Work in Black Clothes!

Work in Black Clothes Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Work in Black Clothes Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

RJ290787 黒衣のおしごとっ! – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  • 1 day / 1 hscene if same NPC or place
  • after ending, in hscene room has switch for all hscene on, so virgin play is ok
  • after pass start and sleep, odd days use S key can find hidden item in middle area a.jpg , even days can find hidden item in b.jpg + west area bwest.jpg + east area (need passport) beast.jpg + underground area (need key from priest 3rd hscene) bunderground.jpg , item will repop once every two days

Start – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. go north has 2 fight
  2. start in middle area, upper left to guild
  3. in forest, S key can search hidden item (but 大きな飴玉 not used, anyway dont sell it)
  4. house help girl then cave vs goblin leader
  5. when move back has fight
  6. in guild get card, equip (装備) > デッキ for set card
  7. if go forest again, last area barrel can get 3k
  8. in middle area, right to knight station
  9. west to commercial area, upper restaurant has mini quest is talk to all customer
  10. middle has market, upper left merchant for sell item (start in tomorrow)
  11. in market, lower left merchant for lottery, 1st time is free, if used 50k can get 2 final weapon
  12. lower right to big bathroom
  13. back to middle area, go north, in event go to room
  14. after event, upper to church

Passport, east area and 2 route – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. inn 2F has hidden item, church 2F lower left room has hidden item (if dont use S key to search cant get it)
  2. talk to npc, if has choice カードバトル, this for card battle
  3. market, upper left merchant, 2nd choice then 1st one has H (after H selling price x3)
  4. right armor shop, talk to manager has H
  5. go to big bathroom for bath
  6. weapon shop talk to manager has H (need after bathroom)
  7. north area, church outside talk to sister for volunteer work, get 1 – 3 choice, 2nd one need passport
  8. if get 10k, knight station talk to vice leader can get passport for east area
  9. east area, lower left house event
  10. sleep in lower right cheap inn has H
  11. upper right to casino has H
  12. after 3 day volunteer work, middle area meet maid
  13. east area, upper talk to guard (in front)
  14. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller
  15. east area, upper left talk to aged who near bridge, enter ぬれぬれ
  16. tomorrow go to tent in east area
  17. go to lower right house, inside has choice, 1st for non-virgin route, 2nd for virgin, BTW this walkthrough has non-virgin route only

VS succubus again – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. H-scene : casino, cheap inn, armor shop, market (after H sell price x6, has 2H), big bathroom
  2. guild talk to sister can get quest, west area inn rest to night, then east area go to upper left graveyard has 3 fight
  3. middle area, upper tent talk to fortune-teller, 2nd choice for 2H, after H can enter magic circle to hscene room, if click pot can combine item (item for sale only)
  4. if get 3k, east area tent talk to informant, choice 淫魔について, if pay 1k for 稀少なカードについて can get new card
  5. talk to man who guard in right well, then inside it
  6. break 2 magic crystal
  7. deep vs succubus (if hard, casino buy 600P equip)

Quest from thief – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. H-scene : east area lower right house, brothel (left of casino), cheap inn, knight station talk to vice leader, fortune-teller, armor shop x2, weapon shop x2, big bathroom x2
  2. west area, go to market, item from succubus got stolen
  3. north area, church 2F to upper room talk to priest and get 1st choice, then tomorrow church outside talk to sister has 2H
  4. house in left of knight station, the selling house now price down to 50k (main for virgin route)
  5. knight station talk to vice leader has new 2H
  6. cheap inn upper to arena, has 4 fight, after fight has H
  7. tent talk to informant, choice 盗品について
  8. tent upper to orphanage, talk to teacher
  9. night to middle area, go to right and wait in black of board
  10. right has hidden road to basement, get item then move out

2nd thief quest – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. tomorrow, night wait thief again
  2. in mansion, 2F west to 物置, left bookshelf get 2nd choice for item, and click other shining object
  3. use S key search skill can find hidden road in right
  4. from main hall (メインホール) east to 当主の執務室
  5. west to 前当主の部屋, use search skill and click blood and bookshelf
  6. east to 当主の執務室, upper bookshelf get 2nd choice for item
  7. main hall talk to owner, chief of butler and woman hall.jpg
  8. 1F, east to 食堂, right to kitchen
  9. back to main hall, in room use search skill and click sword
  10. 2F west to 物置, search skill to right hidden road, has choice get 2nd one
  11. back to main hall, then west to 前当主の部屋, talk to maid and click bookshelf
  12. back to main hall, talk to chief of maid 2 times and owner’s brother hall2.jpg
  13. in middle of main hall, get 1st choice x4 then choice 異貌
  14. click fireplace has hidden road, deep vs boss

3rd + 4th thief quest + underground area – Work in Black Clothes Walkthrough & Guide

  1. brothel has 3 new H
  2. night wait thief again
  3. down stair, lower right room play card game, win or lose also can get key
  4. down stair, lower right click switch then east to treasure room open all box
  5. back to start room move out
  6. night wait thief again
  7. market has new H (selling price x 10)
  8. east area, upper talk to guard (in fount) can go underground area
  9. upper left building is H-arena, 4H
  10. lower right building for mini game, arrested in 3 area + destination has different H, after hscene report to thief has reward
  11. item shop in underground area, talk to right manager, then card game with middle npc, win him can buy hscene video ball

Ancient fort (古代砦) – Work in Black Clothes! Walkthrough & Guide

  1. in underground area, north to tunnel then west to Ancient fort
  2. defeat enemy can get key item for B1
  3. B2 step on all red switch
  4. B3 has fight, then go up has event
  5. break 2 magic crystal in 2 side
  6. after upper fight, move up to 2F
  7. 3F break 2 magic crystal to room has fight
  8. H-scene : fortune-teller, casino talk to bunny girl (2H) casino.jpg , cheap inn, church outside talk to sister (2H), weapon shop (need tattoo of succubus lv max)

Underground tower (地底塔) and card collection (unnecessary)

  1. north area, upper to church
  2. middle area, upper left to guild, if card battle with maid can get card
  3. night to pub, talk to pub.jpg has 2H
  4. tunnel north underground tower, upper right click yellow flower can get 2 box in upper (if click other flower first cant get item)
  5. B1, north to maze area, go north, south, west, after boss to B2
  6. B2 better defeat 3 mini boss then vs boss
  7. B4 need defeat 6 group monster then vs boss

Card collection – Work in Black Clothes Walkthrough & Guide

  • east area, lower right house card battle with man, win can get card
  • casino, talk to bunny who in counter, choice 大会申し込む, then 勝ち抜き戦 or 公式大会, all card battle win can get card

Ending – Work in Black Clothes Walkthrough & Guide

  1. north to church area
  2. upper click crystal can start final event
  3. middle area click teleport stone to underground tower, left get new equip
  4. to upper has fight, if 2nd choice is harder
  5. after few fight to final boss (2 fight)

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