Sangeki Of Gear

Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

The interface – Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide

C – confirm (space, enter, C)

B – cancel (esc, 0, X)

A – menu (shift, Z)

L – fast forward (Q)

R – hide text (W)

Y – text log usable only during conversations (S)

F1 – change buttons

Z button brings up the pause/ interface screen

The right side include: Name, Girl’s Measurements, Profile (Depend on title) How many time H(Sex), Hunger/fullness, Purity (1-100 scale)

(称号)First option is the Title system. Depending on the situation you go through, You’ll earn new Titles that you can equip (no effect on gameplay) It changes the profile description

(アイテ)Item – Use these to recover Vitality, which replenishes AP for battle. Vit decreases as AP is used (one AP is replaced by one Vit point).

(装備)Equipment – Split into Weapon, Accessory, A, B, C

(着替え)Clothing – You will gain the ability to remove pieces of clothing



Exit – Top option is return to main screen, second option is close the game completely, third option is cancel


You start in a tutorlal, just read through all the sign for explanation of the gaming system. Either try battling worms or exit through the top.

Battles – Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide

When you reach a battle screen, you start with two button.

Left – Battle (Two sword symbol)

Right – Escape (Cost Vit if the enemy is of a higher level than you) (Running away symbol)

You’ll notice at the top right corner, is the information on the enemy.

Monster Name

LV # HP #

AP # VIT #

Green # (Turn till AP Recover through VIT)

Use C button to select:

When you choose to battle, you get 4 new buttons (from the left):

(Command 攻撃‚) Attack

(Command .) Special attack that becomes available later in game after fighting a skeleton enemy – It is an always-go-last attack, will cost you double AP to use whatever points you want to spend.The trade off is that both you and your enemy’s damage is increased by a lot, so if you think you can tank the hit (either by adding defense or just have enough HP to survive it) then using this skills can easily deal 3-6 times your normal damage against the target.

(Command スキル) Skill

(先攻/後攻)Change attack order(default is that you attack first, then enemy). You can change this and attack seceond, preventing the enemy from using its AP points to alter its defence or screw up your accuracy.

When you choose Attack, you’ll notice that you can now choose how much AP to use in 4 possible stats:

(命中)Accuracy – The % chance of connecting with your attack, Fire Emblem style

(与D)Damage Dealt (lowers HP, zero HP = death)

(回避)Dodge % – Your ability to dodge enemy’s attack

(被D)Damage incurred from enemy – aka Armor stat, if you can’t dodge an attack, increase this stat to absorb the hit. If this vaule is equal to or greater than the enemy’s attack, you will not receive any damage.

Press up and down to switch between the 4 stats, Left and right to add or subtract AP (action points). You can also press Z to remove all points. Each turn does not reset the stats you put AP into. Also, enemies may adjust their stats to increase their armor, dodge, etc, so it’s a good idea to reset and add AP each turn. After every 5 turns, some AP is recovered, as long as you have available VIT points.

The first skill you have is (応急手当て) Emergency First Aid – Use 3 AP to recover some HP

You will gain more skills from defeating enemies, etc…

Walkthrough – Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide

When you start, after talking to the kid, he’ll state that the item shop owner is looking for you. From your house, go North until you reach a cross road.

Left – Bar/Inn by Lake and the lake itself

Right – Weapon and Item Shop

Go to the item shop (second building), he’ll tell you to close your eye, and grope you. Continue talking and he’ll give you a leather bag, 3 blue potion, and a oil for the town elder.

Go to a well to fill the leather bag with water (x3). Water from the bag can be used to recover VIT w/o affecting hunger/ fullness.

Go north to the village elder’s home, pass the oil to the elder to complete the first phase of the quest.

Then go to the right to meet the farmer; he has a quest, to kill some green caterpillars for him. He’ll give you some food item to recover AP.

Go north from the farmer and kill some worms and flies to level a bit first. The worms shouldn’t be a problem, but the flies have high avoid (needing a lot of AP to hit), so run from them.

After a lvl up or two, fight he Green Catipillars. Not that hard to kill if you plan out your AP. (Losing to them doesn’t give a h-scene).

Kill them all and it turns to dusk. Return to the farmer, and claim your reward.

The next stop is the Bar/Inn by the lake. Along the way, you’ll be ambushed by a dark skinned man that grope you, but disappear quickly.

After dinner, when you leave, a villager will come and say there had been a thief in the village.

Go back to your home to check, everything seems fine, when you go to check the basement, you hear the door open, and some footstep above.

Go out and talk to the villager, who said the thief was here and went North.

Just follow the path of villagers (past the shops I think) and you’ll corner the thief and fight him. (Losing to him doesn’t give a h-scene)

Defeat him, dialog ensues, then when you go in to tie him up, he instead exposes your breasts, causing a distraction which enables him to escape.

More dialog: thief has escaped into the forest, and since it’s dangerous, The elder places a guard by the entrance, and will form a search party tomorrow morning.

The next morning, start off with a shower. Then go back to the place where you fought the thief.

Go into the building, and everyone gets an area to search. You get the north part of the forest, a girl will be waiting at the entrance to give you more food item.

Keep on exploring the forest, until you reach a resting scene, where you’ll talk with two villager about the Tree-Man, an creature that loves to battle.

Continue and you’ll meet the thief, being chased by a Treeman (Lv.4) fight and defeat him.(No scene if you lose to him).

After defeating him, a scene will play out with the characters hiding.

Next day, children came over to play and study at your home, afterward, head to the Bar/inn for dinner. You see a fight between Demi-human and the villager about to start, intervine.

Demi-human will use some strange spell to possess you and force you to remove your upper garment, before you challenge him to a fight.

Fight, lose to him, but before you’re carted off to become their sex slave, The village comes and save you and force them to retreat. Afterward, talk to the elder and the day ends.

We switch to a scene of the robber talking to two villager, questioning where the gold is. He strikes a deals with them, so your objective now is to go to the Jailhouse in the cave by the lake, past the Inn. Reach the area, talk to the robber, he’ll offer the location for your upper garment and panty. Talk to the two others there too. You’re ready ti go when you’re at the entrance to the prison cave. The location of the gold is another cave, over where you fought the treeman.

Go to the bottom of the cave, fight some rats, save often. Find the bag with all the loot, but it break, so you have to use your skirt to hold the gold coin, while the two guy help pick up the gold piece, san panties.

After this you go back to the bar, talk to the owner to learn about a job offer. Clearing a bridge for 500g…

Talk to the employer outside of the bar at the patio, and after go far west (far, as in a lot of screens over) toward the bridge. Seems like they were slavers trying to trick you, but after a short groping scene, you escape.

The next day, you promised to play with the kids, and take a walk around the lake. Meet them outside the bar.

A short interlude, with a tree trunk, and trying to reach a bug inside, you ruined your undershirt, but not wanting to ruin the children’s day, you decided to continue.

After a short lunch, go towards the shower area. You decided to take a shower with the kids watching.

But a follower of the mystrious demi-human appears…Naked fight (but Losing doesn’t get a scene).

Now go meet the robber again for more info, and another groping scene.

The next day, a artist wants to do ART, meet him at the bar, and you get the first Blow job scene…

After that, the Demi-human shows up again and he fought with the elder, who lost. The elder apparently left a key or something in your home. But it’s not where the elder stated it’s at. Go talk to the robber again. Finally, the first H-scene.

I guess the game is now finally in the main plot now and Free mode.

In Free Mode, Game can be split into Night and Day Mode. You can buy an item from the item shop to switch to night mode easily, just as soon as you get some cash. The only way to earn money early on is by selling monster drops.

With an item sold by the shop, eating meat becomes available (it;s the item that costs 500 gold). Monsters will drop Meat (which you can sell too). Eating certain meat will not only recover Vit, but increase Maximum Vit (the items that have a small +X Vit at the end of their description) But notice that you have a fill/ fullness limit of 10, and meat will only stay with you till you go to sleep or get a Game Over Rape (GOR) scene. There are also special herbs that will reduce fullness to zero again. To farm VIT easily, fight the giant crabs in the river cave.

Before we start; confirmed GOR scenes

– Goblin horde, lose to it to get a scene, you can challenge him again, but once you beat him, you lose the chance to revisit the scene.

– Red Ogre – In a cave that has human skeleton (End game enemy). Again, win = no scene replay

– Ancient Treeman – Looks similiar to normal treeman, but they spawn only in one specific area

– Cultist before the final area

The Main quest has 2 Objective:

A. Find the Golden Sword – It’s at the 11th Level of the dungeon at the bottom of the prison, clearing it grants you the strongest sword, the Golden Sword. It’s pretty clear on how to beat it.

B. Gather the material to cure the Village Elder

Gathering: You need 4 Ingredient (plus 5K Gold)

1. Heart of the hydra: you have to kill the hydra. You find her in the demon forest. Keep going north in the kirin forest, pass the cave with goblins, then take east, you find the second hut (can teleport direct here with the magic signs). Take east again, then go north some times. You find the hydra in the center of a map, in a small island, passing a bridge.

2. Ammonite Shell: going to the north forest and entering one of the caves there. There are stairs leading down that eventually lead to an underground lake with Ammonites floating around. You’re not supposed to fight those, they’re just decorative, but Ammonites show up in random battles there. Beat one and you should get the Ammonite Shell.

3. A Star Grass: sparkling points in the west forest that when examined give you medicinal herbs. One of them has the Star Grass.

4. Tear of Kirin (tree man): In the forest of kirins (pass the assembly house going north, then take north again, its the north forest), keep going and you find the kirins, its the tree monsters. Go west in this map and you find a circular/ spiral map with stairs going down. In the center you see a kirin standing. Its a elder one (the lvl is a little high). Kill it and you get the tear.

Side Missions – Sangeki Of Gear Walkthrough & Guide

Exhibitionism –

This mission requires two Books, One can be bought from the Item shop owner, the second book can be bought from the travelling Merchant (After you use the first book) who appears at the bar during day time every 3 day.

Once you acquired the first book, Activate it at your home by checking the bookshelf. Once you finish the first book, you get the option to remove your upper garment.

Buy the 2nd Book, and Activate it (at night) the same way, you may need to do it twice or three times. First time, you’ll sneak outside, but can only talk to the drunk, one screen north, who grope you. The next day, read the book again, and you now get the option to strip naked completely (Only at Night though). Now you can go to the Barracks (its the lone house near the entrance to the forest) and wake the militia sleeping there for a scene, can be repeated, but you won’t get anymore cash. The next, open the gift box for black panties

– Exhibition series –

Return to the painter area for another scene. You need to first find him around the lake during the day, should be on the north side of it. Then, he’ll be back at that original spot

– Thief and 2 Guards –

Visit the Thief in Jail multiple time during night, eventually the two guards will join. Then you can get a scene from them by visiting them in the bar at night and sitting between them. After getting that scene with the two guards, go back at night to the thief (you should have seen the scene where she gives the prisoner a bj. If not, keep visiting until you get that scene). If you cleanliness is at or below 70 while not having had sex with anyone that day, you will get a scene with him. After that scene, repeat the exact process while having 100000 gold to get another different scene (which involves going to the bar).

– Item Shop owner sex slave –

– After certain Criterea are met (multiple Sex encounters? or reading book 1?) You will get a letter stating that the 3 children are kidnapped. Go to the Item shop home, and find out that he has been kidnapped too. Find them safe and sound at a house to the north of the lake.

– The item shop owner will ask you to find him a Mandragora, he wants to make a hair growing potion. The mandragora can be found at the Treeman area map. It’s the map where you see 4 tree-men circling around a tree. When you first get to the tree-ppl map, keep going right (about 2 maps/screens over).

– After compeleting the above quest, you get another blackmail letter, go to the bar and meet the item shop owner, who used the Mandragora to make a love potion, and made you drink it.

– After the scene, now you can visit the item shop during day and kiss him, or at night and you will have sex with him

– There will be an “educational” scene teaching the three children about sex later after another side quest…

– Children Quest –

The yellow shirt child will ask for Honey, find the Hornet nest and tree and get him the honey in the forest.

Then another kid will ask for a Golden Beetle (Bounty Monster). Once you have it, you may need to talk to the kid mulitple times or talk to the kid, make out with store guy, then talk to the kid again, then back to the store guy.

Complete and get the 4th title

Go talk to the shop keeper, should get the educational scene with the kids

– Bounty Monster – There are 11 “Rare” monsters in the world, Defeat them all and you get the Sangeki no Kenshi(Quick/Lightning Strike Swordwoman) title.

Alligator/Crocodile – Above the Farmfield, in the 2nd cave

Golden Beetle – The area above the farmfield, the final cave

Golden Fist – In the Dungeon under the prison, the final level

Green Bat – In the cave that leads to the prison

Skeleton Swordman – Appear only at night, in the southern part of the bug area west of the Inn. (Defeat him for 2nd strongst sword)

Black Worm – He appears after the big bridge

Princess Hermit Carb – In the area with the bridge, go north and find her in a cave by the beach (Trade her shell in for 2nd strongest defense gear)

Stone Dragon – The cave between Monster forest cabin and Swamp

Killer Bee – Can be found in Monster forest around where you get the honey for the kid quest.

Pleisassaur – The first cave in the Swamp area (Hardest ENEMY in the game)

Octopus – He appears in the cave in the Forest (go right, as if going to the tree man area). It’s the same cave w/ the Ammonite, just keep going deeper in the cave

– Other Gather Material Quest –

During the Day, at the Bar, there will be a woman there, she will ask you to gather materials from monsters for her, so she can make equipment from it. Completing this line of quest, will net you the best defense gear.


Wolf – Found in the forest, on a map with a milita man training, past the goblins that can rape

Princess Crab – Found in a cave, outside with Hermit Crab, By the bridge to the Bandit Cave

Turtle (Found at the lowest level of the prison dungeon)

– Prostitution –

At the bar, there will be that group of people that hired you to escort them to a bridge (earlier event)

After certain criterea are met (Number of sexual encounter? or you must have paid the 5000 gold to the man to cure the Elder?) the leader of that group will appear, and offer another job offer. Now at the bridge, there will be a teleport sign, activate it and go to his “mansion” and you can now become a prostitute at his mansion. Sleep with custromer(7~8 different guy) and as long as you have 200 Vit, you can continue. Showering helps, as clients like cleanliness (get more money out of it).

– Bandit Quest –

Note: you must have gotten the prostitute event and then prostituted yourself to the bandit who is the guy in red, maybe even twice. Then you can wear the ring and talk to dinner guy (see below)

Go to lake Inn at night and talk to the guy in the left upper table. He offer you a dinner, take the first choice. You get full VIT and some game tips every time. Do this a few times until he give you a ring (Acessorie B). Equip the ring and go dinner with him again. A scene should occur. If not, try w/o the ring equipped to finish getting all the game hints. Then try with the ring on again. Now you can access the Bandit Fortress during the day. You start in a room w/ the leader, but before you can fight him, you need to get the gang bang scene. So, talk to the other bandit, exit the room, go to the mess hall and talk to the guy in the middle pf the room. After the scene, now you can fight the boss in that first room. Win against him or lose for another scene. If you lose, you have to leave the hideout, then re-enter to be able to fight the leader again.

Once all side quests are done or you want to skip them, continue the story by helping the elder, than going way north/ northeast where there are cultists. If you completed the elder quest, you will be given the option to continue (it’s the lockout point for the end game). Hit the first option to go. Keep going north until you see a dino (optional battle). Regardless of what you do, you get to the cult HQ. Enter, go to shiny, scene. Continue through to the maze, get to the stairs, prison. Scene. Leave prison area, keep going up, fight a guy, then final boss. Scene first, then kill him (no additional scene if you lose). Leave the HQ and you end up back at the elder’s house. Leave, talk to ppl if you want, go south and you’re done! After the credits screen. you’ll be in the gallary. Save here, and you’re reaaly done.

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