Romancing fantasy

Romancing fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Romancing fantasy Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Important Tips – Romancing fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  • home castle 1F east for shop item.jpg , each 5 lvl can use $ up equip on shop, max possibly is lvl 35
  • home castle area, NE magic building, lvl 15 25 can use $ buy orb, but bug no ppl can use, can ignore, v1.05 fixed
  • heroine in castle 2F, each hscene better choice 2 times then buy information if needed
  • town NW school, man in NE need 70K for information about 10 quest item, can ignore
  • in harem room, all girl first hscene better choice 2 times
  • girls in harem room better break them (choice has words 壊す) for add 100$/fight
  • girls in party, can set them to prostitution for add 200$/fight, if break them can get 400$/fight but low their power
  • if dont write about choice, get 1st one ok
  • if want easy game can see next page : Hidden item can get in start
  • u can go any area after get teleport item, not need 1 area total cleared then next one

NW area – Romancing fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

1st area port

Start – Romancing fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. cave deep VS boss
  2. > home castle アバロン 1F get back member
  3. > south fishing village, NE talk to 2 aged
  4. > NW new cave help their daughter
  5. > main castle pub talk to man in NE (for NE cave open, cam get item in start)
  6. > east fort town ソーモン砦, inn talk to woman in left side for wait to night
  7. > east near box talk to thief then SE 1st choice help her
  8. > pub talk to master (1st choice) then talk to thief leader
  9. > pass sewer to fort, in fort help girl then VS boss
  10. > main castle B1 jail talk to DQ 3 thief
  11. > outside talk to man near bridge, then use シルベード can port

Harem room, girl need talk to npc or need buy information

  • ファティマ — south fishing village, talk to aged
  • タミエ 1k — main castle town SW house, after hscene 1st choice help her
  • プリム 1k — main castle town east cave, deep help her
  • マライア — south fishing village, gril in south, give her 1.5k
  • キャット 1k — fort town sewer to fort 2F, talk to her
  • ソフィア 1k — fort town school (near middle), give her 10k
  • アンドロマケー 1k — dock town, house in north of inn, talk to her

This event not need in order, but 1st one better do it asap

  • from fort town go east dock town メルビル > NE ship to バロン > upper area pub has hscene
  • from fort town north to slum town エスタミル, then north to crystal city クリスタルシティ, go castle talk to king > talk to 2 npc in city crystal city.jpg (possibly for tree and small village flag) > go north cave get 水のアクアマリン > report to crystal castle king can get item pass east maze forest
  • after get reward from crystal king, pass forest to mana temple マナの神殿 > north to tree temple, vs boss and talk to リース, then she will join and get 1/10 equip for true ending [土のトパーズ]
  • after リース join, mana temple SW well talk to クローディア will has fight, after fight can get her to harem room, her hscene in harem room need choice 3rd one first or cant get all hscene
  • crystal city NE has tree > house talk to professor > west forest (new village NW) kill boss > after report can get this monster (possibly for some hscene) > talk to professor again get 1 more hscene > buy 絶倫無双 from robot > if get 超媚薬 later can get 3rd hscene
  • crystal city east side has small village > NE talk to village head > cave VS boss > escape > back to cave entrance > talk to professor (2nd choice) get item for boss > small village north cave VS boss help girl > back to village SE house talk to her (has 2 hscene) > talk to village head give him 500$ has hscene > underground get 1 more hscene
  • from crystal city NW to hill road town > in town north side, give aged 1k can get summon orb > near middle, talk to man in green hair hill road town.jpg (possibly flag for new village シノン) > pub talk to witch, then can go cave near town > in cave VS boss can get 古文書 and 古代の装甲, after get item better dont talk to witch again
  • from hill road town west to new village シノン > talk to girl in SW > SW cave help child > report to her can get her in harem room
  • crsytal city pass NE cave, has ice forest > inside forest has ice town ガト > SE house talk to town head west > south house talk to lady シフ (she join for event) > ice forest west talk to boss > back to ice town, NE to tower, talk to dwarf in top (need item 古代の装甲), near dwarf has man selling skill to main hero for 2k > west forest VS boss > talk to シフ (real join now)
  • ice forest east has hunter town リガウ, town has ppl sell skill equip for 5k > pass town to NE forest, forget east has small village > NW cave can get egg, but dont sell it in hunter town, 2nd flower hole NE forest hole.jpg help エレン (better wait high lvl)
  • from dock town, NW ship to island > magic tower ドーガアカデミー > 2F talk to aged get item > NW volcano (north of new town), click rock can move in > boss (1st choice) > hill road town near middle talk to hairlessness (3rd choice) hill road town.jpg > mana temple NE talk to witch > if get egg in NE forest, talk to her again can get item and hscene, after hscene talk to her for another hscene > talk to hairlessness again (3rd choice then 2nd one) get ice sword > NE inn hscene > mana temple talk to witch (2nd choice) > hill town inn (1st choice) > volcano give ice sword to boss can get 1/10 equip for truen ending [火のルビー] > magic tower NE talk to witch has hscene > 2F talk to aged can get 1/10 equip for true ending [魔のエメラルド]

Under here event need time (possibly need go other place clear quest, some event maybe need clear 1 or more area)

  1. (need talk to aged for information) slum town NE house can move to underground > help girl from enemy > help another girl from boss > if she back to home talk to her again for another hscene
  2. crystal city south area, NE golden house, talk to gril in north side > NW fireplace house talk to aged > fight to man in SE, then go sewer > VS boss in sewer > after back to golden house 2F, talk to bunny girl has boss fight > back to 1F boss again, then 2 girl will add in harem room
  3. crystal city north area, SW house talk to man no idea.jpg (no idea what time i get this information for quest…) > in girl mind world help her > add her in harem room
  4. dock town dock area, talk to merchant in middle > when talk to pirates get 2nd choice VS her > after all hscene in jail can get silver key
  5. main castle sit on chair, then talk to right minister has power up event
  6. dock town, sewer help dancer can get 1/10 equip for true ending [幻のアメジスト] > deep get item > dock town north big house talk to butler > talk to lady will fight to butler > talk to her for 1 more hscene then go right side talk to butler > pub talk to aged in north side, use 50k can buy dancer and talk to lady in counter buy dancer and event.jpg > new village NE talk to lady again > village SW has new hole, go down has fight > VS boss
  7. Harem room, girl need buy information (after clear west new village hole) :

エレン 2k — new village pub underground has fight

サラ 2k — new village talk to her only​

  1. after event in new village, crystal city castle talk to king has fight > ice forest south to ice temple > fight to girl (later can add her in harem room) > boss, after boss can get 3/10 equip for true ending [weapon オブシダンソード] [水のアクアマリン] [闇のブラックダイア] and can move to japan town
  2. Harem room, girl need buy information (after clear ice temple) :

モニカ 7k — talk to her in crystal city castle king room​

  1. Japan main town, north castle talk to general > north hill cave VS water dragon, then open box in back of dragon can get 1/10 equip for true ending [風のオパール] > report > main town SW talk to girl > outside west has ship, vs 2 ninja then boss not me hehe.jpg ?! > back to town to etigoya shop eitgoya shop.jpg , underground vs boss > report to general can get 1/10 equip for true ending [光のダイアモンド], town SW talk to girl, has 2 hscene
  2. Japan west town, east house talk to woman > go seaside cave B2 SE get weapon to her > talk to her again for 2nd hscene > talk to man outside house > house deep room has hscene

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