Teachers Pets

Teacher’s Pets Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Teacher’s Pets Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

“meg harrassed”

45% chance to get this event from walking the halls. This will easily open up Meghan coming to your room for lunch unless you play it like a total dick. You get +3 rom/aff for intervening and another +3 for choosing “It’s not fifine..” This last option also gives Meg ‘interested’ status with you if she’s not there already.

“wife fifirst day”

100% chance to happen as long as you’re at home and it’s ‘Night’. Can be avoided by being out of the house, but you have to come home at night some time, don’t you? Opens up an additional chat option for the day which allows you to win back some aff/romance(just stay silent) or pick up some depravity (stay silent then perv out over the girls).


100% chance for an aborted dream the your fifirst night of sleep. Dream focus is randomly chosen between Sara and Kait, but you can roll back if you don’t like your selection. After getting the incomplete dream, sleep aid becomes available at the Superstore. Use it in the bedroom evening or later to see get the dream animations.

“kait locker room intro”

45% chance when walking the halls. Sets you off on a hunt for pot which you can procure from either ??? or ‘Toine.

“meg fifirst lunch”

50% chance when you stay in your room during break. Requires Meg affection to be at least 5. Leads to “meg second lunch” and “meg third lunch,” then the repeatable “meg random lunch” all with 50% odds. Just be nice to her to grind aff/rom points.

“d shopping”

100% chance to trigger the fifirst Friday that you go straight home from school.

Peeking at FEX requires at least 5 depravity (and Sara will catch you). Using your wife’s credit card will result in -2 aff with her but do you really care? A very important scene as it is at present the only scene where you can boost FEX’s relationship status, choose either “I don’t know..” or “We must make a good-looking couple…” near the end of the scene to trigger interest.

“watch singstar fifinale”

AKA “movie night.” 100% chance to trigger on Thursday if you go home straight from school, it’s past week 1, and you’ve taken FEX shopping. Lots of opportunity for points here. You’ll need at least 15 romance to “keep going” on the couch or things could get ugly. If you violate FEX’s privacy she’ll get pissed and lock you out of her room but she has a short memory and is over it the next day.j

“meg college visit setup”

50% chance to fifire if you stay in your room on break, requires at least 70 romance with meg and having agreed to help her with her college application (that goes back to meg lunch 2). Just play nice and the trip will be set up for the upcoming Saturday. You can still catch meg if you leave ‘Morning’ rather than ‘Early Morning’ though Meg will not be pleased. Choices are fairly straightforward: be nice, don’t be an asshole if you want to gain points. Success at “*Pull her nearer to you *” requires 60 romance. At 80 romance you kiss, at 100 romance you can “* go further *” If your Rom is > 100 she’ll give you a kiss before she leaves for the evening. Get home, wife is most likely pissed, and you unlock the boutique.

“found sara”

50% chance on walking the halls. Starts the election storyline—you need 3 votes to progress from it. You can get one either by bribing Jackson or threatening him.

“zoe needs hellp”

25% chance to trigger as you’re leaving school if you’ve found Sara. She’s good for a Sara vote.

“kait caught bj”

50% chance visiting locker room after fifinding sara. Easy enough to secure votes from Kait & Chad, also possible to collect black mail material (which doesn’t do much at the moment).

“end election”

Triggers on Friday as break is starting if you’ve got 3 or more votes for Sara.

“d 6”

AKA FEX HJ scene. requires a “good shower” (having showered with her without her getting mad at you), romance at least 150, FEX to be home, and you have to be undressed (i.e. take a shower and only throw on some underwear). If those requirements are met trigger the scene by entering the guest room.

“give dress”

Triggers automatically whenever you go home after buying the dress.

“wifes note”

This sets the Meg visit to your house in motion. It’s a 100% chance if you’ve given FEX the dress, given the tickets, meg has visited college, and it’s a Friday. Leads to:

“meg has book”

Triggers automatically at break if you got the note that morning, as long as Meghan isn’t furious at you. Go through the dialogue and eventually you’ll invite her over.

“fifind corner”

“fifind toine cruise”

“fifind dotty cruise”

Finding the corner is a 25% chance. Finding ‘Toine or Dotty while cruising are each 10%. Once you’ve found the corner you can no longer fifind Toine or Dotty by cruising, you fifind them by visiting the corner.Dotty is 10% and Toine 25%. You must be on the hunt for pot to fifind Toine in any case.

“kait changing”

10% chance when visiting the locker room after meeting Kait. If your rom or aff is > 100 she doesn’t mind so much if you keep watching. If you support her in her hallway fifight with Chad or are neutral and have romance at least 100 she’ll give you a show.

“sara tickets”

100% chance for sara to offer you tickets after the election is over and you’ve chatted with her at least once.

“meg fifirst date”

Be home at Evening on the day of the note from the wife. There are tons of different ways this can go, most every path is viable iff your stats are high enough. I’ll save the particulars for the fifinished walkthrough, I will note though that the only way to get the animation without any kind of deceit is to hand Meg the water, then ask to talk to her about the other day. However, this requires at least 250 romance, at most 2 dislikes from her during the play through (in practice this is more like 1 dislike as I often change affection and romance at the same time), AND you have to win a 50/50 roll that you can’t roll back (though you should be able to save and reload if you are so inclined.

“kait halway ruckus”

Auto fifires on school leave once you’ve told Kait about Chad’s conversation with Jackson (particularly about Meghan. Kait likes it if you call Chad a douche. She does not like it if you intervene. The only way to save your relationship with Meghan & Kait here is to be in Anne’s good graces. Don’t piss her off in the event itself of she’ll refuse to help regardless. Otherwise you’ll be fifine as long as you’ve banged her or have been nice to her.

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