Rise of the Crime Lord

Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Intro – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

This walkthrough was created to help you play the Rise of the Crime Lord.

During the story, you’ll meet different characters. With these characters, maintaining a good relationship is important in order to achieve the ultimate goal of the game, which means Rick becomes a mafia boss.

Your choices determine relationships and events. In this walkthrough, I’ll show you the choices you need to get the best ending. But first, some useful tips:

Relationships Points: in the background, a point system runs invisibly, these are the Relationships Points. These determine Rick and Cora’s relationship with others (XY Friend, XY Romance, XY Professional, XY Jealous, etc.). Some decisions are small (like flirt) and other decisions are highly (like sex) influenced, the latter of which I mark separately during the walkthrough.

The most important thing in the game is to prevent Rick’s family and friends from hating him, because in this case, they can leave him, which can be fatal to other characters, including Rick.

HINT: If you sometimes go off a relationship path, it won’t be permanent right away. For example, if Rick is romantically associated with Ashley, but you don’t want to divorce Cora, then it’s worth avoiding kissing Ash in public. This will strengthen friendship, but it is not a permanent friendship. There will be a certain “commitment point” for each characters.

Cora and Rick: Rick and Cora’s relationship can develop in three ways during the game. They can divorce: to do this, you must follow the „Divorce route” during the play-

through, and at least one character must cheat on the other.

They can be faithful spouses: in this case, you must follow the „ Spouse route” .

Furthermore, Rick and Cora must maintain only friendly relationships with opposite- sex characters (XY Friend), all „Lover Routes” must remain closed.

ATTENTION: A threesome remains possible for bisexual characters.

They can live in an open marriage: in this case, you must avoid the Divorce route.

Rick and Cora can also have an affair with others (XY Romance), all „Lover Routes” can be opened freely.

ATTENTION! To open the „Open Marriage” route, it is enough for only one party to be unfaithful, so you don’t have to go on the NTR route if you don’t want to.

Q&A – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Will there be a harem route?

No with wife and yes with other women. Cora is the secondary protagonist, so you’ll see her thoughts until the end of the game. And she will always have thoughts about other men (and women). You can only influence whether thoughts are followed by action or not.

But, there are (currently) three female characters who are only interested in Rick: Ashley, Miranda and Sam. They can be taken into a harem. I plan to include other women in the harem (e.g.: Kelly, Kendra), but these plans are not yet final.

If Rick and Cora get divorced, won’t she be in the game anymore?

Cora’s going to stay in the game, she’s just going to take another path. Unless she dies.

Cora could die?

Every character can die, even Rick.

What happens if Rick dies?

Game Over.

Can the death of another character end the game?

No, but the best ending can’t be achieved when certain characters die (e.g.: family members).

How can Rick have sex with Miranda in Chapter 4?

Step 1: Choose Miri in the Prologue (this trigger the step 4).

Step 2: Don’t slept with Judit in the Chapter 1 (Rick won’t leave the girls at the hospital in Chapter 4).

Step 3: In Chapter 2, don’t answer Judit’s call (then Cora doesn’t come home in Chapter 4).

Step 4: In Chapter 3, go for breakfast with Miri or wait until Chapter 4 when Miri and Rick stay home together. In either case, choose the Friendship with Benefits option (this open the Miri Lover route).

Step 5: In Chapter 4 hug and kiss Miri (it strengthens the romantic path).

Step 6: Fun with Miri in Chapter 4 (if she blows Rick at night, you’re on the right track, sex will be the next morning).

How can Rick have sex with Nicole in Chapter 5?

All you have to do is not call Tim at the very end of Chapter 1 (the „Terence Hate route” remains closed).

How do I get Terence to ask Rick to take care of Kendra?

The answer is the same: don’t call Tim at the very end of Chapter 1. If you do, then Terence in Chapter 5 will ask Rick to take care of his wife. Rick will be visiting Kendra for the first time in Chapter 7.

How can Rick have sex with Kelly in Chapter 9 Part I?

Step 1: In Chapter 2, Rick cannot go with Jake to the Diesel.

Step 2: Also in Chapter 2, when he sees Kelly and Alec, he has to make a video of them.

Step 3: In Chapter 3, when he visits Jake, he must not offer to help him.

Step 4: In Chapter 7, Rick cannot offer to help Kelly.

PROLOGUE – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Judit’s home

„It’s shit show, but I pretend to believe it. ” (Crowe Friend) or „Of course… Oooh

sure…” (Crowe Professional Relationship).

Hint: In the case of male characters, it is worth preferring a friendly relationship, giving you more loyalty and more opportunities.

In the ruined room

„That’s enough.” – If Gabe shoots Clu, it can cause trouble later.

In Judit’s home

„Do I choose safe, but boring homework with Ash?” (Miri Ex-Girlfriend route

close) or „Or do I choose exciting peeping with Miri?” (Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open).

Hint: If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route is closed, it will be easier to reconcile the sisters later, but the story will be more exciting if Rick and Miri have a shared past.

(If chose Ashley.)

„I think honesty will be the best. ” (Ash Friend) or „A little lie can’t hurt.” (Ash


CHAPTER 1 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Judit’s home, Rick’s room

From the photos you can find out a few little things about Rick’s family.

Judit’s home, living room

”I’m going to hug her.” (Judit Romance) or ”I kiss her cheek.” (Judit Friend).

”I have to ask.” – Find out more about Crowe and Judit’s relationship

”I’d rather not force.” – You avoid the subject and an intimate moment between Rick

and Judit

(If you asked about Crowe.)

”I’m trying to get under her shirt. ” (Judit Romance) or ”I gently push her away from

myself. ” (Judit Friend).

Judit’s home, corridor

This decision has no effect, choose at will.

Terence’s home

”I knock once more. ” (Terence Friend and Kendra Friend) or ”Maybe the door is

open…” (Kendra Romance)

In the bar

”I break his arm.” (Violent crime route) or ”That’s enough lessons.” (Smart crime


Hint: If you choose the Violent crime route, it will be easier for you in Chapter 5, but some events will not happen in Chapter 5 and Chapter 7.

Judit’s home, night

(It only appears if the Judit Romance is already high.)

”Can I be even more reckless?” (Judit Friend) or ”Time to take the move.” (Judit


”I’m not going to think about it all my life. ” (Judit Lover route open; this is Judit

commitment point) or ”It’s good if I never get an answer to this question. ” (Judit Lover route close).

Hint: If the Date with Judit route closed in Chapter 2, but you want a good relationship with Judit, then it is better to keep the Judit Lover route closed in this time.

(Judit Lover route)

”I want to see her face.” – Missionary position.

”Her ass fascinated me.” – Doggy position.

”Now she’s pampering me.” – Cowgirl position.

Judit’s home, morning

”I keep what I promised myself. ” (Terence Professional Relationship, Terence Hate route close) or ”I’ll be a good man tomorrow. ” (Terence Hate, Terence Hate route open)

Hint: If you open the Terence Hate route, the game gets harder and options like the Kendra Lover route and the Terence-Kendra Swinger route remain closed.

CHAPTER 2 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

In the SSG

„I’ll be a gentleman.” (Spouse route) or „A little flirting can’t hurt.” (Rachel Romance).

Hint: If you want to achieve Open Marriage then you can choose the romance option when both Spouses and XY Romance are available.

„I think I could have some relaxation. ” – Open the Diesel route and the Porn Producer route. If you don’t go to Diesel (Overtime route), some options will be close in later chapters.

In the strip club (Diesel route)

„Alright, I’ll call her sometime.” (Crowe Friend).

„But gently.” (Jerry Friend) or „Not tolerating the contradiction.” (Jerry Professional


In the SSG (Overtime route)

„I need proof. ” – If you do not record, you can still be successful later, but more

options remain closed.

Rick’s home, evening

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route closed.)

„And I can’t suppress this feeling. Not anymore. ” (Ash Romance) or „I didn’t tempt

the fate.” (Ash Friend).

Cora’s office, evening

„No!” (Faithful route) or „Yes!” (NTR route).

Rick’s home, evening (Faithful route)

„Come here, beauty!” – Missionary position.

„I’ve said many times, I’m a man of action.” – They have sex while standing.

„I cum in her pussy. ” – no need to fear, no child will be born.

„I cum on her breast/face.” – no comment.

„I cum in her mounth.” – I think that’s clear.

Rick’s home, morning (NTR route)

„OK.” (Divorce route) or „Me too,” (Spouse route).

In the SSG, reception

”She doesn’t need to know the truth.” – The other two options worsen Rick and Rach’s relationship; Rick will need her later.

(Diesel + Faithful route)

”I’ll be better not to risk.” – Blackmail can be successful the other way, but without

solid evidence, problems may arise later.

”Maybe it’s worth the risk.” – The other option on this path will result in Game Over.

(Diesel + NTR route)

”Maybe it’s worth the risk.” – The other option on this path will result in Game Over.

(Overtime + Faithful route and Overtime + NTR route)

There is no decision situation on these two routes.

In the SSG, Rick’s office

”That’s enough.” (If no video) or ”Well, there’s one thing…” (If there’s a video and you’re curious about Kelly’s boobs).

”I owe her so much that I’ll listen to her. ” – The Date with Judit route will open in the Chapter 3. The other two options will open the Date with Sam route, also in the Chapter 3.

Hint: if you want a good relationship with Judit, you might want to open the Date with Judit route. Plus that road is a lot more exciting.

In the SSG, elevator

”But Rach can’t expect more because of Cora. ” (Sam Friend) or ”Here’s the chance, Rick. Do it!” (Sam Romance).

Ashley’s home

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route closed)

”A quick glance can’t hurt.” (Ash Romance) or ”Be a good boy, Rick.” (Ash Friend). ”If you need money, I’d like to lend it.”

”I will not stay.” (Ash Friend) or ”I stay, but only for a kiss. ” (Ash Romance; open the

Ash Lover route).

Rick’s home

”I am going to bed.” – immediately jump to the last scene.

”I’ll see some movie and then I’ll sleep.” – Star Wars fans should come here. ”I jerk off.” – no comment.

(Ifjerk off.)

”Ashley, who else?” – if you looked Ashley in her apartment, you get a bonus image. ”Cora, of course.”

”After the today’s day only Kelly.” – If you saw Kelly’s breast, you get a bonus image. ”Sam fired my desires, be she.”

”Rachel, the little fiery bitch.”

”I’m watching porn. ”

CHAPTER 3 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Rick’s home, morning

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open)

„After all, I swore faithfullness, not blindness. ” (Miri Romance) or „The past is the

past, it’s better not to bother.” (Miri Friend).

(If Ash Lover route open)

„I listen to my heart” (Ash Romance) or „I listen to my mind.” (Ash Friend)

„I just got tired of both of them.” (Good Sisters) or „Ashley is right.” (Bad Sisters;

You’re standing on Ash’s side) or „Ashley is unfair to Miranda.” (Bad Sisters; You’re standing on Miri’s side).

Hint: if you are on Ash or Miri’s side, you will improve your relationship with your chosen one, but if the twins have a bad relationship, it can be a big problem later if either or both of them become Rick’s lover.

„Why not do something together?” (Trio route) or „They need to talk, they should be

left alone.” (Rick alone route) or „The truth is, I prefer Ash.” (Rick & Ash route) or „After all, first I promised Miri.” (Rick & Miri route)

Hint: If only one girl goes to breakfast with Rick, the other gets angry with him, plus the sibling relationship gets worse.

„I’ll reply in a quick message.” (Spouse route) or „I’ll call her later.” (Divorce route).

In the park (Trio route)

„The last one.” (Good Sisters) or „The first one.” (Bad Sisters).

In the park (Rick & Ash route)

(If Ash Lover route open)

„Damn the risk! I grab her ass.” (Ash Romance) or „I’d rather not risk it, I’m happy

with the kiss.” (Ash Friend).

(If Ash Lover route close)

„Her ass is calling me.” (Ash Romance) or „I’m happy with hugging.” (Ash Friend).

Don Papa’s Dinner (Rick & Ash route)

„I won’t leave her. ” (Good Sisters) or „Now I let this go.” (Bad Sisters)

(If Ash Lover route open)

„I touch her hand. ” (Ash Friend; Madison Bribe route close) or „I kiss her.” (Ash

Romance; Madison Bribe route open)

(Madison Bribe route)

„Here goes nothing.” – In the other choice, Madison reports on Rick and Ash to Cora

(Divorce route), but if you want to divorce Cora, even then it is worth trying the bribe.

„I’ll give her $ 25.” – Divorce routeMadison’s going to tell Cora about the kiss and

how Rick tried to bribe her.

„I’ll give her $ 50.” – Madison accepts the money and doesn’t talk about the kiss, but if

she sees Rick again in a similar situation, she’ll tell Cora.

„I’ll give her $ 100.” – Madison accepts the money, doesn’t talk about the kiss and will

be lenient to a certain limit.

„I’m going to threaten her.” – Madison is guaranteed to be silent and will not say

anything later, but she will hate Rick and the story linking to Don Papa’s Dinner remains closed. (This option only becomes available once your criminal activity has reached a certain level.)

„I ask her a favor. ” – Madison is guaranteed to be silent and will not say anything

later, in addition, an alternative route opens up for Don Papa’s story. (This option only becomes available once your criminal activity has reached a very high level.)

Don Papa’s Dinner (Rick & Miri route)

(If Ash Lover route open)

„I’ll be honest.” (Miri Romance) – If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route is open, there is another

option, but only choose it, if you are building a romantic relationship with Ash and you don’t want more than friendship with Miri.

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open)

„Let’s be just friends. ” (Miri Lover route close) or „I like the friends with benefits

option.” (Miri Lover route open).

Hint: The This is a difficult. Can we postpone it later?” option is neutral, but if you choose this, until you commit, some options will remain closed.

Don Papa’s Dinner (Rick Alone route)

„I just order.” (neutral choice) or „Maybe she need a little flirting. ” (Madison


Ash’s apartment

(This scene only appears on the Trio and the Rick & Ash route.)

(If Ash Lover route open)

„I kiss her.” (Ash Romance) or „I’d rather not do it.” (Ash Friend).

„We need to finish this now.” (Ash Friend) or „I’ll go a little further.” (Ash Romance)

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route closed)

„Part of the truth will be enough. ” (Ash Romance) or „ She deserves to know the full

truth.” (Ash Romance and Bad Sisters)

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open)

„I’m lying, it’ll be better for everyone.” – The other option can cause very serious damage to both Ash-Rick’s and Ash-Miri’s relationship.

(The next choice appear if Ash and Rick have not started a love affair or their friendship has grown in the meantime.)

„I would never risk that much.” (Ash Friend) or „I kiss her.” (Ash Romance, Ash

Lover route open).

Hint: If this option appears and you choose Ash Friend again, you will close the Ash Lover route permanently.

Jake’s home

(Ifyou opened the Overtime route in Chapter 2.)

„I offer my help.” – Open the Porn Producer route. With the other choice, Rick is

permanently excluded from the porn industry, which makes it impossible to get the best ending. Rick automatically assists Jake and open the Porn Producer route if you chose the Diesel route in Chapter 2.

On the way to the date

„I’ll call Cora.” (Spouse route) or „I’ll think about what happened.” (Divorce route).

(If you called Cora.)

„I’ll talk about Judit.” – If you’re open the Date with Judit route.

„I mention Sam.” – If you’re open the Date with Sam route..

„I’ll tell her about Miri.” – If the Miri Ex-Girlfriend route is open and you chose the

Spouses route, this should be mentioned!

„I’ll talk about Jake and Beth.”

„I’ll talk about the blackmail.” – This will only appear if you have selected the Faithful

route in Chapter 1.

„I’ll ask her how she is.” – Spouse route.

Hint: Rick can’t tell everything to Cora because of the little time, but if you choose in the right order, he can tell her all that matters. The order is asfollows: 1. Mention Judit (if possible). 2. Talk about Jake and Beth. 3. Talk about blackmail (if possible). 4. Mention Miri.

Hint: If you are on Date with Sam route, then you can talk about Sam first, but this is not mandatory. Infact, if you don’t want to divorce Cora, you better not talk about the meeting.

(If you talk about Sam.)

„We can say so. (Spouse route) or „This is not entirely true.” (Divorce route).

„I strongly agree.” (Sam Friend) or „You have nothing to hide.” (Sam Romance).

„With a polite compliment, I give the signal. ” (Sam Friend) or „I could be bolder. ”

(Sam Romance).

„I’d rather stay honest.” – The other option worsens Sam and Rick’s relationship.

(If you chose honesty.)

„I’ll be your good friend.” (Sam Friend) or „I want to be more than a friend.” (Sam


(If you lied to Sam.)

„I’ll admit the truth.” – Everyone is given at secound chance to correct their mistakes, in which case it is. Sam’s anger toward Rick diminishes, but so does the friendship and romance.

Judit’s home (Date with Judit route)

„I’ll wait on the couch.” (Judit Friend) or „I’ll go up and see her.” (Judit Romance; is

only available if you have opened the Judi Lover route)

„You look good as always!” (Judit Friend) or „You’re hot as always!” (Judit


„I’m aiming his temple. ” (if you really want to make Hayden angry) or „I’m aiming at

the ribs.” (if you just want to make this psychopath a little angry)

(If Rick was targeting the temple.)

„I’m trying to get my balance back. ” (Hayden kicks Rick) or „I’ll fall.” (Rick kicks


Hint: Although the game gets harder if Rick makes Hayden angry he can kill the protagonist several times it’s worth knocking out, because that will greatly determine Rick’s underworld status in thefuture.

CHAPTER 4 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Date with Judit route

In the hospital

There is no decision on this route at this stage, events are influenced by previous decisions.

Rick’s home, night

There is no decision on this route at this stage, events are influenced by previous decisions.

Rick’s home, morning

„Finding a job is a good activity. ” (Miri Friend) or „There is something to do in the

apartment.” (Spouse route) or „ She could spend time with her family.” (Good Sisters)

In the park

„I have to agree unconditionally. ” (Terence Friend) or „I have to agree, but only on

condition.” (Terence Hate if Rick called Tim in Chapter 1, and Terence Professional Relationship if not)

In the Diesel

„I remind him that he owe me.” (Crowe Professional Relationship) or „I remind him

how much trouble Judit is.” (Crowe Friend)

Date with Sam

„I strongly agree.” (Sam Friend) or „You have nothing to hide.” (Sam Romance)

„ She takes care of herself, I like it. ” (Sam Friend) or „Does she look like that when

neglects herself?” (Sam Romance)

„I’d rather stay honest.” – The other option worsens Sam and Rick’s relationship.

(If you chose honesty.)

„ She is strong…” (Sam Friend) or „ .. and beautiful.” (Sam Romance).

(If you lied to Sam.)

„I’ll admit the truth.” – Everyone is given at secound chance to correct their mistakes, in which case it is. Sam’s anger toward Rick diminishes, but so does the friendship and romance.

„I’ll give her a kiss on her cheek. ” (Sam Romance) or „I leave.” (Sam Friend)

On the Promenad

„I’ll tell her everything. ” (Spouse route) or „I won’t tell her more.” (Divorce route)

Hint: This is a point of commitment. Ifyou don’t tell her everything, though Rick and Cora won’t break up yet, but their relationship will deteriorate so much that divorce in a future chapter will either become optional or inevitable. If Cora leaves Rick at the end of the conversation, you’re moving on to the latter case.

Date with Sam route

In the hospital

„ Someone attacked her.” – If you want a friendship or romantic relationship with Sam,

choose this so later she can more easily understand why Rick became a criminal.

„I’ll give her a kiss on her cheek. ” (Sam Romance) or „I’ll let her go.” (Sam Friend)

Rick’s home, night

If Rick didn’t quarrel with the girls at the hospital.

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open)

This choice only appears if you didn’t choose the Rick & Miri route in Chapter 3.

(If Ash Romance route open)

„I’ll be honest.” (Miri Romance) – If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route is open, there is another

option, but only choose it, if you are building a romantic relationship with Ash and you don’t want more than friendship with Miri.

„Let’s be just friends. ” (Miri Lover route close) or „I like the friends with benefits

option.” (Miri Lover route open).

„If she invited me… ” (Miri Romance) or „Of course I might be wrong.” (Miri Friend)

„I think that’s all.” (Divorce route, if Rick hadn’t replied to her message before) or

„There’s one more thing here. ” (Spouse route) – the second option only becomes available if Rick did not respond to Cora’s message in Chapter 3.

„I embrace her shoulder encouragingly.” (Miri Friend) or „I hug her.” (Miri Romance)

(If you hugged Miranda)

„I’ll do it, I’ll kiss her.” (Miri Romance) or „But I’d rather not do it.” (Miri Friend)

Hint: Ifyou haven’t had the opportunity to open the Miranda Lover route before, with this choice you will have a chance at a later chapter (there will be another chance later).

(If Miri Lover route open)

Lying on a sofa (Miri Friend) or Fun with Miri (Miri Romance)

Hint: While there is no consequence here, if the Miri Lover route is open and you frequently reject Miri’s offer, the route may close and Miri may be angry with Rick.

If Rick got into a fight with the girls in the hospital.

„I think that’s all.” (Divorce route, if Rick hadn’t replied to her message before) or

„There’s one more thing here. ” (Spouse route) – the second option only becomes available if Rick did not respond to Cora’s message in Chapter 3.

In Horizon Bay

„I have to reject it.” (Argay Jealous) or „An another meeting isn’t the end of the

world.” (Argay Romance)

Hint: Argay is a potential romantic relationship for Cora (if she divorces Rick, Argay could be her husband in thefuture), and a possible and important allyfor Rick. If Cora starts seeing him but doesn’t separate from Rick (Argay Jealous), the best end of the game becomes unattainable.

Rick’s home, morning

(This choice only appears if Miri Lover route is open and Rick has not rejected Miri.)

„No life without risk.” (Miri Romance) or „But maybe it’s better not to risk it. ” (Miri


(This choice only appears if Miri Lover route is open, Rick went to have breakfast only with Miri, he hug and kiss her, and did not refuse her in the evening.)

„And I want more!” (Miri Romance) or „But maybe it’s better to stop now. ” (Miri


Hint: In these cases, the rejection does not yet close the path of Miri Lover, but you can move in that direction with it.

This choice comes when the Miri Lovers route is closed, but the night Rick kissed Miri.

„But what? I kiss back!” (Miri Romance) or „I’m not kissing back.” (Miri Friend)

„Finding a job is a good activity. ” (Miri Friend) or „There is something to do in the

apartment.” (Spouse route) or „ She could spend time with her family.” (Good Sisters)

In the park

„I have to agree unconditionally. ” (Terence Friend) or „I have to agree, but only on

condition.” (Terence Hate if Rick called Tim in Chapter 1, and Terence Professional Relationship if not)

In the Diesel

„I remind him that he owe me.” (Crowe Professional Relationship) or „I remind him

how much trouble Judit is.” (Crowe Friend)

On the Promenad

„I’ll tell her everything. ” (Spouse route) or „I won’t tell her more.” (Divorce route)

Hint: This is a point of commitment. Ifyou don’t tell her everything, though Rick and Cora won’t break up yet, but their relationship will deteriorate so much that divorce in a future chapter will either become optional or inevitable. If Cora leaves Rick at the end of the conversation, you’re moving on to the latter case.

CHAPTER 5 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

In the morning at SSG

„I’ll flirting with Rachel” (Rachel Romace) or „I’m going to my office” (Rachel

Friend) – If you’ve already flirted with Rachel in Chapter 2, choose it here too. If not, you should avoid flirting again.

In the basement of Diesel

„I didn’t expect such a hot thief. ” (Jess Romance) vagy „ She looks good, but now is

not the time to flirt” (Jess Friend).

„It will be better now not to mention the past. ” (Malcolm Problem route open) os

„He may need the reminder” (Malcolm Problem route close)

Hint: If you just beat Malcolm in Chapter 1 but didn’t break his arm, there will still be problems, but not as serious as if Malcolm doesn’t know who Rick is. But if you open the Malcolm Problem route, criminal reputation will increase dramatically, which could come in handy later.

With Nicole

If Terence Hate route open

„I’ll relent, just once” (Open Marriage route) or „Mm, I’m sticking with „no”” (Spouse


„I chose the lap dance” or „I choose blowjob” – the blowjob increases the chances of

an Open Marriage to a greater extent.

Hint: Whether you reject Nicole’s offer or accept it,from here, Rick can use Diesel’s services for money.

If Terence Hate route close

„Yes” or „No” – If you choose “yes,” Nicole will only offer a blowjob after the

conversation, if “no,” Rick can also slept with her. The sex increases the chances of an Open Marriage to a greater extent.

„No, it’s not me” (Spouse route) or „Yes, absolutely” (Open Marriage route)

Hint: Whether you reject Nicole’s offer or accept it,from here, Rick can use Diesel’s services. Nicole’s going to workforfree, but the other girls are going to workfor money.

In the basement of Diesel

„Not much today, it’s true.” (Jess Friend) or „ She not be more wrong!” (Jess Romance)

”My intentions are strictly honorable” (Jess Friend and Jess Romance) or ”Oh, I really

care about that pantie” (Jess Romance and Jess Hate)

Hint: Jess is a complicated woman. She likes it when a guy hits on her, but at the same time she condemns infidelity. So for her case, you have to balance between open flirting and fidelity if you want a romantic relationship.

In the warehouse after the robbery

(This choice only appears if Rick reminded Malcolm of what happened in Chapter 1 and he just beat him, but didn’t break his arm.)

”I’ll take care of this one myself” (Violent crime route) or ”I’ll leave Tim be” (Smart

crime route).

CHAPTER 6 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

(Although the chapter can start in three different ways, there are actually only two paths. On one, Cora and Rick’s marriage is “good” or “still easy to save” and the other is “almost irredeemable. “)

If Rick and Cora’s marriage is “good” or “still easy to save” (Spouse route or Open Marriage route):

„A’s better than the other two.” – Nothing’s happening, Cora’s going to work.

„I’m hungry, so B.” – Cora’s going to the Don Papa’s. If Madison saw Rick and Ash

kissing in Chapter 3, and Rick didn’t pay her off, she’s going to tell Cora (Divorce Route). Otherwise, the waitress won’t say a word.

„C. Mira can brighten my day.” – Miranda-Cora Lover route opens, which can lead

to Cora-Miri sex and the Rick-Cora-Miri threesome.

If the chapter started at Rick’s apartment, and Cora waits for Miri, and they didn’t talk in Chapter 4:

„Let’s save some time.” – Cora and Miri don’t dress up (Miranda-Cora Romance and

Open Marriage route)

„I’ll wait for her to wash up.” – They talk in clothes (Miranda-Cora Friend and Spouse


If the chapter starts on the street and Cora goes home:

„I’ll do it, I’ll look at her.” – Cora peeks at Miranda while she dressing (Miranda-Cora

Romance and Open Marriage route)

„I’d rather not take any chances. ” – Cora waits downstairs (Miranda-Cora Friend and

Spouse route)

If Rick and Cora’s marriage is “almost irredeemable” (Divorce route):

„I’m going to work.” – Nothing’s happening, Cora’s going to work.

„I’m going to get something to eat. ” – It’s the same as the other route. If Madison saw

Rick and Ash kissing in Chapter 3, and Rick didn’t pay her off, she’s going to tell Cora (Divorce Route). Otherwise, the waitress won’t say a word.

At the restaurant with Beth:

No matter how you answer Beth’s question, she’s going to be ruthless.

Hint: Although Rachel may find out that Cora is cheating on Rick (NTR route), she won’t tell Rick right away. Rachel won’t tell him that unless their relationship reaches a certain point, and Rick doesn’t break up with Cora until then. Rachel Lover route will be openedfor thefirst time in Chapter 7.

At the H&W:

(The next option will only appear if Cora has slept with Daniel in the Chapter 3)

”It’s not betrayal, so I can have some fun.” (Open Marriage and NTR route) or ”That’s

betrayal, and I’m not going to do that.” (Spouse routes)

CHAPTER 7 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

Morning, Rick’s home

(This decision will only appear if Rick and Cora’s marriage is good.)

„Okay, maybe next time.” – There will be no sex.

(This decision will only appear if the Miranda-Cora Lover route opened.)

„Who needs the bedroom for this?” (Open Marriage and Miranda-Cora Romance) or

„It’d be better without an audience. ” (Miranda-Cora Friend)

At the SSG

„I’m going out to Rachel.” (Rachel Romance) or „I’m going to get to work.” (neutral


(This decisions will only appear if Rick went to Rachel’s.)

„I could give her a massage.” (Rachel Romance and Open Marriage) or „ She’ll get

over it.” (Spouse route)

„I’m offering her my help. ” (Rachel Romance) or „ She can handle it on her own.”

(neutral choice)

„I’m going to go say hello.” (Sam Romance and Rachel Jealous) or „I’d rather not break tradition.” (Sam Friend)

„I’ll wait for Jake.” – Lunch with Jake (Jake Friend)

„I’m going to ask Sam out to lunch.” – Lunch with Sam (Rachel Jealous) „I’m going to ask Rach out to lunch.” – Lunch with Rachel (Rachel Romance) „I’d rather eat alone.” – Lunch alone (neutral choice)

Hint: Sam won’t be in her office, so she can’t be invited, and after that, Rachel won’t be available.

(This decision will only appear if you tried to ask Sam out to lunch.)

„Then I’ll wait for Jake.” – Lunch with Jake (Jake Friend)

„I eat alone.” – Lunch alone (neutral choice)

Afternoon, in Kelly’s office

„All right, fine.” – Rick’s leaving Kelly.

„I’m not letting this go. ” – Rick interrogates Kelly.

Hint: It’s a good idea to choose the interrogation because it’ll get Rick the information that’s going to be important in thefuture.

(This decision will only appear if Rick doesn’t leave Kelly.)

„I’m going to get her out of this mess.” (Kelly Romance) or „At least one problem

less.” (Kelly Hate)

Hint: If you don’t help Kelly, she’s going to get fired. Blackmail, on the other hand, will continue, but there will be no serious dangers. So Rick’s going to be able to abuse of blackmail. But if you help her, she could become a serious ally within the SSG, which may be needed later.

„I’ll ask Sam.” – Rick and Sam are going out for coffee (Sam Romance).

„I’m going to Kendra’s.” – Rick’s going to see Kendra. This decision will only appear

ifthe Terence Hate route remained closed at the end of Chapter 2.

„I’m taking care of Malcolm.” – This decision will only appear if the Malcolm

Problem route is open.

„I’m going home. ” – This decision will only appear if the Malcolm Problem route is

close (neutral choice).

Hint 1: If you choose Sam, then you can still go to Kendra and Malcolm. If you go to Kendra first, then you can only go to Malcolm. If you go home, all other options will be lost.

Hint 2: If the visit Kendra option isn’t available, but Malcolm Problem route is open, you shouldn’t choose Sam. Because if Rick goes to Malcolm as a second choice, the game gets a bad ending. So either you go to Malcolm right now, or you meet Sam and Kendrafirst.

With Sam

„What about the wreck?” – Sam Romance. This decision will only appear if you dated

Sam in Chapter 3, not Judit (Date with Sam route).

„How are you doing with the wrap?” – Sam Romance. This decision will only appear

if you dated Judit in Chapter 3, not Sam (Date with Judit route).

„What about your husband?” – Sam Friend

„It’s a nice day.” – Sam Friend

„Do you have plans for the weekend?” – Sam Romance

Hint: Rick can only ask about two things.

„I’m going to Kendra’s.” – Rick’s going to see Kendra. This decision will only appear

if the Terence Hate route remained closed at the end of Chapter 1.

„I’ll take care of Malcolm.” – This decision will only appear if the Malcolm Problem

route is open.

„It’s time for me to go home.” – This decision will only appear if the Malcolm

Problem route is close.

Hint: If the visit Kendra option is available, it’s a good idea to choose it to avoid a bad ending. If not, a bad ending is inevitable.

With Kendra

„All right, well, I might as well go. ” (Kendra Hate and Kendra Friend) or „Or I could

stay a little longer.” (Kendra Romance)

„After all, I promised to entertain her.” (Kendra Romance and Open Marriage) or

„ She’s still my friend’s wife.” (Kendra Friend)

Rick’s home

„And I won’t let it.” – Rick and Cora are having sex. The other option is a neutral


„I’d rather be with my family. ” – Rick’s spending the night with the family. Family

Time route is open.

„I could invite Ash to dinner.” – Rick’s asking Ash out. This decision will only appear

if the Ash Lover route is open. Date with Ashley route is open.

„If I want excitement, Miri’s my girl. ” – Rick’s asking Miri out. Party with Miranda

route is open.

Hint: If you choose family, you can improve your relationship with Judit, Ash, and Mini and strengthen the relationship between the sisters. The latter increases the chances of Rick having a threesome with the twins. If you choose Ash, you can take the next big step in Rick and Ashley’s relationship. And with Miri, you can improve Rick’s relationship with her depending on the decisions you’ve made before.

All three events are interrupted by Cora and Carla’s dinner. You can read about the decision there during the “Dinner with Carla” section.

Family Time route

„I’ll take Judit.” (Ashley Friend, Miranda Friend, Good Sisters, Judit Romance/Judit

Friend) or „Ash and I are sure to win.” (Ashley Romance, Miranda Hate, Bad Sisters) or „With Miri, the odds of the teams would be equal. ” (Miranda Romace, Ashley Hate, Bad Sisters)

Hint: If the Ashley Lover route is open and you choose Ash, then you’ll get extra Ashley Romance points. If choose Miri, the Ashley Hate points will grow better.

Date with Ashley route

(This decisions will only appear if, in Chapter 3, Rick had breakfast alone /Rick Alone route/ or with Miranda /Rick & Miri route/.)

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route closed)

„I’d rather not tell her the whole truth.” (Ash Romance) or „ She deserves to know the

whole truth.” (Ash Romance and Bad Sisters)

(If Miri Ex-Girlfriend route open)

„I’m lying, it’ll be better for everyone. ” – The other option can cause very serious damage to both Ash-Rick’s and Ash-Miri’s relationship.

(This decision will only appear if Rick told the truth and slept with Miri in Chapter 4.)

„Now it’s better to lie.” – Rick have to lie if he doesn’t want Ash to hate Miri forever,

making the threesome between him and the twins impossible.

In the Parking

„We’d better wait a little longer. ” (Ashley Romance) or „I’ll do it.” (Ashley Romance

and Open Marriage)

Hint: Although the number of romance points increases in both options (Ashley likes that Rick’s not rushing), if Rick makes the move now, he can sleep with Ashley in Chapter 9 or 10. After that, Rick can’t have any sexual relations with Miranda (including the Cora-Miri-Rick threesome) until the Ash-Miri-Rick threesome happens. So if you want to have more fun with Miri, now’s a better idea not to make the move.

„I’ll tell her the truth.” – For many reasons, it is preferable to choose this option. That

way Miri will have Rick’s back in case Cora sees something in the future, and Miri won’t be upset if she finds out from Ash later what happened.

Party with Miranda route

„But I’d better keep my cool. ” (Miranda Romance) or „Or rather, I don’t. ” (Miranda


Hint: Miri hates tough guys. It’s worth keeping in mind throughout the game.

(This decision will only appear if the Miri Lover route is closed and Rick don’t kissed Miri in Chapter 4. Otherwise, Rick automatically kisses Miranda.)

„But I’m resist.” (Miranda Friend, Spouse route) or „I kiss her.” (Miranda Romance,

Open Marriage, the Miri Lover route open).

(This decision will only appear if Rick kissed Miranda, either after a decision or automatically.)

„I’d rather not risk that much.” – The night will be end (Miranda Friend, Spouse route) „I’ll do it.” Rick finger Miri (Miranda Romance, Open Marriage)

(This decision will only appear if Rick don’t kissed Miranda.)

„Cora.” (Spouse route, Miranda Friend) or „Ash” (Miranda Friend, Open Marriage

and Bad Sisters) or „Both.” (Open Marriage, Miranda Friend)

(This decision will only appear if Rick fingered Miri and the Miri Ex-Girlfriend route is open.)

„We’d better go home.” – Rick and Miri will be home before Cora does (Miranda

Friend, Spouse route)

„I can’t get enough of her.” – Rick fucks Miranda. (Miranda Romance, Open


Hint: If Rick sleeps with Miri, Cora will be home when they get home. And she’s going to know what happened, so you can collect some divorce points. The least you get is if Cora

cheated on Rick and she was hitting on Miri, too. You get the most points if Cora stayed faithful to Rick, she wasn’t hitting on Miri and knows about Ash.

”I’d rather not.” – the Carla Lover route close (Carla Friend, Spouse route) ”Screw it, we live once.” – the Carla Lover route open (Carla Romance, Open


CHAPTER 8 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

In the basement of Diesel

(This option only appears if Malcolm is dead.)

”I’ll keep it.” – In this case, Rick receives $ 1 365 000 and Crowe Respect increases. ”Split it up.” – In this case, Rick receives $ 1 171 000 and Crowe Friend increases.

”I’ll handle Jess’s money. ” – Rick takes Jess the money. It could improve their


”You do it.” – In this case, Rick will not meet Jess.

With Cora in the Diesel/office

(If Rick told Cora everything in Chapter 4, they meet at Diesel, otherwise the conversation takes place in Cora’s office. Whatever the location, the choices are the same.)

”No, the risk is too high.” – If you choose this, it will seriously damage Cora and

Rick’s marriage. If Rick didn’t tell Cora everything in Chapter 4, then their marriage becomes almost unsalvageable at this point.

”But it can even pay off. ” – This will greatly improve Rick and Cora’s marriage, and

they will then have sex.

Hint 1: If Cora cheated on Rick with Daniel earlier, and now Rick gives Cora the money, then Rachel gets some extra scenes towards the end of the chapter.

Hint 2: If Rick gives Cora the money and Malcolm (and Abby) are dead, she accompanies her husband to Terence. This will greatly help Rick and Terence’sfriendship.

Hint 3: If Rick gives Cora the money, it may have unpleasant consequences in the future, but there will also be benefits.

Cora in the Diesel

(This scene is only shown if Cora met Rick in the Diesel.)

”Screw it, I’ll wait here.” – In this case, Cora will wait for Tim at the bar and have no

relationship with him.

”I’m Rick’s wife, I’ll be fine.” – Cora gets to see Tim and Leila in action. And it opens

the Cora-Tim route.

Hint: When Cora goes to peek, she sees two different scenes, depending on whether Rick gave her the money or not.

With Jess

”Okay, I can get rid of the shirt.” – Jess Romance.

”Let’s just stay within certain limits. ” – Jess Friend.

In the hospital

(This scene only appears if Rick has met Judit in the Chapter 3 andfought with Hayden.)

”I’m taking the opportunity.” – Winters becomes Rick’s spy. Open the Winters Spy


”I will not put her in danger.” – In this case, Winters is not helping Rick, and the

Winters Spy route remains closed.

Hint: Whether nurse Winters helps Rick will influence several events in the future. For example, the life of an important character will partly depend on Winters. Of course, if she helps Rick, her life will be in danger.

In the gym

(The next option only comes up if Ash Lover route is open, but in Chapter 7 they did not have oral sex.)

”I kiss her on the cheek. ” – It slightly increases the Ashley Romance. ”I kiss her on the lips.” – It greatly enhances the Ashley Romance.

(This scene is only shown if Sam is in the gym.)

”Of course I do.” – Rick watches Sam get dressed (Open Marriage route). ”Although someone may come.” – Rick does not peek at Samantha (Spouse route).

(If Rick is peeping.)

”Unless I sneak after her. ” – Rick peeks in on Samantha in the shower. He also has

the opportunity to see two other women (Open Marriage route).

”Which would be stupid.” – Rick goes to get dressed (Spouse route).

Hint: Going after Sam is only worthwhile if there was no oral sex between Rick and Ash in Chapter 7 and/or Malcolm is dead (but Abby is alive). Otherwise, you won’t find out how Ash is repaying Rickfor the night before, and he won’t get to visit Sam.

In the H&W

(If Carla Lover route open.)

”I could give her a massage. ” – Carla Romance and Open Marriage route. ”Or would that be too pushy?” – Carla Friend and Spouse route.

(If massage.)

”That’s enough for today. ” – Carla Friend and Spouse route.

”One more thing I can do.” – Carla Romance and Open Marriage route. Cora kiss


Hint: If Cora kisses Carla and has sex with Daniel in Chapter 3, then you will see extra scenes with Rachel later in this chapter.

With Sam

(You can see this scene if Malcolm isn’t dead or Malcolm and Abby are dead, Sam has gone to Ashley’s gym and Rick hasn’t snuck into the shower after her.)

”I can’t wait for she to work under me.” – Sam Romance.

”It must be better than working with Kelly.” – Sam Friend.

With Sam, Cora and Abby

(You can see this scene if Malcolm is dead, but Abby is alive.)

”Maybe a few good words would help.” – Sam Friend.

”To hell with words.” – Sam Romance.

With Kendra

(This scene will only appear if the Terence Hate route remained closed at the end of Chapter 2.)

”I get the job done quickly. ” – Rick finishes his work, no more searching on the


”Maybe there is something interesting on it. ” – Rick does some digging on the laptop.

Crime Rate rise.

(If digging.)

”I’m only interested in women.” – Rick only looks at pictures of women. ”I’ll watch the sex scenes too. ” – Rick also looks at pictures of Terence having

sex with women.

”Okay, I’ll stop digging. ” – Rick finishes work on the laptop.

”Once I’ve started…” – Rick keeps digging and finds some serious secrets.

(If digging more.)

”But rather the betrayal… ” – Rick saves the compromising images. ”No, I have to be a better person.” – He deletes the pictures.

Hint: Rick may use the pictures not only against his friend, but also against others in the future, so it’s worth saving them.

Cora with Argay

Click on Argay’s picture if you want to know what Cora thinks of him.

In Argay’s apartment

(This scene is shown if Rick is hospitalized in Chapter 4.)

”I’m pulling my hand away. ” – Argay Friend.

”I’m not moving.” – Argay Romance.

On Argay’s boat

(This scene is shown if Rick isn’t hospitalized in Chapter 4.)

”I step back. ” – Argay Friend. If in Chapter 4 Cora did reject Argay’s advances, then

the Argay Lover route is now closed.

”I kiss him.” – Argay Romance. If in Chapter 4 Cora did not reject Argay’s advances,

then the Argay Lover route is now open.

Hint: If Cora had previously rejected Argay but now kisses him, Argay will try again once more in the Chapter 9.

In the H&W

”Why not, after all?” – Cora goes out with Daniel.

”I’d rather not.” – Cora goes home.

In the Gamer’s Heaven

”I would be angry with Cora.” – If you choose this, then regardless of whether Rick

cheats on Cora, the divorce will happen.

”I would be angry, but I might forgive her. ” – This makes divorce optional. Rick and

Cora will spend some time apart, during which they can decide what to do with their relationship.

”I wouldn’t care as long as she loves me.” – There will be no separation and no fights

about it. However, divorce can still happen if trust problems persist.

Cora and Daniel in the Castle

(This scene is shown if Cora has not slept with Daniel in the Chapter 3.)

”But better to nip this in the bud.” – Daniel Friend and Spouse route. ”Keep it up.” – Daniel Romance.

Hint: Cora and Daniel can bejustfriends, which could be goodfor her later.

Cora and Daniel in his apartmant

(This scene is shown if Cora has slept with Daniel in the Chapter 3.)

”No, that’s Rick’s privilege. ” – Ironically, this improves Rick and Cora’s marriage, but

the sex scene between Cora and Daniel will be much shorter.

”Don’t stop now.” – The sex scene will be longer and more varied.

”This is a good idea.” – Daniel Romance, Cora and Daniel meet at the beginning of

the next chapter, and their relationship could become more serious (Daniel Lover route open).

”Or maybe not.” – Daniel Friend, their relationship remains on the physical plane

(Daniel Lover route close).

Cora at home with Miri

”The book sounds good. ” – Cora goes for a bath. This choice has no effect on her

relationship with Miri.

”Watching a movie isn’t a bad idea either. ” – Miranda-Cora Friend, Cora watches a movie with Miri.

(When they watch a movie.)

„A Few Good Man” – Miranda-Cora Friend.

„Friends with Benefits.” – Miranda-Cora Friend and Miranda-Cora Romance. „The Thomas Crown Affair.” – Miranda-Cora Romance.

In the Gamer’s Heaven

„God, I’d love to see her, and then…” – Rachel Romance.

„And then nothing…” – This choice has no effect on his relationship with Rachel.

„I insist on the taxi.” – Rachel Romance, increases slightly.

„We’ll walk.”– Rachel Romance, greatly increases.

(If they walk.)

„I’ll say goodbye.” – Rachel Romance, increases slightly.

„I’ll kiss her.” – Rachel Romance, greatly increases, Open Marriage route.


(This scene only appears if the Miranda Lover route is not yet open, but Rick and Miri have already kissed.)

„That’s why we cannot do it.” – Miranda Hate, Rick goes to sleep, Spouse route. „And that’s why I will not prevent it. ” – Miranda Lover, Miranda gives Rick a

blowjob, Open Marriage route.

(This scene is shown if the Miri Lover route is open.)

„I’m going to bed.” – Miranda Hate, Rick goes to sleep, Spouse route.

„I’ll wait for Miri.” – Miranda Lover, Rick sleeps with Miri, Open Marriage route.

CHAPTER 9 – Rise of the Crime Lord Walkthrough & Guide

On Argay’s boat

(This scene only appears if Cora and Argay have met in the apartment in the Chapter 8.)

„I step back. ” – Argay Friend. If in Chapter 8 Cora did reject Argay’s advances, then

the Argay Lover route is now closed.

„I kiss him.” – Argay Romance. If in Chapter 8 Cora did not reject Argay’s advances,

then the Argay Lover route is now open.

Hint: If Cora had previously rejected Argay but now kisses him, Argay will try again once more in the Chapter 10.

In the SSG

„Just a quick compliment first.” (Elizabeth Romance) or „Go to the boss.” (Elizabeth


(This scene only appears if Rick kissed Rachel at the end of Chapter 8.)

„Okay, let’s talk about it. ” – Rick and Rachel discuss the evening’s events. In this case,

you will have the opportunity to decide whether to continue the relationship (Rachel Lover route) or end it for good.

„Let’s start by repeating. ” – Rick és Rachel have been going at it (Rachel Lover route


(If they talk about the evening.)

„I’m in.” – Rick and Rachel’s relationship continues (Rachel Lover

route open).

„Better to have no hope. ” – Rick and Rachel’s relationship comes to an

end (Rachel Lover route close).

(This scenes will only appear if Rick told Cora everything in Chapter 4 and/or gave her the money in Chapter 8 and the Rachel Lover route is open. If the Rachel Lover route is closed, Rick will not talk to Rachel.)

„I’m having lunch with Jake.” – This is the best choice if you don’t want Rachel to be


(If Rick says he’s having lunch with Sam.)

„I’ll try to calm her down.” – Rachel calms down, values do not change. „Better to nip it in the bud.” – Increasing the Rachel Hate.

„I’ll go with her.” – Rick takes a trip with Cora to Argay’s holiday home. „I stay at home. ” – Rick stays at home.

Hint 1: This decision has a major impact on the events of Chapter 10. If Rick stays home, there will be two parallel storylines. Also, it further affects the story if Cora later chooses Daniel, Miranda or Beth, or if she goes alone.

Hint 2: Both choicesfavor the Spouse route, but if Rick didn’t give Cora the money in Chapter 8 or tell her everything in Chapter 4, then staying home adds a small amount to the Divorce route too.

Cora has lunch with Daniel/Cora and Daniel in the office

(The lunch scene only appears if Rick didn’t tell Cora everything in Chapter 4, he didn’t give her the money in Chapter 8 and the Daniel Lover route is open. And the office scene can be seen if Rick decided not to travel with Cora and the Daniel Lover route is open. The choice is the same in both cases.)

„I’d rather not invite him, just in case.” – Cora does not invite Daniel.

„If you’re not taking risks, you’re not having fun.” – Cora goes to Argay’s holiday

home with Daniel.

In the SSG with Kelly

(The next scene will only appear if Rick doesn’t help Jake with the porn and doesn’t offer Kelly any help to keep herjob.)

(If Rick has no proof that Kelly is cheating on her husband.)

„I shouldn’t… ” – With that, Rick rejects Kelly. In any other case, she sucks him off.

(If Rick optsfor a blowjob.)

„I warn her. ” (Kelly Romane) or „ She doesn’t get off that easily. ”

(Kelly Hate)

Hint: If Kelly gives Rick a blowjob, he can no longer have sex with her because she immediately tells Cora what happened in the office. This will remain the case until Rick and Cora divorce or enter into an open marriage.

(If Rick has proof that Kelly is cheating on her husband.)

„I choose the blowjob.” – Kelly gives Rick a blowjob.

„I want more than that.” – Rick and Kelly having sex.

„The video is worth more than anything.” – Rick rejects Kelly.

(If Rick chose the blowjob.)

„I delete them all.” – Rick will delete all the videos so that they can no

longer be used. This ends any relationship between Kelly and Rick.

„I will not talk about the other copies. ” – Rick secretly keeps some

copies so he can use them later. However, they will no longer have sexual relations.

„Let’s complicate things a bit. ” – Rick keeps some copies and tells

Kelly about it. Kelly and Rick will have seven more times to have fun.

(If Rick chose the sex.)

„Too bad we really don’t have time. ” – The scene ends and this ends

any relationship between Kelly and Rick.

„I don’t care, let’s go for round two.” – Rick and Kelly are having sex

again. If you choose this, Rick can still sleep with Kelly later, but Burke will find out that there is something between them.

Hint: If Rick chooses sex, he can no longer blackmail Kelly. If he does try, Kelly shows the video to Cora. This will remain the case until Rick and Cora divorce or enter into an open marriage.

In the H&W:

(This choice only appears if Cora watched afilm with Miri at the end of Chapter 8.)

„I’ll invite Mira.” – Cora and Miri go to the gallery together (Miranda-Cora Romance). „I prefer to go alone.” – In this case, Cora goes home.

In the gallery:

(This scene only appears if Cora is with Miranda.)

„I’ll buy it.” – Miranda-Cora Romance. The other option does not change the values.

Cora and Miri at home:

(This choice only appears if Cora has gone to the gallery with Miri and if Cora is not yet accompanied to Argay by anyone.)

„I’m not inviting her. ” – Miri stays at home.

„I invite her.” – Miri goes with Cora to Argay.

All three of them at home:

(The threesome could only happen if Cora went to the gallery with Miranda and Rick told Cora everything and/or gave her the money.)

„I’d rather sleep. ” – There will be no sex. This option only appears if Rick has not told

Cora everything or didn’t given her the money.

„I prefer not to involve Mira.” – No threesom, Cora-Miranda Friend, Spouse route. „In threesome, let the experience be complete. ” – Threesom, Cora-Miranda Romance,

Spouse route, Open Marriage route.

(If Cora chooses the threesome and the Miranda Lover route is open.)

„I play by the rules.” – Rick doesn’t break the rules and don’t touch

Miranda, Spouse route.

„Rules are sometimes worth breaking. ” – Rick is fun with Miranda too,

Open Marriage route.

(If Cora and Miranda didn’t go to the gallery together, but Cora has a good relationship with her husband, she could still sleep with Rick. If their relationship is very good, the event is automatic, if not good enough, it becomes optional.)

„Fuck it, I wanna have sex” (Spouse route) or „I want to sleep” (the values do not


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