Risna and the Pregnant Nightmare Village

Risna and the Pregnant Nightmare Village Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Risna and the Pregnant Nightmare Village Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Plot – Risna and the Pregnant Nightmare Village Walkthrough & Guide

back to home’s magic circle get base attack skill > go 4-D tailor shop > 1-F get 5 flower (薬花) > home talk to grandmother (1st choice) > click bottle > 4-E in camp use 2k buy crystal > home outside talk to girl > 2-H (4-G talk to aged), 8-A (4-D talk to drawf ), 1-A (4-C’s inn talk to girl near entrance) , 8-H (7-E talk to man) vs 4 crystal > 6-C > 5-B, kill 4 boss in corner (north has little boss) 5-B.jpg > middle to deep area > turn 48 lamp on > boss > 6-C > red crystal need equip has high 炎シナジー, blue crystal need high 水シナジー, green crystal need high 風シナジー, purple crystal need high 土シナジー, golden need high $ > final boss > then hscene room open and can see all hscene

Other event (item better dont sell to npc if no good reward. Hscene maybe need high pheromone, nightmare hscene need item from man in 5-B)

  • 1-A : Dungeon can get 火の結晶, 魔物の精液, also has boss and fire crystal
  • 1-C : Talk to man in left side can get item, after 1-A boss has hscene
  • 1-F : Dungeon can get 薬花
  • 1-G : Man outside need パワージェリー(200$), if pregnant talk to him, if pregant again talk to him again, then sleep has hscene.If nude and high pheromone, in cow house talk to man has hscene
  • 2-C : Dungeon can get 魔物の精液, 動物の骨, also has boss
  • 2-H : Dungeon can get 薬花, 瑞々しい果実, 風の結晶, 動物の骨, also has boss and wind crystal
  • 3-A : After 4 crystal, if nude talk to man has hscene
  • 3-E : Woman in house need 瑞々しい果実(30$), if give her 10 item can get clothes
  • 3-H : If pregnant, talk to man near graveyard can get item (LP rege +5)
  • 4-C : Pub talk to master can sell item(but dont sell it better…). Man in pub need 回復薬(50$). In pub, if nude talk to man near middle, will open 2-C. After 4 crystal, inn talk to girl near entrance will open 1-A. 2 man in pub and man in inn, if high pheromone talk to them (maybe next day need talk to them again), then sleep has hscene
  • 4-D : Talk to drawf will open 8-A. Shop can repair clothes, if witch power high? talk to her (2nd choice) can make clothes for pregnant. Talk to man in SW will open 7-D, then in 7-D click rock to dungeon 7-D.jpg
  • 4-E : Bunny girl in camp need 癒しの軟膏(300$). If nude talk to merchant who selling crystal (maybe next day need talk to him again), then sleep has hscene
  • 4-F : Talk to man in SW can buy and sell item, also can sell 護身粉, if new version can buy 1 more clothes. If pregnant, in house talk to man has hscene
  • 4-G : Talk to aged will open 2-H. After 4 crystal, inside house woman need 火の結晶 + 土の結晶, reward has clothes. If high pheromone talk to man outside (maybe before need nude talk to him), then sleep has hscene
  • 4-H : Maybe nude talk to him, then next day talk to him, 1 more day talk to him then sleep has hscene
  • 5-B : Before 4 crystal, talk to man can get item (counterattack dmg +30). When this area change to dungeon, entrance go east can combine new clothes. Place can make new clothes, has box and boss in new version
  • 5-D : Cat, use 6 coin can exchange clothes
  • 5-F : Home
  • 5-G : House talk to woman will open 6-G and she need 4 x ポッコリキノコ, reward has clothes. If pregnant, talk to man can get item, if pheromone high talk to him (maybe next day need talk to him again), then sleep has hscene
  • 6-A : In house, man near entrance need 回復薬(100$), sell 10 to him then move out has hscene
  • 6-G : Dungeon can get 動物の骨, 水の結晶, ポッコリキノコ, ゼラチナスビーズ, also has boss
  • 7-C : If nude talk to man has hscene
  • 7-D : Dungeon can get 魔物の精液, if new version has boss
  • 7-E : After 4 crystal, talk to man can open 8-H
  • 8-A : Dungeon can get 動物の骨, 土の結晶, マンドレイクの根, also has earth crystal. New version add 1 normal monster bug monster.jpg
  • 8-D : 8-D.jpg has hidden dungeon, graveyard need use 果実酒 (in 2-H get 5 瑞々しい果実, then home B1 NE table make it), also has boss
  • 8-H : Dungeon can get ポッコリキノコ, 水の結晶, 動物の骨, also has water crystal

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