Parallel Fantasy If+

Parallel Fantasy If+ Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Parallel Fantasy If+ Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Vice Principal storyline – Parallel Fantasy If+ Walkthrough & Guide

Advance the dungeon until Principal leaves, Vice Principal ambushes you and asks for after school evening meeting in his office. To meet with him, sleep in Ati’s office behind library. He blackmails her saying that budget cuts may make him cut scholarships including Crane and Lana. Four repeatable scenes based on days of the week. Warning: Do not try first meeting on “free” day. He won’t be there and you will be trapped and unable to go back to sleep.

(Note: if trying for a virgin run or simply dislike pigboy, simply never sleep in the office again.)

Casino and below ground sex dungeon are extension of Vice Principal storyline. Once you have his first 4 scenes, click Heart at first floor school restroom for new scene. (If going for NTR and rescue attempt, wait until you have completed Lana, Crane and NTR routes – see below.)

A Heart appears next to bucket in your school prep room. Clicking that gives scene where VP screws her from behind while she looks out window at students leaving school.

Then he will ambush you after class one day and insist you meet him at casino that night. When you go to bed, you will awake and go there for a scene.

Unsure of trigger, may be repeating restroom and window scenes or rise in lewd level, but VP will appear near stairs on second floor of school with a heart icon over him. Click him for gangbang scene in classroom which ends up with scenes in basement and imprisonment there.

(School is paid well to keep some miscreant noble youth away from the mainland. Some non-noble students that were supposedly sent to mainland are in fact prisoners in school basement for the noble youth’s use.)

If you have not completed Lana, Crane and NTR routes or have not had student sex 5+ times, Ati keeps consciousness and is housed in warehouse to right of school – janitor screws her but persuades VP to allow her to leave during the day. (You get your student sex points.)

If you have completed Lana, Crane and NTR routes and have had student sex 5+ times, choice is given for Ati to pass out or not in basement sex dungeon. If she doesn’t, she ends up at warehouse. If she does…

Lana & Crane investigate Ati’s disappearance. Milan (a Nobel youth miscreant) tips Lana on basement sex dungeon. L&C rescue Ati but Milan ambushes, screws and blackmails Lana…

Lana has two scenes with variations in the text that Ati watches. She shows up on the Wind and Free days. The scenes have the usual heart symbol at door to room. On the wind days, she is in the top left basement classroom and on the free days she is in the bottom left basement classroom. After doing that, a guy should show up behind the stairs that lead into the school and he tells Ati to go the second floor classroom where Lana and Ati both get gangbanged. This last scene sets a Bad End flag.

Lana/Rana route – Parallel Fantasy If+ Walkthrough & Guide

Appears in dorm lobby on left once affection high enough.

Take to fight Queen Bee in dungeon.

Take to gather herbs/defeat mob in forest. Battle rape and if lose sent to start of dungeon.

Take to kill bandit leader. Lose once to any mob get scene and imprisoned. Can escape and return.

Take to fight ice dragon on island. (Not sure of order of last two.)

That sets “ED” flag for her – Extended ending available once 10th floor clear.

Crane/Klein/NTR route – Parallel Fantasy If+ Walkthrough & Guide

Once affection high enough he appears at the south entrance to the town. You’ll do a short event at his village. There is a guy who makes a hole appear at his sister’s place – leads to field where you defeat mob. Defeated mob is “angel” summon that he gets. Ati decides to reward him for hard work. (His icon appears in her prep room next time you are there.) Decides to take to beach. Must gather materials to make swimsuit.

After you make the swimsuit, you’ll have to talk to Crane (inside of the dorm – not sure.) to begin a short beach scene.

Then talk to Crane at dorms again(or it may be automatic cutscene in morning), he’ll be sick, Ati is making him lunch when he wakes up.

Find his sprite on 5th floor (right side up a little) with him in party for scene – he is poisoned, Daniel suggest hideout and Ati gives handjob to extract poison.

Find at town exit. Escort to his village. He takes her for midnight walk. Tells life story and tries to confess his love…

That sets “ED” flag for him – Extended ending available once 10th floor clear.

Then he shows in right of dorm. Asks to go to dungeon but you must pick up in front of dungeon. This time near same spot find his sprite and Ati gets poisoned saving him. He takes to hideout but not knowing what she did to cure him he goes back to find poison tusk to make antidote. Daniel finds Ati. If fail, Ati screwed by Daniel and NTR Route proceeds. Each failed battle gives NTR points and eventually Crane decides too much time has passed. Succeed for Virgin Route.

NTR route

Go see Daniel in staff office for scene at his house – BJ. Repeatable.

Shows up in middle room 2nd floor dorm – asks to beach – multiple scenes ending with photo party with vibes and gang bang. VP shows at Cranes sister’s store.

He is now found at staff room and invites to house again. Slightly different BJ and discussion of Crane.

Next day, Daniel goes to village and screws Lachesis (Crane’s sister) – she seems to be used to such a request.

Scene at house repeats with Crane visiting his village. Notices sis is with a lover but does not suspect it is 2 paying customers.

New scene at house with Ati cooking only in apron… Next day, Crane is shown porno mag (with Ati on cover?).

Scene repeats at house but no new cut scene or dialogue.

You can return to beach to get a short scene and points.

If you take Crane with you to west side of town you will find a book at merchant stand next to banker. Click it for a mag pic and some dialogue.

By now you have over 100 NTR points. Get your student sex points as below. Or don’t and get janitor scene first time you are sent to basement. You’ll get the points when he sets you loose.

STUDENT SEX: Once lewd is high enough (300 or 500 – will check next run), Succubus will appear when Ati decides to leave her room at night. Lose to her to gain ability to have sex with dorm students. May need to have done all masturbation scenes as well.


Giant Hill, defeated by any mob there gets you imprisoned. You can surrender for immediate BAD END or try to escape.

Bandit Fort loss to any gets you imprisoned but no option to surrender. You must lose to roaming mobs twice in a row for the bad end.

Getting Lana’s scene with Ati in classroom sets BAD END flag which I think only appears on extended ending with Lana.

I think if you lose to 10th floor boss that you get a bad end there – not sure.

My summons creature evolution notes:


There are 2 different types of summon creature upgrade.

You can create an enhanced weapon for your mob so you can direct him in battle. Talk to blonde (Klein) in science and he will make if you supply ingredients. It is 10 ymir (the skulls) and 5 weapon drop from mob. Check your mob status screen for type. The types are tooth, tusk, claw “scissors”(pincers) or instrument. First 3 are common, others are rare. Once you have weapon, summon your mob and step on green hexagram in office.

If you evolve your beast after doing above, you will loss ability to control it until you do this again!!!!

However, you may want to have some do their own thing. A couple mainly enhance your party and/or affect status of your opponent. Some of these effects are esoteric even if explained in your native language. Googlish does not help. The Pumiru (magic person) is one of these guys, I had no idea which of his skils to use when. When he achieved “Demon God” level 1, I let him do his own thing and he one shot killed any one Giant mob easily.

Evolution is done by getting mob to (at least) 20th level, having 30 ymir and entering evolve chamber. That chamber is accessed by going through the double sparkle on cabinet in office. There are 6 corridors, 5 are for the mobs that were the level 3 to 7 bosses. One I have no idea. First hex in row will evolve to 2nd stage then disappear. Get to (at least) 20 again and gather 50 ymir to evolve again on 2nd hex.

All stats and natural spells/abilities are kept, whatever level you were at. Learned spells/abilities are lost – including ability to understand your commnds as above. In theory, you could take them to 99 three times!

Corridors are as below:

Far left gray: doll evolves to Superior Doll then to ?

2nd from left purple: bone knight evolves to general bone then to ?

3rd from left orange: bull evolves to Mad bull then to ?

4th from left lt blue: magic person(Pumiru) evolves to High Sorcerer then to Demon God: Progeny of Kaijin(sea-god)

5th from right frosty: ??????

far right red: dragon(red) evolves to Dragonar then to Dragon Lord

crayfish (C Rank) doesn’t evolve

Nuzairu (C Rank) doesn’t evolve

Extra summon creatures found so far.

succubus B Rank – Encounter once lewd is high enough. (lose to her)

golem B Rank – Vice Principal Quest

Dragon(green) A Rank (forget where I got him)

Dragon(yellow I think) Found after defeating a regular mob, I think on 6 or 7 floor. Dialogue implied he joined me but never showed up. I already had 2 other dragons and 10 total so there may be a limit on either.

My note on Day schedule:


There are five days of the earth , water/ice, fire , wind, free

Crane available on earth, fire + wind

Grey available on wind + water/ice (+maybe 1 more?)

Lana available on earth, water/ice and fire

Day of the earth


H-scene library office

musical instrument Broker $500/5

Day of the water/ice

H-scene 2nd floor stair crouch shot

herb merchant $500/5

Day of the flame


sword of the devil beast trader #500/5

Day of the wind

scissors of the devil beast broker $500/5,

Nun with stat boosters

Day of the free


H-scene 1st floor hall – tit grab

aphrodisiac sales

afa’s guide shows how to unlock most scenes. FP points can be used for pregnancy (over 500 to become pregnant – consumes 50) or improve stats. To maximize FP on any day once all unlocked you can check this note.


Once all scenes unlocked in a day to maximize FP you can:

Lose in battle rape in tower. Repeat as oft.en as you want (except at top of tower – end game). Earns 10 FP at least. Losing outside town ends day

and could get you captured (bandits). Note that buffed goblins on 5th floor always rape & come inside. Probably easiest way for Lana to become

pregnant – not verified.

Solicit one of the guys that want a quickie.(More than one and innkeeper won’t rent room to you – guy sits waiting for you to rent room.) So far

it is 2 of the guys you rescued in tower. One is light brown hair with light green fur trimmed clothes (3 FP), other is blue hair with green

clothes (5 FP). Both in red light district.

Visit teacher Thompson for 10 FP.

Sleep in office and visit Adoi (assistant school length – pig boy). FP from 0 – ?

Or sleep in your room and…

Decide to masturbate. Don’t recall what early scenes yeild but the one where Boitosu? the teacher deposits his sperm in you through a speculum

yields 30 FP and ends day.

Or decide to go out and…

Go to brothel which is 3-10 FP and does not end night. (10 FP after Thompson blackmail.)


Visit Inn for streetwalker event that you prearranged in daytime. First instance each customer ends day in v1.3 but not in 1.4). Second

visit does not. FP varies maybe 5-20. Can pilfer some rooms on 1st visit, all on 2nd visit.

If day not ended, then:

Get gangbanged in bottom right of redlight district (FP 30) or visit kids (FP 20). Both end night.

There are also 2 rape scenes that end day and they yield 10 FP. One is a day event in Inn by 1st floor bathroom other is at night by brothel near

alley. Both require skivvies or possibly gym clothes (or less).

Tit job does not earn FP.

Notes on details of streetwalker encounters – who you solicit and the results. Plus some other scene details and note on pregnancy.


Streetwalker night scenes:

Snake skin trader, near fountain brown hair green clothes. 10K Gold FP 10 Libido 20 (She really likes him and calls him uncle.) She can pilfer “lump of willpower that can share” on 2nd visit.

Red head near fountain. 10K gold FP 5 libido 10 Cowboy sex and he compliments her…She can pilfer 10K gold on 2nd visit.

Orange hair with blue cape near brothel. FP 15 Libido 20 Does not pay any gold but can pilfer 5 pieces of ymir.

Green hair blue clothes central ave central district. 10K Gold FP 3 Libido 10 (She likes him.) She can pilfer 1000 gold on 2nd visit.

Purple hair green clothes central district lower right (Tit job guy) Calls her a sow. FP 5 Libido 20 Does not pay any gold but can pilfer a piece of ymir.

Green hair red cloak in Inn n/a yet if ever.

Musical instrument Broker on Earth is female.

Aphrodisiac sales Free day third tent. 15K gold FP 20 Libido 30 (He doses her and they do it 10 times! 20 on 2nd visit!) Can pilfer Elixir on 2nd visit.

Sword trader green hair at second tent on Fire n/a yet if ever.

Scissors trader blonde at second tent on Wind – n/a yet if ever.

Herb broker at second tent on Ice n/a yet if ever.

Library guy (upper right red light district) n/a yet if ever.

Banker n/a yet if ever.

Streetwalker quickies:

Light brown hair with light green fur trimmed clothes (3 FP)

Blue hair with green clothes (5 FP).


After Thompson blackmail 50K Gold FP 10 Libido 30

Early scenes vary.


Show panties

Get fingered

no panties at school and fingered to climax libido 20

gangbang FP 30 Libido 30

Visit Kids in dorm for FP 20 Libido 20.

Gangbang FP 30 Libido 30


Ever time you leave room once achieving 500 FO, you will have pain. If you say that I just ate too much, nothing happens. If you take other

choice, you are pregnant and transported to mountain village for duration. Supposed to be charged 10 gold/day for care. Child is left at village.

During fourth pregnancy old man ups it to 1000 gold/day or pay with body. If pay with body, must visit shack to right to recieve clients before

you can leave. No FP or libido gained from this scene. And if you choose to pay money there does not appear to be an actual debit (not that it

matters). Pregnancy consumes 50 FP.

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