TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG ~ 伝説の宝~ Walkthrough

when fight has choice, last one maybe GoR

man enemy has GoR, total 4 type

move out and back to town can sleep to night again

Start – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. pub 2 member join
  2. left house can sell underwear
  3. church outside talk to girl (2nd choice x 2), then west forest get 6 はちみつ and fight to theif (GoR)
  4. west forest where fight to theif before can get map, can go NE small hill (if hard later)
  5. move out town, SE house talk to man
  6. SE tower, 3F drop to hole
  7. click goddess statue, when near magic circle event
  8. back to entrance has fight (GoR)

Hscene and other

  1. group with golden hair to hot spring has event
  2. night, upper right big house outside talk to boyfriend’s friend has hscene
  3. east hilltop help man can get key

South area – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. south outpost talk to captain
  2. pass underground to south (can get tentacle clothes, if dress it go west forest, from entrance go west side can pass and get fruit ヤセヤセの実)
  3. SW thief hideout talk to thief leader and get key
  4. SE house talk to fortune-teller
  5. SE lake vs boss, near lake talk to man
  6. cave deep click board

Hscene and other (back to main town and sleep to night)

  1. talk to boyfriend’s friend then click wall has hscene
  2. inn 2F upper room talk to girl
  3. church right has hscene
  4. castle outside talk to girl has hscene

1st orb – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. SE tower, 13F event then get item and move back downstair
  2. 16F vs boss (GoR) and open box

2nd orb – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. pyramid talk to soldier
  2. one hole can find striptease pub owner
  3. deep vs boss (GoR) and get orb

3rd orb – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. pass west forest to NW abandoned house, use 2 magic key open door, inside house can get magic girl clothes (if dress this clothes go east hill deep can get fruit イケイケの実)
  2. come this house again, talk to aged
  3. west dock get ship, then island talk to legend of treasure huneter’s daughter
  4. ice mountain, talk to aged then catch golden fish
  5. back to island talk to huneter’s daughter
  6. go NW sea cave, talk to girl outside
  7. deep talk to ppl who opened box
  8. deep vs boss (GoR)
  9. go house again talk to baby get pirate clothes
  10. jump to hole in sea cave, dress pirate clothes near waterfall, get key
  11. NW abandoned house talk to huneter’s daughter

Hscene and other (all hscene at night)

  1. sell underwear shop can prostitution, 2nd in forest west, 3rd is talk to item equip and pub master then talk to girl outside left house
  2. after 3 hscene in underwear ship, talk to master can work in upper brothel, after 3 hscene talk to brothel shop master
  3. if can move out town at night, go SW vs monster then talk to boyfriend’s friend, enter house has hscene (right house need magic key)
  4. castle underground has fight (lose ok) then hscene, this hscene bug cant show in hscene room
  5. east hill near entrance has fight, next night go hill again talk to boyfriend’s friend has hscene
  6. go to upperleft house for hscene
  7. pub underground can striptease
  8. talk to golden hair, then next day night go south area, near theif hideout has fight, after fight go theif hideout has hscene, next day talk to thief leader can get weapon (this weapon can get 4 h-skill)
  9. 2 new hscene in room
  10. hot spring hscene

4th orb – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. snow mountain deep has boss
  2. if get 2 fruit and talk to snowman
  3. ogre cave vs ogre (GoR) and get item to snowman

legend of treasure huneter’s treasure

  1. south area, SE lake cave use 4 orb
  2. upper to new dungeon, deep click board (dont move out cave or bug cant move in again)
  3. open left side 2nd one

Fairy garden and fairy god

  1. town SE house talk to man
  2. ship to island talk to hunter’s daughter
  3. ice mountain talk to snowman
  4. north get ship to fairy forest, click stone
  5. upper to waterfall cave (a lot road bug…)
  6. fairy garden talk to aged
  7. NE to sky island, middle building talk to fairy god
  8. north altar vs boss (can lose)

Ending – TREASURE HUNTER 舞 探索型RPG Walkthrough & Guide

  1. from west dock to island, then island SW to next island
  2. 3 area and 3 area boss
  3. final boss (GoR)
  4. after NTR ending and 1st choice?(if 2nd choice for another ending) can go south area, pass west sewer to darkness castle vs hidden boss, after fight has hscene and ending
  5. hscene room talk to baby (2nd choice) can back to virgin, then ending 1st choice to true ending and 2nd choice to boyfriend ending

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