Pocket Gal Hunter

Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Pokegal FAQs – Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide


Draa (Dragonpaladin)

Note: Request for permission on the google drive with your ulmf user name to have your name added here.

Important Notes on building FAQs:

Anyone can place a readable question, only moderators are expected to answer them.

You can create a new question by right click, insert row below twice, and fill in the first row with your question. Then moderators can move them downward to the section they belong to after answering them.

Global Map – Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide

City #1 – Starter Town / Adachi

City #2 – School City / Sumida

City #3 – Egg City / Daito

City #4 – Large City / Punkiyo

City #5 – Night City / Chiyoda

City #6 – Snow City / Chiyo-oh

City #7 – Beach City / Minato

City #8 – Black Group Hideout / Shibuya

City #9 – Champion Center / Jinjuku

Note: Above JP Romanji probably needs fixing

Question #




New Questions – Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide


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How do you get Chronosu? The legendary pokegal under the light post post-game clear?


A pokegal dex question, wait until that’s been added before moving it over.

Once you get to the light post, talk to her.

1) Walk back to the door

2) Run around the fence in the clockwise direction 3 times

3) Stop at the door after the 3rd time, walk up and talk to her

Then you can capture her


How do you get Miu?

bgn & Draa

A pokegal dex question, wait until that’s been added before moving it over.

General – Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide


In game FAQs?


Press s or your keyboard equivalent. Your starter will answer most questions you have regarding game mechanics. (If you can read Japanese anyways)


Can you capture pokegal from other trainers?


Only when within the Tokyo Dome


How do I use HMs


Equip the HMs (lightbulb items) on the pokegal. Fly and dig requires pressing the D key or equivalent on your keyboard

Note: Knight can use every single HM except flight, after evolution, Valkyrie/Dark Knight can use every single HM


How do I acquire the starter’s 3rd form?


Both starter acquires their 3rd form after beating the black group’s leader and then revisiting her after you have access to champion road.

Missable: While you can acquire the dark starter’s 3rd form at any time, you have do the light starter’s 3rd form before beating the game.


How do I capture/evolve a pokegal?


Pokegal Dex in progress (but haven’t started yet)


What contributes to a Pokegal’s stats?


Basically 4 things:

1) Base Stats – Different Pokegal’s growth various

2) Shiny – If available, increases base growth stats

3) Individual Value (IV) – From 0~31, added growth on top of base growth

4) Effort Value (EV) – From 0~510, added stats on top of base growth

5) Personality – Increases one stats growth, decrease another stats growth

1)~3) is decided on capture/breeding, decides how good relatively is the pokegal, and isn’t changeable.

4)~5) is changeable, hence focus on 2) and 3) once you have decided on a pokegal.


How to breeding Pokegal? How to get one with high IV?


Breeding a pokegal requires a pill from City #3 – Egg City. In terms of getting one with good stats (in this case IV), you need a high IV Pill that you can get later in game. After that it’s just RNG.

In the inventory: Pill, Color-difference Pill, High IV Pill

Note: RNG should be done post game where you get a new observer (shades) in the pokegal center that give you a numerical value of IV instead.


Are there any pocket girls you cannot breed? If so, which ones?

Unknown & Draa

Light Starter & Dark Starter (#7, #10)

Wind & Thunder God (#92, #93)

Cameo Characters (#102~#109)

Chronosu, Miu, and Miumiu (#110, #111, #112)


What do each of the stats do? Particularly Technique, Lewdness & Exposure since I’d hope the rest are obvious.


From the top, there’s 7 stats in total:



Attack (Fist Icon Skill)


Technique (Special Attack, White Blast Icon Skill)

Lewdness (Special Defense)

Exposure (Speed)

Walkthrough – Pocket Gal Hunter Walkthrough & Guide


City #5 – Night City: I am stuck on the gym leader for the 4th city (night city), she won’t give me the badge/HM after defeating her.


You need to at least do one super effective move during battle or she won’t give you the victory.


City #5 – Night City: I am stuck exiting the night city.


Light Starter:

1) Attempt to exit the night city, you will beat the black group’s leader

2) Take her to the convenience store (female clerk) in the gym

3) Take her to the train station

Dark Starter:

You can skip step 2)


City #5 – Night City: The tree after Night City is blocking the way


Refer to General FAQ #2, you need to equip cut on a suitable pokegal


City #6 – Snow City: Prisoner blocking the way

bgn & Draa

The prisoner requests that you bring several item/pokegal to him and show it to him before letting you pass. These requests are the below:

1) Normal type pokegal (miniskirt, yankee, etc)

2) Shiny pokegal

3) Slow acting drink. (5th item from female cashier)xx

4) ごきげんアッタク (from the City #1- starter town)

— Prisoner will no longer block you from proceeding —

5) Pokegal with high/max affection (Your starter usually)

6) He asks for a pregnant girl (Pill from City #3 – Egg City, and then hotel)

7) Lv45 pokegal

8) Legendary pokegal (Chronosu) – Post Game Clear

9) 50k money

You receive a evolution item (mirror of truth) that can be applied to the cameo character from the first endurance match in Tokyo Demo.


City #8 – Black Group Hideout: How can I enter the secret entrance?


After defeating the black group’s leader, and getting the locker key. Search the left locker located on the upper right corner of the base.


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