Pronant Syphony

Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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[E.B.] プロナント・シンフォニー Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

General Tips – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  • if +k for +kindhearted, +-e for +-evil, but too believe…
  • exorcist girl or kindhearted ending need dont use H order (命令), cant undress clothes (but change clothes ok), cant use H order, no GoR or H event, cant rape other girl, cant use order パンツください (thanks to Harleyquin13’s advice)
  • in fight, use Shift key can change command, if upper has red words/environment better use 2nd skill change it
  • buy バトルノート, in fight use it can up exp if first time use on enemy (but under has ? not work)
  • if go guild 攻略ギルド, sell item can get guild point, if too evil cant enter
  • key 1 to mining place 採掘場, use $ can power up it for get 2 more item (this floor forever)
  • key 1 to people can get treasure information
  • key 2 to people can steal item (+e)
  • key 4 to girl has H (different girl has little change only, +e)
  • if enemy hp low and use 従属の捕獲玉 can catch it (but some cant catch)
  • at night, some mining place can get night only item
  • use 祝福コイン can loot more item, some floor use it few times can get $, if not clear main route some floor no effect
  • some cave or altar for hidden treasure (need information)
  • use hero or ranger skill 金剛力 to exorcist girl, exorcist girl use skill 退魔剣術の構え and witch use skill エンハンスパワー, next round exorcist girl attack = crazy dmg

Skill shop (need 大魔公の結晶) – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  • 宝箱空けスキル : open golden box
  • > 宝箱空けマスター : open purple box
  • 魔界集積スキル : start lower left blue orb is 2, max 65
  • 武具熟練スキル : equip easy power up
  • 命令上手 : when use order, item need -1
  • 採取上手 : when mining dont drop HP
  • 逃走上手 : escape skill (逃走) up to 5, next lvl +1
  • 絆スキル : the place has heroine icon can up 5 relation
  • 採掘スキル : can mining silver or golden mine (to 25F)
  • > 採掘マスター : can mining all silver or golden mine
  • 休息スキル : after fight HP +2, next lvl +2 too
  • 捕獲スキル : monster lvl lower then party a lot, can catch it when full HP
  • 技能強化スキル : some skill power up, deduction 10% when use blue orb

Floor keeper choice – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  • 力が欲しい : add exp
  • 金が欲しい : add $
  • 冒険を求める : get treasure information
  • 腕試し or 苦難を受ける : all member out of control, after fight can get 大魔公の結晶

Getting Started

  1. start order is any ok
  2. room click book can buy equip and item
  3. dungeon get item, near man use key 2 can get key open door
  4. lower near door talk to aged, then upper big magic circle has fight
  5. to magic circle then move out dungeon

1F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. if 2nd play hard mode near entrance has cave
  2. from start go right has hidden treasure 1F treasure.jpg
  3. right near man has choice, 1st help him (+k -e), 3rd wait him died (+e)
  4. upper right open switch can go lower area, click corpse 2nd choice can skip fight, then 1st choice find item or 2nd choice pray 祈る (+k -e)

2F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. middle stair to 2F, upper key 2 to fairy can get item for click invisible object
  2. left monster corpse, 1st choice get item, 2nd pray to it (+k -e)
  3. man in back of altar, 1st choice get back attack, 4th choice fast attack
  4. after defeat floor keeper and click switch, altar lower right can get hidden treasure 2F treasure.jpg
  5. altar for treasure, one need catch monster ブルータスク 2F altar.jpg

3 – 4F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 3F upper to town, talk to cat few times can get item
  2. town left to altar, inside click stele
  3. pass 4F back to 3F, near big magic circle vs boss, after fight 1st choice for H (if kindhearted play need 2nd choice)
  4. to big magic circle can stop flame, if lower left blue orb over 55 can get item for up witch skill power
  5. 4F place near floor keeper has hidden treasure 4F treasure.jpg
  6. 3F lower, box near golden box, 4th choice then click again can get item
  7. man in 4F lower left, 2nd choice for get item (+e), if 1st choice then use item ヒールハーブ to him, when talk to him 1st and 3rd choice, tomorrow can get item (+k -e)
  8. 4F the treasure dungeon has waterfall or 13F treasure 埋もれた塔の宝物庫, use 時の水 to dragon statue can vs dragon (very hard)


need mind control item in deep area, inside talk to manager 1st choice > 2nd one > 1st one, then 3 girl can add new order ?の店で働け for brothel, but after it for badend

5F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. start only hero and sister only
  2. sister leave then exorcist girl join
  3. near house has fight, after fight open box get item for pick up rock
  4. talk to ghost and armor has H (if kindhearted play ignore it)
  5. click switch then vs boss
  6. back to inn, only witch not back to group
  7. 1F and 3F has piace for pick up rock
  8. 2F pick up rock can help demom, then 3F talk to him can exchange item
  9. 4F has 2 man mining, talk to them, talk to glasses few times can get item
  10. 5F, near to 6F stair has demom, use key 1 to it can up skill power

6F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. near up stair has 2 man mining, talk to them (if not there maybe need wait few day)
  2. lower left has board and small hole, click small hole and use 鳥の羽 can get item
  3. man in upper right, 3rd or 4th choice +e

7F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper to big magic circle
  2. upper left talk to man, choice 1 2 for pay, 3rd choice for H (+e), 4th has fight (+e), 5th use mind control (+e), near man has hidden tresure 7F treasure.jpg
  3. left downstair has slime hole, if click slime then 3rd choice, can use order スライムの宝を取って来い to sister, set her get treasure (GoR)
  4. lower left altar for treasure, one need catch monster リトルハッター 7F altar.jpg
  5. man in altar lower, give him 50$ can get item 白い羽根 (+k -e)
  6. aged in right, pay or ranger nude (+e) then talk to him can power up skill

8F – 10F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. box near stair, need under 3 round win the fight
  2. lower vs boss
  3. right to big magic circle, near door has hidden treasure 8F treasure.jpg
  4. if inside door has fight, in fight lose ok (can ignore?)
  5. 9F upper left click door, all choice 3rd one
  6. 9F lower talk to soldier, if 2nd choice then 1 one give $ to him (+k -e), choice 3 4 get item (+e)
  7. 10F to brothel help witch, right get item for pick up green rock
  8. in witch fight has GoR
  9. after help witch, go south area can get key
  10. 2F the cave before help demon can pick up rock get item
  11. 5F, at night has 3 people can get item
  12. 8F upper pick up rock to cave, if catch any bird or dog monster, talk to orc can get reward
  13. 9F upper right talk to 2 guy, 1st mind control anyone (+e), 2nd choice stop them (+k), 3rd mind control them get all treasure(+e)
  14. if use 大魔公の結晶 get skill 岩投げマスター can pick up purple rock, 10F has it

11F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. left talk to 3 people, if 1st choice has fight (+k -e), 2nd choice mind control stop them (+k -e), 3rd mind control and get item (+e)
  2. then talk to demom, 3 4th choice +e
  3. lower has hidden treasure 11F treasure.jpg
  4. right has board and hole, use 獣の牙 can get item

12F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper right to big magic circle can stop flame, if lower left blue orb over 55 can get item for up witch skill power
  2. altar for treasure, one need catch monster デビルアイ 12F altar.jpg
  3. right has man at the gate of death, 2nd choice get item only (+e), if 1st chocie get item to 3F aged who in town left near altar (+k -e)
  4. man in lower, if 3rd choice can get item, 4th choice has fight, 1st choice is HP MP to 1, then move to 11F teleport can get exp

13F – 15F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. click coffin can get item 聖人の臓物 and near has hidden treasure 13F hidden treasure.jpg
  2. near upstair has box, if try open it exorcist girl will teleport to other area, click flame vs boss (GoR)
  3. upper has town, if get 白い羽根, talk to demon in town lower right can exchange item 鼻かんだちり紙
  4. need evil or sex to heroine?, talk to man in right, pay 3000$ or mind control (+e), for add H order to witch
  5. underground shop can buy 2 item, for add 2 H order to ranger and add 1 H order to exorcist girl
  6. upper right house talk to demon girl, if use order 血を採る (any heroine ok) get blood, to demon girl and wait few day can get 魔形の蜜
  7. lower corpse area, key 2 to man can power up sister skill
  8. 13F treasure 暗黒の樹海2, talk to orc, 3rd choice use mind control (+e), 4th has sister H (need evil), 5th one for kill it (+e)
  9. 13F treasure 暗黒の樹海2, deep withered tree use 時の水 can power up sister skill and get item
  10. 13F treasure 埋もれた塔の宝物庫, deep has door need use heroine blood, and this quest can get 天上崩落の種火
  11. from corpse area stair to 14F, lower to big magic circle can stop some flame
  12. 14F talk to cow can recover, get treasure information, teleport (has bug) and buy equip
  13. 14F lower talk to monster, 2nd choice +e, 4th mind control stop it (+k -e)
  14. 15F upper left open box get key 15Fa.jpg
  15. open door to underground big magic circle (or talk to red demon pay 300$ or mind control) 15Fb.jpg
  16. move back vs ugly boss
  17. 3F town entrance has ppl selling ticket, for order デートに行こう, but need never use H order to heroine

17 – 20F and 6F hidden boss – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. treasure 闇の回廊2 has bug cant move out, if want move out need in fight use shift key then use skill やぶれかぶれ untill all member down
  2. upper right door choice is 4th and 2nd
  3. down to 18F, upper left has hidden treasure, can get 天上崩落の種火 18F hidden treasure.jpg
  4. altar for treasure, one need catch monster サキュバス 18F altar.jpg
  5. lower left up to 17F, open box get dictionary 悪魔文字辞書
  6. click board then left of board has switch 17F hidden switch.jpg
  7. 19F upper left to big magic circle
  8. upper has near dead demom, if 1st choice kill it, 3rd choice get item, 2nd choice use item エデンの実 can get item (+k -e), next choice is recover, this floor full map and skill up
  9. stair upper has switch 19F hidden switch.jpg
  10. 6F upper click board then click door, enter treasure to treasure room
  11. 6F door enter satan to dungeon, 2nd area from board go left 3 step and lower 4 step
  12. 3rd area board is right 2 step or right 3 lower 3 left 2
  13. 4th area is bee > bird > snake then click back of board
  14. last area has 天上崩落の種火 and boss
  15. after boss can go up talk to Lucifuge, 4th choice can get weapon (need use key 3 to people for power up), if 2nd hard play mode has 5th choice can fight to him

20F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. click door, after event sister and witch only, deep talk to goblin
  2. ranger only, deep talk to orc has fight (GoR)
  3. sister and witch vs goblin (GoR)
  4. open box get item can open door
  5. exorcist girl because injured not back to group

21 – 25F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. upper left has hidden treasure 21F hidden treasure.jpg
  2. pass door to room, talk to demom then sit on chair can up agi
  3. 22F, man near altar, if 1st choice +k -e, 3rd +e
  4. upper has big magic circle for flame
  5. 23F upper right hole, 1st choice > kindhearted (善人) or evil (悪人) > rape heroine (その通りだ) or not (そんな酷い事しない) > how many $ > next is order over 30 times or not, this quest can do anytime
  6. 24F middle talk to man, 1st choice recover, 2nd full map, 3rd item, 4th get $, 5th fight to him
  7. left has big magic circle
  8. lower left to child brothel, upper talk to boy and girl child brothel.jpg
  9. lower talk to demon girl
  10. after drop to hole talk to boy
  11. after demon girl dead go up vs boss, then open box get magic key

To Ishtaroth (Ashtaroth) castle – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 13F upper right can open door get item
  2. 3F town upper right open door get item
  3. town left altar set 3 item then port to Ishtaroth castle
  4. castle entrance vs boss
  5. after move out jall, near any small demom use key 2 get store key
  6. upper right to store, click armor has hidden road hidden road.jpg
  7. left open box
  8. in jail get music box
  9. open box again get item for walk on water
  10. use music box then talk to exorcist girl
  11. lower left to demon girl has fight
  12. upper left to next area, upper get purple crystal
  13. lower has fight then right to sewer move out

Walk on water – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 1F lower, 3F upper left, 6F lower stair or 13F town upper can move to another waterfall area, if 2nd play with hard mode has new monster
  2. 2F lower left has 2 box
  3. (2nd play with hard mode) 3F right has box
  4. 3F town upper left has witch skill power up item
  5. 8F lower left talk to demom, talk to it for item, then if give 鼻かんだちり紙 to it can get equip
  6. (2nd play with hard mode) 19F left has box

26 – 30F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. 26F upper right to hot spring, 3rd or 4th choice has H
  2. 28F altar for treasure, one need catch monster ダークハウンド 28F altar.jpg
  3. monster near 2 box, open red one
  4. 30F talk to ugly monster
  5. 10F south area click soul get item, then back to 30F talk to ugly monster
  6. when monster change back to girl, talk to her (all choice) has fight
  7. after fight talk to her again (5th choice), in fight use shift key then use 覚醒プロナント few times
  8. after she back to monster, talk to it again can get item
  9. north pond use 杤ち果てた貴金属 can get item 30F pond.jpg
  10. north pond use 朽ちた鎧 can get 大天使の鎧

31 – 40F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

(now can go Ishtaroth castle for ending, but better down to 50F first) :

  1. if 2nd play and hard mode? 31F has aged selling item
  2. 33F near floor keeper has hidden treasure 33F hidden treasure.jpg
  3. 33F floor keeper upper has big magic circle
  4. need evil? 33F upper left has magic circle, inside will change to exorcist girl and witch only, deep click ring has fight (GoR)
  5. (2nd play with hard mode) 38F middle has new monster
  6. 39F lower has big magic circle
  7. 40F 4 pillar set 4 天上崩落の種火 can go 41F
  8. 3F can trade skill ダンジョンマスター (in dungeon teleport, lower left blue orb dont down to helf and enemy easy drop item)

41 – 50F – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

(2nd play has a lot new monster) :

  1. 42F down > right > up > right > if right has mining place
  2. 45F open box get 2 天上崩落の種火 to pillar
  3. 49F has hidden road 49F hidden road.jpg
  4. lower has boss and big magic circle
  5. 50F has boss, if defeat it inn has picture, click it can start 2nd play

Ending – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

Evil ending

  1. to Ishtaroth castle again
  2. 1F middle click green crystal, then upper left click purple crystal to 2F
  3. 2F event, then key A for change member, better pay $ or mind control to red demom for easy play…
  4. witch go up 2 floor click green crystal
  5. hero go up talk to red demon, then go up next floor click switch (2nd choice) and talk to demom again
  6. ranger go up 2 floor near purple flame
  7. hero click purple crystal
  8. ranger go up step switch
  9. witch click green crystal then exorcist girl go inside room
  10. hero click purple crystal then go left step switch
  11. witch move up near green flame
  12. ranger move down floor, go up click green crystal then witch go inside room
  13. ranger move lower step switch then sister go inside room
  14. hero move down floor step switch then ranger go inside room
  15. hero move up floor then go inside room
  16. after 5 fight, near boss use key 4 has H
  17. next floor sister join, upper right talk to orc has choice, 1th and 4th choice +e, 2nd one +k -e
  18. when exorcist girl only go up floor has boss, fight few round only
  19. go up vs boss, after fight 1st choice has H
  20. next floor get item on road
  21. next area has a lot enemy, use music box can make them move slowly
  22. 4 red box for power up heroine
  23. if go 5F bird H2.jpg , will fight to bird girl, after fight 3rd choice for new H, after H get 1st choice has tentacle H
  24. deep to Ishtaroth room has fight
  25. for bed ending : back to inn, use order ?の店で働け to any heroine, then go Ishtaroth room
  26. vs final boss Ishtaroth
  27. when 2nd play start has choice, 2nd choice for hard (next choice is ok or not, next choice is see OP or not)

Kindhearted or exorcist girl ending

  1. when back to inn get attack, all member move down floor
  2. to Ishtaroth castle again, keep go up has 9 fight, then 10th fight vs boss
  3. get item on road
  4. next area has a lot enemy, use music box can make them move slowly
  5. 4 red box for power up heroine
  6. deep to Ishtaroth room has fight
  7. vs final boss Ishtaroth

How to VS Ishtaroth – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  1. sister must need group heal 聖癒の天光
  2. all heroine need anti mind control equip (has words プロナント, like 大天使の御太守, 真夜の黒衣, 封魔の調停真玉, 退魔の守り, 大天使の鎧)
  3. if danger use Shift key change command for item or 覚醒プロナント
  4. start fight must use Shift key change upper environment
  5. 2nd change to big monster better down atk or up defence
  6. 3rd fight must lose, after lose has choice, get 3rd one ending1.jpg
  7. then each heroine fight, start better change environment and must use 覚醒プロナント ending2.jpg
  8. change to hero fight, use 覚醒プロナント 3 round
  9. before 4th round has choice, use item ending3.jpg
  10. next round hero and exorcist girl use 覚醒プロナント, then next round hero use 1st skill ending4.jpg
  11. recover and defeat Ishtaroth

V2.0 – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  • has new order (命令) : 膝枕で耳かきして
  • has new H order : 積極的に身を捧げる, after choice 積極的にエロエロに, after fight or go other place has H (faster is go black market [Bマーケット] then back to inn, if all heroine change to 積極的にエロエロに, sometime has 5P, if choice いつも通りでいい or 全員 元に戻す can back to normal
  • start choice ED Gallery can watch ending
  • click hscene room door, choice ユリウスの立ち絵表示 has hero stand CG, some event has CG too
  • treasure dungeon 暗黒の樹海 in 9F, upper left boss area has new road New9F.jpg , inside talk to succubus has H
  • when all heroine nude has new GoR (maybe need new game or 2nd play, sometime old save cant)
  • when kindhearted route, now has 4 heroine ending
  • after defeat 50F boss, some equip can keep to 2nd play
  • Evil route, Ishtaroth castle 6F, after defeat グラシャボラス boss.jpg , in 10F、31F or other floor has bird girl, choice 体を弄り倒す has new H
  • after clear 5F and witch leave, to dungeon then back to inn has bath CG newCG.jpg

7 ending in ED Gallery – Pronant Syphony Walkthrough & Guide

  • evil ending
  • evil ending but dont sex to heroine
  • kindhearted ending, when ending has choice get 2nd one
  • 4 sister’s 4 ending : better save before final boss, after buy ticket in 3F, date (use order デートに行こう) with heroine who for ending, better in 2nd play, can get fews 運命の花束 and use all of this to heroine

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