Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Welcome to Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Intro – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

This walk-through is intended to show you how to increase your stats to open up as many scenes as possible. This will not cover the details of the story. It is assumed the reader will work through those details as they go.

Like most games, as the MC moves through the game, they will earn different stats. In this game, Astrid will be dealing with Lust, Shame, Personality and Arousal (Arousal will not be available at the beginning of the game).

There is an overlying questline, but there are several small adventures that can happen throughout the game. These will be referred to as “storylines” .


This will be the stat impacted the most and the idea is to get it as high as possible. It is a slow, slog, but to be able to access every available scene, you will need at minimum a Lust of 90. You will earn lust through a variety of actions, but typically it involved putting Astrid in awkward situations like groping or through actions like posing for her instructor.

Personality +/-

This stat reflects Astrid’s dominant or submissive personality. Anything above 0 is considered dominant and anything less is considered submissive. As of this version, I am only aware of one storyline that requires a submissive or dominate personality.

Shame xx%/xx%

Astrid’s Shame and Lust scores will determine what storylines she will have access to. Shame is the only stat that can be impacted by other variables; therefore, Shame has 2 percentage number next to it. For example, once Astrid gets to the city, the time of day will impact her shame. Evening will reduce the number by 10% while late night will reduce it an additional 10%. Arousal will also temporarily lower her Shame. So, if her Arousal is maxed and it is late at night, Astrid will have a 30% reduction to her Shame and it will be displayed as “Shame 70%/100%” with 100% being the normal percentage. Shame can also be permanently lowered by putting Astrid in humiliating or embarrassing situations.

Throughout the game, you will be given choices when you interact with NPCs and Main Characters. Typically, you will have three choices; neutral (white), dominance (red) and submissive (blue). Choosing the white response will not have any effect on Astrid’s stats, but choosing red or blue will increase her dominance or submissiveness respectfully. These stats will affect her personality stat, so a dominate decision will cause her personality to increase while a submissive response will cause it to go down.

There is also a Sexual Experience option in the menu. Various decisions and storylines will increase these stats, but they are more of a tracking feature then having an impact on the game. I will not be calling these out in this walkthrough.

Holmr – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Astrid and Nicholas arrive in the village of Holmr as they track a group of mercenaries. Once they arrive, Astrid sends Nicholas to the Tavern as she goes around town to ask the people of the town about the group they are tracking.

Grieving Townswoman:

You have an opportunity to increase or decrease Astrid’s personality, but Lust will not be impacted. Choosing the submissive route will give Astrid more information regarding the mercenaries, while the dominate choice will cause the woman to shut down. (personality +/- 1). If you choose the submissive route, the woman will tell Astrid about her missing husband and she give her a clue about where he might be (southern forest).

Village Woman:

Just south of the Grieving Townswoman, you will find the Village Woman. She will tell Astrid about her husband and the slime guarding the grave of her father. She will not tell Astrid anymore until the slime is dead. The grave is not in the graveyard where Astrid met the Grieving Townswoman but just west of the Village Woman. Go kill the slime, get the necklace and return to the woman. Now she will tell Astrid about the Mercs. This will trigger the next Holmr Quest.

There are other places you can go for information if you want to explore. You will also have the opportunity to increase Astrid’s Lust score.

Old Man Jim:

The south of the Village Woman, Astrid will find her husband sitting around a campfire. He promises to tell Astrid about the Mercs for a kiss (personality +/- 1) and +2 to Lust.

Farmer, Village Boy, Soldiers:

No game impacts.

Potions store, blacksmith, tower:

No game impacts.


Enter the church and interact with the Priest. He will take Astrid downstairs as he has some information he can show her about the Mercs. The Priest fantasizes about what he wants to do with Astrid and then starts to grope her (personality +/- 1) and +2 to Lust. There is some gold in the chest at the bottom right of the quarters.

Mayor’s House:

Astrid enters the house and talks to the maid. She says the Mayor left after the Mercs and she gives Astrid free run of the house. Upstairs she will find a key in the Mayor’s bedroom in the nightstand next to the bed that will unlock the desk. In the desk she will find documents showing he was helping the Mercs. She will also find some racy pictures of an elf girl (personality +/- 1) and +1 to Lust. There is also some gold in the upper right-hand section of the Mayor’s office.

At this point, Astrid has done everything she can in Holmr, so head to the Inn to meet Nicholas.


Astrid can talk to the different people in the Inn, but the two primary people are the Captain and Nicholas in that order. Once she talks to Nicholas, they can head off into the forest. When she is talking to the Captain, she can be demanding if her personality is +3 or higher. After talking to Nicholas, Astrid can head south with him.

Southern Forest:

You should explore the entire map to game some gold and experience. You will run across a number of slime and some other creatures but there are two things Astrid should do before entering the mine. The first is to find the missing husband of the Grieving Townswoman. He is located almost due south of where you enter. After finding him, Astrid will be automatically returned to the wife where Astrid will be given 200 gold. Head back into the forest and then head slightly east. After crossing a bridge, look for a path heading south. Before entering the path, you will see a waterfall to the east, head there and earn +3 Lust. Now Astrid and Nicholas can enter the mine after camping for the night.


Head through the mine and in the northern part, there is a large fissure; enter there and work through the scene. There are no points to be earned, but it jumps Astrid to the next part of the story.

Astrid should head back to Holmr where she will fine the Mercs destroyed it and killed everyone. Astrid has to talk to the Captain in the Inn to move the quest forward. Leave the inn and then head east toward the capitol.

After walking all day, Astrid will meet some bandits who try and rape her, but she will be saved by Don who will escort Astrid to the Capitol. Along the way he tells her to stop by his warrior training school after she gets settled in the city.

Krossavik Merchant District – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Day 1

Once in the city, head to the Inn and check-in. Astrid’s room is on the second floor, top middle room. Sleep until the next day and head to Don’s School; after class Don will give Astrid 200gp. There is nothing to do here other than let the story progress. After school, Astrid needs to head east to the Castle. Once inside, head to the second door on the right, after being denied access to see the Queen, find Captain Galon by heading north to the end of the hall, then west and down the stairs. After that, head back down the hall way and visit the permit man on the right and the librarian on the left. Finish the “mini game” to earn a book for Astrid.

Head back to the Inn, pay your rent, and go to sleep.

Day 2

Leave the Inn and head west until you find the Mage’s shop. Enter and inquire about teleportation and then head to school.

Moving forward, you will control Don while Astrid is in school. There are different ways to earn money, so you can buy gifts and outfits for Astrid. If you make her mad enough, the gifts can be used to lower the anger. As she progresses, she can wear different outfits and some outfits are required to complete different training exercises.

You can choose a personal lesson, an action, change nicknames, give her a gift, or change her outfit. This walkthrough will not cover all of these, but the process is similar to a trainer like Princes or Witch trainer. You must move through each step and complete actions to get Astrid to progress. Each step will tell you where you are in the process and how many steps you still need to go. Depending on what you do, Astrid can earn Lust as well as have her shame lowered.

Making money is imperative to move Astrid through all the training. Don can earn money by doing paper work and later with a camera as you take various pictures of Astrid. Purchase a camera in the shop as soon as Don can afford it.

After school, head to the Magic Shop and teleport to Nororlond. She will arrive naked and earn +2 to Lust

Nororlond – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

After teleporting into the town square, Astrid will go to her parents’ home and interact with her parents and get some clothes. She will then need to head to her uncles to purchase some underwear. On the way she can walk past the boy to the south for a seen and a +1 to Lust.

At her uncles, she will interact with her uncle and pick out some underwear. If her Lust is +10 or higher, she will be able to model the underwear to increase her Lust and decrease her shame.

Also, just to the west of her parents’ home, there will be a gem floating in the forest. Interact with it and it will unlock a menu screen clothing option.

Return to her parents’ house and interact with her Grandmother. She will get the Valiant Warrior outfit and then head back to the town square to teleport back to the Capitol.

When she returns thru the portal, interact with the Mage and then head back to the Inn. Read the book about Female Orgasms and go to bed.

Day 3

This is the beginning of your routine, so you can go to school, sell fruit, work at the Magic Shop or check in at the castle. However, there are some things to consider as you move through your routine.

1. Moving the story along: To move the story along, you will have to get into the Castle, but you will need to be able to fight so going to school will improve your fighting abilities. You will need money to buy things that will assist

2. Making money: Having money makes things easier for Astrid. If you want to focus on making money, then you can sell fruit with Charlotte (just above the square) and then work at Calder’s. Also, once you get to a certain point, you can opt to not pay your rent and do work instead; this is something you can do even if you have money and is a great way to amass some gold.

3. Fapping Makes the World Go Around: Ultimately, most of you will want to see Astrid in several compromising positions or situations. To do this, you must focus on ways to raise her Lust and decrease her shame.

There is no time limit to the game, so you do not have to sneak into the castle by a particular day. This means you can spend your days just focusing on raising your Lust or making money or whatever you want to do.

For this example, I am going to focus on raising the Lust, while still moving the game forward; Astrid went to school and then work. At night, she went to the northern corner and met Freja and they went on an adventure. Once it was over, Astrid went back to the Inn and went to bed.

Day 4

School, work at Magic Shop, night with Freja

Day 5

Check in with Captain at Castle and learn you will have to find a different way into the Castle, School, work at Mage Shop, back to the Inn to read your book .

You will want to avoid Freja for a while, until Astrid’s Lust gets to 25. You could see Freja earlier, but the next adventure is a little more fun with higher Lust.

Day 6

School, work for Calder, read orgasm book . After reading the book 3 times, the arousal system will be active and now Astrid will be able to masturbate in various situations.

Remaining Days

At this point, the days no longer matter. Here is a list of all the things that happen and the stats you will need to make them happen.

Lust: The higher the Lust the better. Lust will open different scenes and impacts all aspects of the game, even school. While you must progress like a trainer game, you also have to be increasing your lust in order for the options to change. The easiest way to earn Lust is at school and at Calder’s handing out fliers, but at some point, working at Calder’s will only increase Arousal.

Shame: You also need to lower your shame. This is the hardest stat to lower, but recent changes have made it a little easier. One of the easiest, albeit slowest, is through school. The humiliating tasks like flashing and blowjobs help reduce that number. Basically, anything humiliating will lower her Shame.

Arousal and the time of day will also impact her shame. The later at night and the higher her arousal, the lower her shame will be.

Krossavik Merchant District – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

No Impact Areas

There are several places that have no impact on the game currently. Starting in the lower left, there is a bar/tavern that Astrid is not able to enter yet. To the east of the Inn, there is a weapon’s store, above the Magic Shop, there is an armorer she cannot enter. Also, above the town square, there are several buildings and homes that are not accessible.

The InnValiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

This is where Astrid will stay most nights and her room is on the second floor. Low Shame, high arousal and high Lust will impact what she can and can’t do, what she wears to be or how late she can stay up.

She as to pay 200 gold every night as rent. If she does not have the money or if her shame is low enough, she can clean the laundry room. This will trigger the Marcus storyline; just don’t pay the rent and have Astrid clean the laundry room to move the scenes forward. When Astrid’s shame and lust is high enough, there is a ladder on the second floor of the inn where she can get to the roof. Go up there a couple of times to unlock an additional scene with Marcus.

There are bathrooms in the back of the first floor if you are into peeing scenes and there are a couple of people you can talk to throughout the day.

Magic StoreValiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

This is located two buildings to the west of the Inn Astrid is staying in. Astrid can get a job here and teleport back to Nororlund.

Working here is critical as it helps Astrid build her Lust stats. Handing out fliers is a good way to increase Lust and later Arousal. Here are

Handing out Fliers for Calder

10 and 20 Lust – Hugs

35 Lust – Grope Ass

40 Lust – Kisses

Spell Testing

10 Lust – First Spell

50 Lust – Second Spell

70 Lust – Third Spell

90 Lust – Fourth Spell

The Fourth spell is the only one where Astrid can make a choice. One will lead to anal sex and the other will be vaginal, futa sex. I am not a fan of futa, but this is one of the few scenes I like. I would recommend you save before you start the last spell. This is also a big moment for Astrid; up until this point, Astrid could still be a virgin. At the time of this writing, she could only have sex during this spell or with Ramon who has been holding the Queen hostage. You can rescue the Queen without having sex, but it is possible to lose her virginity there. It is possible for her virginity to stay intact, so it depends on how you are playing.

General Store

Located next to the Magic Store is the general store. You will not be able to purchase anything until you enter the sewers. If you stole the ring from the barracks when you were with Freda, you can try and sell it. The merchant will tell you to come back tomorrow and when you return, you will be arrested and will have an anal probing scene with the captain of the guard.

Northern Part of the City Meeting Freja

At night, if Astrid explores the city, she will see someone on top of one of the buildings just to the west of the Castle. This will start the Freja storyline and will be key in getting Astrid to start being bolder.


Just north and to the east of the Inn are barracks for the soldiers wandering the streets. One of the adventures with Freja will be sneaking into the barracks but Astrid’s Lust needs to be a minimum of 25. While sneaking through the barracks, Astrid will have an opportunity to find 3 red seeds that will be useful later (each seed will max out her Arousal). They are in one of the storage rooms on the left. Astrid can also steal a ring from the table in the room she finds the mask. This will open her up for some additional scenes later at the General Store

Knight’s Guild – After rescuing the Queen, Astrid will have the option of joining the Knight’s Guild. This is the building with the double doors, just to the west of the square. This will start the Jungle Quest with Bandana. The quest involves moving through the jungle and fighting various creatures. When you get to the nudist tribe, you will have two path choices for poisoning the alcohol and 3 potential outcomes.

The first choice is for Astrid to pretend she is joining the nudist camp. If she does this, she will have to give one of the guards a blowjob to get into the storage room to drop the poison in the barrels while the second option is to sneak into the storage unit at night to poison the barrels of alcohol. If Astrid sneaks in, she can successfully sneak in without alerting the Guards and she will escape

unscathed, or she can trigger the alarm and be knocked out, only to wake up to a gangbang scene. None of these choices affect the outcome of the quest.

Late Night Streaking Through the City

Eventually, Astrid will be able to streak late at night. Astrid will have to try and find Freja after the last interaction where she steals Astrid’s clothing. After looking for her a couple of times, Astrid decides to try streaking in hopes it will attract Freja… and it does. After that, you have to have a total of 60 Shame to streak. Remember, increasing your Arousal will help you meet that number in the beginning.

Boob Guy – Astrid will find Boob Guy while streaking. He is to the west and a little north of the square. Just walk past him to initiate. There are 4 scenes with him. Astrid will need a 60 Lust or higher to interact.

Shady Man – While streaking and due west of the square, Astrid will run into a man who will finger her. There are 4 interactions with him.

Little Paul – Astrid will meet Little Paul outside the building due east of the Inn while she is streaking late at night. There are several scenes to unlock with Little Paul by just revisiting him, but Astrid’s personality must be +6. If she has followed a more submissive route, you can increase Astrid’s dominance by interacting with Boob Guy.

Sewers New Krossavik – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Eventually Astrid will need to make her way into the sewers to move the storyline further. I recommend you wait until Astrid earns a couple of levels of fighting from Don. The highest level you can earn at Don’s school is level 5; fighting in the sewers, however, will earn you experience.

The problem is, if she is too weak, she will get her ass kicked and it will take her a while to make it through the sewers. If she is too strong, she will blow through the sewers and miss out on a couple of scenes with the doctor in the sewers. If Astrid loses a fight, she will be knocked out and delivered to the doctor who will take advantage of the unconscious Astrid. If she never gets knocked out, she will miss those scenes. One of the scenes is anal so if you are trying to check all the sexual experience boxes, you might want to lose a fight or two.


To get into the main area of the sewers, Astrid will need to get past the Guards at the gate. She can pay 200, show her panties or fight her way in. If she fights her way in and loses, there will be a groping scene. The Guards are no match for a level 5 Astrid, however, so it depends on what you want to do or where you are in the game.

In the first main area Astrid walks into, there will be a man standing by some crates. Interact with him and buy some healing potions and some antidote. There are some creatures that can poison Astrid and make her vulnerable.

Astrid can interact with the Doctor who is in the middle room at the bottom and the Mayor Sven in the last room on the right. The Mayor will tell Astrid about the path to the Castle as well as the monster guarding the entrance. He will also inform her that there will be an award if she can clear out all the other monsters in the sewer.

Astrid can also go into the bar and the bartender will tell her basically the same information the Mayor did.

Enter the main sewers from the lower east part of New Krossavik. From here, it is just a matter of fighting creatures and making her way to the end. It is not that difficult of a maze and the monsters are not too difficult. Worst case scenario, Astrid will be defeated, knocked out and returned to the Doctor in New Krossavik.

There are gold and various items you can find along the way. One of them in a necklace of sorts that protects against the poison.

Entering the Castle – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Once Astrid makes it through the sewer and defeats the final monster, she will enter the Castle storeroom and will have to work her way up to the queen. Astrid will be able to knock people out instead of killing them, but the idea is to sneak her way up to the final battle. The problem is, once Astrid leaves the storeroom, you will not be able to save for a while. Take your time when moving from room to room.

Sneaking through the Castle – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough


There are 5 people in the kitchen you must knock out. Start with the one closest to the stairs and then the one at the bottom right. Then work your way to the man at the big middle table and then take out the girl who moves back and forth. Go back around the table and take out the last one at the stove.

When you start to leave the kitchen, the game will freeze for a moment as a guard walks into view. You must avoid and/or take them out. I take them out so wait for them to pass and then hit them from behind. It is better to take out the first guard as they are walking south.

After taking out the guard, go into the first room that was across from the kitchen and take out the two maids. Standing the in stars will reveal the next areas. Go north and take out the maids in the room directly above you. Click on the stars to trigger the guard and move behind the piano as this guard can see through walls if you are too close. (Astrid can then cross the hall and take out the maid in the laundry room if you want, but it is not necessary. If Astrid does take out that maid, do not approach the guy using the privy or the alarm will go off.) Take out the Guard and head north to the next room on the right and take out the little boy.

Cross the hall and take out the maid and then trigger the stars. To the north is a bedroom and to the right is a library where you can interact with the same librarian you met in the main library and gave you the book on orgasms.

Astrid will not be able to open the bedroom door but as soon as she heads north, she will see the guards blocking the final door. The bedroom door will open behind you and Mary will hurry you into her bedroom.

At this point, you will be able to save the game again. Once Mary leaves you can decide to dress Astrid as a whore and sneak her in that way or she can just fight her way in. As you can imagine, the outcomes are totally different. If Astrid came into the sewers as a level 5, she is probably level 6 at this point and will have no problems beating the Guards.

Attacking the Guards:

After beating the Guards, you will enter the living quarters of the Queen and her bedchamber is on the right. Once you enter, you will need to free the Queen, who is chained to the wall, and then fight Ramon. He is not easy, so hopefully you have plenty of healing potions left over from the sewers. I

started with 4 and found plenty along the way. After rescuing the Queen Astrid will be escorted to a room to get some sleep and she can meet the queen in the morning.

Sneaking in:

Astrid will approach the guards and be “inspected” but will eventually be let in. When she enters the room, Ramon is fucking the queen in the ass. He tells Astrid to get herself ready because she is next. After Ramon is done with the queen, he takes Astrid’s cloths off and throws her on the bed. At any point, Astrid can go for the sword, but different things will happen.

If Astrid goes for the sword on the first option, Ramon will stop her, rape her and then send her to Ravenguld’s camp where she will be used and abused and the game ends with her being pregnant and a cum dump.

If Astrid goes for the sword on the second option, she will be able to stab Ramon and prevent him from raping her.

If Astrid waits for the third and final option, she will be raped by Ramon and then she will stab him after he is finished.

Rescuing the Queen

Regardless of the path, attacking or pretending to be a whore, the game plays out basically the same. Astrid will wake up the next morning and be summoned to see the Queen where she will be made an Agent of the Queen and given the next part of the story.

After leaving the Queen, you can go back the way you came into the servant’s quarters and go down to the last room at the bottom right and trigger the jewel. There is nothing else of value in the rest of the floor.

You can leave through the sewers, go back to the throne room or take the steps right outside the room with the jewel and you will come up in the castle.

Krossavik Commons – Valiant Warrior Astrid Walkthrough

Now you can explore the commons. The goal is to locate Ramon’s house and investigate it.

No Impact Areas

The following areas are in Krossavik Commons, but currently do not offer any additional scenes. The marketplace, the cemetery, the homeless area, the Inn and the Red-Light district.


As soon as Astrid enters the commons, you will see a shop on the left-hand side; here she can purchase the usual items as well as a new City Girl outfit; she will need this for the Jareth storyline.


To trigger the scenes, you must be wearing the Valiant Warrior outfit at Noon. After the initial scene with the priest, Astrid will need to be wearing her armor and be at least 60% aroused. Depending on where Astrid’s Shame is, this may help lower it.

Bath House

Just to the west of the market and south of the Inn and Church, you will find the bath house. If Astrid is at full arousal and goes in the afternoon, she will be able to see a few scenes with Finn.

In the south eastern section of the Commons, if Astrid is walking around at night in her Valiant Warrior Costume, she will have an interaction with Finn. She will need to do this to find Freja. She will leave Finn’s house naked and has the opportunity for a few scenes. Walk around the area of Finn’s house for several scenes, including a masturbation scene. To wrap it up and find Freja, cross the street, walk past the Red-Light area and then walk into the courtyard just past it on the right. You will see a well and Freja’s house is in the upper right part of the courtyard. Enter there to get your armor back and to hook up with Freja.


Once Astrid finds Freja, if she visits her house during the day, there will be several scenes with several visits.


Just below the Bath House, there is a bar/tavern. You can get a job as a tavern “wench”. It is difficult, but if you can get Astrid to keep drinking while she is serving, she will eventually take her top off.


Jareth is the man in the permit office and he is Nicholas’s brother. He blames Astrid for his brother’s death and is out for revenge. To trigger the storyline, Astrid must talk to Galon at the Inn during the day and Astrid will write a letter to Nicholas’s family. After she does this, she just needs to visit Jareth to progress the storyline.

City Girl Encounter

Wearing your City Girl outfit and walking the south eastern part of the commons will provide you with an additional scene.

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