Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Welcome to Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Day 1 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(optional) toggle MR visibility, this might not be doing until another day due to a change..

Get dressed, leave your home, click on squad car to station which is south of parking area

(optional) Talk to Craig (officer) to right side of station.

Talk to the receptionist and then go right and talk to sheriff in his office and he’ll tell you to greet all other officers

Dennis is in kitchen next to sheriff’s office

An officer is to right of sheriff’s office that takes care of evidence

Louis is sitting at his desk

Tanya is in the reception area near the water cooler on north side

After talking to those four go back to the sheriff

There are 4 things to clean up, Papers SE corner, Bottles SW corner, Papers west wall near water cooler, Litter north wall between cabinets/TV.

Tell the sheriff that you are done, and then leave building and go to your car

Enter the store and talk to the clerk

(-+1MR) Talk to old woman in store

Go to alley south of store/doctor

(optional) Talk to couple on bench, Teen tagging north wall

Talk to the brown-haired teen on west wall

Losing battle does not give special scene not sure if it has consequences other than slight difference in how arrest scene takes place… use taser

Go talk to the sheriff and leave the building

(Kris Peeping) He is to east of station looking in someone’s window

(-+1MR) Woman talking at phone booth NE of station if you take her home you go home

Go to your car to go home, change clothes and sleep

Day 2 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes, go to kitchen to eat, and then leave.

Choose to go to either Grocery (-4or2MR) store or Work early (-3or2MR)

(Grocery) (-2or1MR) Homeless Man in SW corner

(Grocery) (-2or1MR) In store Man in NE corner

(Grocery) Get cucumber and talk to clerk then go back to station

(Grocery) Sign in with receptionist or not (if you do not sign in eventually you’ll get spanked)

(Work) (-2or2MR) Man east of station cat in tree CHOOSE + side first get more – in end

(Work) Sign in with receptionist or not (if you do not sign in eventually you’ll get spanked)

(Work) Go to Sheriff’s office (-2or1MR)

Go to Sheriff’s Office, You may either do what Rat wants or find out the location (Manually)

Which you choose is basically whether you want – or + MR, RAT is -MR

Either way you can go talk to the Rat which is in the gardener’s shed looking through garbage E of station exit. (-3or2MR)

(Manually) Go to car and head to town and there are 3 people you need to talk to. South side of town man in red hoodie, east side homeless woman in front of vending machine, near water a woman in orange top.

Go to your car and head to the industrial district then go west.

(optional) Talk to the two thugs outside the warehouse

Use the ATM and enter code 3956

You need to find the 4 evidence locations, SW bookshelf, SE table, N Lockers, NE near stalls

Once you do you can leave and win a fight with two thugs

Leave then walk around to east and talk to Tanya so she’ll move.

Go to your car to go home, change clothes, and go to sleep

Day 3 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes, and go to the station

Sign in with receptionist or not (if you do not sign in eventually you’ll get spanked)

Talk to sheriff and he’ll tell you to change in locker room

Go out to the west then west again, then through the northern door

Click on the sparkling locker and find out louis placed a hidden camera

(optional) Talk to the evidence officer

Talk to the sheriff and he’ll give you a murder case so go to your car

Talk to the officer blocking entrance to home then enter

Go to sparkle near dead body and after scene you’ll be at the suspects house.

Go inside and once back outside go to your car

(optional) Talk to Tanya

Go to interrogation room north of reception area

Talk to Dennis so he leaves then sit in the chair

Go to the other side of mirror to talk to the sheriff

Go to your car and louis will be there waiting to talk to you, do so

Go home, change clothes, and go to sleep

Day 4 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes, and go to work area

(optional) Guy in front of vending machine north side

(optional) Guy in behind tree peeing (right below parking area sidewalk toward building)

Sign in with receptionist or not (if you do not sign in eventually you’ll get spanked)

Go towards sheriff’s office and he’ll have a meeting

Go west then west again and talk to the man at the end of hallway

Go down the stairs behind him and walk over to the suspect’s cell

Go back to the east

(optional) Talk to Dennis in reception area

Talk to the sheriff then use the computer at your desk

Go home and use phone to call Louis, change clothes, and then leave

(-3or2MR) Go to alley and talk to man near north wall (breasts shown)

(Kris Peeping) He’s at the NE building

Go to the restaurant most SW building

You’ll be given a choice to kiss Louis or not at the end of the date, kissing starts the NTR route

Go home, change clothes, and go to sleep

Day 5 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes, and go to work area

NE talk to the two men from the side. (behind won’t work … )

Enter station, sign in or not, then go see the sheriff

Use the phone at your desk to call lawyer

Go to the prison cell (west, west, stairs behind desk)

Go back down and to the sparkling area beside the locker then cell door.

Go talk to the sheriff then leave and once more you have a chance to use rat or (Manually)

(-4or2MR) (note it says -2 but it actually +2) Go east talk to Rat in gardener shed again.

(Manually) 3 pieces of evidence are needed. First go to town.

(Manually) (-1or2MR) Man at counter in shop (Wallet is in trash can)

(Manually) Man near doctor’s office (SW) that is jogging in place has 1 piece

(Manually) SE corner two women on bench has a piece

(Manually) Go to the industrial park area.

(Manually) (-2or1MR) On south end man in blue hat leaning against building (either choice gets info for evidence, boy to prank is north leaning against post.)

Once you have the information needed go to your car try to go to the school and you’ll go to clothing store.

Once at the school head to the sparkling area near the pay phone to stake out the school

Go back to your car then go talk to the sheriff

(Optional) Talk to caretaker in reception area

(Optional) NE man on right side of road near ATM.

(Kris Peeping) (-3or2MR) Go home and change clothes but instead of sleeping go to your bathroom window

Go to sleep

Day 6 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(Weekend all things are optional unless stated otherwise . Only one ADV TIME option per period can be done so select carefully.)

It’s the weekend so there are several places we can visit Police (Station), (Town), (Industrial)

(Station) (Morning) (-+1MR) Man lying in grass on east side

(Station) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4+2MR) Tanya and Sheriff in his office if went office early

(Town) (Morning on right is man looking for turkey twizzlers…

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4or2MR) East side just above southern park is a priest

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME < 90MR) (-4or2MR) in shop talk to clerk to start (Store Manager)

(Town) (Afternoon) Customer at counter in shop will tell you about going to farm

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+2MR) Alley is group of bullies, Idea is to go + side so it repeats later

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+1MR) Near clothing store two women talk to daughter

(Town) (Afternoon) Clothing Store David will alter your current outfit

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (IF doing NTR you need to do another one below not this one) At SE corner you can go eat and talk to Ryan to see another seen with Claire

(Station) (Afternoon) East side three boys playing video games

(NTR)(Home) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-2or0MR) NEED TO DO THIS FOR NTR!!! Use phone to have date with Louis

(Industrial) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Homeless man guarding sleeping area in SW corner

(Farm) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-6MR) Bestiality

(Non-NTR) (Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-2or0MR) Use phone to have date with Dennis, when told to go south talk to the man blocking door directly south of you.

(Industrial)(Night) (-+1MR) west of car at end of alley homeless man

(Town)(Night)(+-2MR) Couple in Southern park west side of street

(Town) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Photography studio (just west of car)

(Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Masturbate by changing clothes then choosing to relieve self

(Industrial)(Night) (ADV TIME) (-5 MR) North slightly west of car see alley, get drugged raped

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

Day 7 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(Sunday. Only one ADV TIME option per period can be done so select carefully. )

Mostly same as Saturday as far as to who is where and what you can do.

However, whatever you did on Saturday you won’t be able to do today.

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) Councilor office is south of doctor’s office entrance north side of building… I had to leave the area and come back for it to be offered! You’ll see glowing orb near door…

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

Day 8 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes and go downstairs and you’ll get a call from sheriff

He’ll take you to see mayor and get asked to show him your skills upstairs

Go upstairs and prove you will do whatever it takes

He wants to test that you can please a man, so go get a condom form the table.

Afterwards talk to him and you’ll now be outside.

Talk to the sheriff which is east of your location near fountain and then you’ll go back to station.

Go inside station and receptionist will talk to you.

(Optional) Talk to Tanya at her desk

Go talk to the sheriff then leave, go home, change clothes, and go to sleep

Day 9 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Change clothes and head to your car, nope can’t use it DOH! Okay walk east on south sidewalk…

Keep heading north toward school and several scenes will happen as you walk.

Then inside for many scenes, until you are taken to a bar to work.

Take the drinks to the poker table in the SE corner.

Go back and talk to Sally and then take drinks to SW corner table

You’ll slap the man and go back to sally and tell her what happened.

(-3or0MR) Go back and apologize and you’ll be given a choice.

After talking to Sally again you’ll be taken to see the boss.

You are given two choices to either say you were lying or telling the truth about Ellie

Lying will get you a butt plug and Saying it was truth will get you severe anal fuck

Saying that you lied also gets (+1 SUSPICION)

Day 10 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Head back to the school and talk to Sally and then the bar keeper.

Take the drink to the men in the SW corner again.

When you get back Sally is gone, talk to the two men she had been talking to.

They’ll tell you she is in the bathroom, it is to the south

She is in one of the stalls on north wall just west of entrance. You’ll get two choices

“Confront her” = (Drug Addiction) route “ignore it” = (Drug Dealer) route

(Drug Dealer) After getting out of restroom you’ll see her go back in with her dealer

(Drug Dealer) (-3or0MR) Watch them having sex

(Drug Addiction) (-3or0MR) Adds (+1 SUSPICION) After getting out of restroom talk to Sally

(Drug Addiction) Go talk to guy in SW corner

You’ll be at home after working a bit more.

(Kris Peeping) (-5MR) You may use bathroom window again if doing this route or just go to sleep

Day 11 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Click on calendar when you get downstairs

Head towards the school and you’ll notice the man on bench is missing

(-5MR) You may go to him for a “lesson” the door is on east side of home.

Now you can start collecting evidence.

Go east and click on the glowing computer… (+1 EVIDENCE)

(Drug Dealer) (-4MR) Go to the bathroom and on west side talk to him.

Talk to Sally near bar.

(Drug Addiction) (-4MR) You can take the drug again but you will miss the evidence.. .

Once done pole dancing go eavesdrop on the two men nearest you (+1 EVIDENCE)

Then go home. You’ll take a nap then sheriff or Louis will meet with you.

Day 12 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(-3or0MR) While walking to school you can now flash your ass.

(-5or0MR) Go to the house to east and knock on door hoping for another lesson.

Then the boss will take you to the beach.

Go swimming with Sally and then you will be asked to fuck the stranger.

(-4or0MR) If you refuse you get (+1 SUSPICION) and still have to do it.

After that the boss will drive you home, now go to sleep

Day 13 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(If you have low enough MR a lot of guys walking around will now grope you if you talk to them)

This time head on sidewalk to west to go to places, and where you arrive is exit spot, note that it simply seems to reset everything to be same as last weekend but some can’t be redone …

(Station) (Morning) (-+1MR) Man lying in grass on east side

(Station) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4+2MR) Tanya and Sheriff in his office if went office early

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4or2MR) East side just above southern park is a priest

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4or2MR) (-8MR if second time) Store manager

(NTR)(Home) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-6MR) NEED TO DO THIS FOR NTR!!! Use phone to have louis come over.

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+2MR) (Alley if first time, Southern Park second, east of clothing store third) is group of bullies. 2nd and 3rd head to alley afterwards.

(Town) (Afternoon) (No Redo) Customer at counter in shop will tell you about going to farm

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+1MR) (No Redo) Near clothing store two women talk to daughter

(Town) (Afternoon) Clothing Store David will alter your current outfit

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) Councilor office is south of doctor’s office entrance north side of building… I had to leave the area and come back for it to be offered! You’ll see glowing orb near door…

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (No Redo) At SE corner you can go eat and talk to Ryan to see another seen with Claire

(Farm) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-6MR) Bestiality

(Station) (Afternoon) Man near phone booth might need low MR to have him cop feel

(Industrial) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Homeless man guarding sleeping area in SW corner

(Non-NTR)(Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-2or0MR) Use phone to have date with Dennis

(Industrial)(Night) Near alley man will grab your ass (if you MR is low enough?)

(Industrial)(Night) (-+1MR) West of entrance at end of alley homeless man

(Industrial)(Night) (ADV TIME) (-5 MR) North slightly west of car see alley, get drugged raped

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

(Town)(Night)(+-2MR) (No Redo) Couple in Southern park west side of street

(Town)(Night) East area a man will play with your tits

(Town) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) (-6MR second shoot) Photography studio

(Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Masturbate by changing clothes then choosing to relieve self

Day 14 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Mostly same as Saturday as far as to who is where and what you can do.

However, whatever you did on Saturday you won’t be able to do today.

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

Day 15 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Head towards the school by going east on sidewalk

(Optional?) Go east to have another lesson with the groundskeeper (building to east)

Go to the west, if you go east you’ll skip part of the convo and possibly screw up something…

He’ll take you to a “room” to work as whore. Refuse = (+1 SUSPICION) and do it anyway

You may leave the room and look around, if you want you can go talk to Sally and Drug dealer

Sit on the chair in your “room” then you’ll have sex with a client

Go west to boss’s area to eavesdrop on them (+1 EVIDENCE) then head home to sleep

Day 16 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Enter the school and notice the lockers on NE wall have a glowing ball on them (+1 EVIDENCE)

I’m not sure what trigged bug, but if I did anything other than collect evidence and head to my “room” then it became time to go home instead of letting me work… not sure if that broke anything or not so I reloaded.

(Drug Addiction) You can talk to Sally and take another pill if you want…

Anyway, head to your room and sit on chair and you’ll be asked to choose between two customers.

Go home and go to sleep

Day 17 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Go to the school and go talk to the boss

You’ll meet the “Master” and get to ask him some questions .

“How old are you?” = Nothing

“How long are you here for?” = (+1 EVIDENCE)

“How many establishments…” = (+1 SUSPICION)

“How much money do you make?” = Nothing

“Do you like Khan?” = Nothing

“Have you got any partners?” = (+1 EVIDENCE)

“Where are you from?” = Nothing

“Do you have any family?” = Nothing

“Do any officials work for you?” = (+1 SUSPICION)

After he leaves you can search 5 things, trash can in kitchen, sink in bathroom, Dressing table, bookshelf, and clothes pile in bedroom area.

(Kris Peeping) When you get home you can change then go to window again or just go to sleep

Day 18 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Go to school then head to the area the guards told you to go… NW

Now you can do one of a few different jobs

1. go talk to “Dog” in the SE of main hall to be put in a sex box/get ruined by many men…

2. Go to your “Room” for a double teamed by teach and friend.

3. Talk to Sally and have a deep throat contest.

Once done go back to the dungeon area to talk with Khan

Go home and sleep

Day 19 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Use the phone downstairs to call the sheriff then go to the school

Go west to see the master and he’ll ask you questions. (answer mid ones for no suspicion)

Kahn – “I like him.” = Nothing

Kahn – “I guess he’s ok.” = Nothing

Kahn – “I don’t Like him.” = Nothing

Secret Meetings – “I’ve heard nothing.” = (+1 SUSPICION)

Secret Meetings – “There’s been whispers.” = Nothing

Secret Meetings – “Something is going on.” = (+1 SUSPICION)

Talking about – “It’s private.” = (+1 SUSPICION)

Talking about – “Team building.” = Nothing

Talking about – “about you.” =(+1 SUSPICION)

Once done leave. You’ll be able to do the same three things as yesterday except the one you did yesterday so pick one of the remaining two.

1. go talk to “Dog” in the SE of main hall to be put in a sex box/get ruined by many men…

2. Go to your “Room” for a double teamed by teach and friend.

3. Talk to Sally and have a deep throat contest.

Afterwards go to the west exit of reception area that is highlighted

You’ll talk to Khan and then head home and sleep.

Day 20 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

(If you have low enough MR the groping guys will now do even more)

(Station) (Morning) (-+1MR) Man lying in grass on east side

(Station) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4+2MR) Tanya and Sheriff in his office if went office early

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4or2MR) East side just above southern park is a priest

(Town) (Morning) (ADV TIME) (-4or2MR) (-8MR if second time) Store manager

(NTR)(Home) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-6MR) NEED TO DO THIS FOR NTR!!! Use phone to have louis come over.

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+2MR) (Alley if first time, Southern Park second, east of clothing store third) is group of bullies. 2nd and 3rd head to alley afterwards. (3rd ADV TIME)

(Town) (Afternoon) (No Redo) Customer at counter in shop will tell you about going to farm

(Town) (Afternoon) (-+1MR) (No Redo) Near clothing store two women talk to daughter

(Town) (Afternoon) Clothing Store David will alter your current outfit

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) Councilor office is south of doctor’s office entrance north side of building… I had to leave the area and come back for it to be offered! You’ll see glowing orb near door…

(Town) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (No Redo) At SE corner you can go eat and talk to Ryan to see another seen with Claire

(Farm) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-6MR) Bestiality

(Station) (Afternoon) Man near phone booth might need low MR to have him cop feel

(Industrial) (Afternoon) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Homeless man guarding sleeping area in SW corner

(Non-NTR) (Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-2or0MR) Use phone to have date with Dennis

(Industrial)(Night) Near alley man will grab your ass (if you MR is low enough?)

(Industrial)(Night) (-+1MR) West of entrance at end of alley homeless man

(Industrial)(Night) (ADV TIME) (-5 MR) North slightly west of car see alley, get drugged raped

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

(Town)(Night)(+-2MR) (No Redo) Couple in Southern park west side of street

(Town)(Night) East area a man will play with your tits

(Town) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) (-6MR second shoot) Photography studio

(Home) (Night) (ADV TIME) (-3MR) Masturbate by changing clothes then choosing to relieve self

Day 21 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Mostly same as Saturday as far as to who is where and what you can do.

However, whatever you did on Saturday you won’t be able to do today.

When you have advanced time thrice you’ll be sent home to sleep.

Day 22 – Officer Chloe: Operation Infiltration Walkthrough

Get dressed and go downstairs to phone to call sheriff.

Decide whether you want to arrest Khan or not…

Then head to the school and head through the west door.

Enjoy the final scenes of the game.

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