due to unresolved feelings from her Dad’s death, Asana thinks, and despite Noe putting her foot in her mouth about girls who like girls, she agrees to go out with Asana and Clair for a drink sometime.

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points. In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Open Mind.

Prerequisite Scenes

Frankie’s First Day (Main Story Arc – #13)

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/12

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 2

Debt Remaining: $99,200

4) Joining the Club?

Noe joins Asana and Clair for a night out at the bar, seeing first-hand how they both blow off steam. Asana in particularly is friendly with the other patrons. Noe feels better about her previous empty feelings, but now she’s starting to be destressed by a new batch of emotions focused on Asana. Clair sees it too, and so takes the chance to recruit Noe to the bis-sexual club, but more so to ask her to watch Asana’s back when Clair can’t.

This scene autoplays after Noe’s workday when triggerable. In this scene, Noe has the choice to Explore These New Feelings or Don’t Get Involved with Asana. Selecting to Don’t Get Involve will end the Asana Path at this Point. It is only for people who don’t want Noe to pursue a lesbian relationship with Asana. Accepting her offer will NOT exclude you from other character paths.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/24

Time of Day: Evening

Open Mind: 3

Debt Remaining: $98,700

5) Just Another Day at the Office

Asana comes by Little Toscana only to find chaos and bad energy all around for Noe to soak up. Noe herself is visibly worn out. She makes it clear Noe needs to come back for more private sessions quick, convincing her to come but also confusing Noe’s feelings for her even more. While Noe deals with her beating heart, Asana runs into some trouble of her own without knowing it.

This scene plays automatically when triggerable.

Prerequisite Scenes

Everybody Loves Kelsey (Main Story Arc – #18)

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/15

Time of Day: Evening

Open Mind: 3

Debt Remaining: $98,000

6) Hands-On Healing

A private session of yoga and reiki turns to intimate massage, groping and hands on attempts at making Noe feel good. Asana acknowledges Noe’s feelings for her and tells her she’s fine to explore them if her body wants, but she doesn’t grasp why Noe marrying Brad should be a problem between them. Noe starts to accept that she may be bi-curious, but why she feels it at this point in her life is what troubles her now.

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points. In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Open Mind.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 3 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/13

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 5

Debt Remaining: $97,250

7) I Might Like Girls…

After Noe’s last visit with Asana, things haven’t gotten any calmer for her and these weird feelings. Asana is firm if friendly about not taking things much further until Noemi ensures her hubby isn’t on the fast track to getting hurt. Time Noe had a talk with Brad then…

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/23

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 6

Debt Remaining: $96,400

8) From Maui to Lesbos

Noe talked to Brad, and he did give her a pass, technically. Asana doesn’t need to know the details, all that is needed is for her to help Noe relax with another session. That’s what they meet up for, and that is what is delivered, if in a “non-traditional” therapeutic kind of way.

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Yoga activity. As it also functions as a Yoga Day Off Activity and relieves her Stress by 60 points. In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Open Mind.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/04

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 6

Debt Remaining: $95,800

9) Where Do We Go From Here?

Now that things are becoming more serious, Noe has to put these feelings somewhere, into something. An after closing special dinner with Asana, a date if you will, turns to some heated discussions and a choice for future for both girls.

This scene plays automatically when triggerable. In this scene, Noe has the choice to ask Asana to ‘Be Devoted’ or ‘Be Free’. Either option will be available, and it is up to the player which they would prefer Asana to be with them. Consequences of this choice may be felt later, and may or may not work to Noe’s favour (See Scene #12-1 on the Asana Love Path for spoilers).

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/12

Time of Day: Evening

Open Mind: 7

Debt Remaining: $95,200

10) The Advanced Class

In turning up to visit Asana in her studio, Noe inadvertently stumbles upon a session of the mysterious Advanced Class, only it doesn’t turn out to be yoga at all! Noe stays and watches, wondering if she and Brad should join in or if things should stay personal between her and Asana.

This scene plays automatically when triggerable. In this scene, Noe has the choice between two distinct and mutually exclusive paths: ‘Keep Things Personal’ or ‘Brad and I Will Join the Class’. Either option will be available and it’s up to the player to take their pick. Keeping things personal will

turn into a more sharing / swinging / semi-consensual and public sex type of story.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/22

Time of Day: Afternoon

Open Mind: 9

Debt Remaining: $94,500

Asana: Love Path

11-1) When Two Becomes One

With the Advanced Class behind them, Noe is fully committed to a relationship of some kind with Asana. Together they share a real night together, in a real bed, after some wine and chatter. Exactly how they will settle into things is yet to be seen for them, but Noe doesn’t want to be completely submissive to her friend, she wants to give back as much as she gets.

This scene plays out once you’ve selected the Home activity on Noe’s day off. As it also functions as a sexual release and so relieves her Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 05/01

Time of Day: Evening

Open Mind: 10

Romance: 5

Debt Remaining: $93,900

12-1) The Friend of My Friend is My Enemy

Noe busies herself with cleaning up after another attack from the other side of the street when she finds herself in the middle of a horrible situation when Asana appears. She’s on her way to another date with somebody, and as bad as that is, when her date shows up it almost breaks Noe’s heart. Can she keep Asana by her side?

This scene plays out automatically when unlocked. In this scene, Noe again has the choice between two distinct and mutually exclusive paths: ‘Asana Stays with Noe’ or ‘Asana is Free to Love’. This time the choice is locked depending on Noe’s previous choice to ask Asana to be Devoted (she stays) or to be Free (she goes). Staying will once again continue the Asana-Noe relationship with new challenges,

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 8 Days Since Previous Asana Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 05/16

Time of Day: Evening

Open Mind: 10

Romance: 6

Debt Remaining: $93,000

(End of Current Arc Content)

Beck Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Playing a Hand

An evening of Poker and playing turns to a headed confrontation between Noe and Brad’s best friend Beckett ‘Beck’ Leech over who’s top in Brad’s eyes and in the game at hand.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to Go ‘Double or Nothing’ or Play it Safe. Selecting to bet it all will give Noe +1 to Competitive Stat, while Playing it Safe means she keeps her $50 and it comes off her debt. This scene also acts as a Poker Day Off Activity, in that way it reduces her stress for the week, 25 point ifshe chooses Go ‘Double or Nothing’, 35 points is she chooses Play it Safe.

Prerequisite Scenes

Pay Day! (Main Story Arc – #7)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/13

Time of Day: Afternoon

2) Pay to Play

Noe and Beck pay another hand of Poker, and this time Noe is on the losing end of the night overall. In order to keep playing, aiming for one last shot to rub Beck’s face in it, Noe takes on a bet that’s for more than just money and is led into a trap that sees Beck earn a free car washing and humiliation punishment out of her.

This scene also acts as a Poker Day Off Activity, in that way it reduces her stress for the week by 35 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Time of Day: Afternoon

Competitive: 1

Debt Remaining: $99700

3) Wax On, Face Off

Noe reports for car wash duty on her day off. Beck lets slip that he’s long held feelings for Noe she’s not reciprocated. Noe refuses Beck’s request to start things over, but she wants to put their bad blood behind them for Brad’s sake. To settle that issue, she invites Beck over for some 1-vs-1 while, Beck starts thinking what life could be like if her can split Noe and Brad apart using his dick.

This scene also acts as a Car Wash Day Off Activity, in that way it reduces her stress for the week by 35 points and earns her $100 off her debts. It also unlocks the Car Wash activity for later use.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/08

Time of Day: Afternoon

Competitive: 1

Debt Remaining: $99350

4) A Risqué Deal

Noe’s 1-vs-1 with Beck over the poker table takes place and again Noe finds herself pushed back. Being confronted with the possibility that she’ll have to give up the grudge with him and end it with a big fat win for Beck, Noe is driven to seek any alternative to that worst possible outcome. Noe has a choice to make: Let him laud the win over her for ever or submit to some strip poker.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to Reject His Offer and Fold or Strip Poker It Is. Selecting to Fold will End the Beck Path at this Point. It is only for people who don’t want Noe to engage with Beck during their game. Accepting his offer will NOT exclude you from other character paths. A ramp back onto the path may be added later. Selecting Strip Poker will continue on the Beck Path, add +1 Competitive and +1 Nerve to her, as well as earn Noe $200 off her debt.

This scene also acts as a Poker Day Off Activity, in that way it reduces her stress for the week by 35 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/18

Time of Day: Afternoon

Competitive: 3

Debt Remaining: $99000

5) Ready Player 2

Beck comes the restaurant to rub his winning over Noe. He taunts her and makes reference to their game of strip poker, causing Noe to try shut him up and a nosey Kelsey to join in on their conversation. They are quick to flirt until they end up fighting over the quality of Kelsey’s car. Noe separates the two before a scene plays out, but in deciding who she sends away determines the future dynamic between the trio.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to Send Kelsey Away or Tell Beck to Leave. For now, this choice has no effect on the game, but will become an important consideration in the later pathing for this arc. It is recommended to pay close attention and chose the character you prefer to see more of.

Prerequisite Scenes

Everyone Loves Kelsey (Main Story Arc – #18)

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/30

Time of Day: Afternoon

Competitive: 3

Debt Remaining: $98600

6) Take it Outside

Noe is coaxed back into another battle with Beck, and she leaves work early to take on the challenge. On her way out she’s ambushed by Kelsey who has advice for her, to lean in and push back on Beck. Beck takes their competitive war to a new physical realm. They battle in a foot race, with a handjob at stake, and thanks to Kelsey’s advice Noe is able to see Beck squirm for one and even pull back a point in their ongoing head-to-head.

In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Competitive.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/06

Time of Day: Evening

Competitive: 5

Debt Remaining: $98250

7) Bigger Table, More Fun!

Kelsey lifts a rare finger to help Noe move a table out of the restaurant’s storage for poker night now that a new player is thinking of joining. Far from being benevolent, Kelsey uses the change to stick her nose in Noe’s business when nobody else is around, pressing her to keep butting heads with Beck until she’s ready to let Kelsey play too.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 2 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/08

Time of Day: Evening

Competitive: 6

Debt Remaining: $97900

8) A Hand Down Under

Noe joins in on Poker Night again, only this time with a twist. She sits with Beck in his lap, right in front of Brad, in an attempt to spoil Beck’s win for the night. Quickly they’ll get wrapped up in their own battle again, with Beck pushing Noe with his and to her pussy to prove a point. Only a fair fight will settle who’s the best down under.

This scene also acts as a Poker Day Off Activity, in that way it reduces her stress for the week by 35 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/16

Time of Day: Evening

Competitive: 6

Debt Remaining: $97600

9) The Best Defence is a Good Offense

Beck and Noe spend an evening together at home, all while Brad is out working hard. They quickly take it to the bed in a battle of offenses and who can make the other cum first, all for that mythical “Skill” point in their rivalry. Who can win the 69 and the bragging rights?

In this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Nerve, +1 Competitive and reduces her stress by 40 Points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Beck Scene

Time ofDay: Evening

Competitive: 7

Debt Remaining: $97200

(End of Current Arc Content)

Brad Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) After Hours Couple

Staying late at the shop, Noe works on prepping the food for the next few days use, but a change of plans ends her to a night with Brad by her side as they cook together.

Prerequisite Scenes

Pay Day! (Main Story Arc – #7)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/14

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 1

2) Surprise, Date Night!

Closing up the shop for the night leads to a show on the sidewalk, before Noe is convinced to join Brad for a late night on the town.

Noe automatically gains +1 Nerve from this scene, given the boldness of her actions and thoughts during it.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Brad Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/28

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 2

Debt Remaining: $99750

3) Do or Do Not, There is No ‘Try’

Noe puts her plan into action and delivers on her promise from the last time she and Brad managed to fool around. But can Brad hold up his end?

In this scene, Noe has the choice to ‘Fuck Him for Love’ or ‘Give Up on Brad’. This choice is to continue along with Brad’s/True Love arc. Choosing him will NOT exclude you from other character paths. It also gives Noe +1 Romance and 40 points of Stress Reduction. Choosing to ‘Give Up’ on Brad will allow you to make different, less loving choices along the path later. It also gives Noe +1 Nerve and 20 points of Stress Reduction

Prerequisite Scenes

Frankie’s First Day (Main Story Arc – #13)

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Brad Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/11

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 3

Debt Remaining: $99600

4) Life Imitates Art

Together with Brad, Noe enjoys a whole new episode of the hit show Witch One, and with it all the fantasy and sex prime time TV has to offer. A lovely night on the couch turns from teasing to amorous and then to match the heat on screen, as Noe gets her naughty on, with or without Brad as her previous choices dictate.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to ‘Play with Brad’ or ‘Play Alone’. While the choice splits the path, it is reliant on the previous scene’s choice, making this scene play out in both a Romantic and also a ntr style. Playing with Brad reduced Noe’s Stress by 25 Points, Playing Alone reduced her Stress by 40 Points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Brad Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/24

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 4

Debt Remaining: $99300

(End of Current Arc Content)

Damon Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Park it!

Noe spends her down time strolling through the local park in her neighbourhood. She things through some of her larger life plans until an accident brings her into contact with the young man Damon.

This scene plays out when you select the Park activity for the first time. As it also functions as a Park Walk Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Pay Day! (Main Story Arc – #7)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/13

Time of Day: Afternoon

2) Strangers No More

A morning in the park leads Noe to watching a local team’s game of baseball, Damon’s team in fact. The shy guy impresses her with his pitching skill, but not his social ones. Maybe Noe can help him out?

This scene plays out when you select the Park activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Park Walk Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 12 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/27

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99750

3) Take Me Dancing Tonight

A fight between Noe and her hubby takes a turn when Damon appears at Little Toscana while Noe is all dressed up with nowhere to go. Wanting to dance and to have some company, Noe and Damon escort each other to the local bar, and an evening spent together warms up bond between the two.

In this scene, Noe has the choice to Reject Damon or Return His Kiss. Selecting to Reject Him will End the Damon Path at this Point. It is only for people who don’t want Noe to engage with Damon during their game Accepting him will NOT exclude you from other character paths. A ramp back onto the path may be added later. Selecting Return His Kiss will continue on the Damon Path and adding +1 Nerve to her.

Prerequisite Scenes

Dining, Family Style (Frankie Arc – #2)

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/27

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 2

Debt Remaining: $99000

4) Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

Having gotten the wrong impression after their last night out on the town, Damon appears with a gift for Noe while she’s working. Before anyone more than Frankie can see him, Noe shuffles him away to set him straight, but it’s Noe who is convinced to give Damon her time for a little romance.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/04

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 3

Debt Remaining: $98600

5) Dating Alfresco

Noe and Damon have their first practice date in his training as they share a dinner out in their park on their bench. They get to know each other in a new light and a deeper way, including their first real kiss.

This scene plays out when you select the Park activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Park Walk Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points. By the end of this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Romance.

Prerequisite Scenes

Everybody Loves Kelsey (Main Story – #18)

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/14

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 4

Debt Remaining: $98000

6) Dipping Toes Into New Things

New feelings welling up from her recent “dating” with Damon, Noe approaches Brad with a cryptic proposition during one of their nights on the couch. With an eye on “trying new things”, Noe convinces her hubby to give each other some room to explore and grow indecently of each other, her strained way of allowing herself to continue with Damon.

By the end of this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Open Mind.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 4 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/18

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 5

Debt Remaining: $97600

7) Like One of Your Manga Girls

The friendship between Noe and Damon continues to blossom as she tries new things in her life, and both playfully tease each other over their interests. Convinced by Brad to spice things up with a sexy photoshoot, Noe poses for the camera and her hubby a number of times, but her mind is on what Damon might think if he saw her this way. Wondering get the better of her when she sends Damon to photos.

This scene plays out when you select the Stay Home activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Stay Home Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points. By the end of this scene Noe automatically gains +1 Nerve.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/25

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 5

Debt Remaining: $97000

8) Letting it All Hangouts

After the previous scene’s photoshoot, Noe begins to enjoy the idea that Damon is as hungry for her body as her customers are for her food. A playful video call on her phone turns to more training talk about Damon’s ideal woman, which in turn gets Noemi showing herself off more to the camera for him.

This scene plays out when you select the Stay Home activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Stay Home Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/04

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 6

Debt Remaining: $96400

6( SVow M? YonJ go斗斗!n6

Noemi, having gotten carried away on their last call, confides in Damon over one of their park lunch dates, that she feels their “innocent” training dates are morphing into something more serious. She feels she needs to think seriously on what she’s doing behind her fiancé’s back, but convinces Damon to give her a show (wanking himself) in return to help her make up her mind on if it’s worth it.

This scene plays out when you select the Park activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Park Day OfActivity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 6 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/10

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 6

Debt Remaining: $95750

L0( Who’s on Second?

Noe and Damon return to a night out at the bar, and by now Noe has made up her mind as to what she wants. Taking the younger man into the bathroom, she shows him what it means to get to second base with a girl and not on the baseball diamond, via a public bathroom titjob.

This scene relieves Noe’s Stress by 40 points. Noe also gains +1 Nerve automatically in this scene

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/20

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 7

Debt Remaining: $95100

11) Home Game

Now officially (if secretly) dating, Noe invites her new boyfriend on the side over to her home for dinner so he can try her cooking at last. Noe’s competitive side comes out as she playfully teasing the younger man some more, which has him reveal his new training regime, quickly turning dinner to mutual masturbation / oral for dessert.

This scene plays out when you select the Stay Home activity on the Day Off Menu. As it also functions as a Stay Home Day Off Activity, it relieves Noe’s Stress by 60 points.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/28

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 8

Debt Remaining: $94400

12) Worlds Collide

Noe’s bad day gets better and worse all at once thanks to a surprise visit from her beau Damon. With Noe’s attention focused through the door as she fights with Brad, the mostly ignored Damon becomes jealous and handsy until both he and Noe lose themselves, their clothes and his virginity to the heat of the moment. However, bad timing and bad luck means they get caught in the act.

This scene plays automatically when the conditions are met.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 8 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 05/09

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 9

Debt Remaining: $93500

13) Indecent Proposal

Having her affair with Damon discovered by possibly the worst person besides Brad, Noe has to take it upon herself to straighten out the situation with Frankie. To her surprise, Frankie is willing to keep her secret, but what’s even more surprising is that Frankie has it in her to attempt to blackmail Noemi. It’s up to Noe is she’ll accept her offer, or make a counter of her own.

This scene comes with a choice between accepting Frankie’s offer to join in on Noe’s relationship with Damon, or excluding her and attempting to keep their fling a secret going forward. These will become distinct paths in future versions.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 3 Days Since Previous Damon Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 05/14

Time of Day: Evening

Romance: 9

Debt Remaining: $93250

(End of Current Arc Content)

Frankie Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Someone’s in the Kitchen with Frankie

Noe stays late to teach her new hire a thing or two, but Frankie seems easily distracted by anything and everything else, especially the bottle of Red Wine nearby. Time to get in some girl bonding?

Prerequisite Scenes

Frankie’s First Day (Main Story Arc – #13)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/09

Time of Day: Evening

Waitress Total Tips: $100

2) Dining, Family Style

Frankie stays late, keeping Little Toscana open after hours for her date night with Eddy. Teaching him how to treat a lady, she takes the lead on a practice dinner date, only to distress Noe and Kriem alike with the unusualness of it all. However… It seems like some of her logic isn’t lost on the establishment owner. Maybe she can use some of that same spirit elsewhere?

Prerequisite Scenes

Strangers No More (Damon Arc – #2)

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Frankie Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/22

Time of Day: Evening

Waitress Total Tips: $200

(End of Current Arc Content)

Kelsey Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) ‘Wow’ Factor

Kelsey has the whole shop floor to herself, just one customer to please on a slow day. While Noe’s away the girl will play, and so she does what she can to brazenly solicit a big tip from him. Her competitiveness leads her to bet she can make him say ‘Wow’ and get a service he can’t get from any other girl.

Prerequisite Scenes

Everyone Loves Kelsey (Main Story Arc – #18)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/29

Time of Day: Afternoon

Waitress Total Tips: $100

(End of Current Arc Content)

Kriem Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Kitchen Pals

Kriem spends her break time with Brad in the kitchen while Noe takes care of the front of house. They continue on the game they created when the first met, but things take a more serious turn when Brad tries to push through some team bonding by telling her stories of the days before Kriem appeared.

Prerequisite Scenes

Pay Day! (Main Story Arc – #7)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/14

Time of Day: Afternoon

Waitress Total Tips: $100

2) Milk Carton Kriem

A flustered man comes to Noe for help, hoping to put up a flier in her window. Surprise, surprise, the girl he’s looking for is his missing daughter Starling, or Kriem, as Noe knows her. Pumping him for information on her rogue waitress, Noe learns a thing or two about the girl, not all of it she likes. In the end she is can’t help but get involved in the family matters.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 5 Days Since Previous Kriem Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/21

Time of Day: Afternoon

Waitress Total Tips: $200

(End of Current Arc Content)

Roy Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Nasty Neighbours

Noe tries to get Roy to leave so she can close up shop for the night but trouble with his ‘neighbours’ leads to him wanting to stay late with her.

Prerequisite Scenes

Kriem’s Training Day (Main Story Arc – #6)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/30

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $99,800

Open Mind: 1

2) It’s My House Now

Noe’s attempts to butt into Roy’s problems only make it worse when she pulls Kriem into his neighbour troubles. Sparking a whole new fight, the dining room isn’t spared at sight as Kriem makes a bold declaration.

Little Toscana automatically loses 5 Rep Points in this scene thanks to Kriem’s nudity.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Roy Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/16

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,500

Open Mind: 2

(End of Current Arc Content)

Sal Arc – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

1) Welcome to Salvatore’s

Noe finds a letter in her main addressed to Sal and has reason to go across to his restaurant to exchange his for the letter of hers she is sure he has. She also aims to avoid coming face to face with her old waitresses.

Noe has a choice here, to open Sal’s letter or not to. Choosing to open the letter illegally will give Noe +N nerve. Opening the letter also opens Noe’s options in the following scene, to allow her to Spy on Sal thanks to hints in the letter.

Prerequisite Scenes

Kriem’s Training Day (Main Story Arc – #6)

Arc Cooldown: None

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/11

Time ofDay: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,850

2) Community Connections

Noe arrives to the community council’s business owners’ meeting, bumping into Asana at the entrance. She is worried Sal is up to something and can either join the meeting or of looking for him in case he is up to one of his schemes.

Noe has a choice here, to Join the Main Meeting or Investigate Sal’s Scheme. By going to the meeting, she talks more with Asana and Clair, getting to know them better. By investigating Sal, she will find him seducing Heather the organizer from the letter, as well as attempting to lead her into helping his business. Noe can only follow Sal if she opened the letter in the previous scene. Either choice may have later ramifications, including shedding more light on Sal’s schemes.

Prerequisite Scenes

Yo-ga Girl! (Asana Arc – #1)

Arc Cooldown: 14 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 01/28

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,600

3) Hate Will Tear Us Apart

The Community Council’s Brochures have arrived, the ones Sal managed to be in charge of printing and suffice it to say Little Toscana got the shaft. It’s up to her if she wants to bow down to Sal’s desire for her to beg if she wants in on the business spoils. If not, her pride might cost her more opportunities.

Noe has a choice here, to ‘Slap Him and Walk Out’ or ‘Beg Him for Help’. Selecting to Slap Him will End the Sal Path at this Point. It is only for people who don’t want Noe to allow Sal near her in a personal regard, outside of potential Main Story events. Begging him will NOT exclude you from other character paths. Selecting Slap Him will add +1 Nerve to Noe as a bonus for standing up to him, but Little Toscana will lose -5 Rep due to being left out of the brouchers, while Sal’s Deli will gain +10 Rep. Begging him will gain no Nerve, but Rep will be split equally between restaurants, +5 each.

Prerequisite Scenes

Can’t Come Out to Play (Main Story – #14)

Arc Cooldown: 14 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 02/16

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $99,250

Competitive: 2

4) Strange Bedfellows

With some unpleasantness behind her, Noe tries to get along with her business, but an unforeseen boon lands on her doorstep, thanks to her employee’s skills… National Press Coverage… The catch, she has to share the opportunity with Sal. A meeting is in order to hash out the plans, and the bounds of play.

Prerequisite Scenes

That’s Entertainment! (Main Story – #19)

Arc Cooldown: 14 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 03/08

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $98,600

Competitive: 3

5) The Bid Goes On

Noe and Sal fall into a rhythm of working together on their bid, even as they war on the street. Noe delivers Kriem’s final artwork for the combined project, and while waiting on Sal’s paranoia to subside, a chance encounter with Alice sparks and idea for leverage in Sal’s mind.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Time of Day: Afternoon

Debt Remaining: $97,700

Competitive: 4

6) Ambushes With Love

A night set aside to work with Sal on their bid turns out to be an emotional trap, as Noe is forced to come face to face across a small table from her once friends Alice and Beth. As it turns out they have somethings to say to her, but will Noe listen, especially after a show of some special service?

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/02

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $96,750

Competitive: 5

7) Eat, Drink and Be Wary

Even a taste test becomes a heated fight between Noe and Sal, as she is reminded just how much of a danger he can be. Brushing off the contributions of Noe’s girls again, Sal has other plans in mind for the night beyond the bid, and with the help of wine and her fighting spirit, Noe lets some of her own thoughts out in an attempt to rile up her enemy at his own game.

Noe also gains +1 Competitive automatically in this scene

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/16

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $95,750

Competitive: 6

8) Risky Business

One last night with Sal planning their bid and after their temporary partnership will be off again for good. With the aim of going out with a bang and in making sure Sal doesn’t interfere once their PR boon comes, she waggles one last power card under his nose. Unfortunately for Noe, pushing things further only backfires on her as she’s the one left on her knees under somebody else’s nose.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 7 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 04/30

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $94,750

Competitive: 8

9) Let’s Make a Deal

Dinner with the Editor of “Pedigree Wines and Spirits” has finally arrived, and he has eyes for more than the Italian bottle of vino on the table. Noe knows she’s there to get his attention and his signature, but what lengths will she go to in order to get national press? And with the situation in her own hands, will she stick it to Sal or do his bidding like she always said she wouldn’t?

Noe has a choice here, to /Betray Sal. Go It Alone’ or /Honour Your Deal. Side With Sal’. Either option will be freely available. Selecting to Betray Sal will steer Noe and Sal’s relationship ahead into an even fiercer warring state, where anything and anyone is fair game in their battle to win. Selecting to Side with Sal will continue their closer ‘love-hate’ relationship as they work together and against each other more. Selecting to Betray Sal will also add +1 Nerve to Noe as she pushing herself harder to screw over Sal.

Prerequisite Scenes

Arc Cooldown: 10 Days Since Previous Sal Scene

Prerequisite Stats

Day Number: 05/12

Time of Day: Evening

Debt Remaining: $93,250

Competitive: 9

(End of Current Content)

Day Off Activities – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

This section will give an overview of the kinds of activities Noe can partake in on her Downtime, once unlocked at the end of the second week of the game, after Kriem is hired permanently. Each activity will provide a general explanation of what to expect, which characters are associated with the activity and how it can help Noe or her girls. For the full list of Outcomes and their unlock conditions, please check out the Gameplay Outcomes Walkthrough Supplement.

Yoga – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Noe can use her precious down time trying to clear her mind, sooth her soul and work out her body all at once! She does love to multi-task, even when she’s off work. Yoga can be used to elevate the stress built up over the work week and it is a good way to meet up with Asana if that’s something you want.

Yoga is available on all days off. It reduces Noe’s stress by 60 on the day she chooses this. Private Sessions (Solo Training) Open Mind Stat by 1 per session. They are intense and only burn a little more than half the amount of stress. Alternatively, Noe can invite Kelsey to join a session, the challenge of the physical activity and the ability to show off will make the waitress 1 point more Competitive.

Asana can usually be found at her Yoga Studio, leading her class.

The Park – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Noe spends time wandering the local park and people watching as all sorts of folks come and go. Getting some fresh air and some time to think to herself can help keep Noe calm.

The Park is available on all days off. It reduces Noe’s stress by 60 on the day she chooses. Kriem can be invited to spend an afternoon at the park as well, letting Noe get in some personal time with her

most troubled girl and friend. For her efforts, Kriem gains 1 Open Mind per invite. Damon can usually be found training in the park.

Binge-Watch TV – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

One of Noe’s favourite activities is to curl up on the couch with somebody and share some drama, comedy or anything else. For the most part she watches alone and views shows she shouldn’t be watching without Brad, naughty naughty! Usually all fine upstanding shows… but Noe’s subscription does come with a few adult channels too.

Watching TV is available on all days off. TV reduces Noe’s stress by 60. Renting Rom-Com’s by the score or replaying episodes of Witch One and Binge Watching all day can increase Noe’s Romance Stat by 1. All the fantasizing leaves her unfulfilled and hence burns less stress.

Poker Night – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Brad likes to have the guys around on weekends as they drink, swap stories and basically just be lads for a while. Noe can’t stay out of their apartment all weekend though and sometimes she watches

from a far… or if the mood strikes her, plays a few hands. She could earn some extra cash to pay off the debt, right?

Regular Poker is only available on Saturdays. Noe will win money which she puts towards her debts by playing. Noe can play one-on-one against Beck which will inherently increase her Competitive stat by 1 through their conflict. Kriem can be invited over on any day off to play cards so Noe can train for matches again Beck, but in the process the quick-tempered Kriem will be come 1 point more Competitive for every day of losing.

Beck is a mainstay of the Poker Nights. He’s often to be found at Noe and Brad’s those nights.

Visit Friends

After striking up new bonds with people like her new waitresses, or renewing older ones such as with Asana, Noe can use her time off to visit with them and enjoy a little out of the office fun together.

Visiting Friends is currently available every day once you unlock Frankie. It is only pickable in Team Building mode for now, as visits are used to help Noe train Frankie in cooking as she promised to do, increasing Frankie’s Romance by 1 per visit.

Car Wash – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Noe’s time off can be put to use is washing cars like Beck’s for a fist full of cash. She’s already done it once, the money stays the same, but the humiliation tapers off over time, right?

Washing Cars is only available on Wednesdays, and the main reason to do so if for Noe to earn money on her days off. It reduces Noe’s stress by 35 Points. Kelsey is known to be willing to help out because playing in the wet is fun, but she doesn’t do much washing, instead can be warmed up to the idea of passion for more than her own interests as well as team work. This increases Kelsey’s Romance by 1 per wash.

Beck can occasionally be found at this activity. This activity is unlocked for use after completing the scene “Wax on, Face Off” (Beck Arc – #3).

Gameplay Tips and Strategies – Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough & Guide

Here’s a few tips and tricks we’ve picked up in testing and balancing that we thought you might make use of if you’re having a tricky time. As the game is built up, we’ll add more and alter some to better reflect the state of the game and the best strategies involved. So here we go:

General Play Tips

• Cooking is highly dependent on the Romance Stat, as the tender love and care given by the cook vastly effects the quality of output. For each Romance point the cook has you gain a +0.1 to the multiplier, pushing up the base 1 to as high as 3 at max. Proactively doing this task will double the bonus too, giving you as high as a x5 to tips! It is recommended to always try to have a Cook with at least 1 Romance on duty every day.

Nerve and Outcome Unlock Tips

As of version v0.16, we’re experimenting with a new staggered Nerve system to unlock content. Before now, all new tier of content was unlocked on the 4th upgrade, making points 4/8/12/16 the most valuable ones and the others empty stepping stones. Now we’ve staggered these unlocks so now each and every point unlocks new outcomes of a different job. We’ve also added an in-game widget to help track your unlock progress. It’s a better, more rewarding system all around.

The only way to obtain Nerve is to progress in character arcs and the Main Story. As Noe is pushed into situations that test her resolve, will to fight and purity, she will gain Nerve automatically. The best way to get a lot of Nerve is to allow all the arcs to open and follow the content of as many at once as you can, especially in the early months of the game.

As of now, the highest Nerve value you can obtain is 12, with 20 being the ideal maximum overall in a finished game. The new Unlocks Table is thus:

• 0/Starting: Waitress Lv1, Cooking Lv1, Promote Lv1, Entertain Lv1, Day Off Lv1 .

• 1: Waitress Lv1, Cooking Lv1, Promote Lv1, Entertain Lv1, Day Off Lv2 .

• 2: Waitress Lv1, Cooking Lv2^, Promote Lv1, Entertain Lv1, Day Off Lv2 .

• 3: Waitress Lv2, Cooking Lv2^, Promote Lv1, Entertain Lv1, Day Off Lv2 .

• 4: Waitress Lv2, Cooking Lv2^, Promote Lv2, Entertain Lv1, Day Off Lv2 .

• 5: Waitress Lv2, Cooking Lv2^, Promote Lv2, Entertain Lv2, Day Off Lv2 .

• 6: Waitress Lv2, Cooking Lv2^, Promote Lv2, Entertain Lv2, Day Off Lv3^.

• 7: Waitress Lv2, Cooking Lv3^, Promote Lv2, Entertain Lv2, Day Off Lv3^.

• 8: Waitress Lv3, Cooking Lv3^, Promote Lv2, Entertain Lv2, Day Off Lv3^.

• 9: Waitress Lv3, Cooking Lv3^, Promote Lv3^, Entertain Lv2, Day Off Lv3^.

• 10: Waitress Lv3, Cooking Lv3^, Promote Lv3^, Entertain Lv3^, Day Off Lv3^.

• 11: Waitress Lv3, Cooking Lv3^, Promote Lv3^, Entertain Lv3^, Day Off Lv4^.

• 12: Waitress Lv3, Cooking Lv4^, Promote Lv3^, Entertain Lv3^, Day Off Lv4^.

• … [Rest of the Values not yet obtainable]

(Partially Implemented and unlockable)

^ (Not yet implemented but technically unlockable)

• Proactive Outcomes and Reactive Guards (for Non-Promote Tasks in both cases) are special in that they do not follow the same tiers as above. Instead there are only 3 tiers of these (Low, Mid and High Level) to the regular outcomes’ 5 Lvs, because they are powerful outcomes themselves requiring the player to activate them with the Attitude bar above the job each day. These outcomes unlock based on half the value between the owner’s Lv2-3 for Midlevel, and then half between Lv4-5 for High. Eg, The Waitress Midlevel Proactive and Reactive Guard unlock at Nerve 6 (halfway between 3 and 8 of Waitress regular tiers). So far these are the only unlockable extra of this type.

• Traps and Trap Counter outcomes are based on Sal’s Rep value and are not subject to Nerve as an unlock value. See Traps section for better detail.

Trap Related Tips and Tricks

• Remember to watch out for Traps once the scene Street Party Aftermath (Main Story arc – #10) has played. If in doubt, use the Reactive (Green Shield) work attitude to defend against it, that’s what it’s there for. Also, if in doubt, you can always use the Promote job since that can never be trapped.

• Traps chances of spawning are directly related to the amount of Rep you have. Bringing your Rep to 3 full stars or above (60+ Points) will mean Sal may trap as many as two jobs in a single day (otherwise it will be only 1 max). Having a Rep of 4+ stars (80+ point) will increase the spawn chance of traps by 50%. If you find you are getting Traps set (or possibly set) too often, allowing your Rep to hover around 55-75 is a valid plan. This way you can still make use of up to a x1.75 Bonus to tips, while cutting trap spawn chances dramatically. If you wish to avoid traps altogether, you can keep your own Rep below 30 points, in which case Sal won’t waste time trapping you… however you will severely limit your potential income each day. It is not a recommended strategy, but If you are struggling and have low Rep anyway, it can give you some breathing room.

• The impact of traps is also tied to Rep, Sal’s rather than yours. By dropping Sal to 3 Stars or below (<=60 Points), he will step up his efforts to sabotage Team Noe’s efforts. While he is under this bar, new outcomes are added to the pool of potential traps*. These outcomes are more brazen traps, featuring Alice and Beth causing trouble. These traps come with slightly higher income potential (half as much as a Lv2 Good outcome) but with much more of a Rep hit to Little Toscana and stress for the girls they entrap. If you are getting pummelled by strong traps, consider letting Sal build his Rep back up to around 61+ points to remove these outcomes from play for a while, but be aware, doing so will also limit the cap on your Rep multiplier too.

*Currently these outcomes only apply to the Waitress Task.

• If you suspect a Trap, but don’t want to take Reactive stances in case it’s a fake, you can use a Reactive Promote task to shield you (in part) from the possible Rep Loss since it can’t possibly be trapped. The gain you get in Rep will cancel out some of the lost amount if it is a trap, though the lesser earning and higher stress for the trapped job will still happen. Having a highly competitive girl doing this can even erase the loss completely, just be sure to use a

girl with low enough stress or you could risk taking a second hit on top with a failed Promo outcome!

Reputation / Promotion Info and Tips

• You unlock the Promote task once you do get the Main Story arc scene “Taste the Difference” (Main Story Arc – #8). With this you can crank up earnings to a new high, as well as make promoting your shop even more worth it. It’s recommended to aim for this early!

• Depending on Little Toscana’s Reputation value, you earn a multiplier on all tips as you are getting in more customers and are perceived as a better-quality service. The multipliers are as follows (and are subject to change between versions as needed):

– 0 Rep = x0.25 earning.

– 1-14 Rep = x0.75 earnings.

– 15-29 Rep = x1 earnings.

– 30-44 Rep = x1.25 earning.

– 45-59 Rep = x1.5 earnings.

– 60-79 Rep = x1.75 earnings.

– 80-100 Rep = x2 earnings.

However, as long as Sal is serving customers, there are only so many who will make it to Little Toscana. While Sal’s Rep is above these levels, your Rep max multiplier will be capped as such:

– Sal’s Rep > 80, Max multiplier = x1.25

– Sal’s Rep > 50, Max multiplier = x1.5

– Sal’s Rep > 20, Max multiplier = x1.75

– Sal’s Rep <= 20, Max multiplier = x2

• This multiplier stacks with the cooking bonus, plus the proactive bonus tasks. For example, if Little Toscana has 80 Rep, a Proactive cook with a 5 Romance stat and successful outcomes, that $20 tip turns to $80 as the multiplier becomes x4 (x2 for Rep, times x2 for Cook Bonus (x1 + (0.5 x2 – Romance doubled Proactively))).

• Since Promoting is highly dependent on Competitiveness, having a girl with higher Competitive stat means better bonuses to the outcome. For every 4 point in the stat starting at 2 points, an additional point of Little Toscana Rep gain is added to outcomes. The same is true for Sal’s Deli Rep you take from him except that bonus takes effect starting on 4 points. The effects are as follows, which bonus you get depends on if you attack Sal or Promote yourself:

– 0 Points, +0 Bonus to either, +0 LT/-0 SD Total

– 2 Points, +1 Bonus to LT Rep, +1 LT/-0 SD Total

– 4 Points, -1 Bonus to SD Rep, +1 LT/-1 SD Total

– 6 Points, +1 Bonus to LT Rep, +2 LT/-1 SD Total

– 8 Points, -1 Bonus to SD Rep, +2 LT/-2 SD Total

– 10 Points, +1 Bonus to LT Rep, +3 LT/-2 SD Total

– 12 Points, -1 Bonus to SD Rep, +3 LT/-3 SD Total

– 14 Points, +1 Bonus to LT Rep, +4 LT/-3 SD Total

– 16 Points, -1 Bonus to SD Rep, +4 LT/-4 SD Total

– 18 Points, +1 Bonus to LT Rep, +5 LT/-4 SD Total

– 20 Points, -1 Bonus to SD Rep, +5 LT/-5 SD Total

Entertainment Info and Tips

• You unlock the Entertain task once you do get the Main Story arc scene “That’s Entertainment!” (Main Story Arc – #19). With this job you can increase base tips, which means significantly higher potential earnings, but it also allows you to shave some points off the stress gained for other girls working that day. With a high enough Open Mind bonus, it can even absorb more stress gained that day from other girls than it adds to the performer.

• Since Entertaining relies on Open Mindedness to listen and adapt to the crowd, having a girl with higher Open Mind stat means better bonuses to the outcome. For every 4 point in the stat, an additional point of Stress Relief for all other working girls is added to outcomes. For every 2 points of Open Mind, an extra $1 is added to outcomes as well. The effects are as follows, and both effects are gained each time:

– 0 Points, +0 Bonus to either, + $0/-0 Stress Gained Total

– 2 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, + $1/-0 Stress Gained Total

– 4 Points, +$1 to Tips, -1 Bonus to Stress Gain, +$2/-1 Stress Gained Total

– 6 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, +$3/-1 Stress Gained Total

– 8 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, -1 Bonus to Stress Gain, +$4/-2 Stress Gained Total

– 10 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, +$5/-2 Stress Gained Total

– 12 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, -1 Bonus to Stress Gain, +$6/-3 Stress Gained Total

– 14 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, +$7/-3 Stress Gained Total

– 16 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, -1 Bonus to Stress Gain, +$8/-4 Stress Gained Total

– 18 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, +$9/-4 Stress Gained Total

– 20 Points, +$1 Bonus to Tips, -1 Bonus to Stress Gain, +$10/-5 Stress Gained Total

Play Style / Character Build Strategies

There are a number of potential different playstyles that you can choose as your go-to strategy, and the more the gameplay is developed, the more new strategies rise up to come with it. Here are quicks summary of the main styles that we find are effective in earning that sweet tip money and advancing the game at a steady pace:

The All-Rounder / Full Court Press

Waitress Use: 1 at a time to start, then 2 possibly

Best Used to Gain Tips For (in Order): Noe, Kelsey, Kriem and / Frankie

Character Build Focus On (in order): Primary Cook stats, Secondary Cook Stats, Primary Entertainer Stats, Tertiary Cook stats (if going for a 2-waitress approach).

This is the standard strategy for playing the game, making use of as much of the jobs as possible while you build up tips for one girl at a time. The goal here is to be using the girls in every way as much as possible. 1 Waitress (usually Noe to start) earns the tips while the others use the Cooking, Entertainment and Promote Job every day. This way you can boost a girl’s tips the most with a combo of the cooking bonus, the entertainment bonus and keeping your Rep high with your promo girl for a rep multiplier. Once you have settled with a good rep, you can either use your Promo girl to earn tips as well as a second waitress or use her as a backup cook for days your main cook is resting.

On Noe’s days off to start, you should first focus on getting her stats up to the grade for the early arc scenes, which is why this strategy works well to have her start as the waitress, while the other girls naturally fall into place based on their stats: Kriem/Entertainer, Frankie/Cook, Kelsey/Promotion. Once you have Noe built up to your satisfaction, she can slip into almost any role as you build up the others’ tips.

Once you feel comfortable to spend Noe’s days off building up other girls, start with Frankie’s Romance. Every point up to a girls Romance gives +10% to your tips when she’s cooking, so it’s a golden skill, a licence to print money when it’s sky high. You can spread this bonus around by upping Kelsey or Noe’s stat but aside from gaining scenes with it for Noe, it’s best to concentrate this on Frankie to start. Get her up to 8 before looking to other girls, or 10 if you really want to push it for extra. Once you have Frankie built, you can look to raising your secondary/back up cook. Kelsey is a good option since Noe needs to waitress for most scenes to unlock, but if you want to build up Kelsey’s/Kriem’s/even Frankie’s totals for the future, you can use Noe either. Having a second cook with 4-5 Romance will mean you can always have a cook on duty giving you a sizable bonus, even when Frankie’s resting. Don’t bother going past about 5 in the early or even mid-game sections though, as the time spent to build it is better used elsewhere by then.

Once you have a back-up cook in line, start upping your entertainer’s (probably Kriem) Open Mind. We want to build this up because having her at Open Mind 8 or 10 will give extra cash before multipliers (as much as $25-50 a day if stats and rep are maxed) but even more so you will gain a few extra points of Stress reduction gain for your waitress and cook, keeping them in the shop longer before resting.

After this point, it’s up to you what to invest in next. You can build up a 3rd cook so Frankie can take over as a waitress with a decent bonus, or increase her stats more, or Kriem’s either. You can ignore building up a Promo Girl besides Noe as she’ll gain stats for scenes anyway, because the basic use

Kelsey will keep you in Rep points when needed. Just make sure to always have a cook and then an entertainer on duty whenever possible, even if Kelsey is filling in as a low skilled version for the day, and avoid failing into traps. Tips will come steady as she goes.

[Emerging Strategy] Proaction / Reputational Transactor

Waitress Use: 1 at a time

Best Used to Gain Tips For (in Order): Noe, any other girl

Character Build Focus On (in order): Primary Cook stats, Primary Promo Girl, Back Up Cook or Promo Girl

This is a newly emerging strategy as the Proactive and Reactive outcomes are added to the game. This strategy is all about big gains, making upwards of $700+ a day in a burst then recovering and going again. It can be very effective if managed well and can be used to boost any girl too. Much like the All Rounder, but with a focus on Rep over Entertaining bonuses, you’ll want a cook and Noe’s Nerve built up then you hit the Proactive attitudes and go for big gains. The Midlevel Proactive outcomes for Waitressing are the highest earners in the game currently, worth about 1.5x a Lv3 Waitress outcome, and they are 50% chance of appearing once unlocked, whereas Lv3s are currently about 20%. Proactives always succeed if not trapped and need less Nerve to unlock than Lv3s as well, the only downside is they cost Rep and Rep multiplier to use. That’s why this strategy is only suitable for 1 Waitress at a time, doing two at once will burn double Rep and mean you spend more time recovering it than pulling off big grabs. On the upside, all girls have the same earning potential for big money this way, so you need only do it once or twice per girl to gain up over $1000 each, meaning you don’t need a dedicated plan of any which girl.

On Noe’s days off to start, again you should first focus on getting her stats up to the grade for the early scenes, especially as for real results this way you’ll need 6 Nerve before you can begin as this unlocked the Midlevel Proactive outcomes. Again Frankie makes a good choice of starter cook, and Kelsey will be your best Promo girl. This time Kriem is the odd girl out, but she can make a good back up Promo Girl even without much training bonuses.

Once you feel comfortable to spend Noe’s days off building up other girls, start with Frankie’s Romance, just like before. Get her up to 8 before looking to other girls, or 10 if you really want to push it for extra. Once you have Frankie built, start putting the time into Kelsey, or Noe if you are using her instead to raise the other girls. Every boost you get to Rep gain is golden here. Once you have your Promo Girl ready, you can raise your loose girls into a backup for each if you want, or just earn cash for Noe on her days off.

This strategy works by building your Rep so you get a 1.5x Rep bonus, or 1.75x if you can manage it (pushing Sal too far down to get it will mean more traps which will get in your way). Once you have it high, use Proactive on your Waitress and your Cook, which if you have built up and have no traps set, should get you a high base tips for that day, and an overall 4.5x+ multiplier on top, which can rake in $500-700 easily. After doing so, spend a few days getting your Rep back up for the best multiplier bonus, and rest your cook if you need to so she doesn’t get overstressed. You can likely pull this move off 1-2x a week if you manage it well, using the other days to recover and pull in regular day’s worth of tips. Include an entertainer at the neutral attitude when you can for a small added bonus, but don’t bother training one up when you can add more points to your cook or your promo girl’s rep gaining per day. Watch out for traps for the love of God, and otherwise just keep

your girls in low stress, especially your Promo girl. Instead of an entertainer, feel free to use any free girls as a promoter while your main one rests. Other than that, aim high and rake in the money while even more Proactives get added over time!

Noemi Play Style Tips

• Right now, the majority of the content to be enjoyed in the game is related to Noe’s debt, including unlocking Frankie and Kelsey, so the early game objective should be reducing Noe’s debts. The best way to do this is to work her as a Waitress every day or at least as often as you can. If you do, you’ll chip pieces off her debts steadily, then when Frankie arrives you can do even better (see her strategy below). Noe is capable, and even trainable in all her stats (which will naturally grow during scenes as well as when you train them) but watch out for her stress getting too high or she’ll be less effective since she can’t at will shed stress like the other girls. As of this version, it is possible to reduce Noe’s Debt to at or below $82,000 if playing well.

• Noe can now earn 8 or more points in her unique Nerve stat through choices and main story scenes, even as much as 12 points. By getting these points, she is more open to making use of her natural assets, her looks and charm (as well as letting her girls’ use theirs) to get a leg up on Sal’s. Once you get to this stage (Nerve 3-5), you unlock the second slate of the Gameplay CGs, which are more risqué and also earn more tips when waitressing (about x2 as much in the base tip before multipliers) and more Rep for Little Toscana when Promoting. This is a great way to speed up your earnings. (Note: Currently the Cooking task is still without at least 1 Lv2 outcome. These will come with later versions). The third slate is unlockable at 8-10 points but so far only Waitressing has any set of outcomes here. Even so, getting these unlocked can mean as much as x2 the amount of base tips as Lv2’s sets, and about x4-5 the amount of starter sets. 12 points is now possible too, but there are no outcomes at Lv4 yet implemented for any task.

It is highly recommended that you use the first few weeks of Noe’s days off to upgrade her skills and meeting people, especially upgrading her Competitive Stat on Saturdays when you can (as it is only trainable on Saturdays right now). If you think it is a good chance to increase Noe’s stats but Poker isn’t available that day, focus on Romance next for now . That will both advance the Brad and Damon arcs, but also make Noe a strong backup to help other girls rack up tips for later version scenes. It recommended to wait to train the other waitresses up as you wish only after getting a solid base of stats for Noe (around 4-5 in Romance, Competitive and Open Mind, +1-2 extra in each depending on which arc(s) you are following and trying to advance).

• Noe earns half Stress in the first week of the game as she is alone, and it would be unfair to stack up that number while you can’t reduce it until Kriem comes along. Don’t be surprised that it jumps after the first week and use that time to get in as much in tips as you can before she lulls until the Day Off activities are unlocked!

• If you need a boost of cash, Noe can earn $40-$125 on her Saturday days off by playing poker. This income will be altered in balancing in future versions but for now it’s easy

money. It does however come with somewhat reduced stress relief for the day, so be careful not to leave Noe too stressed for the half-week to come, which will reduce potential income. Once Noe has progressed to the scene Wax On, Face Off (Beck Arc #3), she will have unlocked the Car Washing day off activity on Wednesdays, which can net her $100-$175 on her day off as well. This is an excellent way to reduce her debts, especially if your stress is already low going into the day off. The more Competitive Noe is, the more money she is guaranteed to receive in this way as she gets deeper into the available outcomes.

Kriem Play Style Tips

• As of this version, Kriem only has two scenes in her story, requiring $200 total earned by her to see. The smart move is to have her earn tips alongside Noe in the beginning, and once you’ve reached that level of tips, keep her stress down (if Promo is still locked at that point). It’s pointless to send her to the Kitchen right now, so keep her out of the way and then use her in Promotion as often as you can once it’s unlocked. After unlocking the Entertain job, she can become very useful thanks to her high starting Open Mind stat (which is trainable to be even higher). She will help boost tips high when used with a passionate Cook and help keep other girls stress down that much more than others, and those margins add up over time.

• By having Kriem earn tips alongside Noe in the early game, it is possible to have all her scenes (Right now just 2) open and enjoyed before Frankie even joins the team (just about). Achieving this will allow you to free up Kriem from waitressing for the rest of the game as it is now, unless you wish to run up her tip totals for later versions and added scenes.

• Once you unlock the Promote task, Kriem makes a good foot soldier in the early days to get your rep bonus up while Noe churns in cash as a Waitress. Higher Rep for you and lower Rep for Sal means better tips, and more Rep you can burn in Cooking Proactively more often. As Kriem’s stress can be reduced at will with a Day Off, she is good for making sure the risk in Promoting backfiring and hurting your rep is avoidable early on. She can recover quicker too and so can pull it off more often. The best plan is to increase Little Toscana’s Rep by 20 or so points, then reduce Sal’s by 20, then repeat like that to get the most out of the building Rep tip multiplier while also keeping trap spawns as low as possible early on. (See Trap Tips above if you find you are getting caught by them too often).

• To bolster the above point, Kriem starts out 1 training upgrade away from getting the first bonuses to the Promote task, being 1 point higher than both Noe’s and Frankie’s starting scores. Only Kelsey (who comes later, close to Month 3’s start) can beat her opening total and so Kriem makes a cheap but effective way to start adding a few extra Rep points until you either train up Noe for the position, or use Kriem as a secondary/alt girl herself to Kelsey when you need to put her in other jobs.

As of right now, it’s pointless to use Kriem in cooking. Pointless! It will only drive up her Stress for no gains at all. Her starting stats include a 0 in Romance, so her bonus is also 0, making her multiplier a flat x1. In coming versions you’ll be able to increase her Romance and make her more effective, but for now she’s better used literally anywhere else.

• Entertaining is where Kriem really shines. It’s always good to have any girl doing it every day where possible, but Kriem’s starting 5 Open Mind and being able to train it higher means even more base tips every day. She can turn the small base tips of a Lv1 Waitress Outcome to x2-2.5 its value with enough Open Mind bonus and combined with decent multipliers, even more so with a higher outcome herself.

Frankie Play Style Tips

• Frankie is your best way of racking up money in the early game, once you unlock her. Using her as a cook as often as possible will give you 50% earned cash right off the bat, and that’s before either Rep or Proactive bonuses. Even more, cooking effects all tips so you can get two girls earning big each day with her in the kitchen. She can also be trained in Romance on Noe’s day off, which means she can earn a permanent extra 10% to that bonus every time you take that option, up to 20 points in this stat (+200% bonus). She can really get you some spectacular tips (as much as $400/day in the later stages combined with the top Waitress + Entertain Outcomes, and a good Rep bonus) if you use her right and manage her stress.

• Once Noe has earned a few points in Romance (if you are pushing the Brad or Damon Arcs for example), she can be switched out to Cook instead and Frankie can earn tips so you can see her scenes. Together using her as a waitress, a trained Noe as a cook, and an entertainer if you can, you can more easily earn cash for her in big bursts, or spread out using Frankie as the secondary waitress to pick up tips here and there and make progress on her arc between Noe’s stories.

• Remember to keep Frankie’s stress down to make the most of the Cooking bonus as a bad

outcome due to high stress (guaranteed at 65 Stress or Higher) will cut her effectiveness to 1/4 of its bonus. Still, even at a failed attempt she can earn about as much as low Romance Noe and even more than Kriem or Kelsey at their starting points, if you don’t raise their Romance stats in the early game. As Noe’s tips say (see above), the early game should focus on her days off being spent to skill her up, but if you think you can spare a day then investing in Frankie’s Romance stat is a wise move. Any Romance stat increase will add 10% to tips earned when that cook is on duty, but concentrating that bonus in Frankie means all other girls can rack up cash much faster at the expense of her. With only a few days spent with her, she can get you as much as +80% or more every time you use her, which is almost double earnings before you even add in multipliers or bonuses.

• If needed, Frankie can step in and Promote on days Kriem is taking off, but she is the least effective at it (no bonuses at all) and untrainable in her Competitive stat currently. As of now she’s not much different to the others, but she’s better spent doing other things in the early game if possible as her stats there will at least have some bonuses to them .

Kelsey Play Style Tips

• Kelsey is naturally the most competitive of the girls, and as so starts with a full 5 point in her Competitive stat, already giving you bonuses to every successful Promote and a single step away from more. Unless you have trained Noe (which you will have to follow the Sal or Beck arcs) or Kriem a lot, she’ll be the best suited to Promotion the moment she joins the team.

Use her as your new promotion specialist when not earning tips. If Kriem has been trained up to be a near match, you can alternate them while keeping stress low to make sure you keep Rep flowing your way until the Entertain task is unlocked when you should put Kriem to use there (see Kriem Tips above). This method is highly effective if following the Proaction / Reputational Transactor strategy above.

• Kelsey can earn $100, opening up her scene (currently her only one) within a single day or two, as long as you have your system in place (having Noe with 3+ Nerve helps a lot) and characters built up some. Frankie working as a cook can be extremely helpful in this regard. Once you have gained her scene, you can run up her tip total if you’d like or have her act as your promotions girl as needed. Having Rep to spare means you can be more liberal with the Proactive actions, or use her as a shield against Rep Loss if you suspect a trap but would rather risk the bonuses for Good outcomes over mistimed Reactive ones, allowing Kelsey to help drive up tips indirectly this way.

• Kelsey can be used to increase tips for other girls as a cook, however she isn’t very useful in that regard to start. Her starting stat is limited to 1 (+10%), making her much less effective than Frankie’s base ability even before training, or even a partially developed Noe, making her third best at cooking overall (she is slightly better than Kriem). It is possible to train her Romance once you’ve unlocked the Car Wash day off activity (Beck Arc #3) and after a few training sessions she is good enough to fill in as your secondary cook (if you are not training Noe in Romance), or even as an effective tertiary cook girl in times of need, such as when Frankie is resting and Noe is waitressing. Once trained up a little, using Kelsey in this way is a good way to boost Noe and Frankie’s tips simultaneously as they waitress with Kelsey’s boost, or using Frankie and Kelsey in a leapfrog/day-cooking-day-off cycle so Noe (and Kriem potentially) will always have a moderate-to-large multiplier boost.

• It may sound odd, but Kelsey is the least Open Minded of the waitresses to begin with (the

why will be told later). She is also currently untrainable in Open Mind, so that means her bonuses for Entertaining is 0 to all. However, it is still worth using her in this job if it is free and she is at low stress, because the job itself can be quite impactful. If you are comfortable with your Rep levels, it is advisable to have Kelsey entertain if the job is otherwise free and push tips up a little when needed, or if you have a really high bonus coming to you via Cook/Proactive/High Rep all at once because her modest gains will become pretty big under those combined multipliers.

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