Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

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Gameplay – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

The game interface consists of several icons along the upper right, the day and time, how much coin you have, your portrait and health/energy/arousal stats.

The first icon is for the character summary popup. You can page through your character and your companions’ characters, viewing their descriptions. Included in the character description are your tentacle spawn stats, including how many you and your companions have birthed, how many have escaped, etc.

The character summary popup has two tabs. The second tab shows what each character is wearing. You can wear and remove items simply by clicking on them. Be careful, some of the items you find are cursed and can’t be removed once worn! (All of the items you get from the encounter with bandits in the forest, for instance.)

The backpack icon shows your inventory. Clicking on a non-consumable item will show its description. Clicking on a potion will consume it. (I’m planning on adding a “drink” button in the next release, to make the consume action clearer.)

In addition, a few items have a special action button – a plus sign in the upper right of the item’s icon. Clicking on this will perform a special action on that item. For instance, The rose petal perfume that you can buy in the Church’s gift shop, can be combined with tentacle jizz by clicking on the plus button on the rose petal perfume.

The checkbox icon on the right manages the game settings. You can toggle settings like furries, kemonomimi (animal girls), huge breasts, etc., off and on here.

Finally, Alchemists also have a potion icon. Clicking on it will open up a popup with two tabs for ingredients and recipes.

Clicking on the recipes tab will show you all of the recipes that can be brewed, and how long they’ll take to prepare. Clicking on the recipe icon will brew that potion, if you have the proper ingredients.

Click on the ingredients tab to show all of the potion reagents you’re carrying. Some of these reagents need to be alchemically prepared. Clicking on the reagent, prepares it for brewing into a potion.


Currently there’s no in-game difference between choosing a human or an elf as your starting race. I’ve also implemented the ability for the player to slowly transform into a furry or kemonomimi, through a special event in the game, although the actual transformation isn’t implemented yet.

Alchemist – Alchemists can brew potions which generally have certain transformative effects. You’ll be able to gather some potion reagents in the forest whenever you need them, while others (breastfruit, from a special encounter in the forest) will only be available in limited quantities. At the start of the game, visit the magic shop you jointly own with Emily (a sorceress) for a quick 100 coin and a fun cock-shrinking scene.

Sorceress – Sorceresses can earn coin by competing in the Combat Arena. You slowly gain skill in sorcerous combat as you practice in the arena. In addition, visiting the arena while you’re more than two weeks’ pregnant with tentacle spawn and winning against your opponent will lead to an opportunity to invite her to be present when you give birth.

Witch – As a witch, you hold one of the few technically illegal professions in Tyrmidon. With the ability to curse others who have done you an injustice, the law has deemed you more than just a public nuisance, but a real danger to society. Of course, you’re not about to let that stop you from practicing your craft. After all, being a witch lets you mete out your own kind of justice on those who most deserve it. Currently implemented Witch content includes cursing the bandits who attack you in the forest, attempting to curse a tentacle creature in the forest and having the curse backfire, and cursing the woman who hired you to find her stolen family heirloom.


Currently, you can only choose one slave (Felicia) and one of two servants (either Chaya or Brin). I originally made Brin so that people who dislike furries aren’t forced to take one as a servant. However, by choosing Chaya, you can open up a special event at the Church very early in the game — and this opens up the Church in general, a lot earlier than you’d otherwise be able to.


Currently you can only select one house – the house in the forest. In the future, I might remove this choice entirely.


Tentacle Slave focuses on several branching story paths. Possibly the first evening in the game, you will randomly encounter a mysterious woman. Following her or not following her will lead to very different content.

General Gameplay

While the game does require you to earn some coin to accomplish things like buying an elegant dress, helping an orphan catgirl (or human girl, if kemonomimi content is turned off) get an apartment or find a job, or repair your house, and earning coin generally happens through sexual encounters in the Service the Tip Bar or in the Town Whore Tavern, the game does not place any great emphasis on sexual training beyond what’s required to earn coin.

In the early stages of the game, you’ll need to visit the Fetish Shop to buy a strap-on, as this will be useful for sex training and sexual encounters. You’ll also need to buy weapons at some point. You’ll almost certainly need hypodermic darts for knocking out a tentacle creature, although most of the time you’ll want to use more lethal means.

Walkthrough – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

In this walkthrough, profession-specific notes will be indicated by an A for Alchemist or S for Sorceress.

Initial Steps:

• Visit the Fetish Shop, buy a strap-on

• Visit the Clothing Shop and have the player sign up for modeling. Optionally also have Felicia sign up.

A Visit the Magic Shop to meet Alfred and earn 100 coin for dancing lessons.

S Visit the Combat Arena and do a naked match to earn 500 coin, for dancing lessons and other things.

• Visit the Service the Tip Bar and dance repeatedly until 3 PM, to earn coin for dancing lessons.

• Visit the Notice Board, then go to the address to reach the Dance Studio.

• Pay for five dancing lessons (you need five to be able to win the competition). It should now be 6 PM.

• Return to Tyrmidon Center. If you haven’t yet encountered the mysterious woman — who will randomly appear after 6 PM in the city — go into the Town Whore Tavern and

back out again several times until you meet her.

Main path – follow the mysterious woman:

• Follow her. She’ll screw your brains out and make you attractive to tentacles.

• Return home that evening. Offer to watch training.

• If you’ve chosen Chaya as a servant, try to have Felicia give Chaya a blowjob (with Chaya wearing the strap-on). Felicia will refuse, and you’ll have to take over her training.

• Train Felicia in blowjobs at least five times. This will allow her to give blowjobs in the Town Whore Tavern. Useful for Alchemists.

• Notice that your arousal increases with each blowjob, if you are personally training Felicia instead of Chaya training her. You can reset it by having a sex act that involves orgasming — missionary sex, 69, cowgirl, etc. In the next release, I plan to implement the ability to masturbate at different times of the day. (You’ll need to be in a place where this is allowed.)

• Different sex trainings will raise Felicia’s sluttiness to different degrees. The higher her sluttiness, the more willing she will be to do lewd acts — beginning with dancing in the Service the Tip Bar.

• If Felicia has refused Chaya’s training, then the next day you can visit the notice board and see an advertisement for sexual therapy. Afterwards, the Church will become accessible.

• On Wednesday, be at the Clothing Shop at 10 AM to participate in the modeling

contest. If you’ve paid for at least five dancing lessons, you’ll earn 500 coin. You can do this as many times as you want (once per week, on Weds).

• About a day or two after you meet and follow the mysterious woman, you’ll get the feeling of being watched while in the city. A day or so later, you’ll start experiencing random tentacle encounters in the city after 6 PM. How you respond to these tentacle encounters will dramatically affect the rest of the game.

o If you try to defend against the tentacle creature and scare it off, you’ll raise your hidden “dominance” stat. Do this at least twice, in successive random tentacle encounters, and you’ll raise it enough to change how tentacle creatures respond to you.

o If you stride boldly forward without first having scared off the tentacles at least twice, the tentacles will capture and impregnate you and your companions. This will also lower your dominance stat.

o If you stride boldly forward after having scared off the tentacles at least twice, the tentacles will flee and your dominance stat will increase further.

• Once you’ve randomly encountered.tentacles without simply striding forward and getting tentacle fucked, you’ll see a hint to look for a bounty hunter who might be able to help you with your tentacle issues. That’s your cue to check the notice board for an ad from someone looking to hire a bounty hunter. Go to that address. You can choose to either help the woman or not. If you help her, you’ll be given a side quest to recover her stolen family heirloom. If not, you’ll have to return a day later, when she’ll give you the name of someone you can meet at the Service the Tip Bar around midafternoon.

• If you accept the side quest, you’ll need to visit the Lady Reyna at the Council

Hall. She’ll ask you to meet her again the following evening wearing something elegant. Since buying an elegant dress requires a trip to the clothing shop, do NOT visit Reyna towards the end of the day, since the clothing shop might be closed by the time you’ve finished with Reyna.

• Afterwards, visit the clothing shop and put down a 250 coin deposit for an elegant dress. You’ll return the next day to pick it up.

• Go to the Council Ball at 6:30 PM that day, and Reyna will give you the stolen family

heirloom on the condition that you agree to do her a favor in return at some future date. She’ll also ask you to find out that the heirloom actually does, since she’s positive it’s magical. (Currently, telling Lady Reyna what it does, isn’t yet implemented.)

• Once you return the heirloom to the woman (whose name, you now learn, is Alora), she’ll give you the name of a bounty hunter — Keawe — who can help you with your tentacle problem.

Main path – Keawe – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

• Once you have Keawe’s name, you’re given the option to search for her from Tyrmidon Center. When you go to the Riverfront area, you can generally head north and then finally west to find the Bothrian Emporium. Also, there are three tentacle encounters in this area where you’ll actually have to fight, rather than choose to defend, approach, etc., as in the random encounters in the main part of the city.

• If you lose to tentacles, you’ll have the option to become tentacle-altered. See below for more details.

• If you lose to tentacles ANYWHERE more than once, after you learn about Keawe, then Keawe will stop helping you. See the optional path below for more details.

• Keawe’s first fetch quest is for a specific kind of crystal. You have two choices, one of which has two different paths. You can go to the forest and find the calm lake, then go inside the cave near the lake to locate a crystal, or you can go to the Church (which is now accessible, if it wasn’t before) and ask about crystals.

• If you go to the Church and your arousal is below 50%, you’ll be taken to the Abbottess and she’ll ask you to prove your worth first by helping someone less fortunate. If your arousal is more than 50%, you’ll be told to seek out Sensua — who is available after afternoon mass on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Note that Sensua’s crystal is corrupted, and giving it to Keawe will have different consequences than giving one of the

others. In the next release, Alchemists will be able to “purify” a crystal from the cave or from the Abbottess, giving it the same corruptive effects as Sensua’s crystal.

• Once you have a crystal and return to Keawe, she’ll give you her second fetch quest, which involves seeking out Lady Reyna to ask about a stolen shipment of alchemized metal.

• The next morning after giving Keawe a crystal, you’ll catch sight of tentacle jizz outside your house. If you choose to remove the evidence, it adds a little to your hidden “corruption” stat. Increasing this stat will open up certain story options later in the game.

• Upon visiting Lady Reyna, she’ll explain that the shipment has already been sold, and the buyer will be picking it up tomorrow night. After mentioning that the shipment is important to you personally, Lady Reyna agrees to substitute something else of value…if you can provide it. You’ll either need to buy the Fae-touched bracelet or the Magmacite from the odd merchant in the forest glen to give her, or give her 1500 coin instead.

• The next evening, visit Lady Reyna again to provide something of value. Assuming you come through, she’ll bed you. If you’re tentacle-altered, she’ll get pregnant with tentacles.

• The next evening, you can pick up the alchemized metal. You can also give Lady Reyna a further gift (a crystal, if you happen to have an extra) or tell her that you consider her a friend. These choices don’t have any in-game effect yet.

• When you return the alchemized metal to Keawe, she’ll give you one more quest to convince a Fae woman to give you a magical bundle of wood.

• Go to the Town Whore Tavern in the evening and order a drink. The Fae woman will surreptitiously spike your drink, and you’ll be taken into the tavern’s back room for a tryst with her. If you are tentacle-altered, she’ll get pregnant with tentacles. (This currently has no further effect.)

• The Fae woman will offer you the choice to change your gender, if you choose.

• Afterwards, return to Keawe. On the way to Keawe’s shop, you’ll be accosted by a tentacle creature wanting to look at the bundle of wood. If you let them, they’ll fill the bundle with tentacle jizz, which will soak into the wood so that Keawe won’t be able to tell the difference.

• Once you give Keawe the final component of the bracelet, she’ll craft it that day. If you’ve given her a pure crystal and pure wood, then the bracelet will be effective against tentacle creatures, destroying them utterly. If you’ve given her Sensua’s crystal and tentacle-jizzed wood, then the bracelet will inflame lust even further — strengthening tentacle creatures that you use it on.

• Giving Keawe corrupt wood (and possibly a corrupt crystal) will lead to a sex scene between you and Keawe. If you’re male tentacle-altered, she’ll get pregnant with tentacles. (She won’t succumb to female tentacle-altered wiles.)

• Afterwards, you can take the bracelet and go home. Once you reach your home, you’ll fall into a deep sleep to be accosted in your dreams by the mysterious woman you met at the beginning of the game. It turns out that she’s a succubus, and wants you to be a part of her tentacle experiments. Depending on the choices you’ve made with Keawe, this dream will have several different variants.

• That evening, the tentacles will attack. If you win against 4-5 waves of tentacles and DON’T use hypodermic darts to put at least one of them to sleep, you’ll be on the “tentacle hunter” path. If you DO use hypodermic darts to put at least one of them to sleep and don’t kill it afterwards, you’ll be on the “tentacle control” path. If you lose the battle instead, you’ll be on the “tentacle submit” path.

• Losing to the tentacles is tricky to do right. You’ll need to:

o Avoid repairing anything around your house until after the tentacle attack.

o Use the corrupt bracelet to raise Keawe’s lust until her choker breaks.

o Use the corrupt bracelet judiciously to empower the attacking tentacle creatures. They’ll begin using mostly tentacle jizz to attack (and raise your and Keawe’s arousal).

• If you lose the tentacle attack with the pure bracelet, Keawe will be missing the next morning – no doubt captured by the tentacles. This path will be continued in a future release.

• If you lose the tentacle attack with the corrupt bracelet and have maintained high “dominance,” you’ll be given the choice to accept a tentacle “blessing”:

o Breasticles — only available if you’re an Alchemist and have drunk one or more thorny vine potions to make your nipples fuckable, or encountered the bandits and gotten fuckable nipples from them

o A tentacock — available whether or not you already have a herm cock from Sensua or from the Fae woman

o A tenta-tail

o An ovipositor

• If you lose the tentacle attack with the corrupt bracelet but haven’t maintained high “dominance,” you’ll automatically be given an ovipositor.

• Once you’ve lost the tentacle attack with the corrupt bracelet, you’ll be able to corrupt the Church.

Optional: Lose to tentacles

• You’ll have the option to resist them or submit to them. If you resist them, Keawe will come and rescue you.

• If you submit to the tentacles, you’ll be fucked by them – and there are several variants of this, depending on your hidden “dominance” stat.

• Afterwards, they’ll tentacle alter you. If you have a futa cock, they’ll ask you to choose how you’ll be tentacle altered. Being male tentacle altered will let you tentacle impregnate others. Being female tentacle altered will give you an almost hypnotic ability (via pheromones) of convincing others to submit to tentacles.

Optional: Lose to tentacles more than once after learning about Keawe

• The next time you try to visit Keawe, she will kick you out and refuse to help you any more. You’re given a hint that perhaps someone else – someone more attuned to tentacles – might be willing to help.

• Go into the forest, to the treacherous cave, and enter it. You’ll meet a priestess of the Coven of the Old Gods. Hear her out, then leave.

• Come back the next evening (after 6 pm). You’ll meet Lauren, the priestess of Ukemochi (goddess of fertility and tentacles), who will offer to help you if you become a member of the coven.

• Agree to join. You’ll go through the ritual of initiation.

• Leave and come back again. Lauren will tell you that the tentacles down by the Riverfront are special, and perhaps you’ll find more answers there.

• Go to the Riverfront. Go south and talk to Helen the strange nun. Ask her to call the tentacles.

• After your tentacle “epiphany,” return to the treacherous cave and talk to Lauren again. She’ll explain how to summon tentacles, and give you the herbs you need to do so.

• Go to your house and discuss tentacles with your companions.

• Choose to summon tentacles to your house. You’ll be given a tentacle “blessing.”

• If you have maintained high “dominance,” you’ll be given a choice of “blessing”:

o Breasticles — only available if you’re an Alchemist and have drunk one or more thorny vine potions to make your nipples fuckable, or encountered the bandits and gotten fuckable nipples from them

o A tentacock — available whether or not you already have a herm cock from Sensua or from the Fae woman

o A tenta-tail

o An ovipositor

• If you haven’t maintained high “dominance,” you’ll automatically be given an ovipositor.

• Finally, you’ll now be able to corrupt the Church.

• Now you’ll have to do something about Keawe, now that you have a tentacle hive at your house. (See “capturing Keawe” below.)

Main path – don’t follow the mysterious woman – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

• If you choose not to follow the mysterious woman, you’ll have a dream three nights later where the woman — who turns out to be a succubus — molests you. The next morning, you’ll remember the dream and realize that you need help to somehow protect yourself.

• You have several choices on how you can choose to protect yourself. The two most obvious ones are to visit the Church and explore the forest, looking for a priestess of the Old Gods.

Being Dream-molested

• Another few days after being molested, the succubus will appear in your dreams once more.

• If your hidden “dominance” stat is too low (due to fucking around a lot with tentacles, for instance), she’ll enslave you. (This doesn’t have much in the way of consequences right now, but will be important in future releases.)

• If you manage to find a source of protection before the second dream, you’ll experience a very brief dream of the succubus shouting your name as an obscenity.

• Afterwards, the succubus will seek other methods of getting to you. (See below.)

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Church

• If you visit the Church and your arousal is less than 50%, you’ll speak to the Abbottess about your dreams, and she’ll give you a charm which will help reduce your lust — and hopefully prevent the succubus’ dream molesting from having a negative effect. (This charm isn’t implemented yet.)

• If you visit the Church and your arousal is greater than 50%, you’ll be directed to visit Sensua. Once you speak to her (on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays after afternoon mass), she’ll suggest freeing her imprisoned father (a demon who married her mother, a wizard) in exchange for protection. Note that you’ll have to choose between this and getting a herm cock in exchange for freeing her father. (Later, you’ll be able to get both protection AND a herm cock, although with further consequences. See below.)

• If you choose to accept help from Sensua’s father, then he’ll ask you to convince the Abbottess to allow an exception to the rule forbidding demons from entering Tyrmidon, so that he can visit his daughter any time he wants. In effect, this means you can now corrupt the Church.

Protection from being Dream-molested – Karnul, Sensua’s father

• You can visit Karnul in the forest glen after 10 pm at night.

• If you accepted his protection earlier but still want a herm cock, you can ask for it here. In addition to Karnul asking you to get the Abbottess to grant an exception for him to be able to enter Tyrmidon, he’ll ask for your word of honor that you’ll also complete three tasks for him.

• If you accepted a herm cock earlier, but still want his protection, you can ask for it here. In addition to Karnul asking you to get the Abbottess to grant an exception for him to be able to enter Tyrmidon, he’ll ask for your word of honor that you’ll also complete three tasks for him.

• The three tasks currently have no in-game effect, but will have major consequences in future releases.

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Coven of Priestesses of the Old Gods

• You can explore the forest and find the treacherous cave. Normally you won’t be able to enter the cave, but once you’ve had the dream event where you’re molested by the succubus, you’ll be able to enter.

• Inside, you are greeted by a priestess who, once you explain about needing protection, asks for you to return the next evening Or, if you prefer, you can seek out a man, knowledgeable about the infernal realms, who lives in a ruined tower at the edge of the forest.

• The next evening, the priestess introduces you to the leaders of the coven, and asks you to choose one. Only by joining the coven will you be protected from the succubus invading your dreams.

o Lady of the Deep Forest – a mistress of things that grow in the forest, as well as hidden secrets.

o Sky Maiden – a priestess who worships the sky goddess while “skyclad” — that is, nude. She is a strong proponent of public exhibitionism.

o Web Mistress – a priestess who wears tight, restrictive fetish clothing. The goddess she worships espouses bondage-style clothing, as well as drugs and aphrodisiacs that enhance sexual experience.

o Priestess of Ukemochi – Ukemochi is the goddess of fertility, and also the patron goddess of tentacle creatures.

o Fae Priestess of Rhiannon – Rhiannon is a goddess of nature, mischief, and transformation.

Protection from being Dream-molested – Lady of the Deep Forest

• When you join the Coven under the auspices of the Lady of the Deep Forest, you’re given a rite of initiation to complete. You must plant a strange plant and raise it to maturity in a single night.

• The easy way of accomplishing this is to go to the Calm Lake and plant it. The harder way is to plant it in the garden at your house. In order to do that, you’ll need to have repaired the fence around your garden and then planted the garden – which will take at least half a day to accomplish.

• If you plant the strange plant in your garden and “water” it with your femcum, it’ll “hatch” a dryad named Lydia who will stay at your home.

• Later in the game, if you learn how to grow “dickshrooms” in your garden, Lydia will offer to help. Letting her help will result in futanarizing her with a mushroom cock.

Protection from being Dream-molested – Priestess of Ukemochi

• When you join the coven under the auspices of Lauren, the priestess of Ukemochi, you can come back afterwards and see Lauren counseling a noblewoman who’s unhappy in

her marriage. She wants out, but can’t take care of herself – especially since she doesn’t have a son or heir. Lauren promises her a solution…by having sexual relations with a double-cocked bee-morph.

• Afterwards, the player might randomly encounter a marsh tentacle beast in the marshy area, and get impregnated with a marsh tentacle.

• Before giving birth, the player can return to Lauren if they wish, and have Lauren make the marsh spawn into twins in their womb.

• Once the player gives birth, the marsh spawn will remain on their breasts, constantly suckling.

• A few days after Lauren’s protection spell prevents the succubus from dream-molesting you, the succubus will physically appear and talk to the head of the Coven. She’ll convince the Coven to allow her to perform an experiment on you, and you’ll be forced to either agree, or leave the Coven (and their protection) completely. In exchange, the succubus will offer her Truename as insurance that her experiment won’t harm you in any way.

• If you agree to the succubus’ terms, then she’ll have you drink a special potion. Afterwards, you’ll find that tentacle creatures are strangely attracted to you, and begin having random encounters in the city (the same as if you’d followed the mysterious woman at the beginning of the game).

• Once you have at least one such random encounter, you can return to Lauren and talk to her again. She’ll ask you to seek out the tentacles down by the riverfront and open yourself up to them.

• Go to the Riverfront. Go south and talk to Helen the strange nun. Ask her to call the tentacles.

• After your tentacle “epiphany,” return to the treacherous cave and talk to Lauren again. She’ll explain how to summon tentacles, and give you the herbs you need to do so.

• Go to your house and discuss tentacles with your companions.

• Choose to summon tentacles to your house. You’ll be given a tentacle “blessing.”

• If you have maintained high “dominance,” you’ll be given a choice of “blessing”:

o Breasticles — only available if you’re an Alchemist and have drunk one or more thorny vine potions to make your nipples fuckable, or encountered the bandits and gotten fuckable nipples from them

o A tentacock — available whether or not you already have a herm cock from Sensua or from the Fae woman

o A tenta-tail

o An ovipositor

• If you haven’t maintained high “dominance,” you’ll automatically be given an ovipositor.

• Finally, you’ll now be able to corrupt the Church.

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Sky Maiden

• Currently nothing except the initiation scene is implemented.

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Web Mistress

• During your initiation, if you block her, she’ll assume you’re a domme and treat you as such. If you duck, she’ll assume you’re a sub and treat you as such.

• Currently nothing except the dom/sub initiation scene is implemented.

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Fae Priestess of Rhiannon

• If you join the coven under the auspices of one of the other priestesses, she’ll ask for a sample of your blood in exchange for a spell of protection.

• If, on the other hand, you ask to join through her auspices, she’ll agree only if you accept a slow transformation into a Fae creature. You can choose “hair” (vixen TF) or fur (tiger TF).

• Currently nothing except the initiation scene is implemented.

Protection from being Dream-molested – the Wizard in the Ruined Tower

• Searching the forest, you can continue past the treacherous cave to find the “lost paths” and from there, reach the ruined tower.

• Entering the tower, you’re greeted by Horace the wizard, who offers to help you by capturing the succubus haunting your dreams only if you agree to bait her into revealing herself physically. In order to do that, Horace needs to summon another succubus and use her magic to track down the one molesting you. He asks you to return the following evening, after he’s had enough time to prepare the summoning magic.

• Returning the following evening, the summoning spell goes awry and the succubus that Horace summons escapes, devouring and unbirthing Horace with her huge tail-mouth, turning Horace’s pet dragon into a gecko, and finally magically enslaving you. She introduces herself as Athra, then she lets you leave the tower, telling you that she’ll visit you again soon.

• The next morning, in the middle of a discussion with your companions over what to do about your latest predicament, Athra appears and orders you to begin corrupting the Church.

• That evening at dinnertime, Athra appears once more and re-births Horace, now transformed into a woman. The young, pink-haired bombshell of a woman renames herself Pink Minx, and then you all sit down to dinner. Afterwards, Athra leaves with Pink to start “training” her.

• Afterwards, you’ll be able to corrupt the Church.

• There’s currently very little additional content involving Athra. The only exception is while you’re corrupting the Church, seeking for a way to corrupt one of the public decency nuns. (See below.)

Main Path – Corrupt the Church – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

• There are several different people in the Church that you can corrupt. Corrupting some of them depends on corrupting others first. I’ll list the steps and requirements for each person below.

• Fuchsia, the head gardener

o The first time you visit Fuchsia, it can be anytime. Afterwards, you can visit before 10 AM or after 5 PM and meet her on the Church grounds, or between 10 AM and 5 PM and meet her in her office.

o If you are wearing a habit disguise, you can ask to apprentice to her.

o If you’re not wearing a habit disguise and have planted a garden, she’ll comment on your gardening skills. If, in addition, you’ve planted the strange plant (from joining the Coven under the Lady of the Deep Forest) and hatched Lydia the Dryad, she’ll question you extensively about your strange plant.

o Once you apprentice, you can work for her when she’s on the grounds.

o After you’ve apprenticed, you can ask her about making perfume. She’ll suggest opening a Church gift shop where others can contribute items to sell, as well. After two days, the gift shop will open and will offer perfume and a handkerchief.

o You can buy the handkerchief and take it home, then soak it in aphrodisiac (the Town Whore bartender’s “special drink”) overnight.

o Offering the tainted handkerchief to Fuchsia when working with her will raise her corruption somewhat.

o Offering a spiked drink to Fuchsia (see below) will also raise her corruption somewhat.

o Offering a risqué habit to Fuchsia (once she’s been tainted with an aphrodisiac- laced handkerchief and a spiked drink) will raise her corruption further.

o Once Fuchsia is wearing the risqué habit, you can ask her about gardening techniques in her office. She’ll let you read from a forbidden tome about how to grow “dickshroom” mushrooms with tentacle jizz as fertilizer. (See below.)

o You can take Fuchsia shopping for 200 coin. Peeping on her in the changing stall will raise her corruption somewhat.

o You can take Fuchsia out for an evening stroll, once you’ve finished growing your dickshrooms in your garden.

o You can take Fuchsia to meet Jewel. Jewel will “inspect” Fuchsia and fuck her with a strap-on.

o Once Jewel approves, you can initiate Fuchsia into the Lewd Club by coming to the Church at night and waiting until Fuchsia returns to her office.

o After Fuchsia has been initiated, you’ll get a letter from her about the forbidden tome. She’ll ask you to go gather a special plant from the forest, near water. When you go to the Calm Lake, you can search for the plant and eventually be knocked out by a very angry fairy who places a geis on you to return to her island in the middle of the lake, with the forbidden tome. This begins the Fairy path. (See below.)

• Valentina the Seamstress

o Once you’ve visited Valentina, you can ask to apprentice and she’ll teach you how to sew.

o You can visit and learn how to sew. Earlier sessions are half an hour long, while later sessions are a full hour.

o Once you’ve bought some perfume from the gift shop, you can spike it with tentacle jizz (see below on how to find some) and give it to Valentina to corrupt her somewhat.

o Once you’ve given Valentina tainted perfume and have learned how to sew, you can talk to her about modeling lingerie to corrupt her further.

o Once you’ve learned how to sew, you can ask Valentina about making a more risqué habit for Fuchsia.

o You’ll have to come back the next day to model for the risqué habit, and come back the day after that to actually get the habit to give to Fuchsia.

o You can get another risqué habit afterwards, to wear yourself when you put on a disguise in the laundry room (see below).

o Once you’ve been invited to the Fetish Club (see below), you can invite Vivianne to come with you to the Fetish Club for a showing. She’ll end up with vibrating dildo panties and a set of egg vibrators worn on her nipples – so she can experience sex toys for herself, to better teach the sexual therapy nuns about them.

o Once Vivianne has been to the Fetish Club, you can introduce her to Jewel.

o Once Vivianne has met Jewel, you can initiate her into the Lewd Club.

• Jewel

o If you sneak into the laundry between 8-9 AM, you’ll meet Jewel.

o Once you’ve met Jewel, you can visit her in the Kitchens between 12:30 and 2 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

o You can visit Jewel and randomly spot her spiking drinks. Once you do, she’ll tell you that you can buy aphrodisiac – “special” drinks – from the Town Whore bartender.

o You can visit her again to get spiked drinks directly from her, to give to other people at the Church. You’ll need to have a lust draft from the Town Whore bartender to spike a drink with.

• Marie, the head of security

o You can disguise yourself and meet Marie, once Vivianne tells you about the captured tentacle, and Marie will tell you that she won’t allow access unless the Abbottess gives you permission.

o You can go visit the Abbottess and she’ll explain that she’s not allowing anyone access at this time.

o You can randomly encounter Marie in the dining area, and give her a spiked drink.

o After spiking her drink, and if you have some tentacle jizz (see below), you can leave some “evidence” of a tentacle attack for Marie to find, then go report the “attack” to Marie. (You’ll need to get another disguise before you go see her again.)

o After leading her to the evidence, you’ll randomly see a dog collar on Marie’s neck when you visit again. (It happens about 33% of the time, and you’ll have to advance to the next day to reset the chance of seeing it.)

o Once you ask Marie about the dog collar, you can then blackmail her. This opens up the opportunity to visit her at night.

o You can visit Marie at night to see her being BD/SMed by a mask-wearing “mistress” who lets you join in the fun.

o You’ll need to visit Marie at night at least one more time to fully corrupt her. You can choose from using tentacle jizz, to using your tentacock if you have one, to more pet play.

o Finally, during the day you can ask Marie for permission for Vivianne to inspect her captured tentacle creature.

• Mika, a sorceress nun responsible for public decency

o Once Vivianne explains that you need to corrupt the nuns in charge of public decency, you’ll be able to explore the sorceress wing of the Church. Exploring it after 10 PM at night will allow you to enter the chambers of one of the sleeping nuns, but you won’t find anything the first time you search.

o If you go outside and visit the Town Whore tavern, you’ll be met by Lina, the Fae woman you met before who is asking for news about Keawe. Depending on whether Keawe has been taken by the tentacles, molested by tentacles, or given tentacle “blessings,” your answers will be different. Regardless, Lina will ask you to get a message to Keawe.

o When you mention offhandedly your troubles with the nuns in charge of public decency, Lina replies that she could corrupt one of their sorcerous foci to backfire.

o When you go back to the sorceress wing of the Church, you find a sorceress nun’s focus and her name – Mika. After taking it back to Lina, Lina magicks it. Then you MUST return the stolen focus that night, or you’ll be imprisoned in the morning (game over).

o The next day, you can set a trap for Mika in town by publicly exposing yourself near where she’s patrolling. She’ll try to capture you with her sorcery, but it’ll end up backfiring and giving her bigger breasts and a futa cock.

o Afterwards, you can visit Mika in the Church and tell her about Jewel.

o The next day, you can invite Mika to the Lewd Club.

• Vivianne the head researcher of sexual maladies

o If you’ve already completed research for Vivianne, she’s already partly corrupted. If not, you can opt to assist her with some research now.

o Once Vivianne is corrupted, you can ask her about tentacle research.

o If Vivianne is already corrupted, and you have a tentacle hive at your house, you can tell her about it. She’ll express an interest in visiting the hive and doing her research there.

o If Vivianne is already corrupted, and you don’t have a tentacle hive at your house, you’ll have to get her access to a captured tentacle beast.

o If you haven’t already captured a tentacle beast for Sensua, you’ll need to do so for Vivianne, if you don’t have a tentacle hive.

o The captured tentacle beast is guarded by Church security. You’ll need to get access by visiting Marie, the head of security.

o You can optionally suggest to Vivianne that she get a direct injection of tentacle jizz to stimulate her Bloatworms (if she researched Bloatworms) or her breasts (if she researched tentacles) when she visits.

o Once Vivianne has either visited your tentacle hive or inspected Marie’s captured tentacle, she’ll explain the results of her research.

▪ If you’re on the tentacle “control” path, she’ll explain that she can alter a tentacle spawn to inhibit its growth and make it into a catalyst for mind- controlling someone. She suggests that you talk to Vivianne about altering the standard habit to make enough room for hiding altered tentacle spawn underneath. She also suggests that you corrupt the nuns in charge of public decency, and the nun in charge of training new acolytes. Only then will the Abbottess be forced to cooperate with the new order.

▪ If you’re on the tentacle “submit” path, she’ll explain that she can alter a tentacle spawn to inhibit its growth. She suggests that you talk to Vivianne about altering the standard habit to make enough room for allowing a nun to wear one or more altered spawn underneath. She also suggests that you corrupt the nuns in charge of public decency, the nun in charge of training new acolytes, and the sexual therapy nuns. Only then will the Abbottess be forced to cooperate with the new order.

Fairy Path – Tentacle Slave Walkthrough & Guide

• When Fuchsia sends you to look for a special plant near calm waters, you run into a very

angry fairy after accidentally stomping all over her second favorite flowerbed. She geises you into returning to her island in the middle of the Calm Lake, bringing Fuchsia’s forbidden tome of lewd gardening.

• The next time you visit Fuchsia in her office, you discuss the situation. She suggests that you don’t actually need to give the tome to the fairy, because of the wording of the geis. She offers to come with you that night, to help smooth things over.

• When you visit Fuchsia again that night, she comes with you to the island and you discuss restitution with Eleri the fairy. You’ll have to visit her island a few times to help replant the plants and flowers you accidentally destroyed. In exchange, Eleri offers to

help translate the forbidden tome, which is mostly written in a Fae language that Fuchsia doesn’t understand.

• Eleri quickly realizes that translating the tome will be very long and tedious, so she suggests magically transferring the knowledge of the language to Fuchsia’s mind directly. Fuchsia reluctantly accepts.

• Eleri then realizes that she’s getting the short end of the deal, and demands a further gift from Fuchsia to even things out. She claims to like horses, but would be partial to a special plant that no one else has. (See below for the two gift options.)

Fairy path – horsetail plug gift

• You can visit the fetish club to find a horsetail buttplug to buy for Eleri.

• Once you give Eleri the gift, she uses her magic to grow larger so she can play with the toy. Noticing Fuchsia’s aroused reaction, she invites Fuchsia to try the horsetail plug.

• After the steamy sex scene, she suggests that Fuchsia keep wearing the toy.

• You can visit Fuchsia afterwards in her office to find that she’s still wearing the horsetail plug. She asks you to help her with a Fae spell that will allow her to see hidden Fae.

• This path will be continued later in future releases, leading to a centaur or horsegirl TF for Fuchsia!

Fairy path – unusual plant gift

• Visiting Fuchsia afterwards will give the option of having her take an unusual plant that she’s already growing, to Eleri as a gift. She tells you to come back that night to get the plant.

• When you visit Fuchsia that night, the two of you return to Eleri’s island with the unusual pitcher plant. After planting it, Eleri slips into the plant’s pitcher and takes a “bath” in the nectar. Seeing Fuchsia’s aroused reaction, she shrinks Fuchsia so she can join her in the “bath.”

• After the steamy bath scene, Fuchsia returns to normal size, seemingly none the worse for the wear.

• This path will be continued later in future releases, leading to an alraune TF for Fuchsia!

Finding a Crystal – Abbottess

• After the Abbottess gives you the task of helping someone less fortunate, you’ll randomly spot an orphan girl named Kaylee (a catgirl, if kemonomimi content is turned on) in Tyrmidon Center. If you visit her and buy her a fish cake, you’ll begin her quest line. You can visit her once a day for four days, and then the fifth visit will need to be on a weekend.

• Choosing to “ask about Sodona” when you have the opportunity will unlock a special bonus item for Hunters, Alchemists or Sorceresses later on.

• Depending on how much coin you have available, you can either help Kaylee find an apartment (250 coin) or a job (50 coin).

• After the fifth visit, return to the Church to visit the Abbottess for the crystal you need.

• Further visits to Kaylee are planned, but not yet implemented.

• When asking Sensua about a crystal, she’ll tell you that she’ll give you one in exchange for helping her teach Vivianne, the head researcher of sexual maladies for the Church, the joys of all forms of sexual pleasure. You can visit Vivianne between 11 AM and 2 PM any day of the week. Simply visit her to start her quest line.

• Vivianne has two possible lines of research you can help her with: Bloatworms or tentacle jizz. Pick whichever one you want.

• For Bloatworms, you’ll need to convince Vivianne that Bloatworms are symbiotes, not parasites, and later, you’ll need to convince her to speak to Sensua to help change the Abbottess’ mind about stopping the research. If you do, then you’ll get the opportunity to get yourself injected with Bloatworms on the fifth visit (which will raise your minimum arousal to 50%, so be warned!).

• For tentacle jizz, you’ll need to convince Vivianne that aborting tentacle spawn is wrong, especially if the woman consented to be violated by tentacles, and later, you’ll need to convince her to speak to Sensua to help change the Abbottess’ mind about stopping the research. If you do, then you’ll get the opportunity to get your breasts injected with tentacle jizz on the fifth visit (which will raise your minimum arousal to 10%).

• After the fifth visit to Vivianne, return to Sensua to collect a corrupted crystal. Note that if you are tentacle-altered, you’ll end up fucking Sensua and either tentacle-impregnating her directly (if you’re male-altered) or convincing her to experience the transcendent joys of tentacle sex herself (if you’re female-altered).

• Further visits to Vivianne are now possible in the game. If you chose to research Bloatworms, you can stimulate your Bloatworm growth by getting an injection of tentacle jizz. Otherwise, your Bloatworms will slowly grow every two nights, causing your nipples and areolae to swell until they finally reach a maximum size after about a month or so.

Having Chaya Train Felicia

• Upon attempting to have Chaya train Felicia at night, you’ll be told that Felicia refuses training, because Chaya is a taur. You’ll be able to take over Felicia’s training for the night, but obviously having Chaya as a servant will be problematic if you can’t use her to train Felicia.

• Go look at the Notice Board the next day. You’ll see an ad for sexual therapy from a nun named Sensua at the Church. This opens up the Church and makes it available.

• Visit Sensua on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays after afternoon mass and she’ll offer to give sexual therapy to either just Felicia, or to you and all of your companions. (The full description for the group sexual therapy isn’t implemented yet.)

Getting a Herm Cock from Sensua

• After the Church becomes available (see “Having Chaya Train Felicia” or look at the main path under Keawe’s first fetch quest), you can ask Sensua about her cock. She’ll suggest freeing her imprisoned father (a demon who married her mother, a wizard) in exchange for getting you a herm cock like hers.

• You can go to the riverfront (if it’s accessible) and use hypodermic darts to capture a tentacle creature there, or go to the forest and capture a tentacle creature from a random tentacle encounter there. Be careful in the forest, as sometimes TWO tentacle creatures attack at once. Note that you can only capture one.

• Visit Sensua again after capturing the tentacle creature, and she’ll explain that she needs a sorceress to unbind the magic imprisoning her father in a book. If you’re a sorceress, you can do the job yourself, but note that this will result in a random nightly

event where you molest your slave Felicia with your new herm cock. Otherwise, you can hire a sorceress for 1000 coin.

Capturing Keawe

• If you fuck around more than once with tentacles after asking Keawe for help, she’ll refuse to help you any more. Once you get help from the Priestess of Ukemochi to create your own tentacle hive at your house, you’ll need to do something about Keawe.

• Talk to Vivianne, Lady Reyna, and the giggling futa hooker by the riverfront.

• You’ll need to buy some body oil from the fetish shop, to make Keawe’s sword slippery.

• Lady Reyna will ask you to steal a magical item from Lord Deunan (below).

• Once you have the lust share wand and the body oil, you’ll be ready to put your plan into action.

• If you’ve been magically bound by Athra, then when you go home after getting the lust share wand, Athra will show up, demanding to look at it. She’ll do something to it and disappear.

• Go visit Tasha, the giggling futa hooker, down by the riverfront. She’ll fake a tentacle attack, getting Keawe’s attention. Then you’ll use the lust share wand and the body oil on Keawe. (If you’re missing either one of these, it’ll lead to a game over.)

• If you’ve been magically bound by Athra, then the lust share wand pulses strangely and suddenly Keawe starts laughing evilly – she’s now possessed by Athra. Athra lets the tentacle attack finish, letting Keawe get double-impregnated, then teleports away.

• Otherwise, the tentacle attack finishes and Keawe gets double-impregnated. Then you can tie her up and bring her back to your tentacle hive.

• Afterwards, you can “visit” with Keawe at your house. The visit currently doesn’t do anything in this release.

Stealing from Lord Deunan

• Lady Reyna asks you to steal a magical artifact from Lord Deunan by posing as an exotic escort lady. You’ll have to go to the fetish club and buy a costume for the occasion.

• Once you go to Lord Deunan’s mansion, you discover that he’s not human at all, but somehow drains his female victims of their humanity in order to keep up his own human appearance.

• Lord Deunan will introduce you to a few of his former conquests, who are in various states of losing their humanity. You can choose to let Lord Deunan fuck them in front of you (which will devour most of the rest of what’s left of their humanity) or take over and fuck him instead (which will drain some of your humanity). Currently most of these sex scenes are just placeholders.

• If you fuck him three times, your humanity is drained too much and the game ends. If you fuck him less than three times, you pass out and Ka’lahani the succubus helps you to make your escape, along with the lust share wand that Lady Reyna wanted.

Attacked by Bandits

• After you’ve met Keawe and if you have at least 1000 coin, you can randomly encounter bandits in the forest. The more energy you have when the fight is over, the more “gifts” or “punishments” you can get from them.

• If you create a diversion so your companions can escape, you can resist the bandits at various points to get “punished.” If you don’t create a diversion, you can submit to the bandits at various points to get “gifts.” You’ll need enough energy to get the corresponding gift or punishment. These include:

o Blowjob – a potion that makes your mouth more sensitive

o Bukkake – a cursed belly button piercing that forces you to publicly expose yourself

o Titfuck – a potion that makes your nipples fuckable. If you already have deep enough fuckable nipples (dependent on breast size and drinking at least three Thorny Vine potions), you’ll get cursed nipple dildo vibrators instead.

o Pussy – a potion that makes your pussy more sensitive

o Ass – a cursed anal dildo vibrator

o Gangbang – a cursed cumslut collar that makes your arousal skyrocket anytime someone says the word “cumslut” around you

• If your companions escape, they’ll get lost in the forest and return at dinnertime two days later.

Gathering tentacle jizz:

A You can gather tentacle jizz after defeating a tentacle beast using hypodermic darts.

• Once you’ve discovered the Riverfront, you can gather some tentacle jizz from the strange nun before she becomes lucid again.

• If the strange nun is lucid again, you can only gather more tentacle jizz from Helen, the strange nun, once you’ve pledged to the Lewd Club.

• Finally, you can buy a vial of tentacle jizz from the odd merchant who randomly appears

in the forest glen during the day, for 1000 coin.

Growing lewd plants:

• First, build a fence around the garden at your house

• Plant your garden

• Once you’ve been given instructions by Fuchsia, and you have some tentacle jizz, you can “fertilize” lewd mushrooms once per day.

• After the third day, you can pick your mushrooms.

• If you’ve grown Lydia the Dryad, you can turn her into a herm with a lewd mushroom by allowing her to touch it.

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