
Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

RJ252250 Selobus Fantasy walkthrough

  • if didn’t write, has choice choose1st one
  • after true ending all H-scene on
  • Sub quest, fishing, recipe and bunny girl can ignore

Start – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. talk to silver hair girl
  2. north to village, go to upper left house
  3. tomorrow, village upper talk to village head
  4. go to ruins, 2 side click 2 switch
  5. back to 1F, click door to north room get item
  6. back to village, upper left house report to village head
  7. night to beach, talk to man can get fishing rod

Find Woodcutter – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tomorrow go to house of village head
  2. north exit, choice 木こりの森
  3. form guideboard no north, to house of woodcutter
  4. after mini game, back to house, get book on bed
  5. north to hot spring
  6. woodcutter side, go to changing room can get pants from 2 locker, push pot then hide road to upper right

Village Rebuild – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. back to room, tomorrow upper of inn talk to woodcutter then right talk to him again
  2. woodcutter side, click heroine then choose all 2nd choice better?
  3. go to tent, then go to tent again for sleep
  4. talk to village head
  5. inn talk to woodcutter, then beach talk to him again
  6. broken boat can get item, east to village, upper talk to fisher then go to his house
  7. north to street, upper right vs slime boss
  8. NE to dock town, talk to item shop, pub and weapon shop manager get item
  9. go to house that near town entrance, talk to receptionist
  10. go to lower right building, talk to receptionist
  11. town upper right has hypnosis show
  12. Sub quest : town upper talk to girl then go right get clover to her clover.jpg
  13. inn upper talk to chef can get recipe
  14. town lower right talk to sailor can go to casino
  15. move out town from west exit, south pass bridge to guideboard, west to farm, talk to manager can get recipe
  16. from guideboard go south, to house then right to lighthouse, go up talk to guard
  17. back to dock town, lower right company 2F right room talk to branch chief
  18. town east to shipyard, talk to branch chief

Thief Hideout – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. village right house talk to man, upper right talk to young and upper left house talk to village head
  2. inn outside talk to heroine then go to tent for sleep
  3. right house vs thief and upper right vs thief, then go to village head’s house
  4. talk to woodcutter will go to thief hideout
  5. if more fight, NW road to trap, kitchen eat fish and open safe will get Elf H
  6. vs 4 thief or move back click pot
  7. help Elf then deep vs thief boss
  8. SE to dock, talk to sailor back to island

Ruins and Archive – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tent talk to Elf then talk to village head
  2. tomorrow, inn can cooking, set furniture and see H-scene, water can get from will
  3. tent talk to woodcutter, item shop talk to manager, go to pub and talk to village head
  4. north to ruins, north room talk to Elf
  5. B1 deep open box get archive, then back to inn
  6. beach talk to sailor, get ship to dock town
  7. town upper right talk to coachman can go to school
  8. if upper right to dormitory, to bathroom has CG
  9. to school, if go north dining hall, talk to chef can get recipe
  10. Sub quest : school 2F, north to library, middle talk to student then bookshelf get book to him school library.jpg
  11. 2F west room click ladder, room in roof talk to Alchemist
  12. from main gate of school, go east to street
  13. after push 2 barrel, push 3 more can go to cave get weapon and later has 1 fight only
  14. get 3 blue flower to Alchemist has fight
  15. go to school, roof to laboratory
  16. main gate talk to coachman back to dock town, dock get ship back to island
  17. go to inn, after repair archive then sleep

Nude island – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tomorrow to new shop, then beach talk to Soarer (ソアラ)
  2. ship to dock town, go to lower right company
  3. outside talk to Soarer then dock talk to sailor to nude island
  4. pass checking station to beach, talk to man who guard in front of cave
  5. talk to Hypnotist, pay $300 can -10 羞恥, if down to 0 he will leave (maybe flag)
  6. upper house talk to woman can -10 羞恥
  7. Sub quest : upper right house talk to man, give him オツタコ (fishing or beach upper left click octopus)
  8. (cant find in H room but down 抵抗値 and 羞恥) pub talk to waiter, then talk to master 2 times get 2 drink, if 羞恥 low event has little change, total 4 + 3 type
  9. (need 羞恥 under 70) inn 2F can massage, if 羞恥 low has new H
  10. go to cave, deep vs tentacle (if keep guard will lost virgin) then vs octopus
  11. get ship back to dock town, talk to Soarer
  12. go to lower right company, to 2F upper right room
  13. dock talk to branch chief, then get ship back to island
  14. go to inn for sleep

Key item for Ruins – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tomorrow get ship to dock town
  2. Sub quest and other : if move out from west exit, go to fishing village, talk to man can get recipe, lower right talk to bunny girl for furniture, woman in upper right house need アマゼサバ
  3. Sub quest : talk to man who in lighthouse area, go to lighthouse talk to guard then report
  4. dock town upper right talk to coachman to station
  5. right can get 1st class pass (if v1.0 don’t talk to shop manager in right)
  6. go to left carriage > in train go to east room click window > move out to left has H
  7. back to before station, talk to shop manager in right, choose all choice > sit on carriage has H
  8. lower talk to bunny girl for furniture
  9. NW to forest, then keep north to elf village
  10. lower left shop buy 角で作った玩具
  11. left talk to man who near chicken can get ATK up item
  12. upper right house talk to elf Patriarch, right talk to man can get recipe
  13. pass bridge will go to inn
  14. tomorrow go to upper right house talk to elf patriarch

9 quest – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  • farmer in upper left > fruit to town entrance, don’t pass stair
  • farmer lower to house, talk to man > go to station, talk to shop manager > report to him then talk to him again
  • house in item shop upper, talk to man > catch 3 fish > walk in town has event > lower right house talk to pharmacist > town north exit talk to him again > north get blue or green mushroom to pharmacist (2 type H but one can only take) > inn talk to Elf
  • man in left > find 5 chicken then report to him, 1 chicken running around in town
  • talk to man again, enter 9
  • middle talk to boy, then find 4 boy in town (2 boy in inn and patriarch house), then inn click bathroom has event
  • middle talk to boy again, find 3 heroine (inn > chicken house > house in upper of item shop > item shop > pot near patriarch’s house > store in left of patriarch’s house )
  • talk to item shop manager, choose 2nd choice > south forest vs 3 deer > report to manager
  • (no reward can ignore) house near south exit, talk to man in right > after long story choose 3rd choice > 3rd one > 1st one > 2nd > 2nd

After 6 quest or more – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. report to elf patriarch
  2. north to fairy forest
  3. deep has 3 fairy, if nearest road is left then right
  4. open box get key item
  5. south to station get train to before station, right talk to merchant can get recipe
  6. talk to coachman to dock town
  7. get ship back to island, talk to village head get key item
  8. if north exit go to woodcutter house has bunny girl for furniture

H-scene collection – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  • dock town talk to coachman to school (クアドリフォリオ学院), 1F right classroom talk to man > outside to lower right training area > go to dormitory for sleep > now has 2 H but can choice one of them : 1 – sleep then tomorrow go to 1F right classroom, go up talk to student. 2 – go to male side, near 2F up stair, then click room choose 1st choice then 3rd one
  • after dormitory H, school training area, main heroine 抵抗値 under 20 talk to teacher, then go to roof has H
  • Alchemist’s shop make 3 魅薬 (all item can buy in dock town) and few ケベスの秘薬 for down 20 抵抗値 (if v1.0 item cant use, 七色フェロモン can find in casino)
  • use 魅薬 to Elf then sleep in island has H, then use it to treasure hunter then sleep for H, finally use it on heroine (if heroine 抵抗値 over 50, cant get masturbation H, 淫欲値 cant back to 0 and 抵抗値 -5)
  • school 2F, left corridor talk to painter has H > in room talk to painter, if main heroine 抵抗値 under 60 (55ok) has H > in room talk to painter, if Elf 抵抗値 under 90? (82ok) has H > after 3H, click picture has event, then can get 2 picture. 1F left room event, then click picture (from back NG) can get it
  • village inn click bed choose 2nd choice can rest to night, pub talk to woodcutter need 淫欲値 under 40 (main heroine), 50 (treasure hunter) 70 (Elf), then 3 choice for 3 heroine, if main heroine upper is 75, when get drink get 2nd choice
  • dock town talk to Hypnotist then go to inn for rest, at night talk to Hypnotist again > pub talk to man in right has H and nude > talk to pub master for drink > town lower left has H, if choose 2nd choice, lower near 2 sailor has 2nd H (different choice has different H) > talk to weapon shop manager has H > lower right company, 2F left room talk to man in left has H > back to inn

Survey Ruins again – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. north exit to ruins, inside choose 2nd choice can go to underground, set 2 item then open door
  2. next door enter any ok because wrong has H, if version not 1.0 can enter チャック for no H
  3. next door enter any ok too
  4. deep click device can back to town, if back to crystal area choose 3rd choice
  5. click crystal then destroy 2 statue
  6. click crystal again vs succubus

Disappearance and Succubus – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. back to inn sleep
  2. tomorrow, pub outside talk to woodcutter
  3. talk to Alchemist and village head
  4. right house talk to Soarer (ソアラ)
  5. beach click bucket and talk to sailor
  6. back to inn sleep, night talk to Elf
  7. go to Alchemist shop first or Soarer’s (ソアラ) house first then find another girl (can choice one only)
  8. pub outside vs heroine
  9. tomorrow talk to Elf
  10. item shop outside talk to manager, pub talk to master, new inn talk to man
  11. pub outside talk to woodcutter
  12. pub upper right talk to man
  13. talk to Alchemist then inn talk to Elf

Ending – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. go to ruins, crystal area, north to new area
  2. in castle click switch then click black mirror, upper right one
  3. deep click door has fight
  4. room get gem then back to village talk to village head
  5. beach talk to heroine to ending

After Ending – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. talk to village head then talk to Alchemist
  2. ship to dock town, then talk to coachman to school (クアドリフォリオ学院)
  3. 2F go to right room
  4. talk to coachman back to dock town
  5. get ship back to island then report to village head
  6. talk to village head again then go to dock town again
  7. pub talk to man, talk to man who near item shop, inn 2F talk to man
  8. back to village report to village head

Underground club and True Ending – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tomorrow talk to 2 girl then talk to village head, follow him to underground
  2. go to underground
  3. inn click bed choose 2nd choice for rest to night, house of village head outside talk to man
  4. talk to village head then sit on sofa
  5. at night, house of village head outside talk to 2 man
  6. talk to village head then sit on sofa
  7. at night near house of village head

route A

  1. go to middle table, choose 1st choice, then click upper door
  2. click door 1 more times, choose 1 choice to route A-1, 2nd choice to A-2
  3. at night near house of village head
  4. if route A-2, when Alchemist side, move out to club will back to route A-1, sleep to route A-2

route B

  1. go to middle table, choose 2nd choice
  2. talk to village head get drink then back to middle table
  3. at night near house of village head
  4. go to middle table, then talk to Alchemist
  5. talk to village head get drink then back to middle table
  6. when Alchemist side, move out to club is route B-1, sleep to route B-2

True end

  1. at night, house of village head talk to guard
  2. outside get pass from woodcutter
  3. underground talk to 2 girl then talk to village head
  4. see 2H then click gem (if route is A-2 or B-2, Alchemist H has little different)
  5. house outside vs Incubus, GoR can go true end too

V1.2 (After true end) – Selobus Fantasy Walkthrough & Guide

  1. after ending, village go south to beach
  2. help Elf, then back to village, upper right red roof house talk to Soarer (ソアラ)
  3. beach talk to sailor, take ship to town
  4. talk to ! ppl in town (upper right coachman, singer in BAR, woman in back of pub, aged outside weapon shop, customer in clothes shop clothes shop.jpg , sailor in lower left dock)
  5. talk to Elf, with her to inn
  6. go to clothes shop clothes shop.jpg , go to 3 changing room
  7. at night choice is whatever, go to lower left then back to clothes shop talk to party member
  8. click counter, inside click switch, then go to last changing room
  9. in crossroad, right hear clothes shop manager talking
  10. south to casino, take a round then back to crossroad, right click picture has hidden road hidden switch.jpg
  11. NW to underground, talk to Soarer’s sister jail.jpg
  12. go up, north room talk to company president
  13. dance mini game, success has nude CG dance1.jpgdance2.jpg (cant find in H-scene room), fail has H (success can find this H in Hscene room)
  14. go to jail help Soarer’s sister
  15. back to village, shop talk to Alchemist
  16. when customer come, choise is whatever

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