Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Chapter 0 – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

On main menu, New Game then Start a new Game

You have the prologue playing, you can skip the text when it appear.

Then you will be promted by a form asking your first and last name

Click on the gray text area and enter your First name and Last name then click sign here

– Listen to what she’s saying

– Knock on the door

– Continue the game

– I’m a fan of Hidemaru (Japanese author)

– I’m used to working 20 hours a day

– Yes I have a girlfriend and it’s no secret

Chapter 1 – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

– Look at her thighs

– Massage her back

– Frankly speaking, it’s been so long…

– … to feel uncared for.

– Look at her cleavage

– Look at her thighs

– Touch her thighs

– Touch her legs

– Touch her ankles

– Your thighs are so exciting

[You can right click as much as you want, 32 seem the minimum to get a positive reaction (the icon burn if you reach 100)]

Chapter 2 – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

This part have been simplified from previous release

– Our job first

– Yes … I got it!

– I thought about some plans

– I have been here before

– MAP: Go to Pellican’s Beach

– Ask the lady with a pink swimsuit (the one with purple hairs)

– Gniii (all other choices works too 😉 )

– MAP : Go to R.B.I. Mall

– On swimsuit selector click Next 3 times to see “Biserna” swimsuit then click Purchase *This dialogue is just funny*

– The swimsuit selector appears again -> Click close

– MAP: Go to Boat Arena

– Compete in Boat Run

– MAP: Go to R.B.I. Mall

– The swimsuit selector appears select the Alpha swimsuit then click Purchase

After lea got her swimsuit:

– The swimsuit selector appears select Omega swimsuit then click purchase or close (it lead to same end)

– MAP: Go to Boat Arena

– Compete in Boat Run

– MAP: Go to Carmen Playa

– Talk about « do you know what the green ray is ? »

– MAP: Go to Herbert Garden

– Talk with her a bit more

– Talk about « How did you meet Sylvia ? »

– MAP : Go to the Art Museum or Altera Forest

– Talk about « What was so wrong with the club »

– MAP : Go to the Granda Park

– Choose to go further in the park

– MAP : Go to the RBI Mall

– select Omega swimsuit then click

MAP : Go to Hotel Emeraude


MAP Go to Lover’s Pick

– Choose « I owe you a massage »

– Look at her face

– Sneak peek at her boobs

– Look at her butt

– Look at her legs (you can pick up any other “options” if you want)

– MAP: Go to Herbert Garden

– Tell her what happened with Léa

– MAP: Go to Herbert Garden

– Focus on people who care about you

– MAP: Go to Resto Grant’s

– It’s now or never…

– Stare at her boobs (you can pick up any other “options” if you want)

– Kiss her strongly

– I can’t stop her now!

– (you can look wherever you want, using the mouse wheel you can adjust your heartbeats (and how strong you want it))

– Click on Sylvia’s head (and enjoy the view)

Chapter 3 – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

– I was expecting another call

– What are you hiding from me Léa ?

– When « young » valerie ask to look at her : Click on Young Valerie’s face

Chapter 4 – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

This part of the game banches more. I will present each path on it’s own as if the MC was obsessed by his favorite only. It’s interesting to the events from différent angles.

Remember the game « shuffles » some menus … be carefull not to click too quick !

No path is complete yet and some are more advanced than others :

Sylvia PathSylvia Walkthrough & Guide

This one ends with some sexy moments

– Give you First and Last Name (or reply Frank Herbert if you want to annoy the nurse!)

– I must have worried Sylvia sick

– I am so sorry I made you two so worried

– Is there something you can give me to help me sleep ?

– Let the QTE time pass (don’t run to Valérie)

– I’ll do it for you, Sylvia

– In someways. I may have avoided the topic with you on purpose.

– No. I was genuinely attracted to you, and couldn’t help it.

– Work had nothing to do with this

– I hope that being open you’ll be able to see the truth

– I didn’t know if it was right to say so

– Continue to speak with Sylvia

– Follow Katia

– You dad… passed away

– You weren’t able to cope with your grief of losing him

– You drowned your sorrows in work

– You survived, but there was no more room left for me

(You can visit more than one room)

– Visit the living room

– Scroll left and click on the video game console (GigaCD) at the left side of the TV

– Maybie Later ?

– Stop looking around

– Look at sylvia (select what your eyes are watching, if you watch her the same way you looked at her in the hotel Sylvia will notice)

– Use your mouse wheel to tit-fuck her more or less faster (if you play on a mobile the speed is chosen automatically)

– Slow speed (mouse wheel down then left click)

– Fast speed (mouse wheel down then left click))

– Cum

– Take Sylvia while spooning her

– Move the mouse cursor to navigate the image (or the bars on the edge of the image on mobile)

– Hold Right Click until the mouse icône on right is charged then release (on mobile it’s automatic)

– Take Sylvia while spooning her again

– Move the mouse cursor and clic to advance (enjoy the show)

– Take Sylvia Doggy style (clic to advance on the preview)

– Take Sylvia Doggy style again (move the cursor to navigate the image)

– Go to sleep

Léa Path – Sylvia Walkthrough & Guide

This path is very short and here I assume you watched the Greenray with Léa (she is in love)

– Give you First and Last Name (or reply Frank Herbert if you want to annoy the nurse!)

– Léa ? Lea was here ?

– I am so sorry I made you two so worried

– Neither you nor Valérie mentioned Léa

– Could I have my phone back ?

– Let the QTE time pass (don’t run to Valérie)

– Call Léa

– I’ll do it for you, Léa

Valérie PathSylvia Walkthrough & Guide

It’s interesting to see the contrast with the others girls and how Valérie reacts to the situation

– Give you First and Last Name (or reply Frank Herbert if you want to annoy the nurse!)

– Valérie had always been very stubborn…

– There’s a reason I took the boat to come to see you

– Is there something you can give me to help me sleep ?

– Click on the door at the center of the screen before the QTE times out (Do run for Valérie)*

* Go back ifyou fail

– I’ll do it for you, Valérie

– In some ways. I may have avoided the topic with you on purpose.

– No. I didn’t intend to meet you. It just happened…

– Work has nothing to do with this.

– I didn’t mean to. But you deserve to know.

– If I didn’t think I had the right to say I do.

– You dad… passed away

– You weren’t able to cope with your grief of losing him

– You drowned your sorrows in work

– You survived, but there was no more room left for me

During the credits pressing left or right arrow key will steer

Press escape to return to the main menu

On Mobile version

Click on the arrow at the top right to exit the credits

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